External text of county line dynamic text field

Hello friends,

I've done a scroll bar, , but now I have a problem, need to read the number of lines dynamic text field and If it is greater than x show the scrollbar and hide if is less.

Like this:

if(Text.instance>7) {}

ScrollBar._visible = true;


else {}

ScrollBar._visible = false;


My problem is How do I count the total of lines of dynamic text field after load an external text.

then either:

1. what you see is not aplicationScroll or

2. you have more than 1 scrollbar named aplicationScroll or

3. you have the code runs also change the aplicationScroll to true _visible property.

Use the movie Explorer to track down your error.

Tags: Adobe Animate

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    Thank you! Sandra




    Loading external text fields

    var textLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var textReq:URLRequest;

    function textLoaded(event:Event):void {}
    eco_txt. Text = textLoader.data;
    philosophy_txt. Text = textLoader.data;


    textReq = new URLRequest ("text_philosophy.txt");

    textLoader.load (textReq);
    textLoader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, textLoaded);


    textReq = new URLRequest ("text_eco.txt");

    textLoader.load (textReq);
    textLoader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, textLoaded);

    Just try this.


    Loading external text fields

    var textLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var textReq:URLRequest;


    textReq = new URLRequest ("text_philosophy.txt");

    textLoader.load (textReq);
    textLoader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, philosophyTextLoaded);

    function philosophyTextLoaded(event:Event):void {}

    philosophy_txt. Text = textLoader.data;


    textReq = new URLRequest ("text_eco.txt");

    textLoader.load (textReq);
    textLoader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, textLoaded);

    function ecoTextLoaded(event:Event):void {}
    eco_txt. Text = textLoader.data;

    And your site is very nice! 1

  • Loading external/dynamic text fields

    I have a recurring problem with my fle flash and it involves add external SWF and dynamic text files.

    Here goes...

    My flash is implemented with 5 sections. Each separate section is composed different maintimeline on frames and labeled. SO, when you click on a section in the navigation bar it tells the movie to access this section labeled on chronology. On each article, there is a space for the external txt file or an external swf. I've done many tutorials on how to load these things and I can actually get them to load when I put the instance of them on the first image with the code of the main action. BUT I still want more in the timeline panel.

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    I hope this makes sense... I enclose my code. Any help would be greatly appreciated because I see this as a recurring problem for me in each section.

    Thank you! Sandra





    Exteranl loaded text fields
    var textLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var textReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("text_philosophy.txt");

    function textLoaded(event:Event):void
    philosophy_txt. Text = textLoader.data;

    textLoader.load (textReq);
    textLoader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, textLoaded);

    handle events for the buttons...
    collections.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
    raison.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
    stores.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
    news.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
    contact.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
    home.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);

    function clickSection(evtObj:MouseEvent) {}
    trace shows what is happening... in the output window
    trace ("the"+ evtObj.target.name + "button was clicked!" ")
    Go to the clicked section on...
    gotoAndStop (evtObj.target.name);

    You must wait until you are on the frame where the textfield must try to assign the text - you can't assign text if it is not present.  You can probably load all the text and saved it as a variable in frame 1, but this variable must be available on the framework where you assign the textfield text charge.

  • External Embedded Fonts, dynamic text fields, later?

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    Now, everything works well and fine, but the kicker is when I want CSS to my text style. If I specify a login of linkage of police embedded in CSS, the text disappears. that I load 'style.css' and I h1 {font family: someEmbeddedFont;}, the < h1 > text will now disappear.

    Clues in how can I specify a font for use in CSS which incorporated thus will work WITHOUT this needed to be incorporated into the library police (as in, not an asset related)? Because it works fine if I incorporate the police in every single SWF. But when I try to use it as a common good, it does not work.

    Any ideas on how a person can achieve this?

    This is so I can change my shared.swf and provide all new fonts with the same identifiers link and change the font in an entire project without re - export any other sovereign wealth funds.

    Thanks for any info!

    I was more or less asking if you could create 2 new documents and comes knocking in the fonts and settings as an example of file for each of us looking to share certain assets of fonts properly.

    I would be happy to host a ZIP containing the example on my server files and you can put a file .txt with credits for you and/or your business.


    I want to especially your solution because the solution of sharedfonts.com (which by the way, does not work) is actually exported as Flash 6, CC1. Also your method requires only 1 file instead of a charger and 1 active fonts (fonts 2 files of each). When I change the documents in Flash 8 AS2, I have nothing else to errors. I think that sharedfonts.com is based on the hack is available in previous versions of flash, and that's why when I reproduce it in functional flash8, it simply doesn't work simply.


    So much worse... found an example of work, and it is not easy to find (unless you know its name or w/e): Sharing fonts in Flash

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    Any help appreciated.

