IPSEC packets are not encrypted

Hello (and Happy Thanksgiving in the USA),

We recently switched our ASA and applied again the saved for the new device configuration. There is a VPN site-to site that works and a remote VPN client that does not work. We use certain Cisco VPN clients and some Shrew Soft VPN clients. I compared the config of the ASA again to that of ASA old and I can't find all the differences (but the remote client VPN was working on the old ASA). Remote clients connect and a tunnel is created, but they are unable to pass traffic. Systems on the network where the ASA are able to access the internet.

Out of sho isakmp crypto his (ignore peer #1, this is the site to site VPN work)

HIS active: 2

Generate a new key SA: 0 (a tunnel report Active 1 and 1 generate a new key ITS d)

Total SA IKE: 2

1 peer IKE: xx.168.155.98

Type: L2L role: answering machine

Generate a new key: no State: MM_ACTIVE

2 IKE peers: xx.211.206.48

Type: user role: answering machine

Generate a new key: no State: AM_ACTIVE

Output of sho crypto ipsec his (info about VPN site-to-site deleted). Packets are decrypted but unencrypted.

Tag crypto map: SYSTEM_DEFAULT_CRYPTO_MAP, seq num: 65535, local addr: publi

c ip

local ident (addr, mask, prot, port): (

Remote ident (addr, mask, prot, port): (

current_peer: xx.211.206.48, username: me

dynamic allocated peer ip:

#pkts program: encrypt 0, #pkts: 0, #pkts digest: 0

#pkts decaps: 20, #pkts decrypt: 20, #pkts check: 20

compressed #pkts: 0, unzipped #pkts: 0

#pkts uncompressed: 0, comp #pkts failed: 0, #pkts Dang failed: 0

success #frag before: 0, failures before #frag: 0, #fragments created: 0

Sent #PMTUs: 0, #PMTUs rcvd: 0, reassembly: 20th century / of frgs #decapsulated: 0

#send errors: 0, #recv errors: 0

endpt local crypto. : public-ip/4500, crypto endpt distance. : xx.211.206.48/4


Path mtu 1500, fresh ipsec generals 82, media, mtu 1500

current outbound SPI: 7E0BF9B9

current inbound SPI: 41B75CCD

SAS of the esp on arrival:

SPI: 0x41B75CCD (1102535885)

transform: aes - esp esp-sha-hmac no compression

running parameters = {RA, Tunnel, NAT-T program,}

slot: 0, id_conn: 16384, crypto-card: SYSTEM_DEFAULT_CRYPTO_MAP

calendar of his: service life remaining key (s): 28776

Size IV: 16 bytes

support for replay detection: Y

Anti-replay bitmap:

0x00000000 0x00000001

SPI: 0xC06BF0DD (3228299485)

transform: aes - esp esp-sha-hmac no compression

running parameters = {RA, Tunnel, NAT-T program Rekeyed}

slot: 0, id_conn: 16384, crypto-card: SYSTEM_DEFAULT_CRYPTO_MAP

calendar of his: service life remaining key (s): 28774

Size IV: 16 bytes

support for replay detection: Y

Anti-replay bitmap:

0x000003FF 0xFFF80001

outgoing esp sas:

SPI: 0x7E0BF9B9 (2114714041)

transform: aes - esp esp-sha-hmac no compression

running parameters = {RA, Tunnel, NAT-T program,}

slot: 0, id_conn: 16384, crypto-card: SYSTEM_DEFAULT_CRYPTO_MAP

calendar of his: service life remaining key (s): 28774

Size IV: 16 bytes

support for replay detection: Y

Anti-replay bitmap:

0x00000000 0x00000001

SPI: 0xCBF945AC (3422111148)

transform: aes - esp esp-sha-hmac no compression

running parameters = {RA, Tunnel, NAT-T program Rekeyed}

slot: 0, id_conn: 16384, crypto-card: SYSTEM_DEFAULT_CRYPTO_MAP

calendar of his: service life remaining key (s): 28772

Size IV: 16 bytes

support for replay detection: Y

Anti-replay bitmap:

0x00000000 0x00000001

Config of ASA

: Saved

: Written by me at 19:56:37.957 pst Tuesday, November 26, 2013


ASA Version 8.2 (4)


hostname mfw01

domain company.int

enable encrypted password xxx

XXX encrypted passwd

names of

Name xx.174.143.97 description cox cox-gateway Gateway

name iscsi-description iscsi network

name network heritage heritage network description

name management-description management network

name network server server-description

name user-network description user-network

name private-em-imap description private-em-imap

name description of private Exchange private-Exchange

name description of private-private ftp ftp

name description private-private-ip-phones ip phones,

name private-kaseya kaseya private description

name private mitel 3300 description private mitel 3300

name private-pptp pptp private description

name private-sharepoint description private-sharepoint

name private-tportal private-tportal description

name private-xarios private-xarios description

name private-xorcom description private-xorcom

Name xx.174.143.99 description public Exchange public-Exchange

public xx.174.143.100 public-ftp ftp description name

Name xx.174.143.101 public-tportal public tportal description

Name xx.174.143.102 public-sharepoint description public-sharepoint

name of the public ip description public-ip-phones-phones xx.174.143.103

name mitel-public-3300 xx.174.143.104 description public mitel 3300

Name xx.174.143.105 public-xorcom description public-xorcom

xx.174.143.108 public-remote control-support name description public-remote control-support

