Dynamic number of columns in the table


I use JDev with ADF. I just want to create a table, with a dynamic number of columns in the table. The background is that a user of my webapplication can create and submit a sql query. Now, I have to show him the results. My idea was, I have save the result in a bean managed (ResultTable), which is stored in the session context and map at my table in my page.

If I search the Forum and don't get only one useful thread: {: identifier of the thread = 971888}, but I don't exactly understand. What is the CollectionModel? Do I need this?

I'm trying to report on the following:

public class ResultTable {

    public static final String SESSION_NAME = "ResultTable";
    private ArrayList<ResultColumn> columnList; 
    private CollectionModel collectionModel;

    public ResultTable() {

    public ArrayList<ResultColumn> getColumnList() {
        return columnList;

    public void setColumnList(ArrayList<ResultColumn> columnList) {
        this.columnList = columnList;
public class ResultColumn {
    private ArrayList<ResultRow> rowList;
    private String name;

    public ResultColumn() {

    public ArrayList<ResultRow> getRowList() {
        return rowList;

    public void setRowList(ArrayList<ResultRow> rowList) {
        this.rowList = rowList;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) {
        this.name = name;
public class ResultRow {
    private String value;

    public ResultRow() {

    public String getValue() {
        return value;

    public void setValue(String value) {
        this.value = value;
My showResult.jspx
<af:table emptyText="No items were found"
  <af:forEach items="#{column.rowList}" var="row" varStatus="rowStatus">
    <af:column sortable="false" headerText="#{column.name}" 
      <af:outputText value="#{row.value}"
The ResultTable was filled with data, but the Board is not filled. So, I think, it must be rejected to the data binding.

I get warnings and errors to run too. But I don't know if they are the result or cause of my problem.
27.10.2009 10:15:41 oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.core.xhtml.TableRenderer renderTableWithoutColumns
WARNUNG: Table with id: form1:table1 has no visible columns!
27.10.2009 10:15:41 oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.io.HtmlResponseWriter endElement
SCHWERWIEGEND: Element End name:span does not match start name:div
27.10.2009 10:15:41 oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.io.HtmlResponseWriter endElement
SCHWERWIEGEND: Element End name:span does not match start name:div
27.10.2009 10:15:41 oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.io.HtmlResponseWriter endElement
SCHWERWIEGEND: Element End name:form does not match start name:span
27.10.2009 10:15:41 oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.io.HtmlResponseWriter endElement
SCHWERWIEGEND: Element End name:body does not match start name:form
27.10.2009 10:15:41 oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.io.HtmlResponseWriter endElement
SCHWERWIEGEND: Element End name:html does not match start name:body


Hi Mario,.


Note that your JSPX snippet above has serious shortcomings:

  • 'ResultTable.rowList' is not an EL expression, but the value attribute of the af: table must refer to an EL expression
  • Items AF:foreach = "#{row.cellList}"-you don't have to store information about the columns of all rows, more it won't work as af:forEach tag may not see the value of the expression of EL #{line} (or any component EL expression created). " See the tagdoc here: http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/jdev/htdocs/partners/addins/exchange/jsf/doc/tagdoc/core/forEach.html
  • "ID =" Column #{cellStatus.index} "and id =" outputText #{rowStatus.index} "are invalid and that they don't compile even as id attributes cannot contain EL expressions.


    I think to solve your problem, you need three things:

  • List of columns (for example the list If you need to store only the names of column or list If you need additional information),.
  • list of lines,
  • a line can be a map (with the name of the column - cell data mapping; card e.g.) or a list (with columns indexed; for examplelist).

    Example with the lines of the map:

    JSPX snippet:


    The ResultTable bean:

    public class ResultTable {
        private List columnList;
        private List> rowList; 
        public ResultTable() {
        public List getColumnList() {
            return columnList;
        public void setColumnList(List columnList) {
            this.columnList = columnList;
        public List> getRowList() {
            return rowList;
        public void setColumnList(List> rowList) {
            this.rowList= rowList;

    Type ResultColumn:

    public class ResultColumn {
        // additional fields if needed...
        private String name;
        public ResultColumn() {
        public String getName() {
            return name;
        public void setName(String name) {
            this.name = name;

    AF:table display correctly after the initialization of the values in your beans properly filled ResultTalbe (e.g. to fill the list of rank with the lines).

    Hope this helps,

  • Tags: Java

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      Hello rovnyart!

      1. removal of columns in the table:

      I suspect that the reason why you get the out-of-range error is due to fact that in your loop, you delete the columns in the table, you'll eventually end up by referring to a column that no longer exists, because the other columns before it have been deleted. While you remove each column of your table in the loop for example, the column index number will move, because you deleted the other columns in front of her.

