Insert table depends on another table

Hi guys,.

I have pr_temp of procedure
desc t1;
id   number
per1 varchar2(5)
per2 varchar2(5)
per3 varchar2(5)
per4 varchar2(5)
desc t2
id number
m_per1 varchar2(5)
m_per2 varchar2(5)
create or replace procedure pr_temp
a number;
b varchar2(10);
c varchar2(10);
cursor c1 is select id,per1*per2,per3*per4 from t1;
open c1;
fetch c1 into a,b,c;
exit when c1%notfound;
insert into t2(id,m_per1,m_per2) values(a,b,c);
end loop;
close c1;
contain the table t1
1     40     10     20     20
2     5     10     10     40
3     10     20     30     40
4     10     30     20     20
After exec the procedure pr_temp, t2 table contain
1     400     400
2     50     400
3     200     1200
4     300     400
When I run the procedure again my table t2 contains
1     400     400
2     50     400
3     200     1200
4     300     400
1     400     400
2     50     400
3     200     1200
4     300     400
but I want higher record (repeated). I want what I have to insert into the table t1. That is, if I insert a new record into table t1
5     15     20     40     50
After the procedure, my t2 table must contain
1     400     400
2     50     400
3     200     1200
4     300     400
5      300   200
If no new record inserted into the table t1, then after running the pr_temp, my table t2 procedure should not get change, stay with the previous record.

How to do this?

Thank you in advance.

8649882 wrote:

When I run under request im getting an error
ORA-01790: expression must have same type of data, matching expression

There is a fundamental flaw in the design of your table. You have created columns with the data as VARCHAR2 type, while the inserted values are numbers.
Oracle does its best for concealment of defects of this kind by doing as much as possible the data type implicit conversion, but it is always recommended to use the appropriate data, e. number by number and Date for Date type.
So, when we say:

       per1 * per2,
       per3 * per4
FROM   t1 

Oracle identifies an operation (multiplication in this case) which is intended for the numbers is performed on the strings.
It checks if the string that can be converted to numbers (which is true in above scenario) and returns the result. Note that this output is in digital format.
Indeed, this query is rewritten by oracle as:

       to_number(per1) * to_number(per2),
       to_number(per3 )* to_number(per4 )
FROM   t1 

Now, if we take a glance to the second query:

FROM   t2;

Since then, m_per2 and m_per1 columns are defined as VARCHAR2 and no ongoing operation on them, oracle does not convert implicitly types them data number.
This leaves you with the first query that returns numbers while the second return VARCHAR2.
The basic rule for the use of any SET opearators (UNION, MINUS sign, INTERSEC etc.) is that, output format of these two queries should always remain same. This condition does not here and so we get ORA-01790

Recommended solution would be to change the columns of data type of number.
Otherwise, you could do an explicit conversion. Something like:

       to_number(per1 )* to_number(per2),
       to_number(per3) * to_number(per4 )
FROM   t1
FROM   t2;

Tags: Database

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    You can do both. You can table insert a stored procedure and an anonymous block.

    Here's how (these are based on the ArrayBind example provided with the installation of

    Installation program:

    create table zdept (deptno number, deptname varchar2(50), loc varchar2(50));
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE ZZZ (p_deptno in number, p_deptname in varchar2, p_loc in varchar2) AS
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    table and link it to the stored procedure call:

       static void Main(string[] args)
          // Connect
          string connectStr = "User Id=;Password=;Data Source=";
          // Setup the Tables for sample
          // Initialize array of data
          int[]    myArrayDeptNo   = new int[3]{1, 2, 3};
          String[] myArrayDeptName = {"Dev", "QA", "Facility"};
          String[] myArrayDeptLoc  = {"New York", "Maryland", "Texas"};
          OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(connectStr);
          OracleCommand    command    = new OracleCommand (
            "zzz", connection);
          command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
          // Set the Array Size to 3. This applied to all the parameter in
          // associated with this command
          command.ArrayBindCount = 3;
          command.BindByName = true;
          // deptno parameter
          OracleParameter deptNoParam = new OracleParameter("p_deptno",OracleDbType.Int32);
          deptNoParam.Direction       = ParameterDirection.Input;
          deptNoParam.Value           = myArrayDeptNo;
          // deptname parameter
          OracleParameter deptNameParam = new OracleParameter("p_deptname", OracleDbType.Varchar2);
          deptNameParam.Direction       = ParameterDirection.Input;
          deptNameParam.Value           = myArrayDeptName;
          // loc parameter
          OracleParameter deptLocParam = new OracleParameter("p_loc", OracleDbType.Varchar2);
          deptLocParam.Direction       = ParameterDirection.Input;
          deptLocParam.Value           = myArrayDeptLoc;
            command.ExecuteNonQuery ();
            Console.WriteLine("{0} Rows Inserted", command.ArrayBindCount);
          catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine("Execution Failed:" + e.Message);
            // connection, command used server side resource, dispose them
            // asap to conserve resource

    "anonymous plsql block.
    Well Yes

        static void Main(string[] args)
          // Connect
          string connectStr = "User Id=;Password=;Data Source=";
          // Setup the Tables for sample
          // Initialize array of data
          int[]    myArrayDeptNo   = new int[3]{1, 2, 3};
          String[] myArrayDeptName = {"Dev", "QA", "Facility"};
          String[] myArrayDeptLoc  = {"New York", "Maryland", "Texas"};
          OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(connectStr);
          OracleCommand    command    = new OracleCommand (
            "declare dnumber number; dname varchar2(50) ; begin dnumber := :deptno;dname := :deptname;insert into zdept values (:deptno, :deptname, :loc); update zdept set deptname=dname || :loc where deptno = :deptno; end;", connection);
          // Set the Array Size to 3. This applied to all the parameter in
          // associated with this command
          command.ArrayBindCount = 3;
          command.BindByName = true;
          // deptno parameter
          OracleParameter deptNoParam = new OracleParameter("deptno",OracleDbType.Int32);
          deptNoParam.Direction       = ParameterDirection.Input;
          deptNoParam.Value           = myArrayDeptNo;
          // deptname parameter
          OracleParameter deptNameParam = new OracleParameter("deptname", OracleDbType.Varchar2);
          deptNameParam.Direction       = ParameterDirection.Input;
          deptNameParam.Value           = myArrayDeptName;
          // loc parameter
          OracleParameter deptLocParam = new OracleParameter("loc", OracleDbType.Varchar2);
          deptLocParam.Direction       = ParameterDirection.Input;
          deptLocParam.Value           = myArrayDeptLoc;
            Console.WriteLine("{0} Rows Inserted", command.ArrayBindCount);
          catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine("Execution Failed:" + e.Message);
            // connection, command used server side resource, dispose them
            // asap to conserve resource
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    Database version

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    adopscanlog-latest = Yes command output:




    #(202-206) lines:

    ADPATCH logs directory: / u01/install/APPS/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adoption/33/cutover_20150727_070102/DEV1_spaderp-dev1-app/log

    [PROCEDURE] Race: options adpatch /hotpatch, interactive nocompiledb = no = no console only = no workers = 1 restart no = no = abandonment Yes defaultsfile=/u01/install/APPS/fs2/EBSapps/appl/admin/DEV1_patch/adalldefaults.txt patchtop=/u01/install/APPS/fs2/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/driver logfile = cutover.log driver = ucutover.drv acp = yes

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    #(204-208) lines:

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    [UNEXPECTED] Implementation phase completed with errors/warnings. Check the log files

    [STATEMENT] Phase SHIFT END TIME: 27/07/2015-07:08:18

    [PROCEDURE] [EARLY 2015/07/27 07:08:18] Unlock sessions table



    #(517-521) lines:

    3451979 05:15:37 00:00:00 ad.bin.adop absorbent of PROCEDURE [START] lock on the sessions table

    3451979 05:15:37 table 00:00:00 ad.bin.adop STATEMENT locking ad_adop_sessions spaderp-dev1-app with interval of 60 seconds and the number of trials 2

    3451979 05:17:37 00:02:00 AD_ZD_ADOP. LOCK_SESSIONS_TABLE error: impossible to acquire the lock on the table to ad_adop_sessions.

