logic game: maze game

Hi guys - I based my game on http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/practise-listening/sports-maze

I wondered about the logic of game best to place objects in a table and their distribution in circles. There are many ways, and I don't know how to do it.

I have the xml code and I'll put that in a table, so I can't continue from there.

And here's another version. This time this connectors are highlighted when you click on the correct node.

New class Connector.as:

     import flash.display.Sprite;
      * Single connector.
     public class Connector extends Sprite
          private var _data:Object;
          private var colorOff:uint = 0x000000;
          private var colorOn:uint = 0xff0000;
          public function Connector(data:Object = null)
               this.data = data;

          public function get data():Object { return _data; }

          public function set data(value:Object):void
               _data = value;

          private function draw(color:uint = 0x000000):void
               if (_data) {
                    graphics.lineStyle(6, color);
                    graphics.moveTo(_data.start.x, _data.start.y);
                    graphics.lineTo(_data.end.x, _data.end.y);

          public function set isActive(value:Boolean):void {
               draw(value ? colorOn : colorOff);



Another new class Connectors.as - connectors container:

     import flash.display.Sprite;
      * Contains connectors.
     public class Connectors extends Sprite
          private var connectors:Object = { };
          public function Connectors()


          public function set connectorData(obj:Object):void {
               var from:String = "c" + obj.from + "_" + obj.to;
               var to:String = "c" + obj.to + "_" + obj.from;
               if (!connectors[from] && !connectors[to]) {
                    var connector:Connector = new Connector(obj);
                    connectors[from] = connector;

          public function activateConnector(from:int, to:int):void {
               var connector:Connector = connectors["c" + from + "_" + to] ? connectors["c" + from + "_" + to] : connectors["c" + to + "_" + from];
               if(connector) connector.isActive = true;



MazeNode.as's changes:

     import flash.display.Graphics;
     import flash.display.Shape;
     import flash.display.Sprite;
     import flash.events.Event;
     import flash.events.MouseEvent;
      * Maze node. Holds images.
     public class MazeNode extends Sprite
          private var _radius:Number = 20;
          private var border:Shape;
          private var background:Shape;
          private var borderThickness:Number = 2;
          private var _borderColor:uint = 0x000080;
          private var _backgroundColor:uint = 0xffff00;
          private var _data:Object;
          private var _isInteractive:Boolean;

          private var _index:int = 0;
           * Place of the node in sequence
          private var _sequenceOrdinal:int = 0;
           * Index of previous node in the game path
          private var _prevIndex:int = -1;
          public function MazeNode()
               if (stage) init();
               else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);

          private function init(e:Event = null):void
               removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);

          private function draw():void
               // make border and background separate objects so images can be placed in between
               // draw border
               border = drawCircle(radius);
               // because the shape is circle - mask the thing
               var m:Shape = drawCircle(radius + borderThickness * 4, true);
               this.mask = m;

          private function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void

          private function makeBackground(color:uint):void {
               if(!background) background = new Shape();
               var g:Graphics = background.graphics;
               g.drawRect( -radius, -radius, radius * 2, radius * 2);

          private function drawCircle(raduis:Number, drawFill:Boolean = false):Shape {
               var s:Shape = new Shape();
               var g:Graphics = s.graphics;
               g.lineStyle(borderThickness, borderColor);
               if(drawFill) g.beginFill(0xff0000);
               g.drawCircle(0, 0, radius);
               return s;

          public function get radius():Number { return _radius; }

          public function set radius(value:Number):void
               _radius = value;

          public function get borderColor():uint { return _borderColor; }

          public function set borderColor(value:uint):void
               _borderColor = value;

          public function get backgroundColor():uint { return _backgroundColor; }

          public function set backgroundColor(value:uint):void
               _backgroundColor = value;

          public function get data():Object { return _data; }

          public function set data(value:Object):void
               _data = value;

          public function get isInteractive():Boolean { return _isInteractive; }

          public function set isInteractive(value:Boolean):void
               _isInteractive = value;
               if (_isInteractive) addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
               else removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);

          public function get prevIndex():int { return _prevIndex; }

          public function set prevIndex(value:int):void
               _prevIndex = value;
               // remove this index from data
               var ar:Array = data.forwardNodes;
               for (var i:int = 0; i < data.forwardNodes.length; i++)
                    if (ar[i] == _prevIndex) ar = ar.splice(i, 1);

          public function get index():int { return _index; }

          public function set index(value:int):void
               _index = value;

          public function get sequenceOrdinal():int { return _sequenceOrdinal; }

          public function set sequenceOrdinal(value:int):void
               _sequenceOrdinal = value;



