Dynamic release of variable size of dispatch class method array on FPGA

I have a parent on the FPGA class that will serve as a model/framework for future code which is developed. I had planned on creating a class of the child and by substituting a few methods. The child class constant would have fallen on the schema so that the compiler would have no trouble knowing which method (parent or child) should be used (i.e. the parent method will in fact never used and will not be compiled with the main code). The output of one of the methods is a table. This table will have a different size depending on the application. I set the size of array as a variable. In the method of the child, there is no doubt about the size of the array so that the compiler must be able to understand. However, when I try to compile, I get an error on the size of the array. I can't figure a way around it. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks, Patrick

The question implies the use of the register shift unitialized. On the first iteration of the loop, the value that comes out of the shift register is the default value for the data type, which is an empty array for a table (size zero). Therefore, unless wire you a table empty for the shift register to the right, the size of the array cannot infer statically by the compiler.

To resolve this problem, you must feed an initial value for the table. Here, I just used the function of the matrix, but if you need to have a separate method that returns an array of default or the size of the array that will work as well.

Tags: NI Software

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    Well, I'm bored...

    This 'game' has a hand of five cards. You can dial from a bridge by hand and then play (or throw) a map by double-clicking on it.

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    package cardgame;
    public class Card {
         public enum Rank {
              Ace, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Jack, Queen, King
         public enum Suit {
              Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades
         private final Rank rank;
         private final Suit suit;
         public Card(Rank rank, Suit suit) {
              this.rank = rank;
              this.suit = suit;
         public Rank getRank() {
              return rank;
         public Suit getSuit() {
              return suit;
         public String toString() {
              return String.format("%s of %s", rank, suit);
         public int hashCode() {
              final int prime = 31;
              int result = 1;
              result = prime * result + ((rank == null) ? 0 : rank.hashCode());
              result = prime * result + ((suit == null) ? 0 : suit.hashCode());
              return result;
         public boolean equals(Object obj) {
              if (this == obj)
                   return true;
              if (obj == null)
                   return false;
              if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
                   return false;
              Card other = (Card) obj;
              if (rank != other.rank)
                   return false;
              if (suit != other.suit)
                   return false;
              return true;


    package cardgame;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.LinkedList;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Random;
    import cardgame.Card.Rank;
    import cardgame.Card.Suit;
    public class Deck {
         private final List cards;
         private Deck() {
              cards = new LinkedList();
              for (Suit suit : Suit.values())
                   for (Rank rank : Rank.values())
                        cards.add(new Card(rank, suit));
         public static Deck newDeck() {
              return new Deck();
         public static Deck shuffledDeck() {
              return newDeck().shuffle();
         public Deck shuffle() {
              final List copy = new ArrayList(cards.size());
              Random rng = new Random();
              while (cards.size() > 0) {
                   int index = rng.nextInt(cards.size());
              return this;
         public Card deal() {
              return cards.remove(0);
         public int size() {
              return cards.size();


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    import javafx.beans.binding.BooleanBinding;
    import javafx.beans.property.BooleanProperty;
    import javafx.beans.property.ReadOnlyBooleanProperty;
    import javafx.beans.property.SimpleBooleanProperty;
    import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
    import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
    public class GameModel {
         private ObservableList hand;
         private Deck deck;
         private BooleanProperty canDeal;
         public GameModel() {
              this.hand = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
              this.deck = Deck.newDeck().shuffle();
              this.canDeal = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "canDeal");
              canDeal.bind(new BooleanBinding() {
                   protected boolean computeValue() {
                        return deck.size() > 0 && hand.size() < 5;
         public ObservableList getHand() {
              return hand;
         public ReadOnlyBooleanProperty canDealProperty() {
              return canDeal;
         public boolean canDeal() {
              return canDeal.get();
         public void deal() throws IllegalStateException {
              if (deck.size() <= 0) {
                   throw new IllegalStateException("No cards left to deal");
              if (hand.size() >= 5) {
                   throw new IllegalStateException("Hand is full");
         public void playCard(Card card) throws IllegalStateException {
              if (hand.contains(card)) {
              } else {
                   throw new IllegalStateException("Hand does not contain " + card);

