Help with the NOR-DAQ example Code

Hello. I just started to work with the NI IBS-6211. It's the first ADC I have ever used, so I'm farily to this news. I have some programming knowledge. After a search in the installation files, I found some examples of C Code that runs in the command prompt. I changed an a bit to get it to do what I want. My question is...

Now, I have a few problems. I am trying to print a voltage in the command prompt. I hooked up everything and I used labview to make sure that everything works as it should (it does!). When I compile the C program and the run, instead of returning a voltage that is just acquired points and I really have no idea what are these 'points '.

Here is the main part of the code example:

DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxCreateTask("",&taskHandle));
            DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxCreateAIVoltageChan(taskHandle,"Dev1/ai0","",DAQmx_Val_Cfg_Default,1.0,10.0,DAQmx_Val_Volts,NULL));
            DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxCfgSampClkTiming(taskHandle,"",10000.0,DAQmx_Val_Rising,DAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps,1000));

            // DAQmx Start Code
            DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxStartTask(taskHandle));

            // DAQmx Read Code

            DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxReadAnalogF64(taskHandle,1000,10.0,DAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel,data,1000,&read,NULL));

            printf("Acquired %d points\n",read);


And then he moves right down to the exit clause. Is there documentation anywhere that tells me what DAQ command should I use to print a voltage continuously updated reading? (As a decimal number, such as 5.21V for example).

Thanks to you all



The data acquired by DAQmx are written in the array called "data".  The number of points DAQmx wrote in this table is stored in the variable 'read' which was adopted by reference in.  To print the values returned, you need to loop through the array of 'data' and print each value.  See this help topic for an explanation of DAQmxReadAnalogF64.


Tags: NI Software

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    var starsArray:Array = new Array();

    var maxStarss:Number = 8;

    function addStars(e:Event)


    Stars: var = new stars Stars();

    Stars.x = stage.stageWidth/2;

    Stars.y = stage.stageHeight/2;

    Stars.Alpha = Math.Random () *.8 +. 2;

    stars.scaleX = stars.scaleY = Math.Random () *.8 +. 2;

    stars.xMovement = Math.Random () * 10 - 5;

    stars.yMovement = Math.Random () * 10 - 5;

    starsArray.push (stars);

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    removeChild (starsArray.shift ());


    stars.addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveStars);


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    e.currentTarget.y += e.currentTarget.yMovement;


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    This time, I'm trying to make the stars shrink and transparent that move away from the point. So I coded like this:


    var starsArray:Array = new Array();

    var maxStarss:Number = 8;

    function addStars(e:Event)


    Stars: var = new stars Stars();

    Stars.x = stage.stageWidth/2;

    Stars.y = stage.stageHeight/2;

    Stars.Alpha = Math.Random () *.8 +. 2;

    stars.scaleX = stars.scaleY = Math.Random () *.8 +. 2;

    stars.xMovement = Math.Random () * 10 - 5;

    stars.yMovement = Math.Random () * 10 - 5;

    starsArray.push (stars);

    addChild (stars);

    stars.cacheAsBitmap = true;

    If (starsArray.length > = maxStarss)


    removeChild (starsArray.shift ());


    stars.addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveStars);

    stars.addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, animeStars);


    function animeStars(e:Event)


    trace (this.starsArray);

    this.scaleX = 0.01;

    this.scaleY-= 0.01;

    This.Alpha-= 0.01;

    If (this.alpha < = 0) / / remove this object from scene


    function moveStars(e:Event)


    e.currentTarget.x += e.currentTarget.xMovement;

    e.currentTarget.y += e.currentTarget.yMovement;


    var myTimer:Timer = new Timer (50);

    myTimer.addEventListener (TimerEvent.TIMER, addStars, animeStars);

    myTimer.start ();

    I couldn't make it work. "I got was an error message saying"

    1084: syntax error: expecting identifier before rightbrace.


    Try this:

    var starsArray:Array = new Array();
    var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(50);
    myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, addStars);
    addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveStars);
    function addStars(e:TimerEvent):void
              var star:Stars = new Stars();
              star.x = stage.stageWidth / 2;
              star.y = stage.stageHeight / 2;
              star.alpha = Math.random() * .8 + .2;
              star.scaleX = star.scaleY = Math.random() * .8 + .2;
              star.xMovement = Math.random() * 10 - 5;
              star.yMovement = Math.random() * 10 - 5;
              star.cacheAsBitmap = true;
    function moveStars(e:Event):void
              for each (var star:MovieClip in starsArray)
                        star.x += star.xMovement;
                        star.y += star.yMovement;
                        star.alpha -= .01;
                        star.scaleX = star.scaleY -= .01;
                        if (star.scaleX <= 0)
    function kill(star:MovieClip):void
              starsArray.splice(starsArray.indexOf(star), 1);

