Effect of fire damage?


I would like to get an effect that transforms the images of a normal room in a room fire damaged. Dirty walls, wallpaper burned and so on.

Advice on how to achieve this, anyone?


If you ask how to do matte paintings of fire to overlay on your images, then you will need to go into Photoshop and add a layer, and then start painting. I can't tell you how to do this with a plugin or effect because you need create the image with a brush or take pictures of fire damage and extract the burned parts. For example, if you have a door frame that you want to look like a piece of burned wood, so you might very well a picture of a piece of burned wood and superimpose this image in your photo then crop, clone, distort and resize it so that it can look the way you want it to look. If you have a wall that you want to have burning and smoking patterns, wallpaper or blistering of paint wet then if you have not the skills to draw or paint that those you must find an image that is close to your original in size and scale and cut out the part you want to overlay, and add it to the stage. These overlays are to be large enough to cover the original film if the camera moves. A trucking shot (left right camera Move) is easier to work that a pan due to changes in perspective and a Pan and Zoom is even more difficult.

For example, you could take this image:

And combine them in Photoshop with a still image from your video like this using the scale, stretch, masking to get to this:

You can even use similar techniques entirely in After Effects. As I said, what you use depends entirely on the shot you have and what you want to do. I just took the part of the right wall of the door until the switch, he reduced and hidden to fit the part of the wall with the damage, then change the blending mode to multiply.

Tags: After Effects

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    Effects of typical film to damage. You can buy images to overlay or you can simulate it with blurred shape layers and blending modes.

    Stripes are also just the effects of film damage. There are a ton of tutorials and a bunch of actions filmed damage that you can buy.


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    To learn AE from the beginning, Start here. This page is a collection organised by a person who used to be in charge of the team at Adobe AE. He meant to take you from zero to hero.

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    Chrome View.png

    View of Firefox:

    Firefox View.png

    * IE View (false):

    IE View.png

    Web site: http://emergencyclean-up.com


    < ! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional / / IN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd" > ""

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    If (! x & & d.getElementById) x = d.getElementById (n); Return x;


    function MM_swapImage() {//v3.0

    var i, j = 0, x, a = MM_swapImage.arguments; document. MM_sr = new Array; for (i = 0; i <(a.length-2); I += 3).

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    < br / >

    Water damage < / center > < table >

    "< td > < Center > < a href ="Damage.html fire"MM_swapImgRestore" onmouseover = "MM_swapImage ('FD '", '... / Images/FireDamageOver.png ', 1) "> < img src =" "... / pictures/FireDamage.png" alt = "Fire damage" name = "FD" width = "75" height = "75" border = "0" id = "FD" / > < /a > "

    < br / >

    Fire damage < / center > < table >

    "< td > < Center > < a href ="Remediation.html Pan"MM_swapImgRestore" onmouseover = "MM_swapImage (' SIR '", '... / Images/MoldRemediationOver.png ', 1) "> < img src =" "... / pictures/MoldRemediation.png" alt = "Mold Remediation" name = "MR" width = "75" height = "75" border = "0" id = "MR" / > < /a > "

    < br / >

    Mold remediation < / center > < table >

    "< td > < Center > < a href ="Removal.html of soot"MM_swapImgRestore" onmouseover = "MM_swapImage ('SR '", '... / Images/SootRemovalOver.png ', 1) "> < img src =" "... / Images/SootRemoval.png" alt = "Remove soot" name = "SR" width = "75" height = "75" border = "0" id = "SR" / > < /a > "

    < br / >

    Removal of soot < / center > < table >

    "< td > < Center > < a href ="Control.html of the smell"MM_swapImgRestore" onmouseover = "MM_swapImage ('OC '", '..) " (/ Images/OdorControlOver.png',1) "> < img src ="... / pictures/OdorControl.png "alt ="Odor control"name ="OC"width ="75"height ="75"border ="0"id ="OC"/ > < /a >

    < br / >

    Odour control < / center > < table >

    < /tr >

    < /table >

    < br / >

    < Center > for more services please click < a href = "Services.html" > here < /a >. < /Center >

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    A few steps to follow.

    First make a backup copy of the file site just in case things go belly up and you need to revert to the original.

