Grandma needs help problem "sysdata.xml.

I bought a computer about 18 months ago that started unexpectedly quit after 12 months. No error message. I went back to the provider that did not cause after replacing the power supply and move the surge protection. He replaces computer and transfer data via Acronis. Stops kept happening, but now I get the message that Microsoft has deceted a problem and restarts the computer. When I look into the details, I see whenever there is the same message but with different sysdata.xml figures for example WER-96377-0. I sent this to the supplier who ignores me currently. I ran a scan of Malware and a sweep of CCleaner. I tried to find the file, but it is not visible. I googled the file details and see that this is one problem with others. I have no hope of understanding or to fix this problem myself. What I want to know is it something I should continue with the technician who sold me this nightmare? Why this is happening? Is it her fault or mine? I'm really lost here, oh and frustrated too, I could really do with some advice on how to proceed.

Thanks in advance.

You are welcome.

Quite often blue screen errors are caused by a faulty driver. The pilot could be a hardware or software driver.

Blue screen sometimes errors are caused by defective hardware.

By looking at the files minidump would give an indication of what (s) or material may have caused the accident.

If the person tries to solve the problem has a background in troubleshooting blue screen error then there is a good chance that he or she can decide the issue.

If the problem is software it might follow you for Windows 10 so it's best to try so to resolve this matter before the upgrade.

Obviously if the problem is hardware problem would be independent of the operating system.

If you have a new computer the problem would follow you if the problem was software and that you have installed the same software on the new computer.

Tags: Windows

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    maramac - check if the UAC has been reactivated (User Account Control).  I read in other posts that these latest Windows updates have reactivated UAC on PC of some people of.

    This could also cause the problem you are experiencing.

    Control user/accounts/Turn User Account Control OFF.


  • Need help in generating XML data to a table in XML format

    Hi all

    I need help to generate an xml file using the data below.

    The table name is T_Data have 4 columns as shown below with data.

    Neighbourhood region Division
    ---------- ----------------------- ----------- -----------
    Northwest Northern California San Jose SJStore1
    Northwest Northern California San Jose SJStore2
    Northwest North of California to the North of THE LAStore1
    Northwest North of California to the North of THE LAStore2
    Northwest North of California to the North of THE LAStore3

    I want to generate an XML file using SQL/XML functions and the XML file should look like as below.

    < name of region > Northwest < / name of the region >
    < Division >
    Northern California < division name > < / Division name >
    District of <>
    SanJose < district name > < / District name >
    < store name > SJStore1 < / name >
    < store name > SJStore2 < / name >
    < / store >
    < / district >
    < / division >
    < / region >

    Very much appreciate your help here.

    Thank you.

    I tried to group the lines, but they did not then provide a correct output.

    To unflatten dataset, we can use nested GROUP-BY subqueries.

    The following will produce a line by region.
    If all regions must be grouped in a single root element (does not so appear according to the directives of the sample), we just add an another XMLAgg.

    SQL> with sample_data as
      2  (
      3    select 'Northwest' reg, 'Northern California' div, 'San Jose' district, 'SJStore1' st from dual union all
      4    select 'Northwest' reg, 'Northern California' div, 'San Jose' district, 'SJStore2' st from dual union all
      5    select 'Northwest' reg, 'Northern California' div, 'North LA' district, 'LAStore1' st from dual union all
      6    select 'Northwest' reg, 'Northern California' div, 'North LA' district, 'LAStore2' st from dual union all
      7    select 'Northwest' reg, 'Northern California' div, 'North LA' district, 'LAStore3' st from dual
      8  )
      9  select reg
     10       , xmlserialize(document
     11           xmlelement("Region"
     12           , xmlelement("RegionName", reg)
     13           , xmlagg( division_xml )
     14           )
     15           indent -- for display purpose
     16         ) as region_xml
     17  from (
     18      select reg
     19           , xmlelement("Division"
     20             , xmlelement("DivisionName", div)
     21             , xmlagg( district_xml )
     22             ) as division_xml
     23      from (
     24          select reg
     25               , div
     26               , xmlelement("District"
     27                 , xmlelement("DistrictName", district)
     28                 , xmlelement("Store"
     29                   , xmlagg(
     30                       xmlelement("StoreName", st)
     31                     )
     32                   )
     33                 ) as district_xml
     34          from sample_data
     35          group by reg
     36                 , div
     37                 , district
     38      )
     39      group by reg, div
     40  )
     41  group by reg ;
    REG       REGION_XML
    --------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                  Northern California
                    North LA
                    San Jose
  • Need help with a xml Photo Gallery

