FBI and XMLINDEX not use by the optimizer


I've created a function based index but optimizer is never using my index and found for BINARYXML FBI is not suggested rather THAN XMLINDEX is good, it seems does not work for me, but even.

I tried to use tips but doesn't help me at all. Any suggestions would be really useful.

SQL > show parameter index

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
optimizer_index_caching integer 0
optimizer_use_invisible_indexes boolean FALSE
skip_unusable_indexes Boolean TRUE

Name                                                                                  Null?    Type
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------
XMLRECORD                                                                                      SYS. XMLTYPE BINARY STORAGE


SQL * more: Production release Wed Feb 11 06:34:39 2015

Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 11 g Enterprise Edition Release - 64 bit Production
With partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

------------------------------ --------------------------- --------- -------- --------------
SYS_IL0000174507C00003$ $ LOB VISIBLE

SELECT t.RECID FROM FBNK_SEC_POS_FB WHERE SECURITY_NUMBER = t'000566-000' and xmlexists ("$xmlrecvar/row [c81/text () ="US0010001"]' by the WAY ')

XMLRECORD AS 'xmlrecvar')

The higher the SQL statement execution Plan:

Hash value of plan: 4259655978

| ID | Operation | Name | Lines | Bytes | Cost (% CPU). Time |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT |                 |   361K |   738 M |   197K (2) | 00:39:31 |
|   1.  SEMI NESTED LOOPS.                 |   361K |   738 M |   197K (2) | 00:39:31 |
|*  2 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL | FBNK_SEC_POS_FB |  4427 |  9247K |  75786 (1) | 00:15:10 |
|*  3 |   XPATH EVALUATION.                 |       |       |            |          |

Name of the query block / Alias object (identified by the operation identity card):

1 SALT$ BCF67709
2 SALT$ BCF67709 / T@SEL$1

Information of predicates (identified by the operation identity card):

2 - filter("SECURITY_NUMBER"='000566-000')
3 - filter("P".") C_01$ "= 'US0010001')

Projection of the column information (identified by the operation identity card):

1 (#keys = 0) "T". "RECID" [VARCHAR2, 255], "T" "." " SYS_NC00003$ '[LOB, 4000],
2 - « T ». "RECID" [VARCHAR2, 255], "T" "." " SYS_NC00003$ '[LOB, 4000],
3 VALUE (A0) [4000]

-dynamic sample used for this survey (level = 2)
LETTER: SQL: 2:Full: SELECT t.RECID FROM FBNK_SEC_POS_FB WHERE SECURITY_NUMBER = t'000566-000' and xmlexists (' $xmlrecvar/row [c81 / text ()])

(= "US0010001"]' in PASSING XMLRECORD AS 'xmlrecvar')

4096 selected records

You probably won't see the difference in approach...

I have NOT used and not STRUCTURED XML, but a STRUCTURED index rather XML index...

  • Index unstructured XML when introduced in 11.1 and use an ARRAY of path. Unstructured XML indexes are mainly used for research "blurred".
  • Structured XML indexes where introduced in 11.2 and make use of one or more TABLES of CONTENTS that contain, must contain content of the structured parts in the XML document

So I have not used

                PATHS (  INCLUDE ( /row/c2 /row/c81 ))'

but instead I used a XML structured, based on the function XMLTABLE index

                    C2  VARCHAR2(100)     PATH 'c2'
                  , C81 VARCHAR2(100)     PATH 'c81'

On those, I also created EXTRA build secondary indexes on the columns of the TABLE CONTENT with the name 'SXI_CONTENT_TABLE '.

create index SEC_FXXX_C2_FB on SXI_CONTENT_TABLE(C2);
create index SEC_FXXX_C81_FB on SXI_CONTENT_TABLE(C81);
create unique index SEC_FXXX_RIDC2C81_FB on SXI_CONTENT_TABLE(RID, C2, C81);


Tags: Database

Similar Questions

  • Structured XMLIndex not used by the query


    We try to use XMLIndexes structured for a query. But they are not used. A sample of similar work is as follows:

    -Oracle Database 11 g Enterprise Edition Release - 64 bit Production

    Example of XML data on the XMLTYPE column is:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone='yes'?>  
    <abc:tagOne preparationTime="2012-10-17T13:01:23.000Z" schemaVersion="" xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns:def="DEF" xmlns:abc="ABC"  xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">  
            <def:tagThree id="Identity1">  
                <def:Section domain="Domain123">10000</def:Section>  
            <def:tagThree id="Identity2">  
                <def:Section domain="Domain123">20000</def:Section>  
            <def:tagThree id="Identity3">  
                <def:Section domain="Domain123">30000</def:Section>  
            <def:tagThree id="Identity4">  
                <def:Section domain="Domain123">40000</def:Section>  

