Generation of FMX file


I'm editing module Forms Builder 10g.
When I compile the module (CTRL + T), FMX file is generated in the same folder where the FMB.

Is it possible to configure Forms Builder to save the FMX file generated in another folder?

Thank you!

'No' - as far as I know.

Only, we tend to always work in the same directory and then just copy off the coast in a directory of execution.

Built system is managed in the batch (ie: a .bat file) and it will copy the off fmxs to the appropriate execution directory that I use.


Tags: Oracle Development

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    Best regards


    For this, you can set the Module field in the V$ session in each form


    Write this in every form, and you will get the name of the form in the module field in the V$ SESSION form name.

    I hope this helps.

    Kind regards


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        xml_header    clob;
        xml_trailer   clob;
        tmp_xml       clob;
        tmp_file      clob;
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                                XMLELEMENT("EMPLOYER_NAME", "ABC" ),
                                XMLELEMENT("ID_NO", "9876541" ),
                                XMLELEMENT("EMPLOYEE_NAME", "XYZ" )
                 ).GETCLOBVAL() AS DATA_XML
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          DBMS_LOB.append(TMP_FILE, xml_prolog);
          DBMS_LOB.append(TMP_FILE, r.DATA_XML);
        end loop;
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        dbms_xslprocessor.clob2file(TMP_FILE, 'CDIR', 'test.xml', nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8'));

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    ORA-21560: 3 argument is null, invalid or out of range

    ORA-06512: at "SYS." DBMS_LOB", line 991

    ORA-06512: at "XDB". DBMS_XSLPROCESSOR', line 324

    What could be wrong?

    You were on the right track. Continue to use SQL/XML, in special XML files XMLAGG logical global functions.

    The following should answer your initial needs.

    For this demonstration, I used resources. Table EMPLOYEES and a batch size of 100. It generates three files, 'file0001.xml' (100 records), "file0002.xml" (7 records) and a summary file:


    file_desc_array xmlsequencetype: = xmlsequencetype();

    CLOB file_desc_xml;

    prolog1 CLOB: = '';

    prolog2 CLOB: = '';


    for r in)

    Select xmlserialize (document

    XmlElement ('method'

    , xmlattributes ("" under the name "xmlns: xsi" "")


    XmlElement ("EMP"

    xmlelement ("ID_NO", e.employee_id)

    , xmlelement ("EMPLOYEE_NAME", select)




    ) as xmldoc

    --< generating="" summary="" record="">

    xmlelement ("file",

    xmlelement ("filename",

    , "file" | TO_CHAR (trunc ((rownum-1)/100) + 1, "fm0999"). ".xml".


    xmlelement ("CountOfRecords", Count

    ) as file_desc


    , "file" | TO_CHAR (trunc ((rownum-1)/100) + 1, "fm0999"). '.xml' as file name

    of e hr.employees

    Group of trunc ((rownum-1)/100)



    dbms_xslprocessor.clob2file (prolog1 | r.xmldoc, 'TEST_DIR', r.filename, nls_charset_id ('AL32UTF8'));


    file_desc_array (file_desc_array. (Last): = r.file_desc;

    end loop;

    Select xmlserialize (document

    XmlElement ("Files", xmlagg (column_value))


    in file_desc_xml

    table (file_desc_array);

    dbms_xslprocessor.clob2file (prolog2 | file_desc_xml, 'TEST_DIR', 'summary.xml', nls_charset_id ('AL32UTF8'));



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    As part of a SR. Is it safe to make a LIVE during opening hours system?

    Yes, I asked the analyst, I just wanted to check also with the community.

    Thank you.

    RHEL 5



    Stop application services before implementing the steps above and judge after opening hours.

    Thank you


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    number of l_rows;
    l_rows: = extract_function('select *)
    FROM table1 where date1 between trunc (sysdate) and sysdate


    I have a procedure extract_proc shown above which create a CSV file in the MYDIR1 directory on unix.

    I would like to have the timestamp ie ddmmyyyyHH24:MI details in the CSV file name created. That is to say. have a test22072011.csv file name each time it generates with respective timestamp prefix or suffix for the file number. Is it possible to achieve this

    Pls suggest

    Thank you very much

    Well well instead to call it test.csv change it to what you want

    'test'||to_char (sysdate, 'ddmmyyyy')||'.csv'

    Published by: Alex Nuijten on July 22, 2011 13:56

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    Thank you.

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    1. There is a limit on the size of the folder WebHelp to generate the AIR file successfully. Anyone know what is this upper limit?
    2. There is a certain file or type of file in my WebHelp file which is not present in the CustomerCare WebHelp file which could be the cause of the AIR conditioner break. This seems to want to since I have HTML files, JPEGs, GIF, etc. typical of the files used to WebHelp output.

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    Thank you

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    And besides, someone installed forms in your local tree of the database system.
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    When I use the 'table in spreadsheet string' function, I get a programming space between the lines (see picture called error 2 )

    Anyone know how I can avoid this?

    It's really annoying me.

    Thanks for your help,

    Kind regards


    feriel0209 wrote:


    When I use the 'table in spreadsheet string' function, I get a programming space between the lines (see picture called error 2 )

    Anyone know how I can avoid this?

    It's really annoying me.

    Thanks for your help,

    Kind regards


    Worksheet table add a transport (platform dependent) return charater at the end of the string. Use Trim (from the palette of String) to the output of the array to the worksheet to remove it.


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