Drag the cells numbered to increase automatically multi-page tables

This is my problem: I have a table in Pages 5.6.1. that spans multiple pages. If I numbering in the first column, I want to have it extend over the entire table in ascending order. I can do this by selecting the first 2 numbered cells and dragging that little yellow ball at the bottom of the second cell to the bottom. However, it does not cover several pages. Why and how can I solve this?

I can't get pages 5.6.1 right now so I guess it's just another (too) bug or failures of the user interface.

Just work your way around him in one of the many ways.

Temporarily, expand the table across the page, so some of your pop series on the next page and then grab two cells and drag them.

or a pair and paste them.

or reduce the table, and then expand it again.

I'm sure you can perhaps think a little more.


Tags: iWork

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    Thank you


    Chain drive was scheduled by default with the string you see.  To change it, enter the new string, right-click on the control and select

    Operations on the data > default font of the current value

    Now, save your vi.

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    Define you the active cell with a property node.  Once you select an active cell, you can do this cell and single cell-specific things, things like the background value color.

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    Thank you

    ~ KZ

    Cell factories create cells. A cell is a labelled node that contains additional properties and methods to maintain a State of the selection and editing as well as a link to a cell value. Cells are used in a few places in JavaFX, for example in ListView and make, as well as TreeTables and ComboBoxes. The cell is the Visual representation (node), which corresponds to an element of data backup. The trick is that there is not necessarily a correspondence to a static between the cells and the data values.

    Let's take an example. This is an empty ListView in a scene. When I run the app, it displays the ListView to his height, with 17 lines.

    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.control.ListView;
    import javafx.scene.layout.*;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    public class ListViewSample extends Application {
      @Override public void start(Stage stage) {
        ListView listView = new ListView();
        VBox layout = new VBox();
        VBox.setVgrow(listView, Priority.ALWAYS);
        stage.setScene(new Scene(layout));
      public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); }

    Each of these 17 rows is empty. No cell factory has been set, but you can see the light and dark shaded alternating lines. Each of these lines in the ListView corresponds to a cell and each cell has been generated by the ListView default cell factory. When I drag the lower border of the stage to increase the size of the stage, the list view increases in size. When I drag the lower border of the scene to reduce the size of the stage, the list view decreases in size. When the list view increases in volume, more lines are visible. Each of the new cells for the larger view of the list are generated by the cell factory on an as needs basis; i.e. the cells were not created when the application was first run but created only because there is a larger surface area available to the ListView in which ListView can display more cells visible.

    Now everything's pretty boring so far. Add some data, by using the following line of code:

    listView.setItems(FXCollections.observableArrayList("apple", "orange", "pear"));

    Now, you will see the 'apple', 'pear' and 'orange' channels made in the first three cells of ListView again by using the factory default cell for the ListView. Again, it is quite annoying.

    What we will do now is add some switches that change the observable list, support for the display of the list in response to certain actions of the user:

    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
    import javafx.event.*;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.control.*;
    import javafx.scene.layout.*;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import java.util.Collections;
    import java.util.Comparator;
    public class ListViewSample extends Application {
      @Override public void start(Stage stage) {
        final ListView listView = new ListView<>();
        listView.setItems(FXCollections.observableArrayList("apple", "orange", "pear"));
        ListViewSorter listViewSorter = new ListViewSorter(listView).invoke();
        VBox layout = new VBox(10);
        VBox.setVgrow(listView, Priority.ALWAYS);
        stage.setScene(new Scene(layout));
      private Button guavaCreator(final ListView listView) {
        final Button guavatron = new Button("Add Guava");
        guavatron.setOnAction(new EventHandler() {
          @Override public void handle(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        return guavatron;
      public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); }
      private class ListViewSorter {
        private final ListView listView;
        private Button sorter;
        private Button reverser;
        public ListViewSorter(ListView listView) {
          this.listView = listView;
        public Button getSorter() {
          return sorter;
        public Button getReverser() {
          return reverser;
        public ListViewSorter invoke() {
          sorter = new Button("Sort");
          sorter.setOnAction(new EventHandler() {
            @Override public void handle(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
          final Comparator REVERSE_SORT = new Comparator() {
            @Override  public int compare(String s1, String s2) {
              return -1 * s1.compareTo(s2);
          reverser = new Button("Reverse Sort");
          reverser.setOnAction(new EventHandler() {
            @Override public void handle(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
              Collections.sort(listView.getItems(), REVERSE_SORT);
          return this;