      To resolve this, even if you delete a column in your loop, make sure that you take also into account that the index of the column is moved because of the removed columns.

      2 hide columns in table:

      You can use the ATTR_COLUMN_VISIBLE attribute to hide columns in the table:



      3 alternatives:

      Note that another alternative would also use a tree instead, control as the tree control also supports the hidable columns:


      Best regards!


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      No, I don't have a solution for this.

      Split the file within columns each, with the primary key that is repeated and then sting tables up to post upload could be easier than to use other roads.

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      Kind regards

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      Thank you!


      You do not add the columns in the object > palette (screenshot 2) of the Table. I suspect that the problem is that it is not enough on the page (in the content area) to add the column. In the screenshot 1, if you look at the width of the column highlighted from the space to the right of the table, you will see that a column can be added due to restrictions of space.

      Reduce the width of the column highlighted (temporarily), and then add a column. Once added, you can resize the columns to match the width of the page.

      Hope that helps,


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      C1 c2 c3 c4
      X C 10
      T D 20

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      Thanks in advance!

      Kind regards

      A variance more

      create or replace function is_nulled_column(tab varchar2, col varchar2) return varchar2 is
      cnt number:=1;
        execute immediate 'select count(1) from '||tab||' where '||col||' is not null and rownum=1' into cnt;
        return case when cnt=0 then 'Y' else 'N' end;

      and use:

       c.OWNER,c.TABLE_NAME,c.COLUMN_NAME,c.NULLABLE,is_nulled_column(c.TABLE_NAME,c.COLUMN_NAME) all_nulls
      from all_tab_columns c
      where c.OWNER=user
      and c.TABLE_NAME like '%'
      order by c.OWNER,c.TABLE_NAME,c.COLUMN_ID
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      Put the account data in the table


      setAccountData (objAccountRow, objAccountItem) //Pass in the line and data to complete line


      stuff the line


      = objAccountItem.accountNumber;


      = objAccountItem.accountName;


      = objAccountItem.accountBalance;

      display the check box or radio button, depending on the number of accounts they are allowed to select (as specified by the form variable)

      var searchNumAccounts = objFragment.resolveNode("searchNumAccounts").value; Variable //Form

          if (searchNumAccounts==1)

      { //show the column of radio buttons and hide the checkbox column }

      hideObject (objResultsSubform.accounts.HeaderRow.txtSelect);   <-it's exaggerated here, to hide the table for each row header column,...

      hideObject (objAccountRow.accountSelected);

      showObject (objResultsSubform.accounts.HeaderRow.txtRadioSelect);

      showObject (objAccountRow.radioSubform.radioGroup.selected);


      on the other

      { //show the checkbox column and hide the column of radio }

      hideObject (objResultsSubform.accounts.HeaderRow.txtRadioSelect);

      hideObject (objAccountRow.radioSubform.radioGroup.selected);

      showObject (objResultsSubform.accounts.HeaderRow.txtSelect);

      showObject (objAccountRow.accountSelected);



      OK I got it. The table object implements a container to contain the fields. You hid the ok fields, but you then never reset the row in the table to have only two columns. I copied the parameter of the XML source so that I would have the exact width and then deleted the one I wanted to hide. Now everything works fine.

      See the example updated the.


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      I have this syntax to check individual tables:
      SELECT COUNT (*)
      Of user_tab_columns
      WHERE table_name = < tbl_name >;

      But, I did a DESC on the USER_TAB_COLUMNS and it is not an owner\user that I can use to get all the tbls.

      Any suggestions how I can get it to go through all the tables (I will be rolled up the output to a file)


      USER_TAB_COLUMNS view is not the owner because all available information is on your own schema.

      The DBA_TAB_COLUMNS view has the same information more OWNER. Then, you can query the number of columns for each table of any user. For example:


      Or, for all schemas


      Kind regards

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      This is the forum for Windows Vista programs related issues.

      For better assistance, please try instead the Forums in SQL Server .

      Thank you! Vincenzo Di Russo - Microsoft MVP Windows Internet Explorer, Windows Desktop Experience & security - since 2003. ~ ~ ~ My MVP profile: https://mvp.support.microsoft.com/profile/Vincenzo

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      How can I recover only odd or even number of records in the table?

      Thank you

      Hi IndiMinds,

      Alternatively, you can use in queries. :


      SELECT *.


      (SELECT rownum row_count, id, name FROM bigemp


      WHERE mod (row_count, 2) = 1;


      SELECT *.


      (SELECT rownum row_count, id, name FROM bigemp


      WHERE mod (row_count, 2) = 0;

      Thank you

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      @Top.Gun thanks for your review...

    Maybe you are looking for