Table of variable size in a FlowPane

If I have an array of variable size (for example, an array of cards).

How I build something to show the items (in a FlowPane for example) and each of them having its own controller (fxml + controller for each card), so that the container (stream stream), items (cards) can have its interlaced, deleted, or added new elements?

public class HandController extends FlowPane implements Initializable{
    @Override public void initialize(URL arg0, ResourceBundle arg1){
    public void setHand(ArrayList<Cards> Hand){
        //this would work if the hand were static
        for(int i = 0; i < Hand.size(); ++i){
            FXMLLoader fxmlLoader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("CardView.fxml"));
            CardController controller = new CardController();
            Parent card = (Parent)fxmlLoader.load();
<fx:root type="FlowPane" xmlns:fx=""
        <!--should i put something here?-->

Well, I'm bored...

This 'game' has a hand of five cards. You can dial from a bridge by hand and then play (or throw) a map by double-clicking on it.

The model includes a map of class, a class of bridge and a GameModel class. The last of them following hand and bridge and the relationship between them. Card and bridge have been written from my memory to read an example of Enums by Josh Bloch.


package cardgame;

public class Card {

     public enum Rank {
          Ace, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Jack, Queen, King

     public enum Suit {
          Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades

     private final Rank rank;
     private final Suit suit;

     public Card(Rank rank, Suit suit) {
          this.rank = rank;
          this.suit = suit;

     public Rank getRank() {
          return rank;

     public Suit getSuit() {
          return suit;

     public String toString() {
          return String.format("%s of %s", rank, suit);

     public int hashCode() {
          final int prime = 31;
          int result = 1;
          result = prime * result + ((rank == null) ? 0 : rank.hashCode());
          result = prime * result + ((suit == null) ? 0 : suit.hashCode());
          return result;

     public boolean equals(Object obj) {
          if (this == obj)
               return true;
          if (obj == null)
               return false;
          if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
               return false;
          Card other = (Card) obj;
          if (rank != other.rank)
               return false;
          if (suit != other.suit)
               return false;
          return true;



package cardgame;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;

import cardgame.Card.Rank;
import cardgame.Card.Suit;

public class Deck {

     private final List cards;

     private Deck() {
          cards = new LinkedList();
          for (Suit suit : Suit.values())
               for (Rank rank : Rank.values())
                    cards.add(new Card(rank, suit));

     public static Deck newDeck() {
          return new Deck();

     public static Deck shuffledDeck() {
          return newDeck().shuffle();

     public Deck shuffle() {
          final List copy = new ArrayList(cards.size());
          Random rng = new Random();
          while (cards.size() > 0) {
               int index = rng.nextInt(cards.size());
          return this;

     public Card deal() {
          return cards.remove(0);

     public int size() {
          return cards.size();


package cardgame;

import javafx.beans.binding.BooleanBinding;
import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;

public class GameModel {
     private ObservableList hand;
     private Deck deck;
     private BooleanProperty canDeal;

     public GameModel() {
          this.hand = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
          this.deck = Deck.newDeck().shuffle();
          this.canDeal = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "canDeal");
          canDeal.bind(new BooleanBinding() {

               protected boolean computeValue() {
                    return deck.size() > 0 && hand.size() < 5;

     public ObservableList getHand() {
          return hand;

     public ReadOnlyBooleanProperty canDealProperty() {
          return canDeal;

     public boolean canDeal() {
          return canDeal.get();

     public void deal() throws IllegalStateException {
          if (deck.size() <= 0) {
               throw new IllegalStateException("No cards left to deal");
          if (hand.size() >= 5) {
               throw new IllegalStateException("Hand is full");

     public void playCard(Card card) throws IllegalStateException {
          if (hand.contains(card)) {
          } else {
               throw new IllegalStateException("Hand does not contain " + card);

The CardController is the controller for a CardView. It takes a reference to a map and its initialize method initializes the view to view (the view is just a simple label).

package cardgame;

import javafx.fxml.FXML;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;

public class CardController {
     private final Card card;

     private Label label;

     public CardController(Card card) {
          this.card = card;

     public void initialize() {
          label.setText(String.format("%s%nof%n%s", card.getRank(),


