Help with embedding javascript in Muse

I tried embedding javascript to detect and redirect mobile browsers, using the function "insert HTML", but the script becomes visible on the page. How can I keep that from happening?

This is the script:

(function (a, b) {if (/android.+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|h iptop | iemobile | ip(hone|od) | iris | kindle | lge | maemo | midp: mmp | netfront | Opera m(ob|in) I: palm (os)? |)}) Phone | p(ixi|re)-/ | Plucker. Pocket | PSP | Symbian | Treo | up\. (browser: link) | Vodafone | WAP | Wi ndows (this | phone): xda | xiino/i.test (a) | / 1207 | 6310 | 6590. 3gso | 4thp | 50 [1-6] i | 770 s | 802 s | a wa | ABAC | AC (Re: oo | if-) | ai(ko|rn) | Al (av: ca: co) | Amoi | a (ex: ny: yw) | APTU | ar(ch|go) | as(te|us) | a ttw | AU (di | \-m | r | s) | Avan | be (ck | | nq) | bi(lb|rd) | bl(ac|az) | br(e|v) w | bumb | bw\-(n|u) | c55\ / | CAPI | ccwa | cdm\ | Cel l | chtm | CLDC. cmd\ | co(mp|nd) | craw | da (it: he's: ng). dbte. dc\ - s | Devi | Dica | dmob | do(c|p) o | DS (12: \-d). el(49|ai) | em(l2|ul) | er(ic|k0) | esl8 | EZ ([4-7] 0: os: wa: ze) | ETF | fly (--: _). u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-Mo|go(\.w|OD)|GR(ad|UN)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|HI(PT|TA)|HP g1 (I: ip) | hs\ - c | HT (c (--| | _ | a | g | p | s | t) | tp) | hu(aw|tc) | jemti-(20 | aller | ma) | i230 | IAC (| \-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|) Im1k | Inno | iPAQ | IRIS | ja(t|v) a | jbro | jemu | jigs | KDDI | Keji | kgt (| \/)|klon|kpt |) kwc\ | kyo(c|k) | le(no|xi) | LG (g |------/ (k | l | u) [| 50 | 54 | e\-| e\ / | \-[AW]) | Libw. Lynx | m1\ - w | m3ga | m50\ / | my (you: ui | xo) | MC (01: 21: ca) | \-CR|me m (di: rc: ri) | MI (o8 | oa | ts) | mmef | mo (01: 02 | bi | of | do | t (-------| | o | v) | zz). MT (50: p1 | v) | mwbp | mywa | N10 [0-2] | N20 [2-3] | n30(0| 2) | n50 (0 | 2 | 5) | N7 (0(0|1): 10) | don't ((c|m) \-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt) | nok(6|i) | nzph | o2im | op(ti|wv) | oran | owg1 | p800 | pan(a|d|t) | pdxg | pg (13 |-------([1-8]|c)) | Phil | worse | pl(ay|uc) | pn\ - 2 | in. (ck | rt | themselves). PROX | PSIO | pt\ - g | qa\ - a | QC ([07: 12: 21: 32 | 60 | \-[2-7] | jemti-) | QTEK | R3 80 | r600 | raks | rim9 | ro(ve|zo) | s55\ / | sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va) | SC (01 | h\-: oo: p\-) | sdk\ / | is (c (\-|0| 1) | 47 | mc: nd | ri) | sgh\ | Shar | Sie (\-|m) | sk\ - 0 | sl(45|id) | SM (al: ar | b3 | it | t5) | so(ft|ny) | SP (01 | h\-| v-| v) | sy(01|mb) | t2(18|50) | T6 (00: 10: 18). ta(gt|lk) | tcl\ | -tdg\ | tel(i|m) | tim\ | Download - MB | to(pl|sh) | s(70|m\-|M3|M5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|G1|SI)|utst|V400|v750|Veri|VI(RG|TE) t | VK (40: 5 [0-3] | \-v) | vm40 | v oda | vulc | VX (52: 53 | 60: 61 | 70 | 80 | 81: 83 | 85 | 98) | w3c(\-|) | webc | Pentecost | ({(ation window.loc wi (|nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|xda(\-|2|g)|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i.test(a.substr(0,4)) g) = b}) (navigator.userAgent |) Navigator.Vendor | Window.Opera,'');

In fact, takes Muse 1.0 by adding code to thesection. Go to 'Page Properties' and click the metadata Panel. Then paste the JavaScript code (inside a script like Abhishek tag shows above) in thesection edit box. Muse come out then this script code in thesection of the page.