    First of all, Hello to everyone. My name is Tudor, I'm from Romania and I have a flash project that involves the XML construction by scrolling photo gallery. Sorry if my English will slip in some sentences. Well, the question for which I have to get an answer is: I have already built the Gallery, everything works fine... but... when I want to make some changes when loading images... Well, here's the problem. I print the code and briefly explain and ask at the end...

    import com.greensock.TweenLite;

    import com.greensock.TweenMax;

    Import fl.transitions.Tween;

    Fl.transitions.easing import. *;

    Fl.transitions import. *;

    Import fl.containers.UILoader;

    var MASK_WIDTH:Number = myMask_mc.width;

    var menuHolder:MovieClip = new MovieClip();

    menuHolder.x = myMask_mc.x;

    menuHolder.y = myMask_mc.y;

    addChild (menuHolder);

    var mouseIsOver:Boolean = false;

    var oldX:Number = menuHolder.x;

    menuHolder.mask = myMask_mc;

    to import flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter;

    Import fl.motion.AdjustColor;

    var color: AdjustColor;

    colorMatrix var: ColorMatrixFilter.

    var matrix: Array;

    var filterBW: Array;

    color = new AdjustColor();

    Color.Brightness = 20;

    Color.Contrast = 20;

    Color.Hue = 0;

    Color.saturation = - 100;

    matrix = color. CalculateFinalFlatArray();

    colorMatrix = new ColorMatrixFilter (matrix);

    filterBW = [colorMatrix];

    HERE I read and parse the XML

    var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();

    var xmlData:XML = new XML();

    xmlLoader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, LoadXML);

    xmlLoader.load (new URLRequest ("C:/Documents and Settings/Sm/Desktop/feteModel.xml"));

    function LoadXML(e:Event):void


    xmlData = new XML (;

    ParsePictures (xmlData);


    function ParsePictures(input:XML):void


    var mainPictures:Array = new Array();

    var firstPictures:Array = new Array();

    var secondPictures:Array = new Array();

    var thirdPictures:Array = new Array();

    var forthPictures:Array = new Array();

    var dimensiuniArray:Array = new Array();

    var heightArray:Array = new Array();

    var eyeColorArray:Array = new Array();

    var hairColorArray:Array = new Array();

    var numeArray:Array = new Array();

    var mainPicturesList:XMLList = input.fata.pozaPrincipala;

    var firstPicturesList:XMLList = input.fata.poza1;

    var secondPicturesList:XMLList = input.fata.poza2;

    var thirdPicturesList:XMLList = input.fata.poza3;

    var forthPicturesList:XMLList = input.fata.poza4;

    var dimensiuniList:XMLList = input.fata.dimensiuni;

    var heightList:XMLList = input.fata.inaltime;

    var eyeColorList:XMLList = input.fata.culoare_ochi;

    var hairColorList:XMLList = input.fata.culoare_par;

    var numeList:XMLList = input.fata.nume;

    for each (var element1:XML in mainPicturesList)


    mainPictures.push (item1);


    for each (var element2:XML in numeList)


    numeArray.push (item2);


    HERE I UPLOAD THE PHOTOS... I must say that menuItem is a mc - implemented as a class, which has essentially within a textfield and a UILoader a preloader - also movieclip. Also, I need the images to be black and white when they are displayed, and when the mouse is on color

    for (var i = 0; i < mainPictures.length; i ++)


    var menuItem:MenuItem;

    menuItem = new MenuItem();

    menuItem.y = 200;

    menuItem.x = (i * (menuItem.width + 1)) + 150;

    menuItem.itemLoader.filters = filterBW;

    menuItem.itemText.text = numeArray [i];

    menuItem.itemLoader.source = mainPictures [i];

    menuItem.itemLoader.maintainAspectRatio = false;

    menuItem.itemLoader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);

    //menuItem.itemLoader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, uiLoaded, false, 0, true);

    //menuItem.itemLoader.addEventListener (ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, progressHandler);

    / / menuItem.itemLoader.load ();

    //menuItem.preloader_mc.visible = true;

    int completeHandler(event:Event)


    / / trace (menuItem.itemText.text);


    menuItem.mouseChildren = false;

    menuItem.buttonMode = true;

    menuItem.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverItem);

    menuItem.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutItem);

