Link to graphic images and display the same image on two different series

I create a brochure DIN A5 landscape (l x h - 210 x 148) that has two pages each Board. Now, I want to connect two graphic frames on two different series (starting page 4 continued on page 5) to display the same image. This image is then next to each other after printing.

Please take a look at the photos (situation and endresult).

Could you please help!

Thank you!


CURRENT situation




It is not clear to me that you understand that you should be setting this up as a file "facing pages" where each page is half of a spread, not the full-spread by page you started with. In order to impose the pages must be independent of each other in the file.

From the screen shot it seems that when folded your book will be A5 landscape format, so if this is the case, you will want to set up as faced with pages A5 landscape. Guests will have a single page for the first and last pages, and the rest will be displayed as two-page spreads, just like your reader will see them. Given that this seems to be a folded booklet, you should also keep in mind that the number of pages should be a multiple of 4 - two sides of two pages per sheet.

To a printer you will probably offer a PDF file, exported as a single document with individual pages in the reading order. If you want to print yourself, InDesign has a module simple integrated tax called booklet print in the file menu.

Tags: InDesign

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    Thank you.

    You can refer to this [recent thread |].

    Also, if one of the sites requires anonymous access for all the content and it's not going to change in the foreseeable future, just don't install/activate webgate on that.


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    Please see the query below. I have a problem in this query to retrieve the abs_qty when the P:item ie setting) msib.segment1 is not given as an input parameter. His warning just to the top of the total quantity for all items. With the passage of P:item ie) msib.segment1 as an input parameter, it gets the exact value for abs_qty. kindly help me to solve this problem.

    Note only: manufacturing plant, start date and end Date are Mandatory parameters (required). Others such as code point, Base model and Scheduler are optional.

