Export of Maintenance of AWM Scripts?

Is there a way to export the Maintenance Scripts, as you can export dimensions and cubes in xml or something else?

I don't speak scripts that are not part of the tree of the areas of work, but below them.

If I'm missing something to explain to me, please tell me.

Thank you!

Maintenance scripts are also called process build in the OLAP API.  The definitions of these scripts are included in a display and can be accessed by the following query:

Select * from all_cube_build_processes by its owner, build_process_name

This query is in record reports AWM Navigator, OLAP reports dictionary, all construction processes.

Another way to get the definition of the maintenance Script would be to download the XML view plugin for Oracle OLAP downloads: Software and samples

After installing the plugin in plugin AWM, a new context menu item, the directory "Plugin - view XML...". "must appear for a maintenance script in the browser.  Invoke this menu item displays the XML code for the maintenance script which can be copy pasted into a file which can then be imported using DBMS_CUBE. IMPORT_XML.

Ken Chin

Tags: Business Intelligence

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    Connect-VIServer test

    $cluster = 'test '.

    $clustername = get-cluster $cluster

    $Clusters = get-View - ViewType ComputeResource |? Name - as $clustername.name

    $Clusters | % {

    $Cluste = $_

    $VMHostsView = $null

    $VMHostsView = get-view $Cluste.Host - name, Hardware Config, property

    $VMss = $clustername | Get - VM

    $HostCount = ($VMHostsView |) Measure - Object). County

    $VMCount = 0 + ($VMss |) Measure - Object). County

    $VMsPerHost = [math]: round (($VMCount/$HostCount), 1).

    $vCPU = 0 + ($VMss: measure-object-sum - NumCPU property). Sum

    $allocatedram = 0 + ($VMss: measure-object-sum - memorygb property). Sum

    $avgrampervm = [math]: round (($allocatedram/$VMCount), 1).

    $pCPUSocket = ($VMHostsView | % {$_.}) Hardware.CPUInfo.NumCpuPackages} | Measure - Object - sum). Sum

    $TpCPUSocket += $pCPUSocket

    $pCPUCore = ($VMHostsView | % {$_.}) Hardware.CPUInfo.NumCpuCores} | Measure - Object - sum). Sum

    $vCPUPerpCPUCore = [math]: round (($vCPU/$pCPUCore), 1).

    $onenode = [math]: tour ((Get-Cluster $cluster |)) Get-VMHost | Select - 1 first | (measure - object - property memorytotalGB-sum) .sum)

    $twonode = [math]: tour ((Get-Cluster $cluster |)) Get-VMHost | Select - first 2 | (measure - object - property memorytotalGB-sum) .sum)

    $onenodepcpucores = [math]: tour ((Get-Cluster $cluster |)) Get-VMHost | Select - 1 first | (measure - object - property numcpu-sum) .sum)

    $twonodepcpucores = [math]: tour ((Get-Cluster $cluster |)) Get-VMHost | Select - first 2 | (measure - object - property numcpu-sum) .sum)

    $totalclusterpcores_failover1 = $pcpucore - $onenodepcpucores

    $totalclusterpcores_failover2 = $pcpucore - $twonodepcpucores

    $TotalClusterRAMGB = [math]: tour ((Get-cluster $cluster | get-vmhost | % {$_} | mesure-objet-propriété memorytotalGB-somme) .sum)

    $TotalClusterRAMFailoverOne = [math]: round (($TotalClusterRAMGB-$onenode))

    $TotalClusterRAMFailvoerTwo = [math]: round (($TotalClusterRAMGB-$twonode))

    $TotalClusterRAMusageGB = [math]: tour ((Get-cluster $cluster | get-vmhost | % {$_} | mesure-objet-propriété memoryusageGB-somme) .sum)

    $TotalClusterRAMUsagePercent = [math]: round (($TotalClusterRAMusageGB/$TotalClusterRAMGB) * 100)