    Post edited by: Andrei1

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    Terry wrote:
    Need help with the launching track pack for forza code 4
    The Xbox Ambassador says:
    Location of Ambassador of the community...
    The Xbox Ambassador says:
    Location of Ambassador of the community...
    The Xbox Ambassador says:
    Your question will be answered by an Ambassador of the Xbox. You have been connected to the Ambassador as a user Xbox [3]
    The Xbox Ambassador says:
    Terry wrote:
    The Xbox Ambassador says:
    Terry wrote:
    just to be on the phone to xbox live support and was told to come here
    The Xbox Ambassador says:
    The Xbox Ambassador says:
    What is your problem?
    Terry wrote:
    I bought the 4 for forza ansd 360 new sealed Christmas...
    Terry wrote:
    has got 2 codes that accompanies the game but the pack track code does not work
    The Xbox Ambassador says:
    Wow good
    Terry wrote:
    whenever I put in the code it says code redeemed
    The Xbox Ambassador says:
    I think the code is used. You must return to the retailer
    Terry wrote:
    I tried to, but since I already opened the case they will not accept
    The Xbox Ambassador says:
    Oh. No,
    Terry wrote:
    the code had been used or defective as I am the only person who has touched the game once opened, tried to enter the code when it is open
    The Xbox Ambassador says:
    Maybe it was auto bought?
    Terry wrote:
    so, how do I get another code generated track Pack if defective?
    The Xbox Ambassador says:
    I do not know.
    Terry wrote:
    bought the game new, so I get the track pack
    The Xbox Ambassador says:
    Oh. It's bad.
    The Xbox Ambassador says:
    I think that if you Exchange 1 code it will buy it
    Terry wrote:
    car pack code worked, starter pack did not work
    The Xbox Ambassador says:
    The Xbox Ambassador says:
    It's a bad
    The Xbox Ambassador says:
    BTW you have an evolution of the tests?
    Terry wrote:
    Yes, I want to? but more anxious to get a code object generated for this pack
    The Xbox Ambassador says:
    Hey if I help can u give me this game too?
    Terry wrote:
    Terry wrote:
    So is it possible to get a code for that time?
    The Xbox Ambassador says:
    The Xbox Ambassador says:
    The Xbox Ambassador says:
    you need to contact them
    The Xbox Ambassador says:
    and tell them that the code is used.
    Terry wrote:
    I was told to come here? where can I go to get the code?

    Hi Terryg76,

    ·         What version of the operating system is installed on the computer?

    I suggest you to contact the game manufacturer for more help and information.

  • can someone help with the following code plsql errors...


    If anyone can help with the following code... to get a successful outing.

    create or replace package lib_01 as

    procedure lib_proc01 (p_user_id in numbers, p_user_name in varchar2);

    end lib_01;

    create or replace package body lib_01 as

    procedure lib_proc01 (p_user_id in numbers, p_user_name in varchar2) as

    number of v_user_id;

    v_user_name varchar2 (50);

    number of v_avl_books;

    number of v_avl_days;

    date of v_end_date;

    date of v_return_date;


    dbms_output.put_line ('Enter User Name');

    dbms_output.put_line (' username :'|| p_user_name);

    Select user_id, user_name in v_user_id v_user_name of user_registration where user_name = p_user_name;

    If v_user_name <>p_user_name then

    dbms_output.put_line (' username is not.) Please submit full name ');

    end if;

    If v_user_id is null or v_user_name is null then

    dbms_output.put_line ("' user not found");


    on the other

    validate_issuedbooks (p_issuecount);

    end if;

    If v_issuecount < v_avl_books then


    on the other

    Number of return of late_fee (p_mem_id, p_extradays, p_latefee_total);

    end if;

    If paid_flag = "Y" then


    on the other

    dbms_output.put_line ("' book may be issued due to its maximum reached late fees");

    end if;

    end lib_proc01;

    procedure validate_userLogin is

    procedure reg_proc is

    procedure user_validate (p_id_proof in varchar2, p_id_no out varchar2) is

    v_id_proof varchar2 (20);

    v_id_no varchar2 (20);


    Select user_name, id_proof, id_no, v_user_name, v_id_proof, v_id_no of user_registration where id_proof = p_id_proof;

    If v_id_proof = "Adhar_Card" then

    dbms_output.put_line ('user a valid proof of ID');

    dbms_output.put_line (' and the id no. :'|| is p_id_no).

