Java.lang.Illegal argument exception

Dear Sir

I have the below who worked after I made a few changes, I started getting this error:

"java.lang.illegal argument exception".

any help is highly appreciated

Zeo package;

import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.TimeZone;
Import net.rim.device.api.i18n.SimpleDateFormat;
Import net.rim.device.api.ui.Field;
Import net.rim.device.api.ui.FieldChangeListener;
Import net.rim.device.api.ui.Font;
Import net.rim.device.api.ui.Ui;
Import net.rim.device.api.ui.UiApplication;
Import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.ButtonField;
Import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.Dialog;
Import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.LabelField;
Import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.SeparatorField;
Import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.HorizontalFieldManager;
Import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.MainScreen;
Import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.VerticalFieldManager;

Home page of class extends screen
HorizontalFieldManager _fieldManagerBottom1, _fieldManagerBottom2, _fieldManagerBottom3, _fieldManagerBottom4, _fieldManagerBottom5, _fieldManagerBottom6, _fieldManagerBottom7;
ButtonField btnSo, btnPendingSo, btnOpenTT, btnPendingTT, btnTop50So, btnTop50TT;
LabelField lblSo, lblPendingSo, lblOpenTT, lblPendingTT, lblTop50So, lblTop50TT;
Do police = Font.getDefault ().derive(Font.PLAIN,5,Ui.UNITS_pt);
S ServerConnection = new ServerConnection();
String data = s.displayData ("");
splitString spt = new splitString();
DisplayData String().
Thread postnameThread = new Thread (new ServerConnection());
postnameThread.start ();
LabelField title = new LabelField ("Zajil BlackBerry Edition", LabelField.ELLIPSIS: ") LabelField.USE_ALL_WIDTH);
setTitle (title);
HorizontalFieldManager _fieldManagerTop;
VerticalFieldManager _fieldManagerMiddle;
_fieldManagerTop = new HorizontalFieldManager();
_fieldManagerMiddle = new VerticalFieldManager();
_fieldManagerBottom1 = new HorizontalFieldManager();
_fieldManagerBottom2 = new HorizontalFieldManager();
_fieldManagerBottom3 = new HorizontalFieldManager();
_fieldManagerBottom4 = new HorizontalFieldManager();
_fieldManagerBottom5 = new HorizontalFieldManager();
_fieldManagerBottom6 = new HorizontalFieldManager();
_fieldManagerBottom7 = new HorizontalFieldManager();
during the initialization of the labels
lblSo = new LabelField (new LabelField ("So New"));
lblPendingSo = new LabelField (new LabelField ("waiting So"));
lblOpenTT = new LabelField (new LabelField ("open disturbance"));
lblPendingTT = new LabelField (new LabelField ("pending Tickets"));
lblTop50So = new LabelField (new LabelField ("TOP 50 SO Cust"));
lblTop50TT = new LabelField (new LabelField ("TOP 50 Cust TT"));
During the initialization of the buttons
btnSo = new ButtonField("");
btnSo.setFont (do);
btnPendingSo = new ButtonField("");
btnPendingSo.setFont (do);
btnOpenTT = new ButtonField("");
btnOpenTT.setFont (do);
btnPendingTT = new ButtonField("");
btnPendingTT.setFont (do);
btnTop50So = new ButtonField("");
btnTop50So.setFont (do);
btnTop50TT = new ButtonField("");
btnTop50TT.setFont (do);
displayData = spt.split (data, ';');
for (int i = 0; i)<>
//  {
//  }
Officials in the field initialization
Managers in the field to add to the Panel
Add (_fieldManagerBottom1);
Add (new SeparatorField());
Add (_fieldManagerBottom2);
Add (new SeparatorField());
Add (_fieldManagerBottom3);
Add (new SeparatorField());
Add (_fieldManagerBottom4);
Add (new SeparatorField());
Add (_fieldManagerBottom5);
Add (new SeparatorField());
Add (_fieldManagerBottom6);
Add (new SeparatorField());
Add (_fieldManagerBottom7);
Code to get the date current system / / start
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance (TimeZone.getTimeZone ("GMT"));
c.setTime (new Date (System.currentTimeMillis ())); now
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
String eventDateString;

Calendar calendar is Calendar.getInstance (TimeZone.getTimeZone ("GMT"));. GMT will be always supported by getTimeZone
eventDateString = sdf.format (calendar.getTime ());
System.out.println (eventDateString);