Name xx.174.143.109 public-xarios public xarios description

Name xx.174.143.110 public-kaseya kaseya-public description

Name xx.174.143.111 public-pptp pptp-public description

name Irvine_LAN description Irvine_LAN

Name xx.174.143.98 public-ip

name private-RevProxy description private-RevProxy

Name xx.174.143.107 public-RevProxy description public RevProxy

name private-XenDesktop description private-XenDesktop

Name xx.174.143.115 public-XenDesktop description public-XenDesktop

name private-bridge description private-bridge

name description private-remote control-support private-remote control-support


interface Ethernet0/0

public nameif

security-level 0

IP address public ip


interface Ethernet0/1

Speed 100

full duplex

nameif private

security-level 100

address private-gateway IP,


interface Ethernet0/2


No nameif

no level of security

no ip address


interface Ethernet0/3


No nameif

no level of security

no ip address


interface Management0/0

nameif management

security-level 100

the IP

management only


passive FTP mode

clock timezone pst - 8

clock summer-time recurring PDT

DNS server-group DefaultDNS

domain mills.int

object-group service ftp

the tcp eq ftp service object

the purpose of the tcp eq ftp service - data

object-group service DM_INLINE_SERVICE_1

Group-object ftp

the eq tftp udp service object

DM_INLINE_TCP_1 tcp service object-group

port-object eq 40

EQ port ssh object

object-group service web-server

the purpose of the service tcp eq www

the eq https tcp service object

object-group service DM_INLINE_SERVICE_2

EQ-tcp smtp service object

object-group web server

object-group service DM_INLINE_SERVICE_3

EQ-ssh tcp service object

object-group web server

object-group service kaseya

the purpose of the service tcp eq 4242

the purpose of the service tcp 5721 eq

EQ-8080 tcp service object

the eq 5721 udp service object

object-group service DM_INLINE_SERVICE_4

Group-object kaseya

object-group web server

object-group service DM_INLINE_SERVICE_5

will the service object

the eq pptp tcp service object

object-group service VPN

will the service object

ESP service object

the purpose of the service ah

the eq pptp tcp service object

EQ-udp 4500 service object

the eq isakmp udp service object

the MILLS_VPN_VLANS object-group network


Server-network network-object

user-network network-object network-object-network management

legacy-network network-object

object-group service InterTel5000

the purpose of the service tcp 3998 3999 range

the 6800-6802 range tcp service object

the eq 20001 udp service object

the purpose of the udp 5004 5007 range service

the purpose of the udp 50098 50508 range service

the purpose of the udp 6604 7039 range service

the eq bootpc udp service object

the eq tftp udp service object

the eq 4000 tcp service object

the purpose of the service tcp eq 44000

the purpose of the service tcp eq www

the eq https tcp service object

the purpose of the service tcp eq 5566

the eq 5567 udp service object

the purpose of the udp 6004 6603 range service

the eq 6880 tcp service object

object-group service DM_INLINE_SERVICE_6

ICMP service object

the eq 2001 tcp service object

the purpose of the service tcp eq 2004

the eq 2005 tcp service object

object-group service DM_INLINE_SERVICE_7

ICMP service object

Group object InterTel5000

object-group service DM_INLINE_SERVICE_8

ICMP service object

the eq https tcp service object

EQ-ssh tcp service object

RevProxy tcp service object-group

RevProxy description

port-object eq 5500

XenDesktop tcp service object-group

Xen description

EQ object of port 8080

port-object eq 2514

port-object eq 2598

object-port 27000 eq

port-object eq 7279

port-object eq 8000

port-object eq citrix-ica

public_access_in list any host public-ip extended access allowed object-group DM_INLINE_SERVICE_8

public_access_in list any host public-ip extended access allowed object-group VPN

public_access_in list extended access allowed object-group DM_INLINE_SERVICE_7 any host public-ip-phones

public_access_in list extended access allowed object-group DM_INLINE_SERVICE_1 any public ftp host

public_access_in allowed extended access list tcp any host public-xorcom DM_INLINE_TCP_1 object-group

public_access_in list extended access allowed object-group DM_INLINE_SERVICE_2 any host public-Exchange

public_access_in allowed extended access list tcp all welcome RevProxy-public-group of objects RevProxy

public_access_in list extended access allowed object-group DM_INLINE_SERVICE_3 any host public-remote control-support

public_access_in list extended access allowed object-group DM_INLINE_SERVICE_6 any host public-xarios

public_access_in list extended access allowed object-group web server any host public-sharepoint

public_access_in list extended access allowed object-group web server any host public-tportal

public_access_in list extended access allowed object-group DM_INLINE_SERVICE_4 any host public-kaseya

public_access_in list extended access allowed object-group DM_INLINE_SERVICE_5 any host public-pptp

public_access_in list extended access permit ip any host public-XenDesktop

private_access_in list extended access permit icmp any one

private_access_in of access allowed any ip an extended list

VPN_Users_SplitTunnelAcl list standard allowed server-network access

VPN_Users_SplitTunnelAcl list standard allowed user-network access

VPN_Users_SplitTunnelAcl standard access list allow management-network

VPN_Users_SplitTunnelAcl standard access list allow

VPN_Users_SplitTunnelAcl standard access list allow legacy-network

private_nat0_outbound list extended access allowed object-group ip MILLS_VPN_VLANS Irvine_LAN

private_nat0_outbound list extended access allowed object-group ip MILLS_VPN_VLANS

private_nat0_outbound list extended access allowed object-group ip MILLS_VPN_VLANS

public_1_cryptomap list extended access allowed object-group ip MILLS_VPN_VLANS Irvine_LAN

public_2_cryptomap list extended access allowed object-group ip MILLS_VPN_VLANS

pager lines 24

Enable logging

list of logging level warnings error events

Monitor logging warnings

logging warnings put in buffered memory

logging trap warnings

exploitation forest asdm warnings

e-mail logging warnings

private private-kaseya host connection

forest-hostdown operating permits

logging of trap auth class alerts

MTU 1500 public

MTU 1500 private

management of MTU 1500

mask - IP local pool VPN_Users

no failover

ICMP unreachable rate-limit 1 burst-size 1

don't allow no asdm history

ARP timeout 14400

Global interface 101 (public)

private_nat0_outbound of access list NAT 0 (private)

NAT (private) 101

NAT (management) 101

static DNS (private, public) public-private-netmask ip phones, ip phones,

static DNS (private, public) private public-ftp-ftp netmask

static (private, public) public-private-xorcom netmask xorcom dns

static DNS (private, public) public Exchange private-Exchange netmask

RevProxy-public (private, public) public static private-RevProxy netmask dns

static DNS (private, public) public-remote control-support private-remote control-support netmask

static (private, public) public-private-xarios netmask xarios dns

static public-sharepoint (private, public) private-sharepoint netmask dns

TPORTAL-public (private, public) public static private-tportal netmask dns

static (private, public) public-private-netmask kaseya kaseya dns

static public-pptp (private, public) private-pptp netmask dns

static public-XenDesktop (private, public) private-XenDesktop netmask dns

Access-group public_access_in in the public interface

Access-group behind closed doors, interface private_access_in

Public route cox-gateway 1

Private server network route 1

Route private user-network 1

Private networking route 1

Route private network iscsi 1

Private heritage network route 1

Timeout xlate 03:00

Timeout conn 01:00 half-closed 0:10:00 udp 0:02:00 icmp 0:00:02

Sunrpc timeout 0:10:00 h323 0:05:00 h225 mgcp from 01:00 0:05:00 mgcp-pat 0:05:00

Sip timeout 0:30:00 sip_media 0:02:00 prompt Protocol sip-0: 03:00 sip - disconnect 0:02:00

Timeout sip-provisional-media 0:02:00 uauth 0:05:00 absolute

timeout tcp-proxy-reassembly 0:01:00

Admin-control LDAP attribute-map

Comment by card privileged-level name

LDAP attribute-map allow dialin

name of the msNPAllowDialin IETF-Radius-class card

msNPAllowDialin card-value FALSE NOACCESS

msNPAllowDialin card-value TRUE IPSecUsers

attribute-map LDAP Mills-VPN_Users

name of the msNPAllowDialin IETF-Radius-class card

msNPAllowDialin card-value FALSE NOACCESS

map-value msNPAllowDialin true IPSecUsers

LDAP attribute-map network admins

memberOf IETF Radius-Service-Type card name

map-value memberOf NOACCESS FAKE

map-value memberOf 'Network Admins' 6

dynamic-access-policy-registration DfltAccessPolicy

AAA-server protocol nt Mills

host of Mills (private) AAA-server private-pptp

auth-ms01.mills.int NT domain controller

AAA-server Mills_NetAdmin protocol ldap

AAA-server Mills_NetAdmin (private) host private-pptp

Server-port 389

or base LDAP-dn = San Diego, dc = factories, dc = int

or LDAP-group-base dn = San Diego, dc = factories, dc = int

LDAP-scope subtree

name attribute LDAP cn

LDAP-login-password *.

