How to include the name of the vendor and the Version for the appliation

How to include the version and the supplier of the application/product we created. I have sucessfully signed the code file in the mobile, but now I want to include the version and application provider how to do this.

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Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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  • How to include the URL of a page in the Notification E-mail?

    Hi all

    I need your help to implement the conditional.
    I implemented the notification email in our whenever the user creates a form/shape, the mail will be triggered to them. Now, users want to include the link in the email.
    When they click on the link in the email, it should access to the newly created in the Apex form page.
    How to include the link to the page being Email?

    Thank you

    Maybe you can try this,

    1. create a hidden item say P1_URL
    2 write this in "Run when the page loads" document.getElementById('P1_URL').value = window.location.href;
    above code will give you the current URL
    3. you can use the element preceding everywhere where you want.


  • How to change folder name by default when you use save for Web in java script?

    Hello everyone, hope you can help me.

    Photoshop has a folder name by default of images When you export using slices Save for Web . I need to change this folder name.

    How to change folder name by default when you use save for Web in java script?

    Thanks in advance!



    JJMack Chuck Uebele Nicolas Ribot SuperMerlin

    You can try with scriptlistener to record the code. Change to the last line of the NO to ALL dialog boxes, so that the dialog - if you wish. There are two places in the code to save the files: one where is actually saved the file, and the other where the default value is file. I have seen it changed something with it. So, you can simply use the first listing of a path in the code below.