Calendar calendarLocal = Calendar.GetInstance ();
eventDateString = sdf.format (calendarLocal.getTime ());
System.out.println (eventDateString);
Dim strDate = eventDateString.toString ();
end of the code to get the date current system: convert to string
_fieldManagerTop.Add (new LabelField ("* ZEO BlackBerry Main Menu *"));
_fieldManagerMiddle.Add (new LabelField ("summary for today:" + strDate));
Adding field etc.
addition of high so of
_fieldManagerBottom1.Add (new LabelField (lblTop50So));
_fieldManagerBottom1.Add (new LabelField(""));
_fieldManagerBottom1.Add (btnTop50So);
addition of the top 50 TT
_fieldManagerBottom2.Add (new LabelField (lblTop50TT));
_fieldManagerBottom2.Add (new LabelField(""));
_fieldManagerBottom2.Add (btnTop50TT);
Add this field
_fieldManagerBottom3.Add (new LabelField (lblSo));
_fieldManagerBottom3.Add (new LabelField(""));
_fieldManagerBottom3.Add (btnSo);
Add on hold pending field etc.
_fieldManagerBottom4.Add (new LabelField (lblPendingSo));
_fieldManagerBottom4.Add (new LabelField(""));
_fieldManagerBottom4.Add (btnPendingSo);
Adding open disturbance
_fieldManagerBottom5.Add (new LabelField (lblOpenTT));
_fieldManagerBottom5.Add (new LabelField(""));
_fieldManagerBottom5.Add (btnOpenTT);
Added forward to TT
_fieldManagerBottom6.Add (new LabelField (lblPendingTT));
_fieldManagerBottom6.Add (new LabelField(""));
_fieldManagerBottom6.Add (btnPendingTT);
Adding tabs for visitors and assignments
LabelField customersTab, AssignTab, spacer1, spacer2;
customersTab = new LabelField ("Customers", LabelField.FOCUSABLE |) LabelField.HIGHLIGHT_SELECT);
AssignTab = new LabelField ("Assignments", LabelField.FOCUSABLE |) LabelField.HIGHLIGHT_SELECT);
spacer1 = new LabelField ("|", LabelField.NON_FOCUSABLE);
spacer2 = new LabelField ("|", LabelField.NON_FOCUSABLE);
_fieldManagerBottom7.Add (customersTab);
_fieldManagerBottom7.Add (spacer1);
_fieldManagerBottom7.Add (AssignTab);
_fieldManagerBottom7.Add (spacer2);
Buttons by listening to events
btnSo.setChangeListener (listenerSo);
btnPendingSo.setChangeListener (listenerPendingSo);
btnOpenTT.setChangeListener (listenerOpenTT);
btnPendingTT.setChangeListener (listenerPendingTT);

Listener for requests for new Service order
FieldChangeListener listenerSo = new FieldChangeListener()
' Public Sub fieldChanged (field field, int context)
UiApplication.getUiApplication () .pushScreen (new ServiceOrders());
catch (Exception ex)
Dialog.Alert (ex. ToString());
Earphone for in-service control applications
FieldChangeListener listenerPendingSo = new FieldChangeListener()
' Public Sub fieldChanged (field field, int context)
UiApplication.getUiApplication () .pushScreen (new PendingSo());
catch (Exception ex)
Dialog.Alert (ex. ToString());
Earphone for open trouble
FieldChangeListener listenerOpenTT = new FieldChangeListener()
' Public Sub fieldChanged (field field, int context)
UiApplication.getUiApplication () .pushScreen (new OpenTT());
catch (Exception ex)
Dialog.Alert (ex. ToString());
Earphone for pending tickets
FieldChangeListener listenerPendingTT = new FieldChangeListener()
' Public Sub fieldChanged (field field, int context)
UiApplication.getUiApplication () .pushScreen (new PendingTT());
catch (Exception ex)
Dialog.Alert (ex. ToString());
EXIT button that's will close the application...
FieldChangeListener listenerExit = new FieldChangeListener()
// {
' Public Sub fieldChanged (field field, int context)
//  {
Dialog.Alert ("thank you for using ZEO BlackBerry");
System.Exit (0);
//  }

//  };



I solved it sorry for the post... It was just a stupid mistake... rgds Nadir

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    The answer late, sorry it was a bug in the product, was fixed after you apply the hotfix.

    Cheers, nasser

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    I am the developer of a BlackBerry app that works very well for over a year.  All of a sudden, I'm going to run the Simulator, and I get an exception error Uncaght JVM (not on the launch, but medium-term), specifically, the JVM 104 illegal Argument Exception.  I did not any changes to the code in > 3 months, my last run of the application on the Simulator was a week ago.

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    All the world has already seen this problem?

