installation of the oracle CC & B MDM utilities

Hi friends,

any body could help me how to install oracle CC & B and meter data management question is should install us cc & B MDM in developer mechines and plane of web server and application at a time. How many servers is needed for this.

Thanks and greetings
Jean Jacques

Published by: 788237 on August 13, 2010 03:42

Have you checked the PERLLIB or $perl5lib system variable and it is defined on C:\Perl\lib?

Tags: Oracle

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    Hi all

    Some fundamental doubts about the installation of the EBS.

    1. Why do we need to install a Unix - Cygwin or MKS Toolkit tools kit before installation of the EBS.

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    3. which we need to install the loopback adapter in Windows2003. The steps presented in the thread link: Installation of Oracle E-Business Suite R12 on Windows 2003 does not call for installing loopback adapter,.
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    Clarify pls.

    1. Why do we need to install a Unix - Cygwin or MKS Toolkit tools kit before installation of the EBS.

    2. Why do you have VC ++ 8.0 installed prior to installation of the EBS.

    For the reissue of the exactable application/database Oracle files links. These tools (cc, ld, ar... etc) are already installed under Linux/Unix, but not on Windows, that's why you need to install the software above.

    3. which we need to install the loopback adapter in Windows2003. The steps presented in the thread link: Installation of Oracle E-Business Suite R12 on Windows 2003 does not call for installing loopback adapter,.
    Whereas it is shown as required in the case of Windows XP installation, wire link: Oracle E-Business Suite R12 steps for installing Windows XP

    If your host is already connected to the network and an IP address, then card loopback is not necessary. Otherwise, you will need to set up the loopback adapter to have an IP address (for example, if you want to install Oracle apps on your computer/laptop at home that is not connected to a network).

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    I want the list that needs to change SQL, PL/SQL and Pro * C.

    Thank you very much.

    Basic thing you need to do is to run a test environment when you upgrade your database to 10g and run the application against the same for whether something should be changed. If you get any errors with your tests, you don't need to change anything immediately.

    Of course, you can improve the design of your application by using the new features provided in 10g.

    And no one can give you a list of things that need to be changed because it is specific to your environment.

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    I want to install Oracle DB Arch on top of this database.

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    I'd rather go with option 1 if taken in charge.

    Hi Lydia

    Please check:

    Check also:

    I think you'll find your answer in the

    Respect of

  • Get the error when you use the Oracle 9.2 on RRS 4 installation

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    YES was generating a message
     could not able to relink  and
    but I'd ignored, after installation of the oracle s/w, I relinked bleow files

    I also tried running the command below
    [oracle@oracle lib]$ make -f install
    but when i try to make i was getting a error
    [oracle@oracle lib]$ make -f install
    u01/app/oracle/product/   `cat /u01/app/oracle/product/` -Wl,-rpath,/u01/app/oracle/product/ -lm    `cat /u01/app/oracle/product/` -ldl -lm    -lvsn9
    /usr/bin/ld: crt1.o: No such file: No such file or directory
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    make[1]: *** [/u01/app/oracle/product/] Error 1
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/u01/app/oracle/product/'
    Please suggest me if this will have an impact on the DB

    Published by: user00726 on July 8, 2009 23:06

    If the error only occurs when you start the dbca Wizard, the database itself should be ok. Before using it for the production you can stress test your db using swingbench or hammerora to be sure that iti works well.



  • Installation and migration Oracle 10 g x 86 to x 64 under SUSE 11 x 64

    Hi all

    I'm trying to accomplish a proof-of-concept for the migration of legacy x 86 environment running Oracle 10 g in x 64 environment, then upgrade the instance of Oracle 11 g. The first step in doing this is installation of Oracle 10 g in the target environment, which is SLES 11 SP2.

    I went though the standard installation procedure; from what I can discern, I installed all dependent packages, including orarun to prepare the environment. I have a source installation package after some minor headaches (unfortunate that Oracle offers them more, because I'm sure there are others out there pertaining to similar projects) and began the process of installation as the oracle user.

    To install, I chose to keep things as simple as possible and went with all the default Oracle settings, although I chose to not create a starter database. The only difference is that I have in the House/storage of database mapped via iSCSI to/opt/oracle/product /. After editing, I was sure to change the property of oracle: oinstall.

    The first phase of the installation runs without problem. I made the necessary changes to the system so that Setup happily buzzes through the prerequisites and ends the first phase of the installation. However, during the phase of liaison, I meet an error:

    «Error in invoking target 'client_sharedlib' of makefile ' / opt/oracle/product/10gR2/db/network/lib/'.» See < journal > for more details".

