I have taken note of the answer to this question, but it wasn't ' art of my question. Yahoo mail with erratic behavior is my problem and it still needs to be resolved

Behavingerraticall mailbox with all formats distabaled. Letters are disorganized with exceptionally extended alferbets and several pages. Very disheartening to read emails in there.

I could contact Yahoo and see what they have to say about it.

Tags: Windows

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    box-shadow: 7px 10px 0 rgba inset (114,114,114, 0.6);

    text-shadow: 0 - 1px 1px #03F; / * Text shadow CSS in order to produce the text in depth * /.

    -moz-transition: all 0. 2. ease-in-out s. / * Activate the CSS transition between property changes * /.

    -webkit-transition: all 0. 2. ease-in-out s.

    -o - transition: all 0. 2. ease-in-out s.

    -ms-transition: all 0. 2. ease-in-out s.

    transition: all 0. 2. ease-in-out s.


    .shadowblockmenu-v ul li a: hover, ul li {a.selected} .shadowblockmenu-v

    color: black;

    -moz-box-shadow: 7px 10px 0 rgba (216,89,39, 0.5) Insert, insert 0 0 15px rgba (216,89,39, 0.6), insert 0 0 20px rgba (216,89,39, 0.8); / * Add 3 shadows inset in each menu item * /.

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    function MM_swapImgRestore() //v3.0 {}

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    If (! x & & d.getElementById) x = d.getElementById (n); Return x;


    function MM_swapImage() {//v3.0

    var i, j = 0, x, a = MM_swapImage.arguments; document. MM_sr = new Array; for (i = 0; i <(a.length-2); I += 3).

    If ((x = MM_findObj (a [i]))! = null) {document. MM_sr [j ++] = x; if(!x.oSrc) x.oSrc = x.src; x.SRC = a [i + 2] ;}


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    < style p = "color: #000;" do-size: 18px; "> we recently ventured in Customizing T-shirts for opportunities & amp; Swimsuits for all your favorite clubs. We look forward to negative reviews as to help us improve our quality of production because we are full of optimism & amp; We would appreciate ideas for the improvement of the company. Just kindly feel free to fill out our feedback form and make a comment. We would work on getting improved based on your comments for us all (you) our many customers. < /p >

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    < style p = "color: #000;" do-size: 18px; "> we have been in the field of selling all types of vehicles 6 years. We provide well conditioned vehicles and quality to our customers that makes us among the best dealerships in the city. We meet our customers satisfaction. Today we took some sellers as an Old Timer. They think they know everything, they will not learn new things, they are medium-sized (or average) sellers and they take a lot of pleasure to bring new sellers their low level. < /p >

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    < h4 align = "center" style = "color: #F00" > PORTABLE computers / PHONES & amp; ACCESSORIES FOR SALE! < / h4 >

    "< a href =" # "MM_swapImgRestore" onmouseover = "MM_swapImage ('Image6 '", '... / Images/CP4Sale.jpg ', 1) "> < img src =" "... / Images/Laptops4Sale.jpg" alt = "laptops / phones and accessories for sale" width = "200" height = "150" id = "Image6" hspace = "10" align = "left" / > < / has > "

    < style p = "color: #000;" do-size: 18px; "> we have been in the business of selling all types of laptops, phones and accessories (new Branded, used UK and Nigeria used) for 8 years. We provide qualities, laptops, phones and accessories to our customers that makes us one of the best sellers in this case. We serve our customers to their satisfaction by offering very good wishes all our customers a very respectful ways both on call, e-mail as well as in our office. < /p >

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    The next line tells me that it is not a template file, but a document created from a template called index.dwt


    This means that you have saved a child document under template at some stage.

    If you go to edit-> models-> detach the model, you can remove the structure of the model of your document. All you then need to do is to re - save the document as a template.

  • My hotmails was hacked and I do not remember the answer to my question of security as the account in YEARS. Help?