    on the other

    dbms_output.put_line ('Invalid ID evidence.) Please submit valid proof of ID ');

    end if;


    When no_data_found then

    dbms_output.put_line ('No Data found');

    end user_validate;

    procedure member_validate (p_mem_id series)

    v_mem_flag char (1);

    curr_date date: = sysdate;

    date of v_mem_enddate;


    dbms_output.put_line('Mem_flag:'|| v_mem_flag);

    Select mem_flag in the v_mem_flag of user_login where user_id = v_user_id;

    If v_mem_flag = 'n' or v_mem_flag is null then

    dbms_output.put_line ('The User do not have membership');

    on the other

    Select mem_id in the v_mem_id of user_login where user_id = v_user_id;

    dbms_output.put_line ('the user has membership');

    v_mem_id: = p_mem_id;

    Select mem_enddate in the member_login v_mem_enddate where mem_id = v_mem_id;

    If v_mem_enddate < curr_date then

    dbms_output.put_line ('Membership has expired' | v_mem_id |' on ' | v_mem_enddate);

    on the other

    dbms_output.put_line ('User a validity again' | v_mem_enddate);

    end if;

    end if;


    When no_data_found then

    dbms_output.put_line ("' no data found");

    while others then

    dbms_output.put_line (' another error.) Please find");

    end member_validate;


    insert into user_registration values ('& first_name ',' & last_name', null, ' & user_type',)

    address_ty ("& bldg_no",

    '& bldg_name',

    '& Street',

    ' & city ",

    '& State',

    '& zip'


    user_phone ',' & user_mail ',' mem_idproof', ' & id_no');

    Dbms_output.put_line ('user is properly registered');


    When no_data_found then

    dbms_output.put_line ("' data not found");

    end reg_proc;


    Dbms_output.put_line (' enter ID or user name ');

    Dbms_output.put_line (' username: ' | p_user_name);

    If v_user_name is null then

    Dbms_output.put_line ('user not found');


    Insert user_login SELECT user_id_seq. NEXTVAL, user_name, NULL, mem_id_seq. NEXTVAL, user_type FROM user_registration WHERE user_name is lower (p_user_name);

    Dbms_output.put_line (' because the user wants to have the membership? ");

    Dbms_output.put_line ('If Yes, please pay dues");

    INSERT INTO member_login SELECT mem_id_seq. CURRVAL, SYSDATE, SYSDATE + avl_days, 500, 'Y' of user_login ul, bl book_loan WHERE ul.mem_type = bl.mem_type AND user_name = p_user_name;

    END IF;


    When no_data_found then

    dbms_output.put_line ("' no data found");

    When too_many_rows then

    dbms_output.put_line (' too many lines).

    END validate_userLogin;

    procedure validate_issuedbooks (p_issuecount series)

    number of v_issuecount;


    Select user_login u, bl book_loan, avl_days, avl_books in v_avl_days, v_avl_books where bl.mem_type = u.mem_type and user_id = p_user_id;

    SELECT count (case when end_date < end return_date then p_mem_id) as invalidcount in v_issuecount from book_count where mem_id = p_mem_id;

    v_issuecount: = p_issuecount;

    dbms_output.put_line (' no. books that the user contains the :'|| p_issuecount);

    end validate_issuedbooks;

    procedure issuebooks is

    procedure book_avl (p_avl_now_flag in p_avl_date Boolean, date) is

    v_avl_now_flag char (1);

    date of v_avl_date;

    procedure reader_bookissue is


    insert into values drive (p_user_id, v_book_id, sysdate, sysdate, null);

    insert into book_count values(p_mem_id,v_book_id,sysdate,sysdate,null);

    Update book_availability set issued_to is "Reader" where book_id = v_book_id;.

    end reader_bookissue;


    Select book_name, b.book_id avl_now_flag v_book_name, v_book_id, v_avl_now_flag of the book b, book_availability b where b.book_id = ba.book_id and ba.book_id = p_book_id;

    If v_avl_now_flag = "Y" then

    dbms_output.put_line ('the book is available for issuance' | v_book_id);

    on the other

    Select mem_type in the v_mem_type of user_login where user_id = (select user_id from book_availability where avl_now_flag = 'n' and book_id = p_book_id);

    If v_mem_type = "Reader" then


    dbms_output.put_line (' the book is with Reader.) Please try tomorrow.') ;

    on the other

    dbms_output.put_line ('the book is member');

    end if;