LDAP-connection-dn cn = asa, OU = Service accounts, or = San Diego, dc = factories, dc = int

microsoft server type


AAA-server NetworkAdmins protocol ldap

AAA-server NetworkAdmins (private) host private-pptp

or base LDAP-dn = San Diego, dc = factories, dc = int

or LDAP-group-base dn = San Diego, dc = factories, dc = int

LDAP-scope subtree

name attribute LDAP cn

LDAP-login-password *.

LDAP-connection-dn cn = asa, OU = Service accounts, or = San Diego, dc = factories, dc = int

microsoft server type

LDAP-attribute-map network-admins

AAA-server ADVPNUsers protocol ldap

AAA-server ADVPNUsers (private) host private-pptp

or base LDAP-dn = San Diego, dc = factories, dc = int

or LDAP-group-base dn = San Diego, dc = factories, dc = int

LDAP-scope subtree

name attribute LDAP cn

LDAP-login-password *.

LDAP-connection-dn cn = asa, OU = Service accounts, or = San Diego, dc = factories, dc = int

microsoft server type


Console to enable AAA authentication LOCAL ADVPNUsers

Console HTTP authentication of the AAA ADVPNUsers LOCAL

AAA authentication serial console LOCAL ADVPNUsers

Console Telnet AAA authentication LOCAL ADVPNUsers

authentication AAA ssh console LOCAL ADVPNUsers

Enable http server

http management

http public

http private

Community private private-kaseya SNMP-server host * version 2 c

Server SNMP - San Diego location plants

contact SNMP server, help the Mills

Server enable SNMP traps snmp authentication linkup, linkdown cold start

Sysopt noproxyarp private

Crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-AES-256-MD5 esp-aes-256 esp-md5-hmac

Crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-DES-SHA esp - esp-sha-hmac

Crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-DES-MD5 esp - esp-md5-hmac

Crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-AES-192-MD5 esp-aes-192 esp-md5-hmac

Crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-3DES-MD5-esp-3des esp-md5-hmac

Crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-AES-256-SHA 256 - aes - esp esp-sha-hmac

Crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-AES-192-SHA esp-aes-192 esp-sha-hmac

Crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-AES-128-MD5-esp - aes esp-md5-hmac

Crypto ipsec transform-set esp-SHA-ESP-3DES-3des esp-sha-hmac

Crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-AES-128-SHA aes - esp esp-sha-hmac

life crypto ipsec security association seconds 28800

Crypto ipsec kilobytes of life - safety 4608000 association

Dynamic crypto map SYSTEM_DEFAULT_CRYPTO_MAP 65535 set pfs

Crypto dynamic-map SYSTEM_DEFAULT_CRYPTO_MAP 65535 value transform-set ESP-AES-128-SHA ESP-AES-128-MD5 ESP-AES-192-SHA ESP-AES-192-MD5 ESP-AES-256-SHA ESP-AES-256-MD5 ESP-3DES-SHA MD5-ESP-3DES ESP-DES-SHA ESP-DES-MD5

card crypto public_map 1 match address public_1_cryptomap

card crypto public_map 1 set pfs

card crypto public_map 1 set xx.168.155.98 counterpart

card crypto public_map 1 the value transform-set ESP-3DES-MD5-ESP-AES-128-SHA

public_map card crypto 1 set nat-t-disable

card crypto public_map 1 phase 1-mode of aggressive setting

card crypto public_map 2 match address public_2_cryptomap

card crypto public_map 2 pfs set group5

card crypto public_map 2 peers set xx.181.134.141

card crypto public_map 2 game of transformation-ESP-AES-128-SHA

public_map card crypto 2 set nat-t-disable

public_map card crypto 65535-isakmp dynamic ipsec SYSTEM_DEFAULT_CRYPTO_MAP

public crypto map public_map interface

crypto ISAKMP enable public

crypto ISAKMP policy 1

preshared authentication

aes encryption

sha hash

Group 5

life 86400

crypto ISAKMP policy 10

preshared authentication

aes encryption

sha hash

Group 2

life 86400

crypto ISAKMP policy 30

preshared authentication

3des encryption

md5 hash

Group 1

lifetime 28800

Telnet private

Telnet timeout 5

SSH public

SSH private

SSH management

SSH timeout 5

Console timeout 0

management of - dhcpd addresses


a basic threat threat detection

Statistics-list of access threat detection

a statistical threat detection tcp-interception rate-interval 30 burst-400-rate average rate 200

authenticate the NTP

NTP server public source

NTP server public source

NTP server public source prefers


allow the public

enable SVC

internal group NOACCESS strategy

NOACCESS group policy attributes

VPN - concurrent connections 0

VPN-tunnel-Protocol svc

internal IPSecUsers group strategy

attributes of Group Policy IPSecUsers

value of server WINS

value of server DNS

Protocol-tunnel-VPN IPSec

allow password-storage

Split-tunnel-policy tunnelspecified

value of Split-tunnel-network-list VPN_Users_SplitTunnelAcl

Mills.int value by default-field

the address value VPN_Users pools

Irvine internal group policy

Group Policy attributes Irvine

Protocol-tunnel-VPN IPSec

username admin password encrypted in Kra9/kXfLDwlSxis

type VPNUsers tunnel-group remote access

tunnel-group VPNUsers General attributes

address pool VPN_Users

authentication-server-group Mills_NetAdmin

Group Policy - by default-IPSecUsers

tunnel-group VPNUsers ipsec-attributes

pre-shared-key *.

tunnel-group xx.189.99.114 type ipsec-l2l

tunnel-group xx.189.99.114 General-attributes

Group Policy - by default-Irvine

XX.189.99.114 group of tunnel ipsec-attributes

pre-shared-key *.

tunnel-group xx.205.23.76 type ipsec-l2l

tunnel-group xx.205.23.76 General-attributes

Group Policy - by default-Irvine

XX.205.23.76 group of tunnel ipsec-attributes

pre-shared-key *.

tunnel-group xx.168.155.98 type ipsec-l2l

tunnel-group xx.168.155.98 General-attributes

Group Policy - by default-Irvine

XX.168.155.98 group of tunnel ipsec-attributes

pre-shared-key *.


