Error message: ORA-00821: specified value sga_target 4 M is too small

Hi all

My database instance is down, when I'm trying to start, it throws an error:
ORA-00821: sga_target 4 M value is too small, you must be at least 28 M

The problems began when erroneous changed sga_target for some values without specifying the unit.
My question is, how can I solve this problem, so that the database instance is down? I use spfile

I tried to start the instance with pfile (start pfile='D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\orcl\pfile\init.ora') it throws errors:
LRM-00109: could not open parameter file "D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\orcl\pfile\init.ora".
ORA-01078: failure in the treatment of system settings

Please someone help me



What you can do in this case and you do not have a good pfile, you can proceed as follows:

1. find the spfile, normally in the directory of $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
2. a copy of the spfile to be sure will not be damaged.
3. on unix command prompt: string - a > newpfile.ora
4. check with the newpfile.ora editor and change. The pfile file will contain all of the settings and you must change the SGA_TARGET value to a height of 400M or more. Smaller values can be made, but are not advised to 10 gr 2 or higher.
5. try start the database using the newpfile.ora update.

Hope this will solve your problem.

Best regards, Gerwin

Tags: Database

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    Thank you


    This has to do with the settings of NLS Session about the decimal separator and the group separator.

    How you load the data in the table determines where and how you set the Session variables.


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    alter table lsu_inter_message_t
    add constraint inter_message_id_fk
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    I'm new in PL/SQL and I'm taking the last row of a database table and add the same data in another table with the same structure, but for the ancestors of the current employee. Something like:

    Day EmpID LOB (key fields)

    EmpID has 24 and 95 ancestors. That's why in the destination table I have to insert (or update of status and idforum if these three key areas already exists):

    EmpID LOB day
    24 1007 29

    There are 4 tables:

    X - table base;
    Y - destination table (same structure as X);
    Z - the relationship between the employee and ancestor;
    W - plays the role of a temporary table, but is a real table - only for the MERGER;
    create or replace

    EMP_VAR NUMBER (38.0). -employee
    NUMBER OF ANCESTOR_ID; -relative of the employee
    NUMBER OF DAY_VAR; -date of
    STATUS_VAR VARCHAR2 (20); -Status
    Parents of CURSOR
    SELECT ancestor_key FROM Z WHERE member_key = EMP_VAR; -This slider will go through all the ancestors of the employee

    Number EMPROWID_VAR; -It's the key to the table Y (destination table)

    -extract the last line of the table of database variables


    SELECT NVL (Max (EMPROW_ID), 0) + 1 in EMPROWID_VAR OF Y; -initialize the key to the table max + 1 of the existing key Y

    Parents OPEN.

    EXTRACT the parents in ANCESTOR_ID;

    EXIT WHEN parents % NOTFOUND;

    -the value of the new key for Y
    INSERT w (emprowid_var, lob_var, ancestor_id, day_var, forumid_var, status_var)
    VALUES (EMPROWID_VAR, LOB_VAR, ANCESTOR_ID, DAY_VAR, FORUMID_VAR, STATUS_VAR); -prepare the source for the MERGE statement

    -merge data between 2 tables:
    -If a parent already exists in the destination, to update just idforum and the new status
    -If that parent does not exist in the dest table, will be inserted with the status ' U/R '.

    MERGE TO Y Dest
    USING the W
    WE (Dest.LOB_KEY = Surce.LOB_VAR AND)
    Dest.DAY_KEY = Surce.DAY_VAR)

    Dest.STATUS = Surce.STATUS_VAR)




    When I try to run this procedure (compile) I get this error message:

    Error (53,37): PL/SQL: ORA-01747: invalid column, table.column, or user.table.column specification

    Can you tell me where I am doing wrong? (I'm pretty sure that it's in the Merge statement, but what is it?)

    Thanks in advance.

    Published by: petresion on November 19, 2011 14:02

    without the paintings I never would have found

    MERGE INTO y dest
    USING w surce
    ON (dest.lob_key = surce.lob_var AND dest.empl_key = surce.ancestor_id AND
    dest.day_key = surce.day_var )
    WHEN matched THEN
      UPDATE SET dest.forumid = surce.forumid_var,
                 dest.status = surce.status_var
    WHEN NOT matched THEN
      INSERT ( dest.emprow_id,
      VALUES ( surce.emprowid_var,
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    user12296910 wrote:
    can you please give an example how to save error message?

              errm := SQLERRM;
              INSERT INTO  my_error_log
              (      error_log_id
              ,      proc_name
              ,      user_name
              ,      error_dt
              ,      error_msg
              (      error_log_id_seq.NEXTVAL     -- error_log_id
              ,      'MY_PROC'          -- proc_name
              ,      USER               -- user_name
              ,      SYSDATE               -- error_dt
              ,      errm               -- error_msg

    In practice, you would probably want to a separate procedure to do the Insert, and you call this procedure of article of EXCEPTION.

