Incomplete vSphere HA task

Hello world

I configured vSphere HA in my environment. I have three hosts in my cluster HA-enabled and some machines. When one of my hosts breaks down, machine inside it will correctly migrates to another host with successful reboot. But when this host get these migrated VM does not return to a host of origin and will be remaining in the current host. What is the problem? What should I do about it?

Any suggestion will be appreciated.

Kind regards


Virtual machines will not automatically support, you must enable DRS and create a DRS rule on this subject.

Tags: VMware

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    Yes, that is all documented in the vSphere API reference Guide

    Tasks -

    Events -

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    As far as I KNOW, how we try to restart a virtual machine of the client vSphere and vCLI does not have a clean reboot (itself). So I recommend you to choose a few scripts that are allowed to run inside the operating system.

    If you run all the virtual machines of Windows, I recommend you to follow the path mentioned here:

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    Hi Hillman,

    Thank you very much for the link. Related documents Silly me had neglected tdm... Your link is indeed very useful, as I do right now exactly the same way it's done the:

    • General info.VI DAQmx TEDS

    As part of the download in the link you gave.

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    Original title: Matshita DVD-R UJ 890

    Hi AJordanMiller,

    Try these methods.

    Method 1

    Run the fix - it from the link below.

    Hardware devices not detected or does not

    Method 2

    See the help article:

    Your CD or DVD drive is missing or is not recognized by Windows or other programs

    Registry warning: Important This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems can occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you proceed with caution. For added protection, back up the registry before you edit it. Then you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click on the number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    How to back up and restore the registry in Windows 7

    It will be useful.

  • Error Windows cannot start this hardware device because its information of configuration (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged. (Code 19) Cannot read CD/DVD

    Original title: Acer laptop DVD drive missing


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    One thing has been called; SVI 2ZGTAB8HQ7G5 SCSI CdRom Device
    The other thing was called; TSST Corp CDDVDW TS-L633C
    I clicked on both and saw the message; "Windows cannot start this hardware device because its information of configuration (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged. (Code 19) »
    The last time I used the CD player a burn a disc over a month. I used Microsoft Fix It but it says to remove the drive and plug it in somewhere else, and I can't really do this because it's the only drive on the laptop and I'm worried I might break if I go out there with force. Can someone help me? I would really appreciate it.


    1. what Microsoft FIXIT did you use exactly?

    2 did you a recent software or changes to the material on the computer?

    I suggest you try the steps mentioned below.

    Method 1: Open the hardware and devices Troubleshooter

    Method 2:

    I also suggest you run the FIXIT from the link below and.

    Hardware devices do not work or are not detected in Windows

    Method 3:

    Your CD or DVD drive is missing or is not recognized by Windows or other programs

    You can run the FIXIT or you can try the manual steps and check.

    To do: Important this section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems can occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you proceed with caution. For added protection, back up the registry before you edit it. Then you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click on the number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    Back up the registry

    Method 4:

    Re-install the drivers DVD

    Completely uninstall the DVD drivers from Device Manager, and then install the latest drivers for your computer.

    Open the Device Manager.

    Once the drivers are completely uninstalled, download the latest drivers from the manufacturer of the computer.

    Hope this helps and keep us posted.

  • Cannot start this hardware device because its information for configuration (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged (code 19) HELP Please!

    Hello, I did all THE steps mentioned above, and I still can't get it to work. I tried to uninstall the driver and then reinstalled, tried the Mr. Fix it - will work with windows 7, it says. I tried to restart my computer. The message I get is;
    Problem with your CD/DVD-Rom drive
    Cannot start this hardware device because its information of configuration (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged (code 19)
    I don't know what else to do, can anyone please give me instructions step by step what I need to do please and thank YOU!


    1. Have you recently installed the CD/DVD drive?
    2. Are you aware of any changes made to your computer before this problem?

    A Code 19 error is caused by one or several problems with parts of the Windows registry that contains the driver and other information on the specific hardware device.

    Check the status of the device should be the first line of conduct, if you suspect that a particular device that is causing a problem, or if the device in Device Manager is marked with a yellow exclamation point.  It is also possible that the device is not compatible with this version of Windows.

