LinkButton click does not launch URL in the bin-release folder

I have a 'xyz.mxml' project in which I use a datagrid control. The action script affects an ItemRenderer to object LinkButtonRenderer

gdColumn.itemRenderer = new ClassFactory (LinkButtonRenderer);

This LinkButtonRenderer.mxml is another file in my project "xyz.mxml".

When I run the application in Flex builder, it works fine and click on the button that opens the url. But when I copy all the files from the record "/ bin-debug ' to any other folder, clicking on a button does not work. If I do an 'Export Release Build' all files created in the folder "bin-release". But the link button does not work here.

<? XML version = "1.0"? >

<! - LinkButtonRenderer.mxml - >
" < = xmlns:mx mx:VBox ' "> "
< mx:Script >
<! [CDATA]
Import mx.controls.LinkButton;
Import mx.controls.Button;
Import mx.controls.Alert;

private void handleClick(eventObj:Event):void
var u: URLRequest;
u = new URLRequest (data.url.toString ());
navigateToURL (u, "_self");
[]] >
< / mx:Script >
< mx:LinkButton id = "url" label = "{data.label}" click = "handleClick (event); "color ="blue"/ >
< / mx:VBox >

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You may need to set the--use-network argument of the compiler to true or false depending on your situation.

Project - Properties - Flex Compiler - additional compiler arguments:

Add - use-network = true and if it does not add - use-network = false.

Tags: Flex

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