Make the Audit reports in IOM

Hello gurus,

I put in my report of the pcq table pcq_question, but this information was encrypted. How can I make visible this information? I need this in my audit report!

Thank you very much
Thiago Leoncio

Try this.
It will be useful.

Re: Validate the challenge via API Questions

Tags: Fusion Middleware

Similar Questions

  • Display of the audit report

    I work with a bunch of provider (I can't change the data model) that is running some logging activity of audit of the java interface. A report is needed in order to identify who does what to change (old and new) and when.

    The system stores a matrix as of several thresholds that are applied to new accounts, because they are introduced into the system.
    WITH matrix_table AS ( -- no indexes or constraints
    SELECT '20090101' matrix_date, '000' attr_type, 20 percent_1, 40 percent_2, 'A' rate_1, 'D' rate_2,  5 amount_1, 10 amount_2 FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT '20090101' matrix_date, '001' attr_type, 40 percent_1, 60 percent_2, 'B' rate_1, 'E' rate_2, 10 amount_1, 15 amount_2 FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT '20090101' matrix_date, '002' attr_type, 60 percent_1, 80 percent_2, 'C' rate_1, 'F' rate_2, 15 amount_1, 20 amount_2 FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT '20090101' matrix_date, '003' attr_type, 80 percent_1, 99 percent_2, 'D' rate_1, 'G' rate_2, 20 amount_1, 25 amount_2 FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT '20100101' matrix_date, '000' attr_type, 21 percent_1, 41 percent_2, 'A' rate_1, 'E' rate_2,  4 amount_1,  9 amount_2 FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT '20100101' matrix_date, '001' attr_type, 41 percent_1, 61 percent_2, 'B' rate_1, 'F' rate_2,  9 amount_1, 14 amount_2 FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT '20100101' matrix_date, '002' attr_type, 61 percent_1, 81 percent_2, 'C' rate_1, 'G' rate_2, 14 amount_1, 19 amount_2 FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT '20100101' matrix_date, '003' attr_type, 81 percent_1, 99 percent_2, 'D' rate_1, 'H' rate_2, 19 amount_1, 24 amount_2 FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT '20110101' matrix_date, '000' attr_type, 22 percent_1, 42 percent_2, 'A' rate_1, 'F' rate_2,  3 amount_1,  8 amount_2 FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT '20110101' matrix_date, '001' attr_type, 42 percent_1, 62 percent_2, 'B' rate_1, 'G' rate_2,  8 amount_1, 13 amount_2 FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT '20110101' matrix_date, '002' attr_type, 62 percent_1, 82 percent_2, 'C' rate_1, 'H' rate_2, 13 amount_1, 18 amount_2 FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT '20110101' matrix_date, '003' attr_type, 82 percent_1, 99 percent_2, 'D' rate_1, 'I' rate_2, 18 amount_1, 23 amount_2 FROM dual)
    SELECT * FROM matrix_table;
    When a manual adjustment is made to the matrix already attached to an account, the java application stores a record of who made the change in an audit table
    WITH manual_adjustment AS ( -- no indexes or constraints
    SELECT '1234' account_no, '20100809' change_date, '234512' change_time, 'John Doe' change_user FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT '1234' account_no, '20100810' change_date, '001546' change_time, 'John Doe' change_user FROM dual)
    SELECT * FROM manual_adjustment;
    and a record of the new matrix associated with the account in another table audit
    WITH audit_record AS ( -- no indexes or constraints
    SELECT 'Account Matrix' tablename, 'add' change_type, '20100809' change_date, '234508' change_time, 'jdoe' change_user, '1234,000,22,41,A,E,4,9'   change_data FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Account Matrix' tablename, 'add' change_type, '20100809' change_date, '234509' change_time, 'jdoe' change_user, '1234,001,41,61,B,F,9,14'  change_data FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Account Matrix' tablename, 'add' change_type, '20100809' change_date, '234510' change_time, 'jdoe' change_user, '1234,002,61,81,C,G,14,19' change_data FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Account Matrix' tablename, 'add' change_type, '20100809' change_date, '234511' change_time, 'jdoe' change_user, '1234,003,81,99,D,H,19,24' change_data FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Account Matrix' tablename, 'add' change_type, '20100809' change_date, '001543' change_time, 'jdoe' change_user, '1234,000,21,41,A,E,4,9'   change_data FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Account Matrix' tablename, 'add' change_type, '20100809' change_date, '001544' change_time, 'jdoe' change_user, '1234,001,41,61,B,F,9,14'  change_data FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Account Matrix' tablename, 'add' change_type, '20100809' change_date, '001545' change_time, 'jdoe' change_user, '1234,002,61,81,C,G,14,19' change_data FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Account Matrix' tablename, 'add' change_type, '20100809' change_date, '001546' change_time, 'jdoe' change_user, '1234,003,81,99,D,H,19,24' change_data FROM dual)
    SELECT * FROM audit_record;
    The example above shows one changed once a John Doe and then changed back. Java process appears to record the date and time the change occurs and the audit_record values do not match exactly the time of the manual_adjustment.