    #target photoshop
    var idExpr = charIDToTypeID( "Expr" );
        var desc19 = new ActionDescriptor();
        var idUsng = charIDToTypeID( "Usng" );
            var desc20 = new ActionDescriptor();
            var idOp = charIDToTypeID( "Op  " );
            var idSWOp = charIDToTypeID( "SWOp" );
            var idOpSa = charIDToTypeID( "OpSa" );
            desc20.putEnumerated( idOp, idSWOp, idOpSa );
            var idDIDr = charIDToTypeID( "DIDr" );
            desc20.putBoolean( idDIDr, true );
            var idIn = charIDToTypeID( "In  " );
            desc20.putPath( idIn, new File( "C:\\Users\\csuebele\\Pictures\\LR shortcuts" ) );//Here's where it actually saves
            var idFmt = charIDToTypeID( "Fmt " );
            var idIRFm = charIDToTypeID( "IRFm" );
            var idPNtwofour = charIDToTypeID( "PN24" );
            desc20.putEnumerated( idFmt, idIRFm, idPNtwofour );
            var idIntr = charIDToTypeID( "Intr" );
            desc20.putBoolean( idIntr, false );
            var idTrns = charIDToTypeID( "Trns" );
            desc20.putBoolean( idTrns, true );
            var idMtt = charIDToTypeID( "Mtt " );
            desc20.putBoolean( idMtt, true );
            var idEICC = charIDToTypeID( "EICC" );
            desc20.putBoolean( idEICC, false );
            var idMttR = charIDToTypeID( "MttR" );
            desc20.putInteger( idMttR, 255 );
            var idMttG = charIDToTypeID( "MttG" );
            desc20.putInteger( idMttG, 255 );
            var idMttB = charIDToTypeID( "MttB" );
            desc20.putInteger( idMttB, 255 );
            var idSHTM = charIDToTypeID( "SHTM" );
            desc20.putBoolean( idSHTM, false );
            var idSImg = charIDToTypeID( "SImg" );
            desc20.putBoolean( idSImg, true );
            var idSWsl = charIDToTypeID( "SWsl" );
            var idSTsl = charIDToTypeID( "STsl" );
            var idSLAl = charIDToTypeID( "SLAl" );
            desc20.putEnumerated( idSWsl, idSTsl, idSLAl );
            var idSWch = charIDToTypeID( "SWch" );
            var idSTch = charIDToTypeID( "STch" );
            var idCHsR = charIDToTypeID( "CHsR" );
            desc20.putEnumerated( idSWch, idSTch, idCHsR );
            var idSWmd = charIDToTypeID( "SWmd" );
            var idSTmd = charIDToTypeID( "STmd" );
            var idMDCC = charIDToTypeID( "MDCC" );
            desc20.putEnumerated( idSWmd, idSTmd, idMDCC );
            var idohXH = charIDToTypeID( "ohXH" );
            desc20.putBoolean( idohXH, false );
            var idohIC = charIDToTypeID( "ohIC" );
            desc20.putBoolean( idohIC, true );
            var idohAA = charIDToTypeID( "ohAA" );
            desc20.putBoolean( idohAA, true );
            var idohQA = charIDToTypeID( "ohQA" );
            desc20.putBoolean( idohQA, true );
            var idohCA = charIDToTypeID( "ohCA" );
            desc20.putBoolean( idohCA, false );
            var idohIZ = charIDToTypeID( "ohIZ" );
            desc20.putBoolean( idohIZ, true );
            var idohTC = charIDToTypeID( "ohTC" );
            var idSToc = charIDToTypeID( "SToc" );
            var idOCzerothree = charIDToTypeID( "OC03" );
            desc20.putEnumerated( idohTC, idSToc, idOCzerothree );
            var idohAC = charIDToTypeID( "ohAC" );
            var idSToc = charIDToTypeID( "SToc" );
            var idOCzerothree = charIDToTypeID( "OC03" );
            desc20.putEnumerated( idohAC, idSToc, idOCzerothree );
            var idohIn = charIDToTypeID( "ohIn" );
            desc20.putInteger( idohIn, -1 );
            var idohLE = charIDToTypeID( "ohLE" );
            var idSTle = charIDToTypeID( "STle" );
            var idLEzerothree = charIDToTypeID( "LE03" );
            desc20.putEnumerated( idohLE, idSTle, idLEzerothree );
            var idohEn = charIDToTypeID( "ohEn" );
            var idSTen = charIDToTypeID( "STen" );
            var idENzerozero = charIDToTypeID( "EN00" );
            desc20.putEnumerated( idohEn, idSTen, idENzerozero );
            var idolCS = charIDToTypeID( "olCS" );
            desc20.putBoolean( idolCS, false );
            var idolEC = charIDToTypeID( "olEC" );
            var idSTst = charIDToTypeID( "STst" );
            var idSTzerozero = charIDToTypeID( "ST00" );
