extract the positive values of a 2D array


I have a table 2D with positive value in column 2.

What I want to do is to find the positive value of each column.

For example, I have this table

A        B

-1        1

2         -2

3         9

5         4

-5        6

6         7

and I want to get the following

A          B

3          9

5          4

6          7

I managed to have the positve in each case, but the value do not match (I have all the positive values of each column) as


2 1
3 9
5 4
6 6

can you help me please?

Just to be clear: you want the output array to contain all rows in the input table that have positive values in the two column A and column B?  Are you using strictly positive (> 0) comparisons or not negative (> = 0)?  Are integers of values?

RIF answers: Yes and strictly positive, this will do what you want.


Tags: NI Software

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    Two tips:

    (1) you use getNumStates where you call getState!

    (2) do not substitute the touchEvent at all. SliderField is a field almost entirely executed, so that she calls fieldChangeNotify on the changes of State. Set up a FieldChangeListener, configured to listen on this field and put your logic inside fieldChanged.

    Good luck!

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    'propertyname': 'Id',

    'propertyvalue': "{1C236CB2-AB97-4982-8117-DE0BE6D7DB46}".







    'propertyname': 'Id',

    'propertyvalue': "{1318AC90-C321-4D3D-9558-6547EFE49A7E}".







    Too bad, that you do not have version 12. Then, you can use the function JSON_VALUE mentioned previously.

    Here's something you can do in your version:


    , REGEXP_SUBSTR (: str)

    , ' "propertyvalue": "([^"]*) "





    ) AS propertyvalue

    OF the double

    CONNECT BY LEVEL<= regexp_count="" (:str,="">


    If you want to know that adapts to your specific problem, post CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements for some sample data and the exact results you want from these sample data.

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    This is one of my component *.

    All the other three components are made in the same way, except each source image file is different *.

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"? >
    " < = xmlns:mx mx:Box ' http://www.Adobe.com/2006/MXML "width ="42"height ="42"> "
    < mx:Image source="Images/air.png"/ >
    < / mx:Box >


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    " < = xmlns:mx mx:WindowedApplication ' http://www.Adobe.com/2006/MXML "layout ="absolute"xmlns:comp ="Comp.*"creationComplete ="onInit()"> "
    < mx:Script >
    <! [CDATA]
    Import mx.containers.Box;
    Import Comp.Icon_illustrator;
    Import Comp.Icon_air;
    Import Comp.Icon_flash;
    Import Comp.Icon_flex;

    private var i_1:Icon_air; 1
    private var i_2:Icon_flash; 2
    private var i_3:Icon_flex; 3
    private var i_4:Icon_illustrator; 4
    private var origX:Number;
    private var origY:Number;
    private var startObj:String;
    private var icons: Array;

    private var h_1:Box;
    private var h_2:Box;
    private var h_3:Box;
    private var h_4:Box;

    private function onInit (): void {}

    initialize all icons
    i_1 = new Icon_air();
    i_2 = new Icon_flash();
    i_3 = new Icon_flex();
    i_4 = new Icon_illustrator();

    i_1.name = "i_1;
    i_2.name = "i_2;
    i_3.name = "i_3;
    i_4.name = "i_4";

    Fill icon
    showArea.addChild (i_1);
    showArea.addChild (i_2);
    showArea.addChild (i_3);
    showArea.addChild (i_4);

    Set x position
    i_1.x = 100;
    i_2.x = 200;
    i_3.x = 100;
    i_4.x = 0;

    the position value is
    i_1.y = 0;
    i_2.y = 100;
    i_3.y = 200;
    i_4.y = 100;

    icons = [i_2 i_3, i_1, i_4];
    for (var i: int = 0; i < icons.length; i ++) {}
    icons [i] .addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, sensors);
    icons [i] .addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragMe);

    } //end of onInit

    private void moveMe(e:MouseEvent):void {}
    e.currentTarget.startDrag ();
    showArea.setChildIndex (DisplayObject (e.currentTarget), 0);

    origX = e.currentTarget.x;
    origY = e.currentTarget.y;

    startObj = e.currentTarget.name;

    private void stopDragMe(e:MouseEvent):void {}
    {if (this [startObj].hitTestObject(Icons[1]))}
    trace ("hit 2");