    Add the menuItem to the menuHolder

    menuHolder.addChild (menuItem);


    menuHolder.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverMenu);

    menuHolder.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutMenu);

    function mouseOverMenu(e:Event):void


    mouseIsOver = true;

    //Calculate the vertical distance of extent to which the mouse is

    //the topleft of the mask.

    var distance: Number = mouseX - myMask_mc.x;

    //Calculate the distance in percentages

    var percent: number = distance / MASK_WIDTH;

    //Save y holder old coordinate

    oldX = menuHolder.x;

    var targetX:Number =-((menuHolder.width-MASK_WIDTH + 150) * percentage) + myMask_mc.x;

    //Tween the menuHolder at the coordinate of the target (menuHolder, 5, {x: Math.round (targetX)});


    This function is called when the mouse is on the menu

    function mouseOutMenu(e:Event):void


    mouseIsOver = false;


    var tw1:Tween;

    var tw2:Tween;

    function mouseOverItem(e:Event):void


    var point: MenuItem = as MenuItem;

    menuHolder.addChild (item);

    item.itemLoader.filters = [];

    / / trace (item.itemText.text);

    tw1 = new Tween (element, "scaleX", Strong.easeInOut, 1, 1.25,0.25,true);

    tw2 = new Tween (order of the day, "scaleY", Strong.easeInOut, 1, 1.25,0.25,true);


    This function is called when the mouse moves out of the element

    function mouseOutItem(e:Event):void


    var point: MenuItem = as MenuItem;

    item.itemLoader.filters = filterBW;

    tw1 = new Tween (object, "scaleX", Strong.easeInOut, 1.25, 1,0.25, true);

    tw2 = new Tween (point, "scaleY", Strong.easeInOut, 1.25, 1,0.25, true);




    Now I want each image to scale when loading fully... I thought that simply put it on the completeHandler function, but here's the problem: it measures only the last photo... for example. If there is 5, he played only the 5th... I tried to find the name of the image within the completeHandler and also, I had 4 identical names - the name of the last picture... my question is: why the completeHandler triggers only for the last item?   Anyone have any idea why this is happening? Plus, how can I solve this problem? Please... I'm burning my brain here for half a day here...  THANKS in advance!

    Best REGARDS, Tudor

    You are welcome.  It will work, but if you have any problems, simply start another view showing the code (not all what you have done for this) and someone will probably try to help.

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  • APPCRASH Error Message constant. Nothing I do not work. Heard a real message but a Trojan horse? Need help, problems or eliminate this problem.

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    Problem event name: APPCRASH
    Application name: Explorer.EXE
    Application version: 6.0.6002.18005
    Application timestamp: 49e02a1e
    Fault Module name: SHLWAPI.dll
    Fault Module Version: 6.0.6002.18005
    Timestamp of Module error: 49e041f4
    Exception code: c0000005
    Exception offset: 0000000000002686
    The system version: 6.0.6002.
    Locale ID: 1033
    Information additional 1:5498
    More information 2: 09cdedf6f8b9431d69cf4381552f7466
    Additional information 3: fd44
    Additional information 4: dd3eb715a1b9e0caf2e7cb13d95736bf

    Read our privacy statement:

    No matter how many times I click on help to repair 'get' or 'internet research' buttons, nothing happens.  If I have X everything seems to work normally.

    I read on the net that it is a virus, Trojan or a bot, so I'm worried.

    I am running AMD Phenom X 4 9100e quad core with Vista premium OS in a gateway RS780 MB.  I have Norton 2009, also recently installed (just before SP2). Everything is fully operational.  All scans clean.  Windows Defender analysis reveals nothing but the problem continues.  Several times a day.

    Any ideas?

    Hello Mike,.

    Looks like a DLL file missing (SHLWAPI.dll) or the missing link between the Dynamic link Library & the registry entry. You should try to run the System File Checker tool, see below:

    To help resolve this problem, use the tool (SFC.exe) System File Checker to determine which file is causing the problem and then replace the file. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. Open an elevated command prompt. To do this, click Start, click principally made programs, Accessories, right-click guest, and then click run as administrator. If you are prompted for an administrator password or a confirmation, type the password, or click allow.
    2. Type the following command and press ENTER: sfc/scannow (Yes there is a space after sfc) the sfc/scannow command analyzes all protected system files and replaces incorrect versions with appropriate Microsoft versions.

    Hope this helps you. Let us know anyway. Make it a great day!