    Query is like:

    select  XMLAGG(XML_MESSAGE)  
        from INT_PART_TABLE  
        where XMLExists('  
            declare namespace abc="ABC";  
            declare namespace def="DEF";  
            $Message/abc:tagOne/def:tagTwo/def:tagThree[@id="Identity4"][def:Section[@domain="Domain123"]  = ("50000", "40000") ]'  
            xML_mESSAGE as "Message"  

    We try to create indexes structured on the column of xmltype, as defined in the XML example file:

          PARAMETERS ('XMLTABLE INT_PART_content_table_01
                               XMLNAMESPACES (''ABC'' AS "abc",
                                              ''DEF'' AS "def"),  
                         xmltagTwo      XMLTYPE  PATH ''/abc:tagOne/def:tagTwo''  VIRTUAL
                       XMLTABLE INT_PART_content_table_02
                         XMLNAMESPACES (''DEF'' AS "def"),
                                PASSING xmltagTwo
                                 xmltagThree     XMLTYPE  PATH ''/def:tagThree''   VIRTUAL
                       XMLTABLE INT_PART_content_table_03
                          XMLNAMESPACES (''DEF'' AS "def"),    
                             PASSING xmltagThree
                               section number PATH ''def:Section'',
                               domain varchar2(20) PATH ''@domain'',
                               id varchar2(20) PATH ''@id''

    Table structure:

       DB_ID            VARCHAR2 (10 BYTE),
       xML_mESSAGE      SYS.XMLTYPE,
        CHUNK 16384
    PCTFREE 10
    MAXTRANS 255
       (PARTITION P_12092012 VALUES LESS THAN (TIMESTAMP ' 2012-09-12 00:00:00')
           PCTFREE 10
           INITRANS 1
           MAXTRANS 255
           STORAGE (INITIAL 512 K
                    NEXT 512 K
                    MINEXTENTS 1
                    MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED
                    PCTINCREASE 0
                    BUFFER_POOL DEFAULT),
           PCTFREE 10
           INITRANS 2
           MAXTRANS 255
           STORAGE (INITIAL 128 K
                    NEXT 128 K
                    MINEXTENTS 1
                    MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED
                    PCTINCREASE 0
                    BUFFER_POOL DEFAULT))

    - But the query above does not use the XMLINDEX STRUCTURE and instead turns to FTS INT_PART_TABLE.  Please help here.

    Is it the wrong way I created structured Index.

    (I tried a few other ways where I got-> ORA-19279: XPTY0004 - dynamic XQuery type mismatch: expected - singleton sequence got several sequence element).

    S ' Please NOTE that I used two "VIRTUAL" during the creation of the Index as otherwise I was getting the error:
    ORA-29958: fatal error occurred in the execution of routine ODCIINDEXCREATE
    ORA-30984: the XMLType column must be declared as virtual

    Please suggest. Thank you.

    Finally some time to watch this...

    The following works for me:

    Connected to:

    Oracle Database 11 g Enterprise Edition Release - 64 bit Production

    With partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

    SQL > create table (int_part_table)

    2 db_id varchar2 (10 byte)

    3, xml_message xmltype

    4, load_timestamp timestamp (6)


    store xml_message 6 xmltype to the binary xml format

    7 partition by range (load_timestamp)

    () 8

    9 lower values p_12092012 partition to (to_timestamp ('2012-09-12 00:00:00 ',' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'))))

    10, partition p_max values less than (maxvalue)


    12 parallel (degree 8 instances 1);

    Table created.

    SQL > create index int_part_table_sxi on int_part_table (xml_message)

    2 indextype is xdb.xmlindex

    3 rooms

    4 parameters (q'~)

    5 XMLTABLE int_part_content_table_01

    6 XMLNAMESPACES ('ABC' AS 'abc', 'DEF' AS 'def'),

    7 ' / abc: Tallet / def:tagTwo / def:tagThree'


    9 article binary_double PATH 'def:Section '.

    10, area varchar2 (20) PATH 'def:Section/@domain '.

    11, id varchar2 (20) PATH '@id '.

    12 ~');

    The index is created.

