help on the use of dynamic action to update the items in a table (more precisely, the radio button) based on the collection

Hi everyone, I posted this question in the past and made huge strides with the help of Denes Kubicek: based on my previous question posted:

I'm fighting with a single element in my tabular presentation.  There is a radio button.  The choices all seem correctly, but the value is not saved in the collection (and therefore not recorded in the table).  All the other elements in the form of tables to record properly.

Here's what I have for the query.   This is element c024 (which maps to;) ("F03'), which is defined as a radio based on an existing LOV LOV.

Currently I have:

2 items on the page:



Dynamic action called COLUMN of CHANGE:

event: CHANGE

selection type: jQUERY Selector


Select jQuery = input [name = "f03"], select [name "f08"], select [name = "f09"], input [name = 'f10'], input [name = 'f11'], input [name = 'f12'], select [name = "f40"], input [name = "f21"], input [name = 'f22'], input [name = "f23"], input [name = 'f50']

scope of the event: Dynamics

real action #1: set the P110_ID javascript expression

real action #2: set the P110_VALUE javascript expression this.triggeringElement.value

action 3: run pl/sql code

  v_member number;
  v_seq number;
  v_member := TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (:p110_id, 2, 2));
  select ltrim(substr(:p110_ID,5,4),'0') into v_seq from dual;

refreshment area true creation #4: LANDINGS_COLLECTION

the tabular presentation is based on the query:

apex_item.text(1,seq_id,'','','id="f01_'||seq_id,'','') "DeleteRow",
seq_id display_seq_id,
apex_item.text_from_LOV(c004,'SPECIES')||'-'||apex_item.text_from_LOV(c005,'GRADE')||'-'||apex_item.text_from_LOV(c006,'MARKETCODE')||'-'||apex_item.text_from_LOV_query(c007,'select unit_of_measure d, unit_of_measure r from species_qc') unit,
apex_item.select_list_from_LOV(8,c008,'DISPOSITIONS','onchange="getAllDisposition('||seq_id||')"','YES','0','  -- Select Favorite --  ','f08_'||seq_id,'') Disposition,
apex_item.select_list_from_LOV(9,c009,'GEARS','style="background-color:#FBEC5D; "onFocus="checkGearPreviousFocus('||seq_id||');"onchange="getAllGears('||seq_id||')"','YES','3333','-- Select Favorite --','f09_'||seq_id,'') Gear,
apex_item.text(10,TO_NUMBER(c010),5,null, 'onchange="setTotal('||seq_id||')"','f10_'||seq_id,'') Quantity,
apex_item.text(11,TO_NUMBER(c011),5,null,'onchange="getPriceBoundaries('||seq_id||')"','f11_'||seq_id,'') Price,

apex_item.text(12, TO_NUMBER(c012),5,null, 'onchange="changePrice
('||seq_id||')" onKeyDown="selectDollarsFocus('||seq_id||',event);"','f12_'||seq_id,'') Dollars,
decode(c013,'Y',apex_item.text(14, c014,30,null,'style="background-color:#FBEC5D;" onClick="onFocusAreaFished('||seq_id||');"','f14_'||seq_id,''),'N','N/A') Area_Fished,
decode(c017,'Y',apex_item.text(18, c018,4,null,'style="background-color:#FBEC5D; "onBlur="setUnitQuantity('||seq_id||')"','f18_'||seq_id,''),'N','N/A') UNIT_QUANTITY,
decode(c017,'Y',apex_item.text(19,'CN',3,null,'readOnly=readOnly;','f19_'||seq_id,''),'N','N/A') UNIT_COUNT,
c024 hms_flag,
decode(c050,'Y',apex_item.checkbox(21,'Y','id="f21_'||seq_id||'" style="background-color:#FBEC5D; " onClick="alterYes('||seq_id||');" onKeyPress="alterYes('||seq_id||');"',c021),'N','N/A') FinsAttached,
decode(c050,'Y',apex_item.checkbox(22,'N','id="f22_'||seq_id||'" style="background-color:#FBEC5D;" onClick="alterNo('||seq_id||');" onKeyPress="alterNo('||seq_id||');"',c022),'N','N/A') FinsNotAttached,
decode(c050,'Y',apex_item.checkbox(23,'U','id="f23_'||seq_id||'" style="background-color:#FBEC5D;" onClick="alterUnk('||seq_id||');" onKeyPress="alterUnk('||seq_id||');"',c023),'N','N/A') FinsUnknown,
decode(c050,'Y',apex_item.textarea(28,c028,3,null,null,'f28_'||seq_id,''),'N','N/A') Explanation,
decode(c024,'N',apex_item.select_list_from_LOV(29,c029,'HMSNATURE','onchange="saveNature('||seq_id||')"','YES','A','-- Select Nature of Sale --','f29_'||seq_id,''),'U',apex_item.select_list_from_LOV(29,c029,'HMSNATURE','onchange="saveNature('||seq_id||')"','YES','A','-- Select Nature of Sale --','f29_'||seq_id,''),'Y','N/A') Nature_Of_Sale,
'N','N/A') Sale_Price
from apex_collections
 where collection_name = 'SPECIES_COLLECTION' order by seq_id