    "And in the end the love you take, is equal to The Love You Make" (The Beatles last song from their latest album, Abbey Road.)

  • Desperately need help problem preview/publish in Captivate 5

    I work with Captivate 5 latest version (incl. patch) on a Windows 7 computer.

    I have a project of ~ 120 slides of 'light' (boxes, buttons, TEBs only about 30 ~ slide), the slide deck is imported from ppt. In addition, I have a few (recorded with ppt, important in library) audio files for each slide.

    My problem: if I saw 'slide' or "then 5 slides", everything works - but as soon as I try Preview complete draft or "from this landslide", audio door, but the slide content disappears, I get a white screen that flashes & sound like mouse clicks continue. When the flashing you see elements of other slides appear and disappear, but so quickly (in milliseconds) that it is impossible to understand the slides. And above all: WHY?

    I tested with several slides as starting point and he continues to plays, as above, so do not think that it has something to do with a particular slide.

    I hope someone can help. I'm at my wits end

    BR, Anja

    Hello Anja, and welcome to the forum,

    There could be a lot of reasons: hardware problems of corruption of the file (blades or objects) etc.

    You could try a couple of things:

    • clear the cache of CC
    • Delete preferences (with closed CP) file; on Win7, it's this folder: C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Adobe\Captivate 5
    • try to copy and paste the slides to a new empty project with the same resolution, not all at once in order to find the corrupted slides possible

    Normally the size to CP5 is not really a problem more than in previous versions, but of course your PC configuration is important.


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    Table / / desc:
    number of job_no
    status varchar
    date timestamp

    I tried with sysdate - 1/24, its not coming does not correctly. Please help me.

    Thank you


    This can help you,

    SQL> alter session set nls_date_format='dd Mon YYYY HH24:MI:SS';
    Session altered.
    SQL> select to_date(sysdate - ((1*3600)/86400),'dd Mon YYYY HH24:MI:SS') date_sub from dual;
    08 Jan 2010 13:19:17


  • [SOLVED] Need help problem of ORA-12514

    [SOLVEDi am currently unable to connect to a local database system, I am facing the error ORA-12514 fact someone knows what's the problem I posted the exact details found for my tnsnames.ora, listeners.ora and even a snippet of the serc cmd]


    # tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\network\admin\tnsnames.ora
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.


    # listener.ora Network Configuration File: C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\network\admin\listener.ora
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
      (SID_LIST =
        (SID_DESC =
          (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc)
          (ORACLE_HOME = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1)
          (PROGRAM = extproc)
        (DESCRIPTION =
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = Deon-PC)(PORT = 1522))


    Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
    Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    C:\Users\Deon>lsnrctl service
    LSNRCTL for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 16-SEP-2014 10:36
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2007, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Services Summary...
    Service "PLSExtProc" has 1 instance(s).
      Instance "PLSExtProc", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
          "DEDICATED" established:0 refused:0
             LOCAL SERVER
    The command completed successfully

    In fact, Ed Stevens has an excellent article on the issue of the ORA 12512 of troubleshooting:

    ORA-12514: TNS:listener is not currently in service. Ed Stevens, s/n

  • Need help to request XML data


    I use HTTPService to do a POST call and sends the data

    < mx:request xmlns = "" >
    < level1 > {stringVariable} < / level1 >
    < level1of2 > < level2of2 > content < / level2of2 > < / level1of2 >
    < / mx:request >

    Returning the server data are correct to 'level 1' both "stringVariable" is public.
    However, for the next case, which is more than a deep level, "level1of2" Gets the value of:

    level1of2 = "[object Object']"

    I don't understand why it does not work. Most of the example that I always followed have given application which is two levels deep. For example:

    < user >
    < name > {inputName.text} < / name >
    < / user >

    But, instead of getting the user = > name = > < Namehere > I get user = [object Object]...

    Can someone explain what is happening here?

    Thank you

    The fix was to have both of these properties defined in the class:

    contentType = "application/xml".
    resultFormat = "e4x".

  • attachMovie - need help problem

    I'm doing a thing of statusbar, whenever you press the button, it sets a new Movieclip. But he focus only 1, while 1 goes down just whenever I press it.

    function StatusTextUpdate() {}
    AmountVisible ++;
    root.menus.attachMovie ("StatusUpdate", "StatusUpdate_" + AmountVisible, 1, {_x:-330.00, _y:20 * (AmountVisible) + (-500)});

    I want so it adds another 1 each time than his press. Could someone show me how I can do this?

