Variable static in a class bug?

Hi guys. I try to keep a number of objects of a class with the static count variable.

When I try to compile with 'public static int count' it gives the compiler errors "reference to undefined"Box::count"for the two cases where the number is incremented and decremented

Strangely, it compiles perfectly if I use only "int count" without the keyword 'static'... but it's not useful to me.

Here is my code... can someone tell me where I have gone wrong?

using namespace std;

Box class
public static int count;
Count ++;
} //compiler survey "refers to the undefined"Box::count"here
~ Box()
} //compiler survey "refers to the undefined"Box::count"here

int main (int argc, char * argv)
Area B1;
fprintf (stderr, "Hello");
return 0;

Welcome on the support forums.

You must initialize the static variable
you access the variable with Box::count


Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    The question implies the use of the register shift unitialized. On the first iteration of the loop, the value that comes out of the shift register is the default value for the data type, which is an empty array for a table (size zero). Therefore, unless wire you a table empty for the shift register to the right, the size of the array cannot infer statically by the compiler.

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    I'm glad you have work. I was thinking something much lighter, API-wise, in the sense of article 22(2) in Spring 3.0 documentation. You simply create a Spring bean and then export it using the JMX exporter.

    I just wanted to mention that as an another possible option. Remember that AbstractStageMBean is not a public API.

    Kind regards

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    I know that in Visual Basic. Using the static variable, we can keep the same value we close the program.

    I program in Visual Basic. What you write, it's simply NOT true. Once you close a program all that static variables even disappeared.

    Do as suggested by crossrulz.

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    When you create a ViewObjectImpl class, none of these options is to generate the getter/setter for bind variable. Create a client class interface and expose the get method for the variable binding. Now, you can reference the method since a binding method in the ADF, which you then access a managed bean by calling

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    public interface abc {
        public static class FactoryClass
            public static abc getInstance ()
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    It is a process of best practices of factory design classes and methods? Please provide feedback about the use of an architecture like that.

    The way he explained to me at the time is that the interface uses standard naming conventions and acts as a template to make it easy to clone new modules: just change 'abc' to 'def' in three places and write a new class of "defImpl" which extends the interface and the new interface and the class can simply 'plug in' to the framework.

    There are in your pseudo code code in the interface to build a new abcImpl(). This deployment of a new plant means a change of this interface. If this is what is meant, it is poor. See java.util.ServiceLoader for an example of the right way to do it, with the implementation classes named in an external file.

    The generator class might use the information, if provided, to provide a new version of the class which would extend this default class.

    I hope so, but who is not exposed by your pseudocode.

    I never saw any 'Java' pattern that looks like this or any model where a contained interface a class.

    There are several examples in the JDK. Unfortunately I can't think of them right now. ;-)

    It seemed really complicated for me

    Me too.

    and it looks like the "versioning" aspect could be accomplished in a much simpler way.

    Indeed, he can see java.util.ServiceLoader.

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    package cl.mejorencasa.pedido.modelos

    Pedido/public class implements IPedido
    public static const = "en Espera"; ENESPERA:String
    public static const = "Is" ATENDIENDO:String
    public static const = "En Cocina" ENCOCINA:String
    public static const = "Fuera de Cocina FUERADECOCINA:String."
    public static const = "En Camino '; ENCAMINO:String
    public static const = "Entregado ENTREGADO:String."
    public static const = "Perdida por Repartidor; PERDIDOPORREPARTIDOR:String
    public static const = "Pérdida por Cocina" PERDIDOPORCOCINA:String
    public static const = "Cancelado por client" CANCELADOPORCLIENTE:String
    public static CANCELADOPORFALTADEPRODUCTOS:String const = "Cancelado Falta Stock."


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    Thank you very much.

    Sebastian Toro

    To view the static, I think you have to pass the class itself, rather than an instance of the class, to describeType(). So try

    describeType (Pedido);

    Gordon Smith

    Adobe Flex SDK team

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    essentially, I want to have a dynamic text box to display a text string, then the value of a variable (which turns into length), and another string of text, but I would at all be transparent, looking as if I just typed the whole sentence in a word processor. Thanks for your time!

    Let's say you have a dynamic text with instance name my_txt field
    When you want to increase the value, you run my_txt.text ++;
    When you want to decrease the value, you run-my_txt.text;

    now, to convert the dynamic text to a movieclip symbol field,
    the value of the instance name my_mc

    now, we must use to set the value of text,
    my_mc.my_txt. ++ Text;

    but we will not set the value of this way.
    now go to my_mc movieclip, select frame 1, attached script:

    var actualValue:Number = Number (this.my_txt.text);
    var displayValue:String = "";
    function setValue (d) {}
    the actualValue += d;
    displayValue = 'something' + actualValue 'something';
    my_txt. Text = displayValue;
    setValue (0);

    Return to your timeline to mutilate. and now.
    When you want to increase the value, use my_mc.setValue (1);
    When you want to increase the value, use my_mc.setValue(-1);

  • 1061 call to a method may be undefined for addEventListener a static type reference Class




    var getContactPage:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("http://www.mycontacturl.html" ")

    Contact.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, ContactClick);

    function ContactClick(event:MouseEvent): void {}

    navigateToURL (getContactPage);


    Any help would be appreciated

    Thank you

    The message makes it sound like Contact is the name of a class, not an instance of an object name.  Make sure that you name the object with a class name.