    In this paper, I am directed to examine the Journal brand, as in

    "INFO: the output of this operation is also available to: ' / opt/oracle/product/10gR2/db/install/make.log'.

    Very well. So, here is the relevant excerpt from that:

    32-bit version of nnfgt.o building

    / bin/sh: line 2: / opt/oracle/product/10 g 2/db/bin/gennfgt: permission denied

    r /opt/oracle/product/10gR2/db/lib32/nnfgt.o

    / bin/sh: line 8: / opt/oracle/product/10 g 2/db/bin/gennfgt: permission denied

    64-bit version of nnfgt.o building

    r /opt/oracle/product/10gR2/db/lib/nnfgt.o

    (if ["compilation" = "assemble"]; then------)

    / opt/oracle/product/10 g 2/DB/bin/gennfgt > nnfgt.s

    / usr/bin/As o nnfgt.o nnfgt.s

    RM-f /opt/oracle/product/10gR2/db/lib/nnfgt.o

    MV nnfgt.o/opt/oracle/product/10 g 2/db/lib /.

    / usr/bin/AR rv /opt/oracle/product/10gR2/db/lib/libn10.a /opt/oracle/product/10gR2/db/lib/nnfgt.o; FI)

    (if ['compile' = "oratmp"]; then------)

    / opt/oracle/product/10 g 2/DB/bin/gennfgt > nnfgt.c

    / lib/idcpp nnfgt.c oratmp.c

    -i oratmp.c o oratmp.s f nnfgt.c

    / usr/bin/As o nnfgt.o oratmp.s

    RM-f oratmp.c oratmp.s

    RM-f /opt/oracle/product/10gR2/db/lib/nnfgt.o

    MV nnfgt.o/opt/oracle/product/10 g 2/db/lib /.

    / usr/bin/AR rv /opt/oracle/product/10gR2/db/lib/libn10.a /opt/oracle/product/10gR2/db/lib/nnfgt.o; FI)

    (if ['compile' = "binary"]; then------)

    / opt/oracle/product/10 g 2/DB/bin/gennfgt > nnfgt.c



    GCC - c nnfgt.c.

    -f /opt/oracle/product/10gR2/db/lib/nnfgt.o rm

    MV - nnfgt.o/opt/oracle/product/10 g 2/db/lib /.

    / usr/bin/AR rv /opt/oracle/product/10gR2/db/lib/libn10.a /opt/oracle/product/10gR2/db/lib/nnfgt.o; DIK

    / usr/bin/make-f client_sharedlib ORACLE_HOME = / opt/oracle/product/10 g 2/db / / opt/oracle/product/10 g 2/db/bin/genclntsh

    make: execvp: / opt/oracle/product/10 g 2/db/bin/genclntsh: permission denied

    make: * [client_sharedlib] error 127

    I don't know what to do with these permissions problems:

    ls - al/opt/oracle/product/10 g 2/db/bin/gennfgt

    -rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle oinstall 2983 20 October 2005/opt/oracle/product/10 g 2/db/bin/gennfgt

    Additional information, as I thought the ORACLE_HOME in the output was weird (concatenated?):

    echo $ORACLE_HOME

    / opt/oracle/product/10 g 2/DB

    This who might I be missing here? Any help is greatly appreciated, let me know if there is anything I can provide additional details.

    See you soon,.


    Another thing, you might check are property of oracle on all directories in/opt/oracle/product/10 g 2/db and the correct permissions. Also, what is your output of the command 'mount '?

  • "Cannot locate the installation of the software.

    I try to install cx-oracle so that I can use the Django framework with an oracle database. but when I try to install it, it gives me this error

    bcalderon@bcalderon-desktop:~/Oracle/cx_Oracle-5.0$ sudo python build
    Traceback (most recent call changed):
    File "", line 123, < module >
    raise DistutilsSetupError ("cannot locate an Oracle software"------)
    distutils.errors.DistutilsSetupError: could not find an installation of the Oracle software

    any help would be greatly appreciated. I think that perhaps Oracle database 10g Express edition has not installed properly or something. but I reinstalled like 3 times now and it made no difference.

    Oracle 8i developed by Computronix interface. [Open Source, BSD-like]

    I suggest that you join the 21 ^ st ^ century & not worth it with the 8i.
    Install Oracle XE place

    Published by: sb92075 on July 29, 2010 11:08

  • Find the ORACLE of OS binary version


    I want to know the binary Oracle version/version of the operating system itself.

