How to break lines in the column

32-bit Windows: Version
When I use this, I get the o/p as shown:
SQL> select hiredate  from emp where hiredate between '01-FEB-81' and '30-SEP-81' order by hiredate;

Now what I want, the o/p should be like:
---------  -----  ---------  ----------  --------   ------  --------   -----------
20-FEB-81         02-APR-81   01-MAY-81  09-JUN-81                      08-SEP-81
22-FEB-81                                        28-SEP-81
Means, for each month, there are new column.
How to do this?

Like this

SQL> with t
  2  as
  3  (
  4  select hiredate
  5       , extract(month from hiredate) mth
  6       , row_number() over(partition by extract(month from hiredate) order by hiredate) rno
  7    from emp
  8   where hiredate between '01-FEB-81' and '30-SEP-81'
  9   order by hiredate
 10  )
 11  select max(decode(mth, 1, hiredate)) JAN
 12       , max(decode(mth, 2, hiredate)) FEB
 13       , max(decode(mth, 3, hiredate)) MAR
 14       , max(decode(mth, 4, hiredate)) APR
 15       , max(decode(mth, 5, hiredate)) MAY
 16       , max(decode(mth, 6, hiredate)) JUN
 17       , max(decode(mth, 7, hiredate)) JUL
 18       , max(decode(mth, 8, hiredate)) AUG
 19       , max(decode(mth, 9, hiredate)) SEP
 20       , max(decode(mth,10, hiredate)) OCT
 21       , max(decode(mth,11, hiredate)) NOV
 22       , max(decode(mth,12, hiredate)) DEC
 23    from t
 24  group by rno
 25  /

JAN       FEB       MAR       APR       MAY       JUN       JUL       AUG       SEP        OCT       NOV       DEC
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
          20-FEB-81           02-APR-81 01-MAY-81 09-JUN-81                     08-SEP-81
          22-FEB-81           02-APR-81                                         28-SEP-81

Tags: Database

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    How to query start a new line in the column?


    SELECT ID, username | host name, details of xxx;

    on the 2 column, I need result below:

    Username ID | hostname in detail
    1 user1 xxxxxx
    2 user2 xxxxxx

    Kind regards

    Something like that?

    SQL> WITH tbl AS (SELECT 1 id,'user1' uname,'xxx' dtl,'host1' hname FROM DUAL UNION ALL
      2               SELECT 2 id,'user2' uname,'yyy' dtl,'host2' hname FROM DUAL UNION ALL
      3               SELECT 3 id,'user3' uname,'zzz' dtl,'host3' hname FROM DUAL
      4               )
      5  SELECT id,uname||dtl||chr(10)||hname FROM tbl;
            ID UNAME||DTL||CH
    ---------- --------------
             1 user1xxx
             2 user2yyy
             3 user3zzz
  • lines to the column and summation

    Hi everyone, I am using oracle 10g consider the following data:

    WITH the data as {}

    SELECT 'XTR' mntrid, ctid 'AAA', ' hi tech' description, code "SPRING", 123.23 amount OF double UNION ALL

    SELECT 'XTR' mntrid, ctid 'AAA', ' hi tech' description, code "SPRING", 111.23 amount OF double UNION ALL

    SELECT 'XTR' mntrid, ctid 'AAA', ' hi tech' description, code to 'PAY', 666.23 amount OF the dual UNION ALL

    SELECT 'XTR' mntrid, ctid 'AAA', ' hi tech' description, code to 'PAY', 888.23 amount OF the double UNION

    SELECT "XTR2' mntrid, ctid 'BBB', ' Hi tech2' description, code to 'PAY', 333.23 amount OF the dual UNION ALL

    SELECT "XTR2' mntrid, ctid 'BBB', ' Hi tech2' description, code to 'PAY', 222.23 amount OF double UNION ALL

    SELECT mntrid "XTR3", "CCC" ctid, ' hi tech 3 ' description, code 'PC', 777.23 amount OF double


    I would like secret lines at column and add the amounts.  my output should be like this


    XTR AAA hi tech 234,46 1554.46

    XTR2 BBB Hi tech2 555.46

    CCC XTR3 Hi Tech 3 777.23

    what I do is converting lines to the column and the display of the sum.  for example, for mntrid = XTR I get the sum of all MAIN lines and the lines all PAY and PC.

