How can I connect to my windows vm using rdp?

I have a vm windows 8.1 running on fusion 8.1 for mac.

I want to connect from a different program vnc or office remotely.

I went in the machine virtual windows 8.1 and did this:

System Properties dialog box, under Remote Desktop, click allow connections to this computer remotely .

Nothing works so far and I tried all the tutorials.

My mac is not shared.

I go to advanced in the Toolbox icon vmware for the virtual machine and click the box for remote sharing and the value of the port 5900.

In my rdp, I put the address is the address of my router (the IP address I'd find when using

I launch rdp and don't get any link try the address by itself and address to: 5900

I also tried this port open tools control Open Port check tool to check if port 5900 is open and it is not.

I also put mac and firewall security to allow the merger of vmware accept incoming data

I also disabled windows 8.1 Firewall

I can't find detailed instructions beyond what I already tried on the vmware Web site or other sites.

Can someone explain why it does not work?

I prefer to use rdp on a windows machine to access the virtual machine.

Unfortunately, you are confused between the different ways that you can remotely control and manage your Windows VM. You tried two different approaches at the same time. Here are three solutions:

1. complete control Mac

Use the Apple Remote Desktop or screen Apple shares to control your remote Mac and run everything you want, including VMware Fusion. Launch and run your virtual machines from VMware Fusion on the remote Mac that control you.

2 use the built-in VNC server of VMware

VMware Fusion provides a built-in VNC server that provides any running virtual machine remote control. That's what you were trying to redo settings, advanced, remote VNC (port 5900) display. It is a "generic" solution, which allows to remotely control a virtual machine, including invited where operating systems the remote control is not taken in charge or difficult to configure. In general, VNC is slow and not sure, and I would choose this solution if other options are not available.

3. connect directly to the remote Windows running on your Machine desktop virtual Windows

Your Windows virtual machine supports Windows Remote Desktop. That's what you were trying to do when you have enabled remote desktop in the System Properties dialog box on your Windows 8.1 virtual machine. With this solution, you control the VM Guest Windows directly. You only control the VM of Windows, as if it were a real physical computer somewhere.

I highly recommend that you choose the solution number 3. That's what I do. I connect to several remote Windows Internet virtual machines. I run Microsoft Remote Desktop on my Mac to connect to them. I know it can work for you.

Tips for configuring Windows Remote Desktop from the windows virtual machine

* You do not have to configure anything on the Advanced page of VMware.

That I would take a step at a time:

1. Firstly, you connect to your Windows virtual machine from the local network.

* In VMware Fusion, configure your Windows virtual machine for use in network bridge. Settings-> network card-> Autodetect.

In windows, configure the Windows virtual machine with a static IP address on your local network. Search for "IP address static Windows 8.1.

ATTENTION: Choose an IP address that is not in the DHCP address range (usually provided by your router).

* Tip: With bridged networking, the Windows virtual machine is independent of the firewall of the Mac. Configure the firewall of the Mac to protect the Mac and configure the Windows Firewall to protect the Windows virtual machine.

In windows, network test - make sure you can get out to the Internet.

* On the same local network, connect a computer (Mac or Windows) to the local network.

* Use Microsoft Remote Desktop from a Mac or Windows Remote Desktop on a Windows computer to connect to the VM of Windows to the IP address that is assigned. You can get Microsoft Remote Desktop, for free on the Apple App Store.

Default port for the remote desktop on your Windows virtual machine will be 3389.

If this does not work, then start troubleshooting the problems on the LAN. Don't waste your time on the router if you can't control the virtual machine Windows of your internal network. You can test the Windows virtual machine to the internal IP assigned from the internal network?

2. do you need to connect to your Windows virtual machine, Internet?

* Think twice. Are you sure you know what you are doing?

* Now that you have connected to your virtual machine Windows on your network, the rest of the book is to configure your router.

* Setting "port forwarding" on your router. It is sometimes called "the port mapping:

-This will open the corresponding path to your router and redirect entry to the IP address of your Windows virtual machine. The default port for Windows Remote Desktop is 3389, but see the warnings below.

The procedure varies depending on which router you have. It also has serious security implications. An attacker who can enter your machine virtual Windows can use it to attack other systems on your internal network. You can ask a friend to help secure your system.

VERY IMPORTANT: once you open port 3389 on your router, the attackers will be noticed and attack your Windows virtual machine. Make sure that you have strong passwords on your Windows virtual machine.

->, I would choose another random port (that is, between 25000 and 45000 side public (Internet) of your router and map it on port 3389 on the side the router's internal network.) Mapping from one port to another internal port can be difficult to understand, but almost all routers support it. It's "security by obscurity" (not good), but it stops at most of the stupid attacks.

* Test the local library or McDonald's or Starbucks.

Good luck!

Tags: VMware

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