  • PL/SQL: digital error or value (string buffer of characters too small)

    Hi all

    Here is the procedure used to send notifications. It worked very well in the previous version of DB :- and it has been recently upgraded to

    I respond very well, but when running it throws the error.
           K_BOUNDARY CONSTANT VARCHAR2(1000) := 'a1b2c3d4e3f2g1';
          l_analysis_report  VARCHAR2(32767); --empty_clob; --clob :=
          l_header VARCHAR2(1000);
          l_footer VARCHAR2(200);
          cnxn UTL_SMTP.connection;
          cursor cloc is select location_id from locations order by location_id asc;
          loc_id cloc%rowtype;
      dbms_output.enable (1000000);
         FOR loc_id in  cloc
         l_analysis_report := '<style type="text/css">
        <!--.style1 { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; font-style: normal; color: #FF0000}-->
        <!--.sidebar1 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px}-->
        <!--.text { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px}-->
        <center><b><font face="Arial">Run Summary Report'
                    || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI AM') || '<br><br></font></b></center>'
                    || ' <div align="center"><table width="95%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" </div>'
                    || '<span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial"> </span> '
                    || '<tr bgcolor=b4b4b4><td align="center"> <font size="3"> <b>'
                    || 'Analysis</b></td><td align="center"><font size="3"> <b>'
                    || 'Start Time</b></td><td align="center"><font size="3"> <b>'
                    || 'End Time</b></td><td align="center"><font size="3"> <b>'
                    || 'Run Duration (mins)</b></td><td align="center"><font size="3"> <b>'
                    || 'Status</b></font></td></tr> ' || UTL_TCP.CRLF;
                                         TO_CHAR(ARH.RUN_END_TIME,'DD/MM/YYYY HH:MI:SS')END_TIME,
                                         ROUND(((ARH.RUN_END_TIME-ARH.RUN_START_TIME)*24*60),2) RUN_TIME_SECS,ARH.JOB_STATUS STATUS
                                         RUN_HISTORY ARH,ANALYSES AN
                                         AND AN.CYCLE_IND_ID IN (1,3)
                                         AND ARH.RUN_START_TIME>TO_DATE(SYSDATE-30)
                                         AND ARH.JOB_NAME LIKE 'RHS_QU%'                                   
                                         AND AN.LOCATION_ID = loc_id.location_id
                                         AND ARH.JOB_STATUS='Completed'
                                         ORDER BY ARH.RUN_START_TIME DESC)
                       l_analysis_report  := l_analysis_report ||'<tr><td align="center">'|| curr_refresh.analysis_name
                          || '</td><td align="center">' || curr_refresh.start_time || '</td><td align="center">'
                          || curr_refresh.end_time || '</td><td align="center">'|| curr_refresh.RUN_TIME_SECS ||
                          '</td><td align="center">'|| curr_refresh.status ||
                          '</td> </tr>' || UTL_TCP.CRLF;
                      exit when length (l_analysis_report) > 32500;
                   END LOOP;
                  l_analysis_report := l_analysis_report || '</table><br><br>';
                   l_footer := UTL_TCP.CRLF ||'<b> Note: This is an auto generated email. Please do not reply to it. Contact the IT team for any further information.</b>'||  UTL_TCP.CRLF;
                   FOR curr_email IN (SELECT GLOBAL_NAME INSTANCE_NAME,
                                      EU.EMAIL_USER_LAST_NAME last_name, EU.EMAIL_USER_FIRST_NAME ACNAME,
                                      EU.EMAIL_USER_EMAIL_ID,loc.LOCATION_NAME LOC_NAME,
                                      '[email protected]' MAIL_FROM
                                      RHS_EMAIL_USER EU,LOCATIONS LOC,GLOBAL_NAME
                                      WHERE EU.LOCATION_ID=LOC.LOCATION_ID
                                      AND EU.LOCATION_ID=loc_id.location_id
                                  ) LOOP
                cnxn := UTL_SMTP.open_connection('', 25);
                UTL_SMTP.helo(cnxn, '');
                UTL_SMTP.mail(cnxn, '[email protected]');
                UTL_SMTP.rcpt(cnxn, curr_email.EMAIL_USER_EMAIL_ID);
                      l_header := 'MIME-Version: 1.0'||'
    To: ' || curr_email.last_name || ' <' || curr_email.EMAIL_USER_EMAIL_ID || '>
    From: ' || curr_email.mail_from || '
    Subject: Un-Adjusted Analysis Report for ' || curr_email.loc_name || ' Location from' || curr_email.instance_name || ' on ' || to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY') || '
    Reply-To: [email protected]
    Content-Type: text/html;' || UTL_TCP.CRLF || UTL_TCP.CRLF;
      , l_header || l_analysis_report || l_footer);
                END LOOP;
                END LOOP;
    Error :- 
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 591
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 497
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 503
    ORA-06512: at "RISK_HISTORY.PKG_RHS_EMAIL_NOTIFY", line 206
    ORA-06512: at "RISK_HISTORY.PKG_RHS_EMAIL_NOTIFY", line 414
    ORA-06512: at line 2
    Can it please let me know if there is no problem with the code or upgrade questions?

