Error: Cannot resolve a multiname unambiguous reference. MX. RPC.http.MXML:HTTPService

I have this error:

Cannot resolve a multiname unambiguous reference. MX. RPC.http.MXML:HTTPService
(from C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex 3\sdks\3.0.0\frameworks\libs\rpc.swc(mx/rpc/http/mxml/HTTPService)) Builder and (from C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Build

I think it's maybe because I have this tag:

< mx:HTTPService id = 'login_user' result = "checkLogin (event)" method = "POST" url ="' http://localhost/php/plum_tree/loginId.php ' useProxy ="false">"

in the mxml file * if I take this outside and the click event code that calls checkLogin (event) there is no error.)

and this tag:

Import mx.rpc.http.HTTPService;

in a .as file that is called from my mxml file.


Flex provides two classes of HTTPService in the mx.rpc.http.HTTPService and the other is mx.rpc.http.mxml.HTTPService. mx.rpc.http.mxml.HTTPService is a subclass of mx.rpc.http.HTTPService.
Discover the language reference Flex for the differences between these two classes.

That your code uses both HTTPService classes, there is ambiguity.
There are two solutions to your problem. If you want to use the mx.rpc.http.HTTPService then change your code as below.
private var gateway: HTTPService = new HTTPService();
private var gateway:mx.rpc.http.HTTPService = new mx.rpc.http.HTTPService ();

Just use mx.rpc.http.mxml.HTTPService in both places.

I hope this helps.

Tags: Flex

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  • Help: Cannot resolve a multiname unambiguous reference.

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    Can not resolve a multiname reference unambiguously. mx.controls:Button (from C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4\sdks\4.1.0\frameworks\libs\framework.swc(mx.controls:Button)) and spark.components:Button (from C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4\sdks\4.1.0\frameworks\libs\spark.swc(spark.components:Button)) are available.    Resource: ArcGIS.mxml    Path: /ArcGIS/src    Location: Unknown    Type: Flex Problem

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
                   pageTitle="Austin Peay State University">

            <s:VerticalLayout paddingBottom="10"
                import com.esri.ags.Graphic;
                import com.esri.ags.geometry.Extent;
                import com.esri.ags.tasks.supportClasses.FindResult;
                import com.esri.ags.utils.GraphicUtil;           
                import com.esri.ags.geometry.MapPoint;
                import com.esri.ags.layers.TiledMapServiceLayer;
                import com.esri.ags.FeatureSet;
                import com.esri.ags.symbols.CompositeSymbol;
                import com.esri.ags.symbols.TextSymbol;
                import com.esri.ags.tasks.supportClasses.RouteResult;
                import mx.logging.LogEventLevel;
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                import mx.controls.Alert;
                [Bindable]private var stops:FeatureSet = new FeatureSet([]);
                [Bindable]private var barriers:FeatureSet = new FeatureSet([]);           
                [Bindable]private var selectedBtn:Button;           
                [Bindable]private var lastRoute:Graphic;
                private function layerShowHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                    var tiledLayer:TiledMapServiceLayer = as TiledMapServiceLayer;
                    myMap.lods = tiledLayer.tileInfo.lods;
                private function tbb_changeHandler(event:IndexChangeEvent):void
                    switch (tbb.selectedItem)
                        case "Zoom In":
                        case "Zoom Out":
                        case "Pan":
                private function doFind():void
                private function executeCompleteHandler(event:FindEvent):void
    //                resultSummary.text = "Found " + event.findResults.length + " results.";
                    myGraphicsLayer.symbol = sfsFind;
                    var resultCount:int = event.findResults.length;
                    if (resultCount == 0)
              "No buildings found. Please change your search.");
                        // add feature as graphic to graphics layer
                        for (var i:int = 0; i < resultCount; i++)
                            var graphic:Graphic = FindResult(event.findResults[i]).feature;
                            graphic.toolTip = event.findResults[i].foundFieldName + ": " + event.findResults[i].value;
                        // zoom to extent of all features
                        var graphicProvider:ArrayCollection = myGraphicsLayer.graphicProvider as ArrayCollection;
                        var graphicsExtent:Extent = GraphicUtil.getGraphicsExtent(graphicProvider.toArray());
                        myMap.extent = graphicsExtent.expand(3.1); // zoom out a little
                private function initApp():void
                    selectedBtn = addStopsBtn;
                private function mapClickHandler(event:MapMouseEvent):void
                    if (selectedBtn == addStopsBtn)
                        var stopSymbol:CompositeSymbol = new CompositeSymbol();
                        var circleSym:SimpleMarkerSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE_CIRCLE, 20, 0x000099);
                        var textSym:TextSymbol = new TextSymbol(String(stops.features.length + 1));
                        textSym.textFormat = new TextFormat("Verdana", null, null, true);
                        textSym.color = 0xFFFFFF;
                        stopSymbol.symbols = [ circleSym, textSym ];
                        var stop:Graphic = new Graphic(event.mapPoint, stopSymbol);
                        var barrier:Graphic = new Graphic(event.mapPoint, barrierSymbol);
                    if (stops.features.length > 1)
                private function solveCompleteHandler(event:RouteEvent):void
                    var routeResult:RouteResult = event.routeSolveResult.routeResults[0];
                    lastRoute = routeResult.route;
                    lastRoute.toolTip = routeResult.routeName;
                    if (routeResult.route.attributes.Total_Time)
                        lastRoute.toolTip += " in " + Math.round(Number(routeResult.route.attributes.Total_Time)) + " minutes.";
                private function faultHandler(event:FaultEvent):void
           + "\n\n" + event.fault.faultDetail, "Routing Error " + event.fault.faultCode);
                    // remove last stop (or both stops if only two)
                    if (stops.features.length <= 2)
                        stops = new FeatureSet([]);