    SELECT mmt.transaction_date date_produced, msib.segment1 point,
    CIC.cost_type_id, msib.description item_description,
    MC.segment6 base_model, mc.segment7 trade_brand,
    MMT.subinventory_code subinventory,
    mil. Segment1 | '.' || mil. Segment2 | '.' || mil.segment3 ELECTROLUX,
    || '-'
    || OOD.organization_name manufacturing_plant,
    MMT.transaction_quantity quantity_produced,
    MTT.transaction_type_name transaction_type, msib.inventory_item_id,.
    MSIB.organization_id, cic.material_cost, COST,
    CIC.material_overhead_cost transport, csc.standard_cost,.
    * (check (NVL ((SELECT SUM (mmt.transaction_quantity) total_NET_qty *))))
    OF mtl_material_transactions mmt.
    mtl_system_items_b msib,
    mtl_transaction_types mtt,
    org_organization_definitions ood,
    mtl_txn_source_types mts
    WHERE mmt.organization_id = msib.organization_id
    AND msib.inventory_item_id = mmt.inventory_item_id
    AND mmt.transaction_type_id = mtt.transaction_type_id
    AND mmt.organization_id = ood.organization_id
    AND mtt.transaction_type_name = "Completion of work in PROGRESS"
    AND mts.transaction_source_type_name = 'job or schedule. "
    AND msib.segment1 = NVL (: p_item, msib.segment1)
    AND ood.organization_code =: p_manufacturing_plant
    AND BETWEEN TRUNC (mmt.transaction_date): p_start_date
    AND: p_end_date), 0)
    * (NVL ((SELECT SUM (mmt.transaction_quantity) total_NET_qty *)))
    OF mtl_material_transactions mmt.
    mtl_system_items_b msib,
    mtl_transaction_types mtt,
    org_organization_definitions ood,
    mtl_txn_source_types mts
    WHERE mmt.organization_id = msib.organization_id
    AND msib.inventory_item_id = mmt.inventory_item_id
    AND mmt.transaction_type_id = mtt.transaction_type_id
    AND mmt.organization_id = ood.organization_id
    AND mtt.transaction_type_name = "Ongoing work exit"
    AND mts.transaction_source_type_name = 'job or schedule. "
    AND msib.segment1 = NVL (: p_item, msib.segment1)
    AND ood.organization_code =: p_manufacturing_plant
    AND BETWEEN TRUNC (mmt.transaction_date): p_start_date
    AND: p_end_date
    *), 0))) abs_qty of the double) AS ABS_qtyy, * (select (NVL ((SELECT SUM (mmt.transaction_quantity) total_NET_qty
    OF mtl_material_transactions mmt.
    mtl_system_items_b msib,
    mtl_transaction_types mtt,
    org_organization_definitions ood,
    mtl_txn_source_types mts
    WHERE mmt.organization_id = msib.organization_id
    AND msib.inventory_item_id = mmt.inventory_item_id
    AND mmt.transaction_type_id = mtt.transaction_type_id
    AND mmt.organization_id = ood.organization_id
    AND mtt.transaction_type_name = "Completion of work in PROGRESS"
    AND mts.transaction_source_type_name = 'job or schedule. "
    AND msib.segment1 = NVL (: p_item, msib.segment1)
    AND ood.organization_code =: p_manufacturing_plant
    AND BETWEEN TRUNC (mmt.transaction_date): p_start_date
    AND: p_end_date), 0)
    (((SELECT SUM (mmt.transaction_quantity) total_NET_qty NVL
    OF mtl_material_transactions mmt.
    mtl_system_items_b msib,
    mtl_transaction_types mtt,
    org_organization_definitions ood,
    mtl_txn_source_types mts
    WHERE mmt.organization_id = msib.organization_id
    AND msib.inventory_item_id = mmt.inventory_item_id
    AND mmt.transaction_type_id = mtt.transaction_type_id
    AND mmt.organization_id = ood.organization_id
    AND mtt.transaction_type_name = "Ongoing work exit"
    AND mts.transaction_source_type_name = 'job or schedule. "
    AND msib.segment1 = NVL (: p_item, msib.segment1)
    AND ood.organization_code =: p_manufacturing_plant
    AND BETWEEN TRUNC (mmt.transaction_date): p_start_date
    AND: p_end_date
    (), 0))) abs_qty of dual) * csc.standard_cost AS abs_val
    OF mtl_material_transactions mmt.
    mtl_system_items_b msib,
    mil mtl_item_locations
    mtl_transaction_types mtt,
    org_organization_definitions ood,
    mtl_txn_source_types mts,
    MC mtl_categories,
    mtl_item_categories mic,
    MCS mtl_category_sets,
    cst_item_costs cic,
    cst_standard_costs csc,
    cst_cost_types ct,
    mfg_lookups OLM
    WHERE mmt.organization_id = msib.organization_id
    AND msib.inventory_item_id = mmt.inventory_item_id
    AND mmt.locator_id = mil.inventory_location_id
    AND mil.organization_id = msib.organization_id
    AND mil.subinventory_code = mmt.subinventory_code
    AND mmt.transaction_type_id = mtt.transaction_type_id
    AND msib.organization_id = ood.organization_id
    AND mic.category_set_id = mcs.category_set_id
    AND mc.category_id = mic.category_id
    AND mc.structure_id = mcs.structure_id
    AND mic.inventory_item_id = msib.inventory_item_id
    AND mic.organization_id = msib.organization_id
    AND mcs.category_set_id = 52487965
    AND msib.inventory_item_id = cic.inventory_item_id
    AND msib.organization_id = cic.organization_id
    AND ct.cost_type_id = cic.cost_type_id
    AND cic.organization_id = ood.organization_id
    AND mil.inventory_location_id = mmt.locator_id
    AND mmt.transaction_source_type_id = mtt.transaction_source_type_id
    AND mmt.transaction_action_id = mtt.transaction_action_id
    AND mmt.transaction_source_type_id = mts.transaction_source_type_id
    AND mmt.transaction_action_id = mlo.lookup_code
    AND mmt.inventory_item_id = csc.inventory_item_id
    AND mmt.organization_id = csc.organization_id
    AND csc.last_update_date > =.
    (SELECT MAX (csc1.last_update_date)
    OF cst_standard_costs csc1
    WHERE csc1.inventory_item_id = mmt.inventory_item_id
    AND csc1.organization_id = mmt.organization_id)
    AND msib.segment1 = NVL (: p_item, msib.segment1)
    AND NVL (mc.segment6, 'X') = NVL (: p_base_model, NVL (mc.segment6, 'X'))
    AND = NVL (msib.planner_code, 'Y')
    NVL (: p_planner_code, NVL (msib.planner_code, 'Y'))
    AND SUPERIOR (mlo.meaning) = "COMPLETION of the ASSEMBLY.
    AND mtt.transaction_type_name = "Completion of work in PROGRESS"
    AND ct.cost_type = 'Frozen '.
    AND mts.transaction_source_type_name = 'job or schedule. "
    AND ood.organization_code =: p_manufacturing_plant
    AND BETWEEN TRUNC (mmt.transaction_date): p_start_date AND: p_end_date