    Kind regards

    Published by: k_17 on October 13, 2011 12:07

    You must move the thread {forum: id = 75}.

  • Avoid the error message "the resource specified is reserved"

    Hi all

    My question is this: I have two Labview VI each using a wizard DAQ to collect different channels analog voltage. While a VI data collection of 3 channels at 1000 Hz, the other gets just a sample on request from a fourth channel. Now, when I run them at the same time, I get the error "specify resource is reserved. Please note that I don't want two VI to be beaten in a single task. I want that they separate because one is for accelerometers and another is for "startpad. I call these my C# code VI. I read in another thread, saying that this is not possible. But both that they use different channels, I don't understand why this cannot be done. Is it possible that I can get around this problem?

    No, you can avoid the error, and most of the other threads explains why. This card has a clock unique convert. Your card has all of the analog inputs in a single A/D muxes and who uses the clock unique convert. The unique clock means that you simply cannot have two different rates. You have to combine all channels in a single task (do not know what 'club' means) or run one at a time.

    Of course, you can always get a second DAQ card as well.

  • I try to access Add or remove a program and get an error message "failed to create value on line 451".it does this for several different things

    I bought this computer from a person and some features seem to be locked.please help

    Hi Brighteyes714,

    You can follow the procedure in the article and mark mentioned below.

    Error when you open Add or remove programs: ' failed 'at line 410' of value creation.

    Let us know if that helps.

  • Set up the installation of Adobe X 1 - why the 1316 error message - the account specified already exists. What counts?

    Installation on a desktop computer running Windows 8 went well. Now I'm doing the same upgrade of Standard 9 X 1 and running on this problem. What error code account is a reference to?

    Uninstall all the software acrobat and reader.

    clean (Download Adobe Reader and Acrobat tool - Adobe Labs)

    Reinstall acrobat xi, but not acrobat 9.