    What should I do?


    Sorry you have the problem but it is a site supported by peers and
    We have no influence on Hotmail.


    HotMail has its own Forums, so you can ask your questions there.

    Windows Live Solution Center - HotMail - HotMail Forums Solutions

    Hotmail - Forums

    Hotmail - Solutions

    How to contact Windows Live Hotmail Support

    Windows Live Hotmail Top issues and Support information

    Compromised account - access unauthorized account - how to recover your account

    Hotmail hacked? Take these steps

    I hope this helps.

  • Have inadvertently made my banks logo my background on my table, please help, not found the answer anywhere.

    Have inadvertently made my banks logo my background on my table, please help, not found the answer anywhere.


    See if this helps you:

    "Change your desktop background (wallpaper).


    See you soon.

  • Re: People do not recognize the answers

    My laptops are working perfectly, but I often have to browse the forums by curiosity and keep abreast of all the issues.
    Surprising how many times someone asks a question, receive an answer and then the original poster is not respond by saying whether or not the issue has been resolved or not by the answers.
    He's probably politeness, as well as being of interest to other users, once someone has taken the trouble to answer the original poster end a thread with an update.

    You are absolutely right.
    On this forum, you can find many such threads where trying to provide help, but especially of threads are without comments or short comment if the Council was good or not.

    It's really not fair.

    Respect for this thread. You are the first person on this forum that talks about this behavior.

  • Where the log file is located (Win Vista) for the actions of OTHER USERS have taken to using the boxes in user account control?

    Where the log file is located (Win Vista) for the actions of OTHER USERS have taken to using the boxes in user account control?

    I use the version of Vista Home Premium.

    While I don't really like how the UAC area enters the information that tells it when to display the box tell me about your work of things on the UAC (I know an article exist on the web), is not how to answer this question.

    There is no log of UAC elevation file.

  • How can I change the answers to my security questions if I don't have the answers to existing questions?

    How can I change the answers to my security questions if I don't have the answers to existing questions?

    You have to ask Apple to reset your security questions. To do this, click here and choose a method; If this page does not list one for your country or if you are unable to call, complete and submit this form.


  • I forgot the answers to security questions, and I don't have a spare email. How should I proceed

    How can I change my security password if I forgot the answers to security questions?

    You must ask security team account Apple to reset your security questions. To contact them, click here and choose a method; If this page does not list one for your country or if you are unable to call, complete and submit this form.


  • With the help of 5s with ios 9.2.1. Call ringtone but screen does not show the answer since mode. Could not receive call and not able to see the contact call. This may be due to whatsapp.

    With the help of 5s with ios 9.2.1. Call ringtone but screen does not show the answer since mode. Could not receive call and not able to see the contact call. This may be due to whatsapp bug. Please specify.

    bjmrao wrote:

    With the help of 5s with ios 9.2.1. Call ringtone but screen does not show the answer since mode. Could not receive call and not able to see the contact call. This may be due to whatsapp bug. Please specify.

    Please ask Whatapps since you use their app.

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    Thank you


    I suggest you to visit these links and check if it helps:

    How to install and use the Recovery Console in Windows XP:

    Description of the Windows XP Recovery Console for advanced users:

    How to perform an upgrade on the spot (reinstallation) of Windows XP:

    Check if that helps.

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    There is currently no documentation offline - this application has been filed in the past and is being considered for future implementation.

    See on this related feature requests:


    See you soon,.


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    https://helpx.Adobe.com/creative-cloud/KB/creative-cloud-app-doesn ' t - open.html

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    My iphone6 is disabled.

    Due to the number of years that have elapsed since registration, I forgot the answers to security questions.  Is devoted to the issue, my box of rescue email address is no longer in use... help... Thank you.

    You must ask security team account Apple to reset your security questions. To contact them, click here and choose a method; If this page does not list one for your country or if you are unable to call, complete and submit this form.


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