    Help, please


    Oudu a few hours and several breakpoints, I found the problem. Apparently, update a GaugeField using .setValue (int) can throw an Exception of the illegal Argument? But only once a year. I don't know why it was a problem now, the code has been stagnant...?


    try {}

    Update GaugeField


    catch (IllegalArgumentException foo)




  • Illegal Argument exception in Swing

    I wrote a Swing program. When I start it there is an Argument exception non-compliant with the message "comparison method violates the general contract.

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    The program seems to run OK, but it's more than a little disconcerting. Everyone here you have any ideas what's wrong inside Swing?

    Thanks in advance,


    Output of stack is:

    Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: comparison method violates the general contract!
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    at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(
    at $200 ( java.awt.EventQueue.access
    in java.awt.EventQueue$
    in java.awt.EventQueue$
    at (Native Method)
    in$ 1.doIntersectionPrivilege(
    in$ 1.doIntersectionPrivilege(
    in java.awt.EventQueue$
    in java.awt.EventQueue$
    at (Native Method)
    in$ 1.doIntersectionPrivilege(
    at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
    at java.awt.SequencedEvent.dispatch(
    at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(
    at $200 ( java.awt.EventQueue.access
    in java.awt.EventQueue$
    in java.awt.EventQueue$
    at (Native Method)
    in$ 1.doIntersectionPrivilege(
    in$ 1.doIntersectionPrivilege(
    in java.awt.EventQueue$
    in java.awt.EventQueue$
    at (Native Method)
    in$ 1.doIntersectionPrivilege(
    at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
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    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(

    ptoye wrote:
    Yes, but what is the syntax of the string of the property? I tried to 'true', 'TRUE', 'Boolean.true', 'Boolean.TRUE', 'optional boolean. REAL"and other combinations of upper and lower case. And the package is not in the published Javadoc is not easy to know what he wants.

    The value correct woud be 'true', such as recommended by doremifasollatido. But given that the property is accessed from a static context, it must be paid before the class of berries is responsible.

    I guess you can try to set in a static initializer in your class that has a method hand (...) and see if it takes. If not, you're left with the line of command as the only option argument.


  • BlackBerry Smartphones Eception exception java.lang.illegalstateexception on a storm

    Hello.  I have a storm 9530 and that you have installed several apps on the short time since then when I got it (~ 1 month ago).  When I restart or reset the phone, I get some error messages

    "Eception exception java.lang.illegalstateexception."

    The other is

    "illegal java script error '.

    What it means?
    What application is this?
    How to track it down to fix it?

    If it is not possible to say which application is the cause, how do I erase everything and start from scratch, so I can add 1 app at a time and see what app triggers errors?  I posted this question and but have not had someone answer which leads me to believe that they cannot be understood.

    Thanks in advance for any help you can provide me.


    I'll start the process and let you know if what I meet problems.  It will take me a few days because calls from the families, but will post when I can.

    Thank you once again.


  • Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0

    Hi all

    the test of the first example using the chap Jena adapter query 7 in the developer's guide, I got the error "Exception in thread"main"java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0".» I don't see the bugs in this example. Can someone give me pls advice? Thanks in advance. the code is as follows:

    Oracle.spatial.rdf.client.jena import. *;
    import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model;
    com.hp.hpl.jena.graph import. *;
    com.hp.hpl.jena.query import. *;
    public class Test {}
    Public Shared Sub main (String [] args) throws exceptions

    String szJdbcURL = args [0];
    String szUser = args [1];
    String szPasswd = args [2];
    String szModelName = args [3];

    Oracle Oracle = new Oracle (szJdbcURL, szUser, szPasswd);
    Model = ModelOracleSem.createOracleSemModel)
    Oracle, szModelName);
    model.getGraph () .add (Triple.create)
    Node.createURI (""),
    Node.createURI (""),
    "Node.createURI ("")));"
    Query query = QueryFactory.create)
    "Select? f? k WHERE {? f < >? k.} ») ;
    QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create (query, model);
    ResultSet results = qexec.execSelect ();
    ResultSetFormatter.out (System.out, results, query);
    Model.Close ();
    Oracle.Dispose ();

    The program requires a certain arguments. Do you provide these arguments?

    Thank you


  • Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Xms512m

    When I change the arguments of memory, I receive the following error message and the server does not start.