I noticed the following:

When I change the column C011 (price) the following values are defined in dynamic action:

P110_ID = f11_1

P110_VALUE is everything that I change the price.

When I change the column C024 (hms_flag), the following values are defined:

P110_ID = f03_0001

P110_VALUE = change everything what I hms_flag to.

the region is updated in my dynamic action, and change of hms_flag does not take.  I tested the SQL query that generates the value of v_SEQ in the dynamic action.   Both a change of price and HMS_FLAG, it seems valid

Select ltrim (substr(:p110_ID,5,4),'0 ') in the double v_seq;

If f11_1, v_seq: = 1

If f03_0001, v_seq: = 1

Thank you!

solved.  sort of.

domain c024 references f03.

dynamic ACtion, step 4 calculated v_member as a substring of P110_ID... and in all other areas, the column and the field (fxx) displayed the same value... otherwise c024.

I'm not exactly sure how solve it, but see the problem.

Tags: Database

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    Using APEX 4.2.

    I have the list of selection using a LOV which returns a display value and a value separated by a comma e.g. return 'reserved to items' and "66,88" or "Available items" and "90,23".

    I want that return values for example "66,88" to be assigned to two my form fields.

    I have a dynamic action that fires when the field with the changes of the list/select-LOV. I am using an action of 'Set value' and set 'Expression JavaScript' with the expression itself type value ' $v("P1_MY_SELECT_LIST").split(",") and using Type "Article (s)' selection and listing the two points that I want to set as the items in question (from the description of the JavaScript expression field it appears that a table of the results would be assigned to the changed items , in the order.

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    The action 'Set value' affects the value specified to all affected elements: a value to one or more items. To set a different value at different points, you need several actions "Set value", or simply use javascript to do it in one.

    Even if you use a javascript expression that corresponds to a table, the table is just being converted to a string again. It creates a mapping of some sort. That is why for example with '10', she also translated as such. Actually you set this value to these two elements: ' 10, ".split(",").toString () (implicit in the chain of course).

    The code makes it very obvious that it doesn't handle values, as described in the help of the element. Aid is not correct or is the implementation simply not here yet?

    Just look at the javascript for dynamic actions, images/libraries/apex/dynamic_actions.js, service da.setValue directory file:

        function _setValue( pValue ) {
            lAffectedElements$.each( function( i ) {
                // Set all affected elements to the value passed
                $s( this, pValue, null, lSuppressChangeEvent );
            /* Resume execution of actions here and pass false to the callback, to indicate no
            error has occurred. */
            da.resume( lResumeCallback, false );

    And when you use a javascript expression:

        } else if ( lSetType === "JAVASCRIPT_EXPRESSION" ) {
            _setValue( this ));

    It's pretty simple. (and this is checked on apex 5. It's the same on 4.2)

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    dacoellov wrote:

    I'm learning the 5 apex and I wanted to create a page that would update the fields in a record by entering the unique id of the recording using a dynamic action with plsql.