    Select avl_date in the book_availability v_avl_date where book_id = p_book_id;

    v_avl_date: = p_avl_date;

    dbms_output.put_line (' the available date is: ' | p_avl_date);

    end if;

    end book_avl;


    insert into book_count values(p_mem_id,p_book_id,sysdate,sysdate+v_avl_days,v_return_date);

    Update book_availability set book_id = p_book_id, avl_now_flag = 'n', avl_date is to_date (sysdate + v_avl_days,' dd-mm-yyyy ""), issued_to = v_mem_type, user_id = p_user_id where mem_id = p_mem_id;


    dbms_output.put_line ("' the book published successfully");

    end issuebooks;

    Number of function return late_fee (p_mem_id in number, p_extradays series, p_latefee_total number) is

    number of v_extradays;

    number of v_latefee_total;

    number of v_latefee_per_book;

    number of v_latefee_per_day;

    number of v_book_count;


    Select trunc (sysdate) - v_end_date in v_extradays from book_received where mem_id = p_mem_id and book_id = p_book_id;

    p_extradays: = v_extradays;

    v_latefee_per_book: = v_latefee_per_day * v_extradays;

    v_latefee_total: = v_latefee_per_book * v_book_count;

    p_latefee_total: = v_latefee_total;

    dbms_output.put_line ('The total AMT for not returned books' | p_latefee_total);

    end late_fee;

    end lib_01;


    I checked the first 10 lines after the beginning and I could count already several errors.

    Is it an exercise or a real code, you must provide?

    Kind regards.


  • Need help with the blue screen issue "NAVEXI5. SYS, PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA ".

    Original title: need help with the blue screen issue
    My computer turns saying a blue screen: a problem has been detected and windows were shut down to prevent damage. The problem seems to be caused by the following file: NAVEXI5. SYS PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA he seems to have a different error whenever he turns to a blue screen. Can someone help me please.


    1. Since when are you facing this problem?
    2. you remember to make changes to the system?
    3. do you get an error with this error code?

    I suggest to unplug external devices such as printer, scanner, etc. that are plugged into the system, and then restart the system and check if the problem persists.

    Method 1.
    I suggest you to do a check disk from the recovery console and check if the problem is resolved. Follow the steps mentioned below.
    a. start into the recovery console using the XP CD. Follow the steps mentioned in the article below.
    Description of the Windows XP Recovery Console for advanced users
    b. perform a disk check.
    How to perform disk error checking in Windows XP

    Method 2.
    I suggest you to start with the XP CD and then do a system restore. Follow the steps mentioned in the article below.
    How do I recover from a corrupted registry that prevents Windows XP startup

    I hope this helps.

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    The 8 GB SanDisk microcard works perfectly, and you can plug just the "rocket" and most likely to leave it there. When you connect to your computer the microcard will appear as a separate... drive for example, on mine, the "rocket" is the J: drive and the card is drive K:

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  • Need help with the API Explorer

    Hi all

    I am creating a workflow to automate certain tasks of P2V and I want to disconnect the NETWORK adapter prior to anyting on virtual machines. When everything is done, I want reconnect you this NIC I play with vCO for a few months now and I need to get help with the part of the script. I always managed to find a code but this time I did not find anything!

    So I need to script this part! I think I found a way to change the connection settings of the VMXNET3 NETWORK adapter with this part of the code:

    var connectset = new VcVirtualDeviceConnectInfo();
    connectset.connected = false;
    connectset.startConnected = false;

    Now, I need to find the way to set these parameters to a VM VMXNET3 adapter?

    How to off the virtual machine to these settings?

    Thanks for your help!

    If you are connected to a distributed switch, they canned for this action.  If this isn't a vds connect you to, then you need to change then it will have to be slightly modified to use normal NIC instead of vds support.  You will also need to add these lines to the device configuration section:

    devicespec. Device.connectable = new VcVirtualDeviceConnectInfo();

    devicespec. Device.connectable.Connected = true;

    devicespec.device.connectable.startConnected = true;

    I copied this action and added these 3 lines to achieve what it looks like you are trying to do.  We don't really use standard switches in our environment.


  • Help with the query to select only one record from the result set in double


    Please help with the query. Version of Oracle database we use is 10g R2.

    I have a vision that is duplicated IDS, but they are used across the different functions. See below examples of data. Please help me with a query to select only one record (based on ID regardless of the area) from the bottom of the result set of duplicate records. For what is the point of view is there unique records, given the combination of the fields ID, Org, DF, dry, Sub-Sec

    Sec Sub-Sec


    My result set must eliminate the duplicate identifiers regardless of whoever we choose of the result set. (I mean without distinction Org, DF, s, Sub-s). My expected result set should be.