            <esri:Extent id="initialExtent" xmin="-9724772" ymin="4374071" xmax="-9723613" ymax="4374822">
                <esri:SpatialReference wkid="102100"/>
            <esri:NavigationTool id="navTool" map="{myMap}"/>
            <mx:TraceTarget includeCategory="true"
            <!-- Symbol for Find Result as Polygon -->
            <esri:SimpleFillSymbol id="sfsFind" alpha="0.7"/>
            <!-- Find Task -->
            <esri:FindTask id="findTask"
            <esri:FindParameters id="myFindParams"
            <esri:RouteTask id="routeTask"
            <esri:RouteParameters id="routeParams"
            <esri:SimpleMarkerSymbol id="barrierSymbol2"
                <esri:SimpleLineSymbol width="4"/>
            <esri:PictureMarkerSymbol id="barrierSymbol" source=""/>
            <esri:SimpleLineSymbol id="routeSymbol"

        <mx:Panel title="Austin Peay State University" width="100%" height="100%">
            <mx:HDividedBox width="100%" height="100%">
                <mx:TabNavigator width="30%" height="100%">
                    <s:NavigatorContent label="Controls" width="100%" height="100%">
                        <mx:Accordion x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%">
                            <s:NavigatorContent label="Navigation" width="100%" height="100%">
                                <s:ButtonBar id="tbb" change="tbb_changeHandler(event)" x="0" y="20">
                                        <fx:String>Zoom In</fx:String>
                                        <fx:String>Zoom Out</fx:String>
                                <s:Button click="navTool.zoomToFullExtent()" label="Full Extent" x="183" y="40"/>   
                                <s:ButtonBar id="bb"
                                             requireSelection="true" x="0" y="0">
                                            <fx:String>U.S. Topo</fx:String>
                                <s:Button click="navTool.zoomToPrevExtent()"
                                          label="Previous Extent" x="0" y="40"/>
                                <s:Button click="navTool.zoomToNextExtent()"
                                          label="Next Extent" x="104" y="40"/>
                            <s:NavigatorContent label="Routing" width="100%" height="100%">
                                <mx:Button id="addStopsBtn"
                                           click="selectedBtn = addStopsBtn"
                                           label="Add Stops"
                                           selected="{selectedBtn == addStopsBtn}" x="0" y="0"/>
                                <mx:Button id="addBarriersBtn"
                                           click="selectedBtn = addBarriersBtn"
                                           label="Add Barriers"
                                           selected="{selectedBtn == addBarriersBtn}" x="0" y="20"/>
                                <mx:Button label="Clear" x="0" y="40">
                                        stops = new FeatureSet([]);
                                        barriers = new FeatureSet([]);
                                        lastRoute = new Graphic;