Global class-card class

match default-inspection-traffic



type of policy-card inspect dns preset_dns_map


message-length maximum 512

World-Policy policy-map

Global category

inspect the dns

inspect esmtp

inspect the ftp

inspect h323 h225

inspect the h323 ras

inspect the netbios

inspect the rsh

inspect the rtsp

inspect the sip

inspect the skinny

inspect sqlnet

inspect sunrpc

inspect the tftp

inspect xdmcp


service-policy-international policy global

privilege level 3 mode exec cmd command perfmon

privilege level 3 mode exec cmd ping command

mode privileged exec command cmd level 3

logging of the privilege level 3 mode exec cmd commands

privilege level 3 exec command failover mode cmd

privilege level 3 mode exec command packet cmd - draw

privilege show import at the level 5 exec mode command

privilege level 5 see fashion exec running-config command

order of privilege show level 3 exec mode reload

privilege level 3 exec mode control fashion show

privilege see the level 3 exec firewall command mode

privilege see the level 3 exec mode command ASP.

processor mode privileged exec command to see the level 3

privilege command shell see the level 3 exec mode

privilege show level 3 exec command clock mode

privilege exec mode level 3 dns-hosts command show

privilege see the level 3 exec command access-list mode

logging of orders privilege see the level 3 exec mode

privilege, level 3 see the exec command mode vlan

privilege show level 3 exec command ip mode

privilege, level 3 see fashion exec command ipv6

privilege, level 3 see the exec command failover mode

privilege, level 3 see fashion exec command asdm

exec mode privilege see the level 3 command arp

command routing privilege see the level 3 exec mode

privilege, level 3 see fashion exec command ospf

privilege, level 3 see the exec command in aaa-server mode

AAA mode privileged exec command to see the level 3

privilege, level 3 see fashion exec command eigrp

privilege see the level 3 exec mode command crypto

privilege, level 3 see fashion exec command vpn-sessiondb

privilege level 3 exec mode command ssh show

privilege, level 3 see fashion exec command dhcpd

privilege, level 3 see fashion exec command vpn

privilege level see the 3 blocks from exec mode command

privilege, level 3 see fashion exec command wccp

privilege, level 3 see the exec command in webvpn mode

privilege control module see the level 3 exec mode

privilege, level 3 see fashion exec command uauth

privilege see the level 3 exec command compression mode

level 3 for the show privilege mode configure the command interface

level 3 for the show privilege mode set clock command

level 3 for the show privilege mode configure the access-list command

level 3 for the show privilege mode set up the registration of the order

level 3 for the show privilege mode configure ip command

level 3 for the show privilege mode configure command failover

level 5 mode see the privilege set up command asdm

level 3 for the show privilege mode configure arp command

level 3 for the show privilege mode configure the command routing

level 3 for the show privilege mode configure aaa-order server

level mode 3 privilege see the command configure aaa

level 3 for the show privilege mode configure command crypto

level 3 for the show privilege mode configure ssh command

level 3 for the show privilege mode configure command dhcpd

level 5 mode see the privilege set privilege to command

privilege level clear 3 mode exec command dns host

logging of the privilege clear level 3 exec mode commands

clear level 3 arp command mode privileged exec

AAA-server of privilege clear level 3 exec mode command

privilege clear level 3 exec mode command crypto

level 3 for the privilege cmd mode configure command failover

clear level 3 privilege mode set the logging of command

privilege mode clear level 3 Configure arp command

clear level 3 privilege mode configure command crypto

clear level 3 privilege mode configure aaa-order server

context of prompt hostname


Profile of CiscoTAC-1

no active account

http https://tools.cisco.com/its/service/oddce/services/DDCEService destination address

email address of destination [email protected] / * /

destination-mode http transport

Subscribe to alert-group diagnosis

Subscribe to alert-group environment

Subscribe to alert-group monthly periodic inventory

monthly periodicals to subscribe to alert-group configuration

daily periodic subscribe to alert-group telemetry


Maybe my eyes is glazed looking at it for too long. Something seems wrong? Maybe I missed a command that would not appear in the config?

Thanks in advance to those who take a glance.

We see that the UI is sent the echo request but there is no response to echo.  This seems to be a routing problem between the ASA and the host you are trying to ping.  You can see the range so that the traffic to network is routed to the ASA.  If there is no other routing device make sure that the default gateway is correct on the host computer, you're trying to reach.

If you try to ping a windows machine make sure that the windows firewall is disabled or allows ICMP.


Please do not forget to rate and choose a response from xorrect

Tags: Cisco Security

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    Call GetWellStateIDs

    for j = 0 to ubound(oTables,1)

    sSQLSting = "select * []" & oTables (j) & "] where [WellStateID] between" & WellStateIDFirst & "and" & WellStateIDLast ".
    oRecordset.Open sSQLSting, oConnexion
    Protected oFieldNames: table: ReDim oFieldNames (orecordset. Fields.Count - 1).
    for i = 0 to orecordset. Fields.Count - 1
    oFieldNames (i) = orecordset. Fields.Item (i) .name
    oArray = oRecordset.GetRows (-1, 0, oFieldNames)
    Set oGroup = Data .root .ChannelGroups .Add (oTables (j))

    oArray, oFieldNames arraytochannels

    Sub GetWellStateIDs
    sSQLSting = "select * from [WellStates] where [wellid] =" & WellID
    oRecordset.Open sSQLSting, oConnexion
    oArray = oRecordset.GetRows)
    WellStateIDFirst = oArray (0,0)
    WellStateIDLast = oArray (0, ubound(oArray,2))

    Sub OpenSQLConnection
    Set WshNetwork = CreateObject
    oComputerName = WshNetwork.ComputerName
    oDB = "MX2. Player.DB ".
    Set oConnexion = CreateObject ("ADODB. Connection")
    oProvider = "Provider = SQLOLEDB.1; Integrated Security = SSPI; PeoExecuteist Security Info = True; Data Source ='
    oProvider = oProvider & oComputerName & "\MX; Use procedure for prepare = 1; Machine translation = True; The packet size = 4096; Workstation ID ="
    oProvider = oProvider & oComputerName & " Use encryption for data = False; Tag with column collation when possible = False; Initial Catalog ='
    oProvider = oProvider & oDB
    oConnection.ConnectionString = oProvider

    Another clue. If you check using DIAdem

    Microsoft Windows Script Debugger

    you are able to install the debugger in DIAdem.

    It would potentially have shown that the command does not work as expected.

    Sorry for the inconveniance


  • Feature IPSec VPN is not in router CISCO891-K9

    I want to configure IPsec over GRE tunnel in CISCO891-K9 router. GRE tunnel works well, but I can not configure IPSEC. I found the command of ipsec isakmp or crypro encryption isn't here. The version of the CISCO891-K9 show is:

    EFLWH-1 #sh worm

    Cisco IOS software, software C890 (C890-UNIVERSALK9_NPE-M), Version 15.2 (4) M2, R SENSE SOFTWARE (fc2)

    Technical support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport

    Copyright (c) 1986-2012 by Cisco Systems, Inc.