    Background: I am preparing steps for the upgrade of my customer base. After the installation of the oracle binaries, I need to check the version of OS database for confirmation. But I'm not able to find the command for this requirement.
    Please help me.

    Thank you

    You really don't know where 'oracle' binary file?

    Oracle strings $ | grep NLSRTL

  • Recover the Oracle Database 11 to the host of the new building installed


    I want to test the recovery of an Oracle 11 database that has been saved with RMAN and "controlfile autobackup on."
    The RMAN Repository is in the controlfiles (no catalog database has been used).

    I have a complete backup of the database, the archvies since the last backup and the redologs - the old database until online where the
    database 'crashed' :-)
    (to tell you the truth: I have backup ups sqlnet.ora, listener.ora.) And backups of PWDmpausch.ora and SPFILEMPAUSCH. ORA. But I think that
    It should be possible to recover the database without this file)

    On a new installed host, I did a bog Oracle 11 Standard Edition only software installation standard.
    Operating system is Windows XP SP2
    (D:\oracle\ora11) ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_BASE (d:\oracle) are the same as on the old system.

    After the installation of the Oracle software, I have none of the configurations. (No tnsnames.ora, listener.ora no).
    There is only a default sqlnet.ora in %ORACLE_HOME%\network\admin with a single entry: SQLNET. AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES = (NTS)

    In documentation, I found that I read "startup nomount" database with a minimum setting or basis file.
    I tried to use the default init.ora in % ORACLE_HOME%\dbs\init.ora. (I just changed the "ORCL" db_name to 'mpausch')
    The steps I did:
    define the ORACLE_BASE = d:\oracle
    set ORACLE_HOME = d:\oracle\ora11
    Set ORACLE_SID = mpausch
    SQL > startup nomount pfile=d:\oracle\ora11\dbs\init.ora

    But the only thing I get is a: ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
    SQL > connect / as sysdba
    also, does not produce an ORA-12560.

    So, I configured an earpiece and a local name (with Net Configuration Assistant). But only the error message I get
    is it ORA-12560.

    What do I need to configure to be able to start the instance with the minimum setting file?

    Kind regards.


    Make sure that you create the Windows Oracle service with oradim.

  • The Oracle Linux 5.10 ADR installation problem


    Hello. I have implemented PeopleSoft Campus Solution 9.0 revision 5 for a University.

    I need to create the web page application online for future student to apply for admission.

    My installations of PeopleSoft are below:

    Server machine: Oracle Linux 5.10 (64-bit)

    Client computer: Windows XP Professional (64 edition) with the Internet Explorer browser

    Architecture Internet Oracle Linux 5.10 Server:

    (1) database server: Oracle Database 11 g

    (2) the server application: Tuxedo 11 g

    3) web server: logic of Web

    (4) browser: Firefox Mozila

    (5) two Instances of huge database on the database server: 8.53 PeopleTools and PeopleSoft Campus Solution 9.0 R5

    I just finished installing Oracle ADR (Application Development Runtime) with Weblogic in Oracle Linux 5.10 Server machine. In step 3 of 8 required checks, impossible to pass the 2 items below:

    (1) verification of recommended operating system Packages (no pass)

    (2) verification of the parameters of the kernel (no pass)

    Oracle Linux 5 is certified with ADR and prerequisite verification certificate of operating system is spent, so, I keep the installation to the end successfully.

    My question is:

    2 items not moved will not affect the development of applications or performance later? If so, how to fix?

    Thanks in advance.

    (1) the parameters are necessary, but the system is running with a lower number. Right in the middle of the execution of your application, enter you the maximum and your system stops. It is best to set the values for the given numbers. When you run the Setup program and go to the test page and the test fails, you should be able to click the test below and the installation should continue. If the continue button is not active, you must correct the error.

    (2) I don't have an oel5 system. Missed, you have not all if necessary values in your limits.conf file? The syntax for the Scriptures is essential. Look at the other lives in the files. How do they look like?

    I guess you need to add a space after the * who would set the setting for all users, or set you it only for user oracle, which is the one you normally install the software with. Check out the tutorial I posted the link with my last post. You may need to add the line /etc/pam.d/login and etc/pam.d/sshd.


  • The customer need to oracle database in the installation of the EPM FDM

    Hi all

    I want to install EPM11.1.2.2 products and on one server I install FDM. I checked the condition sine qua non of the installation of FDM and according to the guidelines of this customer database Oracle 32-bit and 64-bit client is necessary.

