Enlarge an area of masking

Hi everyone, hope you can help me.

I would like to know if there is a way to extend the selection to a mask, after that I already applied any kind of regulation, for example, Hue/Saturation.

Cattura di schermata (14).png

As you can see, I enlarged the area of selection of the mask, but after I release the mask, the gray box, should become green, but he can't.

I hope that my explanation was clear.

Thank you.

Your screenshot, it looks like you in Quick Mask Mode, if you are working on a different mask than one who is attached to the layer of color.  You can either use the quick mask, that you did, but you have to go back so that it makes a selection of the mask, and then you paint in, or fill this area with white in you color the mask.  It is easier to not use the quick mask and work directly on the layer mask to color.

If you select channel palette, you will see what I mean.  You will have a quick mask channel and one for the color layer.

Tags: Photoshop

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    You can do it automatically, you must set keyframes manually or do it in AE.

    AE is the perfect tool for this. First is an editor not a fx program.

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    I think I know what you mean but if you do not reboot it reset ALL the brushes instead of just one.  The OP just wants to spend a brush.

    To switch to a brush.

    Click on the brush you want to switch.

    Double-click on the word ' effect: "int the upper right of the slider box, this resets the sliders to zero

    To reverse, you can click Cancel

    To see the difference in many times, simply click back in the history to see the changes before the cancellation.

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    private var masker:Shape = new Shape();
                        private var maskerBoarder:Shape = new Shape();
                        private var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
                        private var myRainBowPicture:Sprite = new Sprite(); 
                        private var m:Matrix = new Matrix(); 
                        public function MainMask()
                                  if (stage) init();
                                  else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
                        private function init(e:Event = null):void
                                  removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
                                  this.addChild( container );
                                  //create the gradiant
                                  m.createGradientBox( 400, 300, 0, 0, 0);  
                                  myRainBowPicture.graphics.beginGradientFill(GradientType.LINEAR, [ 0xFF, 0xFF00FF, 0xFF0000],  [1, 1, 1], [0x0, 0x7F, 0xFF], m , SpreadMethod.PAD, InterpolationMethod.LINEAR_RGB, 0); 
                                  myRainBowPicture.graphics.drawRect(stage.stageWidth * 0.5 - 200 ,stage.stageHeight * 0.5 - 150, 400, 300); 
                                  masker.graphics.beginFill( 0x00ff00 );
                                  masker.graphics.drawRect( 0, 0, 200, 100 );
                                  container.addChild( masker );
                                  maskerBoarder.graphics.beginFill( 0, 1 );
                                  maskerBoarder.graphics.drawRect( 0, 0, 200, 100 );
                                  maskerBoarder.graphics.beginFill( 0x00ffAA, 0.5 );
                                  maskerBoarder.graphics.drawRect( 2, 2, 194, 96 );
                                  container.addChild( maskerBoarder );
                                  myRainBowPicture.mask = masker
                                  container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onClick)
                                  container.buttonMode = true;
                                  stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, drop);
                        private function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void
                        private function drop(e:MouseEvent):void

    The way you describe moving the mask without moving the mask area is not clear, but if your description to move something on the wall, then you have probably just to add the image of the Rainbow and the mask in the same container object and assign slide it / drop in this container.  From what I can make of your code, you just put the mask inside a container and moving from this container.  Try to put this first container inside another breadsticks and the Rainbow and assign the drag / drop to the second.

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    Thank you in advance.

    It is not very clear to me, but you seem to be saying that the subtitle background is animated, somehow? Is this true?

    Its size will vary depending on the actual size of the subtitles, isn't it?

    And you want the area of the main element which, at one point throws behind this background to subtitle the blur?

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    Thank you!

    This is not possible with the latest version of Skype 7.0. The box will only extend vertically when you enter a new line of text.

    If you prefer the old style of Skype, then uninstall version 7.0 and install the previous version.


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    You may need to reset your associated file.

    Try this... open a folder of images and right-click
    your file image... from the menu, select... Open
    With / choose program.