    When I click on the button update the value of the element of the text uses the previous value and not the input current. The 'works' update, but the ID values are not appropriate.

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    What dynamic action event and what types of action are involved here? Provide details, or better yet share identification information of developer comments for the workspace so that we can see the demo.

    If the dynamic action executes an SQL statement or a PL/SQL process on the server that requires page updated element values in session state, specify these items as part of dynamic action Page to submit items .

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    2. on a button, I have a dynamic action that defines an element
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    Hi yv *,.

    using the syntax & MY_ITEM., the value is populated only on page rendering. In your case, value is populated probably okay, but you get it in the wrong sense.
    Try to use JS API (, for example $v ('P1_CMD').

    Marko Goricki

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    Help, please.


    Delphine Renaud

    create a dynamic action on the basis of

    action-> change

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    have a dynamic action of the 2 step

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    This is Apex on DB:

    Thanks in advance,


    In your dynamic action, add a javascript to execute action, follow these steps in action:

    $("#TEST_BUTTON").attr ('value', 'DAMIFINO');

    Where TEST_BUTTON is the static Id of your button (you can set it to the definition of the button) and where DAMIFINO is the string you want to take...  You could write some javascript so so statement to switch the value depending on whether it is all or only active...

    Thank you

    Tony Miller
    Software LuvMuffin
    Ruckersville, WILL

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    The table will refresh and display the data according to the value of P10_SNAPVAL (storage of the PK value).

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    Area PL/SQL dynamic content making the report

    Dynamic action

    -Event: change

    -Item: P10_SNAPVAL

    -Action: update

    -Element affected: Region - load (dynamic PL/SQL content) profile

    -Field of application event: I tried as well bind & live

    The value of P10_SNAPVAL is changed whenever the user place an icon of Penguin (this works because the graphic works).

    Anyone know why my current setup does not work with the table/how fix?

    Edit: It's something to do with me changing using javascript?

    $('img[name=summary]').mouseover(function() {
    var get = new htmldb_Get(null,html_GetElement('pFlowId').value, null,10);
    var gReturn = get.get();
    document.getElementById('P10_SNAPVAL').value = gReturn;

    Edit 2: I tried:


    and each apexir_WORKSHEET_REGION down id (apexir_REPORT, apexir_WORKSHEET, apexir_DATA_PANEL, 9587216508806437) but it is not updated the table of values for any of them. I thought that this call was made for normal day and reports of the IR, but I tried normal, he passed to IR and it is not refreshing. No errors in JS (according to firebug)

    On page 2, I changed:

    report area model was "no model", changed to "borderless region" - there must be a model.

    and changed the static ID of the area to "report_updrep" - because in javascript, we use this ID.

    Look, it works.

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    If ( == "Cash).

    this.getField("FinanceType").value = 'Cash ';...

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    (ps. I know just enough coding to get in trouble!)

    Yes, you can. The code would be:

    this.getField("FinanceType").readonly = true; or false, change it back

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    If you can direct me to a tutorial in this sense, it would be extremely useful.

    Mark Patterson

    It is a coding language that must be supported by the server.  almost all servers have php support.

  • With the help of the collection within sql

    I have a function that returns a list of numbers. for example:
    CREATE TYPE integer_table_type AS TABLE OF INTEGER;
       RETURN integer_table_type
       return_var   integer_table_type;
       SELECT   *
         BULK   COLLECT
         INTO   return_var
         FROM   (SELECT   1 FROM DUAL
                 SELECT   2 FROM DUAL
                 SELECT   3 FROM DUAL);
       RETURN return_var;
    END test_fnc;
    I would use this function in a sql statement, without aid of a subquery, for example:
                SELECT   2 FROM DUAL
                SELECT   3 FROM DUAL
                SELECT   4 FROM DUAL
                SELECT   5 FROM DUAL
                SELECT   6 FROM DUAL)
    SELECT   *
      FROM   t1
     WHERE   f1 IN (test_fnc);
    but I can't get it's running by using a subquery for example:
                SELECT   2 FROM DUAL
                SELECT   3 FROM DUAL
                SELECT   4 FROM DUAL
                SELECT   5 FROM DUAL
                SELECT   6 FROM DUAL)
    SELECT   *
      FROM   t1
     WHERE   f1 IN (SELECT   * FROM table (test_fnc));
    Is this possible without having to return to the function in a subquery? Thank you.