This is our old friend MazeContainer.as:

     import com.greensock.TweenMax;
     import flash.display.Graphics;
     import flash.display.Shape;
     import flash.display.Sprite;
     import flash.events.Event;
     import flash.events.MouseEvent;
     import flash.geom.Point;
      * Container for maze objects.
     public class MazeContainer extends Sprite
           * Number of maze nodes
          private var numNodes:int = 37;
           * Holds references to nodes.
          private var nodes:Array;
           * Radius of node can be changed.
          private var nodeRadius:Number = 25;
           * Distance between nodes.
          private var nodesDistance:Number = 50;
           * Maximum rows.
          private var maxRow:int = 5;
           * Line connecting nodes.
          private var connectors:Connectors;
           * Holds nodes related data.
          private var dataProvider:MazeConfiData;
           * Declare and reuse
          private var node:MazeNode;
           * Sequence of indexes of consequent nodes.
           * This is where round's logic is stored.
          private var gamePath:Array = [];
           * Figure
          private var humanoid:Humaniod;
          private var nextIndex:int = 0;

          public function MazeContainer()
               if (stage) init();
               else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);

          private function init(e:Event = null):void
               removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
               dataProvider = new MazeConfiData();
               numNodes = dataProvider.nodes.length;
               connectors = new Connectors();

               humanoid = new Humaniod();
               humanoid.cacheAsBitmap = true;
               humanoid.offsetY = 15;

           * Randomizes path from left to right.
          private function createGamePath():void
               // node data
               var forwardNodes:Array;
               var nodeIndex:int = 0;
               var prevIndex:int = 0;
               // grab first node
               node = nodes[0];
               node.isInteractive = true;
               node.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onNodeClick);
               while (node.data.forwardNodes.length > 0) {
                    // capture previous index to remove from the list of forwardNodes
                    prevIndex = nodeIndex;
                    // get forward nodes
                    forwardNodes = node.data.forwardNodes;
                    // get random index of nex node in sequence
                    nodeIndex = forwardNodes[int(forwardNodes.length * Math.random())];
                    // remove the index of preceeding node from the list of forwardNodes
                    MazeNode(nodes[nodeIndex]).prevIndex = prevIndex;
                    // store sequence index in array
                    // switch node to the nex in sequence so that we can read its attributes
                    node = nodes[nodeIndex];
                    // store node's index in sequence.
                    node.sequenceOrdinal = gamePath.length - 1;
           * Makes next node in the path interactive.
           * @param     e
          private function onNodeClick(e:MouseEvent):void
               node = MazeNode(e.currentTarget);
               node.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onNodeClick);
               node.isInteractive = false;
               var mx:Number = node.x;
               var my:Number = node.y - humanoid.offsetY;
               // toactivate connectors
               var toIndex:int = gamePath[e.currentTarget.sequenceOrdinal];
               var fromInd:int =  toIndex > 0? gamePath[ e.currentTarget.sequenceOrdinal - 1]: 0;
               connectors.activateConnector(fromInd, toIndex);
               // get next node to activate
               nextIndex = e.currentTarget.sequenceOrdinal + 1;
               if (nextIndex < gamePath.length) {
                    node = nodes[gamePath[nextIndex]];
                    node.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onNodeClick);
                    node.isInteractive = true;

               TweenMax.to(humanoid, .5, { x: mx, y: my, rotationY: 180 - humanoid.rotationY} );
           * Calculates nodes coordinates and
           * places nodes on display list.
          private function placeNodes():void
               // node data
               var d:Object;
               for (var i:int = 0; i < numNodes; i++)
                    node = nodes[i];
                    d = node.data;
                    node.y = d.row * nodesDistance;
                    node.x = d.column * nodesDistance;
           * Draws connectors between nodes.
           * This needs to be optimized or moved into a
           * separate class
          private function drawConnectors():void
               // forward connector node
               var fn:MazeNode;
               var connectTo:Array;
               // iterators
               var i:int = 0;
               var j:int = 0;
               for (i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)
                    node = nodes[i];
                    connectTo = node.data.forwardNodes;
                    for (j = 0; j < connectTo.length; j++)
                         fn = nodes[connectTo[j]];
                         connectors.connectorData = { start: new Point(node.x, node.y), end: new Point(fn.x, fn.y), from: i, to: connectTo[j] };
           * Creates MazeNode instances, configures them
           * and stores references to instances in nodes array.
          private function createNodes():void
               var nodesData:Array = dataProvider.nodes;
               nodes = [];
               for (var i:int = 0; i < numNodes; i++)
                    node = new MazeNode();
                    node.data = nodesData[i];
                    node.index = i;
                    node.radius = nodeRadius;
                    node.backgroundColor = 0xffffff * Math.random();