                    <s:NavigatorContent label="Find" width="100%" height="100%">
                        <mx:HBox x="0" y="0">   
                            <s:TextInput id="fText"
                                text="Enter Text..."/>
                            <s:Button click="doFind()" label="Find"/>       
                        <mx:DataGrid width="100%" height="40%"
                                     dataProvider="{findTask.executeLastResult}" x="0" y="31">
                                <mx:DataGridColumn width="70"
                                                   headerText="Layer ID"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="layerName" headerText="Layer Name"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="foundFieldName" headerText="Field Name"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="value" headerText="Field Value"/>
                    <s:NavigatorContent label="Legend" width="100%" height="100%">
                <mx:VDividedBox width="100%" height="100%">
                    <esri:Map id="myMap"
                              level="16" height="100%" y="439" width="100%" x="585"
                        <esri:ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer show="layerShowHandler(event)"
                                                         visible="{bb.selectedIndex == 0}"/>                   
                        <esri:ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer show="layerShowHandler(event)"
                                                         visible="{bb.selectedIndex == 1}"/>
                        <esri:ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer show="layerShowHandler(event)"
                                                         visible="{bb.selectedIndex == 2}"/>
                        <esri:ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer show="layerShowHandler(event)"
                                                         visible="{bb.selectedIndex == 3}"/>
                        <esri:GraphicsLayer id="myGraphicsLayer"/>
                        <esri:GraphicsLayer graphicProvider="{lastRoute}" symbol="{routeSymbol}"/>
                        <esri:GraphicsLayer id="inputsLayer"/>                   

    Can someone help a newbie to flex? xD it would be good if you could help me to understand the problem, how to solve the problem and how to avoid it. I want to repair my programming, Yes, but I would also like to learn.

    Thank you!

    If you want to be a MX button, the code would look like:

    private var selectedBtn:mx.controls.Button

  • Model error: cannot resolve macro: RegisterResolvers

    Hi all

    I am using RoboHelp for Word after three years and more - and feel a little rusty. I have tried to import a Word document into my project (and sometimes succeed, if the file is small enough) and then attach a custom template that is based on Is it possible that the custom template, I used for my project is corrupted and it is causing the problem in all the other projects that I create from scratch later? Note that it is possible to solve this problem by reinstalling the RoboHelp application software...

    Initializing the compiler...
    Generation of WebHelp 5.50 (13.10.606)...

    Model active Script error: (null) [line: 13] (null)
    Model error: cannot resolve macro: RegisterResolvers

    Fatal error: cannot run macro: RegisterResolvers in the build script.
    Model error: cannot resolve macro: WH_HOME_HTM
    Model error: cannot resolve macro: WH_CSH_HTM
    Model error: cannot resolve macro: WH_CSH2_HTM

    WebHelp (WebHelp) was built successfully:
    C:\TEMP\garbage\test\! SSL!\WebHelp\test.htm

    Hi Peter,.

    Thanks for your quick response. It's nice to meet the resident expert! :-)

    I have the full version of RoboHelp Office X (Pro) for .NET, and it was installed with Admin rights. The application, project files and output all resident locally (on the same hard drive,) but on different drives. I need to produce a WebHelp output as a stand-alone help system (for now...).

    Yes, re-installation of the application would be solve the problem, but only until I present again of my custom template. I believe that Your ' e right - my model was the culprit. So I redefined styles in instead and seeing me is no longer the error of the model at compile time. I also followed your advice and set the macro security in Word in the middle. Thank you. I also need to increase the amount of memory available in Word running (to import large files).