    SQL >

    SQL >

    SQL > insert into int_part_table values)

    2 '1'

    3, xmltype (')


    ' NS:ABC = 'ABC' xmlns: xsi = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" > ".



    7              10000



    10 20000



    13 30000



    16 40000



    19 ')

    20, systimestamp


    1 line of creation.

    SQL > commit;

    Validation complete.

    SQL > exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats (user, 'INT_PART_TABLE');

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    SQL >

    SQL >

    SQL > set autotrace traceonly explain

    SQL > set lines 200

    SQL > define pages 100

    SQL >

    SQL > select / * + no_parallel * / xml_message

    2 of int_part_table

    3 where (XMLExists)

    4 ' declare namespace abc = "ABC"; (::)

    5 declare def namespace = "DEF"; (::)

    /ABC:tagOne/def:tagTwo/def:tagThree[@ID="Identity4 6 '.

    7 and def:Section/@domain="Domain123.

    8 and (def:Section = 40000

    9 or def:Section = 50000)]"

    10 passage xml_message

    11        ) ;

    Execution plan


    Hash value of plan: 3112612945


    | ID | Operation | Name                      | Lines | Bytes | Cost (% CPU). Time | Pstart. Pstop |


    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT |                           |     1.   417.    15 (0) | 00:00:01 |       |       |

    |   1.  SEMI NESTED LOOPS.                           |     1.   417.    15 (0) | 00:00:01 |       |       |

    |   2.   RANGE OF PARTITION ALL THE |                           |     1.   367.    14 (0) | 00:00:01 |     1.     2.

    |   3.    TABLE ACCESS FULL | INT_PART_TABLE |     1.   367.    14 (0) | 00:00:01 |     1.     2.

    |   4.   ITERATOR SYSTEM PARTITION.                           |     1.    50.     1 (0) | 00:00:01 |   KEY |   KEY |

    |*  5 |    TABLE ACCESS BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID | INT_PART_CONTENT_TABLE_01 |     1.    50.     1 (0) | 00:00:01 |   KEY |   KEY |

    |*  6 |     INDEX RANGE SCAN | SYS78560_78563_RID_IDX |     1.       |     0 (0) | 00:00:01 |   KEY |   KEY |


    Information of predicates (identified by the operation identity card):


    5 - filter("SYS_SXI_0".") ID "="Identity4"AND ("SYS_SXI_0"". ")" SECTION "IS 4.0E + 004 D OR 'SYS_SXI_0'." SECTION "(= 5.0E + 004 D) AND"

    'SYS_SXI_0 '. ("DOMAIN"="Domain123")

    6 - access ("INT_PART_TABLE". ROWID = "SYS_SXI_0." ("' RID ')


    T_CONTENT_TABLE_01", 0,0,0,"SYS_SXI_0. " ROWID))

    A few things to know:

    -use BINARY_DOUBLE datatype to untyped (i.e. not based on a diagram) the numerical values of the XML index.

    -J' developed the sequence iterator predicate you were using for a Boolean expression GOLD. Otherwise, the index is not used as intended.

    You can also create a secondary index that satisfies the predicate #5 (see red part above):

    SQL > create index int_part_content_table_01_ix1

    2 on local int_part_content_table_01 (id, field, section);

    The index is created.

    SQL >

    SQL > select / * + no_parallel * / xml_message

    2 of int_part_table

    3 where (XMLExists)

    4 ' declare namespace abc = "ABC"; (::)

    5 declare def namespace = "DEF"; (::)

    /ABC:tagOne/def:tagTwo/def:tagThree[@ID="Identity4 6 '.

    7 and def:Section/@domain="Domain123.

    8 and (def:Section = 40000

    9 or def:Section = 50000)]"

    10 passage xml_message

    11        ) ;

    Execution plan


    Hash value of plan: 3704965392


    | ID | Operation | Name                          | Lines | Bytes | Cost (% CPU). Time | Pstart. Pstop |


    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT |                               |     1.   417.     4 (25) | 00:00:01 |       |       |

    |   1.  NESTED LOOPS |                               |     1.   417.     4 (25) | 00:00:01 |       |       |

    |   2.   UNIQUE FATE |                               |     2.   100.     2 (0) | 00:00:01 |       |       |

    |   3.    SYSTEM PARTITION ALL |                               |     2.   100.     2 (0) | 00:00:01 |     1.     2.

    |   4.     TABLE ACCESS BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID | INT_PART_CONTENT_TABLE_01 |     2.   100.     2 (0) | 00:00:01 |     1.     2.