The HandController is the controller for the display of the hand. This is where most of the action happens. The trick here is that it requires a reference to a GameModel, which must be injected somewhere, we need a setModel method (...), or something similar. I didn't assume the order of events: that is, the model is injected before or after calling the initialize() method. To keep this flexibility, I used an ObjectProperty to encapsulate the model and listen to changes. When the model is updated, I register a listener with the hand (exposed by the model). This listener rebuilt in turn views of cards when the hand is changed. Also, there is a 'deal' button, the disabled state is managed by binding to a property in the model (using a tip of the link class to allow the value of the dynamic model).

package cardgame;


import javafx.beans.binding.Bindings;
import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener;
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.fxml.FXML;
import javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
import javafx.scene.layout.Pane;

public class HandController {

     private ObjectProperty model;
     private Pane container;
     private Button dealButton;

     public HandController() {
          this.model = new SimpleObjectProperty(this, "model", null);
          final ListChangeListener handListener = new ListChangeListener() {
               public void onChanged(Change change) {
                    try {
                         for (Card card : model.get().getHand()) {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
          model.addListener(new ChangeListener() {

               public void changed(
                         ObservableValue observable,
                         GameModel oldValue, GameModel newValue) {
                    if (oldValue != null) {
                    if (newValue != null) {


     public void setModel(GameModel model) {

     public void initialize() {
                    Bindings.selectBoolean(model, "canDeal").not());

     private Node loadCardView(final Card card) throws IOException {
          FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource(
          CardController controller = new CardController(card);
          Node cardView = (Node) loader.load();
          cardView.setOnMouseClicked(new EventHandler() {
               public void handle(MouseEvent event) {
                    if (event.getClickCount() == 2) {
          return cardView;

     public void dealCard() {


Here are the FXML files:





Aggregate demand is managed by a Game.fxml:


with a GameController:

package cardgame;

import javafx.fxml.FXML;

public class GameController {

     @FXML private HandController handController ;

     private GameModel model ;

     public GameController() {
          model = new GameModel();

     public void initialize() {

Game.Java is the main class:

package cardgame;


import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader;
import javafx.scene.Parent;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.stage.Stage;

public class Game extends Application {

     public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws IOException {
          Scene scene = new Scene(FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("Game.fxml")), 600, 400, Color.DARKGREEN);

     public static void main(String[] args) {

and then a style sheet

style. CSS:


.card {
     -fx-background-color: white ;
     -fx-border-color: black ;
     -fx-border-radius: 5 ;
     -fx-border-style: solid ;
     -fx-padding: 5 ;

.card .label {
     -fx-text-alignment: center ;

Tags: Java

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    You can get the size of a table of DBA_SEGMENTS.  I'm sure you can get the amount of RAM of other tables of data dictionary as well if you can define precisely what memory segment you are interested in (e.g. CMS?)  PGA?  The amount of physical RAM on the box?  The size of the buffer cache?  The amount of virtual memory available?)

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    I don't have the direct response, because I've never tried. But my EDD has a TableContinuation element that is empty; ESD inserts the table continuation variable. When you export to XML, the element is there as a "marker"; It has NO content. When open in the frame, ESD inserts the variable again. My reasoning is that the table continuation variable has meaning ONLY within FrameMaker. It's a formatting object, not a content container. No post processing of the XML data would not need if so, ITS engine could provide what it is able to understand.

    Anyway, here's how I deal with it.

    Good luck

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    The question implies the use of the register shift unitialized. On the first iteration of the loop, the value that comes out of the shift register is the default value for the data type, which is an empty array for a table (size zero). Therefore, unless wire you a table empty for the shift register to the right, the size of the array cannot infer statically by the compiler.

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    Before I added berries to my code I could compile the FPGA without problems. So, it seems that the tables are too big for the FPGA. :-(

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    Thanks a lot for your help in advance.

    Best regards


    Unfortunately, the LabVIEW FPGA compiler cannot deduct stores shipped from berries (yet). When you create these two large paintings, you are creating essentially several registers very, very large. Just by looking at your picture, I guess that there are at least 4 copies of each of the tables.

