Header style page break problem

I create an EPUB book and I have a problem with page breaks.

I'm trying to force a page break for the paragraph header style, but it does not work. Specifically, I chose to change the paragraph style I want, in this case heading Style, and then choose keep Options, then start paragraph: on the next Page. I also check the exported CSS code and it says page-break-before: always. However, when I export my EPUB, there is NO page break before the header (I have maybe two headers in the same page). How is that possible? Is there another solution?

On EPUB recomposable Layout Export Options, have you checked Split Document > from the paragraph tags Style export?

Tags: InDesign

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    If you used for-each@section, then remove the syntax of additional page break you. In addition, remove all unwanted white space.

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    In the paragraph styles, under Web Options. You can set to start the paragraph on the next page.

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    Send me the model and the XML file at [email protected]. I'll take a look.

    Thank you!

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    InDesign CC on Windows 8.

    > Keep options are all currently turned off...

    Not in this picture they are. It clearly shows "solidarity: 2 lines", and so it is that ID. You probably have similar settings for the following paragraphs as well.

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    Thank you


    A dynamic form, you will not know what is the page number, so you can't use this technique... but you can place the cursor in a field using xfa.host.setFocus("fieldName").

    I've seen other people put a little 1pixel by 1pixel high field of the page (making the field without borders and have the foreground and the background color to the same color as the page) then set your focus to this field. The user will not know that it is a field (because it's so small).


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    Normal page breaks are width full page.

    When I insert one in manually, it shows that only 2 inches wide.

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    The ideas people?

    Funny you should ask that I tried to understand this too!

    It is a matter of Word 2007 - I guess you use Office 2007? I use RH7, but I think that my solution will work for you, because it is the word, not HR.

    In any case, assuming that my assumption of Word 2007 is spot - on, you must change word options.

    1. Go to the Office button, select Word Options.
    2. Select Advanced.
    3. Scroll to the bottom of the window and find the compatibility options (at the bottom of the window).
    4. Expand layout options.
    5. Check "don't split a page break apart and brand of paragraph. (You can apply this to the doc open current you see or all docs - if all of the documents, you would probably change the global template, normal, what we can't do.)
    6. Click OK.

    Note that if you're going to recheck the setting, the format is now listed as "custom".

    Specifically, what is happening is that the page break was taking on a 'normal' style with 0pts before and after. This caused for me a big gap between the top of the Help window and my heading 1 style. (I have my style Heading 1 before 6 pt and 2pt after the value and the font is 12pt.) Modification of the above the page break to take on the Heading 1 style and then broadens also through the window of the project rather than a few inches. Exception that affect how Heading 1 can appear in the compiled help system, I see no problem with the help of the jump to page with the normal style applied, however, it is a little disconcerting. I noticed this particularly in the outline as I sort the pages in my doc in alphabetical order based on Heading 1 so I can find the information easily by customer name. When I used the 'normal' or should I say a "abnormal" style page break, these page breaks have been excluded in this way and I had no page break! (At least there still a cancellation option!)

    I don't know, but you may need to change the template robohelp.dot to keep this standing for your robohelp for word help systems.

    In addition, your heading style has probably not the paragraph format involved to "keep with next", so change the style, and who should add the parchment — not to the header.

    A last little Board, have the 'Developer' showing in the Ribbon tab. This allows you to access the model and see the styles in your doc. I would uncheck the option 'automatically update' so that when you reopen the doc, he loses any doc made you specific lifestyle changes.


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    This problem only occurs when generating a HTML Help CHM file.

    An alternative method are in article 23, to http://www.grainge.org/pages/snippets/snippets.htm#content.

    Do you mean that the code in the source file is changed? I suspect that you mean the target files, but how do you identify the change in a CHM? The change causes a problem?

    See www.grainge.org for creating tips and RoboHelp


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    Thank you

    Command-click to erase the wrinkles too.

    Re page breaks, in the paragraph style for the scene (chapter) headings, try to tick in the paragraph Options of Style, tab Panel Options export, Split Document (ePub only).

    I can't remember, but you will need to check the document page can be Split in the EPUB - export of content Options. (see below).

    (Is there a forum for InDesign ePub).

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    A story. Each chapter of the story begins with a chapter with a style called name for example 'chapter '. The chapter style has the beginning paragraph 'next page' parameter

    I wish that all pages to display the name of the current chapter.

    Under "headers running", the selected for the header style, must exist on the same page of the header to be written.

    This means that only page who already have their names of chapters on them, will be able to view the running header in the page header.

    Should I try and add the name of chapter as a kind of invisible text, which exists on each page? Or what would be the 'best practice' writing 'current chapter', at the top of each page?

    Thank you

    Andreas Jansson

    (Also, I think that the search engine needs to be restored.)


    Once you have picked up a certain style to use for a running header, it will be used for all the following pages as well - right up until the style is used for another text. So that will be used in turn, and so on. Just try it!

    (Also, I think that the search engine needs to be restored.)

    Without a doubt. Even gets commented on Jive's own forum (and irritating, on their own forum, they got their own research back up again).

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    Could you added the category value in the header row and the table row properties to repeat on each page... I sent a response to your e-mail. Take a look to see if the output is by expectations.

    Thank you

  • Paragraph style of change after a Page break

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    What I'm trying to do is to edit a paragraph style that follows a page break symbol.  I have a script (below) that will change a paragraph style following a paragraph already predetermined style, so I guess it's done the same?