Tags: Adobe Animate

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    If for all managers, you use the check_box on assignment screen, you can use DBI ASG_MANAGER

    But if for some managers, users did not check the box you will not get the correct result.

    Select * from per_all_assignments_f

    where manager_flag = 'Y '.

    and sysdate between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;

    A function in the formula is the best way to do it. Copy the following code-

    FUNCTION isManager (NUMBER p_person_id)



    l_Manager_flag VARCHAR2 (1);


    l_Manager_flag: = 'n';

    FOR CSR to (select * from per_all_assignments_f)

    where supervisor_id = p_person_id

    and trunc (sysdate) between effective_start_date and effective_end_date) LOOP

    l_Manager_flag: = 'Y ';



    RETURN l_Manager_flag;

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    the code


    import flash.display.Sprite;

    import flash.events.MouseEvent;

    var drawing: Boolean;

    var isStart = false;

    graphics.lineStyle (3, 0 x 000000);

    drawing = false; to start with

    stage.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDrawing);

    stage.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, draw);

    stage.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDrawing);

    function startDrawing(event:MouseEvent):void {}

    graphics.moveTo (mouseX, mouseY);

    drawing = true;


    draw function (event: MouseEvent) {}

    {if (Drawing)}

    graphics.lineTo (mouseX, mouseY);



    function stopDrawing(event:MouseEvent) {}

    drawing = false;


    stage.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, detectHits);

    function detectHits(event:MouseEvent) {}

    If (wall_mc.hitTestPoint (mouseX, mouseY, true)) {}

    If (isStart == true) {}


    gotoAndPlay (3);

    isStart = false;

    stage.removeEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, detectHits);



    ElseIf (hit_mc.hitTestPoint (mouseX, mouseY, true)) {}

    If (isStart == true) {}


    gotoAndPlay (2);

    isStart = false;

    stage.removeEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, detectHits);




    mc_start.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, fl_MouseClickHandler);

    function fl_MouseClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void


    isStart = true;


    I need to set the background for this game

    but when I do the lines never drawn

    At the top of your code, you have this:

    graphics.lineStyle (3, 0 x 000000);

    Just before that do:

    var drawingSprite:Sprite = new Sprite();

    addChild (drawingSprite);

    and then change your references to graphics just to drawingSprite.graphics:

    graphics.lineStyle (3, 0 x 000000);

    should now be:

    drawingSprite.graphics.lineStyle (3, 0 x 000000);

  • Errors in the wall of the maze in Flash game

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    Scene 1, Layer 'Actions', frame 1, Line 1101120: access of undefined property speed.
    Scene 1, Layer 'Actions', frame 1, Line 1101120: access of undefined property I.
    Scene 1, Layer 'Actions', frame 1, Line 1101120: access of undefined property I.
    Scene 1, Layer 'Actions', frame 1, line 1141120: access of undefined property wallhitBool.
    Scene 1, Layer 'Actions', frame 1, line 1121120: access of undefined property I.
    Scene 1, Layer 'Actions', frame 1, Line 1101120: access of undefined property I.

    Here is the program:

    import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;


    / * Move with the arrows on the keyboard

    Allows the instance of the specified symbol to move with the arrows on the keyboard.

    Directions for use:

    1. to increase or decrease the amount of movement, replace the number 5 below with the number of pixels you want the symbol instance to go with each button press.