Tags: Adobe Muse

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    However, it is (as the poster in the forum warned) for 7 Captivate does not. Can someone please help?

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    Thanks in advance,


    Hi Anthony,.

    During the test, make sure that you are testing from a web server where the web address starts with http or https.  When you set the captivate variable "NombrAl" try this instead:

    objCP.cpEISetValue ('m_VarHandle.randomNumber', rand);

    This will work for the SWF output.  If you want to work for the release of HTML5 and SWF, try this code:

    window.onButtonClick = function(){
              var rand = generateRandomNumber(1, 10);
              setCpVariable('randomNumber', rand);
    window.generateRandomNumber = function(min, max){
              var randomNum = 0;
              if(!isNaN(parseFloat(min)) && !isNaN(parseFloat(max))){
                        min = Number(min);
                        max = Number(max);
                  randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
              return randomNum;
    window.setCpVariable = function (cpUserVariableName, variableValue) {
              /* Check for HTML5 vs. SWF output */
              if (typeof window.cp === 'undefined') {
                        /* We have SWF output, so Get the Captivate Object */
                        var objCp = document.getElementById('Captivate');
                        if (objCp && objCp.cpEISetValue) {
                                  /* Set the Captivate User variable with the JavaScript variable, variableValue */
                                  objCp.cpEISetValue('m_VarHandle.' + cpUserVariableName, variableValue);
              } else {
                        /* We have HTML5 output */
                        /*If variable does not exist off of the window object, then use the variables manager*/
                        if (typeof window[cpUserVariableName] === 'undefined') {
                                  if (cp.vm && cp.vm.setVariableValue) {
                                            cp.vm.setVariableValue(cpUserVariableName, variableValue);
                        } else {
                                  window[cpUserVariableName] = variableValue;

    Don't forget to test this situation from a web server either local security prevents the javascript code for execution.


    Jim Leichliter

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    Read the following article, "adding scrolling animations effects."

    Adobe help Muse | Adding content on board animate

    See if it meets your needs.

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    Can anyone provide the javascript code to activate this simple event?

    Any help is appreciated.

    Thank you.

    It should look like this:

    Get field values

    var v1 = combo1.value;

    var v2 = combo2.value;

    $ var = + v1 + v2;

    Get the value of the checkbox

    var v3 = getField("checkbox1").value;

    Calculate the value of this field based on the State of the checkbox

    V3 = Event.Value = "Off"? sum: 2 * sum;

    This last line is equivalent to the following five lines:

    If (v3 = 'Off') {}

    Event.Value = sum;

    } else {}

    Event.value = 2 * sum;


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    myWin.btnOK = Add ('button', undefined, "OK");

    }; ();

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    myFile = lead (File.saveDialog ("save the file with preset:" +, "PDF files: *.pdf"));

    If (myFile! = null) {}

    app.activeDocument.exportFile (ExportFormat.PDF_TYPE, myFile, false, myPreset);

    } else {}

    Alert ("no file selected");


    } else {}

    Alert ("no predefined PDF selected");


    I need to place the filname document automatically when the dialog box "Save as" appears:


    Can someone help me?

    Use this:

    myPath = app.activeDocument.filePath + '/' + (/\.indd$/, '.pdf');
    myFile = File(myPath).saveDlg("Save file with preset: " +,"PDF files: *.pdf");


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    Hi Karl,

    Given that the site works fine at my end, I guess the problem is with your local browser. Could you please try it on another computer and see if it works fine here or not?

    - Abhishek Maurya

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    When you embed a font, you can only embed certain characters

    Select the textfield (dynamic or input) press the 'Embed' deselect all "ranges of characters" and type the characters to use in the section also "include these characters.