    Updated Thursday, November 7, 12 and 23:11 by prod_rel_team

    ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.4 YB3 (22r), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

    EFLWH-1 uptime is 2 days, 19 hours, 24 minutes

    System to regain the power ROM

    System image file is "flash: c890-universalk9_npe - mz.152 - 4.M2.bin.

    Last reload type: normal charging

    Reload last reason: power

    This product contains cryptographic features and is under the United States

    States and local laws governing the import, export, transfer and

    use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply

    third party approval to import, export, distribute or use encryption.

    Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for

    compliance with U.S. laws and local countries. By using this product you

    agree to comply with the regulations and laws in force. If you are unable

    to satisfy the United States and local laws, return the product.

    A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products to:


    If you need assistance please contact us by mail at

    [email protected] / * /.

    Cisco 891 (MPC8300) processor (revision 1.0) with 498688K / 25600K bytes of memory.

    Card processor ID FGL170926DF

    9 FastEthernet interfaces

    1 gigabit Ethernet interface

    Serial 1 interface

    1 line of terminal

    256K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.

    247464K bytes of ATA CompactFlash (read/write)

    License info:

    License IDU:


    Device SN # PID


    * FGL170926DF 0 CISCO891-K9

    Information about the license for "c890.

    License level: advipservices_npe Type: Permanent

    Next reboot license level: advipservices_npe

    Configuration register is 0 x 2102

    Yes, it should work then.

    Don't stop once you have upgraded your network! Improve the world by lending money to low-income workers:

  • Random Tunnel IPSec Packet drops

    Hi experts,

    I am trying to solve a problem of fall of random package for tunneling IPSec between two VTI. For more than a month, we could not see not any question, and from today, we have 30% through a tunnel packet loss IPSec.

    After analysis, I have concluded that packet loss is located somewhere on the way to the uc520 to the 2921. Package account see the correctly on the output interface physics uc520, but the number of packets is low on the interface of penetration on the 2921.

    Pings outside of the tunnel by the way are very good.

    I also deleted the tunnels on both ends and after they have recovery, the question was always present.

    Pointers on research where packets get lost?

    RR-hq-2921 #ping g0/1 source rep 100

    Type to abort escape sequence.

    Send 100, echoes ICMP 100 bytes to, wait time is 2 seconds:

    Packet sent with a source address of




    [uc520] == HAVE == {{{cloud}}} == MODEM == [2921]


    Claire 2921 # counters g0/0

    Disable "show interface" counters on this interface [confirm]

    % CLEAR-5-COUNTERS: claire counter on interface GigabitEthernet0/0

    Execute on uc520: ping source timeout 0 rep 4000

    This is supposed to increase rapidly the number of packets at a distance of 4000 packages, as it has done on the output uc520 interface

    # 2921 sho int g0/0 | I entered the packages

    3348 packets input, 607812 bytes, 0 no buffer< missing="" ~650="">

    # 2921 sho int g0/0

    GigabitEthernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up

    Material is CN Gigabit Ethernet, the address is XXXXXXXX

    Description: Outdoors - WAN port

    The Internet address is XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/YY

    MTU 1500 bytes, BW 35000 Kbit/s, 10 DLY usec,

    reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255

    Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set

    KeepAlive set (10 sec)

    Full-Duplex, 1 Gbps, media type is RJ45

    control output stream is XON, control of input stream is XON

    Type of the ARP: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00

    Last entry of 00:00:00, 00:00:00 exit, exit hang never

    Final cleaning of the counters 'show interface' 00:00:42

    Input queue: 0/75/0/0 (size/max/drops/dumps); Total output drops: 0

    Strategy of queues: fifo

    Output queue: 0/40 (size/max)

    30 second entry rate 75000 bps, 51 packets/s

    exit rate of 30 seconds 77000 bps, 52 packets/s

    3456 packets input, 619794 bytes, 0 no buffer

    Received 0 emissions (0 of IP multicasts)

    0 Runts, 0 giants, 0 shifters

    entry 0, 0 CRC errors, frame 0, saturation 0, 0 ignored

    Watchdog 0, multicast 0, break 0 comments

    3454 packets output, 632194 bytes, 0 underruns

    0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 resets interface

    unknown protocol 0 drops

    0 babbles, collision end 0, 0 deferred

    carrier, 0 no carrier, lost 0 0 interrupt output

    output buffer, the output buffers 0 permuted 0 failures

    Good infor

    Now, did you ask your ISP if they made the last changes made?

    I think that your suspcious is correct and if the number of packets do not match, then probably something in the environment has changed, since it worked before with the same configuration and IOS versions.


  • Problem with VPN. Router is not encrypted but decrypts

    Hello, I have a problem in my IPSec tunnel. One of the routers (Cisco 861) is not encrypt the packets but decrypts those incoming from the remote peer (RV042). In the access list for the wan interface I deny traffic between subnets and vpn access list, I authorize the traffic. Could someone give me a help or advice. Thank you.


    The problem is with the list of access-102.  This is your NAT access list.  You see that you allow the at all until you deny, so all traffic is reflected on your public IP address before you try to go through the VPN.  You always want to DENY traffic before making any permit in an access list because they treat up and down on the first game.

    Try the following commands:

    no nat ip inside the source list 102 interface FastEthernet4 overload

    no access list 102

    access-list 102 deny ip

    access-list 102 permit ip any

    overload of IP nat inside source list 102 interface FastEthernet4

  • DMVPN questions - IPsec packets

    Hi all

    Currently, I am configuring DMVPN for the first time. I followed the guide to configuring cisco and Googling a bit other strands however seems to have hit a brick wall.

    The Setup is in a lab environment, so I can post as much information as required, but here's the important bits:

    I have 3 routers Cisco 2821 running IOS 12.4 (15) with a layer 3 switch in the Middle connecting ports 'wan' together. the routing works fine, I can ping to each of the other router router.