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    Run it with 'select all' checked
    Download output to a drive or any file sharing service
    Put a link to them in your next post
    Please enter each of them in a command prompt high after you run the above and save the file




    ipconfig / renew

    NETSH winsock reset catalog

    NETSH int ipv4 reset reset.log

    NETSH int ipv6 reset reset.log


  • Model of WebHelp error: cannot resolve the macro

    RoboHelp HTML 5.0.2 Build 801
    Word 2003 SP3
    I worked fine until this afternoon. I tried to generate webhelp in two different projects. In the output window, I see messages in the update files and then a message flashes and it goes to so, but nothing no is there to see.
    The message is something like template error: could not resolve macro WHH #78 or something like that. I really can't read.

    I look for the answer on this forum and in the help system, without result. I'll leave soon but don't come in the morning and try to start again troubleshooting. Any ideas that might help would be greatly appreciated


    I went to the customers of RoboHelp and found a solution. I downloaded RoboScriptReg.exe, ran the installation folder, and now the problem is solved.

    Thanks for your help.

  • Cannot resolve a reference multiname unambiguously OSMF build from scratch


    I'm currently building OSMF from scratch and I followed the guide of OSMF and OSMF building projects -

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    It's my complete log on compilation-

    E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk > ant

    BuildFile: E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\build.xml

    all the:





    [Remove] Delete: E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\framework\OSMF\


    [copy] Copying 1 file to E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\framework\OSMF

    [compc] Loading E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\framework\OSMF\OSM configuration file

    F - build - config.tmp.xml

    [compc] E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\framework\OSMF\org\osmf\elements\f4mClasses\M error: cannot resolve a multiname unambiguous reference. or

    g.OSMF. Elements.f4mClasses:Base64Decoder (from E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\buildtools

    \sdks\4.5.1\frameworks\libs\osmf.swc (org.osmf.elements.f4mClasses:Base 64Decoder)

    ) and org.osmf.utils:Base64Decoder (from E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\framework\OSMF\o

    rg\osmf\utils\ are available.


    [compc] E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\framework\OSMF\org\osmf\elements\f4mClasses\B error: cannot resolve a multiname unambiguousl reference

    y. org.osmf.elements.f4mClasses:Base64Decoder (from E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\build

    tools\sdks\4.5.1\frameworks\libs\osmf.swc(org. OSMF. Elements.f4mClasses: Base64Dec

    Oder)) and org.osmf.utils:Base64Decoder (from E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\framework\O

    SMF\org\osmf\utils\ are available.


    [compc] E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\framework\OSMF\org\osmf\elements\f4mClasses\M error: cannot resolve a multiname unambiguous reference. org.o

    SMF. Elements.f4mClasses:Base64Decoder (from E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\buildtools\sd

    ks\4.5.1\frameworks\libs\osmf.swc (org.osmf.elements.f4mClasses:Base64D ecoder)) a

    ND org.osmf.utils:Base64Decoder (from E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\framework\OSMF\org\

    osmf\utils\ are available.


    [compc] E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\framework\OSMF\org\osmf\elements\f4mClasses\D Error: cannot resolve a multiname unambi reference

    guously. org. OSMF. Elements.f4mClasses:Base64Decoder (from E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk

    \buildtools\sdks\4.5.1\frameworks\libs\osmf.swc (tired org.osmf.elements.f4mC: bottom)

    e64Decoder)) and org.osmf.utils:Base64Decoder (from E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\frame

    work\OSMF\org\osmf\utils\ are available.


    [compc] E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\framework\OSMF\org\osmf\elements\f4mClasses\M error: cannot resolve a multiname unambiguous reference. or

    g.OSMF. Elements.f4mClasses:Base64Decoder (from E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\buildtools

    \sdks\4.5.1\frameworks\libs\osmf.swc (org.osmf.elements.f4mClasses:Base 64Decoder)

    ) and org.osmf.utils:Base64Decoder (from E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\framework\OSMF\o

    rg\osmf\utils\ are available.