    You want to use LabVIEW FPGA memories instead. You can create memories outside the loop and then read/write them where you are currently referencing the berries. The only change that you really need to do is to break down your treatment in scalar operations. I have attached a simplified version of your plan, I hope it helps. Let us know if you have any other questions.

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    Any advice is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you
    Yusif Nurizade

    Partial images diagrams are useless to us. Please join the real VI and perhaps a typical input data file.

    (Besides, what you show is illogical.) For example, what is upward with the part "equal to TRUE? What the point of the while loop that has just the same thing over and over again faster that the computer can?)

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    change the waterfall table retractable ITEM_MASTER space;

    ALTER table ITEM_MASTER deallocate unused;

    The commands above will reduce the file size of data (see dba_Data_files.bytes) or it will reduce the size of the segment?

    Only the segment formats will be reduced.  Oracle has never reduced the sizes of data file automatically.  You would have to reduce them.  You may not be able to reduce the size of data file if there are extensions to the 'end' (highwatermark) data files.  In this case, you will need to create a new tablespace and move all the objects for the new tablespace OR export, drop, create tablespace and import.

    Hemant K Collette

  • Size of the data in a table and the size of the table

    I am trying to determine the size of the data in a table and also the overall table size. I use the following query:

    SELECT BOTTOM (a.owner) as owner,
    LOWER (a.table_name) AS table_name,
    ROUND ((a.blocks * 8 / 1024)) AS size_mb,
    a.Blocks * 8 Blocks_Kilo_Byte.
    b.bytes / 1024 / 1024
    From all_tables a, dba_segments b
    WHERE the a.owner AS SUPERIOR ("USER_TEST")
    AND a.table_name = "X_TEST_TABLE."
    AND b.segment_name = a.table_name
    AND b.owner = a.owner
    ORDER BY 1, 2;

    Is this the right way to go about finding the size of the data in a table? If this isn't the case, please give your suggestions.

    BTW, this in a 10g version.

    You probably want to use the DBMS_SPACE package. In particular, the procedures SPACE_USAGE and UNUSED_SPACE to get an accurate account of the use of space in a table. Your application may give you a relatively accurate estimate if the optimizer on your table's statistics are reasonably accurate estimates. But there is no guarantee that the optimizer statistics are accurate.

    If you want just an approximate answer and you're comfortable that your statistics are accurate, this query may be close enough. If you want a specific response, however, use the DBMS_SPACE package.


  • Mandatory/optional setting for objects in the variable size chart

    HI -.

    I have a table (name) with a variable number of lines (name2).  It is in the Committee.CommitteeReq subform.  The table has two columns.  The first column is empty (to line up a few other items), while the second column contains a text field (member).  I want to activate or not the Name.Name2.Member field is mandatory.

    I created a simple version of the form (attached) which has a question of 'yes/no' on top for if the Committee is required.  I tried to put the following code to run when the yes / no question is changed:

    var number = Committee.CommitteeReq.Name.Name2.instanceManager.count; Count the number of rows in the table
    i = 1; The value of the index to the starting point

    If (this.rawValue == "Yes") //If Yes, then the object of 'Member' is required
    While (I < count)
    Committee.CommitteeReq.Name.Name2 [i]. Member.Mandatory = 'error ';
    I ++

    ElseIf (this.rawValue == "No") //If no, then the object of 'Member' is not required
    While (I < count)
    Committee.CommitteeReq.Name.Name2 [i]. Member.Mandatory = "";
    I ++


    If I take the [i] a part of the code, then the code works as expected (the required field is enabled), but does so only for the first line of the table.  I tried a bunch of variants, but nothing works.  I have attached the form.  Any help would be appreciated.


    I made a few examples and fix it, maybe this will help you.

    To access the fields are trying to use this:

    var i = 0;

    While (i<>


    Committee.CommitteeReq.Name.resolveNode ("name2 [" + i + "].") Member'). validate.nullTest = 'error ';

    I have



    and also do not forget;

    Best regatrds,

    Paul Butenko



    and also do not forget;

    Best regatrds,

    Paul Butenko

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