    Arguments of JAVA memory: Xms512m-Xmx512m - XX: MaxPermSize = 128 m
    Start mode of WLS = Production
    PATH=/home3/bea9/weblogic92/server/bin:/home3/bea9/jdk150_07/jre/bin:/home3/bea9/jdk150_07/bin:/home3/bea8/weblogic81/server/bin:/weblogic/bea/scripts:/home3/bea8/jdk142_05/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/contrib/bin:/opt/nettladm/bin:/opt/fc/bin:/opt/fcms/bin:/opt/upgrade/bin:/opt/pd/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/contrib/bin/X11:/opt/hparray/bin:/opt/langtools/bin:/opt/imake/bin:/opt/perf/bin:/opt/ignite/bin:/opt/OV/bin/ OpC:/opt/hpnp//bin:/opt/resmon/bin:/usr/sbin/diag/contrib:/opt/pred/bin:/opt/sec_mgmt/spc/bin:/opt/graphics/common/bin:/opt/OV/bin:/opt/ssh/bin:/opt/aCC/bin:/opt/sec_mgmt/bastille/bin:.:/ U01/app/Oracle/product/8.1.7/Bin
    * To start WebLogic Server, use a username and *.
    * password assigned to an administrator-level user. For *.
    * server administration, using the WebLogic Server *.
    * console http://nomh take off: port/console *.
    from weblogic with the Java version:
    version Java ' '.
    Java (TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build - _20_mar_2007_05_31)
    Java hotspot Server VM (build jinteg:03.20.07 - 04:39 PA2.0 (aCC_AP), mixed mode)
    WLS starting with line:
    /home3/BEA9/jdk150_07/bin/Java-serveur Xms512m-Xmx512m - XX : MaxPermSize = 128 m-da-Dplatform.home=/home3/bea9/weblogic92-Dwls.home=/home3/bea9/weblogic92/server-Dwli.home=/home3/bea9/weblogic92/ http://localhost : 9001 - Dwlw.iterativeDev=false-Dwlw.testConsole=false-Dwlw.logErrorsToConsole=-Dweblogic.ext.dirs=/home3/bea9/patch_weblogic922/profiles/default/ weblogic. Server
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Xms512m

    The server starts fine with domain variables without changing the arguments of memory in the managed server startup scripts.
    But when I changed the mem args in the server startup script, this is the error, and the server does not start.
    the field EPS is the version of game server and weblogic 9.2

    Here are the arguments that I changed in the startup script, the server starts with these arguments with arguments memory area. Any body please help

    USER_MEM_ARGS = "" Xms512m-Xmx512m - XX: MaxPermSize = 128 m ""
    export USER_MEM_ARGS

    I think're missing you a character '-'

    USER_MEM_ARGS = "" Xms512m-Xmx512m - XX: MaxPermSize = 128 m ""

    Add this character as follows

    "- Xms512m - Xmx512m - XX: MaxPermSize = 128 m"

  • Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException untrapped blackBerry Smartphones

    When I start my BB, it gives me this untrapped exception: java.lang.NullPointerException message

    When I try 2 delete a call log number even

    dosent show me any more calls I madeit

    Hi and welcome to the forums!

    I have seen this error several times, usually with a corrupt address book.

    When you start the phone it reads the address book when you delete a call containing log

    you get a contact from the address book as well. Use the following procedure to resolve the issue.

    Thank you


    "The software of the device or software component of application has not, or there is corrupted data of a synchronization cable.

  • Eception exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException 9800 simluator and device

    First of all, let me say that this forum has been very useful development councils, of the examples and answers to difficult questions.  Thank you.  But now I have a problem that I can not find a solution for or to understand.

    I created an application that listens to the calls and when the call is disconnected it displays a screen, allows entry and persists the results.  I developed in JDE and it worked fine on the Simulator.  When I installed on a Torch 9800, I get "Eception exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException" when it tries to display the entry screen.  I downloaded and installed the ATT for 9800 Simulator and traveled the code.  I get the same exception on the Simulator.  It seems that he fails once the code that creates the screen is executed and control is returned to the operating system.  The code to display the screen looks like

    {Synchronized (application.getEventLock ())}
    UI UiEngine is Ui.getUiEngine ();.
    ui.pushGlobalScreen (oEFDS, 10, UiEngine.GLOBAL_MODAL |) UiEngine.GLOBAL_SHOW_LOWER);

    If the questions are

    1. any ideas why it worked in version 5 and not 6? I thought developing in version 5 allow more devices run the application.

    2. is there something specific for the Torch 9800 that may be cause of tha?

    OK, I found the answer to this problem.  Guess I should have looked before asking for help.

  • Smartphones blackBerry eception exception: Java.lang.Error


    After downloading the twitter app that shows the following when I try to open it.

    Eception exception: Java.lang.Error

    Nobody knows what it means and how to fix this.