    Note the number 5 appears four times in the code below.


    wallDet1_mc.enabled = false;

    wallDet2_mc.enabled = false;

    wallDet3_mc.enabled = false;

    wallDet4_mc.enabled = false;

    wallDet5_mc.enabled = false;

    wallDet6_mc.enabled = false;

    wallDet7_mc.enabled = false;

    wallDet8_mc.enabled = false;

    wallDet9_mc.enabled = false;

    wallDet10_mc.enabled = false;

    var upPressed:Boolean = false;

    var downPressed:Boolean = false;

    var leftPressed:Boolean = false;

    var rightPressed:Boolean = false;

    carP_mc.addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, fl_MoveInDirectionOfKey_3);

    stage.addEventListener (KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, fl_SetKeyPressed_3);

    stage.addEventListener (KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, fl_UnsetKeyPressed_3);

    stage.addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, everyFrame);

    function fl_MoveInDirectionOfKey_3(event:Event)


    If (upPressed)


    carP_mc.y-= 5;


    If (downPressed)


    carP_mc.y += 5;


    If (leftPressed)


    carP_mc.x-= 5;


    If (rightPressed)


    carP_mc.x += 5;



    function fl_SetKeyPressed_3(event:KeyboardEvent):void


    switch (event.keyCode)


    case Keyboard.UP:


    upPressed = true;



    case Keyboard.DOWN:


    downPressed = true;



    case Keyboard.LEFT:


    leftPressed = true;



    case Keyboard.RIGHT:


    rightPressed = true;





    function fl_UnsetKeyPressed_3(event:KeyboardEvent):void


    switch (event.keyCode)


    case Keyboard.UP:


    upPressed = false;



    case Keyboard.DOWN:


    downPressed = false;



    case Keyboard.LEFT:


    leftPressed = false;



    case Keyboard.RIGHT:


    rightPressed = false;





    function everyFrame(event:Event):void {}

    var mazehit:Boolean = false;

    If {(upPressed)

    mazehit = false

    for (i = 0; i < speed; i ++) {}

    {if (carP_mc.hitTestObject (this ["wallDet" + i + "_mc"]))}

    wallhitBool = true;



    {if (mazehit)}

    carP_mc.x += 5;




    If {(downPressed)

    mazehit = false

    for (i = 0; i < speed; i ++) {}

    {if (carP_mc.hitTestObject (this ["wallDet" + i + "_mc"]))}

    wallhitBool = true;



    {if (mazehit)}

    carP_mc.x-= 5;



    If {(leftPressed)

    mazehit = false

    for (i = 0; i < speed; i ++) {}

    {if (carP_mc.hitTestObject (this ["wallDet" + i + "_mc"]))}

    wallhitBool = true;



    {if (mazehit)}

    carP_mc.x += 5;



    If {(rightPressed)

    mazehit = false

    for (i = 0; i < speed; i ++) {}

    {if (carP_mc.hitTestObject (this ["wallDet" + i + "_mc"]))}

    wallhitBool = true;



    {if (mazehit)}

    carP_mc.x-= 5;




    / * onClipEvent (enterFrame) {}

    If (this.hitArea (carP_mc._x, carP_mc._y, true)) {}

    carP_mc._x = carP_mc._x;

    carP_mc._y = carP_mc._y;



    Keyboard on stage listener

    stage.addEventListener (KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, theKeysDown);

    stage.addEventListener (KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, theKeysUp);

    Made the MazeArt to follow the movement of the path_mc

    / * addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, onNewFrame01);

    function onNewFrame01(e:Event):void {}

    maze_mc.x = wallDet1_mc.x;

    maze_mc.y = wallDet1_mc.y



    function Car_P(e:KeyboardEvent):void


    maze_mc.addEventListener (KeyboardEvent, wallDet1_mc);


    wallDet1_mc.addEventListener (KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, maze_mc);



    Hi Sinious - Sorry for the delay of three days since we last spoke. I was sick, and once I got better I had to catch up with my homework. I finally could wotk on my maze game, and with your help, I was able to solve the problem of the wall barrier.  Needless to say I jumped up to 15 feet when I noticed that it works.  Hooray!  Thanks again for all your help.  I'm currently building my other sprites, objects, etc., and I let you know that I wrote a simple code to generate a win or lose depending on the objects and the area of victory.  I am currently working on other sceneios in the game.  I'll send a message when I need help.  Again, thank you for your help.  You kept me out all my hair... (:


  • Need to create a barrier wall and detection for maze game

    Hi, I have a maze of basis I created the work in Photoshop and brought Flash to PNG format.  My problem is that my car object passes through the wall.  Could someone help me to fix this.  I tried for hours to solve this problem, but in vain.  I hope someone out there has some tips on how to make it work.  Thanks in advance.