    3451979 05:17:37 AD_ZD_ADOP 00:00:00. LOCK_SESSIONS_TABLE ERROR in line LOCK seems to have been inserted in AD_ADOP_SESSIONS by another session

    3451979 05:17:37 00:00:00 ad.bin.adop ERROR cannot execute the SQL statement:

    Bashar and Krishna,

    Thanks for your replies. I solved this problem by referring to the document and steps as breakfast by Oracle Support:

    Search for 0) locked sessions

    Select * from ad_adop_sessions where EDITION_NAME = "LOCK."

    (1) ad_adop_sessions backup:

    create the table ad_adop_sessions_bkp in select * from ad_adop_sessions;

    delete from ad_adop_sessions where adop_session_id = and EDITION_NAME = "LOCK."


    (2) unlock the session:


    AD_ZD_ADOP. LOCK_SESSIONS_TABLE('spaderp-dev1-app',60,2);



    (3) back up and delete the table APPLSYS. FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES;

    (4) restart adoption phase = failover and update the result

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    What is the relationship with the forms?

    Anyway, you can create a trigger on table A that intercepts the error in an exception block, and then create a new row in table B.
    If the error comes from a forms based block, intercept the error in a trigger insert.


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    Enter tab2 to select * From tab1


    ERROR on line 1:

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    Hi try this...

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    Both the table contains data in it. I want to insert data from TEMP_TEST2 in TEMP_TEST1 with RECID incremented for each record, which must be greater than max (RECID) of TEMP_TEST1.
    PS: I have to query insert only, I cannot make changes in the structure of table or RECID of TEMP_TEST1 is not automatically incremented.
    Please suggest a query that selects the record of TEMP_TEST2 and TEMP_TEST1 insert with recid incremented for each record.

    Thank you.
    SQL> insert into TEMP_TEST2(TESTCHAR)
      2  select 'Test'||level from dual connect by level < 10
      3  /
    9 rows created.
      2  select (select nvl(max(RECID),0) from TEMP_TEST1) + rownum, t2.TESTCHAR
      3  from TEMP_TEST2 t2
      4  /
    9 rows created.
    SQL> select * from TEMP_TEST1
      2  /
    ---------- ----------
             1 Test1
             2 Test2
             3 Test3
             4 Test4
             5 Test5
             6 Test6
             7 Test7
             8 Test8
             9 Test9
    9 rows selected.
      2  select (select nvl(max(RECID),0) from TEMP_TEST1) + rownum, t2.TESTCHAR
      3  from TEMP_TEST2 t2
      4  /
    9 rows created.
    SQL> select * from TEMP_TEST1
      2  /
    ---------- ----------
             1 Test1
             2 Test2
             3 Test3
             4 Test4
             5 Test5
             6 Test6
             7 Test7
             8 Test8
             9 Test9
            10 Test1
            11 Test2
    ---------- ----------
            12 Test3
            13 Test4
            14 Test5
            15 Test6
            16 Test7
            17 Test8
            18 Test9
    18 rows selected.

    Good bye

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    value = "id".
    display = "description" >

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    I write a lot of complex data warehouse SQL-based reports, but very rarely do much PL/SQL, any help would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.


    You can specify that the trigger should fire only when certain columns are referenced, like this:

    create or replace trigger test_fund_trig
    before update OF FUNDING
    on table_a

    If you do this, the trigger will not draw on statements such as:

    UPDATE  table_a
    SET     mod_date = SYSDATE;

    You should always use an IF statement, as I mentioned earlier, if you do not want to follow the updates where the value of this column has not really changed.

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  • Insert Table A to table B


    I want to take data from one table to another table, just for a few newly added columns,

    Table A
    This table is already full, but I just added a few new columns of 'min_qty', 'moq_unit '.
    and I have a temporary table that contains the value of 'min_qty', 'moq_unit '.
    These two tables share the same column Pk as item_no

    elements of array A (min_qty, moq_unit, item_no,...)
    Table B item_temp (item_no, min_qty, moq_unit)

    I would insert the "min_qty", "moq_unit" of item_temp to the point
    and I used the following insert in the command:

    insert into articles (min_qty, moq_unit)
    (min_qty, moq_unit to item_temp select
    where item_temp.item_no = items.item_no);

    but it did not workout.


    any idea?