    If abs_qty and, accordingly, abs_val must not be the same for all rows returned, you will need to rewrite your query so that the abs_qty will not be calculated (separately) in isolation without interaction with the data in the main table list.
    Your query is treated the same as below (note the changed table alias by adding numbers to the original of yours)

    SELECT mmt.transaction_date date_produced,
           msib.segment1 item,
           msib.description item_description,
           mc.segment6 base_model,
           mc.segment7 trade_brand,
           mmt.subinventory_code subinventory,
           mil.segment1 || '.' || mil.segment2 || '.' || mil.segment3 LOCATOR,
           ood.organization_code || '-' || ood.organization_name manufacturing_plant,
           mmt.transaction_quantity quantity_produced,
           mtt.transaction_type_name transaction_type,
           cic.material_cost COST,
           cic.material_overhead_cost freight,
           (select (NVL(
                        (SELECT SUM (mmt1.transaction_quantity) total_NET_qty
                           FROM mtl_material_transactions mmt1,
                                mtl_system_items_b msib1,
                                mtl_transaction_types mtt1,
                                org_organization_definitions ood1,
                                mtl_txn_source_types mts1
                          WHERE mmt1.organization_id = msib1.organization_id
                            AND msib1.inventory_item_id = mmt1.inventory_item_id
                            AND mmt1.transaction_type_id = mtt1.transaction_type_id
                            AND mmt1.organization_id = ood1.organization_id
                            AND mtt1.transaction_type_name = 'WIP Completion'
                            AND mts1.transaction_source_type_name = 'Job or Schedule'
                            AND msib1.segment1 = NVL (:p_item, msib1.segment1)
                            AND ood1.organization_code = :p_manufacturing_plant
                            AND TRUNC (mmt1.transaction_date) BETWEEN :p_start_date AND :p_end_date
                       ) - NVL(
                               (SELECT SUM (mmt2.transaction_quantity) total_NET_qty
                                  FROM mtl_material_transactions mmt2,
                                       mtl_system_items_b msib2,
                                       mtl_transaction_types mtt2,
                                       org_organization_definitions ood2,
                                       mtl_txn_source_types mts2
                                 WHERE mmt2.organization_id = msib2.organization_id
                                   AND msib2.inventory_item_id = mmt2.inventory_item_id
                                   AND mmt2.transaction_type_id = mtt2.transaction_type_id
                                   AND mmt2.organization_id = ood.2organization_id
                                   AND mtt2.transaction_type_name = 'WIP Issue'
                                   AND mts2.transaction_source_type_name = 'Job or Schedule'
                                   AND msib2.segment1 = NVL (:p_item, msib2.segment1)
                                   AND ood2.organization_code = :p_manufacturing_plant
                                   AND TRUNC (mmt.2transaction_date) BETWEEN :p_start_date AND :p_end_date
                   ) abs_qty
              from dual
           ) AS ABS_qtyy,
           (select (NVL(
                        (SELECT SUM (mmt3.transaction_quantity) total_NET_qty
                           FROM mtl_material_transactions mmt3,
                                mtl_system_items_b msib3,
                                mtl_transaction_types mtt3,
                                org_organization_definitions ood3,
                                mtl_txn_source_types mts3
                          WHERE mmt3.organization_id = msib3.organization_id
                            AND msib3.inventory_item_id = mmt3.inventory_item_id
                            AND mmt3.transaction_type_id = mtt3.transaction_type_id
                            AND mmt3.organization_id = ood3.organization_id
                            AND mtt3.transaction_type_name = 'WIP Completion'
                            AND mts3.transaction_source_type_name = 'Job or Schedule'