            desc20.putEnumerated( idolEC, idSTst, idSTzerozero );
            var idolWH = charIDToTypeID( "olWH" );
            var idSTwh = charIDToTypeID( "STwh" );
            var idWHzeroone = charIDToTypeID( "WH01" );
            desc20.putEnumerated( idolWH, idSTwh, idWHzeroone );
            var idolSV = charIDToTypeID( "olSV" );
            var idSTsp = charIDToTypeID( "STsp" );
            var idSPzerofour = charIDToTypeID( "SP04" );
            desc20.putEnumerated( idolSV, idSTsp, idSPzerofour );
            var idolSH = charIDToTypeID( "olSH" );
            var idSTsp = charIDToTypeID( "STsp" );
            var idSPzerofour = charIDToTypeID( "SP04" );
            desc20.putEnumerated( idolSH, idSTsp, idSPzerofour );
            var idolNC = charIDToTypeID( "olNC" );
                var list4 = new ActionList();
                    var desc21 = new ActionDescriptor();
                    var idncTp = charIDToTypeID( "ncTp" );
                    var idSTnc = charIDToTypeID( "STnc" );
                    var idNCzerozero = charIDToTypeID( "NC00" );
                    desc21.putEnumerated( idncTp, idSTnc, idNCzerozero );
                var idSCnc = charIDToTypeID( "SCnc" );
                list4.putObject( idSCnc, desc21 );
                    var desc22 = new ActionDescriptor();
                    var idncTp = charIDToTypeID( "ncTp" );
                    var idSTnc = charIDToTypeID( "STnc" );
                    var idNConenine = charIDToTypeID( "NC19" );
                    desc22.putEnumerated( idncTp, idSTnc, idNConenine );
                var idSCnc = charIDToTypeID( "SCnc" );
                list4.putObject( idSCnc, desc22 );
                    var desc23 = new ActionDescriptor();
                    var idncTp = charIDToTypeID( "ncTp" );
                    var idSTnc = charIDToTypeID( "STnc" );
                    var idNCtwoeight = charIDToTypeID( "NC28" );
                    desc23.putEnumerated( idncTp, idSTnc, idNCtwoeight );
                var idSCnc = charIDToTypeID( "SCnc" );
                list4.putObject( idSCnc, desc23 );
                    var desc24 = new ActionDescriptor();
                    var idncTp = charIDToTypeID( "ncTp" );
                    var idSTnc = charIDToTypeID( "STnc" );
                    var idNCtwofour = charIDToTypeID( "NC24" );
                    desc24.putEnumerated( idncTp, idSTnc, idNCtwofour );
                var idSCnc = charIDToTypeID( "SCnc" );
                list4.putObject( idSCnc, desc24 );
                    var desc25 = new ActionDescriptor();
                    var idncTp = charIDToTypeID( "ncTp" );
                    var idSTnc = charIDToTypeID( "STnc" );
                    var idNCtwofour = charIDToTypeID( "NC24" );
                    desc25.putEnumerated( idncTp, idSTnc, idNCtwofour );
                var idSCnc = charIDToTypeID( "SCnc" );
                list4.putObject( idSCnc, desc25 );
                    var desc26 = new ActionDescriptor();
                    var idncTp = charIDToTypeID( "ncTp" );
                    var idSTnc = charIDToTypeID( "STnc" );
                    var idNCtwofour = charIDToTypeID( "NC24" );
                    desc26.putEnumerated( idncTp, idSTnc, idNCtwofour );
                var idSCnc = charIDToTypeID( "SCnc" );
                list4.putObject( idSCnc, desc26 );
            desc20.putList( idolNC, list4 );
            var idobIA = charIDToTypeID( "obIA" );
            desc20.putBoolean( idobIA, false );
            var idobIP = charIDToTypeID( "obIP" );
            desc20.putString( idobIP, """""" );
            var idobCS = charIDToTypeID( "obCS" );
            var idSTcs = charIDToTypeID( "STcs" );
            var idCSzeroone = charIDToTypeID( "CS01" );
            desc20.putEnumerated( idobCS, idSTcs, idCSzeroone );
            var idovNC = charIDToTypeID( "ovNC" );
                var list5 = new ActionList();
                    var desc27 = new ActionDescriptor();
                    var idncTp = charIDToTypeID( "ncTp" );
                    var idSTnc = charIDToTypeID( "STnc" );
                    var idNCzeroone = charIDToTypeID( "NC01" );
                    desc27.putEnumerated( idncTp, idSTnc, idNCzeroone );
                var idSCnc = charIDToTypeID( "SCnc" );
                list5.putObject( idSCnc, desc27 );