    You are welcome.

  • Help! How to create the barrier wall for maze game

    Hi - I'm working on a simple maze program that has the ball which is controlled from the top down. left, right arrow keys.  I made an image of maze in Photoshop and it entered, the Flash CS6 and CC (AS3). I made a barrier wall called wallDet1_mc to test before creating other obstacles of wall. It does not work. The ball passes through the wall every time that I test it.  Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.  If anyone has a maze of basic with arrow keys control when their object do not cross over the wall, please let me know how to do this. Thank you.

    Yes, this problem is quite difficult. I have some ideas how to attack then.  Please try to understand it with me.

  • Satellite P50 - C - 17 M - problem with games

    I just bought a new Satelitte P50 - C - 17 M with inteL HD integrated graphics cards and also an external of 950M from Nvidia geforce gtx I guess?

    I'm really not good at this sort of thing, anyway I chose it cos it was cheap for its specifications and also 8 GB of ram, I thought it would be good for a game until I buy a desktop computer. Ive changed all things need in Nvidia Panel so all my games and applications are using the graphics card from NVIDIA and I've also clocked it form 993 GPU in 1124, which is the highest before he goes to the overclocking I think.

    First I tried to play the way of exile and I was happy to see my FPS up to 250-300 fps, but then I kept getting spikes up to 10-20 fps that was not logical. I tried to find a solution online and people were saying that the game has race problem on Win10, but even when I ran it in compatibility with 7 or 8 it continued doing the same drop in FPS.

    So last night I tried to play FFXIV and kept the same past.

    My constant fps were 59-65, but then I would have up to 10-12 points. I asked my friends and they told me that my laptop probably evolves to the internal graphics card during the game on his own so the FPS will be declining.

    Is the any landmark known for the problem :/?

    Thanks in advance.

    In Christmas 2015 buy a laptop Toshiba Satellite P50 - c - 11 k.

    It was 2 times by the technical service for various reasons and 2 the main reason was properly fixed (a failure of hard drive and another failure on the LCD)

    Recently, I got in touch with the service center for a problem, I think that I started to use the computer. The computer has a large processor and a large graphic and when used separately team offers exceptional performance.

    But I have a big problem that makes it impossible to use it normally.
    At the point where I use the computer with any of the games I bought legally and cerciorandome that the equipment meets the performance requirements of leftovers too.

    Early on the game should be noted that the team starts to heat a lot, after 5 minutes starts to slow down excessively. Monitoring the software using the following can be seen:
    -FPS (frames per second) generated by the game remains stable for the first 60 minutes, running with absolute normality
    -The temperature of the CPU starts to soar, reaching his limit of 105 ° C 5 minutes
    -At this time, the FPS success until 10/11, remaining so until the processor retrieves the temperature of 80 ° C
    -FPS return to their normal level of 60 a few minutes more, everything works perfectly during these times.
    -At the time where the processor returns to reach 105 10/11 FPS again until that process is repeated constantly.
    -This error is played every 2 or 3 minutes of play, indifferently, resolution, quality graphics and everything what you can get for configure options of the games.

    Looking for information on different websites on the problem and its solution have found different information that points to a serious problem of computer design.
    Because the CPU and GPU share the same broadcaster at a time that the graph starts to render passes to the temperature of the CPU's are not fast enough to cool the coming collapse.


    I raised this issue with the service the customer of Toshiba in Spain for a couple of times. The answer is:

    «The information I have available, they indicate that the laptop has been tested and left our cumplindo Center repair factory specifications.»
    We can do nothing else in your laptop because it meets all our references and diagnostics. "

    I feel that they do not read my emails

  • Satellite L855 - 10 p - stop suddenly, play 3D games


    When you try to play 3D games, after more or less playing time, often less than 10 minutes, my Satellite will suddenly stop. Subsequently, it cannot be started for some time.

    This kind of symptom is usually due to overheating, a common problem with portable Satellite (and besides, it's probably the last Toshiba I buy because they can't seem to get that fixed).
    The usual solution is to remove dust from the inside of the laptop, for example with a soft vacuum.

    It is impossible to do correctly without opening (and voiding the warranty) because they do not have access to the fan and the heat sink, put can help from time to time.