    $TotalClusterRAMFreeGB = [math]: round (($TotalClusterRAMGB - $TotalClusterRAMUsageGB))

    $TotalClusterRAMReservedGB = [math]: round (($TotalClusterRAMGB/100) * 15)

    $TotalClusterRAMAvailable = [math]: round (($TotalClusterRAMFreeGB - $TotalClusterRAMReservedGB))

    $TotalClusterRAMAvailable_FailoverOne = [math]: round (($TotalClusterRAMAvailable-$onenode))

    $TotalClusterRAMAvailable_failoverTwo = [math]: round (($TotalClusterRAMAvailable-$twonode))

    $TotalClustervcpuperpcore_FailoverOne = [math]: round (($vCPU/$totalclusterpcores_failover1), 2)

    $TotalClustervcpuperpcore_failoverTwo = [math]: round (($vCPU/$totalclusterpcores_failover2), 2)

    $newvmcount = [math]: round (($TotalClusterRAMAvailable/$avgrampervm))

    $newvmcount_failover1 = [math]: round (($TotalClusterRAMAvailable_failoverone/$avgrampervm))

    $newvmcount_failover2 = [math]: round (($TotalClusterRAMAvailable_failovertwo/$avgrampervm))

    $afternewvmvcpu1 = $vcpu + $newvmcount

    $afternewvmvcpu2 = $afternewvmvcpu1 + $newvmcount

    $new1vcpupcpuratio = [math]: round (($afternewvmvcpu1/$pCPUCore), 1).

    $new2vcpupcpuratio = [math]: round (($afternewvmvcpu2/$pCPUCore), 1).

    New-Object PSObject |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'NOMCLUSTER' $clustername.name |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'TotalClusterHostCount' $HostCount |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'TotalClusterVMCount' $VMCount |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty "of AverageVM / Host" $VMsPerHost |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'TotalClusterpCPUSocket' $TpCPUSocket |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'TotalClusterpCPUCore' $pCPUCore |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'TotalClustervCPUCount' $VCPU |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty ' TotalClustervCPU/pCPUCore' $vcpuperpcpucore |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty "TotalClustervCPU/pCPUCore after 1 failover" $TotalClustervcpuperpcore_FailoverOne |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty ' TotalClustervCPU/pCPUCore after Failvoer 2' $TotalClustervcpuperpcore_Failovertwo |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'TotalClusterRAMGB' $TotalClusterRAMGB |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'TotalClusterRAMGB_Failover1' $TotalClusterRAMFailoverOne |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'TotalClusterRAMGB_failover2' $TotalClusterRAMFailvoerTwo |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'TotalClusterRAMUSAGEPercent' $TotalClusterRAMUsagePercent |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'TotalClusterRAMUsageGB' $TotalClusterRAMusageGB |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'TotalClusterRAMFreeGB' $TotalClusterRAMfreeGB |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'TotalClusterRAMReservedGB(15%) '. "$TotalClusterRAMReservedGB |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'RAM available for NEW virtual machines in GB' $TotalClusterRAMAvailable |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'RAM available for NEW virtual machines in GB after 1 failover' $TotalClusterRAMAvailable_FailoverOne |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'RAM available for NEW virtual machines in GB after failover 2' $TotalClusterRAMAvailable_FailoverTwo |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'Allocated RAM by virtual computer on an average' $avgrampervm |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'NEW virtual machines that can be configured based on the average of RAM virtual computer' $newvmcount |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'NEW virtual machines that can be configured based on the average of RAM virtual computer after 1 failover' $newvmcount_failover1 |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'NEW virtual machine that can be provisioned littleboy average RAM per virtual computer after failover 2' $newvmcount_failover2 |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty "vCPU/pCore ratio after new VM provisioning with 1vcpu" $new1vcpupcpuratio |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty ' vCPU/pCore ratio after new VM provisioning with 2vcpu' $new2vcpupcpuratio