    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production


    select *
      from t1
     where f1 member of test_fnc
  • How to adjust the alignment of the image or tables more precisely (HTML only)

    I posted earlier and had a lot of luck!

    Here is a link to the site:

    That's a model from ebay so I would prefer to just use HTML rather than referencing an external CSS file. The question I have is in what regards the alignment of the table in the photos. I would like to be aligned vertically to the edge of the logo at the top of the page, and not all the way to the left. Is it possible that I can do this?

    shesomeoneso wrote:

    I posted earlier and had a lot of luck!

    Here is a link to the site:

    That's a model from ebay so I would prefer to just use HTML rather than referencing an external CSS file. The question I have is in what regards the alignment of the table in the photos. I would like to be aligned vertically to the edge of the logo at the top of the page, and not all the way to the left. Is it possible that I can do this?

    Replace the existing table that contains the large product image and 2 stickers with the table below. No doubt it will be a descriptive text to the right of the large product image."width ="600"height ="539"alt ="Great Photo"style =" "border: 1px solid #000000;" name = "swap" / > " Product description goes here"width ="100"height ="80"alt ="Small picture"style =" border: 1px solid #000000; " margin-bottom: 3px; "" onmousedown = "document.swap.src ='';" / > "width ="100"height ="80"alt ="Small picture"style =" border: 1px solid #000000; " margin: 0 3px 0 10px; "onmousedown =" document.swap.src ='';"/ >

  • change the results of the report with the selection list using dynamic action

    This is one of those situations where if I could understand the appropriate search terms to use, someone else must have asked this question in the past.

    I have a report with a SQL query with a condition based on a list of selection on the same page. So I have a list of selection -: P177_FISCAL_YEAR

    My request for my report is:

    Select md_id, display_name, description
    of media_tbl
    where fiscal_year =: P177_FISCAL_YEAR

    When a person makes a selection on the selection list (: P177_FISCAL_YEAR), I would like to report up-to-date without having to submit the page. I was hoping that I could do something like this using a dynamic action but have not found a way to do it.

    Thanks in advance!


    Create dynamic Action:

    Event: change
    Selection type: product (s)
    Article (s): P177_FISCAL_YEAR
    Condition: - unconditionally.

    Real Actions (add 2 real actions)
    -the first is to load the value in session state so that the report can see.
    Sequence: 5
    Action: execute the PL/SQL Code
    Code PL/SQL: null;
    Items to submit page: P177_FISCAL_YEAR

    -the second to refresh the report
    Sequence: 10
    Action: Discount
    Selection type: region

  • Tips: APEX 5 r IR by a dynamic action after the text fields complete

    Hello I hope I can get assistance on this matter and thank you in advance for any information.

    I have an APEX 5 screen, that has 4 fields of entry of text and under this one IR that has these 4 parameters in its SQL where clauses.

    Now if I create a button that submits page or redirects to this page my report can be updated with the values of user entered without problem, basic stuff.  If I create the settings section as a dialog box model once again that I can get the update report as this dialogue submits the page as well as the report can refresh according to closed dialog option.

    What I struggle to reach is to allow the user to enter values in the text fields click on a button called 'submit' and there all stages of implementing dynamic action without page reloading.  I want user to P1_A, P1_B, P1_C, P1_D press on "submit" input, dynamic action that links the values entered into the fields, then fire another dynamic action that updates the State when the button is clicked / modified values what works the best.