    The audit based on the test data report must provide who changed what and when. When to use the date/time of the response (s) stored in manual_adjustment. What should identify the item changed values prerequisites audit_record or the matrix_table initial if no previous audit_record value exists. So in the example, John Doe has first made a change to the item of data of 1 percent, and since no prior audit were recorded in audit_record, the matrix_table is compared to (I made the order of the data in the columns matrix_table and audit_record.change_data). The old value is retrieved from matrix_table, and the new value is retrieved from audit_record. Then, John Doe has reversed the change to the data item for 1 percent. Since a pre-audit was recorded at audit_record, the most recent (s) audit_record are compared to the previous audit_record (s). The old value is retrieved from the previous audit_record and the new value is retrieved from the most recent audit_record.
    Changed By Changed When      Account Attribute Element   Old Value New Value
    ---------- ----------------- ------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
    John Doe   20100809 23:45:12 1234    000       Percent 1 21        22
    John Doe   20100810 00:15:46 1234    000       Percent 1 22        21
    The audit report must be presented as a database view (all current reports use a database view that is queried by other software for editing).

    I have trouble to determine how to approach the question from the point of view SQL. The analysis of the change_data by commas with REGEXP_SUBSTR is quite simple and I don't have the ability to create functions to determine certain values, but at that time, I also try to tune and feel that I am limit myself to the approach already too. Any suggestions?

    Thank you

    Oracle 10 g 2

    Published by: Luke Mackey on Aug 10, 2010 08:35
    Table of audit_record has been fixed.

    Published by: Luke Mackey on August 10, 2010 09:03
    Add a description of how the audit report values are obtained.

    Hi, Luke,.

    Sorry, that it lasted so long.
    It is not enough:

