Live bookmarks missing folder

The live bookmarks folder is missing. I tried various suggestions on this site but had no success

You can check the Web stream input on the page "tools > Options > Applications" (seen in Firefox)

Tags: Firefox

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    Firefox updated "bookmark backups" folder is empty. Had to change profile.ini to profile.iniOLD to work around the problem "profile is missing or inaccessible. I tried jscher2000 suggested the procedure to return to the old profile but did not include 'semi random name' in the folder of old data from Firefox, which seems to be incomplete, as said "favorite backups" folder is empty and stupid I'm not manually save my favorites (years of research). I thought when I ran the time machine they saved automatically. is it possible to recover bookmarks?

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    You can use this to restore a default icons.

    Add code to the file userChrome.css below default @namespace.

    Customization files (interface) userChrome.css and userContent.css (Web sites) are located in the chrome folder in the user profile folder.

    @namespace url(""); /* only needed once */
    /* default favicon */
    #tabbrowser-tabs .tab-icon-image:not(src),
     list-style-image: url("")!important;
     -moz-image-region: rect(0px,16px,16px,0px)!important;
     -moz-image-region: rect(0,32px,16px,16px)!important;
     list-style-image: url("")!important;
    .bookmark-item[container][livemark] .bookmark-item{
      list-style-image: url("")!important;
     -moz-image-region: rect(0px,16px,16px,0px)!important;
    .bookmark-item[container][livemark] .bookmark-item[visited]{
     -moz-image-region: rect(0px,32px,16px,16px)!important;
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    Any ideas?

    You cannot delete items in a folder of the live stream if that's what you tried to do.

    You can remove (delete) for live food if it no longer works and create a new live stream by visiting the place or place of power.

    Giving you the problem?

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    Options-> Applications-> Web Feed-> add live bookmarks in Firefox.

  • Invisible - Missing FOLDER - C:\Documents and Settings (not will appear in Explorer) in Windows 7

    Re: Invisible - missing FOLDER - C:\Documents and Settings (not will appear in Explorer) in Windows 7

    Hi all

    I have a stable working version of Windows 7 Pro.  (Yes sfc/scannow and chkdsk are 100%)  BUT here's my question and the problem...

    Recently, all of a sudden - my file C:\Documents and settings folder (and of course all of the many folders and files it contains) is no longer present in the computer of Windows / Explorer.

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    Moreover, I KNOW that this directory and the files are still there on the drive, and Yes, they are immediately, when I use the command line (back of the old black box window) in administrator mode.

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    I even tried to change the parameters of security using Icacls and delivered successfully as Administrators security settings: F and system: F but nothing appears in the Explorer.

    I also tried to change the command attrib to this directory with my very basic command-line skills.

    The computer still works fine - as many of you probably know the C:\documents and settings folder is really an older and former OS directory now used for programs inherited, replaced by C:\Users... etc.

    But why have - so MS put in the OS. There are of course good reasons so - I want show back again.

    I tried a system restore but I only got one and it can also have been corrupted since it took me a day or two to notice.

    In summary, when a directory and files 'all of a sudden disappear completely' use widely and all days 'window of windows Explorer normal 7' you know that something is badly broken in the operating system.

    BTW - Yes all Windows 7 updates made and successful... (no easy feat)

    Any ideas out there your technical assistants.

    Thanks in advance
    James 4621

    They do, but I do not really recommend yet.  But I at least trust him more than any 3rd party.  It is not a download if it is an online as part of the Windows Live Safety Scanner scanner.

    And as I went to look for a link, it seems that now re - headed the new scanner, which is a download :)
    I don't think that this news has a record cleaning component.  But as I said, is never necessary.  The invalid entries in the registry do slow down your startup time, or cause any problem, unless of course, you get an error message because another program tried to use an entry invalid.  But automated scanners are much too aggressive.  He thinks that an entry is not used, doesn't mean some program, somewhere, some time want.
  • What is a 'live' bookmark, and how can I be sure that none of my favorites are online?

    I'm trying to reduce the automatic Firefox on the voluminous Internet communication (see previous thread at for background). As far as I know, I have not subscribed to any news feeds, or click "subscribe to this page."

    One thing I don't understand is how to tell if one of my favorites is 'live', or if none of the sites I visit normally automatically refresh their pages open on my browser. I can't find any on the Mozilla Support entries that explain even is as a "live bookmark

    Can someone please:

    (1) define a "live bookmark."

    (2) say how to identify one in my bookmarks sidebar (or).

    (3) say how to change any 'live bookmark' in and a regular bookmark (dead), and

    (4) tell me how to prevent pages Web open automatically updated on my browser? (Internet Explorer used to have options for when you have to refresh a page, including "never.")

    I am running Firefox under Windows XP SP3 24.0. Thanks in advance! -JCW2

    See the article How to stop Firefox to make automatic connections .

    Live bookmarks, are not enabled by default, unless you enable them (the item will still show).

    For more information, see:

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    However, I will say that I have been using the drivers Catalyst 13.1 with a HD7970 using Win7 x 64.

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    Sorry for typo's fault. Obviously, the "Web Feed" entry in this case.

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    Hmm, it works very well for me. You are running the latest version of Firefox? Go to the Firefox Menu > help > about Firefox > search for updates or simply download and run the installer again. Also check in the Firefox Menu > Options > Options > Applications and make sure that Web feeds and Video Podcast are set to "Preview in Firefox.

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    I do not see the 'live bookmarks' or 'breaking news' icons in the
    View > toolbars > customize menu button, so I can not drag then in the bookmark there bar.

    You can visit:

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    Incredible bookmarks try:

  • After re-connected catalog missing folder? MacBook

    Hi all

    I had a devil of a time with Lightroom again. I just had to re - format my external hard drives as after updating the OS to El Capitan my external hard drives were ready only and I couldn't change the permissions. They seem to just lock me up. Then... I copied 200 GB of pictures and copied the two computers friends, re-formatted EXFAT (I read was the best format for the use of Mac and windows) and re-copied everything on hard drives again. I realized that I had to help the LR to find the path again, so I opened the back until I had done before all this and all my files were with? Mark as suspects. When I went to locate the missing folder, found the file on the newly formatted drive, it seems to remove from my list of catalog and I don't know where they're going.

    I am corresponding to them, but then seem to be losing the file together. I tried to find the folder with the name of the folder, but it never finds.

    I'm doing something wrong here?

    Any advice greatly appreciated

    . When I went to locate the missing folder, found the file on the newly formatted drive, it seems to remove from my list of catalog and I don't know where they're going.

    They are not deleted, they don't go away. The folder used for the drive there, you said now Lightroom folder is now on drive Z, so if you look in Lightroom under drive Z, it will be there, everything as it should be.

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    I downloaded my 10 pictures of rights in adobe-free images and then I lost my file downloads on photoshop. Can we recover this missing folder or is there a way I can get free photos of royalty, by the way, I downloaded?


    Please refer to re-download an image

    Hope that helps!

    Kind regards


  • Bookmarks missing keyword content.

    If two bookmarks has same keyword if one of them is missing, so my keyword lost because not like that before.
    The column keyword on library is missing too.
    Why this happens and how to solve?

    The keyword column is no longer supported in the Manager of bookmarks (library), so you cannot activate this column.

    • Bug 1145063 - remove the column from the library keywords

    Keywords will be linked to a specific URL and not to a specific bookmark.

    You can watch this extension:

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