    Thank you!

    Changes after "category A" paragraph to "body text":

    app.findTextPreferences = null;

    app.findTextPreferences.appliedParagraphStyle = "topic A";

    var myResults = app.activeDocument.findText ();

    for (i = 0; i < myResults.length; i ++)

    .appliedParagraphS myResults [i].parentStory.paragraphs.nextItem tyle (myResults [i] .paragraphs [0]) = 'body text ';


    Try this:


    app.findTextPreferences = null;

    app.findTextPreferences.findWhat = "^ P";

    var myResults = app.activeDocument.findText ();

    for (i = 0; i

    myResults [i].parentStory.paragraphs.nextItem (myResults [i] .paragraphs [0]) .appliedParagraphStyle = app.activeDocument.paragraphStyles.item ("text body");


    and check if your next "page break" para is not a blank line.


  • table header is empty after a page break


    I have a table and fill it with an XML file.

    The cells in the header row are text fields (not text objects). The data of the table header also comes from the XML file.

    After a page break, I get a line of header at the top of each page, which is good. However, the fields are empty. The fields are filled only in the line to the first page header.

    Is it possible to have all the row header filled fields?

    (I even tried to have text objects in the header line and fill in an event formReady. "But once again on the next page they are filled with the initial value of the text object - and not the value of an XML file.)

    Make each of these fields of Global header... in other words the overall value their relationship.

  • CFHTMLtoPDF - page breaking

    I'm trying to force a page break in my PDF file with no no not a chance, I was wondering if anyone has a suggestions that could help.

    < cfhtmltopdf marginBottom = '1 '.

    marginLeft = '1 '.

    marginRight = '1 '.

    marginTop = '1 '.

    orientation = "portrait".

    pageType = "letter".

    saveAsName = "PersonsName" >

    < cfinclude template = "/ dsp_create_pdf.cfm" >

    < / cfhtmltopdf >

    dsp_create_pdf.cfm contains a loop, and I want to add a Page break before each heading title (to put it simply).

    BUT reading documents on cfhtmltopdfitem reads as follows:

    PageBreak: can be used to insert a pagebreak in the generated PDF file. Where < cfhtmltopdf > is used as a service, pagebreak will not work

    We WANT us cfhtmltopdf as a service, so how this is accomplished.

    CSS with < style p = "page-break-before: always" > < / p > DOES NOT work either.


    <! DOCTYPE html >

    " < html xmlns =" http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml "lang ="fr"XML: lang ="fr"> "

    < head >

    wihout < title > My PDF page breaks < /title >

    < cfoutput >

    < / cfoutput >

    < style type = "text/css" >



    font-size: 18pt;

    do-family: "Times New Roman";


    < / style >

    < / head >

    <!--get my data-->

    < cfinclude template = "qry_websrg70.cfm" >

    < body >

    < div class = "pdf" align = "center" >

    < table >

    < b >

    < td align = "center" colspan = "3" >


    < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < td align = "center" colspan = "3" >

    < cfoutput >

    #PersonsName #.

    < / cfoutput >

    < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < td align = "center" colspan = "3" >

    < cfoutput >

    #NOW () #.

    < / cfoutput >

    < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < td align = "center" colspan = "3" >

    < table >

    < /tr >

    < cfoutput query = "qLetter" >

    < cfswitch expression = "#CONTENT_IND #" >

    < cfcase value = "GRDIST" >

    < b >

    < td align = "left" colspan = "3" >

    <! - Page Break here - >

    <!-< cfhtmltopdfitem type = 'pagebreak' / >->

    < style p = "page-break-before: always" > < / p >

    < table >

    < /tr >

    < / cfcase >

    < / cfswitch >

    < b >

    < td align = "left" >

    < u > #data1 # < /u >

    < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < td align = "left" colspan = "3" >

    #l_comments #.

    < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < td align = "center" colspan = "3" >

    < table >

    < /tr >

    < / cfoutput >

    < /table >

    < / div >

    < / body >

    < / html >

    Solution to the problem was eventually remove all the dsp_create_pdf.cfm file Table labels.

    Thus only

    have been used in the code HTML of the CFM page and everything worked as expected.

  • APEX HTML page break

    My APEX page consists of several HTML areas and mixed SQL reports. The user just wants to print from the web page. Now, I want the page to break at the specific point. The length of regions vary due to some dynamic content in them. I thought I found the solution, last month, but it does not work. Here's what I have. But it does not work.

    I have reproduced a similar thing to the below in apex.oracle.com

    workspace: vmk081201

    user: admin

    password: password

    APEX 4.1

    24 theme

    Page template - Printable Version

    Region - any model

    I gave one of the regions a static id as 'region-3' (without the quotes)

    HTML page header

    < style type = "text/css" >

    @media print {}

    {#région - 3

    page break before: always


    {#région - 3

    page-break-after: always



    < / style >


    I logged in your workspace and I think I understand what the problem is.

    You have chosen a fancy with a DIV model that spans the entire body of the page. If I remember correctly, the page break does not work if you try to put a break within a nested DIV.

    You need to try with some 'old' model or remove this DIV printer friendly page model in the foreground with the class "uBodyContainer".

    In addition, you have created two regions without a model, I had to change the model "DIV with ID '.

    I also removed some stuff in excess of the page header.

    I don't want to make too many changes in your code, otherwise you will not understand what is happening.





Maybe you are looking for