    WITH    manual_adjustment_d     AS
         SELECT    change_user          AS changed_by
         ,       TO_DATE ( change_date || change_time
                           , 'YYYYMMDDHH24:MI:SS'
                     )          AS changed_when
         ,       account_no                AS account
         FROM       manual_adjustment
    ,     change_history          AS
         SELECT     TO_DATE ( change_date || change_time
                           , 'YYYYMMDDHH24:MI:SS'
                     )          AS changed_when
         ,     change_user
         ,             REGEXP_SUBSTR (change_data, '[^,]+', 1, 1)     AS account
         ,             REGEXP_SUBSTR (change_data, '[^,]+', 1, 2)     AS attr_type
         ,      TO_NUMBER (REGEXP_SUBSTR (change_data, '[^,]+', 1, 3))     AS percent_1
         ,      TO_NUMBER (REGEXP_SUBSTR (change_data, '[^,]+', 1, 4))     AS percent_2
         ,             REGEXP_SUBSTR (change_data, '[^,]+', 1, 5)     AS rate_1
         ,             REGEXP_SUBSTR (change_data, '[^,]+', 1, 6)     AS rate_2
         ,      TO_NUMBER (REGEXP_SUBSTR (change_data, '[^,]+', 1, 7))     AS amount_1
         ,      TO_NUMBER (REGEXP_SUBSTR (change_data, '[^,]+', 1, 8))     AS amount_2
         FROM     audit_record
         WHERE     tablename     = 'Account Matrix'
         AND     change_type     = 'add'
        UNION ALL
         SELECT  TO_DATE ( matrix_date
                   , 'YYYYMMDD'
                   )     AS changed_when
         ,     NULL          AS change_user
         ,     NULL          AS account
         ,       attr_type, percent_1, percent_2, rate_1, rate_2, amount_1, amount_2
         FROM     matrix_table
    ,     got_change_num     AS
         SELECT     ch.*
         ,     ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( PARTITION BY  attr_type
                                   ORDER BY          changed_when
                           )         AS change_num
         FROM    change_history        ch
    ,     elements          AS
         SELECT  1 AS element_num, 'Percent 1' AS element_name      FROM dual     UNION ALL
         SELECT  2,               'Percent 2'                      FROM dual     UNION ALL
         SELECT  3,               'Rate 1'                      FROM dual     UNION ALL
         SELECT  4,               'Rate 2'                      FROM dual     UNION ALL
         SELECT  5,               'Account 1'                      FROM dual     UNION ALL
         SELECT  6,               'Account 2'                      FROM dual
    ,     got_diff          AS
         SELECT     ma.*
         ,     ar.attr_type     AS attribute
         ,     el.element_num
         ,     el.element_name
         ,     CASE     el.element_name
                   WHEN  'Percent 1'  THEN  TO_CHAR (pr.percent_1)
                   WHEN  'Percent 2'  THEN  TO_CHAR (pr.percent_2)
                   WHEN  'Rate 1'         THEN      pr.rate_1
                   WHEN  'Rate 2'         THEN      pr.rate_2
                   WHEN  'Account 1'  THEN  TO_CHAR (pr.amount_1)
                   WHEN  'Account 2'  THEN  TO_CHAR (pr.amount_2)
              END                AS old_value
         ,     CASE     el.element_name
                   WHEN  'Percent 1'  THEN  TO_CHAR (ar.percent_1)
                   WHEN  'Percent 2'  THEN  TO_CHAR (ar.percent_2)
                   WHEN  'Rate 1'         THEN      ar.rate_1
                   WHEN  'Rate 2'         THEN      ar.rate_2
                   WHEN  'Account 1'  THEN  TO_CHAR (ar.amount_1)
                   WHEN  'Account 2'  THEN  TO_CHAR (ar.amount_2)
              END             AS new_value
         FROM     manual_adjustment_d     ma
         JOIN     user_table          ut     ON     ma.changed_by     = ut.user_name
         JOIN     got_change_num          ar     ON     ar.changed_when     BETWEEN ma.changed_when - ( 10          -- seconds before
                                                                    / (24 * 60 * 60)
                                                 AND     ma.changed_when + ( 5          -- seconds after
                                                                    / (24 * 60 * 60)
                             AND     ar.change_user     = ut.user_code
            JOIN     got_change_num          pr     ON     ar.attr_type     = pr.attr_type
                             AND     ar.change_num     = pr.change_num     + 1
            CROSS JOIN     elements     el
    SELECT       changed_by
    ,       changed_when
    ,       account
    ,       attribute
    ,       element_name     AS element
    ,       old_value
    ,       new_value
    FROM       got_diff
    WHERE       old_value     != new_value
    ORDER BY  changed_when
    ,            element_num