    Many LiveCycle Designer is uninstalled when you install Acrobat 11, you must be eligible to receive the latest free version, so you can continue to use the dynamic forms designer.

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    var textField:TextField = tip_txt; text inside my video field

    trace() "before textField.numLines =" ( + textField.numLines); "."

    textField.text = "test a verrrrry looooooooong striiiinnnnnnnnnnnggggggg";

    trace () "after textField.numLines =" ( + textField.numLines); "."

    Track orders show that the number of lines is increasing, but Flash does not display the text beyond the first line.  Anyone have any idea whats going on?

    Thank you!

    textField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;

    This fixes the issue :))

  • Create a script of the class dynamic text field

    Hi all

    I came across a few subjects that relate to t my question but after reading, try different approaches and internet research, I'm still confused. How to create Visual elements, for example a text field, dynamically from Actionscript in a class file?

    Basically, I created a class file that loads an external XML file and now I want to create fields of dynamic text for the items in the XML file. I did some debugging and I know that the XML is properly loaded. I can also get it to create dynamic text fields when I place the code inside the fla. The problem is when the code is in the class file. I read that you must pass the display for the class object, but I'm still not clear on how to do it.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance!

    My fla has the following code on the first frame:

    Import classes.estimatesheet;

    var sheet1:estimatesheet = new estimatesheet("xml/estimationSheetFields.xml");

    Here's my class file:

    {classes package

    flash.xml import. *;
    import flash.display. *;
    import flash.events. *;
    flash.net import. *;
    import flash.utils. *;
    import flash.text. *;

    public class estimatesheet extends Sprite {}

    public var textFields:Array = new Array();

    public void estimatesheet (file:String) {}

    xmlLoader (file);


    public void xmlLoader (file:String) {}
    var loader: URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT;
    loader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, handleComplete);
    Loader.Load (new URLRequest (file));

    public void handleComplete(event:Event) {}
    try {}
    var allXml = new XML (event.target.data);

    {for each var item: XML (in {allXml.elements ())}
    createSheet (element);

    } catch {(e:TypeError)}
    trace ("cannot parse for XML");
    trace (e.message);

    public void createSheet(data:XML) {}

    var textFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat ("Verdana", 11);

    {for each var item: XML (in {data.elements ())}

    var textField:TextField = new TextField();
    textField.setTextFormat (textFormat);
    textField.text = element.@label;
    textField.x = 150 * i;
    textField.y = 150 * I
    stage.addChild (textField);
    i ++ ;


    Each feature display MovieClip, Sprite, TextField, etc. should be added to the display list/stack. The addChild in your class only adds TextFields to the estimatesheet class by using addChild (textField) and adds them to the scene of the film using stage.addChild (textField). Note that the latest works if estimatesheet is added to the movie because if estimatesheet is not added to the film the stage property is zero and you can't add items to something that is null, does not exist. AddChild (estimatesheet) prepares the ground for reference the main movie.

    As for making your class of the document class, you need to rearrange some things in your class and add a way to load the XML file. Things aren't sure how flexible can be.


  • Dynamic text field

    I created a dynamic text field where I have put in a lot of HTML code.

    Because it is too long, I used a scrollbar by default and simply abandoned on the ground so that it is linked to the.

    When I try the bar is here but I see just the arrow from the top and the bottom; the central part is not visible and I can't scroll down the HTML content.

    Any idea?

    You can check your publication regarding your settings.  This first line seems to be AS2 code.

  • How can I add a new page dynamically based on the non recoverable text field?

    Hi all

    I created a form with subform flow and non-reusable text fields. When the user fills the long content, the shape is cut. Y at - it a way to dynamically add pages based on the content that the user fills the non recoverable text field?

    Thank you

    Check that the parent of the subform also has a fluid layout. If you have the structure below, both page 1 and subform must have a flow layout.

    Page1 (must be the flow)

    subform (must be the flow)

    TextField (let multiple lines and will expand to fit the height)

    If you have done all that, then it should work.

  • How I set the value of a dynamic text field row

    I have a repeated line form that contains a button and several text fields.  There is a text field (input field) above with some information I want to place in the table and several buttons that I want to read the value of and defined on the table.  Excuse me there are several questions I have and I use pseudocode to describe.

    Top shape resembles


    | ButtonX1 | ButtonY1 | DescriptionX1 (read the text only field)


    | ButtonXn | ButtonY1 | DescriptionXn

    OutputRow looks like

    | ButtonOutput | OutputField1 | OutputField2 | OutputField3 |

    So, I want to do



    OutputTable.OutputRow.addInstance (true) //this works - everything I have questions on

    OutputTable.OutputRow.OutputField1.rawValue = DescriptionX1.rawValue


    Question 1

    How should I address the location of each table to set a value

    Question 2

    How can I get the value of the description field in the same row as button and table

    I would like to say something to the effect of the OutputTable.OutputRow [?]. OutputField1.rawValue = this.parent.DescriptionX


    OutputTable.OutputRow.OutputField2 = InputField.rawValue


    Same question as above - how can I specify a dynamic line - it's the syntax appropriate for obtaining the value of the input field?