    Add position: relative; to the

    the bottom (as shown)

    Then move your

    named "containerEmergency" directly below the
    who added you position: relative; TO:

    Add z-index: 100; to the css "containerEmergency" as shown below:


    height: 250px;

    Width: 250px;

    position: relative;

    Top: 0px;

    right: 0px;

    left: 720px;

    border-top-style: none;

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    border-bottom-color: #F00;

    border-right-color: #F00;

    border-bottom-color: #F00;

    border-left-color: #F00;

    z-index: 100;


    Add z-index: 2; to the css of 'entireSite ':


    height: auto;

    Width: 900px;

    position: absolute;

    top: 50px;

    z-index: 2;


    Add z-index: 1; to the css "navbar":

    {#navbarArea #navbar}

    background-color: #929BA0;

    height: 40px;

    Width: 900px;

    position: relative;

    top: 20px;

    left: auto;

    right: auto;

    do-family: Arial, Helvetica, without serif.

    do-size: 12px;

    z-index: 1;


    Now it should work ok in Internet Explorer.

  • I want to reformat my PC, my problem is the product key. It was damaged by the fire, I can it acquire again and how?

    I am a victim of the fire later in June 2011. Now I want to reformat my PC, my problem is the product key. It was damaged by the fire, I can it acquire again and how?

    Original title: product key problem

    If the license is still installed, follow these steps:

    Here are four utilities, which can display your product keys if they are still there:
    Belarc Advisor: http://www.belarc.com/free_download.html
    (He did a good job of providing a wealth of information.)

    Also: http://www.magicaljellybean.com/keyfinder.shtml
    and: http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/product_cd_key_viewer.html
    and RockXP: http://www.majorgeeks.com/download4138.html which has additional features

  • Adobe gave me the fire to download Photoshop elements 14 (PC, Windows 10), but I received a message McAfee 'Download_Adobe_Photoshop_Elements_14 .exe (Windows) signature is invalid or damaged", and the process to the tp ground a halt. All adv

    Adobe gave me the fire to download Photoshop elements 14 (PC, Windows 10). However, the following appeared McAfee: "the signature of Download_Adobe_Photoshop_Elements_14 .exe (Windows) is damaged or invalid", and the download failed.

    Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Have you tried to download the installer at the bottom of the link?

    Download Photoshop Elements | 10, 12, 14, 11, 13

  • El Capitan is a problem? You cannot open the "Adobe after effects CC 'application because it is damaged or incomplete

    I downloaded After Effects for 30 days, and when I want to send this message appears "you cannot open the"Adobe After Effects CC 'application because' it is damaged or incomplete. (in fact, I speak Spanish, I just translated it...)
    I have OS X El Capitan, maybe that's the problem? How can I solve this problem? Help! Thank you

    First, see if the update to the fixed bug Mac 10.11.1 will help you

    -an exchange of views of 10.11.1 https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1986008

    He has problems with Mac 10.11 El Capitan... which is perhaps one of them

    See answer #5 in https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1965850 for several solution links

    -the first link that the answer is a possible solution to install problems

    -There is also a link on the video display problems in Premiere Pro

    - and many other programs... MORE Microsoft Office also has problems

  • Power of fire effect registration of managed devices Management Center?


    I have a solution that was rolled out with an incorrect hostname of the Manager of FMC on each managed SFR.

    When you do a show module sfr, I get the correct ip address for CME.

    First question :

    1 / is the name of the CMF locally on each managed SFR arbitrary? My ASA see the output reveals that the LICO sees the correct ip address for our CME. But our SFR currently has a host name incorrect due to an incorrect/old dns at configuration time record

    For example


    View details of sfr module

    Addr DC: X.X.X.X (ip address)

    connected to the sfr module

    console session sfr

    > Display managers
    Type: Manager
    Host: incorrect.name.com (which is no longer corresponds to the IP above)
    Inscription: finished

    Second Question

    Can I change the hostname of a CME without registration of effect to all managed devices or the SSL certificate? The company wants to use firepower.internal.different.com

    For example,.

    CMF hostname is currently


    DNS for its ip address is now


    The SSL certificate currently refers to CN of firepower

    You can change the host name by using the following command: -.