    Since there is no line of PC for XTR I display null.

    can someone help me write a query that displays the output in oracle 10g above?


    elmasduro wrote:

    It's great Frank. Thank you very much.

    I have a request.  What happens if I want to add total main grad, wages, the pc? How would I do that.



    XTR AAA hi tech 234.46 1554,46 1788.92

    XTR2 BBB Hi tech2 555,46 555.46

    CCC XTR3 Hi Tech 3 777,23 777.23

    It's just plain old garden-variety SUM:

    SELECT Mntrid



    , SUM (CASE WHEN code = "MAIN" THEN rise END) AS main

    , SUM (CASE code WHEN = "SALARY" THEN rise END) AS pay

    , SUM (CASE WHEN code = 'PC', THEN rise END) AS pc

    , The SUM of (amount) AS grand_total-* NEW *.

    FROM the data

    GROUP BY mntrid




  • lines to the column for large number of files

    my version of the database is 10 gr 2

    I want to transfer the lines to the column... .i have seen examples of small no records, but how can it be done if there are more the 1,000 records in a table...?

    Here is the example of data I'd like to change to column
    SQL> /
    NE              RAISED                         CLEARED                        RTTS_NO        RING                                                                               
    --------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    10100000-1LU    22-FEB-2011 22:01:04/28-FEB-20 22-FEB-2011 22:12:27/28-FEB-20                SR-10/ ER-16/ CR-25/ CR-29/ CR-26/ RIDM-1/ NER5/ CR-31/ RiC600-1                   
                    11 01:25:22/                   11 02:40:06/
    10100000-2LU    01-FEB-2011 12:15:58/06-FEB-20 05-FEB-2011 10:05:48/06-FEB-20                RIMESH/ RiC342-1/ 101/10R#10/ RiC558-1/ RiC608-1                                   
                    11 07:00:53/18-FEB-2011 22:04: 11 10:49:18/18-FEB-2011 22:15:
                    56/19-FEB-2011 10:36:12/19-FEB 17/19-FEB-2011 10:41:35/19-FEB
                    -2011 11:03:13/19-FEB-2011 11: -2011 11:08:18/19-FEB-2011 11:
                    16:14/28-FEB-2011 01:25:22/    21:35/28-FEB-2011 02:40:13/
    10100000-3LU    19-FEB-2011 20:18:31/22-FEB-20 19-FEB-2011 20:19:32/22-FEB-20                INR-1/ ISR-1                                                                       
                    11 21:37:32/22-FEB-2011 22:01: 11 21:48:06/22-FEB-2011 22:12:
                    35/22-FEB-2011 22:20:03/28-FEB 05/22-FEB-2011 22:25:14/28-FEB
                    -2011 01:25:23/                -2011 02:40:20/
    10100000/10MU   06-FEB-2011 07:00:23/19-FEB-20 06-FEB-2011 10:47:13/19-FEB-20                101/IR#10                                                                          
                    11 11:01:50/19-FEB-2011 11:17: 11 11:07:33/19-FEB-2011 11:21:
                    58/28-FEB-2011 02:39:11/01-FEB 30/28-FEB-2011 04:10:56/05-FEB
                    -2011 12:16:21/18-FEB-2011 22: -2011 10:06:10/18-FEB-2011 22:
                    03:27/                         13:50/
    10100000/11MU   01-FEB-2011 08:48:45/22-FEB-20 02-FEB-2011 13:15:17/22-FEB-20 1456129/       101IR11 RIMESH                                                                     
                    11 21:59:28/22-FEB-2011 22:21: 11 22:08:49/22-FEB-2011 22:24:
                    52/01-FEB-2011 08:35:46/       27/01-FEB-2011 08:38:42/
    10100000/12MU   22-FEB-2011 21:35:34/22-FEB-20 22-FEB-2011 21:45:00/22-FEB-20                101IR12 KuSMW4-1                                                                   
                    11 22:00:04/22-FEB-2011 22:21: 11 22:08:21/22-FEB-2011 22:22:
                    23/28-FEB-2011 02:39:53/       26/28-FEB-2011 02:41:07/
    10100000/13MU   22-FEB-2011 21:35:54/22-FEB-20 22-FEB-2011 21:42:58/22-FEB-20                LD MESH                                                                            
                    11 22:21:55/22-FEB-2011 22:00: 11 22:24:52/22-FEB-2011 22:10:

    could you do something like that?

    with t as (select '10100000-1LU' NE,   '22-FEB-2011 22:01:04/28-FEB-2011 01:25:22/' raised ,  '22-FEB-2011 22:12:27/28-FEB-2011 02:40:06/' cleared from dual union
                  select '10100000-2LU', '01-FEB-2011 12:15:58/06-FEB-2011 07:00:53/18-FEB-2011 22:04:56/19-FEB-2011 10:36:12/19-FEB-2011 11:03:13/19-FEB-2011 11:16:14/28-FEB-2011 01:25:22/',
                  '05-FEB-2011 10:05:48/06-FEB-2011 10:49:18/18-FEB-2011 22:15:17/19-FEB-2011 10:41:35/19-FEB-2011 11:08:18/19-FEB-2011 11:21:35/28-FEB-2011 02:40:13/' from dual
    select * from(
    select NE,   regexp_substr( raised,'[^/]+',1,1) raised, regexp_substr( cleared,'[^/]+',1,1) cleared  from t
    select NE,   regexp_substr( raised,'[^/]+',1,2) , regexp_substr( cleared,'[^/]+',1,2) cleared  from t
    select NE,   regexp_substr( raised,'[^/]+',1,3) , regexp_substr( cleared,'[^/]+',1,3) cleared  from t
    select NE,   regexp_substr( raised,'[^/]+',1,4) , regexp_substr( cleared,'[^/]+',1,4) cleared  from t
    select NE,   regexp_substr( raised,'[^/]+',1,5) , regexp_substr( cleared,'[^/]+',1,5) cleared  from t
    select NE,   regexp_substr( raised,'[^/]+',1,6) , regexp_substr( cleared,'[^/]+',1,6) cleared  from t
    select NE,   regexp_substr( raised,'[^/]+',1,7) , regexp_substr( cleared,'[^/]+',1,7) cleared  from t
    select NE,   regexp_substr( raised,'[^/]+',1,8) , regexp_substr( cleared,'[^/]+',1,8) cleared  from t
    select NE,   regexp_substr( raised,'[^/]+',1,9) , regexp_substr( cleared,'[^/]+',1,9) cleared  from t
    select NE,   regexp_substr( raised,'[^/]+',1,10) , regexp_substr( cleared,'[^/]+',1,10) cleared  from t
    select NE,   regexp_substr( raised,'[^/]+',1,11) , regexp_substr( cleared,'[^/]+',1,11) cleared  from t
    where nvl(raised,cleared) is not null
    order by ne
    10100000-1LU     28-FEB-2011 01:25:22     28-FEB-2011 02:40:06
    10100000-1LU     22-FEB-2011 22:01:04     22-FEB-2011 22:12:27
    10100000-2LU     28-FEB-2011 01:25:22     28-FEB-2011 02:40:13
    10100000-2LU     19-FEB-2011 10:36:12     19-FEB-2011 10:41:35
    10100000-2LU     19-FEB-2011 11:03:13     19-FEB-2011 11:08:18
    10100000-2LU     19-FEB-2011 11:16:14     19-FEB-2011 11:21:35
    10100000-2LU     06-FEB-2011 07:00:53     06-FEB-2011 10:49:18
    10100000-2LU     01-FEB-2011 12:15:58     05-FEB-2011 10:05:48
    10100000-2LU     18-FEB-2011 22:04:56     18-FEB-2011 22:15:17

    You should be able to do without all these unions using a connection by but I can't quite make it work
    the following does not work, but perhaps someone can answer.

    select NE,   regexp_substr( raised,'[^/]+',1,level) raised, regexp_substr( cleared,'[^/]+',1,level) cleared from t
     connect by  prior  NE = NE and   regexp_substr( raised,'[^/]+',1,level) = prior regexp_substr( raised,'[^/]+',1,level + 1)

    Published by: pollywog on March 29, 2011 09:38

    Here it is with the type clause that gets rid of all unions.