    OK, now we have a few extra buttons, the button "Add guava" will create a new item ("guava"), the "Tri" and "Reverse the fate", buttons will change the sort order of the list of support. Now to understand what is happening behind the scenes when we use these buttons, let's take a look at the source code of the default list cell factory.

    new ListCell() {
       @Override public void updateItem(Object item, boolean empty) {
         super.updateItem(item, empty);
         if (empty) {
         } else if (item instanceof Node) {
           Node currentNode = getGraphic();
           Node newNode = (Node) item;
           if (currentNode == null || ! currentNode.equals(newNode)) {
         } else {
           setText(item == null ? "null" : item.toString());

    This code is one of the three things. If the cell in the list is empty, it sets the text and graphics on a null value, if you end up with an empty cell (the alternating gray bars light and darkness are generated by parent of the ListCell defining different classes of style on other cells). If the item is a node, it sets the chart to the node - this is the mechanism that allows to place nodes directly in the support list for the ListView and ListView to display their OK. Otherwise a toString is called on the element to set the text of the item (it is the case that occurs in our simple example strings in the list of backup).

    Now, the important thing to note about the ListCell implementation, it is that the intelligent logic to translate the support element for the cell to a Visual representation occurs in an UpdateItem. The updateItem method is called by the system of JavaFX on the ListCell whenever the cell support element has been invalidated, for example, the item has been modified, added a new element or the items in the list have been reorganized.

    So if someone clicks on the button "Add guava", a new ListCell is not created, rather updateItem is called on an already-existing empty cell. This is because when we started the application, there was space for 17 rows, so 17 cells were already created, it's just that most of them was empty, because we had only 3 elements in the support for the ListView list.

    Now, if press us one of the sort buttons to reorder the list of support, it will cause the existing cells in the list become invalid and updateItem is called on each cell according to the permutations of change in the ObservableList. Note that each item is updated, a new display labeled for the element node is not created, instead, the setText method is called that changes the text to the labeled existing.

    There are a few additional cases to understand. Our support list currently tops out at 4 elements. Let's say down us from our scene above so that the space available for the ListView was really small (for example only 2 rows high). In this case, you will have two rows (cell) and a scroll bar that you can use to scroll up and down. When you scroll up and down, it seems that some lines are scrolling off the screen and some are scrolling on the screen. What is actually happening, however, is that the same two cells remain on the screen and their content are continuously updated and replaced the support members come in and out of sight. This is the magic that ListView is able to achieve its effectiveness when it is potentially very large collections or collections where not all the necessary data are available on the client at the present time. Instead of creating Visual cells for all possible items that can be placed in the list, instead the ListView creates cells only for visible items and updates the content of these cells on a basis according to the needs. This concept is known in the jargon of creators of the list as a virtual flow cell in a virtualized control.

    OK, so that was a little more interesting, but there was a lot of words so far and no factory custom cell. It was partly the purpose - there is a lot you can do with the factory of the cell by default without having to create your own custom cell factory.

    But sometimes you actually want to create your own cell factory when you want precise control on the appearance or behavior of the cells.

    Let's say you want to display each item in the list with a friendly name capitalized "Apple", "Orange" and "Pear" and an icon - matching a photo of the fruit. To do this, you create a cell factory - something that can produce the Visual representation of these things in the corresponding data values.

    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.collections.*;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.control.*;
    import javafx.scene.image.*;
    import javafx.scene.layout.*;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javafx.util.Callback;
    public class ListViewCustomCellFactorySample extends Application {
      ObservableMap iconMap = FXCollections.observableHashMap();
      @Override public void init() {
          new Image(
            0, 32, true, true
          new Image(
            0, 32, true, true
          new Image(
            0, 32, true, true
      @Override public void start(Stage stage) {
        final ListView listView = new ListView<>();
        listView.setItems(FXCollections.observableArrayList("apple", "orange", "pear"));
        listView.setCellFactory(new Callback, ListCell>() {
          @Override public ListCell call(ListView stringListView) {
            return new LabeledIconListCell();
        VBox layout = new VBox(10);
        VBox.setVgrow(listView, Priority.ALWAYS);
        stage.setScene(new Scene(layout));
      public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); }
      private class LabeledIconListCell extends ListCell {
        @Override protected void updateItem(String item, boolean empty) {
          super.updateItem(item, empty);
          if (item != null) {
            String friendlyText = item.toString();
            if (item.length() > 0) {
              friendlyText = item.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + item.substring(1);
                        new ImageView(
          } else {

    Here what did the cell factory is to check what is the value of the support of the cell element is whenever this element has been updated and a few custom label text and graphical representation for the cell.