    Thank you



    This sounds like a job for ROW_NUMBER:

    WITH got_r_num AS


    SELECT id, DSB, df, s, sub_sec org


    ORDER BY org

    ) AS r_num

    OF view_x


    SELECT id, DSB, df, sub_sec s,

    OF got_r_num

    WHERE r_num = 1


    He is a Top - N query example, where you choose the elements of N (N = 1 in this case) from the top of an ordered list.

    I hope that answers your question.
    If not, post a small example of data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT, only relevant columns instructions) to your sample data and the results desired from these data.  (I know that you said that you were a view selection.  Just for this thread, pretending it is a picture and post simple CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements to simulate your point of view).
    Point where the above query is to produce erroneous results, and explain, using specific examples, how you get the right results from data provided in these places.  (I didn't quite understand the explanation above.  I don't know why you want to


    --      ---     --      ---     -------

    1234 CQ DPRK DPRK HD

    and is not

    1234 IS CQ ASIC, ASIC


    TS 1234 IT IT SW


    1234 CQ ASIC ASIC HD

    If you change the query at all, post your modified version.
    Always say what version of Oracle you are using (for example,

    See the FAQ forum:

  • Need help with the data storage store, local array and network connections

    Need help with my ESXi 4.1 installation

    My hardware:

    I built a server with an Asus P6T whitebox, i7 920, 12 Gig RAM, NIC, Intel Pro1000 PT Quad, 3ware 9650SE-12ML with 8 1.5 TB SATA green in a raid 6 array gives me about 8 + TB with a spare drive all housed within a NORCO RPC-4220 4U Rackmount Server chassis.  I also have a 500 GB SATA drive which will hold the ESXi and virtual machines.

    The network includes a firewall, Netgear Prosafe FVS336G, GS724Tv of Netgear ProSafe 24 port Gigabit Managed Switch on a dhcp cable modem internet service provider.

    I also have 2 old NetGear SC101T NAS disks (4to) I want to connect to the system how some - at a later date have... data on them and want to transfer to the new storage array. I always looking into the question of whether they will work with ESXi 4.1, or I might have to only access it through Windows XP.

    My Situation:

    I have already installed ESXi 4.1 and vsphere client with no problems and it is connected to a dhcp cable internet service.  I've set up host via a dynamic DNS service name give me a static hostname on the internet.  I installed three machines to virtual OS successfully at the moment and now want to first start by creating a multimedia storage server which will use some of this new 8 TB array, then separate data storage for use with a web server small overhead storage and a backup.  It is a domestic installation.

    Help with the data store and network:

    I was doing some reading, because I'm new to this, and it looks like I'll probably want to set up my table via ESXi as a nfs disk format.  Now, the data store is usually in another physical box from what I understand, but I put my readers and ESXi all in the same box.  I'm not sure that the best way to put in place with grouped network cards, but I want to make this work.

    I understand that in ESXi 4.1 using iSCSi LUN must be less than 2 TB, but nfs - I should be able to add a bigger partition then 2 TB (for my multimedia) in nfs, right? or should I still add it separately as a separate 2 TB drives and then extend them to get the biggest space.

    Any suggestions or direct resources showing examples on how to actually add some parts of the table as data warehouses separate nfs.  I know that to go to the configuration tab, and then select Add to storage, and then select nfs. I have not my picture, but it's here that I don't know what to do because ESXi 4.1 system already has an address, should I put the same thing to the new data store array also (will it work?), and what should I use for the name of the folder and the store of data... just do something to the top.  I thought to later install Openfiler (for a multimedia storage using this table server) as a virtual machine, use the table with esxi so that I can access the same storage space with widows and linux-based systems.

    I also know I have to find a way to better use my quad nic card... put in place of virtual switches, grouping, etc HELP?

    Any direction, assistance, similar facilities to sample, suggestions or resources that would help would be great. I did a lot of hunting, but still a little confused on how to best to put in place.

    You must think of VMDK files of large databases with records of random size guest go read some data (a DLL or an INI file), maybe write some data back, then go read other data. Some files are tiny, but certain DLLs are several megabytes. It's random i/o all and heavy on the search time. IO Opsys is small random operations that are often sequential (go read data, write data, go read other data,...) so that deadlines are critical to the overall performance. That's why people say OPS are / s of reference and forget the MBs flow. The only time where you bulk transfers are when you read media (ISO files).

    Well, now forget all this. Actually the disk activity will depend on the specific applications (database? mail server? machines compiler?), but the above is true for boots, and whenever applications are idle. You should see the profile to know.

