Error in plugin Maven OJMake, the package does not exist

Hi all

I'm trying to compile the application oracle fusion middleware that is projects ViewController and models inside. Using Jdeveloper compile or deploy it works perfectly. But the company is moving all Maven projects, so I created project and application poms, added all the dependencies. Hitting the compile with the commented ojmake plugin works fine, but with the ojmake plugin model project compilation failed.

Model has a dependency called sxreports which is a jar created by our company and stored in the repository maven local businesses, solved dependence and the appropriate version of the artifact is downloaded.

sxreports.jar (packages)




Out of Maven generates this kind of errors:

[INFO] Error (80,25): package report.datasource does not exist

[INFO] Error (81.41): package report.datasource.ReestrSoobFNSDS does not exist

[INFO] Error (220,22): can't find symbol;  symbol: class IzveshenieOPostonovkeVOcheredDS;  location: sx.model.AppModuleImpl of the class

There are many of them, all about this artifact.

I noticed this artifact is not listed in the classpath, would he be here?

[INFO] C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\oracle_common\jdk\bin\javac

[INFO] - source 1.7

[INFO] - target 1.7

[INFO] - verbose

[INFO] - encoding UTF-8

[INFO] - bootclasspath

[INFO] C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\oracle_common\jdk\jre\lib\resources.jar;

[INFO] C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\oracle_common\jdk\jre\lib\rt.jar;

[INFO] C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\oracle_common\jdk\jre\lib\jsse.jar;

[INFO] C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\oracle_common\jdk\jre\lib\jce.jar;

[INFO] C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\oracle_common\jdk\jre\lib\charsets.jar;

[INFO] C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\oracle_common\jdk\jre\lib\jfr.jar