                    var desc28 = new ActionDescriptor();
                    var idncTp = charIDToTypeID( "ncTp" );
                    var idSTnc = charIDToTypeID( "STnc" );
                    var idNCtwozero = charIDToTypeID( "NC20" );
                    desc28.putEnumerated( idncTp, idSTnc, idNCtwozero );
                var idSCnc = charIDToTypeID( "SCnc" );
                list5.putObject( idSCnc, desc28 );
                    var desc29 = new ActionDescriptor();
                    var idncTp = charIDToTypeID( "ncTp" );
                    var idSTnc = charIDToTypeID( "STnc" );
                    var idNCzerotwo = charIDToTypeID( "NC02" );
                    desc29.putEnumerated( idncTp, idSTnc, idNCzerotwo );
                var idSCnc = charIDToTypeID( "SCnc" );
                list5.putObject( idSCnc, desc29 );
                    var desc30 = new ActionDescriptor();
                    var idncTp = charIDToTypeID( "ncTp" );
                    var idSTnc = charIDToTypeID( "STnc" );
                    var idNConenine = charIDToTypeID( "NC19" );
                    desc30.putEnumerated( idncTp, idSTnc, idNConenine );
                var idSCnc = charIDToTypeID( "SCnc" );
                list5.putObject( idSCnc, desc30 );
                    var desc31 = new ActionDescriptor();
                    var idncTp = charIDToTypeID( "ncTp" );
                    var idSTnc = charIDToTypeID( "STnc" );
                    var idNCzerosix = charIDToTypeID( "NC06" );
                    desc31.putEnumerated( idncTp, idSTnc, idNCzerosix );
                var idSCnc = charIDToTypeID( "SCnc" );
                list5.putObject( idSCnc, desc31 );
                    var desc32 = new ActionDescriptor();
                    var idncTp = charIDToTypeID( "ncTp" );
                    var idSTnc = charIDToTypeID( "STnc" );
                    var idNCtwofour = charIDToTypeID( "NC24" );
                    desc32.putEnumerated( idncTp, idSTnc, idNCtwofour );
                var idSCnc = charIDToTypeID( "SCnc" );
                list5.putObject( idSCnc, desc32 );
                    var desc33 = new ActionDescriptor();
                    var idncTp = charIDToTypeID( "ncTp" );
                    var idSTnc = charIDToTypeID( "STnc" );
                    var idNCtwofour = charIDToTypeID( "NC24" );
                    desc33.putEnumerated( idncTp, idSTnc, idNCtwofour );
                var idSCnc = charIDToTypeID( "SCnc" );
                list5.putObject( idSCnc, desc33 );
                    var desc34 = new ActionDescriptor();
                    var idncTp = charIDToTypeID( "ncTp" );
                    var idSTnc = charIDToTypeID( "STnc" );
                    var idNCtwofour = charIDToTypeID( "NC24" );
                    desc34.putEnumerated( idncTp, idSTnc, idNCtwofour );
                var idSCnc = charIDToTypeID( "SCnc" );
                list5.putObject( idSCnc, desc34 );
                    var desc35 = new ActionDescriptor();
                    var idncTp = charIDToTypeID( "ncTp" );
                    var idSTnc = charIDToTypeID( "STnc" );
                    var idNCtwotwo = charIDToTypeID( "NC22" );
                    desc35.putEnumerated( idncTp, idSTnc, idNCtwotwo );
                var idSCnc = charIDToTypeID( "SCnc" );
                list5.putObject( idSCnc, desc35 );
            desc20.putList( idovNC, list5 );
            var idovCM = charIDToTypeID( "ovCM" );
            desc20.putBoolean( idovCM, false );
            var idovCW = charIDToTypeID( "ovCW" );
            desc20.putBoolean( idovCW, true );
            var idovCU = charIDToTypeID( "ovCU" );
            desc20.putBoolean( idovCU, true );
            var idovSF = charIDToTypeID( "ovSF" );
            desc20.putBoolean( idovSF, true );
            var idovCB = charIDToTypeID( "ovCB" );
            desc20.putBoolean( idovCB, true );
            var idovSN = charIDToTypeID( "ovSN" );
            desc20.putString( idovSN, """c:\photos""" );//Here's where the default folder is suppose to go.
        var idSaveForWeb = stringIDToTypeID( "SaveForWeb" );
        desc19.putObject( idUsng, idSaveForWeb, desc20 );
    executeAction( idExpr, desc19, DialogModes.ALL );
  • How to include the value in percentage in a pie chart in apex5?