    RAID 10 is faster (and often more reliable) than RAID 5 or RAID-6 except in certain specific cases. In General RAID 10 is ideal for many random writes, since the calculation of parity for RAID-5 and - 6 adds to the overall latency between command and response - latency is cumulative if a little slow here and a little slow it adds up to a lot of overall slow synchronous especially with e/s on a network. OTOH RAID-5 and -6 can produce faster readings due to the number of heads, so you can use it for virtual machines that transfer bulk. Test. You may find that you need several different types subdashboards for best results.

    You said 3ware, they have some good grades on their site, but don't believe it. With my 9650 that I found myself with only a couple of their recommendations-, I put the (simple) table for allocation size 256 k, nr_requests at 2 x the queue_depth and use the planner date limit. I had the habit for the Ext4 file system formatted with stride and stripe-width synced to the table and used the options large_files with fewer inodes (do not use the huge_files option unless you plan to have single VMDK files in the terabyte range). Use a cache of great reading in advance.

    Virtual machines use VMDK files in all cases except raw iSCSI LUN that they treat native disks. VMDK is easier to manage - you can make a backup by copying the file, you can move it to a PC and load it into another flavour of VMware, etc. There could be some features iSCSI to your San as a transparent migration but nothing for me. NFS has less chatter of Protocol if latency lower times to complete an operation. NFS is good to read and write a block of data, that's all it boils down to.

    UPS is good, but it won't help if something inside the machine explodes (UPS does nothing if the PC power supply goes down). If the RAID card has an option for a battery backup module, so it can contain some writings in memory and may end up the disk i/o after replacing the power supply. 3ware also limits the types of caching available if help is not installed, and you get just the right numbers with the module.

  • help with the alignment of the e-mail

    Hi guys, looking for help with the alignment of an email Center.

    Sound centre lining up properly in the preview of dreamweaver and preview of mail chimp, but when I sent it to Gmail, it has left-aligned.

    Any ideas why this is?

    Keep in mind im a recruit in coding and Dreamweaver.

    I hope that the code below allows...

    Thank you!

    Screen Shot 2013-06-21 at 11.23.21.jpg

    I don't know about you but display: inline-table; is not necessary.

  • Making the ear of corn and need help with the ball.

    I do some corn on the COB for an illustration and I need help with the texture of the ball. I've been slowly making progress with gradient for kernels mesh, but I can't seem to recreate the look of the ball at all. I tried to recreate it in a rectangle by using the option in the menu object (1 row, 50 columns) gradient mesh and I'm trying with the fusion in object mode, but not lucky yet. Can someone help to put me on the right track to make the texture:,1298544740,8/stock-photo-ripe-corn-vector-illustration-on-white-background-71847955.jpg

    I've been slowly making progress with gradient for kernels mesh, but I can't seem to recreate the look of the ball at all.


    You have published three images stylistically very different. The first is photographic and call probably (but not necessarily) for graduates of mesh. The other two are graphical treatments (and frankly, they're both rather flat; lack of depth).

    Illustration style extends the range of cartoonish in sketchy photo-realism and all the rest. The problem is you didn't show your own attempt so that anyone can have an idea of what you're trying to achieve the stylistic point of view.

    I just need to put in place so that the final step does not appear the whole box. The problem now is trying to make the style of the good brush to reproduce the effect...

    You seem to think you have to build a kind of linear construction and then find a way to reshape the shape of each part of the leaf. Yes, you pouvez approach it this way, but Illustrator users has often tend to be what aunt Molly would call "too clever by half."

    Not everything must be something semi intelligent auto or complex and tedious consruct involving brushes, envelopes, masks, etc, etc. Much can be accomplished by thinking that he just thanks to measure you draw directly economic paths and constructions, which take no more time (often less) and result in very tidy, simple files. Again, a lot depends on what you are trying to achieve the stylistic point of view. But here's an example that only took a few minutes to draw:

    If the above consists of:

    Three roads closed, 8 points each, with ordinary linear degrees

    Three mixtures of open path with three anchor points for each key path

    Six paths closed for shadows / highlights, with 19 points in total

    Mixtures being directly from the paths drawn comic forms, the spacing of the veins 'automatically' and intuitively follows the width from point of view of the worksheet.

    Rather than to build a boilerplate brush, colouring and the weight of each of the three main paths of the vein mixtures can be set individually at any time, simply directly by selecting the key path.


  • Help with the session variable PHP CS5.5 - Please

    Hi all

    I am needing a little help with the help of a session variable, and I hope someone can point me in the right direction.

    I created a PHP page that uses the Dreamweaver 'User authentication' feature and the basics of this works very well, to direct a user to the correct page depending on whether they are or are not a valid user. I want to customize the page 'user valid' with people, user name entered in the authentication of the user table... a seemingly simple task using a session variable, but I just seem not to be able to make it work!