    Get-cluster $cluster | Get-vmhost | % {

    $vmhost = $_

    $VMHostView = $VMHost | Get-View

    $VMHostModel = ($VMHostsView | % {$_.}) Hardware.SystemInfo} | Model object-group | Sort - down County | Select - 1 first). Name

    $VMs = $VMHost | Get - VM #|? { $_. PowerState - eq "Receptor"}

    $TotalRAMGB = [math]: round ($vmhost. MemoryTotalGB)

    $TotalRAMUsageGB = [math]: round ($vmhost. MemoryUsageGB)

    $TotalRAMfreeGB = [math]: round ($TotalRAMGB - $TotalRAMUsageGB)

    $PercRAMUsed = [math]: round (($TotalRAMUsageGB/$TotalRAMGB) * 100)

    $TotalRAMReservedFree = [math]: round (($TotalRAMGB/100) * 15)

    $TotalRAMAvailable = [math]: round (($TotalRAMfreegb-$totalramreservedfree))

    New-Object PSObject |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'VMhost' $vmhost. Name |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty model $vmhostmodel |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty Sockets $VMHostView.Hardware.cpuinfo.NumCPUPackages |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty Cores $VMHostView.Hardware.cpuinfo.NumCPUCores |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty son $VMHostView.Hardware.cpuinfo.NumCPUThreads |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty VMCount (($VMs | mesure-objet).) County) |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty vCPU (0 + ($VMs: measure-object-NumCPU of the sum).) Sum).

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty vCPUperCore ((0 + ($VMs | mesure-objet-NumCPU de la somme).)) Sum)/$VMHostView.hardware.cpuinfo.NumCPUCores) |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'RAMGB' $TotalRAMGB |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'RAMUsageGB' $totalramusageGB |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'RAMFreeGB' $totalramfreeGB |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'RAMUsage %' $PercRAMused |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'RAMReservedGB(15%) '. "$totalramreservedfree |

    Add-Member-pass NoteProperty 'RAM available for NEW virtual machines in GB' $totalramavailable

    }| Sort VMhost | FT-auto * | Out-String-width 1024

    See the attached script

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    database export 'realtest'.' LoadTest'
    using fichier_de_rapport 'Exp09.rep '.
    of data_file '\\nkm18e83\\logs2\\Realbud\\reperr.txt ';
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    Any help would be appreciated.

    In fact, it will run without specifying the player to exit from. (at least in a batch script it does)

    I'm guessing that it generates for the drive on which you run for?

  • Hot to export the two outputs a script to a csv file

    Hi all

    I have a simple sctipt which is the instant list of two DC in my environment. Currently each line generates a separate CSV file with data.

    Is it possible to create a single file with the output of these two lines data?

    Get-data center-name DC1. Get - vm | Get-snapshot | Select-Object name, Description, PowerState, VM, created, @{Name = 'Host'; Expression = {(Get-VM $_.)} {{VM). $host.name}} | Export ' E:\artur\reports\DC1_snapshot.csv

    Get-data center-name DC2. Get - vm | Get-snapshot | Select-Object name, Description, PowerState, VM, created, @{Name = 'Host'; Expression = {(Get-VM $_.)} {{VM). $host.name}} | Export 'E:\artur\reports\DC2_snapshot.csv '.

    both files will be sent by mail

    Copy & paste the problem.

    The Export-Csv should be of course outside the loop

    get-datacenter -name "blackburn","coventry" | %{
         $dcName = $_.Name
         $_ | get-vm | get-snapshot | `
              Select-Object @{Name="DC"; Expression={$dcName}},VM, Name, Description, PowerState, Created,
                   @{Name="Host"; Expression = {(Get-VM $_.VM).Host.Name}} | `
    } | Export-Csv 'C:\DC_snapshot.csv'


    Blog: LucD notes

    Twitter: lucd22

  • Export layers of resolution change Script files

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    Kari Holt

    iMac OS 10.5.8

    CS4 Extended

    Open the script is a text editor. I recommend ExtendScript Toolkit that ships with Photoshop.