    Make your choice from the list, or click Browse for the
    correct program if it is not in the list. If you want
    the Windows XP default... choose "Windows".
    Picture and Fax Viewer'.

    Once you make your choice... don't forget to check
    the box that says: "always use the selected program."
    to open this type of file. (you will need to do
    for each format, jpg, .tif, .gif... etc.)

    Also... you can right click an image and the
    menu... Choose... Properties / change button...
    Choose the program you want to use, then click on...
    OK / apply / OK.

    Also, in Windows XP, you can go to... My computer.
    Tools / Folder Options / File Types tab...

    Or... See the following link.

    (FWIW... it's always a good idea to create a system)
    Restore point before editing the registry)

    Utility to repair image file associations

    If this is not the answer... try the following link:

    By clicking on the "open with" or "choose program...
    "the option always opens the file with Notepad.

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    Which of these questions are involved?

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    How should I think about zoning and masking from a compliance point of view?

    Thank you!


    If you encrypt the data within the VM, then separate data stores are not really necessary, however, you can use separate storage of data for HIPAA data just to keep things simpler for audits. If it was me, I would like to keep them separated, it will be much easier compliance checks and remove non - HIPAA VMs to a scope of the audit. In HyTrust I would implement a HIPAA tag on the virtual machine, the virtual networks in use, and data warehouses. This way I can have a clean audit.

    From a technical point of view, it really depends on when you encrypt your HIPAA data. Practically speaking, HIPAA, it's all about the audit. Facilitate the audit, but don't waste any resources for this purpose calculation can be shared (you need maybe disable the GST or get the latest patches GST however.)

    Best regards
    Edward L. Haletky
    VMware communities user moderator, VMware vExpert 2009-2015

    Author of the books ' VMWare ESX and ESXi in the business: Planning Server Virtualization Deployment, Copyright 2011 Pearson Education. ' Of VMware VSphere and Virtual Infrastructure Security: securing the virtual environment ', Copyright 2009 Pearson Education.

    Virtualization and Cloud Security Analyst: The Practice of virtualization, LLC - vSphere Upgrade Saga - virtualization security Table round Podcast

  • Problem of mask - effects do not apply to all layer masks


    I am a little confused because I don't know what happened.

    I copy the country shapes from Illustrator file into AE layers - so they are transformed in masks (lots and lots of masks actually). I have the color specific countries I do this in blue (the color of the solid layer) and apply other effects - this is the reason why I do this. Happened well so far. For some reason, the American form will be not all appear in blue and the effects also apply to the sliver of Alaska.

    What happens here?

    I tried several times from scratch (i.e. make new solid layer, apply the shape, same problem).

    Thank you!

    This is CS6 btw.


    I think its like Alaska and the United States are separate masks so AE is cut to Alaska and then has nothing to cookie-cutter of the United States with. Double'm ' on the layer of US to bring up your masks and I think the mask of Alaska will say "Subtract" menu drop-down available, you need to change the other mask (US) in "intersection" downstairs. If not, try "Add..."

  • Mask acting strange in Premier Pro

    While working in first Pro CC 2015, I try to add a mask to an adjustment layer. I add something like mosaic, which then applies to the full clip as it should. Then I click on the button create polygon mask, but instead of showing the mosaic effect in the new area of mask, he turns all black. So, as you can see in the image below, it is a black box on the screen where the mask area exists. If I need to provide any other relevant information please let me know.Screen Shot 2015-08-08 at 10.20.05 AM.png

    I can't reproduce this.  Works very well here.

    What OS and version?

    Have you updated PP in 2015.0.1 yet?

    Have you tried to disable the GPU acceleration?

  • selection of masking is not found

    I can't find the CIRCLE or SQUARE to select area of masking I need...

    You need to update to CC2014 (8.x) version for masking and tracking.

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    [Please choose only a brief description to the title of the thread.]

    Post edited by: Jim Simon

    The update with this feature is not released yet, as I understand it, it will be released in the coming weeks.