    Server is Windows 2008 64 bit and already Oracle database 11g is installed.

    I have reg queries following it.

    1. If the Oracle database is installed on the same server, do I need to install both clients of the database as well?

    2. If so, I am trying to install oracle database 32-bit client but the screen is endangered shows no newspaper or mistake, but at the same time 64-bit client is installing successfully?

    3. I have not installed ODAC, what is the significance of this facility, and what I need to install the same?

    Help, please.

    Thank you

    Hi all

    Got the solution to the problem of the 32-bit client installation on the same machine where oracle 64-bit database or oracle customer base 64 is already installed.

    I took knowledge oracle support 1292785.1 document IDs and found the solution.

    Thank you for all your help.

  • EMP System Installer fails to install the Oracle DB, 32-bit and 64-bit Client


    We are trying to do a fresh install of Oracle Hyperion EPM on Windows 2008 Server R2.

    Its a standard deployment with a Foundation Server and an Essbase server.

    When you try to install on the server of the Foundation, the EPM System Installer fails to install Oracle database customers.

    The first Question we have is, we have decided using Microsoft SQL Server for the repository of Shared Services and therefore would like to know if it is safe to ignore this error and move on.

    The second question is, if we need the error pending, we want to know why the installation system fails. Looking at the newspaper, ORACLE_HOME is on something that is not valid or is longer than 128 characters.

    The Diagnostics show the below error message:

    NEWS: Will copy both pre and post copy copy files C:\Users\SA-ESS~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\OraInstall2013-11-11_04-16-01PM/

    INFO: Install Properties filename: C:\Users\SA-ESS~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\OraInstall2013-11-11_04-16-01PM/

    INFO: Value oracle.install.customdeinstallcommand %ORACLE_HOME%/deinstall/deinstall

    INFO: Oracle.install.customizedeinstall set to true

    INFO: The value oracle.installer.ORACLE_BASEvar ORACLE_BASE

    INFO: The value oracle.installer.LibPerms 0755

    INFO: Value oracle.installer.summary_expand_nodes NewLangs, Global, space, Langs

    INFO: The value oracle.installer.LibExtns .sl,.sl.11.1, .so,.so.11.1,.sl.1.0,.so.1.0

    INFO: oracle.installer.mandatorySetup set to true

    INFO: oracle.installer.useORACLE_BASE set to true

    INFO: Oracle.installer.removeallfiles set to true

    INFO: Oracle.installer.additionaltool_continue_onerror set to true


    Specify Home Details Page *.

    INFO: Setting the property "OracleHome (ORACLE_HOME)' ' D:\Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\... \dbclient32'." Has received the value of the command line.

    INFO: Setting the property ' OracleHomeName (ORACLE_HOME_NAME)' to 'OraClient11g32_sa-essbaseapp '. Has received the value of the command line.

    INFO: Definition of the 'OracleBase (ORACLE_BASE)' property ' D:\Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\...------'. Has received the value of the command line.

    GRAVE: The Oracle Home name is not valid. Oracle Home names must be 128 characters or less and contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores.

    INFO: The attention of unregistered Manager, using the features of the Super class

    INFO: The attention of unregistered Manager, using the features of the Super class

    INFO: User selected: Yes/OK

    INFO: Closing OUISetupDriver.JobExecutorThread

    GRAVE: [FATAL] [INS-10008] Session initialization failed

    CAUSE: An unexpected error occurred during initialization of the session.

    ACTION: Contact Oracle Support Services or view logs


    - .

    See associated stacktrace #oracle.install.commons.util.exception.DefaultErrorAdvisor:1096

    INFO: Tips are ABORT

    GRAVE: Unconditional exit

    INFO: Add ExitStatus FAILURE to exit status set

    INFO: Find the status of output more suitable for the current application

    INFO: Exit status is - 1

    NEWS: Stop Oracle Client install

    I got my answer in the newspaper.

    The ORACLE_HOME_NAME is the question.

    Our deployment account has a hyphen -, and so the Yes program is unable to initialize.

  • Packages, patches, required RPM in Oracle Linux 6 for the installation of the EBS R12.

    I am not a beginner and I'm doing a vision of Oracle EBS R12 installation on my laptop.

    I downloaded the pack of 3 journalists Oracle Enterprise Linux version 6 update of and installed Oracle Linux on Vmware preinstalled.
    Now, I want to know what all the patches, the packaging and the RPM is necessary as a prerequisite before proceeding with the installation of R12.
    How to check if they are already present and how to install them.
    I have referred to the oracle notes but tangled in what points to be followed and that jump.