    I want to change the value that shows up on the table of the value in percent as following


    So, how can I get on the graph percentage points. Currently, it shows the data corresponding to the query I gave in the following way.


    Please help on this. Thank you

    7a83c390-e9d6-4070-b6f7-3a3e6e6a88ac wrote:

    Please update your forum profile with a recognizable username instead of "7a83c390-e9d6-4070-b6f7-3a3e6e6a88ac": Video tutorial how to change username available

    Always include the information referred to in these guidelines when you ask a question: How to get the answers from the forum

    I want to change the value that shows up on the table of the value in percent as following


    So, how can I get on the graph percentage points. Currently, it shows the data corresponding to the query I gave in the following way.

    Change the attributes of table and change the custom XML, adding/changing value Use Custom XML Yesdata the position and format parameters in the label_settings element (lines 35 & 36):

                            <fill type="Solid" color="0xffffff" opacity="0" />
                            <border enabled="false" />
                            <corners type="Square" />
                        <chart_animation type="Appear" interpolation_type="Quadratic" show_mode="OneByOne" />
                    <data_plot_settings enable_3d_mode="false">
                        <pie_series style="Aqua">
                            <tooltip_settings enabled="true">
                                    <![CDATA[{%Name}{enabled:False} - {%Value}{numDecimals:0,decimalSeparator:.,thousandsSeparator:\,}]]>
                                <font family="Tahoma" size="10" color="0x000000" />
                                <position anchor="Float" valign="Top" padding="10" />
                            <label_settings enabled="true" mode="Inside" multi_line_align="Center">
                                <position anchor="Center" valign="Center" halign="Center" padding="0" />
                                <background enabled="false" />
                                <font family="Tahoma" size="10" color="0x000000" />
                            <marker_settings enabled="True">
                                <marker type="None" />
                            <connector color="Black" opacity="0.4" />
    <p class="reply">See the documentation for <a href="" rel="external nofollow noreferrer">formatting and settings of AnyChart label</a> for more details.</p>		   </li> 
               <a name="0G13od0Z"></a> 
    		     <p class="similar_list"><a href="">Question about how to include the virtual machine output</a></p> 
    			 <p class="help">Currently, using this command:</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">Get - vm | Get-networkadapter | ForEach-Object {Write-Host $_.} The name', ' {$_.macaddress} '.</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">Gives me this result:</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">NIC 1, 00:50:56:bc:00:1 c</p><p class="help">NIC 1, 00:50:56:bc:00:28</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">I'm interested also in writing the name of real virtual machine as well.</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">name of the virtual machine 1, NIC 1, 00:50:56:bc:00:1 c<br>name of the virtual machine 1, NIC 1, 00:50:56:bc:00:28</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">Don't know how to work out of virtual machine name as 'Name' asks also the network card information.</p>			 <p class="reply">Try it like this</p>
    $report = foreach($vm in (Get-VM | where {$_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn" -and $_.Version -eq "v7"})){
        Get-NetworkAdapter -VM $vm  | `    Select @{N="VMname";E={$vm.Name}},
             @{N="MAC address";E={$_.MacAddress}}
    $report | Export-Csv ".\test.csv" -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture
    </pre>		   </li> 
               <a name="9G0g8VdJ"></a> 
    		     <p class="similar_list"><a href="">How to include the meter of the timeline in the sequence</a></p> 
    			 <p class="help">PPCS4</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">Sounds asif, it should be simple, yet I don't think a way to do it!<br>How can I display the meter of the timeline in the sequence?<br>I want to create a DVD project and include the counting of the time on the screen.</p><p class="help">Can anyone help?</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">See you soon</p>			 <p class="reply">Place the sequence containing your editing timeline in a new sequence.</p>
    <p class="reply">In the effects Panel, type 'timec' in the search box.</p>
    <p class="reply">Apply the timecode effect to your sequence clip.</p>