    Find the line png24Index:

    Highlight all between this line and the line that reads the break. Replace the code below.

            case png24Index:
                saveFile(docRef, fileNameBody, exportInfo, dlgMain.pnlFileType.pnlOptions.grpPNG24Options.png24Inter.value, dlgMain.pnlFileType.pnlOptions.grpPNG24Options.png24Trans.value);
                 function saveFile( docRef, fileNameBody, exportInfo, interlacedValue, transparencyValue) {
                   var id6 = charIDToTypeID( "Expr" );
                        var desc3 = new ActionDescriptor();
                        var id7 = charIDToTypeID( "Usng" );
                             var desc4 = new ActionDescriptor();
                             var id8 = charIDToTypeID( "Op  " );
                             var id9 = charIDToTypeID( "SWOp" );
                             var id10 = charIDToTypeID( "OpSa" );
                           desc4.putEnumerated( id8, id9, id10 );
                             var id11 = charIDToTypeID( "Fmt " );
                             var id12 = charIDToTypeID( "IRFm" );
                             var id13 = charIDToTypeID( "PN24" );
                             desc4.putEnumerated( id11, id12, id13 );
                             var id14 = charIDToTypeID( "Intr" );
                             desc4.putBoolean( id14, interlacedValue );
                             var id15 = charIDToTypeID( "Trns" );
                             desc4.putBoolean( id15, transparencyValue );
                             var id16 = charIDToTypeID( "Mtt " );
                             desc4.putBoolean( id16, true );
                             var id17 = charIDToTypeID( "MttR" );
                             desc4.putInteger( id17, 255 );
                             var id18 = charIDToTypeID( "MttG" );
                             desc4.putInteger( id18, 255 );
                             var id19 = charIDToTypeID( "MttB" );
                             desc4.putInteger( id19, 255 );
                             var id20 = charIDToTypeID( "SHTM" );
                             desc4.putBoolean( id20, false );
                             var id21 = charIDToTypeID( "SImg" );
                             desc4.putBoolean( id21, true );
                             var id22 = charIDToTypeID( "SSSO" );
                             desc4.putBoolean( id22, false );
                             var id23 = charIDToTypeID( "SSLt" );
                                  var list1 = new ActionList();
                             desc4.putList( id23, list1 );
                             var id24 = charIDToTypeID( "DIDr" );
                             desc4.putBoolean( id24, false );
                             var id25 = charIDToTypeID( "In  " );
                             desc4.putPath( id25, new File( exportInfo.destination + "/" + fileNameBody + ".png") );
                        var id26 = stringIDToTypeID( "SaveForWeb" );
                        desc3.putObject( id7, id26, desc4 );
                   executeAction( id6, desc3, DialogModes.NO );
                var saveFile = new File(exportInfo.destination + "/" + fileNameBody + ".png");
                pngSaveOptions = new PNGSaveOptions();
                pngSaveOptions.interlaced = false;
                docRef.saveAs(saveFile, pngSaveOptions, true, Extension.LOWERCASE);

    Note that comments saveForWeb rather code that deletes it if you want to go back. Also, it removes the existing normal comment characters save the code and fix the save option used between bmp and png.

    I also recommend that you add comments to the upper part of the realization of script that you have edited the script and save it under a different name.

  • Export problems for the creation of insert script

    Version 3.0.04 Build HAND - 04.34


    I'm trying to use SQL Developer to create an insert script for only a certain number of columns in a table, but it does not work for me. That's what I do;

    Step 1. View current table with the DATA tab
    Step 2. Right-click in one of the columns and choose 'export' in the menu dropdown.
    Step 3. Export Wizard - step 1 of 3 dialog allows me to choose the Format to INSERT and save it as a single file.
    Step 4. Export Wizard - step 2 of 3 in the column named "Columns" I change the symbol asterix at the columns I want in my export file, using the rocking on broad dialogue.
    Step 5. Wizard - step 3 of 3 hit finish Export

    Open my export file, and has a script to insert with all of the included columns, not what I wanted or determined through the wizard process.