    Please guide.

    Thank you

    swapnil_yeole wrote:
    I am not a beginner and I'm doing a vision of Oracle EBS R12 installation on my laptop.

    I downloaded the pack of 3 journalists Oracle Enterprise Linux version 6 update of and installed Oracle Linux on Vmware preinstalled.
    Now, I want to know what all the patches, the packaging and the RPM is necessary as a prerequisite before proceeding with the installation of R12.
    How to check if they are already present and how to install them.
    I have referred to the oracle notes but tangled in what points to be followed and that jump.

    Please guide.

    Thank you

    All BONES and RPM packages can be found in these docs.

    Oracle E-Business Suite installation and upgrade version Notes 12 (12.1.1) for Linux x 86-64 [ID 761566.1]
    Installation of Oracle E-Business Suite and 12 (12.1.1) for Linux x 86 version upgrade Notes [ID 761564.1]

    "Rpm - qa" command to check if the package is installed or not.

    To install the packages, please use "yum install" or 'rpm - Uvh' command.

    Thank you

  • Installation of the apex (Oracle HTTP Server).

    Hi guys,.

    I try to install apex on 11g oracle http server. I'm all Oracle Http Server installation instructions and Apex Installation guides. But I am not able to view the apex.

    http://server:7777 works very well. This link opens the Oracle HTTP Server home page successfully. But when I try to open the page http://server:7777 / pls/apex/apex_admin not found message "the/pls/apex/apex_admin requested URL was not found.".
    And the error of the access log message: "GET/pls/apex/apex_admin HTTP/1.1" 404 202

    Here is my dads.conf file

    Alias is ' / u01/Middleware/ohs_oracle_home/SST/images / '.
    AddType text/xml xbl
    AddType text/x-component htc
    < apex/pls/location >
    SetHandler pls_handler
    Order deny, allow
    Allow all the
    AllowOverride None
    PlsqlDatabaseUsername APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    PlsqlDatabasePassword PASSWORD
    PlsqlDatabaseConnectString localhost:1521:mnp ServiceNameFormat
    PlsqlAuthenticationMode Basic
    Apex PlsqlDefaultPage
    PlsqlDocumentTablename wwv_flow_file_objects$
    Docs PlsqlDocumentPath
    PlsqlDocumentProcedure wwv_flow_file_mgr.process_download
    PlsqlRequestValidationFunction wwv_flow_epg_include_modules.authorize
    < / location >

    Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) home directory: / u01/Middleware/ohs_oracle_home /.
    The apex directory: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/apex

    Do you have any idea how to solve this problem?

    Thanks in advance

    Check the file ' / u01/Middleware/ohs_oracle_home/conf/httpd.conf ', there should be the line

    include "/u01/Middleware/ohs_oracle_home/modplsql/conf/plsql.conf"

    Now open this file plsql.conf, here is the link to dads.conf:

    include /u01/Middleware/ohs_oracle_home/modplsql/conf/dads.conf

    Regards Rob

  • Installation of Oracle Apex 3.2 on the Oracle 10 g database steps


    I'm new to apex oracle and oracle 10g Enterprise Edition installation. I had previously installed Oracle 10 g XE and Apex 3.2 in my rental unit.

    Now I need to install Oracle on oracle 10g Enterprise edition 3.2 apex

    I did the following steps:

    Step 1: I installed Oracle 10 g Enterprise edition

    Step 2: Install apex Oracle 3.2 on my Machine location with the steps again below
    2 > apexins SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP is
    3 > @apxchpwd (changed the admin password)
    4 > @apxldimg.sql SYSTEM_DRIVE:\APEX32 (local system path)

    Step 3: What is the next step, please suggest me how to get the host name and port number I am little confused here also suggest me the above step I followed is correct or not?

    Earlier, when I installed oracle XE, I had the path of the local host as a shortcut to get. Here, I can't find that. Please suggest me how to get the URL to access the link to the apex

    I followed the same process, how he is mentioned in this link

    Thank you

    Published by: Sudhir_Meru on June 17, 2012 03:23

    Download here ApexListener. The installation guide is on this page

    Alternate, unzip the download and look toward the top of the Installation and the developer's Guide in doc folder. You have all the necessary steps. You can try the Standalone ApexListener initially. (Tip: search for the stand-alone word in the document).

    Make sure that you run the apex/owa/owainst.sql, because you're in 10g when connected in SYSDBA.

    Kind regards

Maybe you are looking for