    On this model, however, the exhaust gas is block by a grid (part of the heatsink I guess, which is logical) and on consumption, the fan is blocked so he can't turn in the opposite direction, which means that it is almost impossible to s * ck dust. Result: almost impossible to remove the dust. Well played.

    So normally I would send my laptop for 'repairs' (which opens just the thing to remove dust and maybe redo the thermal paste, but you can do that yourself of course), but in this case, I noticed it very quick stop.

    I can leave it on a 2D game or old low-quality 3D games (supreme commander says mode low quality) for hours without problem, even in hot weather, but as soon as I try a newer version in the game (for example Resident Evil 6, even in low quality) it stop quickly and without feeling so hot.

    So I was wondering if maybe that this time, it would be a problem with the driver/graphic card. Let's say something like an order than crash the graphics card.

    I have an AMD Radeon HD 7670 M with the 8.932.5.3000 driver version (the only one available for this computer and Windows 7 64-bit on the Web from Toshiba site).

    Is there a known problem that could cause the graphics card to plant or overheating more than expected with this model?

    (If you're wondering why I don't write s * ck in full letter, it is because the filter of profanity on this forum don't think it's a word that can be used in a normal conversation.)

    > When you try to play 3D games, after more or less playing time, often less than 10 minutes, my Satellite will suddenly stop. Subsequently, it cannot be started for some time.

    To me, it sounds like a GPU has worked at full capacity and produces a lot of heat, leading to high internal temperature.
    To my eyes the air conditioner stops due to the high temperature.
    The laptop supports a type of protective gear. The unit will stop automatically to prevent the equipment from damage.

    Dust and debris could be one of the reasons why the parties cannot be cooled properly.
    > This kind of symptom is usually due to overheating, a common problem with portable Satellite
    This kind of symptom happens to all laptop computers worldwide because of the airflow.

    > I can leave it on a 2D game or old low-quality 3D games (supreme commander says mode low quality) for hours without problem, even in hot weather, but as soon as I try a newer version in the game (for example Resident Evil 6, even in low quality) it stop quickly and without feeling so hot

    Games running on the low quality not stress the GPU a lot and this led to the dissipation low and low temperature.

    > Is there a known problem that could cause the graphics card to plant or overheating more than expected with this model?

    I don t think so more often, these problems can be solved by changing the settings in the windows power options (decreases the performance CPU/GPU, cooling method change) and, of course, in the game settings (details down, etc.)

  • Qosmio G30-102: sound distortion occurs mainly when games are played

    Does anyone know how to solve the problems of sounds with the Qosmio G30-102? I installed all the drivers in Vista. Sound distortion produced mainly when games are played. Also reinstalled direct X9.c. Thank you

    Sound problems appear only while you play games?
    I think that this laptop has been delivered with Windows XP MCE has this same phenomenon occurs on Windows XP?

    Driver sound installation or update? It seems that the Toshiba driver page provides the audio driver for Vista for Qosmio G30-112 PQG32.
    The latest version is a pilot of its sigma 6.10.5324.

    By the way; Control Panel audio SigmaTel provides some useful parameters.
    There, you should turn off (disable) the power management!
    In addition, you can try to play a little bit with the digital Dolby Virtual Speaker dolby and pro logic II parameters.

    Check it out.

  • Yoga 11 t off in some 3d games, but only on the battery!

    I got my 11 s Yoga for less than a week, and I love it, except for a strange problem. When I am running some 3D games (only when the battery), the computer turns off suddenly without warning. If I'm hip, so this seems not to happen. I am able to run 3DMark all the way through without accident and the edge of the mirror and Awesomenauts work fine. However, some games such as Trine 2 and Microsoft Mahjong 3d causes this failure occurs.

    So far I've tried: update the graphics driver to the latest version (from Intel), update (from the Lenovo site) chipset driver, update driver Intel Rapid Storage Technology (extract from the Lenovo site). I've also updated the Lenovo energy management driver. I tried tweaking the various parameters of the plan power as well, but I'm stumped. Sounds like an overheating issue, but why only some games and only if a battery?
    I'd like pointers to solve this. I love this laptop if not, up to now.

    * update * the same thing happens with Dead Space 3. Set of graphics at the lowest, and vsync is turned on. Laptop turns off with zero warning on the battery. Seems to work fine when it is plugged. Are the fans not used to their full potential when the laptop is on battery? Anyone with ideas?