    Yawei Zhang wrote:

    I want to take data from one table to another table, just for a few newly added columns,

    Table A
    This table is already full, but I just added a few new columns of 'min_qty', 'moq_unit '.
    and I have a temporary table that contains the value of 'min_qty', 'moq_unit '.
    These two tables share the same column Pk as item_no

    ENTRY means create new lines.
    You want to create new lines, or you want to set the values of these new columns in existing rows? This is called the UPDATE.

    You can do either by using the MERGE command.
    Here's a way you can use the MERGER to set the values of these columns for rows that already exist in both tables:

    MERGE INTO     a          dst
    USING     (
         SELECT     item_no
         ,     min_qty
         ,     moq_unit
         FROM     b
         )               src
    ON     (src.item_no     = dst.item_no)
    SET     dst.min_qty     = src.min_qty
    ,     dst.moq_unit     = src.moq_unit

    I hope that answers your question.
    If not, post a litt; e sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements) that show how the two tables appear before the new columns in one are populated.
    Also, post what you want table a hold after these columns are filled.
    Always tell what version of Oracle you are using.

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    I am able to insert a row or a column in the table. But how do I insert a table 2D or 3D in an existing table?

    Kind regards

    Adel SR

    Just it wire in.  Here is a 2D chart inserted into a 3D (at the beginning of the 3D table)...


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    I'm trying to insert a line of table 1 d in table 2d, but it must be placed in the index as the starting point.

    For example, line 1, column 2. = starting point.

    I already wrote the program, but the result is not that I want to.
    As shown in the picture, a number of 6 in. (0.2), it must be placed in a yellow highlight.

    Please help and guide me.

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    Now, I want to read the file is saved in the Bay of cluster.

    How can I insert a table 2d of strings into an array of cluster?

    rcard53762 wrote:

    I have a cluster with 4 channel 3 elements of the string constants and 1 is a list box drop-down chain.

    I can save the Bay of cluster to deposit without any problem.

    Now, I want to read the file is saved in the Bay of cluster.

    How can I insert a table 2d of strings into an array of cluster?

    It would be useful to have an example of what real cluster Bay look like the typical data. One way to do is by saving the content of the table cluster in a configuration file (.ini extension) and then use the OpenG screws of the Variant Configuration file to store and retrieve data from the configuration file. You can get these screws in the VI package manager.

    Here is an example. The generated configuration file is also attached.


  • Insert tables in the tables

    Well, it is a Board problem.  I have an experience that changes the parameter 1 (temp), then parameter change 2 (v) a number of times, with data output.  the process is then repeated.  I would like to get a picture that looks like

    V1 T1 data table

    V2 T1 data table

    V3 T1 data table

    V1 T2 data table

    V2 T2 data table

    V3 T2 data table

    V1 T3 data table


    'case 2' is my first attempt at implementation of the table in the data stream to write the file.  Clearly, this does not work and does not the data of the most recent temperature.

    'case 4' is my last attempt.  I enter all the data in a table, but it seems that it is an array of 3 - d when the schema specifies only 2D table.

    The problem is at the end of the block diagram.  Any advice on cleaning the other parts of the program are also accepted (Note: the interface should avoid visa - for reasons that I won't go in).  I'm sure it's a quick fix and thank you for taking the time to help me.

    Some ideas I had, but has failed to implement create a sub-table and inserting them in a main draw (4 cases).  Creation of 2D (outside the cycle of volt) tables and add them.  Insertion of simple elements in arrays of brute force (I know not how to do this, but there must be an easier way, it comes to Labview).

    Maybe you are frustrated to see the table reset with each iteration, showing that the current measure. Shift registers are your solutions:

    Of course, as Jorn wrote, if you have a large number of measures you should initialyze the table with the appropriate number and the use of 'replace' instead of 'Building the table', but it seems that this is not your case.

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