    [compc] E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\framework\OSMF\org\osmf\elements\f4mClasses\M error: cannot resolve a multiname unambiguous reference. or

    g.OSMF. Elements.f4mClasses:DateUtil (from E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\buildtools\sdks

    \4.5.1\frameworks\libs\osmf.swc(org. OSMF. Elements.f4mClasses:DateUtil)) and org.

    OSMF.utils:DateUtil (from E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\framework\OSMF\org\osmf\utils\D are available.


    [compc] E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\framework\OSMF\org\osmf\elements\f4mClasses\B error: cannot resolve a multiname unambiguousl reference

    y. org.osmf.elements.f4mClasses:Base64Decoder (from E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\build

    tools\sdks\4.5.1\frameworks\libs\osmf.swc(org. OSMF. Elements.f4mClasses: Base64Dec

    Oder)) and org.osmf.utils:Base64Decoder (from E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\framework\O

    SMF\org\osmf\utils\ are available.


    [compc] E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\framework\OSMF\org\osmf\elements\f4mClasses\M error: cannot resolve a multiname unambiguous reference. org.o

    SMF. Elements.f4mClasses:Base64Decoder (from E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\buildtools\sd

    ks\4.5.1\frameworks\libs\osmf.swc (org.osmf.elements.f4mClasses:Base64D ecoder)) a

    ND org.osmf.utils:Base64Decoder (from E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\framework\OSMF\org\

    osmf\utils\ are available.


    [compc] E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\framework\OSMF\org\osmf\elements\f4mClasses\D Error: cannot resolve a multiname unambi reference

    guously. org. OSMF. Elements.f4mClasses:Base64Decoder (from E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk

    \buildtools\sdks\4.5.1\frameworks\libs\osmf.swc (tired org.osmf.elements.f4mC: bottom)

    e64Decoder)) and org.osmf.utils:Base64Decoder (from E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\frame

    work\OSMF\org\osmf\utils\ are available.


    [compc] E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\framework\OSMF\org\osmf\elements\f4mClasses\M (137): col: 26 error: access of undefined property DateUtil.


    [compc] manifest.startTime = DateUtil.parseW3CDT

    F (root. NMSP::StartTime.Text());

    [compc]                                                  ^


    [compc] E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\framework\OSMF\org\osmf\elements\f4mClasses\M (680): col: 18 error: Type was not found or is not a compile-ti

    me constant: Base64Decoder.


    [compc] var decoder: Base64Decoder = new


    [compc]                                                 ^


    [compc] E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\framework\OSMF\org\osmf\elements\f4mClasses\M (680): col: 38 error: call to a method maybe not defined Base64



    [compc] var decoder: Base64Decoder = new





    [compc] E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\framework\OSMF\org\osmf\elements\f4mClasses\B (92): col: 17 error: Type was not found or was not a mixtape

    constant time-e: Base64Decoder.


    [compc] var decoder: Base64Decoder = new Base64De


    [compc]                                         ^


    [compc] E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\framework\OSMF\org\osmf\elements\f4mClasses\B (92): col: 37 error: call to a method may not set Ba



    [compc] var decoder: Base64Decoder = new Base64De


    [compc]                                                             ^


    [compc] E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\framework\OSMF\org\osmf\elements\f4mClasses\M (67): col: 16 error: Type was not found or is not a c compilation

    adding: Base64Decoder.


