help strengthen the existing script maps

So I tried initially comes to loop through all the files but could not understand so I made sure that I could pass the file as a parameter, but ideally, I want it to all virtual machines without having to enter all the settings. Any ideas on the best way to do this? I want to the csv files for each folder with all the attributes that are customized for each virtual machine contained in.


Param ($param1)

$report = @)

$folders = get-file $Param1 # | name sort



ForEach ($folder in $folders)


$vms = get-vm-location $folder

ForEach ($vm to $vms)


$ReportObj = "" | Select "File", "Virtual Machine", "POC", "Username", "Password",

$ReportObj. "" Folder "= $

$ReportObj. "' Virtual Machine ' = $

$ReportObj. "' POC ' = $vm. CustomFields

$ReportObj. "' Username ' = $vm. CustomFields

$ReportObj. "' Password ' = $vm. CustomFields

$Report += $ReportObj

$csvfile = "D:\". "$folder".csv ".

$report | Export-CSV $csvfile - NoTypeInformation



The Get-FolderPath filter returns anything you put in the $row.

Then if you add additional properties, they will be in the CSV files.

For example, the following version adds the Notes property and all of the custom attributes

filter Get-FolderPath {
     $vmImpl = $_
     $_ | Get-View | % {
          $row = "" | select Name, Path, Notes
          $row.Name = $_.Name

          $current = Get-View $_.Parent
          $path = ""
          do {
               $parent = $current
               if($parent.Name -ne "vm"){$path = $parent.Name + "\" + $path}
               $current = Get-View $current.Parent
          } while ($current.Parent -ne $null)
          $row.Path = $path
          $row.Notes = $vmImpl.Description
          $vmImpl.CustomFields.GetEnumerator() | %{
               $row | Add-Member -Name $_.Key -Value $_.Value -MemberType NoteProperty

Get-VM | Get-FolderPath | Group-Object -Property Path | %{$_.Group | Export-Csv ("C:\" + ($_.Name.TrimEnd("\")).Replace("\","-") + ".csv")}

This version also solves the problem with the file name of the CSV files which was leaking.

Tags: VMware

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    Add-Member -Pass NoteProperty "Compute - RAM Available for NEW VMs (GB)" $TotalClusterRAMAvailable |
    Add-Member -Pass NoteProperty "Compute - Average RAM allocated per VM" $avgrampervm |
    Add-Member -Pass NoteProperty "Compute - Remaining VMs based on available RAM" $newvmcountram |
    Add-Member -Pass NoteProperty "Storage - Datastore Count" $DSCount |
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    Add-Member -Pass NoteProperty "Storage - Total Datastore Free (GB)" $TotalDSFreeGB |
    Add-Member -Pass NoteProperty "Storage - Total Datastore Used (GB)" $TotalDSUsedGB |
    Add-Member -Pass NoteProperty "Storage - Average storage allocated per VM" $avgstoragepervm |
    Add-Member -Pass NoteProperty "Compute - Remaining VMs based on available storage" $newvmcountstorage

    {on the last line of the script after} add below line

    | ConvertTo-Html | Out-file c:\log.html

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    to increase or decrease the height of a subform, you use the following syntax in the click of + and - button


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    To help with the repost the question script to the script Center Forum

  • Edit the existing script.

    $vCenter = Read-host - prompt "enter hostname vCenter.
    to connect-viserver-Server $vCenter - Credential (Get-Credential)
    $cluster = read-host - prompt "enter the name of the cluster.
    $ = read-host-prompt ", enter the id of naa.
    Get-cluster-name '$cluster ' | Get-VMHost | Get-ScsiLun - canonicalName "$" | Game-ScsiLun - MultipathPolicy "roundrobin".


    In the above script is used to change the political seat RoundRobin data store. When we run the script he invites to vCenter FQDN, identification information, the name of the Cluster and of the data store.

    But I get the error message below.