    The generated code for the AU on page 1 is the following:

    <? PHP

    Validate request to connect to this site.

    If (! isset {})



    $loginFormAction = $_SERVER ['PHP_SELF'];

    If (isset($_GET['accesscheck'])) {}

    $_SESSION ['PrevUrl'] = $_GET ['accesscheck"];


    If (isset($_POST['txtfirst_name'])) {}

    $loginUsername = $_POST ['txtfirst_name'];

    $password = $_POST ['txtsurname'];

    $MM_fldUserAuthorization = "";

    $MM_redirectLoginSuccess = "member_update.php";

    $MM_redirectLoginFailed = 'login.php ';

    $MM_redirecttoReferrer = false;

    @mysql_select_db ($database_panto, $panto);

    $LoginRS__query = sprintf ("SELECT firstname, name OF web_access WHERE firstname = %s AND family name = %s",

    GetSQLValueString ($loginUsername, "text"), GetSQLValueString ($password, "text"));

    $LoginRS = mysql_query ($LoginRS__query, $panto) or die (mysql_error ());

    $loginFoundUser = mysql_num_rows ($LoginRS);

    If {($loginFoundUser)

    $loginStrGroup = "";

    If (via PHP_VERSION > = 5.1) {session_regenerate_id (true) ;} else {session_regenerate_id() ;}

    Declare two session variables and assign them

    $_SESSION ['MM_Username'] = $loginUsername;

    $_SESSION ["MM_UserGroup"] = $loginStrGroup;

    If (isset($_SESSION['PrevUrl']) & & false) {}

    $MM_redirectLoginSuccess = $_SESSION ["PrevUrl"];


    Header ("Location:".) $MM_redirectLoginSuccess);


    else {}

    Header ("Location:".) $MM_redirectLoginFailed);



    ? >

    First of all, the text highlighted in red above seems to be setting the session variable that I need. Is this correct?

    If so, what is the code that I need to put on page 2 to use this session variable? or

    I have to do something else on the page 1 to correctly assign the session variable?

    Would be very grateful for your expertise


    It seems that you put the columns incorrectly in the user authentication server behavior. This is the SQL query that checks the credentials of the user:

    $LoginRS__query = sprintf ("SELECT firstname, name OF web_access WHERE firstname = %s AND family name = %s",

    GetSQLValueString ($loginUsername, "text"), GetSQLValueString ($password, "text"));

    You are looking for first name and last name, while you should look for the user name and password of the user.

    $_SESSION ['MM_Username"] is a session variable that stores the login name of the user. To use it in a page, all that is needed is the page start with session_start(). You can then echo the value to display.

    If you want to display the person's true name, you must create a recordset in the second page, use of $_SESSION ['MM_Username'] to search for the first name and the patronymic. Alternatively, you can change the code like this (I copied only part of it):

    $LoginRS__query = sprintf ("SELECT firstname, surname OF web_access WHERE firstname = %s AND password is %s",

    GetSQLValueString ($loginUsername, "text"), GetSQLValueString ($password, "text"));

    $LoginRS = mysql_query ($LoginRS__query, $panto) or die (mysql_error ());

    $loginFoundUser = mysql_num_rows ($LoginRS);

    If {($loginFoundUser)

    $loginStrGroup = "";

    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc ($LoginRS);

    $_SESSION ['full_name'] = $row ["FirstName"]. ' ' . $row ['name'];

    If (via PHP_VERSION > = 5.1) {session_regenerate_id (true) ;} else {session_regenerate_id() ;}

    Declare two session variables and assign them

    $_SESSION ['MM_Username"] = $loginUsername;

    $_SESSION ["MM_UserGroup"] = $loginStrGroup;

    You can then use $_SESSION ['full_name'] in a page which begins with session_start().

  • need help with the Update statement

    I received a question in a course and I tried my best to respond, and now my brain is giving. I would really appreciate help with the update statement. I don't mind if you do not validate a solution, a little nudge in the right direction would be really useful. I'll post that I got.

    / * For these agents disabled on more than seven missions, change their date of deactivation of the first date of deactivation of all the agents that have been activated in the same year as the agent that you update currently.