    I think I solved the problem. After additional observation, it seemed that the fan was never get activated at full speed on battery, as it was when it is plugged. Logically, this would lead to overheating. I downloaded the latest driver for the "Intel Platform and thermal dynamic framework ' of the site Web of Lenovo, which seems to have solved the problem! I seem to be able to run Dead Space 3, Microsoft Mahjong and Trine 2 battery all the time. I will test more extensively and post a confirmation later.

    I hope this might help someone else, if someone runs into the same problem.

    On the driver for the 11s Yoga download page, look for "Intel DPTF Driver".

  • Unable to play games because of random fps drops

    So I just got my new laptop HP Envy 17 3070nr A9P78UA #ABA about a month ago. And since I've played all the games installed above (in offline mode) or online, I randomly get huge lag, fps drops below 1 and sound feedback is slow and distorted. This may take from 10 seconds to 2 minutes. Occurred are examples of games where it emits: half-life 2, Countersrike GO and League of Legends. I updated my drivers and BIOS for later and I reinstalled the games.

    Data sheet:

    OS - Win 7 (64-bit)

    Processor - Intel COre i7-2670QM CPU @ 2.20 GHz, 2201 Mhz, 4 cores, 8 logical processors

    RAM - 8 GB

    Graphics - Radeon HD 7690 M XT

    Free space - 450 GB

    IIRC, it's a hard disk protection feature that is the cause. Disable it solves the problem. I forgot what the function is called, though.

  • POGO games Launcher has stopped working.

    I'm having the same problem.  I bought Poppit, Scrabble Deluxe and Brain Training.  They worked fine until last week when I got these error messages.  I asked for help, Oberon, and they send me to Microsoft.  I'm going, and they ship back me.  I really need these moments of relaxation.  I teach 4th grade students have 2 teenagers and take care of my two parents very, very sick.  I have very little computer knowledge.  They think it's because I'm on Vista, but why it works for one month and stop.

    Hi Nancy1995,

    Unfortunately, this is the only solution that I could find for Pogo games.  Your next step would be to contact them directly and see if they have a patch or a work-around that will set their game.  If they are able to solve the problem, please post here what they were doing.  As you can see, we have a few people ask about it.

    It of not really logical that it works for a while and then stops.  Load of updates or any other software before this has stopped working?  Any change in the configuration?  New antivirus software or security?

    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

  • Cannot save the Battlestations: Pacific unless I connect the game window live

    Original title: Battlestations: Pacific

    Recently re-installed Battlestations Pacific on computer.  This is a CD of "Games for Windows".  However, I can't save the game unless I connect the window live.  When I do this, I'm headed to create a 'Gamer' tag  It redirects me to XBox Web site.  I use a PC...

    The game worked on my old computer (Vista).  Any advice on how to get around this circular logic trap?

    It's a little late, but you can create a local account in offline mode. It's kind of hidden.


  • Disappearing mouse pointer when running games in Win7

    The mouse pointer disappears when you run one of quite a few games under Win7 64-bit. I tried the obvious solutions of updated all drivers and Windows in the classic Windows theme (i.e. Non-Aero, Windows based), but no use! My rig is the following: Core I5; NVIDIA 460 (1 GB); Samsung 24 "True HD LCD display; Microsoft Sidewinder mouse; 16Gb 1333 Mhz RAM. I'm running my screen at a resolution of 1920 x 1080, but even tried lower resolutions with no joy at all. The text of the command / blocks in games still light up if after that manyu attempts you can accidentally an overview of the text, but still no pointer!

    SiSoftware Sandra reports the following about the applicable material (sorry for this long list: I thought that it might help to identify my problem)!

    Video adapter
    Display: \\.\DISPLAY1
    Compatible VGA: No.
    Official name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460
    Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_10DE & DEV_0E22 & SUBSYS_086510DE & REV_A1
    OEM device name: nVidia 0E22h
    Device name: nVidia 0E22h

    Model: NVC4
    Revision: A1
    Speed: 810 MHz
    Shader speed: 810 MHz
    Advanced processing performance (PPP): 90.72GFLOPS
    Adjusted Peak Performance (APP): 81.65WG
    Unified shaders: Unity (s. 56)

    Logic/Chipset memory banks
    Total memory: 1 TB

    Type: PCIe
    Version: 2.00
    Width: x 16 / x 16
    Speed: 5Gbps / 5Gbps
    Maximum bandwidth of the Bus: 7.81 GB/s