    Property 'id' is not found on this object; Make sure it exists and is settab
    C:\users\cz3m7g\desktop\RR.ps1:4 tank: 6
    + $naa. < < < < id = read-host - prompt "enter the id of naa.
    + CategoryInfo: InvalidOperation: (id: String) [], RuntimeExcepti
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId: PropertyNotFound

    Get-ScsiLun: 08/02/2013-02:41:48 Get ScsiLun could not find ScsiLunI
    nterop with CanonicalName "ID".
    C:\users\cz3m7g\desktop\RR.ps1:5 char: 56
    + Get-cluster-name '$cluster ' | Get-VMHost | Get-ScsiLun < < < <-canonicalName
    "$" | Game-ScsiLun - MultipathPolicy "roundrobin".
    + CategoryInfo: ObjectNotFound: (.id:String) [Get-ScsiLun], VimE
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId: Common_CommonUtil_FilterCollection_ObjectNotFoun
    d, VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.cmdlets.Commands.Host.GetScsiLun

    Get-ScsiLun: 08/02/2013-02:41:49 Get-ScsiLun value cannot be null.
    Parameter name: moRef
    C:\users\cz3m7g\desktop\RR.ps1:5 char: 56
    + Get-cluster-name '$cluster ' | Get-VMHost | Get-ScsiLun < < < <-canonicalName
    "$" | Game-ScsiLun - MultipathPolicy "roundrobin".
    + CategoryInfo: NotSpecified: (:)) [Get-ScsiLun], VimException)
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId: Core_BaseCmdlet_UnknownError, VMware.VimAutomatio

    Looks like Get-VMHost is not place all the objects in the pipeline.

    Are you sure

    Get-cluster-name '$cluster ' | Get-VMHost

    Returns all objects VMHost?

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    I have some related issues oppose executing this script to list physical NETWORK card speeds by NIC for each host. The error is:

    The method call failed because http://System.Management.Automation.PSObject contains not one me

    Taylor named "op_Addition.

    Online: 12 char: 23

    + += $NicSpReportObj < < < < $NicSpReportObj

    + CategoryInfo: InvalidOperation: (op_Addition:String)], RuntimeException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId: MethodNotFound

    Hostname Teddy speed pnic0 1000

    It will list until I would be the last entry in the object but of course its not adding in the previous info (or deleting it may be).

    If someone could take a look it would be great.

    Thank you


    Script (also attached):

    $VMHosts = get-VMHost | Sort name | Get-View

    $NicSpReport = @)

    $NicSpReportObj = "" | Select-Object HostName, Teddy bear, speed

    Foreach ($VMHost to $VMHosts)


    $pnic = 0


    $Speed = $VMHost.Config.Network.Pnic [$pnic]. LinkSpeed.SpeedMb

    $NicSpReportObj.HostName = $VMHost.Name

    $NicSpReportObj.pNIC = ' teddy bear$ Teddy. "

    $NicSpReportObj.Speed = $speed

    $NicSpReportObj += $NicSpReportObj

    {$pnic ++}

    Until the ($pnic - eq ($VMHost.Config.Network.Pnic.Length))


    $NicSpReport += $NicSpReportObj

    $NicSpReport | FT - AutoSize

    I have a little rewriting of your script. I hope it will do what you want now:

    Get-VMHost | ForEach-Object {
      $VMHost = $_
      $VMHost.Extensiondata.Config.Network.Pnic | ForEach-Object {
        $NicSpReportObj = "" | Select-Object HostName, pNIC, Speed
        $NicSpReportObj.HostName = $VMHost.Name
        $NicSpReportObj.pNIC = $_.Device
        $NicSpReportObj.Speed = $_.LinkSpeed.SpeedMb
    } | Sort-Object -property HostName,pNIC | Format-Table -AutoSize

    Best regards, Robert

    Update: moved the Sort-Object cmdlet at the end of the script to also perform a sort on the attribute of Teddy.

    Post edited by: RvdNieuwendijk

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    I have an existing Flash CS3 file that makes up the result to .

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    I modified the XML file with the correct references to a new page and a .swf file that accompanies it to play in the field of animation.

    I tried a .fla version where I duplicated one of the existing tabs script, changed the XML references and changed the variables if necessary to "con or"Con"(which is to reach us). Unfortunately, he made the menu tab go completely off the page and was patently false in some way.

    Can someone give me a clue as to what to change here on the original file that I am a novice with ActionScripts, so ask me.

    For reference, I have attached the HTML files with scripts of original file and my incorrect version. The chronology is 103 images with the scripts placed in frame 1 and 102

    Thank you.


    The buttons are all created using the same library object (but MC), except for the code you have in the revised file does not call on it for the con button.

    You calling on something with a name of 'con' link, which tells me that a quick check is not - then it is undefined in the code when you try to use it.  I found this by using trace (newConBut._x); After its _x value was assigned, as I said, you should try.   So the first thing you want to do is to change the following line from...

    var newConBut = _root.attachMovie ("con", "conbut", _root.getNextHighestDepth ());


    var newConBut = _root.attachMovie ("but", "conbut", _root.getNextHighestDepth ());

    so that it uses the but MC who is used to this end in the library.  So, you want to correct the assignment _x of the buttons and I think that you had previously...

    newConBut._x = 650 - newConBut._width;
    newRecBut._x = newConBut._x - newRecBut._width;

    Here is a picture of what these changes (note, without the XML file, I had to finagle things just to work, then the labels of biutton are not what they will be)...