  • Build a class variable value


    I am trying to initialize a class based on the value of a variable. I know that I can use the class of thinking in Java, but J2ME does not support this.  Is there another way?

    To give you an idea of what I'm trying to do, I have a main object (UiApplication) passed to all initialized screens. Now this main object has a method named getScreenInstance() that can be called by any screen to get an instance of a screen based on the string, they put in the parameter.

    The point of this is so I can push to another screen at any time without having to re - initialize it if it is already initialized. This might be able to do differently, I am new to J2ME (and kinda new to Java as well).

    If there is a different way, I'd like the solution, although always, I would like to know if it is possible dynamicalled load a class and pass parameters to the constructor it is also.

    Thanks in advance

    Apart from the ugliness, what's not with something like:

    public Screen getScreenInstance( String screen_name ) {
      Screen screen = (Screen) this.screen_registry.get( screen_name );
      if ( screen == null ) {
        screen = makeScreen( screen_name );
        if (screen != null) {
          screen_registry.put( screen_name, screen );
        } else {
          // report unrecognized screen name
      return screen;
    private Screen makeScreen( String screen_name ) {
      if ( "ScreenA".equals(screen_name) ) return new ScreenA(this);
      if ( "ScreenB".equals(screen_name) ) return new ScreenB(this);
      // etc.
      return null; // unrecognized name

    You might even be able to do something with initializers static in the classes of your screen so that the names of class is part of a register before that all instances must be created (although this puts you at the mercy of the arcana of class loaders machinery).

  • Java if statement error: cannot reference a Variable no final inside an inner class defined in a different method

    Hi, I am a newbie to blackberry java development, and I need help. I want to check if my SearchBox is equal to 1, or any other number, but when I try and put this, I get an error, could you take a look and tell me where I'm wrong, and how I can solve this problem.

    See you soon,.


     BasicEditField SearchBox = new BasicEditField("Go To Page Number: ", "", 3, EditField.FILTER_DEFAULT);
        ButtonField myPageButton = new ButtonField("Go to Page",ButtonField.CONSUME_CLICK);
        myPageButton.setChangeListener(new FieldChangeListener(){
            public void fieldChanged(Field Field, int context){
                Page1 Page1 = new Page1();

    If you want to access a local variable in an inner class you must make final.
    Another option would be to declare the variable in the class.

    Another thing: Searchbox will equal never '1', you need to use getText to return the text of the editfield.

  • How to pass a variable between classes?


    I created a class .as MovieClip to a MovieClip that contains 7 buttons. I use a table of these buttons and an array of labels of image on the timeline of the MovieClip parent to navigate in the labels.

    private function clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void 
    //Sets the current button listed in the button array    
     currentButton = MovieClip(event.currentTarget);
                index = buttonArray.indexOf(currentButton);
    //Uses the index variable to find the corresponding frame label from the label array            

    This works perfectly.

    Now I have another .as MovieClip class, I created a simple MP3 player MovieClip. I'm pulling in a XML data of each mp3, including the URL, etc... All works perfectly.

    I'm trying to use the variable "index" of the class in the class to play the corresponding number of the song. By calling "playSong (index);

    "playSong (index);" works in a test file, when I tested the navigation tables and the corresponding number xml concept. I need to shoot the variable 'index' from to

    private function playSong(mySong:Number):void 
                var myURL = my_songs[mySong].@URL;        
                if (my_channel) {
                my_sound = new Sound();
                my_sound.load(new URLRequest(myURL));
                my_channel =;
    private function onPlay(e:MouseEvent):void {            

    It works perfectly when tested. For example: "playSong (2)" or "playSong (5)" plays the song number correct.

    Thank you in advance!

    You should not have a currentIndex in each class, simply on the mother of the other 2 classes. When you say 'this.parent' you access the parent display object. This is where you want currentIndex to exist. If both classes are on the same display list then 'this.parent' will be the same parent and therefore the same variable.

    I didn't know what kind of display object container parent was (MovieClip, Sprite, etc.), so I've referenced it let go like: 'object (this.parent) .currentIndex '.

    Should be in NAV. As:

    Object (this.parent) .currentIndex = buttonArray.indexOf (currentButton); should be read through:

    playSong (Object (this.parent) .currentIndex);

  • recovery of the external class variables

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    Call main class:

    function createInfoText (): void {}

    var loadTxt:LoadTxt = new LoadTxt("text_files/mainTxt.txt");


    Class LoadTxt:

    package app.gui

    { import. *;

    import *;

    public class LoadTxt


    private var externalTxt:String;

    public var loader: URLLoader = new URLLoader();

    public void LoadTxt (external)


    externalTxt = external;



    function init (): void {}



    function loadExternalText (): void {}

    loader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, handlerComplete);

    loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;

    Case of load data

    Loader.Load (new URLRequest (externalTxt));

    function handlerComplete(evt:Event):void {}

    var loader: URLLoader = URLLoader (;

    trace (Loader.Data) //this works OK





    I know I have to get the data that is held in the var 'loadTxt' but I'm brain-dead!

    Thank you

    Here are a few things to think about...  The LoadTxt class must have loaded the file until the master file can try to access it.  If the LoadTxt class should be a way to tell the main file, it is ready.  What you could do in your handlerComplete function is hurry up an event for this purpose and have an event listener assigned to the instance of LoadTxt, so that the data can be extracted from it when it's ready.

    You can use the custom LoadTxt class event class to pass data in the event that hurry you, if you won't read about the creation/use supported the transmission of parameters.

Maybe you are looking for

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