    You must assign a different depth to each movieclip in the case otherwise they replace each other.  at most, there may be a movieclip by depth:

    function StatusTextUpdate() {}
    AmountVisible ++;
    root.menus.attachMovie ("StatusUpdate", "StatusUpdate_" + AmountVisible, AmountVisible, {_x:-330.00, _y:20 * (AmountVisible) + (-500)});

  • Windows - WDS deployment services. Need help please for password of mystery problem


    Just need help or advice about a problem that's been here recently. I'll give you the sequence of events so that you can better understand.

    An audit has been ordered here where I work and as I had just started working here 3 months ago, I decided to lock the network and make sure that everything was safe.

    There is no service account, and the administrator account was used to run all 3rd party applications, so you can imagine what happened when I changed the admin password.

    Before I did I created service accounts and exchanged them one by one, but the only problem that remains is WDS. When we PXE boot and deploy the image it is the language selection screen and also ask the domain credentials of junction. I have setup a DomainOverlord service account, checked and done so he could join machines to the domain and replaced the old administrator username and password in the AutoUnattend.xml file but it seems not to pick up the password.

    Is there something that I am missing? Is it possible to check which file AutoUnattend.xml using the WIM file? The person who told of course establish a bit messy and I can see at 8-9 AutoUnattend.xml in random places on the server. I changed the details in each one, but it is not always the image itself.

    Any help would be great, the guy in front of me got me fired, I begin to understand why!

    Thank you

    Luke Bayley

    Ask in the forum Windows Server:

  • I have 2 problems-how can I activate my Add ons and how to uninstall Windows Anti Virus. I need help, please.

    I have Windows XP 32-bit with IE8 Add ons.  I mainly use Firefox Mozilla for my browser and Yahoo as my home page.  Anyway, I have tried all the support and help guide and technicians told me to do to get add ons to open and activate but in vain.  This computer was given to me as a profession, and it was used in a Bank, so I think that the system administrator has disabled the add ons.  I myself as an administrator and use the tips and tricks given windows and Microsoft, but I always run up a wall.  I need help, please.
    I also need to know how to uninstall Windows antivirus software.  I can't find anywhere on my computer.  I feel really stupid and he is probably right in front of my face, but I can't find it to uninstall.  I have McAfee that I paid dearly for if I want to use it until it expires.

    This "Microsoft antivirus' witness (AKA Trojan W32/FakeAlert) hijackware infection!

    If you manage to somehow move to Win7, you will always have an infected computer.

    The ONLY way to solve the problem is by formatting the current hard drive and do a clean installation of Windows, whether it is WinXP or Win7.

    The ONLY way you can do a clean install of Windows XP if you have disks that came with the computer or if by chance, there is a hidden partition restore (not to be confused with the system restore).

    If your kids er - well & their spouses are going to spend money on a new HARD drive, they'be be better spend on a low-end Windows 7 computer and brand-new (for example, a netbook or a mini).

    NB: Any data on your Windows XP computer must be considered 100% reliable! (This includes all of your usernames and passwords, for example, those used for online banking, etc.) You do NOT want to put ALL the data from Windows XP to a new computer or HARD disk.

    Good luck, Grandma. Hope that your grandchildren will treat you better than their parents.

    PS: Time wounds all heels.

    ~ Robear Dyer (PA Bear) ~ MS MVP (that is to say, mail, security, Windows & Update Services) since 2002 ~ WARNING: MS MVPs represent or work for Microsoft

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    Without knowing the password for your iPhone, there is no way to unlock it, bring even you to the Genius Bar. If you continue to enter the wrong password, you will be locked out of your iPhone, and your data will be unaccessable.

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    A part is sposing as the company Microsoft is breaking into the computers of the peoples.  Mine has been hacked.  I can finally return to my account, but I can no longer receive emails from anythings.   I went through the question: my computer has be

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    Why a previously installed update continues to appear as being available at the facility?  My OS is Windows 7 (64-bit).  Update KB954430 (update of security for systems of Microsoft XML Core Services 4.0, Service Pack 4 for x 64 based) is available f

  • huge problem disconnect...

    Hi MS Pros! Thank you for providing this forum. I use vista os. I have "logging off" on my screen since 12:00 Friday/Saturday 5/Feb/11. It happens 2 days now. It started when I downloaded some photos that have been scanned in at a size of 600 dpi in