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    I have a problem, try to uninstall the ask toolbar. get the error message: unable to access the VB script... need help


    How do you try to uninstall the toolbar?

    I would suggest trying the following methods and check if it helps.

    Method 1:

    Try the steps in the following Microsoft article and check if it helps.

    How to fix script errors in Internet Explorer on Windows computers:

    Correction of errors in Internet Explorer:

    Method 2:

    Try to uninstall the toolbar, programs and features and check if it helps.

    Uninstall or change a program:

    Hope the information is useful.

  • With the help of the network location and mapped a drive to the server FTP. during the transfer of very large amounts of the login information is always lost.

    With the help of the network location and mapped a drive to the server FTP off site; during the transfer of very large amounts of the login information is always lost.  Computer power settings are configured to not to do no matter what, I'm assuming that the ftp server can publish a scenerio timeout but is there a way for my computer and windows to restart the file transfer?


    Thanks for posting your question in the Microsoft Community forums.

    I see from the description of the problem, you have a problem with networking on the FTP server.

    The question you posted would be better suited in the Technet Forums. I would post the query in the link below.

    Hope this information helps you. If you need additional help or information on Windows, I'll be happy to help you. We, at tender Microsoft to excellence.
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    I need help on the matrix of action script 3.0

    [Ask in the correct forum allows... Left non-technical Forum Lounge for forum specific program... MOD]

    to apply a matrix for mc mat oppose:

    var mat: Matrix = new Matrix;

    mat.a = Whatever;

    mat.b =

    mat.c =

    mat.d =

    mast. TX =

    mat.Ty =

    MC. Transform.Matrix = Matt;

  • Select all the script maps

    Hi all

    Hoping someone out there can help, I need my script to end with one of the following 3 options:

    Select all: as in "cmd one"

    Select all the objects on the layer "Tabs".

    Select all the objects with the Script title boxes"tabs".

    Reason being, when the script ends I need a bunch of boxes to be pre-selected loan for a manual deselect by 1 point (chosen by the user) and then they Deletes selected objects manually to finish. (I didn't understand my original script here as has no impact on the autonomous part I need for the final selection)

    Hoping that this is a simple script but as it is rare to have a script of object selection and not do something with them, I think it's impossible to create.

    Thank you, Bren

    Read the object model and you will find that the equivalent script Cmnd + A is as follows:

    app.selection = null;
    pItems =[0].activeSpread.pageItems; (pItems, SelectionOptions.ADD_TO);

    To select all items in the layer tab page, filter the items in the page:

    app.selection = null;
    pItems =[0].activeSpread.pageItems;
    for (i = pItems.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
      if (pItems[i] === 'Tab') { (pItems[i], SelectionOptions.ADD_TO);

    To select objects with a certain script label is a variant of the (or an addition to) the second script.


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    Help, please...

    Thank you

    To view the diagram of logic model in Bachman notation, you right-click on a blank area of the diagram and select the rating > Bachman Notation.


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    With the help of the clause type

    Select sqnc

    from (select sqnc

    from (select 'T00"sqnc, '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' ordr

    of the double



    size of (0 I)

    measures (sqnc, ordr, length (ordr) len)

    rules iterate (1300) until (instr(sqnc[iteration_number],'~')! = 0)

    (sqnc [iteration_number] = case when sqnc [cv (i) - 1] is null

    then sqnc [0]

    of another substr (sqnc [iteration_number - 1], 1, 1) |

    -case when substr (sqnc [iteration_number - 1], 2, 1)<=>

    so when business substr (sqnc [iteration_number - 1], 3, 1)<>

    then substr (ordr [0], instr (ordr [0], substr (sqnc [iteration_number - 1], 2, 1)), 1)

    of another nvl (substr (ordr [0], instr (ordr [0], substr (sqnc [iteration_number - 1], 2, 1)) + 1.1),'~ ')


    end |

    -case when substr (sqnc [iteration_number - 1], 3, 1)<>

    then substr (ordr [0], instr (ordr [0], substr (sqnc [iteration_number - 1], 3, 1)) + 1.1)

    else ' 0'





    where instr(sqnc,'~') = 0



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