    |*  5 |      INDEX RANGE SCAN | INT_PART_CONTENT_TABLE_01_IX1 |     1.       |     1 (0) | 00:00:01 |     1.     2.

    |*  6 |   TABLE ACCESS BY ROWID USER | INT_PART_TABLE |     1.   367.     1 (0) | 00:00:01 | ROWID | ROWID |


    Information of predicates (identified by the operation identity card):


    5 - access("SYS_SXI_0".") ID '= 'Identity4' AND 'SYS_SXI_0'." DOMAIN "=" Domain123 ")

    filter ("SYS_SXI_0". "SECTION"IS 4.0E + 004 D OR 'SYS_SXI_0'." SECTION "(= 5.0E + 004 D)"


    TENT_TABLE_01", 0,0,0,"SYS_SXI_0. " ROWID))

  • Smartphones blackBerry gel and can not use all the apps

    Ive got a blackberry touch 9800, I had to reset to factory settings last night because all my disappered apps he did this after playing a few hours but now holds everything, it is the gel Ive took out the battery and left for an hour, now I can't use anything either about this at all can only text can make calls not recive them freezes the app facebook app world, bbm does not anyone can help or I won't have to send so they can watch? any help would be brill thanks xxx

    Looks like something is corrupt, as wipe you it I loaded the OS to a newer version if possible.

    Manual device OS upgrade instructions:

    1. start by searching for your operator and the system operating file that you want to use.


    2. make a backup of your device first, using Desktop Manager > backup. Close at the end Office Manager and disconnect it from BlackBerry. Get DM here http://us.blackberry.com/apps-software/desktop/

    3. download the OS files to the PC then install on the PC by running (double click) the downloaded file.

    4. go into c:\program files Research in motion\apploader and delete the file named "vendor.xml."

    5. This step is not necessary unless there is a problem on the next steps. Use BBSAK from BBSAK.org and wipe the device (after doing a full backup), then after you get the 507 error (no OS installed) then proceed to step 6

    6 remove the internet connection for PC and reboot the PC.

    7. plug the BlackBerry and double-click on "Loader.exe." It is located in the same place as the above vendor.xml file was in.

    8. If you did step 5, restoration of the back upward. Follow this KB if necessary http://www.blackberry.com/btsc/KB10339

    Take advantage of the new operating system.

  • May not use all the available space in the data store


    We have a HP DL580 G7 Server P410i raid controller with 8 x 1 TB HDD.

    I create a raid 1 with 2 hard drives (1 TB) and raid 5 with 6 hard drives (5 TB) and install ESXi 5.1 in the first data store (1 to).

    After installation when I tried to create the 5 TB data store, (ESXi detects and displays the space available 5 TB) it does use that almost 2.5 TB! and may not use all the space

    I also installed the ESXi 5.5 but still no luck.

    This Ko seems to apply to you: http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2006942

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    I put a password for my computer with Windows Vista Home Premium and now I forgot the password and can not even enter the computer now.  Is anyway to recover this password or what is the next step to use the computer again?

    Hello WillieBouma1,

    You can try this to http://www.wikihow.com/Reset-a-Windows-Vista-Password that will help you with your password (typed in) problem easily. Here is one link: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=trinity+rescue+kit&search_type=&aq=f for video detail to achieve this, if you have any problems. I used it a dozen times and it really works! Hope this helps you. Let us know anyway. Make it a great day!

    "And in the end the love you take, is equal to The Love You Make" (The Beatles last song from their latest album, Abbey Road.)

  • How can I configure my computer to another person can use with their own password and do not go through the mine?

    How can I configure my computer to another person can use with their own password and do not go through the mine?


    Activate the guest account or setup a new account with the access levels that you must allow.
    either will work.

    How to activate the guest account enabled or disabled in Vista

    How to create a new user account in Vista (also see the related tutorials)

    User accounts in Windows Vista

    I hope this helps.

    Rob Brown - Microsoft MVP<- profile="" -="" windows="" expert="" -="" consumer="" :="" bicycle=""><- mark="" twain="" said="" it="">

  • part of the screen lack sound as if all type of himself downplayed a little and does not use the entire screen

    I have a dell studio with vista, I shot it today and the far right 1/4 of my screen has disappeared, its like everything kind of himself downplayed a little and does not use the entire screen. I didn't change anything or add programs. someone has an idea?

    Hi musicwatkins

    Did you the latest changes on the computer?