                            AND msib3.segment1 = NVL (:p_item, msib3.segment1)
                            AND ood3.organization_code = :p_manufacturing_plant
                            AND TRUNC (mmt3.transaction_date) BETWEEN :p_start_date AND :p_end_date
                       ) - NVL(
                               (SELECT SUM (mmt4.transaction_quantity) total_NET_qty
                                  FROM mtl_material_transactions mmt4,
                                       mtl_system_items_b msib4,
                                       mtl_transaction_types mtt4,
                                       org_organization_definitions ood4,
                                       mtl_txn_source_types mts4
                                 WHERE mmt4.organization_id = msib4.organization_id
                                   AND msib4.inventory_item_id = mmt4.inventory_item_id
                                   AND mmt4.transaction_type_id = mtt4.transaction_type_id
                                   AND mmt4.organization_id = ood4.organization_id
                                   AND mtt4.transaction_type_name = 'WIP Issue'
                                   AND mts4.transaction_source_type_name = 'Job or Schedule'
                                   AND msib4.segment1 = NVL (:p_item, msib4.segment1)
                                   AND ood4.organization_code = :p_manufacturing_plant
                                   AND TRUNC (mmt4.transaction_date) BETWEEN :p_start_date AND :p_end_date
                   ) abs_qty
              from dual
           ) * csc.standard_cost AS abs_val
      FROM mtl_material_transactions mmt,
           mtl_system_items_b msib,
           mtl_item_locations mil,
           mtl_transaction_types mtt,
           org_organization_definitions ood,
           mtl_txn_source_types mts,
           mtl_categories mc,
           mtl_item_categories mic,
           mtl_category_sets mcs,
           cst_item_costs cic,
           cst_standard_costs csc,
           cst_cost_types ct,
           mfg_lookups mlo
     WHERE mmt.organization_id = msib.organization_id
       AND msib.inventory_item_id = mmt.inventory_item_id
       AND mmt.locator_id = mil.inventory_location_id
       AND mil.organization_id = msib.organization_id
       AND mil.subinventory_code = mmt.subinventory_code
       AND mmt.transaction_type_id = mtt.transaction_type_id
       AND msib.organization_id = ood.organization_id
       AND mic.category_set_id = mcs.category_set_id
       AND mc.category_id = mic.category_id
       AND mc.structure_id = mcs.structure_id
       AND mic.inventory_item_id = msib.inventory_item_id
       AND mic.organization_id = msib.organization_id
       AND mcs.category_set_id = 52487965
       AND msib.inventory_item_id = cic.inventory_item_id
       AND msib.organization_id = cic.organization_id
       AND ct.cost_type_id = cic.cost_type_id
       AND cic.organization_id = ood.organization_id
       AND mil.inventory_location_id = mmt.locator_id
       AND mmt.transaction_source_type_id = mtt.transaction_source_type_id
       AND mmt.transaction_action_id = mtt.transaction_action_id
       AND mmt.transaction_source_type_id = mts.transaction_source_type_id
       AND mmt.transaction_action_id = mlo.lookup_code
       AND mmt.inventory_item_id = csc.inventory_item_id
       AND mmt.organization_id = csc.organization_id
       AND csc.last_update_date >= (SELECT MAX (csc1.last_update_date)
                                      FROM cst_standard_costs csc1
                                     WHERE csc1.inventory_item_id = mmt.inventory_item_id
                                       AND csc1.organization_id = mmt.organization_id
       AND msib.segment1 = NVL (:p_item, msib.segment1)
       AND NVL (mc.segment6, 'X') = NVL (:p_base_model, NVL (mc.segment6, 'X'))
       AND NVL (msib.planner_code, 'Y') = NVL (:p_planner_code, NVL (msib.planner_code, 'Y'))
       AND UPPER (mlo.meaning) = 'ASSEMBLY COMPLETION'
       AND mtt.transaction_type_name = 'WIP Completion'
       AND ct.cost_type = 'Frozen'
       AND mts.transaction_source_type_name = 'Job or Schedule'
       AND ood.organization_code = :p_manufacturing_plant
       AND TRUNC (mmt.transaction_date) BETWEEN :p_start_date AND :p_end_date