    Is this a bug or I do something wrong?

    See you soon

    Published by: benton on Sep 3, 2012 15:54

    I downloaded and installed Version 3.2.09 build HAND - 09.30 the SQL Developer.

    The same problem occurs.
    Try to "unload" in the navigation tree. Right click on the table and get him out of there, instead of from the data tab.

    Display the results.

  • Batch files IDCS3 XML export script

    Someone at - it a script that he would share for batch export XML from files IDCS3? I don't know anything about scripts, so I don't know how to write one myself. I also searched around and found nothing. I'd appreciate any help with this person can offer.

    Thank you


    Load a file that has an XML in it, all you want in the export XML dialog box, export this file. These are now the default export settings. Then run script of Shonky or mine.


  • Chose "Export of Shared Services" on a script... where calc at - it go?

    I accidentally with the right button and choose "Export of Shared Services" on a Calc script in EA.

    the help file is not much... I'm curious... whence this export of shared services? What is the point of this feature?

    Thank you



    I think it's brainchild of Hyperion to share objects between applications that were known as models, then you can export the contours and calc scripts to services share and has then shared between several applications or synchronize applications.

    It's something that I've never seen really used and I do not know that it was abandoned after 9.2, although the option still exists for export in environmental assessments, but you couldn't handle the models of 9.3

    I think that there all be superseeded by concepts such as EPMA and LCM.

    See you soon


  • Exports (from shell script) without password given explicitly in the script

    Hi all
    I have Oracle 10g 2 on SLES 10 64-bit. I would like to export the database using shell scripts data pump. Is there a method to hide the password in the script file.

    Currently to be done by the command:

    expdp system/password@database...

    If any user who see the script will know the Passover.




    Have you thought about the feature ' Secure external password store "which was added in 10 gr 2? It uses the Oracle Wallet to store a database_alias with the name of user and password credentials in an encrypted format. You can then enter your order expdp like this:

    expdp / @database_alias...

    Take a look at the security of 10gr 2 Guide. There is a chapter on how to put in place.


  • How to export albums


    I've grouped photos into albums and I'd like to export my photos while keeping the structure of the albums.

    When I try to export, the only options I give myself, is to save their grouped in moments.

    How can I not lose my albums?

    Thanks for the help, Daniele

    This isn't a feature of the Photos - you can export photos in each album, creating a folder with the name of the album

    Here is a user script to do - Export of Albums to records - Script of Jacques Rioux .

    And old toad has compiled into an application if it works better for you - http://www.oldtoadstutorials.net/No.P01.html


  • export to iPhoto Photos

    I have a folder of iPhotos events in my conversion in Photos. I would like to export all the photos of 25K back to iPhotos using the same organization which is represented in my file of events iPhotos. Is this possible and if so, how it would accomplish this?

    This is just a step towards abandonment iPhotos so many Photos and move on to another dam/Editor, but I hope that maintain the organizational structure I had in iPhotos instead of what is happening in most recent Photos.

    Thanks for any help or instruction.


    There is no direct export photos to iPhoto, back only at the opening. So are you opening?

    To create a new iPhoto Library export your original images of pictures into folders, a folder for each album 'event '. Then import them into a new iPhoto library.  To export albums in folders, you can use an Apple Script - see this user Tip: Export of Albums to records - Script of Jacques Rioux

    Or restore your iPhoto library from the last backup that you do, so you simply add more recently added pictures from the migration to the Photos.

  • How to customize the DIAdem report export function Menu PowerPoint?

    H all,.

    I can define another "Power Point of export" script to run when you select the menu if "Diadem report' drop-down"Export PowerPoint"a file?

    I know that this menu using the template file to "C:\Program Files (x 86) \National 2012\Resource\PowerPointTemplate.ppt.    My problem is that I cannot 'customize' the PPT template enough to get some items to position correctly on the slides.