    The CardController is the controller for a CardView. It takes a reference to a map and its initialize method initializes the view to view (the view is just a simple label).


    package cardgame;
    import javafx.fxml.FXML;
    import javafx.scene.control.Label;
    public class CardController {
         private final Card card;
         private Label label;
         public CardController(Card card) {
              this.card = card;
         public void initialize() {
              label.setText(String.format("%s%nof%n%s", card.getRank(),

    The HandController is the controller for the display of the hand. This is where most of the action happens. The trick here is that it requires a reference to a GameModel, which must be injected somewhere, we need a setModel method (...), or something similar. I didn't assume the order of events: that is, the model is injected before or after calling the initialize() method. To keep this flexibility, I used an ObjectProperty to encapsulate the model and listen to changes. When the model is updated, I register a listener with the hand (exposed by the model). This listener rebuilt in turn views of cards when the hand is changed. Also, there is a 'deal' button, the disabled state is managed by binding to a property in the model (using a tip of the link class to allow the value of the dynamic model).


    package cardgame;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import javafx.beans.binding.Bindings;
    import javafx.beans.property.ObjectProperty;
    import javafx.beans.property.SimpleObjectProperty;
    import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
    import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
    import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener;
    import javafx.event.EventHandler;
    import javafx.fxml.FXML;
    import javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader;
    import javafx.scene.Node;
    import javafx.scene.control.Button;
    import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
    import javafx.scene.layout.Pane;
    public class HandController {
         private ObjectProperty model;
         private Pane container;
         private Button dealButton;
         public HandController() {
              this.model = new SimpleObjectProperty(this, "model", null);
              final ListChangeListener handListener = new ListChangeListener() {
                   public void onChanged(Change change) {
                        try {
                             for (Card card : model.get().getHand()) {
                        } catch (IOException e) {
              model.addListener(new ChangeListener() {
                   public void changed(
                             ObservableValue observable,
                             GameModel oldValue, GameModel newValue) {
                        if (oldValue != null) {
                        if (newValue != null) {
         public void setModel(GameModel model) {
         public void initialize() {
                        Bindings.selectBoolean(model, "canDeal").not());
         private Node loadCardView(final Card card) throws IOException {
              FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource(
              CardController controller = new CardController(card);
              Node cardView = (Node) loader.load();
              cardView.setOnMouseClicked(new EventHandler() {
                   public void handle(MouseEvent event) {
                        if (event.getClickCount() == 2) {
              return cardView;
         public void dealCard() {

    Here are the FXML files:





    Aggregate demand is managed by a Game.fxml:


    with a GameController:

    package cardgame;
    import javafx.fxml.FXML;
    public class GameController {
         @FXML private HandController handController ;
         private GameModel model ;
         public GameController() {
              model = new GameModel();
         public void initialize() {

    Game.Java is the main class:

    package cardgame;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader;
    import javafx.scene.Parent;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
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         public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws IOException {
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         public static void main(String[] args) {

    and then a style sheet

    style. CSS:

    .card {
         -fx-background-color: white ;
         -fx-border-color: black ;
         -fx-border-radius: 5 ;
         -fx-border-style: solid ;
         -fx-padding: 5 ;
    .card .label {
         -fx-text-alignment: center ;
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    Thank you

    Kind regards


    See this example

    Create new blank page and the HTML area.
    Create the button 'Submit' action is "submit Page".
    Condition of game "element in the Expression 1 value! Expression 2 =.
    Name of the element expression 1 the hidden value. In my example, I put P68_DISABLE_BUTTON.
    Expression 2 setpoint allows you to specify when to disable the button. I put only "Y".

    Create this element hidden with default values Wizard gives. My name of the element box is P68_DISABLE_BUTTON.

    Creating a branch page lead to the same page.
    Attributes of the branch "value these items" put the name of your hidden item. In my case P68_DISABLE_BUTTON.
    "With these values" value you use to disable the button. In my case values is "O".