    This [startObj] .x = i_2.x;
    This there [startObj] = i_2.y;

    i_2.x = origX;
    i_2.y = origY;

    } else {if (this [startObj].hitTestObject(icons[0]))
    trace ('hit 1');

    This [startObj] .x = i_1.x;
    This there [startObj] = i_1.y;

    i_1.x = origX;
    i_1.y = origY;

    } else {}
    trace ("knocking others');
    This [startObj] .x = origX;
    This there [startObj] = origY;
    e.currentTarget.stopDrag ();

    } //end stopDragMe

    []] >
    < / mx:Script >

    < mx:Panel id = "showArea" width = "400" height = "300" layout = "absolute" backgroundColor = "0 x 999999" / >

    < / mx:WindowedApplication >

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    Output should be:







    you will be surprised, because very simple solution

    Select salary *-1 of...


    Ramin Hashimzade

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    You try to do it with a script or an expression?

    With a script, you use just.valueAtTime(time,preExpression) with preExpression set to true;

    It's more complicated with an expression but, if the value of the expression is static, you can use "negative time. In the expression, you do something like this:

    If (time<>


    } else {}

    your actual expression goes here


    Then your other expression could do something like this:


    If the value of the expression is not static, it's a little more complicated, but you can always do.


  • How to extract the XML with namespace?

    Hi all

    Here's the XML I:

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? >
    -< transaction xmlns: xsi = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns = "http://schemas.test.com/Support/Services/test1/2012" xsi: schemaLocation = "http://schemas.test.com/Support/Services/test1/2012 Support.test1.v1.xsd" >
    -< application >
    < > 10 Sam < / Sam >
    < > 32 Actid < / Actid >
    < Pax > 3 < / Pax >
    < > 10 - DEC - 2012 Flt < / Flt >
    < user name > WebUserNameTest < / name >
    < / request >
    < application >
    < Sam > 1 < / Sam >
    < Actid > 3 < / Actid >
    < > 2 Pax < / Pax >
    < Flt > 2012 - dec - 12 < / Flt >
    < user name > WebUserNameTest < / name >
    < / request >
    < / transaction >

    I need to extract the item values:

    The code below will help me when I have no namespace, what needs to be done in order to work with the value of the element namespace and etract

    v_string_xml: =.
    ' / / Query [' |] To_char (counter_xml) | '] / Sam / text () ';
    v_ssp_table (v_ssp_table. COUNTY) .memid: =.
    p_xml_in. EXTRACT (v_string_xml) .getnumberval ();

    v_string_xml: =.
    ' / / Query [' |] To_char (counter_xml) | '] / Actid / text () ';
    v_ssp_table (v_ssp_table. COUNTY) .actid: =.
    p_xml_in. EXTRACT (v_string_xml) .getnumberval ();

    v_string_xml: =.
    ' / / Query [']
    || To_char (counter_xml)
    || '] / Pax / text () ';
    v_ssp_table (v_ssp_table..) Pax COUNT): =.
    p_xml_in. EXTRACT (v_string_xml) .getnumberval ();

    v_string_xml: =.
    ' / / Query [' |] To_char (counter_xml) | '] / Flt / text () ';
    v_ssp_table (v_ssp_table..) Flt COUNT): =.
    p_xml_in. EXTRACT (v_string_xml) .getstringval ();

    v_string_xml: =.
    ' / / Query [']
    || To_char (counter_xml)
    || '] / Username / text () ';
    v_ssp_table (v_ssp_table. COUNTY) .username: =.
    p_xml_in. EXTRACT (v_string_xml) .getstringval ();
      v_xml xmltype := xmltype( '
    ' );
      for r_xml in ( select *
                     from xmltable( xmlnamespaces( default 'http://schemas.test.com/Support/Services/test1/2012' )
                                   , '/Transaction/Request'
                                   passing v_xml
                                     columns memid number path 'Memid'
                                           , actid number path 'Actid'
                                           , pax number path 'Pax'
                                           , flt varchar2(100) path 'Flt'
                                           , username varchar2(100) path 'Username'
        dbms_output.put_line( r_xml.memid );
        dbms_output.put_line( r_xml.actid );
        dbms_output.put_line( r_xml.pax );
        dbms_output.put_line( r_xml.flt );
        dbms_output.put_line( r_xml.username );
      end loop;
  • Extract the contents of an XML string in offline mode