  • Error Message ORA-31043: Element 'person' no globally defined in the schema

    Hi all

    We recorded 2 documents xsd as follows...
       lc_test_xsd   CLOB;
       lc_test_xsd   := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <simpleType name="LastNamePrefix">
                    Additional word to last name (name prefix) corresponding to SAP HR Core 
                    Table T535N; V.
            <restriction base="tns:String255" />
        <simpleType name="CountryID">
                    Codes for the representation of country names according to ISO 3166.
            <restriction base="string">
                <maxLength value="2" />
        <simpleType name="LocationCode">
                    Code of a location, e.g. Fe, Wa2 or Kor.
            <restriction base="string">
                <maxLength value="4" />
        <simpleType name="GenderCode">
                    Code of the gender: male, female, unknown. Unknown is used if the value is 
                    unknown or must not be stored due to legal restrictions.
            <restriction base="string">
                <enumeration value="male" />
                <enumeration value="female" />
                <enumeration value="unknown" />
        <simpleType name="String255">
                    String with 255 characters max
            <restriction base="string">
                <maxLength value="255" />
                <minLength value="1" />
        <simpleType name="RB-CostCenter">
                    Cost Center
            <restriction base="string">
                <minLength value="3" />
                <maxLength value="6" />
        <simpleType name="OrgUnitName">
                    Name of the Organizational Unit
            <restriction base="string">
                <minLength value="1" />
                <maxLength value="18" />
        <complexType name="StringMCA">
                    Multi Country String. Strings, which must be stored in ASCII code and 
                    country specific. The subelement ASCIIString contains the string encoded
                    with ASCII. The subelement countrySpecificString allows country specific
                <element name="asciiString" type="tns:String255" minOccurs="0" />
                <element name="countrySpecificString" type="tns:String255" />
        <simpleType name="OrgUnitID">
                    ID of the Organizational Unit
            <restriction base="unsignedInt">
                <totalDigits value="8" />
        <simpleType name="GlobalID">
                    Global unique identifier of persons at xyz
            <restriction base="unsignedInt">
                <totalDigits value="8" />
        <simpleType name="CiCatPersonID">
                    CI-CAT Identifier of Persons (CiCat-PID). Unique identifier of a person
                    in CI-CAT
            <restriction base="unsignedInt">
                <totalDigits value="20" />
        <simpleType name="CiCatAccountID">
                    CI-CAT Identifier of AD Accounts (CiCat-Ben-Sid). Unique identifier of 
                    AD Accounts in CI-CAT.
            <restriction base="unsignedInt">
                <totalDigits value="20" />
        <simpleType name="PersonnelActionTypeCode">
                    The operation that was performed on the person: entry, data change,
                    re-entry (into company), exit (out of company)
            <restriction base="string">
                <enumeration value="entry" />
                <enumeration value="data change" />
                <enumeration value="re-entry" />
                <enumeration value="exit" />
        <simpleType name="ContractStatus">
                    Contract Status: active, inaktive, resigned, retired
            <restriction base="string">
                <enumeration value="retired">
                            End of contract relationship because of retirement
                <enumeration value="resigned">
                            End of contract because of quitting
                <enumeration value="inactive">
                            Incactive contract relationship, e.g. motherhood, suspension
                <enumeration value="active">
                            Normal contract status
                <enumeration value="deleted">
                            Contract physically deleted in the source system
        <simpleType name="KnownAssociateCode">
                    Describes status of person to xyz: internal/external/fixed-term
            <restriction base="string">
                <enumeration value="External" />
                <enumeration value="Internal" />
                <enumeration value="Fixed Term" />
                <enumeration value="unknown" />
        <simpleType name="AssociateCode">
                    Describes status of person to xyz: union of known values plus free string 
                    for not yet known types
            <union memberTypes="tns:KnownAssociateCode string" />
        <simpleType name="KnownExternalRelationType">
                    Describes relation (contract relation) of external person to xyz:
            <restriction base="string">
                <enumeration value="Contractor" />
                <enumeration value="Customer" />
                <enumeration value="Supplier" />
                <enumeration value="Subsidiary" />
                <enumeration value="Selfregistered" />
                <enumeration value="unknown" />
        <simpleType name="ExternalRelationType">
            <union memberTypes="tns:KnownExternalRelationType string" />
        <simpleType name="ValidityState">
                    If an attribute was taken over by an authoritative source such as HR-MDS or 
                    WOM. Set to "Valid" to indicate that the value was taken over from the 
                    source and is therefore valid. Set to "Invalid" if the source indicates the
                    value is no longer value, e.g. because it got deleted. Otherwise set to 
                    "Unknown", e.g. when the value was entered manually.
            <restriction base="string">
                <enumeration value="Valid" />
                <enumeration value="Invalid" />
                <enumeration value="Unknown" />
        <complexType name="HrPersonnelId">
                <element name="hrSourceSystem">
                            Name of HR source system
                        <restriction base="string">
                            <minLength value="1" />
                            <maxLength value="20" />
                <element name="hrPersonnelId">
                            ID of person in HR source system
                        <restriction base="string">
                            <minLength value="1" />
                            <maxLength value="20" />
        <complexType name="AccountType">
                    Types of Accounts: Three main categories are known: Person, resource or 
                    service account. A person account represents a single natural person. A 
                    resource account represents a resource such as a printer, a computer or a 
                    meeting room. Service Accounts represent everything else. The can be used 
                    for example for technical users or group accounts. Both resource and service 
                    accounts have an owner that is responsible for them. Each account type has 
                    subtypes for further categorization.
                <element name="personAccount" type="tns:PersonAccountType" />
                <element name="resourceAccount" type="tns:ResourceAccountType" />
                <element name="serviceAccount" type="tns:ServiceAccountType" />
        <simpleType name="KnownPersonAccountType">
                    Pre-defined types of Person Accounts
            <restriction base="string">
                <enumeration value="Office" />
                <enumeration value="Admin" />
                <enumeration value="Test" />
                <enumeration value="unknown" />
        <simpleType name="PersonAccountType">
            <union memberTypes="tns:KnownPersonAccountType string" />
        <simpleType name="KnownResourceAccountType">
                    Pre-defined types of Resource Accounts
            <restriction base="string">
                <enumeration value="Room" />
                <enumeration value="PC" />
                <enumeration value="Printer" />
                <enumeration value="unknown" />
        <simpleType name="ResourceAccountType">
            <union memberTypes="tns:KnownResourceAccountType string" />
        <simpleType name="KnownServiceAccountType">
                    Pre-defined Types of Service Accounts
            <restriction base="string">
                <enumeration value="Group" />
                <enumeration value="Machine" />
                <enumeration value="Support" />
                <enumeration value="System" />
                <enumeration value="unknown" />
        <simpleType name="ServiceAccountType">
            <union memberTypes="tns:KnownServiceAccountType string" />
        <simpleType name="ActionType">
                    Defines the action that was performed on the object.
            <restriction base="string">
                <enumeration value="Create" />
                <enumeration value="Update" />
                <enumeration value="Delete" />
        <simpleType name="LegalEntityId">
                    ID of a legal entity
            <restriction base="unsignedInt">
                <totalDigits value="8" />
       DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.REGISTERSCHEMA (schemaurl   => 'BasicTypes.xsd',
                                      schemadoc   => lc_test_xsd);
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('BasicTypes.xsd registration successfully completed');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('BasicTypes.xsd registration failed '||SQLERRM);