    Excerpts from the hub router config:

    crypto ipsec transform-set DMVPN_SET esp-3des esp-md5-hmac


    crypto ipsec profile DMVPN_PRJ

    set transform-set DMVPN_SET


    interface Tunnel0

    bandwidth 10000

    ip address

    no ip redirects

    ip mtu 1500

    ip nhrp authentication secretid

    ip nhrp map multicast dynamic

    ip nhrp network-id 101

    ip nhrp holdtime 450

    ip tcp adjust-mss 1460

    tunnel source GigabitEthernet0/0

    tunnel mode gre multipoint

    tunnel key 10101

    tunnel protection ipsec profile DMVPN_PRJ


    interface GigabitEthernet0/0

    description HQ WAN

    ip address

    ip nat outside

    ip virtual-reassembly

    duplex auto

    speed auto


    and here's the config on the first router spoke:

    crypto ipsec transform-set DMVPN_SET esp-3des esp-md5-hmac


    crypto ipsec profile DMVPN_PRJ

    set transform-set DMVPN_SET


    interface Tunnel0

    bandwidth 3000

    ip address

    no ip redirects

    ip mtu 1500

    ip nhrp authentication secretid

    ip nhrp map

    ip nhrp map multicast

    ip nhrp network-id 101

    ip nhrp holdtime 450

    ip nhrp nhs

    ip tcp adjust-mss 1460

    tunnel source GigabitEthernet0/0

    tunnel mode gre multipoint

    tunnel key 10101

    tunnel protection ipsec profile DMVPN_PRJ


    interface GigabitEthernet0/0

    description Site 1 WAN

    ip address

    ip nat outside

    ip virtual-reassembly

    duplex auto

    speed auto


    If I closed/no farm tunnel0 on RADIUS 1 interface, I get the following error on the hub router:

    Mar 30 13:41:17.075: %CRYPTO-4-RECVD_PKT_NOT_IPSEC: Rec'd packet not an IPSEC packet.

    (ip) vrf/dest_addr= /, src_addr=, prot= 47

    so I feel im lack some config on the side talking to encrypt the traffic, but I'm not sure what.

    Here's the output router spoke:

    RTR_SITE1#sh dmvpn detail

    Legend: Attrb --> S - Static, D - Dynamic, I - Incompletea

    N - NATed, L - Local, X - No Socket

    # Ent --> Number of NHRP entries with same NBMA peer

    -------------- Interface Tunnel0 info: --------------

    Intf. is up, Line Protocol is up, Addr. is

    Source addr:, Dest addr: MGRE

    Protocol/Transport: "multi-GRE/IP", Protect "DMVPN_PRJ",

    Tunnel VRF "", ip vrf forwarding ""

    NHRP Details: NHS:  E

    Type:Spoke, NBMA Peers:1

    # Ent  Peer NBMA Addr Peer Tunnel Add State  UpDn Tm Attrb    Target Network

    ----- --------------- --------------- ----- -------- ----- -----------------

    1   IKE    never S

    Interface: Tunnel0

    Session: [0x48E31B98]

    Crypto Session Status: DOWN

    fvrf: (none),   IPSEC FLOW: permit 47 host host

    Active SAs: 0, origin: crypto map

    Outbound SPI : 0x       0, transform :

    Socket State: Closed

    Pending DMVPN Sessions:

    RTR_SITE1#sh ip nhrp detail via, Tunnel0 created 00:33:44, never expire

    Type: static, Flags: used

    NBMA address:

    RTR_SITE1#sh crypto ipsec sa

    interface: Tunnel0

    Crypto map tag: Tunnel0-head-0, local addr

    protected vrf: (none)

    local  ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (

    remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (

    current_peer port 500

    PERMIT, flags={origin_is_acl,}

    #pkts encaps: 0, #pkts encrypt: 0, #pkts digest: 0

    #pkts decaps: 0, #pkts decrypt: 0, #pkts verify: 0

    #pkts compressed: 0, #pkts decompressed: 0

    #pkts not compressed: 0, #pkts compr. failed: 0

    #pkts not decompressed: 0, #pkts decompress failed: 0

    #send errors 46, #recv errors 0

    local crypto endpt.:, remote crypto endpt.:

    path mtu 1500, ip mtu 1500, ip mtu idb GigabitEthernet0/0

    current outbound spi: 0x0(0)

    inbound esp sas:

    inbound ah sas:

    inbound pcp sas:

    outbound esp sas:

    outbound ah sas:

    outbound pcp sas:

    All these commands appear as empty when I throw them on the hub router.

    Any help appreciated.

    Thank you

    No negotiate is because you do not have an Ike key implemented. You need

    Crypto ISAKMP policy 1

    BA (whatever)

    AUTH pre-shared

    Group (whatever)

    ISAKMP crypto key 0 some secret address

    Hun and talks must match.

    Your IPSec transform-set should also have "transport mode".

    Sent by Cisco Support technique iPad App

  • Some features of Windows are not available.

    I have an IdeaPad p580 and I noticed that a few basic functionality of windows are not available. I use Windows 7 Home premium SP1 and everything else is usually straight out of the box. I guess these are the basic features of windows because I learn about them in an intro to the class of Windows operating system.

    When I try to use secpol.msc in the start menu, windows cannot find it, and also when I try to encrypt a file or a file this option is grayed out. I think Veriface is the encrypt function creep, or another software that is preinstalled is to play with things.

    No idea as to what could be the cause? Is my book misleading me, I may get to such a different way?

    Hi Kholt,

    Some features are not available in Windows 7 Home premium...





  • The files are currently encryption automatically.

    A lot of word documents and my son is creating programs c ++ are automatically encrypted.  When the document is opened, it is said user has access privileges.  When I try to uncheck the encryption properties, I get an access denied message.  I'm doing this as an administrator.

    Where Devil am I going to stop this?

    Where can I fix the access denied message?

    How to change permanently the user permissions for all users to have all permissions for the created documents?

    These files are under encryption by the Encrypting File System (EFS).  This seems to indicate that you have a XP Pro and not XP Home.  When it comes to the EFS, administrators don't have little or no power to decrypt these files.  Even if you are an administrator, you will not be able to access these files.

    With impatience...  You can access the encrypted files is to create a "EFS Recovery Agent.  You can then use the recovery agent to access any encrypted file after the agent has been installed.  You will find that only the encrypted files after the recovery agent is in place can be consulted.  Files created before then will not be available.

    "How to add an EFS recovery agent in Windows XP Professional"
      <>http://support.Microsoft.com/kb/887414 >
    "How to remove encryption from a file or a folder in Windows XP"
      <>http://support.Microsoft.com/kb/308993 >
    ... and of course, the reading for all agent the world using EFS:
    "Best Practices for encrypting file system"
      <>http://support.Microsoft.com/kb/223316 >

    You can also disable EFS.  You can do this with group policy in a domain environment, but at home, a registry value can be changed.  Use with caution.  If you do not understand what follows or how to change the registry, not to do so.

    < quote="">
    «Note: Group Policy sets a registry key which is verified by the EFS during user operations.» The key is:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\EFS\EfsConfiguration
    In the case of local computers that are not members of a domain, local politics is not available for the deactivation of EFS.
    However, a different registry key can be set to disable EFS. If the key is set to a DWORD value of 0x01, EFS will be disabled.
    Registry key:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\EFS\EfsConfiguration"
    < uote="">

    Found in:
    "Encryption in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 file system"
      <>http://TechNet.Microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb457065.aspx >

    If it's any consolation, EFS is known as the 'Recycle Bin delay' because if a user does not save the certificate (as it is most are not), all crashing Windows requiring a re-installation of Windows will permanently remove access to these files to everyone.