    Below the thread responds to the question. I suggest you follow the instructions in the thread to solve the problem:


    Important this section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems can occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you proceed with caution. For added protection, back up the registry before you edit it. Then you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click on the number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 322756 ( )

    How to back up and restore the registry in Windows

    It will be useful.

  • The task in question from the user list

    In my planning application, I can't get the report function of the task list to show me the State of each task of the user list, when I set up this user to a Shared Services group. The problem is that supply us groups to the access list of task and not users directly. But what causes the report of task list not working on the display of the list of users and their status on the execution of the tasks. Anyone know how to get these reports to view the status of the user without having to assign users directly to the task list? We don't want to not use workflow, but rather just a way to show users report on their status of the to-do list.

    Firstly what Hyperion version are you on?

    Then when the user logs on their task list homepage provides a dashboard where they are on their (complete vs incomplete) task.

    Finally, through Smart View(planning connection) you can create/generate a report for any task list and this report can be grouped by user or task and displayed in Excel or PDF.

    Mark the thread as helpful if it was OK if it is looking for the requirements.

  • Unable to connect target - vSphere replication Sites

    I hope someone here can help me understand a problem connecting between my two servers of VRM.


    After passage of 6.0U2 5.5, I had problems with re-login Site Recovery Manager. Because SRM was not really in use yet (testing), I decided to redeploy fresh from the base, including replication of vSphere components.

    After removing all the rehearsals and not record old vSphere replication devices, I transferred the latest packages of EGGS to the VRM.  Everything was fine.  I have updated certificates for certificates customized our company certification and placed the root certificate in the file /opt/vmware/hms/security/hms-truststore.jks .  Then, I recorded each VRM with their respective vCenters and had no problems.


    Both VRM active lounge and OK in vSphere replication of the Web Client:


    When you attempt to connect to the target Site, the following error is received:


    But then in the list of tasks, it ends with success and shows the connection, but with a connection problem error:


    This is the architecture of our PSC and vCenters and each VRM.  All use of our certification of Enterprise SSL certificates:


    There is no firewall between one of these servers.

    HMS logs are attached here as well.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you

    After that I originally posted this, a new version of vSphere replication was released.  After the upgrade to the latest version, my problem magically disappeared.

  • Monitoring the progress of the task in the pipeline


    I was wondering if there is a way to track progress (% completed) of each task in the pipeline for a bunch of objects and run the simultaneous command in the pipeline. Don't think not write-progress can be used for this purpose.

    I have a script that migrate in series to a virtual machines list nightly in a data store different (storage vMotion). Each virtual machine is pretty huge (size provisioned about 1 TB) and takes about 3 hours to migrate each. What I want for each virtual machine in the pipeline that is being migrated, is to follow how migration is complete (for each virtual machine, not for virtual machines in the table in sound together) if I can send it to a notification by email of the progress for each computer virtual every hours that elapsed.

    1. place each vm in the table to foreach and run move-vm in agreement with a bunch of other commands (in pseudo-code below)

    2. when the instance of stopwatch hits 1 hour (which means that storage vmotion for VM in the pipeline happened for one hour), call a function of e-mail notification passing the percent complete of VM current migrating

    $vmarray | foreach {#need all orders here to execute simultaneously}

    Move-vm $_ - datastore (get-targetdatastore)

    $ElapsedTime = [stopwatch]: StartNew()

    $percentcompleted = get-courses (imaginary function) #this's what I what I need help

    $triggerdue = $elapsedtime.minutes - eq 60

    While ($true) {}

    If ($triggerdue) {$elapsedtime.reset; send-notifmail}




    In looking at [runspacefactory]: CreateRunspacePool to run these commands in the competition, but is a ' native PS / more powershell-ish ' to do this?

    Thank you very much.

    There are a couple of other possibilities.

    You can use Start-Job and parallel tasks in the workflow.

    You could launch the Move-VM with the RunAsync switch, which will not wait the way script wait for the svMotion.

    But you will probably hit some limitations of vSphere on the maximum number of authorized svMotions.

    Simply by looking at the status of the powershell jobs (regardless of the method chosen to use), is not very conclusive (because of the maximum vSphere).

    You can query tasks in vSphere, and question the percentage of completion from there (if available).

    This object even the task should also tell you the status (running, ro pending)

Maybe you are looking for