    What I did change the script "C:\Program Files (x 86) \National 2012\Examples\Documents\REPORT_Layout_to_PowerPoint.VBS" with the changes I need, set the model to use ppt.  Run the script, and it works as it should.   (This script is not related to the pull down menu function - I maybe something set wrong somewhere).

    I want to get out of having to open this script whenever I want to create a ppt.  I'd rather select the menu drop-down.  Do the traction to the low 'export PowerPoint' use a defined script?

    Thank you


    Hi John,.

    If you are using DIAdem before 2015, you old syntax to change the menu. Here is an example:

    Dim strPanel, strMyMenu, intCount
    strPanel = 'REPORT '.
    strMyMenu = "list of menus in DIAdem ' & strPanel & «:»»»
    Call WndOpen (strPanel)
    Call MenuItemCountGet (strPanel, "M1")
    IntCount = 1 to MenuItemCount
    Call MenuItemInfoGet (strPanel, "" M1. "") & intCount)
    strMyMenu = strMyMenu & + "\n" & MenuItemTitle & "-" & intCount
    Call MsgBoxDisp (strMyMenu)

    strMyMenu = «»
    Call MenuItemInfoGet (strPanel, "M.1.14")
    strMyMenu = "pos. 14: '& MenuItemTitle '.
    Call MsgBoxDisp (strMyMenu)

    Call MenuItemChange ("REPORT", "M.1.14", "My PPT", "call Msgbox (""Hello" "\" "")



  • Adobe CC - Export PDF of the brochure

    I've been struggling this for hours now so I ask for help. It seems that I should be able to export a PDF in the print booklet window, but on my Mac, this isn't an option. I was able to export successfully to a post script file and distill the file in PDF format. But I need to be formatted for 12-inch by 18-inch pages booklet. I don't have a printer that is capable of large-format, so I was not able to create a 12 x 18 of booklet pdf.

    Also, when I try to use the system save in PDF, I get the error "save it as PDF option in the dialogue of the printer is not supported.

    It seems quite ridiculous to me that adobe has not fixed this. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

    You can create the PDF distilling postscript, but you need the right PPD. Rob Day has posted a link to the PPD to print booklet post script does not work. Adobe Community

  • Script to check the speed and duplex

    Hey all,.

    I've been looking and trying to find a script to export to a CSV one sheet simple display of speed and duplex of physical network adapters in our environment.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter |? {$_. Name: match "vmnic" - and $_. {BitRatePerSec - only '0'} | Select vmhost, name, BitRatePerSec, FullDuplex | Export-CSV-Path "C:\PowerCLI Scripts\Reports\VMNICs.csv" - NoTypeInformation - UseCulture

    The above should work. Have no PowerCLI on my phone to test if

  • OEDQ 9.0.8 - external task - execution of Shell Script

    Hello Disqualification Experts.

    I am looking for your expert advise on this... With the help of the external task I am able to call the .bat (batchfiles) but I'm not able to run .ksh (UNIX shell script file), attached is the example script I am trying to run via the external task.

    File name: testfile.ksh

    #! / usr/bin/ksh

    Set - x

    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus - s edq_test/edqtest@edqd < < EOF




    quit smoking;



    Disqualification-> Manager-> External tasks-> Creates a new task called TestTask who has the below...

    Command: testfile.ksh

    Working directory: \opt\local\software\edq\config\commandarea

    Get this error Message:

    The external task (Execute testfile.ksh) failed because of the following exception: cannot run program "/ opt/local/software/edq/config/commandarea/testfile.ksh": error = 2. No such file or directory

    Thanks in advance!


    Dear Richard, thank you for your prompt response.

    # / bin/bash helped and I also have to export the ORACLE_HOME in the script, somehow the $ORACLE_HOME is not recognized by the external task.

    Example of Script working:

    #! / bin/bash

    export ORACLE_HOME=/ora02/oracle/product/

    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus - s edq_test/edqtest@edqdev<>







    Thanks for your help!


Maybe you are looking for