    OutputTable.OutputRow.OutputField3 is this. ButtonLabel


    Question 3

    How can I get the value of the label of the button to set the field

    There should be a lot of these buttons and buttons will be added - I'd rather set the value based on the label of the button to facilitate value - not requiring only not to change the code


    Issue 4--unrelated to those at the top.

    Is it possible to build the first table

    | ButtonX | ButtonY | Description |

    from a XML file.  I've seen examples showing how to build if it's just data, but XML can be pushed into a form with the code to perform the above actions?

    Glad you figured it out... nothing wrong with doing it this way.

    Normally XML contains data and no default legends these xml files are bouond to the rawValue property. You can enable the dynamic linking and other properties of the object will be bindable (they appear as links) in the user interface. If you click on the link to legend an Assistant appears allowing you to bind the node in the XML file.


  • problems of dynamic text field

    I work with my .fla file and an external .as file. I have some things to work the way I want and now I am trying to add a dynamic text field to my .fla file. I added the text dynamic on stage manually (not using the action script code) field and when I publish my file I get the following error message.

    1046: type was not found or is not a constant of compilation: TextField.

    Do I need to add an 'import' to the front of my .as file? I currently have these import statements...

    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    Import 12345678910111213import;
    import flash.display.Loader;
    import flash.events. *;
    flash.net import. *;

    Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.


    You need import flash.text.TextField

  • Selector of colors and dynamic text fields


    Good so I have two problems here, and I don't know how to solve one of them!

    Problem 1.
    Change the font of a dynamic text field. I know how to do this with the properties of text etc format using action script, but I don't know how if you create a text field in the action script.

    I need to change the font of the text in a dynamic text field that is created and remains on the scene. I have a clip, and inside that movie clip is the text field, with all the content properly shaped. If I had to add the text field using action script I loose all the formatting. So is that nothing at all that I can change the text field properties by using script of action of a dynamic text field created on the stage?

    Problem 2.
    The color picker component! I want to use the color selector component to change the color of the text in the above dynamic text box. No doubt, I have the same problem as above, but this side, I can't work out how to draw the color from the color picker value when the user selects. I tried to use the ColorPickerEvent ColorPickerEvent.CHANGE knowledge... and so on. However, I am coding on the frame instead of an external action script file. and when I export the movie, the following error message appears: 1046: Type was not found or is not a constant of compilation: ColorPickerEvent.

    Someone at - it ideas how can I remedy this?

    Your help will be greatly appreciated, it is part of my studies and have been fighting for a time: S

    Many thanks for you help in advance

    Jude :D

    I don't know if I understand the problem of text format that you are experiencing. Looks like you want to have text that is already formatted to change to another format.

    If this is the case, simply set the new text format whenever the time comes to do so.

    If you have...

    var format1:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    Format1.font = "arial";
    Format1. Size = 14;

    var format2:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    format2.font = "papyrus."
    format2.size = 28;

    Then you can switch between the two formats according to the needs...

    tField.setTextFormat (format1);

    tField.setTextFormat (format2);

    as long as these formats are in the scope of their guest.

  • Variables and dynamic text fields

    OK, so I'm a complete dunce, but I only use Flash for a few days so please be patient with me.

    All I want to do is a dynamic text field to view a variable using Actionscript. The code is below, but it won't work. Can someone please advise? I have to use LoadVars? I thought it was just for the external data.

    just a little mistake

    var myValue:String = "text to display";
    This.icon_mc.icon_txt. Text = myValue;

  • Disable the scroll bar when no overflow in the dynamic text field

    I use the UIScrollBar on a dynamic text field. I would like to make the scroll bar is not visible or turn it off if there are no more rows to display when initially displayed. Are there variables in a pile of data L0 I can check to see if the scroll bar can be disabled; 'lines of total in the text field' and 'lines per page' either, something that accomplishes the same thing?

    You can use the textfields maxscroll property to determine if a textfield can display all its text without scrolling.

  • content of a single line in a text field

    I load a text field 100 string values (each with a < br > after them) in a multiple line, dynamic text field set to display the HTML. When a user clicks on one of the lines, I want that the content of this line to be set in a variable for further processing.
    any ideas on how to make this simple, assuming that the data load will change quite often?
    Thank you

    Use the asfunction Protocol to call a function and set the value in a

    mytxt.htmlText = ""Hi!";"

    var valuelink:String = null;
    function setValue(value:String):Void
    valuelink = value;
    trace (valuelink);

    Kind regards
    Erick Souza | ericksouza.com

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