[INFO] - sourcepath

[INFO] C:\git\SXDOCS\Model\src

[INFO] d

[INFO] C:\git\SXDOCS\Model\classes

[INFO] - classpath


[INFO] C:\git\SXDOCS\Model\classes;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\adf-share-support\12.1.2-0-0\adf-share-support-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\adf-share-ca\12.1.2-0-0\adf-share-CA-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\adf-share-base\12.1.2-0-0\adf-share-base-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\adflogginghandler\12.1.2-0-0\adflogginghandler-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\adfsharembean\12.1.2-0-0\adfsharembean-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\jmxframework\12.1.2-0-0\jmxframework-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\jmxspi\12.1.2-0-0\jmxspi-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\identitystore\12.1.2-0-0\identitystore-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\adfm\12.1.2-0-0\adfm-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\bc4j-mbeans\12.1.2-0-0\bc4j-MBeans-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\groovy-all\12.1.2-0-0\groovy-all-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\xmlparserv2\12.1.2-0-0\xmlparserv2-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\db-ca\12.1.2-0-0\DB-CA-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\jdev-cm\12.1.2-0-0\jdev-cm-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\ojmisc\12.1.2-0-0\ojmisc-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\commons-el\12.1.2-0-0\commons-El-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\jsp-El-api\12.1.2-0-0\jsp-El-API-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\oracle-el\12.1.2-0-0\oracle-El-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\resourcebundle\12.1.2-0-0\resourcebundle-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\sun\mail\javax.mail\1.4.4\javax.mail-1.4.4.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\javax\activation\activation\1.1\activation-1.1.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\adftransactionsdt\12.1.2-0-0\adftransactionsdt-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\adf-DT-at-rt\12.1.2-0-0\adf-DT-at-RT-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\adfdt_common\12.1.2-0-0\adfdt_common-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\adflibrary\12.1.2-0-0\adflibrary-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\adf-share-security\12.1.2-0-0\adf-share-security-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\adf-controller-security\12.1.2-0-0\adf-controller-security-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\mdsrt\12.1.2-0-0\mdsrt-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\oramds\12.1.2-0-0\oramds-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\javax\servlet\\servlet-;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\javax\jsp\\jsp-;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\ojdbc6dms\12.1.2-0-0\ojdbc6dms-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\commons-cli\12.1.2-0-0\commons-CLI-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\share\12.1.2-0-0\share-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\xmlef\12.1.2-0-0\xmlef-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\dms\12.1.2-0-0\dms-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\xml\12.1.2-0-0\xml-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\orai18n\12.1.2-0-0\orai18n-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\orai18n-mapping\12.1.2-0-0\orai18n-mapping-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\orai18n-utility\12.1.2-0-0\orai18n-utility-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\orai18n-collation\12.1.2-0-0\orai18n-collation-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\orai18n-translation\12.1.2-0-0\orai18n-translation-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\orai18n-net\12.1.2-0-0\orai18n-net-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\orai18n-servlet\12.1.2-0-0\orai18n-servlet-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\orai18n-lcsd\12.1.2-0-0\orai18n-LCSD-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\orai18n-tools\12.1.2-0-0\orai18n-tools-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\tangosol\coherence\\coherence-;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\ucp\12.1.2-0-0\ucp-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\ojdl\12.1.2-0-0\ojdl-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\javatools-nodeps\12.1.2-0-0\javatools-nodeps-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\javax\management\j2ee\\j2ee-;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\eclipselink\12.1.2-0-0\eclipselink-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\ldapjclnt11\12.1.2-0-0\ldapjclnt11-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\jps-api\12.1.2-0-0\jps-API-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\jps-common\12.1.2-0-0\jps-common-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\jps-ee\12.1.2-0-0\jps-EE-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\jps-internal\12.1.2-0-0\jps-internal-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\jps-unsupported-api\12.1.2-0-0\jps-unsupported-API-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\jps-manifest\12.1.2-0-0\jps-manifest-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\jps-audit\12.1.2-0-0\jps-audit-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\jps-AZ-api\12.1.2-0-0\jps-AZ-API-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\jps-AZ-common\12.1.2-0-0\jps-AZ-common-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\jps-AZ-management\12.1.2-0-0\jps-AZ-management-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\jps-AZ-rt\12.1.2-0-0\jps-AZ-RT-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\jps-AZ-pdplg\12.1.2-0-0\jps-AZ-pdplg-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\jps-AZ-sspi\12.1.2-0-0\jps-AZ-SSPI-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\jps-pep\12.1.2-0-0\jps-PEP-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\jps-platform\12.1.2-0-0\jps-platform-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\jps-se\12.1.2-0-0\jps-se-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\opss-tools\12.1.2-0-0\opss-tools-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\jps-upgrade\12.1.2-0-0\jps-upgrade-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\security-api\12.1.2-0-0\security-API-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\opss-component-security-info\12.1.2-0-0\opss-component-security-info-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\jps-SIDM-api\12.1.2-0-0\jps-SIDM-API-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\osdt_saml\12.1.2-0-0\osdt_saml-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\osdt_saml2\12.1.2-0-0\osdt_saml2-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\osdt_wss\12.1.2-0-0\osdt_wss-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\osdt_restsec\12.1.2-0-0\osdt_restsec-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\identityutils\12.1.2-0-0\identityutils-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\arisId-stack-ovd\12.1.2-0-0\arisId-stack-OVD-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\identitydirectory\12.1.2-0-0\identitydirectory-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\igf_mbeans\12.1.2-0-0\igf_mbeans-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\ovd\12.1.2-0-0\ovd-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\config\12.1.2-0-0\Config-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\plugins\12.1.2-0-0\plugins-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\IdentityContext\12.1.2-0-0\IdentityContext-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\xmlparserv2_sans_jaxp_services\12.1.2-0-0\xmlparserv2_sans_jaxp_services-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\org\dom4j\1.6.1\dom4j-1.6.1.