    [compc] var decoder: Base64Decoder;

    [compc]                                 ^


    [compc] E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\framework\OSMF\org\osmf\elements\f4mClasses\M (147): col: 19 error: call to a method maybe not defined Base64Dec



    [compc] decoder = new Base64Decoder();

    [compc]                                           ^


    [compc] E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\framework\OSMF\org\osmf\elements\f4mClasses\M (154): col: 19 error: call to a method maybe not defined Base64Dec



    [compc] decoder = new Base64Decoder();

    [compc]                                           ^


    [compc] E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\framework\OSMF\org\osmf\elements\f4mClasses\M (187): col: 19 error: call to a method maybe not defined Base64Dec



    [compc] decoder = new Base64Decoder();

    [compc]                                           ^


    [compc] E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\framework\OSMF\org\osmf\elements\f4mClasses\D (91): col: 17 error: Type was not found or was not a

    compilation constant: Base64Decoder.


    [compc] var decoder: Base64Decoder = new Base64De


    [compc]                                         ^


    [compc] E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\framework\OSMF\org\osmf\elements\f4mClasses\D (91): col: 37 error: call to a possibly undefined met

    HoD Base64Decoder.


    [compc] var decoder: Base64Decoder = new Base64De


    [compc]                                                             ^



    E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\build.xml:15: The following error occurred during executin

    g this line:

    E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\build.xml:22: The following error occurred during executin

    g this line:

    E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\build.xml:53: The following error occurred during executin

    g this line:

    E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\framework\OSMF\build.xml:14: The following error occurred

    When executing this line:

    E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\buildtools\utils.xml:107: compc task impossible

    Total duration: 56 seconds

    I see a reference to

    E:\OSMF\OSMF SVN\trunk\buildtools\sdks\4.5.1\frameworks\libs\osmf.swc (org.osmf.elements.f4mClasses:Bas e 64Decoder)

    Please remove the osmf.swc from the sdk 4.5.1 flsx libs - it is an earlier version of what you're trying to build.

  • Svchost.exe - Application error. The instruction at "0x7d4caa9b" reference memory at "0x00000010". The memory cannot be: "read"

    Hi, I get the error message after my system boots - svchost.exe - Application error. The instruction at "0x7d4caa9b" reference memory at "0x00000010". The memory could not be "read".

    And then after a few minutes it stops and restarts.
    I'm also not able to use the mouse.
    I need help with this problem
    Thank you and best regards

    Hi GeorgeMotaung,

    ·         Did you do changes on the computer before the show?

    ·         Are you able to boot to the desktop?

    Follow these methods.

    Method 1: Start your computer in last known good configuration.

    How to start your computer by using last good known Windows XP Configuration

    Method 2: Follow these steps:

    Step 1: Start the computer in safe mode and check if the problem persists.

    A description of the options to start in Windows XP Mode

    Step 2: Perform a clean boot to see if there is a conflict of software like the clean boot helps eliminate software conflicts.

    How to configure Windows XP to start in a "clean boot" State

    Note: After the boot minimum troubleshooting steps, follow section How to configure Windows to use a Normal startup state of the link to return the computer to a Normal startupmode.

    After the clean boot used to resolve the problem, you can follow these steps to configure Windows XP to start normally.

    (a) click Start and then click Run.

    (b) type msconfig and click OK.

    (c) the System Configuration Utility dialog box appears.

    (d) click the general tab, click Normal Startup - load all services and device drivers and then click OK.

    (e) when you are prompted, click on restart to restart the computer.

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    The script error is caused by the DPI setting on your system.  If the DPI setting is set to 100%, 125%, 150% or 200% Setup returns the script error. If your DPI setting is set to something else, please set it to one of these and Setup online should work.  To check/change the DPI setting:

    1. Start the control panel and go to control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Display
    2. In the left menu, select set size custom text (PPP)
    3. In the Windows Setup custom DPI select 100%, 125%, 150% or 200% in the menu drop-down
    4. Click OK
    5. Select apply
    6. Open a session/disable
    7. Online installer should now run without displaying the script error.

    A fix for this should be released in the coming weeks.



  • Dynadock V10 - "error cannot find Setup file" INSTALLER ERROR

    Hi I have a toshiba dynadock V10.

    Whenever I try to install the drivers, that it says "error cannot find Setup file. I have downloaded the latest drivers and off my anti virus and cut all the proiceses running and no go. There are a few references to this on the internet, but none has a solution.