    As always, to understand a query that uses subqueries, run each auxiliary request by himself and watch its result set.
    Manual_adjustment_d of the subquery is just the corresponding columns of manual_adjustment, with the date converted to DATE.
    Subquery change_history is a combination of audit_record and matrix_table, with the converted data in common columns common and converted to DATEs dates.
    Subquery got_change_num is change_history, with a new column, change_num, added, to make it easy to find the last change before a given change.
    Elements of subquery contains a line for each item that you level. You can have a real table like that, in the case of shich you don't need the subquery. This is necessary for the non swivel data between 1 column on 6 rows and 6 columns on 1 line.
    Got_diff of the subquery is where most of the work takes place. He joined manual_adjustment_d in two rows of got_change_num: (1) the line has the same user and "almost the same" time and (2) the previous row for the same attribute. As posted, a row of got_change_num will be condered as "almost at the same time" like a row of mandual_adjustment_d if it is dated not earlier than 10 seconds ealeir and not later than 5 seconds following line in manual_adjustment_d. You can easily change that. Got_diff also of the Nations United-pivot of the data on a separate line for each item.
    As often happens, the main query plays the same role in this query as the final step takes place in the Tour de France: not much changes, and the results of this part are all that matters. In this case, change is all that really unchanged lines are ignored. The only reason why I haven't done this in got_diff was I wanted to use the alias old_value and new_value, rather than repeat the CASE expressions.

    I'm sure that the query can be a bit shortened and consierably more effective.
    Returned could be simplified if you have stored your dates in the DATE columns.
    It would be easier and more effective if you knew that all data checked, including the data of matrix_table, was audit_record. Then we wouldn't need matrix_table in this request at all, and we wouldn't have to reconcile the different ways of you these two tables to store the same data.

  • How to disable the audit report (page in the history of the document).

    Is there a way to disable the audit (document history page) added to the file after signing report?

    Hello Michael,

    If you have the enterprise-level account, you can disable the Audit report by going to the tab account-> account settings-> global settings and then uncheck the "Attach to copy signed audit report.

    Kind regards


  • Cannot get the audit report

    Hi all,

    I'm having problems pulling reports and I was wondering if someone have an idea.

    I also opened a SR but I do not like wait...

    When I go to the admin page and try to get verification of the reports that I get an error "Unable to get the audit report" on the top of my screen.

    It goes same for the usage of file horizon report.

    See you soon


    SEB - I use an F5 with 2 footbridges as well.  On your Configurator goes to the title of the X-Forwarded-For you have your IP addresses to balance load defined in there?


  • Firefox 34.0.5 said plugin Adobe Flash is blocked, but the audit reports to update my plugin Flash (version is underway. How to fix?

    About 1 month ago I have updated Flash and Firefox to newer versions. Firefox 34.0.5, running on Windows XP, SP3, displays Adobe Flash plugin in version, but it is now blocked again. No other versions of Flash are obvious. When I choose the screen Flash option to check the plugins are updated, Firefox reports the Flash plugin is up to date.
    This program's behavior is wrong and needs to be fixed. Review at Adobe, current Flash is
    Who or what is broken here? Is Firefox broken and not properly related this newest version of the Flash plugin is available?
    I do not seem to previous versions of Flash installed on the system. This combo of the software was working properly for a while and then become broken, without path appropriate to allow users to resolve the issue. If Firefox is set to 'Block' a plugin, then it * MUST * be configured to easily and * CORRECTLY * allow this plugin to update. Using the latest software, my clicking on the function of "Check for updates" is reporting that Adobe Flash is the most recent version. Arrrrgh!
    I am now back to the "diagnose and repair broken Flash + Firefox" exercise that I just went thru.
    Best solution here would be to allow the user to easily override the mechanism of 'blocking' This could help users who use only access Flash video on trusted sites.
    If there is an obvious solution to this 'blocking' current Flash goofery, please inform. Otherwise, when I solve this problem, I'll post an answer to my own question here, stating what I did to solve this problem, because it seems to have an impact on other users Firefox + Flash, without a clear solution being posted.

    OK, fixed. You must manually update for Adobe Flash Do this downloaded by the installation program Adobe Flash, for WIndows with plugin browsers. Closing Firefox, run the Adobe Flash Installer and restart Firefox, you should see the plugin Flash is now I use Windows XP - SP3, on an old HP box. Seems to work ok now (video sites course streams without incurring of autoblocking). Inspection of network traffic shows smoother bandwidth also.