    WITH t
            AS (SELECT '10100000-1LU' NE,
                       '22-FEB-2011 22:01:04/28-FEB-2011 01:25:22/' raised,
                       '22-FEB-2011 22:12:27/28-FEB-2011 02:40:06/' cleared
                  FROM DUAL
                SELECT '10100000-2LU',
                       '01-FEB-2011 12:15:58/06-FEB-2011 07:00:53/18-FEB-2011 22:04:56/19-FEB-2011 10:36:12/19-FEB-2011 11:03:13/19-FEB-2011 11:16:14/28-FEB-2011 01:25:22/',
                       '05-FEB-2011 10:05:48/06-FEB-2011 10:49:18/18-FEB-2011 22:15:17/19-FEB-2011 10:41:35/19-FEB-2011 11:08:18/19-FEB-2011 11:21:35/28-FEB-2011 02:40:13/'
                  FROM DUAL)
      SELECT *
        FROM (SELECT NE, raised, cleared
                FROM t
                 PARTITION BY (NE)
                 DIMENSION BY (0 d)
                 MEASURES (raised, cleared)
                    ITERATE (1000) UNTIL raised[ITERATION_NUMBER] IS NULL
                    (raised [ITERATION_NUMBER + 1] =
                          REGEXP_SUBSTR (raised[0],
                                         ITERATION_NUMBER + 1),
                    cleared [ITERATION_NUMBER + 1] =
                          REGEXP_SUBSTR (cleared[0],
                                         ITERATION_NUMBER + 1)))
       WHERE raised IS NOT NULL

    Published by: pollywog on March 29, 2011 10:34

  • APEX do not allow to change the lines of the columns that are the primary key?

    I have pictures:

    Book (id_book - 'Primary key', title, year); book_author (id_author id_book - 'Primary key', - 'Primary key'); author (id_author - "Primary key", name)

    I created a new page-> Form-> form of 'author' table because I want to add new authors, modification and deletion. During the creation of this page, I have chosen column 'id_author' as '1 primary key column' and everything is OK (I can't edit the 'id_author' column - this column is autoincrement and I can change the 'name' column).

    BUT I also created a new page-> Form-> table for table "book_author" because I like to write numbers like id_book and id_author, change and remove them (so add relations between tables: book, book_author and author). During the creation of this page, I have chosen column 'id_book' as '1 primary key column' and 'id_author' as 'column primary key 2'. And on the Web site, I can't edit these fields. And I can not add also new line because I see in each new line: (null).

    APEX do not allow to change the lines of the columns that are the primary key? It's stupid... What can I do?

    Edited by: user10731158 2008-12-20 11:40

    Column unique and not meaningful if you ever want to update. In the case of your example, you need to add an ID column in the intersection of book_author table. Honestly, I was so blown away (and pleasantly surprised) by the absence of rebuttal and the "thx" I advanced and set up an example of how I would define the book_author table:

    create table  book_author
       (id varchar2(32),
        book_id varchar2(32),
         author_id varchar2(32),
         modified_on     date,
         modified_by varchar2(255),
         constraint book_author_pk primary key (id),
         constraint book_auth_book_fk foreign key (book_id) references books(id),
         constraint book_auth_author_fk foreign key (author_id) references authors(id)
    create unique index book_author_uq on book_author (book_id,author_id)
    create or replace trigger  biu_book_author before insert or update on book_author
    for each row
         if inserting then
     := sys_guid();
         end if;
         modified_on := sysdate;
         modified_by := nvl(v('APP_USER'),user);

    Good luck

  • How to select lines if a column has the same first and last characters?