    Now run page. When you press the button to submit the page, the button make no more when the page is loaded.
    If you need to display the button once again, just clear this element hidden session state value

    Kind regards

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    Who can help?

    Match_Easy looks like a class name.  You must use the name of the instance.

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    Page 2: cfdump the scope of the customer.

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    Yes, it is not.

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    See you soon


    Well, I don't have first play dynamicaly with the Index of the Array of subset function entry.

    This is not supported in a SCTL, so that the planned behavior.

    There are several workaround solutions to do this, depending on how you design your design.

    1 point by Point approach (as usually made it in FPGAs), using a function table of Index on the RefArray and with the use of counters to keep track of the Index, and evantualy count each sample collected.

    This means that every cycle, you have an example that needs to be addressed, you don't work with a tableau more out.

    2. same as 1, but using a BRAM I32 element as an interface in the screenshot gave you, I understand that your table with a value of several KBs, which can be a problem in the long term for your design.

    3. using a FPGA IP, you could build something like this:

    You can use a loop in the context IP FPGA that auto-index the RefArray, to pick up the samples you want, in your sub-table.

    This means that you can always work with a table in the output, but the cost will be that you can not leave the subarray in each clock cycle. (use the estimate feature to see the actual flow rate)

    4. you can explicitly implement a big MUX, using a box structure. In each case, you provide the desired sub-table.

    This is indeed what LV FPGA would do if you where using a standard while loop. Yes, ugly, but no way around it if you want a sub-table, at every clock cycle.

    5. the BRAM/DRAM can work with an interface of up to 1024 bits, 32x32bits elements for ex, then you might have used up to 32 items in you case (using the loose I32)

    So! In your case, I recommend that you use option 5 if possible:

    -Think of BRAMs, your table is starting to get impatient on slices

    -Use up to an interface of 1 024 bits on BRAM for a sub-table, do you really need more of 1024 bits a sub-table?

    If you don't see how to go from there, I would need more information on what you try to do + all necessary and upstream of the stored data and their data type

    Good bye

  • Not able to access the parent instance variable in outside of the methods in child


    I don't get why I am not able to access the instance variable parent class apart from the example of the child class methods.
    class Parent
         int a;
    class Child extends Parent
         a = 1; // Here i am getting a compilation error that Syntax error on token "a", VariableDeclaratorId expected after this token
         void someMethod()
              a = 1;  // Here i am not getting any compilation error while accessing parent class variable
    Can someone let me know the exact reason for this, and what about the talks of error?

    Thank you

    Published by: Udaya Shankara Gandhi on June 13, 2012 03:30

    You can only put assignments or expressions inside the methods, of the builders or the initializors class, or when you declare a variable.
    It has nothing to the child which stretches from Parent.

    class Parent {
        int a = 1;
        { a = 1; }
        public Parent() {
            a = 1;
       public void method() {
           a = 1;
  • Can not reach the class methods

    Hi, I am a newbee to Flex and one I have this problem:

    I have the application MXML and actionscript class file User.as. Problem is that I can't reach the application MXML class method. I'm using Flex 3.0 beta 1 release.

    User.As: (stored in users/Users.as)

    users of package
    public class User
    private var connection: String;
    private var pass: String;
    private var email: String;
    private var firstname:String;
    private var lastname:String;

    public void User() {}
    This.Login = "";
    This.Pass = "";
    This.email = "";
    This.FirstName = "";
    This.LastName = "";

    public void setLogin(log:String):void {}
    This.Login = log;


    import the users. User; Import class
    var: the user = new User(); create the new object of class user
    Person.setLogin ("somelogin"); using a class method

    I got this error: "access of undefined property person.

    I'm looking for a solution. Any help much appreciated

    Thank you

    I found the solution!

    Person.setLogin ("somelogin"); Ant, it must be in the function


    private function init (): void
    Person.setLogin ("petruska");

    Thanks for your replies!

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    For quick scripts, this isn't a problem. But for long scripts, it can become quite difficult to keep track of all the objects, was created, and all their methods and properties and builders overloaded, etc..