    Video BIOS
    Manufacturing date: July 6, 2010

    System i2c controller 1
    Model: GeForce GTX 460 DDC17
    Version: 0.A1

    Direct3D 11 devices
    Interface version: 11.00
    CS - Compute Shader Support: Yes
    DP - Double floating-point Support: Yes
    Model: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460
    Physical memory: 1 GB
    Texture memory: 3 GB

    Direct3D 10 devices
    Interface version: 10.01
    Library version:
    Model: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460
    Physical memory: 1 GB
    Texture memory: 3 GB

    Direct3D 9 devices
    Interface version: 9.00
    Model: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460
    Video driver: nvd3dumx.dll
    Library version:
    Has 3D hardware acceleration: Yes
    Hardware Transform & light: Yes
    Heads: 1
    Pixel Shaders Version: 3.00
    Vertex Shaders Version: 3.00

    Accelerated video decoders
    MPEG2 IDCT: Yes
    MPEG2 VLD: Yes
    VC1 - D (VC1 VLD): Yes
    VC1 - C (VC1 IDCT): Yes
    WMV9-C (WMV9 IDCT): Yes
    {32FCFE3F-DE46-4A49-861B-AC71110649D5}: Yes
    H264-E (H264 VLD NoFGT): Yes
    {9947EC6F-689B-11DC-A320-0019DBBC4184}: Yes
    {B194EB52-19A0-41F0-B754-CC244AC1CB20}: Yes

    Accelerated video processors
    Pixel Adaptive device: Yes
    {F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Yes
    Progressive device: Yes
    Bob device: Yes
    Software device: Yes

    Video driver
    Wait for the Windows Version: 4.00
    Active idle screen: 5 minute (s)
    Low-power Active economy: No.
    Power off to Active record: No.

    Mode: 1920 x 1080 16 + TrueColour (32 bit)
    Refresh rate: 60 Hz
    Virtual Office dimensions: 1920 x 1080

    Characteristics of the device Mode
    Physical medium width: 677 mm / 27 in
    Physical medium height: 381 mm / 15 in
    Recommended screen size: 35 in
    Maximum resolution: 144 x 144 dpi
    Bits of color/aircraft: 32 bits / 1 bit
    Brushes: 4294967295
    Pens: 4294967295
    Colours/shades: 4294967295
    Pixel width/height/diagonal: 36 / 36 / 51

    Cutting capacity
    Can cut out the Rectangle: Yes
    Can cut output in the region: No.

    Matrix functions
    Takes care of the bands: No.
    Supports more than 64 KB of fonts: Yes
    Can transfer bitmap images: Yes
    Supports Bitmaps more than 64 k: Yes
    Supports device Bitmaps: No.
    Supports the DIB files: Yes
    DIBs on the Surface of the device: Yes
    Flood fills: Yes
    Supports Windows 2.x: Yes
    Stretch/compress Bitmaps: Yes
    Stretch/compress files DIB: Yes
    Supports the scaling: No.
    Palette-based device: No.
    Saves the Bitmap locally: No.

    Capabilities of curve
    Can draw circles: Yes
    Can draw Ellipses: Yes
    Can draw Pie wedges: Yes
    Can draw chord Arcs: Yes
    Can draw wide borders: Yes
    Can draw borders style: Yes
    Can draw wide borders, style: Yes
    Can draw rounded Rectangles: Yes
    Can draw interiors: Yes

    Capacity of line
    Can draw polylines: Yes
    Can draw lines of style: Yes
    Can draw a large line: Yes
    Can draw lines of broad, style: Yes
    Can draw markers: Yes
    Can draw Polymarkers: Yes
    Can draw interiors: Yes

    Video settings improved
    Animation effects activated: Yes
    Full Drag Windows active: Yes
    Font smoothing enabled: Yes
    Active high contrast: no

    Performance Tips
    2221 Tip: The driver is not certified.
    Tip 319: At least 75 Hz refresh rate is recommended. Increase it if possible.
    Tip 2: Double click on advanced or press ENTER, while a tip is selected for more information on the tip.

    Have you tried to go to:

    Tab Start-> Control Panel-> mouse-> the pointer Options

    and uncheck the box for "hide the pointer during the strike"?

    All the answers and suggestions are provided by an enthusiastic amateur and are therefore no explicit or implicit guarantee. Basically, you use my suggestions at your own risk.

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