    I have a scenario that one of the columns in the table of the student is having names student, (Ex) John, Mary, Donald, Ana, Maria. In this case how can we write a query to retrieve lines for the values if the first and the last character of the student of identical names? Production is expected to be Donald, Ana.

    Frank answers the question in the subject of your post, but looking at your examples, I think you wanted

    WHERE lower (SUBSTR (student_name, 1, 1)) - 1 character

    low = (SUBSTR (student_name,-1)) - last character

  • ADF: how to insert the character of new line in the column of VO?

    Hello world

    IM using Jdev 11 G.
    I have a VO with 5 columns appear on the page of the ADF. (VO a total 8 columns)
    column 1 is the combination of 3 columns. I concatenated 3 columns and add the new line character after each column Chr (13).
    VO query works very well as a toad. the columnn displays each column value concatenated after a newline character, but the same query does not work in the ADF.
    The column that is the concatenation of the 3 columns and should display with the new line character does not display the new line character its just concatenation of the 3 values and display on the page.

    Wat could be the solution for this in the ADF?

    Thank you.

    Column does not have the property to escape. It is part of the output text.

    Something like



  • Update line in the column-based database


    I am trying to find a way to update a row that has a SQL database based on two columns. If the command and the match number sensor order number and sales sensor that already exists in the database, I want to update the column of reading of the sensor. If not exists then I want that it creates a new line. How would I go to do this?

    Thank you


    You can use the tools of DB Execute. Here is an example of a MS Access 2010 database where a column value is updated in all rows satisfying the WHERE conditions.


  • Under the authority: How do I not show the column "else" when you edit a formula

    Hello everyone

    I'm creating a new analysis (reporting) and I have a problem when you edit a formula.

    I have an item called 'age' of the RPD. In my analysis (such as a table), I do not want to display each value 'age', I think you'll understand why. So, I'm to change the formula, and that's what I wrote:


    WHEN 'âge' < = 18, THEN "minor".

    WHEN 'The age' (19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25) THEN ' < 26'


    When I try this formula, I had 3 columns, a "minor", a "< 26' and an other empty but with numbers in it."

    It's I don't want to display a column for those who are more than 26 years.

    I tried to add another line before "END":

    NOTHING ELSE , but I read on other forums that if I write this line or not, OBIEE seems to do the same.

    I know I can hide the empty column, but I like, the analysis of 300 that include these data and it would take me some time if I had to hide the column for each analysis... In addition, I have a column selector and he won't do it more easily.

    If anyone has an idea how to solve this problem, I would be very grateful.

    I hate to make mistakes, I'm not a native English speaker

    Thanks for your help


    Good then you're basically transposing the rows into columns...

    Well how about setting a filter or selection stage to remove all NULL values for the column Age

  • How to add lines to the PresetEffects.xml from a script

    Hi, I would like to add a few lines in the PresetEffects.xml to another text file or an another JavaScript add lines like this how can I do? :

    < name of the group = "$$$ / AE/Preset/AnimalHead14 / = mouth" >

    < name of the cursor = "' $$$ / AE/Preset/AnimalHead14/MouthOffsetX = mouth X shift" default = '0' valid_min = '-30,000"valid_max ="30000"slider_min = slider_max"-500"= '500' precision ="1"DISPLAY_PERCENT ="true"/ >"

    < name of the cursor = "' $$$ / AE/Preset/AnimalHead14/MouthOffsetY = mouth Offset Y" default = "0" valid_min = "-30,000" valid_max = "30000" slider_min = slider_max "-500" = '500' precision = "1" DISPLAY_PERCENT = "true" / > "

    < name of the cursor = "' $$$ / AE/Preset/AnimalHead14/MouthScaleWidth = scale Overture" default = "100" valid_min = "-30,000" valid_max = "30000" slider_min = slider_max '-500' = '500' precision = "1" DISPLAY_PERCENT = "true" / > "

