How to import plugin VCO through the REST API

I try to import plugin VCO via customer REST VCO, it always by listed below error

Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.web.client.HttpServerErrorException: 500 Internal Server Error

at org.springframework.web.client.DefaultResponseErrorHandler.handleError(

at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate.handleResponseError(

at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate.doExecute(

at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate.execute(

at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate.postForEntity(



at FileUploadAdv100.uploadVCOPluginsList (

at FileUploadAdv100.main (

My code is here

File pluginFile = new File("D:\\vcoplugins\\JAVARESTSDK_Examples\\o11nplugin-powershell-1.0.1.vmoapp");
Boolean overwrite = false;
SessionFactory VcoSessionFactory = createSessionFactory();
Authentication auth = createAuthentication (sessionFactory);
Session VcoSession = sessionFactory.newSession (auth);
PluginService pluginService = new PluginService (session);
pluginService.importPluginFromFile (pluginFile, overwrite);


Hi APR,.

PluginService.importPluginFromFile () supports only import plug-ins of .dar files, not files .vmoapp.

The good news is that you can extract the .dar file is the .vmoapp file. Simply open the file .vmoapp with a program that can open. ZIP archives (like WinRar, WinZip, 7-zip, etc.) and check out the .dar file. Then change your code to pass the path to the file .dar (the first line of your code).

Another option would be to try PluginService.importApplicationFromFile (), which should support the import of .vmoapp files.

Hope this helps,


Tags: VMware

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    I just finished using the CURL approach to imitate the real form post that Eloqua uses.  If you look at the html code of the form, you can see the fields, it took:

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    Hope that helps! If you have any questions just shoot me a message.

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    VAPP users are not allowed to see the org above their visibility networks. They are allowed to see the networks VAPP.
    Org networks are visible to the user 'administrator of the Organization ". If you want you can see the permissions of the role "Administrator of the Organization" and create role with the org network of related rights, which will be tailored to your needs. You can also change the role of 'paralytic' adding rights for ' Org networks-> view/edit properties "and"organization-> view organization networks. This can be done as easily in the user interface of vCD.
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    < ipset(8) >

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    < type >

    < typeName / >

    < / type >

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    < type >

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    < / type >

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    < scope >

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    < / scope >

    < extendedAttributes / >

    < inheritanceAllowed > false < / inheritanceAllowed >

    < value > - < / value >

    < / ipset(8) >

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    GET https://192.168.x.x/api/2.0/services/ipset/datacenter-xx



    < error >

    <>details requested object: data center-xx could not be found. Object identifiers are case sensitive. < / details >

    < > 202 errorCode < / errorCode >

    < moduleName > - basic services < / moduleName >

    < / error >

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    that is, it lacks the /scope

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    REST API for package management (adding/removing items to package, rebuild a package, etc.) are planned for the next version of vRO - vRO 7.1 (or whatever the COMP version it gets).

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    HTTP/1.1 100 continue
    HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
    Content-Type: text/html; charset = utf-8
    Transfer-Encoding: segmented
    Date: Thu, February 28, 2013 16:54:57 GMT
    Connection: close
    Server: vCO Server
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    Content-Disposition: form-data; name = "listVm"; filename = "listVm.Workflow"

    Content-Type: application/zip



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    Here is a code that a workflow is important in a category:

    SessionFactory VcoSessionFactory = new DefaultVcoSessionFactory (new URI ("https://vcohost:8281 / api")) {}
    protected SSLContext newSSLContext() throw KeyManagementException, {NoSuchAlgorithmException}
    Return newUnsecureSSLContext();
    protected HostnameVerifier {} newHostnameVerifier()
    Return newUnsecureHostnameVerifier();
    This is for basic authentication in the what the vCO is in LDAP mode
    Authentication Authentication = new UsernamePasswordAuthentication ("userName", "password");
    It is to the SSO authentication
    Authentication Authentication = null;
    try {}
    SsoAuthenticator authenticator =
    new SsoAuthenticator (new
    1800 l);
    Authentication =
    authenticator.createSsoAuthentication ("userName",
    } catch (IOException e) {}
    throw new RuntimeException ("Cannot authenticate to the OSP", e);
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {}
    / / There are unlikely to occur
    // }
    Session VcoSession = sessionFactory.newSession (authentication);
    WorkflowService wfService = new WorkflowService (session);
    wfService.importWorkflowInCategory ("categoryId", new file)

    I have this code I use only the customer is provided with vCO:


    Hope this helps



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    See you soon

    Hi David,

    The POST operation is not supported by this endpoint, but you can use PUT a method for updating subscriptions Contact:

    • PUT: / data/contact / {id} / email/group / {groupId} / subscription

    Where the request body contains an object of the subscription. Hope this helps and please let us know if you need more information.