    Thank you!

    poppi2000 wrote:


    After downloading the twitter app that shows the following when I try to open it.

    Eception exception: Java.lang.Error

    Nobody knows what it means and how to fix this.

    Thank you!


    1. try to delete the first reboot of batteries that clears the application error

    2 also try uninstalling the last app you have installed before the error and restart / disconnect the battery. You can reinstall these applications later.

    3 if there are errors, you can clean your pocket computer to clear / delete applications and reinstall the application. How to delete all data and applications from the smart phone BlackBerry with the optio security wipe...

    4 the final solution is to reinstall the operating system or all OS upgrade to the latest version. How to update or reinstall BlackBerry Device Software using BlackBerry Desktop Software

  • Eception exception: java.lang.Error

    Model BB: 9360
    OS: 7,0 Bundle 1693
    (v7.0.0.319, platform
    Carrier: T-Mobile
    With the help of BIS
    Application memory: 29058608
    Current storage:
    Storage applications: 27.6 MB
    Multimedia card:
    Total: 1.8 GB
    Free: 6661,5 MB
    I get the error message "Eception exception: java.lang.Error" often, once the system reboots - as well reboot where the system indicates that a restart is required &, too, when there has been a reboot regular (using deReset). I recently installed app, of BBAW, "PocketDay" that generates the tgis same error when I try to launch it.
    The system of detailed view of the event is:
    Name: error
    GUID: 9c3cd62e3320b498
    Time: April 28, 2012 16:47:05
    No detail message
    net_rim_cldc (4E5413CE)
    net_rim_cldc-11 (4E5413CE)

    pdlistlib (498F098A)

    0 x 396
    pdlistlib (498F098A)
    pdlistlib$ pdLists

    pdlistlib (498F098A)
    pdlistlib$ pdLists

    pdlists (498D960B)

    pdlists (498D960B)
    0 x 730

    Hello and welcome on the M1A forums!

    A few places to visit: Blackberry 101     tips & tricks

    I suggest that you remove the application of PocketDay you installed recently to AW.  Restart your device and see if that does not get rid of the error message.  Go a few days and confirm that the error remains far away.  Then you can try to reinstall the application; Perhaps the installation has been corrupted. (btw I see on the site of PocketDay all BB PocketDay products have been abandoned so maybe that is the issue.) I could not find the app in AW either.)  Let us know how it goes.

    Happy to welcome you!

  • BlackBerry smartphones "Eception exception: java.lang.Classcast Exception'"

    I have a Blackberry Pearl, I have the problem with the message "Eception exception: Exception java.lang.Classcast" at the time of the twinning with my SEAT Lyon, my phone has worked for more than 12 months and made that start showing this message, can anyone give help on how to solve the problem


    Thanks for the replies, I've sorted the problem, recently I addeda group to the directory and I guess the car don't like groups when his tent to view the directory

  • BlackBerry Bold 9780 Smartphone - download failed: Null Pointer Exception: Java.lang.NullPointerException


    When I get Whats app with pictures and videos and I try to open them... I get following message / warning - download failed: Null Pointer Exception: Java.lang.NullPointerException.

    Kindly help me.

    Thank you... Rishi

    Copy the contents of your data cards... After that format your card data, and the data will be deleted immediately... resolves your problem.
    I solved my self by doing this...

  • BlackBerry Smartphones Eception exception java.lang.illegalargumentexception

    I have a BB 9000 and I get the error message will receive my password to connect to the device "Eception exception java.lang.illegalargumentexception" and does not know how to recover from the error.

    In addition my device crashes when I'm in the mailbox, tap Email reconciliation option. The problems started at the same time - someone can help me?

    Try to find a way to fully recharge the SW without luck - the Option simply not available in the Desktop Manager.

    Thank you very much

    I got the device as new last week (expansys).

    I did as you say.



    and immediately after the wipe when the device reboot I get the error msg in the subject line.

    When I restore items I get an error. "Error restoring databases"

    I tried the full restoration or Advance restore file by file. When I do file-by-file I first time the error when you restore the database. Records

    Thank you

  • Eception Exception Java.lang.IndexOutOfBounds blackBerry smartphones

    Someone knows how to fix this?  I get it trying to open text thank you Messages

    Hi and welcome to the forums!

    Let us know if you have any questions.

    Thank you


    KB25973 "Eception exception java.lang.indexOutofBoundsException" appears when you open the text Messages Application.

    Overview At the opening of the application of text message BlackBerry® smartphone displays untrapped following exception error message

    Untrapped exception java.lang.indexOutofBoundsException

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