    <p class="reply">Export via yet on DVD.  You may have to first in order to see the timecode overlay in the format of your source footage.</p>
    <p class="reply">Don't forget that the F1 is your friend and that Google is pretty helpful, too.</p>		   </li> 
               <a name="qG9XD90J"></a> 
    		     <p class="similar_list"><a href="">How to include the username of the apex in a trigger?</a></p> 
    			 <!-- migxf:done -->Hi all!<br>
    <br>When I click in a an update button trigger is run it.<br>I have a table in this table, I create a trigger.<br>in this trigger when there is an insert or update in another table, one of the field in the second table is the username.<br>How I sent the username of the apex in a trigger?<br>With APP_USER, I get the user_name, but I don't know how to include in the trigger.<br>
    <br>Any help would be appreciated.<br>
    <br>Best regards			 <p class="reply">Hello</p>
    <p class="reply">You can do:</p>
    <code>:NEW.USERNAME := v('APP_USER');</code>
    <p class="reply">Andy</p>		   </li> 
               <a name="0G1kjYqZ"></a> 
    		     <p class="similar_list"><a href="">How to include the shared library of BlackBerry in a native extension WebWorks</a></p> 
    			 <p class="help">I developed a native extension WebWorks that works very well on Simulator and devices when included in a webworks app.</p>
    <p class="help">I also have a sample of waterfalls project with the same code base that I use to test the WebWorks extension code.</p>
    <p class="help">Since a large part of the code is reusable, I decided to create a shared library of BlackBerry, so I can reuse in other projects. When I include the NEW shared library in the waterfalls and then everything works well, as before.</p>
    <p class="help">When I include it in the extension WebWorks it draws very well. The .so file size was much smaller and that worried me (I suspected that the shared library was not included in there). But since its construction very well I went trying to run my application webworks. When it came to hitting the extension I got a ' need of error. Cannot find the library of blah/blah/'.</p>
    <p class="help">I had this before and found out that it was because the dependent QT libraries have not been correctly referenced. It so that the shared library is not properly referenced/copied /-thing... This event is supported? For example, by using a custom in a WebWorks extension shared library?</p>			 <p class="reply">It worked</p>
    <p class="reply">Version 2 is almost right</p>
    <p class="reply">In the library paths pane Add...</p>
    <p class="reply">${workspace_loc: / / extlibs/device$ {ProjName}}</p>
    <p class="reply">for peripheral and do Simulator</p>
    <p class="reply">${workspace_loc: / / extlibs/Simulator of ${ProjName}}</p>
    <p class="reply">Always with libname in libraries</p>
    <p class="reply">I just linked to unrar successfully like this library</p>
    <p class="reply">Whew - they do this hard work of stuff<img src=""></p>		   </li> 
               <a name="kGxv44zZ"></a> 
    		     <p class="similar_list"><a href="">How you include the doctype in Application.cfc?</a></p> 
    			 <p class="help">I am trying to convert an Application.cfm-Application.cfc file and in the cfm file, I got the following:</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help"><! - set the content type to ISO-8859-1, otherwise the default is UTF - 8-><br>< cfcontent type = text/html"; charset = ISO-8859-1 ">"</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help"><! - set the doctype for all documents - ><br><span>< ! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict / / IN" "</span><a class="jive-link-external-small" href="" rel="nofollow"></a><span>" ></span> ""<br>" <span>< html xmlns ="</span> <a class="jive-link-external-small" href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <span>"></span></p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">I think I put the cfcontent in the SystemFramework function as well as other application variables.  No matter what I do, nothing happens the doctype to appear on the pages. Where do you put that in the SWC file?</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">Thank you!</p><p class="help">Holli</p>			 <p class="reply">If you want the OUTPUT of the OnRequestStart function, you must use OnRequest() and include the generated output.</p>
    <p class="reply">Really, which means you could probably do all what you want just in the OnRequest method, but which belongs to you.</p>
    <p class="reply">It is not that OnRequest() breaks webservices, ajax called ect.  OnRequest runs for ALL applications before the Web service request, ajax calls ect.</p>