    I am struggling to get this to work and I even tried to copy these settings and do them as hidden for example bind input P1_A to P1_A_Hidden by a dynamic action and have the report where clause =: P1_A_HIDDEN, but have not managed to get this working.

    It's possible?  I know its easy to simply send the page and make it work, but I want the experience to be quite uniform for the user and act as you never leave the page.

    I saw on the packages of the app in the chart example.  The bubble chart has a list selector (salary) and the table updates dynamically, it seems so that the process can occur, but I need the user to enter text and not use selection lists.

    My apologies if I missed any, but I can give you more if it helps.


    1972903b-5166-494e-8355-08d9d4006e96 wrote:

    Hello I hope I can get assistance on this matter and thank you in advance for any information.

    I have an APEX 5 screen, that has 4 fields of entry of text and under this one IR that has these 4 parameters in its SQL where clauses.

    What I struggle to reach is to allow the user to enter values in the text fields click on a button called 'submit' and there all stages of implementing dynamic action without page reloading.  I want user to P1_A, P1_B, P1_C, P1_D press on "submit" input, dynamic action that links the values entered into the fields, then fire another dynamic action that updates the State when the button is clicked / modified values what works the best.

    The button simply trigger a unique dynamic action of refreshment on the IR region. Session state for page elements must be processed automatically by specifying them in the property Page to submit Items of the IR region.

    Please ensure that you have updated your forum profile with a recognizable username instead of "1972903b-5166-494e-8355-08d9d4006e96": Video tutorial how to change username available

  • How to trigger a dynamic action of the dynamic list entry?

    Hi experts,

    I use the apex of oracle database 12 c 4.2

    I'm creating an application on jquery mobile theme 50 I need to create a script as I've shown in photo


    select it user a floor and the ground must be highlighted and region tables should be updated and the corresponding

    floors tables must appear only without submitting the page

    I tried something else, but can not make it work

    I created the floor using dynamic lists how do I trigger the dynamic action to update the region of the table in the list of the selected floor

    question any help will be appreciated thanks in advance.


    something to inspire:

    Dynamic JavaScript action



  • Dynamic action to email from automatic calculation of the fields in the form created in the APEX firstname and lastname


    I am working in the form based on the employees table. I have email_id (P169_EMAIL_ID), last_name(:P169_LAST_NAME) and 3 fields/items first_name(:P169_FIRST_NAME). I am trying to create a dynamic action Auto Fill the id field of electronic mail with the email ID immediately when the user enters first name and family name, he clicks on the e-mail id field. Please help me with suggestions for the code I should use in dynamic action. For example, if a user enters rakesh in the first name field and choudhury to registered name the by clicking the id field e-mail should automatically show [email protected]

    Thanks in advance!



    You need to change your name to something more appropriate

    I work in the form based on the employees table. I have email_id (P169_EMAIL_ID), last_name(:P169_LAST_NAME) and 3 fields/items first_name(:P169_FIRST_NAME). I am trying to create a dynamic action Auto Fill the id field of electronic mail with the email ID immediately when the user enters first name and family name, he clicks on the e-mail id field. Please help me with suggestions for the code I should use in dynamic action. For example, if a user enters rakesh in the first name field and choudhury to registered name the by clicking the id field e-mail should automatically display [email protected]

    You can use a DA to set the email in the agenda of the Email page when there is a change in the maybe the first name of the person if it follows in the order you presented above.


    Event: change

    Point: P169_LAST_NAME

    Action: Set

    Fires when the event is the result: true


    Set tYpe: PL/SQL body Funtion

    l_email varchar(40);
    l_email := :P169_FIRST_NAME||'.'||:P169_LAST_NAME ||'' ;
    return l_email;

    Page items to submit: P169_FIRST_NAME, P169_LAST_NAME

    Items concerned:

    Article: P169_EMAIL_ID

    NB: I recommend that you look at the dynamic Actions of the sample under the application package.

    Hope this helps

    Kind regards


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