    If you use a static text, you don t need to incorporate fonts, everyone see your fonts with static text.

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    Thank you.


    You are / were close enough in your attempt.  I'll be honest and tell you that you are about to have a little less as much experience as I do with FlashVar... which means that I'll show you where to look (where I might look to get the answer for you):

    Just be sure to include in the object and to incorporate sections of the code that they show on the page linked above.

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    Hi Britmark

    Sent you a private message... Just make sure you get it... Your help would be much appreciated.


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    Can anyone suggest how to fix this? I'm doing something wrong? The police should there be a pixel font because of how small the letters should be.

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    To embed a font for your dynamic/input text field, select the instance of text field on your scene, & click "embed" button in the property inspector.

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    You can just copy/paste the enchilada itself on another page, pretty easy!

    If you want to reuse more often, you can open the library or libraries CC , to store and later hanging out once again. Note: for the creation of an article in the 'old' library, you must select the element on the page and click on the new icon in the " library " window To create an element of CC libraries , you can simply drag something in and out of the window libraries CC .

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    Screen Shot 2015-05-11 at 20.32.34.png

    Restart your Mac. The OSX Drag Manager got in a bad state. The only way to reset it is to restart your computer.

  • How can I get a google font (Capriola) in Muse. I pasted the code in the head of html, but the police will not be displayed. Can anyone help with teamviewer?

    How can I get a google font (Capriola) in Muse. I pasted the code in the head of html, but the police will not be displayed. Can anyone help with teamviewer?

    This is kind of a hack, but it will work.

    1. you will need to download a copy of the Capriola on your computer and install it as a system font. Google Fonts will allow you to install it as a system font in some methods (download a.) (ZIP file, synchronization with SkyFonts or downloadable on the project in Google Code). Edit: the simplest is to add the font to your collection of fonts in Google and then download one. ZIP file of your font collection.

    2. the font squirrel website has a generator of quality web fonts. It may take a font installed on your computer system and generate all the files of web fonts needed him. Place the web font files in the folder of your Muse project where you want to store the web fonts self-hosted. Use the add web fonts in Muse and select the tab fonts self-hosted.

    IMPORTANT: Please read the license terms for any font that you want to use on your website. Fonts Open source as Capriola may seem safe to use at first, but the developer of fonts may have some requirements, such as the display of a link to their web site somewhere in your own site. Other fonts may have monthly limit on number of pages seen.

  • Help with anonymus pl/sql layout using javascript

    Hi people.

    I want to display records on a region (using apex 4.2), this anonymous pl/sql script below shows 3 records in database, but the layout only shows me the first album with its data, the other 2 files, only show me the labels.
    I checked this same query creating a report and it shows the 3 files correctly.
    I guess I'm doing something wrong with this javascript routine or certainly miss something,
    in this link you can see the layout I get. (

    Another is the little help I need to display in a line for each record. in fact, I'm getting a line for each label and a line for each data record. I have read and learned something is/div, but I don't know how to change it to get the desired results, any suggestion is welcome.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

    I am completely new in apex and java script, but I have several years of experience in pl/sql.


    The Script:

    Anyth cursor is
    Select the item,
    To_char (delivery, ' month DD, YYYY hh24:mi:ss ") delivery.
    Of pending_items;
    For a loop Anyth
    Sys.Htp.P ("< script type =" text/javascript"> '");
    Sys.Htp.P ('function cdtd() {'});
    Sys.Htp.P ("var Christmas = new Date (" ' | ') ") a.Delivery | '")');
    Sys.Htp.P ("var now = new Date();'");
    Sys.Htp.P ("var timeDiff = xmas.getTime () - now.getTime ();'");
    Sys.Htp.P (' if (timeDiff < = 0) {'});
    Sys.Htp.P ('clearTimeout() (timer)');
    -Sys.Htp.P ("document.write ("of the text here.")");
    Sys.Htp.P (' / / execute all necessary code to the completion of the countdown here ');
    Sys.Htp.P ('} ');
    Sys.Htp.P (' var seconds = Math.floor(timeDiff / 1000);) ") ;
    Sys.Htp.P ("var minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60) ;");
    Sys.Htp.P (' varhour = Math.floor(minutes / 60);) ") ;
    Sys.Htp.P ("days var Math.floor(hours / 24) = ;"); ")
    Sys.Htp.P (' hours = 24 ;'); %)
    Sys.Htp.P (' minutes % = 60 ;');)
    Sys.Htp.P (' seconds % = 60 ;');)
    Sys.Htp.P (' document.getElementById("daysBox").innerHTML = days ;');)
    Sys.Htp.P (' document.getElementById("hoursBox").innerHTML = hours;) ") ;
    Sys.Htp.P (' document.getElementById("minsBox").innerHTML = minutes ;');)
    Sys.Htp.P (' ;'); seconds = document.getElementById("secsBox").innerHTML)
    Sys.Htp.P (' timer var = setTimeout ("cdtd ()", 1000);');
    Sys.Htp.P ('} ');
    Sys.Htp.P ("< /script >");
    Sys.Htp.P ("days");
    Sys.Htp.P ("< div id ="daysBox"> < / div > '");
    Sys.Htp.P ("hours");
    Sys.Htp.P ("< div id ="hoursBox"> < / div > '");
    Sys.Htp.P ('minute');
    Sys.Htp.P ("< div id ="minsBox"> < / div > '");
    Sys.Htp.P ("seconds");
    Sys.Htp.P ("< div id ="secsBox"> < / div > '");
    Sys.Htp.P ("< script type =" text/javascript"> '");
    Sys.Htp.P ('cdtd() < /script > ');
    End loop;

    For now, let's focus on delivery dates and the javascript.
    Why you would put your javascript in htp.p called in a plsql region is beyond me. When you edit the page there is a region of javascript where you can put global variables and functions, a great spot for it then and much easier to manage than that.
    Now, it is also clear that your query on pending items will return multiple records. Thus, using a report would serve you well in this case. However, using code like this:

    document.getElementById("daysBox").innerHTML = days;
    document.getElementById("hoursBox").innerHTML = hours;
    document.getElementById("minsBox").innerHTML = minutes;
    document.getElementById("secsBox").innerHTML = seconds;

    you won't have to. getElementById is supposed to return an element identified by a code. If you have a report that contains multiple lines and elements on each line with the same ID, you're doing something wrong. You should be the date of delivery by rank, and I suppose that you put your code with htp.p because you don't know how to deal with this and passing the procedure of javascript.
    But would it not more oppurtune for you simply create a report with a sql source when you calculate each part of the date and then refresh this region with a certain interval. If you would be refreshed every 5 minutes, not who is more fast enough to keep track of things? Remember, refreshing a region will execute the SQL again.
    It is not that you cannot make a report multi-record with a countdown by rank, but are you sufficiently comfortable with javascript and jquery to encode and maintain that against leverage plsql and dynamic actions (there is even an action timer plugin supplied by oracle dynamic)?

  • With the help of Embedded javadb

    Hello company
    I created a javafx application that uses javadb incorporated as database engine. It works well for my computer, but when I run it in another pc I can't work in another place.
    Because I know that I just need a java and javafx runtime more 6 update 22 and derby.jar in my class path so I can run my appplication wherever I like, but I can't run somewhere else instead of my pc.

    My preferences:
    OS: Windows 7 64
    NetBeans 6.9.1
    JavaFX 1.3.1
    JDK 6 update 22

    Please guys anyy help, just say
    Best regards

    Published by: Pauline on Jan 3. 2011 12:29

    It is a forum of jdbc.

    If the database code has a problem then he will be one of the following exceptions
    -Driver not found
    -Some sort of sql exception relevant to any statement.

    To help us with the foregoing you must display the exception and the stack trace.

    If you have another problem like no data showing it is a logic problem - you have a bug in your code, and it probably isn't in the database code (if you are not swallowing exceptions.)

    To help us with the foregoing, you must
    1. Locate the problem area in your database code
    2 send the code database.

    Note that the code database does not include business code GUI and certainly not JavaFx code.

    Another is that you don't have a problem that encompass this forum. However, the first step would be to locate where the application is a failure. Logging can help with that. Or debugging.

Maybe you are looking for

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