    Steps to follow:

    (1) download the latest version of the Flash plugin installed, for Windows with plugins, if you are using XP - SP3. Try to get the full 18 meg installer of Flash player.
    I followed a number of different links and eventually got to a page
    who has several options for different operating systems and versions
    the browser used. I chose Flash for Windows Setup with
    browsers that use plugins (as opposed to Windows IE/ActiveX).
    I can't find the exact URL that has the plugin. I'll post
    the URL as a post follow-up, once I found where Adobe has it.

    The file you want is:
    'install_flash_player_16_plugin.exe '.

    Note, date 11 February 2015, the version I downloaded
    called 'install_flash_player_16_plugin.exe' is 18,129,584 bytes.

    I ran "md5sum" on it, and got:

    "1bca2e01063de6925c01b21abf9654d8" as the value of control.

    (2) Download this prgm (install_Flash_player_16_plugin.exe), and
    put it anywhere where you put the .exe files downloaded.

    (3) exit Firefox.

    (4) or use the "Run" box, or click a "cmd" to shell
    for a prompt C:\. Find the Setup program, and then run it. Should be
    update the contents of the directory:

    (5) you can confirm that the content of this directory is updated.
    Check the content of the file "mms.cfg. It has two lines and controls
    If Flash updates will be automatically, or in the background.
    (I'm paranoid, and disable the auto update... Any program of automatic update
    is a perfect vector for insertion of viruses. Use this approach to your own

    (6) restart Firefox and confirm the Flash plugin is now worm

    This should fix the autoblocking of Flash for the plugin.

  • How to make the audit trail in apex?


    I want to capture the apex userid which insert, delete, update the table of PAYMENT and save it in a table.

    Can you please help...

    Thank you

    Triggers are the way to go:

    Trigger that fires on Update

    create or replace TRIGGER "bchg1_aim_asset_tbl"
       ON aim_asset_tbl
       --  **********************************************************
       --  Description: Update lst_updt_dt and lst_updt_id.
       --  Tables;         Name                    Action
       --          ----------------------  --------------------------
       --  Maintenance:
       --  Date        Actor           Action
       --  ----        -----           ------
       --  22-Dec-2010 J. Wells         Create.
       SELECT nvl( v( 'app_user' ), user ), sysdate
       INTO   :new.lst_updt_id, :new.lst_updt_dt
       FROM   dual;

    Trigger that fires on Insert

    create or replace TRIGGER "bins1_aim_asset_tbl"
       ON aim_asset_tbl
       --  **********************************************************
       --  Description: Insert creation_dt, creation_id,
       --              lst_updt_dt and lst_updt_id
       --  Tables;         Name                    Action
       --          ----------------------  --------------------------
       --  Maintenance:
       --  Date        Actor           Action
       --  ----        -----           ------
       --  22-Dec-2010 J. Wells         Create.
       --  **********************************************************
       :new.creation_id := nvl( v( 'app_user' ), user );
       :new.creation_dt := sysdate;
       :new.lst_updt_dt := :new.creation_dt;
       :new.lst_updt_id := :new.creation_id;
       SELECT aim_asset_seq.nextval
       INTO   :new.aim_asset_seq
       FROM   dual;
    END bins1_aim_asset_tbl;


  • How to make the search bar of the report interactive, aligned to the right?

    Hi all
    I need to make the search report interactive to be on the right side bar. How can I do this? any idea?
    Please note that I use the Oracle XE11.2 database

    Best regards...

    If you use apex 4.2... change your page in the css section, place the code in the Inline text box.

  • Audit report - HFM application performance


    I use HFM application and currenlty the audit report is disable in shared services. I just want to know what is the impact to enable shared services audit report. If it will affect the performance of the HFM applications? I want to know what are the impacts of the audit.

    Thank you

    Michel K

    Hi Pascal,.

    Allowing the audit report to the SSP don't directly affect performance HFM.  Audit data is stored in the HSS database in tables separate (SMA_) and the only HFM associated with options to log are retrieved and imports of LCM.  If you choose only a handful of the audit tasks, it maybe not number of records written in the database at all.  If you choose to connect everything, be sure to include serving the information as part of your ongoing process (quarterly or annually should do unless there is a significant activity HSS).