    < name of the cursor = "' $$$ / AE/Preset/AnimalHead14/MouthScaleHeight = scale of mouth height" default = "100" valid_min = "-30,000" valid_max = "30000" slider_min = "-500" slider_max = "500" precision = "1" DISPLAY_PERCENT = "true" / > "

    < / Group >

    < / effect >

    {function onClick.btn

    Add the lines of my text file in the PresetEffects.xml

    I did once, like this:

    var scriptEffect = {};
    scriptEffect.xml =
    scriptEffect.matchName = [email protected]();
    function installScriptEffect(){
        var ret;
        var file = new File(Folder.appPackage.absoluteURI + "/PresetEffects.xml");
        var str, idx, header, xml;
        var xmlSettings = XML.settings();
            if (!file.exists) throw "ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND";
            str =;
            idx = str.indexOf("");
            if (idx<0) throw "???";
            header = str.substring(0, idx-1);
            xml = new XML(str.substring(idx, str.length));
            if (!xml.contains(scriptEffect.xml)){
                if (!file.copy(new File(file.absoluteURI+".bak"))) throw "ERR_CANNOT_WRITE";
                if (!file.write(header + xml.toXMLString())) {file.close(); throw "ERR_WRITE_FAILED";};
                alert("Preset installed succesfully. Please restart After Effects");
                alert("Preset already installed. You need to restart After Effects to make it effective.");
            ret = true;
            ret = false;
        return ret;

    Then, when you want to add the effect, check with myLayer.effect.canAddProperty (scriptEffect.matchName).

    If true, nothing to do, otherwise use the installScriptEffect function. Normally, it works (haven't tried for a long time).


  • How to enter lines in the picture

    A friendly person can give me an idea on how to get the white samplelines.jpg curves the lines in the image gradient.


    Perfect, if I see you in a water hole I'll scream for you.

  • How to add text to the column formula


    I am trying to add text to column (quarter) in the column formula window.

    Try adding "Q1" text in the column as: "Q1" | (TIME. ("" CALENDAR QUARTER "). -In error.

    Also tried with CASTING... .but could not answer me.

    Please advice how add/concatenates the text in the column formula window.

    Kind regards


    I just tested the approach below, which works as expected.

    CONCAT ('ABC', cast ("Time". "" Tax Quarter "as char))"

    CONCAT ('ABC', 'Time'. ("' Fiscal quarter")

    Control the parameters of syntax in your formula.

    Mark it as relatively useful/correct, if it is.

    Best regards
    Kalyan Chukkapalli

  • How to remove lines from the side of a rectangle

    Hello, I am a brochure design and have added a rectangle with an outline of a different color, but I want only the shot to be on the top and bottom of the rectangle.  How can I remove the sides?  I tried just by selecting the race with the direct Selection tool and then click on delete, but it removes the entire rectangle, fill and stroke.

    Thank you... my apologies for such a newbie question


    You can:

    (1) create a copy of the rectangle and remove the fill on the copy and delete the line on the original;

    (2) after the deselection, with the direct Selection tool, click on each of the two unwanted segments and delete it.

    You can group the two strokes and the rectangle at the bottom.

  • How to add data in the column

    I have a column name in the Emp table name now is varchar2 (100) now I only name column name is now I wants to add the name in the column without using the update statement in the column consist of the name I want to add the family name then please advise how to add in column oracle
    help appriciate.

    Thank you

    You need something like this:

    UPDATE table_name
    SET ename=ename||' '||surname
    WHERE ..... 
  • How to extract text in the columns of a .pdf file

    I have a .pdf document that is arranged in columns.  I tried export in crude as a .doc file and copy/paste-ing text highlighted text.  In each case, the text comes out tangled.  In other words, it reads a line across all three columns.  If the text among the three columns tangle together and very tedious to separate and pick up in the right order.

    I have a lot of text extracted of .pdfs but have not run into this problem before.  Is it possible to fix it?


    For the selection of text in the column, you can use the tool of selection in column selection mode. To do this, go to tools > Select & Zoom > selection tool. Afterwards, press the Alt key and drag to select the desired column. By pressing the Alt key with the active selection tool the selection Mode of the column.

    Kind regards


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