Impossible to download Avast to MS Surface

Benefit from a Surface of MS. try to load Avast free Anti-virus returns the message that it must be installed on the App Store Windows. AppStore is not the app, but several informative apps. Buy one for $3.49 (so free) who is supposed to be an Avast guide including downloading software. Following the instructions on this app takes a complete turn on Avast site and the message that I download from the App Store Windows. I have spent $3,49, have not been able to download the software and I am now in a seemingly endless loop. Any suggestions? Thank you.

RT of Windows is used on devices with processors of type mobile phone, is incompatible with traditional software. Only applications from the store can be installed in it.

you bought a GUIDE on the store? Well, that's unfortunate. Pay for what you already know how to do is ridiculous. But. The answer goes back full circle: you can not install anything other than apps from the store.

Tags: Windows

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