MainMem.useNamedFile is available in Linux Workstation 7.0.1?

I'm trying to optimize the performance of the virtual computer.  I found a suggestion to move vmem file in RAM virtual machine by placing it in / tmp, with / tmp defined as tmpfs.  It's supposed to be accomplished in part by adding the mainMem.useNamedFile = false option to vmx file to the virtual machine.  I did it, but he seems to have no effect.  The vmem file does not move in / tmp, he remains in the directory of virtual machine data.

Where my question.  This option is no longer available?

I use Linux Workstation 7.0.1 build 227600.

I saw this formatted option in many ways.  I tried all the:

mainMem.useNamedFile = "FALSE".

mainMem.useNamedFile = "false".

mainMem.useNamedFile = false

I tried the option in vmx file both the virtual machine and/etc/vmware/config.

Thank you



forget all the advice of setting to workstations earlier - they do more work for Linux and WS 7

the parameter

mainmem.useNamedFile is only used on Windows

The new parameters for Linux are:

mainmem.backing = 'swap '.

It only works on 64-bit Linux hosts and produces a similar behavior on Windows hosts with mainmem.useNamedFile = "false".

This parameter can result in improved performance for the unique virtual machines - but it has the disadvantage that you can run as many virtual machines at the same time because without it!

mainmem.backing = 'name '.

This example uses a mainmem file in the same directory as the vmx file

This is equivalent to mainmem.useNamedFile = 'true' used with older versions on Linux hosts

mainmem.backing = "no name".

This example uses a mainmem file in / tmp

This is equivalent to mainmem.useNamedFile = 'false' used with older versions on Linux hosts

Also read

These settings should work inside a vmx for the special VM file only - or in the global configuration file for all virtual machines

As far as I know do not set this parameter uses the default value

mainmem.backing = 'name '.



VMX-settings- Workstation FAQ -[MOA-liveCD |]- VM-infirmary

Tags: VMware

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    Hi Dave,.

    The issue of Windows is more complex than what is generally answered in the Microsoft Community Forums. Appropriate in the TechNet Forums. Please post your question in the TechNet Forums.

    You can check the link to post your question:

    I hope that helps!

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    Go to a command line, and then run the following as root.  Root is the only one who has permissions to modify the file that contains the number of concurrent tasks.


    You can then change the number of concurrent tasks.

    Kind regards


    VMware vExpert 2009

    NOTE: If your question or problem has been resolved, please mark this thread as answered and awarded points accordingly.

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    If you use LVM, take a look here: VMware KB: extension of a logical volume in a virtual machine running Red Hat or Cent OS

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    Key kerberos (ktab) table Manager is an OS executable. It has nothing to do with Java.

    You don't seem to be bothered by the fact that your answer is misleading:

    So I think it's a relevant question, but the OP find the answer himself:

    What you posted shows NOTHING on 'ktab' and Linux.

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    response to me here:

    After a bunch of research, I get to a page that tells me to get the compatibility guide:

    VMware Workstation 11 Documentation Centre

    Who gets finally me:

    Which is useless for workstation because it lists only the products of ESXi.

    Always to research... and I get this:

    Nope... It does not help... I select "Host OS" and is told to go elsewhere:

    The host operating system compatibility information has been moved to the following location:

    Host operating system support information (2100429)


    Supported host operating system data are removed from the Compatibility Guide VMware (VCG) to other articles of the basis of knowledge (KBs).
    This article KB then told me to go somewhere else to:

    Operating systems supported for VMware Workstation guests (2088579)

    your da!
    The answer is that 11 workstations is supported on some types of Linux and the most notable are:
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.10
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 (note: 7 RHEL is horrible)
    The answer is therefore a flat NO WAY for Debian or one of its close brothers.  Strictly big business Linux here.
    Nice hide details in seventeen deep research.
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    I can't be the only one with experience in the list?

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    It's REALLY annoying. SUPER boring. It causes several problems, like hide the host menu/panels. And sometimes put the comments in all its States with resizing comments office space again and again for 10 to 30 seconds (more large, smaller, lager, smaller, larger, smaller) - normally he eventually figures after two or three loops of what size to use and stops, but sometimes (rarely), I time clicking on window workstation 10 host JUST good to stop it.

    WHY am I the only one to have pointed out this problem? I tried to search around and it's maybe one question of Linux. But that's apparently a hard-coded decision to reset FULL screen on a step or an operation of RECOVERY for Linux Workstation 10. It's really stupid NOT to have this as an option that can be changed. With the exception of this problem, Workstation 10 works perfectly and has improvements over the previous version I was using.

    Please tell me that I'm not the only user of Linux know about this?

    Hello, I have this, fought running Workstation 10 on 20 of Fedora.  If you examine the .vmx file in the directory of the virtual machine, you will see (probable) two entries resembling the following.

    gui.lastPoweredViewMode = "full screen".

    gui.viewModeAtPowerOn = "full screen".

    I solved the problem by following these steps:

    • Comments from suspend/Shutdown
    • Close the workstation
    • Edit the .vmx for the specific virtual machine file and delete the above two lines
    • Restart the workstation
    • Resume/power reviews

    Should work.  It will be useful.

  • using the VMware workstation 100% disc

    Hi all

    I have amd multi-purpose 8350 with 12 GB of ram and 1 TB hard drive (no ssd). I created a few 10 vms and when I try to start few of them suddenly disk use increases to 100%. I turn them all at the same time, I give some time between each vm poweron. Always the same problem occurs. In addition, even after some time, after activating my vms, same problem occurs. on my windows host computer, the use of the disc is 100% most of the time. because of this my vmware workstation crashes and I am not able to do anything. I have to wait until the use of the disc is free again. I disabled windows search on my host machine, but no luck.

    I added the lines on all my machines virtual vmx files but no use.

    MemTrimRate = '0 '.

    mainMem.useNamedFile = "FALSE".

    sched.mem.pshare.Enable = "FALSE".

    prefvmx.useRecommendedLockedMemSize = 'TRUE '.

    Can someone help me out here?

    Thank you


    Hi Shawn,

    Thank you for your response...

    At start-up, if it's slow, it's fine. But it happens all of a sudden, even when I'm working. When it freezes, I can't do anything. Just count numbers to kill some time... I have to wait until he's back to normal and I donno when it happens.

    While I was looking on the internet, someone posted on an Internet site that disabling superfetch-bit, and windows update services can reduce disk performance. I'm 100% sure they are stopped on my windows host computer. So, I disabled the. But I was really surprised to see the performance of disk after I disabled the services. Now, I have a lag for a few seconds and that occurs only when I start the vms system. After that they are running no problem at all. I donno why a stopped service would cause such an impact. Subsequently, if I do not have a service, I turn it off, turn it off.

    Finally, after you turn off the 3 services, I have no problem.

    Thank you


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