    As a minor point, efficiency, and because there are only a few of them, the necessary images are loaded and put across at the front so that they were not to be reloaded whenever the cell is updated with a different value (which if loading images under appeal updateItem cell could mean that the same image could potentially get loaded multiple times.)

    My personal point of view on it is that it is powerful but complicated. Often, people are going to gravitate around using the ListView and TableView APIs complex when they do not necessarily all the features of effective functionality and virtualization that provide controls virtualized. In many cases, simple layout such VBoxes mechanisms and schedules may be a better choice. However, if you have a need for the virtualized functions, then it is good to know that things like ListView and TableView are there if you can work out how to use them in your case.

    Also note that JavaFX 2.2 + a many practical methods for the creation of different cell types that you may be able to use in the standard cases to avoid overload by creating your own, for example the CheckBoxListCell, the ComboBoxListCell and the TextFieldListCell. And there are many more of these simplifying higher level abstractions in DataFX library.

    Another interesting to observe point, it's that if you have a list of objects mutatable, for example the Person objects with a last variable name field, then you need to be the subject of an object Observable with an implementation of cancellation if you want the updateItem call in the cell factory is called automatically whenever the object mutates.

    A plant cells and plant cell value are different things, but this is probably a topic for another post.

    I know it was a long explanation and around - if all goes well he served something and helped explain some of the mysteries of the factories of the cell.


  • the cell's overflow to find table - problem with script


    as a translation company, we often do some DTP on Framemaker documents. Documents often contain many tables and the translated text will always enters the cells, giving overflow. I'm looking by creating a script that detects the overflow in the table cells.

    I already tested a few scripts and met today with a problem that I can't find. I started detecting overflow from the cells in a selected table, that works very well and gives an alert when an overflow is detected. This script:

    var doc = app.ActiveDoc;  
    var tbl = doc.SelectedTbl;  
    var row = tbl.FirstRowInTbl;  
    var cell;  
    while (row.ObjectValid () === 1) {  
        cell = row.FirstCellInRow;  
        while (cell.ObjectValid () === 1)  {  
         if (cell.Overflowed === 1) {  
      alert("cell overflow Will Robinson!");
            cell = cell.NextCellInRow;  
        row = row.NextRowInTbl;  

    However, I thought it would be nice to browse tables in a document and find all the cells of overflows, instead of going to table by table. If this script runs successfully in tables, lines and cells in a document:

    var doc = app.ActiveDoc;
    var tbl = app.ActiveDoc.FirstTblInDoc;
    var row = tbl.FirstRowInTbl;
    var cell;
    while (tbl.ObjectValid()) {
      alert ("gimme a table");
      while (row.ObjectValid () === 1) {
      cell = row.FirstCellInRow;  
      while (cell.ObjectValid () === 1)  {  
      alert("gimme a cell");
      cell = cell.NextCellInRow;
      row = row.NextRowInTbl;
    tbl = tbl.NextTblInDoc;  

    When I add the block

        while (cell.ObjectValid () === 1)  {  
         if (cell.Overflowed === 1) {  
      alert("cell overflow Will Robinson!");

    in this script, it does not work. According to the cell. Overwhelmed A requires the table to be selected? Does anyone know how to get around this problem - by selecting the table if the object is valid before performing a loop on the lines, or by the detection cell. A swamped in the above script?

    I also - why not :) - I tried overflow under the doc.flow rather than FirstTbl, but although it detects flowes/frameworks and subcol correctly, it is not always register the overflow.

    var doc = app.ActiveDoc
    var flow = doc.FirstFlowInDoc
    var frame = flow.FirstTextFrameInFlow
    var subcol =frame.FirstSubCol
    while (flow.ObjectValid()){        
                while (frame.ObjectValid()) {               
                        while (subcol.ObjectValid()){
                            if (subcol.OverFlowed === 1){
                            alert("colsies"); //doesn't work!
                            subcol = subcol.NextSubCol
                    frame = frame.NextTextFrameInFlow
                flow = flow.NextFlowInDoc

    I'm clearly missing something, but I can't know what? Any help would be greatly appreciated...