    Thank you


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    Through the REST API, you can do many things, not all supported.  This page lists the supported operations: management of Eloqua API use cases

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    Could be a bug in the documentation, try like this

    https://cloud/api/org/org-uuid/catalog/catalog-uuid/controlAccess - Fetch (GET)

    https://cloud/api/org/org-uuid/catalog/catalog-uuid/action/controlAccess - updated (AFTER)

    Kind regards
    Rajesh Kamal.

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    There is a REST API for presentation and execution of workflow.

    So, you can use presentation REST API to create/update presentation running, providing only the necessary parameters. As a result of these API calls, you will get the values for all time settings (those you passed to the call) and those calculated by your presentation logic. Then, you can call the REST API by passing all values returned by presentation REST API for the execution of workflow.

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    $username = "XXXXXX".

    $upassword = "XXXXXX".

    $auth = $username + ':' + $upassword

    $Encoded = [System.Text.Encoding]: UTF8. GetBytes ($auth)

    $EncodedPassword = [System.Convert]: ToBase64String ($Encoded)

    $headers = @{' authorization '=' basic $($EncodedPassword) ' ;}}

    $body = "<-xmlns = execution context" ". ' ' > < / execution context > '

    #query for workflow named "donothing".

    Invoke-RestMethod-uri https://XXXX:8281/api/flow /? conditions = name = donothing -Headers $headers - body $body - ContentType "application/xml" - Get method

    Invoke RestMethod: failed to send a content-body with this type of verb.

    On line: 1 char: 1

    + Call-RestMethod-uri https://XXXX:8281/api/flow /? conditions = name = donoth ...

    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo: NotSpecified: (:)) [invoking-RestMethod], ProtocolViolationException)

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId: System.Net.ProtocolViolationException, Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand

    The request succeeds by using the customer REMAINS on Firefox, but I can't make it work on PowerShell. (NOTE: PowerShell workflow execution works very well)

    Any help is appreciated.

    Thank you


    OK, I managed to do work by removing

    [System.Net.ServicePointManager]: ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true}

    And add this at the beginning of the script

    "Add-type @ '.

    using System.Net;

    using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;

    public class TrustAllCertsPolicy: {ICertificatePolicy

    public bool CheckValidationResult)

    ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate,

    WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) {}

    Returns true;




    [System.Net.ServicePointManager]: CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy

    Now I can use the GET method:

    $ret = Invoke-WebRequest - uri $URL - Headers $headers - ContentType "application/xml" - Get method

    I spent to Invoke-WebRequest so I can get the return of application Web.


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    Best regards!

    Hello rvillamarin,

    Take a look at With this, you should be able to get a ticket, to pass at the request of the REST.

    Kind regards


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    'node': [{}

    "name': 'VM1."

    "properties": [{}

    "hostname": "joe".





    But when you use this application I get the error message: "the node 'VM1' does not exist in the current 'deployment profile'. ' even if 'VM1' is the only node in the deployment profile.  I tried other variations and still get the same error message.

    Does anyone have suggestions for how I can configure the hostname of the node when you deploy the application?  Thank you.

    Apparently, the REST API for planning a deployment is designed after characteristic GUI Application Director "rapid deployment". Rapid deployment does not allow the substitution of properties of node as hostname. Idea being the deployment profile once defined and prepared, each individual call of it must change some subset of the properties of the component. We can always create several profiles of deployment to account for changes in node.

    Nevertheless, it seems that property of node specifications would help your situation... so that your comments reached the product team.

    Thank you rags

    This posting is provided as is and confers no rights.

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    Screen Shot 2014-10-29 at 11.16.48 AM.png

    Thank you!


    You can connect to access library models using the REST API, use 'GET /libraryDocuments' allowing to recover documents in library for a user. Models are created in the account of EchoSign, which later are accessible via the REST method mentioned above.


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