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    I want to focus the two different text lines that are in the same table, but one on the Center and the other on the left. I put a < span > tag in the hope that he was overwhelmed the family of police .bottomsel table class properties and the. Police-family Cig84 and color but the text-align only: they are both on the left.

    Here is my source and CSS codes:


    < table width = "600" border = "0" >

    < b >

    < class td = "bottomref" > < p > < span class = "bottomsel" > | < a href = "index.html" target = "_self" > Main < /a > | " < a href = "about.html" target = "_self" > on < /a > | " < a href = "clients.html" target = "_self" > customers < /a > | " < a href = "contact.html" target = "_self" > Contact < /a > | " </span > < br / >

    < span class = 'credits' > credits: < span class = "Cig84" > Cig84 </span > < / span > < /p > < table >

    < /tr >

    < /table >



    text-align: center;

    do-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;



    text-align: left;


    . {Cig84}

    Color: #F00;

    do-family: "Comic Sans MS", cursive;


    Use tags to paragraph with CSS classes.


    . Center {text-align: center}

    .the {text-align: left}


    This text is centered

    This text is left-aligned

    Nancy O.

  • Why I have two different execution plans for the same query on two different servers

    Hello everyone.

    I need your help to solve the problem quickly.

    In a nutshell, we have two servers that have the same version of Oracle RDBMS ( EE). One of them for purposes of development and another is a production one.

    We have therefore two different execution plans for the same query executed on both servers. The only case of execution is OK and another is too slow.

    So I have to slow down the work of query using the same scheme to explain that young.

    Fence wire.

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    For example: If the XML is:

    < data >
    Taxable < Type > < / type >
    < value1 > one < / value1 >
    b < value2 > < / value2 >
    < / data >
    < data >
    Taxable < Type > < / type >
    e < value1 > < / 1 >
    f < value2 > < / value2 >
    < / data >
    < data >
    Taxable < Type > < / type >
    g < value1 > < / 1 >
    h < value2 > < / value2 >
    < / data >
    < data >
    Taxable < Type > < / type >
    u < value1 > < / 1 >
    v < value2 > < / value2 >
    < / data >
    < data >
    Taxable < Type > < / type >
    o < value1 > < / 1 >
    < value2 > x < / value2 >
    < / data >

    The output using the RTF model should be:

    a and b
    e f
    g h

    Not taxable
    u v
    l x

    I can't change the query to add a group.

    Kindly, if anyone can help

    Published by: user10606061 on 25/06/2012 01:05

    delete a table with 2 columns and two rows. In the second column of row 1

    in column 2

    table below

    PS: your must be within a root element

  • How to associate the same contact with two different accounts to import


    (1) I want to associate the same contact (ex: person) to two different accounts (account A and account B) import.

    I tried with the Unique ID from outside Contact but it is accidental and in the end, I am able to associate this Contact with a single account.

    (2) I also can't records to import custom object with the same name through the import process.

    Could someone advice on the same.

    With regard to your questions:

    (1) currently, it is not possible using the Import Wizard. However, it could be done using web services.
    (2) the name must be different.

  • Comparing the same tables of two schemas

    I had already posted a similair on this thread. So, I thought I would start a new thread on this to avoid confusion

    I want to generate a report that shows the difference in the data type of the columns in the same table in two different patterns.

    The query using LESS shows the difference below.

    create table SCOTT.mytab1 (empid number);
    create table HR.mytab1 (empid varchar2(34));
    SELECT   table_name, column_name, OWNER schema, data_type
    FROM     dba_tab_cols where owner = 'SCOTT'
    SELECT   table_name, column_name, OWNER schema, data_type
    FROM     dba_tab_cols where owner = 'HR'
    --------------- --------------- ---------- ------------
    MYTAB1          EMPID           SCOTT      NUMBER
    But, since it is a report, I want to see the form of results the two schemas that has column of different data types with the same names of table

    Expected results:
    --------------- --------------- ---------- ------------
    MYTAB1          EMPID           SCOTT      NUMBER
    MYTAB1          EMPID           HR         VARCHAR2
    Anyway I could do this?

    Why not get a single line with two types of data:

    select a.table_name, a.column_name, a.data_type schema1_type, b.data_type schema2_type
    from all_tab_columns a, all_tab_columns b
    where a.owner = 'SCOTT'
    and b.owner = 'HR'
    and a.table_name=b.table_name
    and a.column_name=b.column_name
    and a.data_type!=b.data_type;

    This extracted single query columns present on the two schemas but with different data types. These columns only on one of the two schemas are not extracted.


  • Using Player Adobe 11, now comes up with an error, once the file is opened. "Invalid Plugin detected, will waive the software Adobe reader." Close the program so cannot display PDF files. Running windows 7. I uninstalled and reinstalled the same Adobe. He

    Using Player Adobe 11, now comes up with an error, once the file is opened. "Invalid Plugin detected, will waive the software Adobe reader." Close the program so cannot display PDF files. Running windows 7. I uninstalled and reinstalled the same Adobe. Help

    It seems that something has been added in the folder on the drive. I would recommend the program, running, removing any left over parts of the record player (this could be the problem), reboot and reinstall. If all goes well, that solved the problem. Future questions about the player, you should consider asking in the forum of reader, is not.