    Kind regards


    Your code in the second script isn't quite right. Try this:

    var doc, tbl, row, cell;
    doc = app.ActiveDoc;
    tbl = doc.FirstTblInDoc;
    while (tbl.ObjectValid ()) {
        row = tbl.FirstRowInTbl;
        while (row.ObjectValid ()) {
            cell = row.FirstCellInRow;
            while (cell.ObjectValid ()) {
                if (cell.Overflowed === 1) {
                    alert ("Cell overflowed");
                cell = cell.NextCellInRow;
            row = row.NextRowInTbl;
        tbl = tbl.NextTblInDoc;
  • None of the cells have a vCenter running proxy service

    Came across this question last night.  I have read several sources to see if I can pin point the cause, but no luck so far as communication between the cell and the PB has been affected.  I followed the instructions in KB 1035506 but no change.  I stop the cell through the order of service and then also tried with the cell management tool, no difference.  QRTZ tables get rid of all their entries, but once I start the cell once again, they seem to fill with the same recordset.

    I'm about vCloud and the use of MS - SQL 2012.  If anyone has any suggestions where to get then it would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.

    OK, just in case others run into this it seems that the KB (I mentioned in my first post) is incomplete dated 24/10/2013.  The correct sequence is, assuming you can afford the downtime:

    1 turn off the cell VM or run the service vmware-vcd stop command on the cell.

    2. THIS STEP IS NOT CURRENTLY INCLUDED IN THE KB.  Shut down your virtual machine, that's what I had to vcenter.  I guess that you can test just closing the service, I was not so inclined.

    3. run the script to clean your QRTZ tables.

    4. NOT INCLUDED (SUCH AS STEP 2).  Feed your vCenter VM backup, if you had closed the service you can try to run at this point.

    5. turn on your cell phone or run the service vmware-vcd start command.

    My translation of the explanation I got from people in support was that both vcenter and the cell needed to stay out of the db while cleaning and the KB was missing the piece vcenter vcloud.  I was told the KB would soon change, but at the same time, this might help.

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  • To edit a cell, Numbers Help said to double-click on the cell

    To change the contents of a cell, Numbers Help said double-click the cell to do the insertion point appears, then enter.

    I can double click on a cell, constantly, but rarely the insertion point appears.

    How can I make it work every time?

    Try adjusting the double-click speed in system preferences > accessibility:

    In general, I double click at a rate that is roughly 5 clicks per second. If you are double clicking too slow then numbers can interpret this as two simple clicks rather than a single double click event.

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    I also had this problem with version 1.1. I upgraded to think it could be fixed, but he did not.

    Thank you, Ralph. There was an update available which appear not yesterday. After the installation, I get the options that you quote, namely to turn the cell data in the notification area. Thanks a lot for the tip and the quick response.

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    Can you post a screenshot?


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    Hi david,

    where do you find ' update of the date and time.


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    How to increase or decrease the effect of an adjustment brush in Lightroom CC? In Lightroom 5, I could hover over the PIN and drag the two-way arrow left or right. This feature seems to have disappeared in the CC version.

    I'll answer one of your three messages that asked this question.  If possible, please remove the other two.

    Hover and dragging moves the axis as it should.  The cursor turns into a hand to indicate the area brushed, it moves.

    Hover over the pin code, press the Alt/Opt key and drag left and right and the effect will become less and more.   The cursor turns into a two-headed arrow to indicate that the function of the drag has changed.  If you are not hovering over a pin code and press the Alt/Opt, then the cursor turns into a brush to erase to remove the adjustment every time you paint.

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    [In a table] I would like to use paragraphs numbered [in the first column] but ID does not allow yo use a style of ch to get the background for the number (below)

    (In addition, the cells have different heights)

    Isolate the problem, it seems, what ID here allows to not do.

    The number disappears but appears later. But it is difficult to work like that if some change is needed to the renumbering)


    .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .   .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .



    A little awkward, but you have so it with a drizzle of adjustable section on column width. Add dashes if necessary.

  • Which table should I update to increase the size of the text in the cell in


    I entered properties to increase the size of the text in the cell to 300 (MAX_CELL_TEXT_SIZE and MAX_CELL_NOTE_SIZE) and restart the Planning Server following < Oracle Hyperion Planning, Fusion Edition Administrator Guide > (

    But I do not know how to "update the column of database size or the type to support the size has changed, specified in this property.

    Can someone give me some advice.

    Thank you

    The tables, you need to change are hsp_cell_note_item and hsp_text_cell_value.
    You must call an alter table statement, and increase the size of the fields that hold the text values.

    See you soon,.

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