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\orai18n-service\12.1.2-0-0\orai18n-service-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\org\apache\neethi\neethi\2.0.4\neethi-2.0.4.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\org\apache\ws\commons\axiom\axiom-api\1.2.7\axiom-API-1.2.7.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\org\apache\geronimo\specs\geronimo-activation_1.1_spec\1.0.1\geronimo-activation_1.1_spec-1.0.1.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\org\apache\geronimo\specs\geronimo-javamail_1.4_spec\1.2\geronimo-javamail_1.4_spec-1.2.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\xml-apis\xml-apis\1.3.04\xml-APIs-1.3.04.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\org\apache\geronimo\specs\geronimo-Stax-api_1.0_spec\1.0.1\geronimo-Stax-api_1.0_spec-1.0.1.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\org\apache\ws\commons\axiom\axiom-impl\1.2.7\axiom-impl-1.2.7.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\wsdl4j\wsdl4j\1.6.2\wsdl4j-1.6.2.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\org\codehaus\woodstox\wstx-asl\3.2.4\wstx-ASL-3.2.4.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\stax\stax-api\1.0.1\stax-API-1.0.1.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\commons-logging\commons-logging\1.1.1\commons-logging-1.1.1.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\jaxen\jaxen\1.1.6\jaxen-1.1.6.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\org\openliberty\openaz\azapi\1.1\azapi-1.1.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\org\openliberty\arisIdBeans\1.1\arisIdBeans-1.1.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\org\openliberty\arisId\1.1\arisId-1.1.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\asn1c\12.1.2-0-0\asn1c-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\jacc-spi\12.1.2-0-0\jacc-SPI-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\oraclepki\12.1.2-0-0\oraclepki-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\osdt_core\12.1.2-0-0\osdt_core-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\osdt_cert\12.1.2-0-0\osdt_cert-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\osdt_xmlsec\12.1.2-0-0\osdt_xmlsec-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\osdt_ws_sx\12.1.2-0-0\osdt_ws_sx-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\fmw_audit\12.1.2-0-0\fmw_audit-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\javax\security\jacc\\jacc-;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\trinidad-api\12.1.2-0-0\trinidad-API-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\trinidad-impl\12.1.2-0-0\trinidad-impl-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\adf-richclient-API-11\12.1.2-0-0\adf-richclient-API-11-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf\adf-richclient-impl-11\12.1.2-0-0\adf-richclient-impl-11-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\sun\faces\jsf-api\2.1.7-01\jsf-API-2.1.7-01.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\sun\faces\jsf-impl\2.1.7-01\jsf-impl-2.1.7-01.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\glassfish\el\\el-;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\glassfish\jstl\\jstl-;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\resourcebundle-resolver\12.1.2-0-0\resourcebundle-resolver-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\resourcebundle-API-rt\12.1.2-0-0\resourcebundle-API-RT-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf-share-ca\12.1.2-0-0\adf-share-CA-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\external\xdk\12.1.2-0-0\xdk-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\external\el\12.1.2-0-0\el-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\javatools-JNDI-local\12.1.2-0-0\javatools-JNDI-local-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\external\el-for-uix2\12.1.2-0-0\el-for-uix2-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf-share-support\12.1.2-0-0\adf-share-support-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\external\oracle-JRF-coherence\12.1.2-0-0\oracle-JRF-coherence-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\external\ant\12.1.2-0-0\ant-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\external\oracle-JRF-dms\12.1.2-0-0\oracle-JRF-DMS-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\external\oracle-JRF-adminserver\12.1.2-0-0\oracle-JRF-AdminServer-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\xmlef\12.1.2-0-0\xmlef-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\external\balishare\12.1.2-0-0\balishare-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\external\odl\12.1.2-0-0\odl-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\external\jps\12.1.2-0-0\jps-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\external\osdt\12.1.2-0-0\osdt-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\external\ldap\12.1.2-0-0\ldap-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\external\commons-cli\12.1.2-0-0\commons-CLI-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\external\iau\12.1.2-0-0\iau-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\external\idm\12.1.2-0-0\idm-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\external\pki\12.1.2-0-0\pki-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\external\jrf-api\12.1.2-0-0\jrf-API-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf-share-security\12.1.2-0-0\adf-share-security-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\mds\12.1.2-0-0\mds-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\external\xdb\12.1.2-0-0\xdb-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\external\ucp\12.1.2-0-0\ucp-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\external\jdbc\12.1.2-0-0\jdbc-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\mds-protocol\12.1.2-0-0\mds-Protocol-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\external\jaxb\12.1.2-0-0\jaxb-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\external\jmx\12.1.2-0-0\jmx-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\external\jee-api\12.1.2-0-0\jee-API-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\javax\enterprise\deploy\1.3\deploy-1.3.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\javax\interceptor\1.2\interceptor-1.2.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\javax\resource\1.6.1\resource-1.6.1.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\javax\transaction\\transaction-;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\javax\xml\registry\\registry-;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\javatools-nodeps\12.1.2-0-0\javatools-nodeps-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf-share-base\12.1.2-0-0\adf-share-base-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\adf-logging-handler\12.1.2-0-0\adf-logging-handler-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\external\oracle-JRF-logging\12.1.2-0-0\oracle-JRF-logging-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\external\glassfish\12.1.2-0-0\glassfish-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\external\jsp\12.1.2-0-0\jsp-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\external\servlet-runtime\12.1.2-0-0\servlet-runtime-12.1.2-0-0.jar;