    I amn trying to install it on an equium U400 running windows 7.

    Curiously, it loaded on an old dell pc easily!

    I spent hours looking on the net and there is no answer. I have nothing showing in the programs to uninstall.

    Thank you

    > Oddly enough it loaded on an old pc easily!

    This means that drivers are ok and that there must be something wrong with the system pre-installed on Equium U400.
    How to proceed?

    It is important that you don't would NOT connect the Dynadock to the laptop before installing the software and drivers was not finished.
    Therefore, you need to install the software first. Then after new reboot connect the Dynadock to portable and installation would end the next steps.

  • TestStand Java - 1500 error cannot find the class

    Hello world

    I use Java 1.7 and TestStand 2010.

    I try to add a java class in the computer example folder and call the method.

    The java class is just as below, because I'm just trying to call my own java class.

    I put the class path to start the JAVA virtual machine in the directory where the example of the computer (which is also the directory where I put my java class).

    TestStand can call methods of the computer, but not mine (received the error 1500 error cannot find class). I put my my java method call among calls for default computer example.

    Also I read similar topics, but again I can not resolve the error.

    Where is the part that I'm bored, in fact? Please share some ideas.

    Note: I even try to leave the empty class path, but TestStand can always call the methods of the computer. Why?


    public class TestJava {}

    Public Shared Sub main (String [] args) {}


    public String returnString(boolean a) {}
    Return "success";


    To load a class which is within a package, you can use the package rating (or change the example in order to to use). The path to the class is passed directly to the JAVA virtual machine to load the class, but really what is necessary is the package from the class path, including the full path to the class.

    This means you need to do the following:

    1 set the class path in the base directory where you created all your classes, if you have the following structure:

    • builds
      • MyPackage
        • MyFile.class

    You must set the classpath in the builds directory

    2 when you set up your steps, you must set the path to the class in your steps from Java to MyPackage/MyFile.class (note the separator is a forward slash, not used Windows backslash, then the Browse button is not quite help with that).

    Another important thing is that when you set the classpath variable you remove the normal Java class path, if you are using Java classes from the library by default, you may have to add \lib\rt.jar

  • nitro loading a pdf editor and this error comes we - error cannot install the single window service

    someone sees this error I'm not able to load my nitro now and it has always worked.  error saying error-could not install the stop service my other programs such as microsoft office.

    Hi Sandra,.

    Thanks for posting in the Microsoft community

    I understand how it could be frustrating when things do not work as expected. Please, I beg you, don't worry I'll try my best to resolve the issue.

    I suggest you try the steps from the following link:

    Q10271 - PRB: error: cannot install the Windows Service

    Hope this information is helpful and let us know if you need more assistance. We will be happy to help.

  • Angular 2 http.get () fails with "cannot resolve the host name.

    I am trying to get 2 angular (well, ionic 2 actually, but the call failure is part of the kinetic moment) to shoot some json from the web. My code works fine on iOS or Android (via Cordova), but fails on any call http.get () on 10 of BlackBerry. Initially, I had problems because I did not in the whitelist the URL I was trying to download, but after whitelisting now runs the get call, but always fails. The error message "cannot resolve the host name.

    Does anyone have an idea why angular is unable to resolve an external host name when running on BlackBerry 10?

    Never mind... my bad. I encounter this problem when running my Ionic/angular application on a simulator. For me to get always consistent on many simulators BB10 different IP addresses I've run, rather than to allow VMware Player feeding the DHCP server (because it does no reservations of IP), I run a TinyCore Linux server on the same virtual network as simulators, just so that I can use DHCP on the instance of TinyCore instead Allowing no reserves. Unfortunately, I did not complete the configuration of TinyCore properly so nothing on the virtual network becomes a valid gateway or the DNS server list to access the outside world.

    When I run my application on my Z10 physics, it works fine.