    I have it divided into parts, here is my select statement to agents disabled on more than 7 missions, which produces the deactivation_dates in the agents table that I want to update...
    count(m.mission_id) as nomissions
    agents a
    missions_agents m
    ) s
    s.nomissions>7 AND s.deactivation_date IS NOT NULL
    .. .and the code for the first date of deactivation for each year of activation agent
    agents a2
    where a2.deactivation_date= 
    select min(a.deactivation_date)
    agents a
    where to_number(to_char(a.activation_date,'YYYY'))=to_number(to_char(a2.activation_date,'YYYY'))
    ..... I am not real to marry these two statements together in the Update statement. I can't extract each date of deactivation produced in the first select statement and their match against the first date of deactivation in the year they have been activated for the second select statement.

    Any help greatly appreciated... :))

    I began to wonder how things would :)

    user8695469 wrote:
    First of all why he chooses the date the earliest of all agents

    UPDATE  AGENTS_COPY AC /* (1) */
    ,       AGENTS_COPY AC /* (2) */

    He recovers as soon as the subquery has not been correctly set in the SET clause. It seems you are trying to update a correlated, but we are still having a conceptual shift. I have added a few comments to your code above and below will explain.

    (1): when you do a correlated update it is useful to the table alias that you did right here.

    (2): this table statement is not necessary and is the reason why the FIRST deactivation date is selected. The alias that you use (3) refers to THIS table, not the one defined in the update statement. Remove the line indicated by (2) in the FROM clause and a correlated update will happen.

    and secondly why is it to update each row, when I thought that I'm just the lines where the agents are disabled and missions > 7? Pointers on where I'm wrong would be very appreciated. (SQL = stupid query language!) :)

    user8695469 wrote: then why is it to update each row, when I thought that I'm just the lines where the agents are disabled and missions > 7? Pointers on where I'm wrong would be very appreciated. (SQL = stupid query language!) :)

    agents a
    missions_agents m
    count(m.mission_id)>7 AND a.deactivation_date IS NOT NULL

    Once again this problem is similar to the question above that a correlation update doesn't work. Test existence of lines in an EXISTS subquery. Since your subquery is not related to the table that you are trying to update, it will be always return a line and, therefore, it returns true for EACH LINE in the AGENTS table. To limit the game to only agents > 7 missions results, you need to add a join condition that references the table in your update statement. I added one above (with comments) as a sample.

    I recommend you look over all material that you have associated with correlated subqueries, including documents that I posted above. This seems to be what you're having the problem more with. If you need me to explain the concept of correlated queries any better please let me know.

    Thank you!

  • Need help with the ANSI Join syntax


    I have my select statement that returns 3000 lines and looks like
    select ..
    from tab1 a,tab2 b,tab3 c
    where a.c1=b.c1 and
    b.c2 = c.c2(+)
    and ...
    group by
    I want to convert it to ANSI SQL, because it must be able to Hibernate, and the developer says that Hibernate include only ANSI SQL. I tried something like
    select ..
    from tab1 a INNER JOIN tab2 b
    ON a.c1=b.c1 
    LEFT OUTER JOIN tab3 c
    ON b.c2=c.c2
    where ...
    group by
    I felt bad and it turned out to be the same. It returns no rows. Please help with the correct syntax.

    I'm not sure, sorry, because it's certainly the ANSI equivalent to the non-ANSI.

    Would you have examples of queries and data that you can reproduce the problem with, and that we could analyze?

    Published by: Seanmacgc on July 15, 2009 12:48

    If there is no Clause WHERE conditions in the original that are included in the ANSI version of the query in the WHERE Clause for the EXTERNAL table itself joined, then that could transform the JOIN JOIN internally, that is, all the filters on the EXTERNAL joined table should be included in the JOIN predicate - IT (b.c2 = c.2 AND c.c3 = 'X').

  • What is the correct way to ask for help with the forum, rather than product, questions?

    I can't find the right way to ask a question about the forums themselves.

    PAGulley said

    I can't find the right part of the forum to ask questions about the forum itself and its features. I wonder what the right place and the way is to get help with the forum system itself. I can find the place to ask questions about specific Mozilla products very well.

    Look up where it says contributor tools and select Contributor Forums. Make sure that you scroll to the top or you'll get a bar with different links instead,

    The forum is where you question would be better in the SUMO community discussions.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Cleaning of the printheads

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    I have a Dell Inspiron 1545 with Vista. I receive the message of DLL to run after starting: c:\users\charlotte\AppData\Local\Smartcrtlog\oleWITime.dll I used the Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool, but nothing was found. I did audits of viruse

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    Forgotten password entered for my new laptop, widows 8? keep things simple I'm 79!

  • What causes my desktop image get pixelated suddenly? Also thumbnails no longer displayed

    I have been using windows 7 for a while now, and it never happened. Everything was fine yesterday, but now I come home and I find my desktop background image really pixelated. I had not really changed anything on my computer recently, it happened all