    See for example the effect of elementFormDefault of for details.

    The fix:




    I hope this helps!

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    Hi, I sympathise with your situation, but my answer may not be what you want here, even though I think you'll find credible and useful information (I have a degree in computer service technology (end of the 1980s, but I do not work in this area).)

    In the computing environment today with all web 2.0 and 3.0, sites which consist usually of a large number of graphics and flash type software, you must have much more memory...
    For simplicity, there are memories of basically two types that apply to your situation, and it is the RAM (to run your software as applications etc., then the memory of your hard drive (to do most of the work...)
    The computer, I am writing about this time is about five to seven years of age. He had 500MB of RAM when I bought it and 80 GB of hard drive memory. Then about two years ago I started to have virtual memory issues so I bought a stick of 1 GB of ram and installed what brought my RAM to 1.5 GB of ram and it took care of the issue of virtual memory. (I use a Dell Dimension 2400). I also bought a terabyte external drive to organize the future all downloads and transferred from the stuff that was on my computer on the external drive to free up some memory hard drive of my computer.
    Here are some points to remember and a recommendation or two. If you can, buy you a bar of RAM and install it... (instructions should come with the RAM on how to install it and you can also search the creator of computer Web site for assistance). It's a fairly simple process which consist essentially of find a connector available on your motherboard near where your already installed ram is located and pop in the newly purchased RAM stick. You should be able to get at least another stick of ram of 256 MB and this should help.
    You also have another problem, however, you indicate that you have seulement.6 GB memory hard drive of 20 GB. From my experience, when you use beyond the mark to halfway to the memory of your drive hard your computer can start to slow you down to the bottom of issues.
    20 GB hard drive is not really much memory in standard today for the internet. If I was buying a computer today, I would get at least a terabyte of disk hard memory (and at the very least, the computer should have at least 500 GB memory hard drive). You could probably make it thereby half, but I mainly throw these numbers out there so you can get some perspective on how just 20 GB is not get it for the internet today, especially if you use your laptop or desktop (20 GB might be great for palm pilot but even these computer really little, I forgot the name off the coast of the hand have more than 20 GB...)
    I hope that this information was of some use to you. You can find me doing my thing
    Good luck
    P.S. I just noticed you said you within your capabilities of ram in your computer... If you can not increase ram, then you should try to increase virtual memory... It is recommended that you increase the virtual memory by 1.5 times greater than the normal setting. Below is a step by step method, retrieved from

    How to increase virtual memory?

    In Windows XP

    1. on start and then click Control Panel.
    2. click on performance and Maintenanceand then click System.
    3. on the Advanced tab, under performance, click settings.
    4. under the Advanced tab, under virtual memory, click on change.
    5. under drive [Volume label], click the drive that contains the swap file that you want to change.

    6. under paging file size for selected drive, click custom size check box. You can enter the amount of memory you wish to book for virtual memory by entering the initial and maximum size.
    7. click on set
    When you are prompted to restart the computer, click Yes.
    Special note: You must choose the same amount for the initial size and maximum size. This will stop your CPU from the pagefile evolving.

    You can also get more information at
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    I need to do 2 things, first to change the error message from the user friendly message. and display the error on the same page instead of on the new page.

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