    I hope this helps.

  • SX80 with TC7.3.4 not allowing not encryption is enabled

    I have a client with a SX80 that has been sitting in a box for a while, just to install now.  It has a TC7.3.4 software.  You cannot activate the encryption mode for calls on this device - best Effort and the modes are not available, only turned off.  It seems to me that the wrong software load must be on this camera (not crypto), but I wonder if there are other things that could cause this.  I thought that non-crypto charges disappeared and it wasn't possible, but I might be overlooking something else that could cause this problem.  It has a default Cisco cert installed on it and preinstalled case.

    The SX80 must have an installed encryption Option to encrypt calls. It will be in the format C 1 000-1-XXXXXXXX

    Check on the Cisco Licensing Portal to see that if you get for your device that everything has not been installed, otherwise you will get a.

    Remember the frequency responses and mark your question as answered as appropriate.

  • FWSM syslogs are not displayed in the event 4.1 CSM Viewer

    I have MSC 4.1 the observer of events and it should now support FWSM syslogs. The FWSM context now appears as device monitored the event viewer and I can see that the system receives the syslogs (the capture of packets on the server).

    But they are not displayed? Why?


    Which version is the FWSM performer?

    You can use the event viewer with FWSM running software versions 3.1.17+, 3.2.17+, 4.0.10 + and + 4.1.1 only.

    P.S.: Please mark this thread as answered if you feel that your query is resolved. Note the useful messages.

  • Update Tandberg E20 TE2.1.0 TE4.1.0. Encrypt or not encrypt?


    I am CCNP, but a beginner VOIP, just took a new job.  That is why the first VOIP LAN.

    I upgraded my LAN using switches of WS-C3560X.  I'm upgrading 60 Tandberg E20 video phones from TE2.1.0 to TE4.1.0 because of the E20 not finding the vlan voice.

    I use Avaya S8800 Server CM 5.2.1 with Avaya phones model 9640D01A-1009 and model Tandberg E20 video phones.

    I am trying to decide which software to use; with encryption or no encryption.

    Software Cisco E20

    S52100te4_1_1.pkg AES encryption

    No encryption s52101tenc4_1_1.pkg

    Q1.  What's being encryption?  Voice traffic is the obvious answer to this, no?

    Q2.  This device is at the other end of the encryption?  CM or telephone

    Q3.  Since the appeal will go outside my Avaya CM (ie. call to the outside world), encryption important?

    Thank you for your time and effort.



    S52100te4_1_1.pkg AES encryption for the countries where the AES encryption are allowed.

    No s52101tenc4_1_1.pkg encryption is the countries where VOIP encryption is not allowed by law.

    You have only one key to unlock for one of them, so there is really no other choice.

    You can choose to disable encryption on the TE4 version (so it will have the same function as the TENC4), but you are not able to activate encryption on the TENC4.

    TE4 encryption is disabled by default, in any case, if the different software versions are here just for the legal question.

    Q1: Call for installation and the RTP stream can be configured to be encrypted on TE4.

    Q2: Endpoint or device interop

    Q3: It depends if your Avaya CM supports encryption or not.

    Thank you


  • inter esxi host ipv6 multicast traffic are not detected by the destination VM


    Warning, I do not have in-depth knowledge of vmware, so please excuse the bad wording, misconception and ignorance in the post below.

    The current topology is:

    esxi network.png

    Each esxi 4.1 update 3 (DL380 G8) host is to connect both layer 2 switch.

    on each host, the vswitch has two network cards configured as active/active, with the default NIC cluster approach (route based on the original virtual port code).

    Everything else is default.

    The switches are connected by a link to trunk (not bunk)

    I have two Windows Server 2008 R2 VM in the same subnet and you have enabled ipv6 on them (by default)

    When two virtual machines are on the same physical host, ping-6 destination_ipv6_address works (I just use the link local address)

    When two virtual machines are on different hosts, ping fails with the "destination unreachable" message, which usually means the neighbor discovery process fails (similar to arp in ipv4 where source VM cannot get mac address of the destination virtual machine)

    When two virtual machines are on the same physical host, the the packet capture shows that Neighbor Solicitation message is sent via an ipv6 multicast address

    When they are not on the same physical hosts, packet capture on the VM shows that the destination virtual machine will ever get the destination ipv6 multicast packets.

    I then connect two DL380 G8 in a similar way to the switches and install windows Server2008 R2 directly without virtualization on them and ping-6 works perfectly.

    My questions are:

    -I missed somewhere, a configuration to allow ipv6 multicast to work? Or even to remove any 'logic' and treat it simply as a show?

    On network switches, you can do this by disabling IGMP who will then deal with multicast as broadcast packets.

    Although I can't find a similar setting under esxi anywhere.

    -J' saw an option "Enable ipv6" on esxi, but I guess it's only useful if the host itself to participate in ipv6 and therefore not applicable to my case?

    The only similar question I found the research is on the link below, which suggest to hardcode the next table on virtual machines, which is not ideal.

    I can confirm however, hard coding the table nearby on two virtual machines to work. This problem seems to be on how esxi vswitches manage ipv6 multicast traffic

    ESX4 and multicast

    Ideas, points of view are very appreciated


    I don't know if this will really solve your problem, but it is worth trying to update the firmware of the NETWORK adapter and the driver.

    Looks like it's a HP NC 331FLR NIC (gen8 DL by default NETWORK 4 ports with the BCM5719 chip card).

    There is no binary updates that you can run from the 4.1, but you can update all the components of the firmware with the current Service Pack HP for Proliant image:

    HP Service Pack for ProLiant

    Or start the server in a live Linux of your choice and use the Linux binary update:


    These will update the NIC 331FLR to the Boot Code version 1.37/NCSI 1.2.37.

    Then update the tg3 driver in ESXi with this set to 3.129d.v40.1 offline:


    You need the file bundle offline (BCM - tg3 - 3.129d.v40.1 - offline_bundle - 1033618.zip) in this package. You can import in the vCenter update manager for easier deployment or install it (probably) ESXi shell with esxupdate--bundle=/tmp/BCM-tg3-3.129d.v40.1-offline_bundle-1033618.zip

    I'm a little rusty in the Department of ESXi 4.1 CLI however, you may need to use the vihostupdate utility or with PowerCLI Install-VMHostPatch remote:


  • Newspapers are not sent to the database of Dr. help, please


    I have create a databas physics ensures the local site. the works of dataguard.

    But the database pending cannot receive the journal when the standby database installs remotely and change IP, / etc/hosts, listener.ora and tnsnames.ora.

    It seems that work waiting for network problem coz log shipping database to the local site.

