I need my serial number

I bought a subscription for one year of ADOBE MUSE CC since November 2013.

Now, I want to install ADOBE MUSE CC 2014, but I can't. I need my serial number.

Never, I received an email with this information.

Please, send me my serial number because I want to properly execute ADOBE MUSE CC 2014 as a program with subscription but not as a test program.

I'm unhappy with this question.

I await your response.


Click the "Finder". Select the folder "Applications".

Open the "Utilities" folder and select "Terminal".

Type the following command:

sudo nano/etc/hosts

Enter the password associated with the user of the OS when prompted

If all of the entries in the host file include keywords such as "adobe", remove these entries. These are used for the purchase of licenses Adobe.

Press CTRL + o to save the file

Press Ctrl + x to close the file

Restart the Muse

Tags: Adobe Muse

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