    ESTK is large, and it is the IDE that I use for InDesign scripting, if only because of, it is powerful, debugging options.

    But it provides no way to keep track of such things. No good Intellisense in Visual Studio.

    I'd be curious to hear how people solve this problem.

    JsDoc can generate documentation for the JavaScript API commented and can be used for ExtendScript.

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    I get this error in my log files when I run our custom role add scheduled task:
    Class/method: tcReconciliationOperationsBean/ignoreEventAttributeData a few problems: data not found.
    But I can't understand where is the problem with the error. If the user account is not present in the IDM or data of user role in do not present in the child view data. Please help if someone faced this error before.

    Thank you

    This error means that you are trying to present an event of reconciliation which refers to a child table, but does contain no data for the child table.

    Is - what your custom scheduled task has a provision to make the test for a single user, you can check this single user, it will help you to debug.

    Thank you

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    If someone help me solve this problem...?

    THX cordially
    agungdmt...: D

    If you have the control-flow-case defined between Page1.jspx to Page2.jspx as "goToPage2."
    You can use the code snippet in the bean managed in Page1.jspx

    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance ();
    context.getApplication () .getNavigationHandler () .handleNavigation (context,

    Thank you

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    I extend a CO and the base co uses a method processReturnButton() in which he uses the executeServerCommand and then proceed to a treatment and passes the URL to another page.

    I want the same functionality to happen except the redirect URL to a different page. How can I achieve this.

    Thank you


    will the base class call points to the base class method instead of the overriden method I guess.

    If you call processReturnButton method of parent CO then always the Parent processReturnButton will not be called the overloaded method.

    I hope I am clear.

    Kind regards

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    You must pass a displaycontainer reference to your class file (any container you want the sprites of the parents) and assign tl to reference this container.

  • Variable static in a class bug?

    Hi guys. I try to keep a number of objects of a class with the static count variable.

    When I try to compile with 'public static int count' it gives the compiler errors "reference to undefined"Box::count"for the two cases where the number is incremented and decremented

    Strangely, it compiles perfectly if I use only "int count" without the keyword 'static'... but it's not useful to me.

    Here is my code... can someone tell me where I have gone wrong?

    using namespace std;

    Box class
    public static int count;
    Count ++;
    } //compiler survey "refers to the undefined"Box::count"here
    ~ Box()
    } //compiler survey "refers to the undefined"Box::count"here

    int main (int argc, char * argv)
    Area B1;
    fprintf (stderr, "Hello");
    return 0;

    Welcome on the support forums.

    You must initialize the static variable
    you access the variable with Box::count


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    public class MyScreen extends MainScreen {
        public MyScreen() {
            LabelField title = new LabelField("Automotive Loan Calculator", LabelField.ELLIPSIS | LabelField.FIELD_HCENTER);
            EditField sell = new EditField("Selling Price: $", "", 10, EditField.FILTER_REAL_NUMERIC | EditField.FIELD_RIGHT);
            EditField taxrate = new EditField("Tax Rate: ", "", 5, EditField.FIELD_RIGHT | EditField.FILTER_REAL_NUMERIC);
    ButtonField button = new ButtonField("Calculate Payment", ButtonField.FIELD_HCENTER);
            CalcButtonListener calculate = new CalcButtonListener();
     final class CalcButtonListener implements FieldChangeListener {
            public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {
            String sellData = sell.getText();
            float sellVal = 0;
            if (sellData != null && sellData.length() > 0) {
                sellVal = Float.parseFloat(sellData);
            String taxrateData = taxrate.getText();
            float taxrateVal = 0;
            if (taxrateData != null && taxrateData.length() > 0) {
                taxrateVal = Float.parseFloat(taxrateData)/100;
            total = sellVal * taxrateVal + sellVal    
                LabelField newpmt = new LabelField("Total: " + total, LabelField.ELLIPSIS | LabelField.USE_ALL_WIDTH) {
                public void paint(Graphics g) {
                    int x=  g.getColor();
                    g.drawRect(0,0,this.getWidth(), this.getHeight());

    Nevermind, I figured it.  I forgot to set them in my code.

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