    You can check if changing the resolution of the screen helps you solve the problem. See below for links-




    You can also check if the setting parameters of monitor, referring to the manual of the monitor will help you.


    I hope this helps.

  • I have a network drive. & Passwords, I want to force their users to log in there every time and do not use the last name of user and password.

    I have a network (an Iomega iconnect nas) drive. I want to force their users to log in there every time and do not use the last name of user and password. They can change it in control of card-how can I make sure they. I'm only using Windows 7 as standalones (with lan), there is no server connection


    I suggest you post the same question in the TechNet forum and check if it helps.


  • Hello. I bought Lightroom, paid license 1 year view, did not have serial. E number and then past the 30 day trial and may not use the product or work more hard. I paid has been deducted from my credit card. How I'm going to work now?

    Hello. I bought Lightroom, paid license 1 year view, did not have serial. And number and then past the 30 day trial and may not use the product or work more hard. I paid has been deducted from my credit card. How I'm going to work now?

    Hi Sergior96769872,

    I saw your Adobe ID (email address), you used to post on the forums, and I see an active subscription on it.

    Please see Help below links: { make sure you use the same Adobe ID (email address) that you used to purchase the subscription }

    Connect and disconnect activate Cloud Creative applications

    Adobe Creative Cloud apps back in test mode after 2015 set CC to update

    * NOTE: Make sure that your firewall of your computer or security software firewall does not block Adobe, if you are not sure of it can just disable the firewall for a while and then log off and log on creative application of cloud and check.

    If it still gives you an error of the trial, then please refer to the troubleshooting listed below:

    If you are using MAC:

    1-force Quit the sub process in the same sequence as shown below from Activity Monitor: see, use the monitor activity on your Mac - Apple Support

    • Creative cloud
    • Basic timing & sync to basic support
    • CC library & process CCX
    • Adobe Common Desktop
    • Adobe update daemon
    • Broker CIB Adobe
    • After that, everything that said adobe on it do a force quit for her

    2 - right click on the Finder icon, then select the "Go - To" folder. You will get a text box, type in the following command and then press the 'return '. ("Not to be missed ~ symbol")

    ~/Library (it will open the folder of the user's library.)

    3. browse to the Application Support > Adobe > trash OOBE folder and folder AAM Updater

    4 - CUT any installed security software with firewall system.

    5 - go to: Apple icon > system preferences > Security & Privacy > General > "allow applications downloaded on" change this anywhere (to make these changes click the padlock in the corner at the bottom left of this window and enter your computer password)

    These changes are temporary you can restore these changes back to normal once your creative cloud app is running *.

    6 - restart the cloud creative app and connect

    If you use the WINDOW:

    1 complete the process / Task Manager tasks in the same order, as mentioned below the Manager tasks. See, Open the Task Manager

    • Creative cloud
    • Basic timing & sync to basic support
    • CC library & process CCX
    • Adobe Common Desktop
    • Adobe update daemon
    • Broker CIB Adobe
    • After that, everything that said adobe on it do a force quit for her

    2 - C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Adobe\ MAA UPDATER and two OOBE (App data & Program Data is hidden folder please see, Show files and folders hidden in Windows 7, 8.x, 10, or Vista)

    3 - CUT any security software installed with firewall system, also if your having any browser Add On installed for blocking advertising that turn off too.

    These changes are temporary you can restore these changes back to normal once your creative cloud app is running *.

    4 - raise the cloud creative app and connect

    Let us know if that helps.

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    The last three or four times that I tried to use HDR Pro images I choose merge but then disappear and do not appear on the screen?  If I convert to TIFF and opens in HDR Pro images will appear and I can do my corrections.   What gives?

    Try a reset first preference: Hold Ctrl + Alt + Shift / Cmd + Opt + shift as you start Photoshop start. Select 'Yes' when asked if you want to continue with reset.


  • Preceded by scenarios * are used in the optimization reports

    Can anyone describe the procedure since the capacity Planner dashboard to attach a custom script to run with the progress report, the synopsis and evaluation reports.

    I see that only scenarios preceded by * are used in the optimization reports, but I can't understand how to map, one of my scenarios customized to these reports. Thanks - Jeff


    Unfortunately, this is not possible.  These optimization reports are 'canned' and while you can change certain things about them (via the reports... Settings menu of optimization reports), you can't let them use one of your custom scenarios.