[INFO] C:\Users\btsyrenov\.m2\com\oracle\external\jsf-RI-21\12.1.2-0-0\jsf-RI-21-12.1.2-0-0.jar

[INFO] g

[INFO] - Xlint: all the

[INFO] - Xlint:-casting

[INFO] - Xlint:-classfile

[INFO] - Xlint:-dep - ann

[INFO] - Xlint:-vacuum

[INFO] - Xlint:-fallthrough

[INFO] - Xlint:-path

[INFO] - Xlint:-treatment

[INFO] - Xlint:-rawtypes

[INFO] - Xlint:-series

[INFO] - Xlint:-disabled

The artifact is in place but ojmake is unable to solve somehow, ideas on how to fix this or what could be the problem would be appreciated

-Jdeveloper version 12.1.2

-Windows 7, 64-bit

-All Oracle objects are installed for the repo company maven and available

-Maven included with jdeveloper version 3.0.4

I guess that you have correctly configured the maven ojmake plugin in your pom.

Ojmake plugin uses the jpr to resolve dependencies. If you need to make sure that the pot is listed under project libraries and classpath.

Tags: Java

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    There was an error while updating the number of lines for '< instance >'... "" schema of <>. "' < tablename > '.
    [17011 nQSError] Execution of the SQL statement failed.
    [nQSError 17001] Oracle 942 error code, message: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist to the call of the OIC OCIStmtExecute: select count (*) < TableName >.

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    Thank you

    You must check "require fully qualified name checkbox in the connection pool properties. This is necessary when you use the username not owner to access the images database.

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    create or replace procedure xxx
         tmp number;
         select     max(value)
         into     tmp
         from     sys.v$sess_time_model@lnk
         where     stat_name = 'DB CPU';
    the procedure compiles without error, and I can call the procedure.

    If I connect to the system 'lnk' with DB link user name, I can't create the procedure directly in the database:
    SQL> create or replace procedure xxx
      2  is
      3   tmp number;
      4  begin
      5   select max(value)
      6   into tmp
      7   from sys.v_$sess_time_model
      8   where stat_name = 'DB CPU';
      9  end;
     10  /
    warning: procedure created with compilation errors.
    SQL> show err
    Fehler bei PROCEDURE XXX:
    -------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
    5/2      PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    7/11     PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    The same error comes up if I change line 7 to
      7   from v_$sess_time_model
      7   from v$sess_time_model
      7   from sys.v$sess_time_model
    SQL> select count(*) from sys.v_$sess_time_model;
    Why can't I just create the procedure in the database target?

    It seems that you grant of role based on sys.v_$ sess_time_model. You can check it using 'The VALUE NONE ROLE' and then try to choose.
    The direct grant of privilege is required for Pl/SQL. For an illustration more Re: compile errors

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