    > set up network hostname ABCDEF

    Its best to re-register the device once more. When you save the unit, it will automatically create a UUID between the Firesight and firepower to keep the communication channel. In your case if the UUID is the host name and you change the host name after registration of the device then it can lead to problems of connectivity communication channel.

  • After Effects CS6: .mov can not be imported - this ".mov" file is damaged or not supported.

    So I try to import a clip of .mov second 2 and I get the error message "this".mov"file is damaged or not supported.

    DNxHD (AVdn) according to VLC codec

    Resolution: 1920 x 1080

    Frame rate: 23.976000

    Decoded format: Planar 4: 2:2 YUV 10 bit THE

    I am on Windows 7, and I have uninstalled and reinstalled Quicktime 7 with no luck. The video will not reproduce with QT. Reading is a bit jerky in VLC. I also tried to import the clip to the first CS6. Everytime I try I get the error message "Codec missing or unavailable. I have redownloaded the image a couple of times just in case there was a problem with the initial download.  I went through the old forums without a bit of luck and I was wondering if you guys have ideas. How you would try to get the AE to import the .mov?

    Thank you very much!

    The reason why it was not working so because Windows is not, by default, not the correct codec pack to open files. In order to make it work, I had to download the pack codec DNxHD. works very well now.

  • Very concerned Mac was on fire!

    Firstly noticed smoke that floats in front of the screen, but thought it was my ecig.  Then I heard some crackling and popping noises and a horrible smell of burning, then fire saw coming out on the side of my mac (I used it at the time!)

    I managed to put out the flames and thought that my mac would not work again, but everything seems fine?

    Burn damage can be seen and still stinks.  My mac is four years old, and my applecare warranty has now lapsed.

    Advice or suggestions you would know that I am very careful in case it happens again.

    Take it to an Apple Store or authorized service provider and ask them to look at.

  • Attachments in pdf format are damaged and cannot be opened, however they open on an Ipad

    Tried opening with several programs: Adobe reader 11.07, PDF architect, quite a "damaged" error
    Operating system is Windows 8.1
    IMAP e-mail protocol
    Forward the message to another PC has no solution, only the IPad has opened the file (s)

    Try setting mail.server.default.fetch_by_chunks false. Open and close the Source of the Message (Ctrl-U) to force the re IMAP server - download a message with an attachment. (You may need to restart TB for the changes to take effect.)

  • on Fire Fox 15.01 mouse pointer flashes &amp; unstable

    on fire fox 15.01 mouse pointer flashes & disappers this only happens on F.F. not on desktop.


    Similar behavior has been identified in the past as an effect of hardware acceleration. Check if this option is selected, and if so, just uncheck. Learn more on this subject in the following link:

    Disable hardware acceleration

    Let me know if it helps.

  • high voltage damage your iphone 6s?

    high voltage damage your iphone 6s? what is the effect

    It's an electronic device, then Yes, the high voltage can do all sorts of unpredictable effects for an iPhone or any other electronic device. Cannot specify extent of the damage, but would probably be all that could be fried.

    See you soon,.


  • Fire Fox no longer save my user name and passowrds

    I'm rebuilding my computer after a disk failure.

    Fire Fox is more equally will be my log in information for the site I frequent I have to enter the name and password everytime I open a site. Fire Fox some time ask if I want the saved password and I click Yes, but it has no effect on the openings of the future site.

    If I look at the passwords saved under Tools/Security/save password to all the sites in question are placed in memory but have no response when I try to open the site.

    A second problem. Fire Fox records more recent site opened at the top of the toolbar at the bottom left that ran, Document, programs. It allows to record the last 5 or 6 programs used. Now, he has only HP printer saves.

    Websites to remember you and automatically log you in are stored in a cookie.

    • Create a cookie exception allow (Tools > Options > privacy > Cookies: Exceptions) to keep such cookies, especially for sites Web secure and if the cookies expire when Firefox is closed.
    • Private - browsing using Firefox without saving history all cookies are session cookies that expire if this session is over, so sites don't remember you.

    Compensation of the "Site Preferences" clears all exceptions for cookies, images, windows pop up, installation of software and passwords.

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