    <p class="reply">Then, if anything method OnRequest adds content, such as the content of your topic, all applications, including Web services and ajax calls.  99.9% of the time, which added content will break the format and avoid thus the functionality of these web service and ajax requests.</p>
    <p class="reply">It is not hard to get around.</p>
    <p class="reply">(1) have a smarter onRequest method which includes when he meets the demands of ajax or Web service and not to provide content that will break.</p>
    <p class="reply">(2) make your resource webservice and ajax inside a different directory with another Application.cfc file with a different (or no) onRequest method.</p>
    <p class="reply">(3) as Adam said, don't put content in your Application.cfc but use any number of other methods to apply this type of standard output to all views.</p>		   </li> 
               <a name="jZllVOnZ"></a> 
    		     <p class="similar_list"><a href="">How to include the name of the cluster?</a></p> 
    			 <p class="help">I use a function to collect usage statistics of the data store that I've modified it a bit, but how would I modify to add the cluster name, in that data warehouses are sitting?</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">Function Get_DataStores {}</p><p class="help">$report = @)</p><p class="help">{foreach ($hostname in get-vmhost)</p><p class="help">Get-VMHost-name $hostname - location $cluster | Get-Datastore. %{</p><p class="help">$info = "" | Select the host, DSName, CapacityMB, FreeSpaceMB, ProvisionedMB, UsedMB</p><p class="help">$info. Host = $hostname</p><p class="help">$info. DSName = $_. Name</p><p class="help">$info. CapacityMB = ($_.) ExtensionData.Summary.Capacity)/1MB</p><p class="help">$info. FreeSpaceMB = ($_.) ExtensionData.Summary.FreeSpace)/1MB</p><p class="help">$info. ProvisionedMB = ((($_.)) ExtensionData.Summary.Capacity) - ($_.) ExtensionData.Summary.FreeSpace)) + ($_.) ExtensionData.Summary.Uncommitted))/1MB</p><p class="help">$info. UsedMB = (($info.)) CapacityMB - $info. (FreeSpaceMB) / 1 MB)</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">$report += $info</p><p class="help">}</p><p class="help">}</p><p class="help">$csv = "C:\datastores.csv".</p><p class="help">$report | Export-Csv $csv - NoTypeInformation</p><p class="help">}</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">Thanks in advance</p>			 <p class="reply">You could do it like this</p>
    <p class="reply">Function Get_DataStores {}</p>
    <p class="reply">$report = @)</p>
    <p class="reply">{foreach ($hostname in get-vmhost)</p>
    <p class="reply">$cluster = get-Cluster - VMHost $hostname</p>
    <p class="reply">Get-VMHost-name $hostname | Get-Datastore. %{</p>
    <p class="reply">$info = "" | Select the Cluster host, DSName, CapacityMB, FreeSpaceMB, ProvisionedMB, UsedMB</p>
    <p class="reply">$info. Cluster = $cluster. Name</p>
    <p class="reply">$info. Host = $hostname</p>
    <p class="reply">$info. DSName = $_. Name</p>
    <p class="reply">$info. CapacityMB = ($_.) ExtensionData.Summary.Capacity)/1MB</p>
    <p class="reply">$info. FreeSpaceMB = ($_.) ExtensionData.Summary.FreeSpace)/1MB</p>
    <p class="reply">$info. ProvisionedMB = ((($_.)) ExtensionData.Summary.Capacity) - ($_.) ExtensionData.Summary.FreeSpace)) + ($_.) ExtensionData.Summary.Uncommitted))/1MB</p>
    <p class="reply">$info. UsedMB = (($info.)) CapacityMB - $info. (FreeSpaceMB) / 1 MB)</p>
    <p class="reply">$report += $info</p>
    <p class="reply">}</p>
    <p class="reply">}</p>
    <p class="reply">$csv = "C:\datastores.csv".</p>
    <p class="reply">$report | Export-Csv $csv - NoTypeInformation</p>
    <p class="reply">}</p>
    </div>		   </li> 
               <a name="4ZOa3v2G"></a> 
    		     <p class="similar_list"><a href="">How to include the DBID in file name backup controlfile</a></p> 
    			 <!-- migxf:done -->Hello<br>
    <br>I googled on this issue a lot... in fact, for purposes of recovery disaster, wants to go somewhere 'visible' dbid (I know there are workarounds to find the dbid of the db, as I connect to running RMAN and the dbid is there, but I prefer he's ready at hand) so I found that the % F parameter sets the dbid in filename. But RMAN throws error when I use this setting and says that F is a stranger.<br>
    <br>Any ideas?			 <p class="reply">Have you used as what you typed? It's F %</p>
    <p class="reply">It will be %F</p>
               <a name="DJbwr1aG"></a> 
    		     <p class="similar_list"><a href="">How to include the install date and time in the registry keys</a></p> 
    			 <p class="help">Hi all</p>