    HI gentlemen,

    Could you help me solve this problem? I had a string of Java (see below) read in a smart German eHealth card. I have to extract the tag values and put them in local variables for further processing in my Java module. How to move forward without connecting to a database, it is enough to analyze the source - the string variable? Note that the lines are separated by only 0x0A.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-15" standalone="yes"?>
    <UC_PersoenlicheVersichertendatenXML CDM_VERSION="5.1.0" xmlns="http://ws.gematik.de/fa/vsds/UC_PersoenlicheVersichertendatenXML/v5.1">
    Thank you very much for your help,
    sincere friendships of

    Miklós HERBOLY
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: XpathSampleClass (wrong name: XPathSampleClass)

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  • extraction of positive numbers

    Hello world

    I have a table and this table has positive values and nagetive several records,
    It comes to my table
    create table item_tran_cost)
    Number of i_code (10),
    Number of i_cost (10);
    data such as
    i_code i_cost
    001 1,000
    001 400
    001 25
    001 15
    and so on

    I want back the positive values only (1,000,.350)
    is it possible to do?
    any help please

    Published by: Mohammed July 31, 2011 23:04


    You can the user ROUND, TRUNC, SIGN of way more
    Try this please

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    How can I make this script?

    Thank you


    myText.showText ();



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    the thing is a few times in the calculation, I get a negative and positive moments, I always want the positive value should appear to the end user

    SQL > select sum (send_qty) - sum (received_qty) from tblshiping where matid = '1';
    I'll say something (-5)
    fom I want to show this-(5) (5). ghoulish any1 help me how it is possible...

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    Use ABS

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    I want to do some calculations on the value entered by the user in the textfield of a tabular presentation, how can I retrieve the value of the element as an array in javascript?

    I use as a normal, do not use in the form of apex_item.

    I can pass the current value of the textfield to the function using 'this' as a parameter, but how can I retrieve the value of other lines of the same column?

    Thank you

    If it is a page element wouldn't be better to make a calculation of point page when onload of the page? Just do a SQL as select sum (col1) of dual nationality or whatever is your table/column?

  • How re - initialize an array with the new values at run time?


    In this application of particluar I want to change the value of a particular index (Ex: 4th move in a 1 d table) and store the changed value (Inremented) in the same index position.

    I wrote a program, can someone tell what I am doing wrong?

    LabVIEW version: 8.6

    Screenshot kindly updated instead of .vi

    Two things.

    First of all:

    You must initialize the table (via the feedback loop).

    Click with the right button on the wire of the array and create constant.  Move the index of item 99.  Initialize element 0.  This thread up to the lower part of the feedback node.


    You use an Insert in the table VI, but it's not describe what you try to do.  While he places an element in the position shown is also increases the size of the table.

    This change to a subset of table replace VI.

  • At the same time, write in an array of structure to two positions without losing a single change

    I have a picture that contains a structure.

    I address the sub-table (1 entry) of index i and n parallel with the function of the subset of the array because I want to update the entry to the position i and n parallel, let's say in a parallel for loop.

    So, I use the subset of the table replace to write in the same table.

    Everything is done using a local variable, first reading it, then write it.

    The problem is when you write the updated table in the local variable, I could lose the parallel change.

    So, this approach has always written the entire table. If there is a change in parallel with the old array as input, changes to the n position may be lost, when I is changed (although I never address = n i concurrently).

    This could be avoided if the right position n is written or just me, when I handle them. Is there a way to write only the subset without having to rewrite the entire variable? Or an another workaround?

    > Can be using data value reference will help... and it will lead to no copies of table to each parallel iteration.

    It maintains only one copy of the main table and replaces all requested (5) items.

    Edit: it does not help. Structure of the element InPlace disables a parallel operation. All the other options I know of generate copies of data.

    Result: no, labview does not work with data very good references and it seems that your request is not possible (unless labview only).

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