    Kind regards


    Consultant Senior PSO

    Advaced Services


  • I'm not able to merge the partition not used to the local disk partition

    I'm using windows xp service pack 3 and I have deleted my partitions from disk 2, but im not able to merge the partition not used to the local disk partition, what should I do?

    Original title: HELP ASAP!

    Hi Joseph.

    Suggestion of PML in the thread below, can be very useful.


  • I have a Microsoft ISATAP compaq6715b #4 adapter not work and can not get on the internet about this updated driver

    I have a Microsoft ISATAP compaq6715b #4 adapter not work and can not get on the internet about this updated driver

    See the following article:
    On a Windows Vista-based computer or on a Windows Server 2008-based computer, the Microsoft ISATAP map appears with a yellow exclamation mark next to it in Device Manager, and you also receive an error message
    http://support.Microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=KB; EN-US; 932520

    Make sure your network connection is working and properly configured.

    You can try to uninstall and reinstall the Microsoft ISATAP adapters using the following steps:
    In Device Manager, this adapter under network adapters and are hidden so you need to click the view menu, "Show hidden devices".
    1. in the Device Manager, right click on the element of Microsoft ISATAP adapter #4 and choose uninstall.
    2. in Device Manager, click on the "Actions" menu and select "Add legacy hardware.
    3. click Next, then select "Install the hardware that I manually select from the list (user)", click Next.
    4. Select "Network adapters" under common hardware types, and then click Next.
    5. Select "Microsoft" to the title of manufacturer and "Microsoft ISATAP Adapter" in the title of the network card.
    6. click Next and follow the remaining instructions.

  • Patch S8C2 is mutually exclusive and can not coexist with the patches: ZLNA, EJUW

    Hi all

    I tried to apply the patch from Jan 2016 to the Weblogic Server that runs the RMS Application.

    The version of the Weblogic Server is 10.3.6

    The version of RMS App is 13.2.6

    While applying the patch that has a PATCH-LIST of S8C2 on the Weblogic Server, I encountered the following error:

    [oracle@test-rms-app bsu] $. /BSU.sh - prod_dir = $WLS_HOME / wlserver_10.3 - patch_download_dir = / home/oracle/2016_JAN_CPU_SPU - patchlist = S8C2-verbose - install

    Checking for conflicts...

    Detected A - conflict to solve and run the installation of the patch again

    Conflict condition details below:

    Patch S8C2 is mutually exclusive and can not coexist with the patches: ZLNA, EJUW

    After reading the forums, I followed the suggestion to delete the previous patch: EJUW and who has obtained successfully removed as shown below, when I tried to install the Patch Jan complained conflict ZLNA patch and when trying to remove the ZLNA encountered unrecognized patch ID patch: ZLNA.

    [oracle@test-rms-app bsu] $. /BSU.sh - delete - patchlist = EJUW-prod_dir = $WLS_HOME/wlserver_10.3

    Checking for conflicts...

    No conflict detected

    Removal of the Patch ID: EJUW...

    Result: success

    [oracle@test-rms-app bsu] $. /BSU.sh - prod_dir = $WLS_HOME / wlserver_10.3 - patch_download_dir = / home/oracle/2016_JAN_CPU_SPU - patchlist = S8C2-verbose - install

    Checking for conflicts...

    Detected A - conflict to solve and run the installation of the patch again

    Conflict condition details below:

    Patch S8C2 is mutually exclusive and can not coexist with the patches: ZLNA

    [oracle@test-rms-app bsu] $. /BSU.sh - delete - patchlist = ZLNA-prod_dir = $WLS_HOME/wlserver_10.3

    Encountered unrecognized patch ID: ZLNA

    Any suggestions how to solve and apply the fix successfully Jan would be useful.

    Thank you.


    Can you please set the download directory of the fix for MW_HOME/utils/bsu/cache_dir/with the help of Smart updated interface and test again.

    To designate a directory to download the hotfix, follow these steps:

    Start the smart update.

    On the Smart Update main window, choose file > Preferences.

    The Preferences dialog box appears.

    In the section Patch download directory of the Preferences dialog box, specify the path to the download patch directory.


    Thank you


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    Can I remove Logical columns at the level of the business layer that I'm not going to use the layer of presentation as the ID or foreign key columns? It will not affect the relations to the business layer?

    Kind regards


    Hi Nestor,.

    It won't unless they are used as keys, columns sort order, the ID column or the likes. But you can leave them in the MDB layer and expose just in the presentation layer - just in case you need it later. It is not use all the resources or generate overhead. More: Developer of the RPD should be used to work with loads of columns

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