    <p class="help">I hope someone can help me. I'm creating a Setup program that includes properties in the construction specifications. I also wannt to include certain registry keys to add during installation:</p>
    <p class="help">1. I understand the application installation directory by providing the key to [INSTALLDIR] value. This seems to work fine and I have no problem with that.</p>
    <p class="help">2. the other key I would include (but I don't know how) indicates the date and the time of installation. Is it possible to automatically include this in a (similar to INSTALLDIR) registry key?</p>
    <p class="help">I look forward to your expert advice!</p>
    <p class="help">Kind regards</p>
    <p class="help">Larry</p>			 <p class="reply">Larry,</p>
    <p class="reply">You can configure an exe must be run after Setup is finished. So, you can write a small application using the registry functions of Windows that retrieves the current timestamp and store it in some key.</p>
    <p class="reply">Norbert</p>		   </li> 
               <a name="NJaNnDXG"></a> 
    		     <p class="similar_list"><a href="">I can't understand how to include the original email with my answer</a></p> 
    			 <p class="help">I use Windows live mail and when I reply to an e-mail message the original message is not there!  I searched on the internet and does not know how to do this.  He said something to switch to Outlook and pressing the button of tools, but perhaps I don't have Outlook?</p>			 <p class="reply">Diana</p>
    <p class="reply">In Windows Live Mail, click the icon to the left of the Home item in the menu bar. In the drop-down menu, select Options. Then select Mail, click Mail tab and check the box before "Include Message in reply and click on apply and OK.</p>		   </li> 
               <a name="zPmKQzAJ"></a> 
    		     <p class="similar_list"><a href="">How to include the code as AS2, create files html (canvas)?</a></p> 
    			 <p class="help">Like this:</p><p class="help">AS2 may include codes <span style="text-decoration: underline;"> <strong>:<span style="color: #3d3d3d; text-decoration: underline;">'' #include.</span> </strong> </span></p><p class="help"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">How can I do it in cc animate html (canvas) files?</span></p><p class="help">I have several documents, using the same set of code. If you can refer to the external code, duplicated code these easy to modify and use need not.</p><p class="help">Sorry my English!</p><p class="help">Thank you very much for the help!</p>			 <p class="reply">Insert your code in a function. Put the function in the external .js file. Call the function everywhere where this code used to be.</p>
    <p class="reply">Get rid of 'which = this. It will not work because 'this' will be the wrong scope. 'That' in the function as an argument, then call the function like <strong>myFunction ((this));</strong> Or replace all 'that' s '_root' that is already defined by the script as pointing to the main scenario loader. Or replace "_root" in the script loader 'who' (not recommended, because "this" is not descriptive).</p>		   </li> 
               <a name="DJdEp8qG"></a> 
    		     <p class="similar_list"><a href="">How to include the .php file in .shtml using SSI</a></p> 
    			 <p class="help">Hello</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help"><span>I just finished with my "Contact Us form" for my site and have some problems with running it. I have a .shtml file</span> <span>in which I would include a contact form join us file</span> <a class="jive-link-external-small" href="" rel="nofollow"></a><span> <a class="jive-link-external-small" href="" rel="nofollow"></a> . Now, saw my web page "Contact us" as a file *.shtml with ContactUs.php file included, I can run the form but I can't send emails.  If I change contact - us.shtml contact - us.php form runs perfect but I can not use other includes on this file as a logo, header, footer etc. How I could include a .php file in a .shtml file and runing time the .php script included and understandably?</span></p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">Thank you!</p>			 <p class="reply">Keep things simple.</p>
    <p class="reply">Your html file using a syntax such as "<strong> [an error occurred while processing the directive] </strong>" to include an SSI file. Your server requires either (1) that the html file will have the extension .shtml or (2) you turn with a .htaccess file to force the server to scan all files html for SSIs. This is generally not a good idea.</p>
    <p class="reply">PHP files are already processed on the server. Integrate SSI the same way files, but the syntax is a bit different: "<strong> <?php include="" (".header");=""> </?php> </strong> ". ""</p>		   </li> 
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