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    I don't need the image. I tried to register on multiple locations.

    Looks like you have an orphaned recovery file. See thread

  • Link to information from tables and display the 'best '.

    Hello! I'm totally new to this great software, and the truth is that I lost D:
    I try to explain in more detail what I have to do, I hope you can help me please it is urgent T_T

    I do 3 tables must be related to each other, that is to say a table where a username will be manually enter, another where you manually enter the user name and the third which will automatically enter power of each user (for automatic writing, I'll use random data). Each table will have a box number, for example:
    Table 1, box 1: Paul
    Table 2, box 1: door
    Table 3, box 1: 3.74
    Table 1, box 2: Miguel
    Table 2, box 2: Ramos
    Table 3, zone 2: 4.99
    Table 1, box 3: Maelle
    Table 2, area 3: Branco
    Table 3, case 3: 4.98
    I mean, I bind the box to one table with the other three. And because the program must compare the data in table 3 (power) and display the data of the user of best (which has the highest power). In this example, the program should appear:
    POWER: 4.99

    (Is not slender record information when I close the program)

    I don't know if I ask you very much, I have a very clear idea in my head of what I have to do, but being a new software for my not know how to implement it.

    Thank you in advance for your quick response and help and ilustrative! xD

    Have you tried something with the basic understanding of your question check if this is what you need?

    -Still not clear what you mean by table? (In my opinion, the table is 2d array of values here, otherwise please let me know.)

    -C' is the reason why I asked you to show your code you did then it will be clearer.

  • How to use a parameter query to select and display the data in the table of the façade


    I am using Access 2007 database
    I want to select the specific data in the database using control of the chain as 'select product, size, weight of ProductInfo where barcode (chain control) =?'  and also display the same table of façade.

    I use the connected database toolkit.
    I saw the example of the parameterized insert, but it did not help to use parameterized select query, as well as to display data of parameterized select query.

    I looked for example on parameterized select query, but I don't have any.
    So pls guide me how to do this. I would like to know the other method (if any) that the use of parameter query to perform the same thing.
    If possble pls share a vi reference.
    Thank you!!!

    HII szewczak
    Thanks for the reply
    but I did not getsolution in one of your shared links
    My problem is solved. There is no need to use the parameter query to select control values
    In my case I want to display data from database where bar code is even entered by the user
    I use the data function DB TOOL CHOOSE and create the condition of chain based on concatenation of strings

  • Have error code 0 x 80070020 then that he was trying to run backup... tried with security off the coast and still the same error message... solution?

    Have error code 0 x 80070020 then that he was trying to run backup... tried with security off the coast and still the same error message... solution?


    make backups on an external hard drive or DVD

    see if this information helps you

    How to make a backup of your data (all Vista versions)

    How to restore your files

    the 1st link below is how do the backup complete pc (Vista, full and professional company)

    and that is how do to recover the backup complete pc

    and here is the information of microsoft in restoring a system image backup

    If you have problems with the repost of process above in forum microsoft link that is specific to the backup below questions

    "This forum supports questions for the default backup utility in Windows Vista, Server 2008 and beyond."

  • When I plug my portable hard drive to the usb port it does not read and display the contents...

    When I plug my portable hard drive to the usb port it does not read and display the contents...

    Hi deaza,.

    Ø Have you connected the USB hard drive to the computer directly or you have used an external USB hub to connect?

    O trying to connect to another USB port to check if it works?

    O the hardrive shows in windows of the computer when you connect it?

    Method 1:
    If you have installed security software, I suggest you to temporarily disable the security software and connect the USB and check to see if the same problem happens. Make sure that you enable the security software after checking.

    Alternatively, you can try to plug the USB key into a different USB port and check if it helps.

    Method 2:
    I suggest trying to launch hardware and troubleshooting of devices and check to see if it helps, here is the link: ' t-installed-correctly

    Method 3:
    If this does not help, then follow these steps:

    (a) remove all your USB devices. Use the safely remove the feature to turn them off.

    (b) open Device Manager and navigate to the section for USB. Uninstall all USB drives. There should be one for each USB port, and then restart.

    To open Device Manager, go to the link below and follow the steps:

    (c) Windows should re - find all of the devices. If it is not the case, note the error message and let us know.

    You can also navigate to the link below and follow the steps to install the USB device.

    I hope this helps. Let us know the results.

    Thank you and best regards,

    Srinivas R

    Microsoft technical support.

    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

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