  • Problem with the library: need error cannot find /usr/lib/webplatform/plugins/jnext/


    I have the application developed by WebWorks 2.0. After a year, I need to get the new version of my app, but when I install and run my application on the device, the application displays an error message:

    Need error cannot find /usr/lib/webplatform/plugins/jnext/

    I don't understand why I have this error, because the original version of my application works very well.

    I read a lot of posts on the forum but none of the posts helped me.

    The post office

    and the post says I have to add the library. But I use only the push notification and push notification does need that com.blackberry.push and com.blackberry.invoked.

    Does anyone have any experience with the problem? Or does anyone have any ideas how to fix?


    Hello chadtatro,

    Thanks for your tip.

    My problem was that I did not define cordova directory in the environment variable windows. When I added the cordova directory to the path in environment variables, my problem has been resolved.

    It is necessary to have a set of cordova in the command line in the case that your application uses a library of cordova.

    There are link setting cordova:

  • error: "cannot find symbol" when you use String.getBytes (java.nio.charset.Charset)

    I have a very simple java class that uses String.getBytes (java.nio.charset.Charset). When I use loadjava, I get the error: "cannot find symbol" for this call. Any ideas on what could be the problem?

    Here is the full source:

    package mytest;

    java.lang.String import;
    java.nio.charset import. *;

    public class MyTest {
    public final static Charset utf8charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8");

    public int printString (String s)
    Byte [] utf8 = s.getBytes (utf8charset);
    System.out.println (utf8);

    public void printString)
    printString ("hello");


    Thanks in advance,


    Your code is correct for java 1.6 and higher...

    First of all, you should check that java version is on your database...

    FUNCTION to CREATE or REPLACE getJavaProperty (myprop IN VARCHAR2)


    name "java.lang.String return java.lang.System.getProperty (java.lang.String);

    SELECT getJavaProperty ('java.version') of double;

    in my case, I have java 1.5...

    If you look at the Javadoc String (Java Platform SE 7) you will notice that your version is located for java greater or equal to version 1.6

    Try with:

    public class MyTest
    public static int printString(String s)
            byte[] utf8 = s.getBytes("UTF-8");
            System.out.println (new String(utf8));
            catch(Exception ex)
              return -1;
            return 1;
  • Error "Cannot read disc" after nc4200 replacement hard drive

    Hi all

    I read through the postings but did not see an exact match for the issue I'm having.

    My 5 year old needed nc4200 finally a replacement hard drive.  I bought a new 120 GB ATA-6 WD Scorpio Blue 40 GB ATA-7 Toshiba plant.  I was able to clean up a few errors on the old disk and the Partition Magic 8.0 successfully used to copy all the data in a single primary partition on the new 120 GB drive using all available space.

    I started with success the drive on the Windows desktop using a separate post of full PC.  When I inserted the new, WD drive in my nc4200 however I got an error "cannot read disc" immediately after the MESSAGE.  The BIOS is a short wee on tests of diagnostic and other information on the hard drive, but I ran with success a test drive in the menu of the BIOS with the net results.

    I have advanced and updated the BIOS to version F.0F thinking there may be some 1024 cylinders deliver or other incompatibility big disk, but this new version also shows the error of reading.  At this point, I'm stumped.  Why this new boot in my desktop PC drive but fail in my nc4200?  What do I have to use some tools HP blessed to make this readable disk?

    Thanks in advance!

    Well, I guess you can call this one resolved.  I sent the WD Scorpio Blue 120 GB drive (model WD1200BEVE) and ordered a WD Scorpio Blue 80 GB (model WD800BEVE) instead.  I cloned my old Toshiba 50 GB 5400 RPM (model MK6026GAX) with Acronis True Image WD Edition.  I installed the new drive in my nc4200 and pulled upward on the first try!

    I'm still not sure why the 120 GB didn't work.  The only thing I noticed is that the done 120 GB one noise rattling and the 80 GB is not then maybe the drive was defective.  I'll never know however, if it was the drive or the size of the drive, that was the question, but I hope that this info will be useful to someone else looking to exchange a HD of aging in a nc4200.

Maybe you are looking for

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