    Help, please.

    message below

    AIX 5300-12-04-1119 + Oracle

    # Journal of primary database alerts. #########


    LGWR: Definition of 'active' from archive to destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2


    Wed Sep 09 18:40:13 2013

    WARN: Cra1: termination pid 2916466 hooked to an IO operation

    WARN: Cra1: termination pid 3350692 hooked to an IO operation

    krsv_proc_kill: kill 1 process (process by index)

    Wed Sep 09 18:40:24 2013

    krsv_proc_kill: kill 1 process (process by index)

    Arc1: Error 16198 done hung operation of e/s to LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2

    Arc1: Default detected process ARCH

    Arc1: Default detected process ARCH


    Wed Sep 09 18:40:27 2013

    ARC2 started with pid = 20, OS id = 2916468

    ARC2: Started archiving

    WARN: ARC2: termination pid 585944 hooked to an IO operation

    Wed Sep 09 18:40:27 2013

    ARC3 started with pid = 22, OS id = 3383458

    ARC3: Started archiving


    Reclaiming entered dead process FAL [pid 2916466]

    krsv_proc_kill: kill 1 process (process by index)

    WARN: ARC3: termination pid 585944 hooked to an IO operation

    krsv_proc_kill: kill 1 process (process by index)

    ARC2: Default detected process ARCH


    Wed Sep 09 18:40:34 2013

    Arc0 started with pid = 19, OS id = 3854466

    ARC3: Become the heartbeat ARCH

    Arc0: Started archiving


    Reclaiming entered dead process FAL [pid 3350692]

    Reclaiming entered dead process FAL [pid 585944]

    Wed Sep 09 18:45:28 2013

    WARN: Cra1: termination pid 3854466 hooked to an IO operation

    WARN: Cra1: termination pid 2916468 hooked to an IO operation

    WARN: Cra1: termination pid 3383458 hooked to an IO operation

    Wed Sep 09 18:45:42 2013

    WARN: Cra1: termination pid 3858682 hooked to an IO operation

    krsv_proc_kill: kill 1 process (process by index)

    krsv_proc_kill: kill 1 process (process by index)

    krsv_proc_kill: kill 1 process (process by index)

    Wed Sep 09 18:45:53 2013

    krsv_proc_kill: kill 1 process (process by index)

    Arc1: Default detected process ARCH

    Arc1: Default detected process ARCH

    Arc1: Default detected process ARCH


    Wed Sep 09 18:45:55 am 2013

    Arc0 started with pid = 19, OS id = 3858686

    Wed Sep 09 18:45:55 am 2013

    ARC2 started with pid = 20, OS id = 3383460

    Arc0: Started archiving

    Wed Sep 09 18:45:55 am 2013

    ARC3 started with pid = 22, OS id = 585962

    ARC2: Started archiving

    ARC2: Become the heartbeat ARCH

    Reclaiming entered dead process FAL [pid 3383458]

    ARC3: Started archiving


    Reclaiming entered dead process FAL [pid 2916468]

    Wed Sep 09 18:46:57 2013

    Reclaiming entered dead process FAL [pid 3854466]

    Wed Sep 09 18:46:59 2013

    NSA2 started with pid = 47, OS id = 2838532

    Wed Sep 09 18:47:02 2013

    Thread 1 Advanced for you connect to sequence 4883 (switch LGWR)

    Currently Journal # 2 seq # 4883 mem # 0: /u2/oracle/oradata/plmdb/redo02.log

    Wed Sep 09 18:47:02 2013

    Archived journal 4860 extra for each sequence 1 4882 0x5c432f01 dest ID thread entry 1:

    # Log alerts standby database. #########

    krsv_proc_kill: kill 1 process (RFS slowed by thread/sequence)

    RFS [66]: assigned to the RFS 700480 process

    RFS [66]: open the newspaper for thread 1 sequence 4872 dbid 1547947009 branch of the 757523841

    Wed Sep 09 18:46:59 2013

    Primary database is in MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE mode

    RFS [67]: assigned to the RFS 463046 process

    RFS [67]: no waiting redo logfiles available for thread 1

    RFS [67]: open the newspaper for thread 1 4883 dbid 1547947009 branch of the 757523841 sequence

    Wed Sep 09 18:51:03 2013

    RFS [64]: network Possible disconnect with primary database

    Wed Sep 09 18:51:15 2013

    krsv_proc_kill: kill 1 process (RFS slowed by thread/sequence)

    Wed Sep 09 18:51:16 2013

    krsv_proc_kill: kill 1 process (RFS slowed by thread/sequence)

    Wed Sep 09 18:51:16 2013

    RFS [68]: assigned to the RFS 626724 process

    RFS [68]: open the newspaper for thread 1 sequence 4867 dbid 1547947009 branch of the 757523841

    RFS [69]: assigned to the RFS 684156 process

    RFS [69]: open the newspaper for thread 1 sequence 4866 dbid 1547947009 branch of the 757523841

    RFS [70]: assigned to the RFS 483332 process

    RFS [70]: open the newspaper for thread 1 sequence 4872 dbid 1547947009 branch of the 757523841

    # Primary database: journal of archives report #.


    ------------------------ ------------- ----------- ---------- --- ----------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------

    Setpoint error of Transport Services 41532 16198 YES 9 October 2013 17:41:22 WARN: cra1: termination pid 3600618 hooked to an IO operation

    Setpoint error of Transport Services 41533 16198 YES 9 October 2013 17:41:27 WARNING: cra1: termination pid 4071430 hooked to an IO operation

    Setpoint error of Transport 41536 16198 YES 9 October 2013 17:41:36 ARC1: 16198 error due to guillotine operation of e/s to LOG_ARCHIVE_D


    Setpoint error of Transport Services 41540 16198 YES 9 October 2013 17:41:36 WARN: ARC2: termination pid 3960900 hooked to an IO operation

    Log Transport Services 41543 16198 YES error 9 October 2013 17:41:41 WARN: ARC3: termination pid 3960900 hooked to an IO operation

    Setpoint error of Transport Services 41548 16198 YES 9 October 2013 17:46:37 WARN: cra1: termination pid 3797106 hooked to an IO operation

    Setpoint error of Transport Services 41549 16198 YES 9 October 2013 17:46:42 WARN: cra1: termination pid 3600622 hooked to an IO operation

    Setpoint error of Transport Services 41550 16198 YES 9 October 2013 17:46:46 WARN: cra1: termination pid 4071432 hooked to an IO operation

    Setpoint error of Transport Services 41551 16198 YES 9 October 2013 17:46:51 WARN: cra1: termination pid 4001810 hung on an IO operation

    Newspapers are not shipped to the physical database ensures [1130523.1 ID]

    ) Please work with your network administrator to make sure that the following firewall features are disabled.

    • SQLNet fixup protocol
    • Deep Packet Inspection (DPI)
    • SQLNet packet inspection
    • Fixed SQL
    • SQL ALG (Juniper firewall)

    Disable SQL ALG.

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