  • Is it possible to use the CONTRAST DETECTION as a method of applying mask/Matte?

    This could be one of these more stupid questions, but I would still put forward and I hope that I can get answers that can satisfy my curiosity.

    I came across this issue when I thought about how I can color-grade the subject independently without defining a range of color like the color of the skin, or peel the subject on the bottom and add something between the two without scope of roto. Then I thought of autofocus and it is possible to reverse the process of update automatic and really separate the proportions of the image are under discussion and which are out of focus. Usually I shoot with a narrow depth of field, and I think the BG would get a little blurry. So, it is possible to extract the areas of focus of the out-of-focus areas?

    So the process of detection of contrast or edge detection (or to phase detection) detection during an irreversible autofocus?

    Or require dynamic variations (to get different samples) to compare and evaluate values?

    Or is it limited process to perform in only a small area rather than an entire image and would take too much if applied to a large area processing power?

    Or is it just that all this is not mathematically this practice?

    Many thanks to those who could answer this question!

    Wish you a pleasant and creative day ~

    It is possible to use the channel information to extract a mast. This information comes from the color and luminance values. It's what we call a procedure cache. Usually you duplicate your layer of film and start applying color effects to isolate certain areas of color and luminance, and then you use this sequence as a cache of luminance to the layer below.

    Having said that, although it is fairly easy to find details of contours (actually find contours) it is extremely difficult to know which of these edges must be outside the desired area of masking. Trying to deconstruct the automatic update function, that a camera uses the image data would be quite a daunting task, and I don't know how effective is, it would be because there is currently no metadata binding to any part of the frame to something as the face of the person you want to use as a mask. Face detection algorithms can have a chance to do this for the faces, but other parts of the body would be extremely difficult to understand.

    Stereo may offer a solution to extract a procedure cache on the part of your shot which is development that took you great care, setting up correct convergence for couples of images, but it would not isolate skin tones.

    Rotobrush is an automated tool that requires user input to set inside the desired mask that uses the values of color and edge detection. It is very effective if you take care with photography original, but if you're not careful automatic roto using any tool becomes difficult if not impossible. Afterwards, the Visual effects are much more complicated if there is no production planning.

    Colorista II is my favorite tool for this kind of color correction. It is a very effective tool of internal mast that can do amazing things using the color range. Other color Correctors (Davinci, for example) have other tools to isolate areas based on the color and luminance values. Your idea is interesting, but it would be very difficult to remove using current tools EI.

  • Mask containing video clips

    Hey guys

    I creates a "shimmer" above an object using a mask as follows:

    Layer 1: mask

    Layer 2: Effect of shimmer with a motion tween

    Layer 3: Object that has the shimmer effect applied to this

    The layer mask is composed of three drawing objects and the shimmer effect behaves exactly as it should either applies only when the objects are.

    However, I have also five video clips on the stage I want the effect of applied shimmer to the - but not when the clip has been clicked. If the answer is simple, create five instances of clip said in the mask and when the user clicks on the instance on the stage, set the visible property of the instance in the false mask or use removeChild...

    Laughing out loud

    Whenever I have add instances of the clip to the mask, the shimmer effect is not applied to them, and yet if I will break them and use them as objects drawn, they work fine (but obviously drawing objects can be animated using AS).

    My question is - is this even possible, and if so, how would I go to do it?

    Thanks in advance

    the contours and all the squares in a new movieclip and claimed that movieclip "_mask"

    If your motion to the effect of shimmer twenn is already in a movieclip call this movieclip "_mask".

    Use then these three lines:

    _MASK.cacheAsBitmap = true;

    _maskee.cacheAsBitmap = true;

    _maskee. Mask = _mask;

    'ActionScript' your mask

    to do this _mask and _maskee must live in 'normal' layers (which are neither mask nor a hidden layer)

    to illustrate the difference:

    This is how a treaty cache mask complex (nested objects / your problem):

    This is how a treaty cache mask complex (nested objects / your solution):

    The scenario looks like this:

Maybe you are looking for