    Thank you


  • Script to generate the sys files os trail audit report


    We have a large database, where 1000 bone trail files are generated every day.   Except sys, we get all the information lo - Gin of dba_audit_trail.

    But the listener wants the audit information sys too.

    It is very difficult to manually move all the files in the operating system. I tried to make a script to generate a report. But I do not succeed until now.

    If you have any of you have used or by using a similar script to generate a report of os audit .aud file sys. Please provide that.

    Also let me if there is another way to collect audit sys information easily.

    Thanks and greetings


    Hi berang,.

    I wrote an article ( explaining exactly how to do it using the external Table with preprocessor function.

    Why don't you take a look and fit the need? I hope you enjoy.

    Kind regards


  • I used even to make the Blurays for a long time, with success, with no problems. Today, on my current project (.iso file estimated size ~ 19 GB) MENUS rendering time is reported as 31 + Hrs. Is this OK, or is there a problem?

    My system: 2013 Mac Pro: Core, 64 GB of Ram, two GPU of D700 12 / 3GB. I was creating an ISO image file using ENCORE 6. I am currently using the latest ADOBE CC system.

    The menu on which rendering takes a while has three normal buttons linking to 3 first videos produced. The menu has a long file AUDIO (about 90 minutes) as an attachment.

    After letting the rendering process to continue for 4 hours, on the audit of the progress window, progress bars seemed not to be ahead. I waited 2 + hours of overtime and checked again. Progress bars have been in the same place (no deposit). Activity monitor showed that still was still running. At this point, I cancelled the task. Then, I wanted to just MAKE THE MENUS. It is currently running for the 95 + last minutes. Details 'Render' reported ~29.5+ hours as TIME REMAINING. The number of processed IMAGES currently shows ~ 27000 + showing as 169065 in total. The meter for executives of the ongoing transformation to increment of the above stated figure of snapshot of 27000.

    I think that maybe I should let it continue to operate at the end (i.e. 30 hours of rendering time, if all goes well). Is - this sound NORMAL?

    Any advice will be appreciated.

    Never tried such an audio file for a long time. Are you sure that there is no video movement in this menu?

    What format is the audio file?

  • IOM audit report - missing attributes

    We run OIM 11 g R2 BP06 (under the production deployment). I work with the audit and report functions, as it is a requirement of the customer.

    According to the documentation of audit - 11 g Release 2 (11.1.2) Configuration, the UPA table contains all snapshots and changes made to the XML format. It works very well: if I update the name, phone number, never attribute, I see that change stored in the table of the UPA. The 'Audit Messages task question' will work then and dénormalisée delta of the XML in the UPA_FIELDS table, which is part of the table used by the BEEP report.

    However, it seems that some attributes are never denormalized (in UPA_FIELDS). This is for example the case for the phone number, display name. Modification of these attributes will be visible on the standard audit report.

    The question is: How do I configure IOM (I assume that the task "Question Audit Messages Task") If multiple attributes are denormalized in UPA_FIELDS and changes get visible in the reports?

    Thank you


    I found the answer on support (which is down this morning) in the present note:

    -The list of attributes that need to generate Audit records in the Table UPA_FIELDS (Doc ID 1401055.1)

    also, which refer to a bug, do not yet resolved and with no workaround:

    - BUG: 13626801 -all THE ATTRIBUTES do NOT COME to the TABLE of UPA_FIELDS

    In other words, it's a known :-(limitation

    The solution I see is to try to generate a report of BI Publisher UPA table directly AND XML-based. Not sure if this is possible.

    I thank me for the good support :-)


  • Update the Audit tabular report fields

    Hi all

    I have a tabular report. And I'm updating several lines on submit.

    I have the problem with the Audit fields. When I make changes and click 'submit' (MRU), all columns are updated but my verification of fields (Standard report columns) are not updated.

    Please help me solve this problem.

    I use version 3.1 and 9i db.

    Thanks in advance,


    The best approach would be to create a database however check shutter button in your columns of check and update with sysdate and app_user. For example see below

         :NEW.UPDATE_DT  := SYSDATE;
    END IF;

    update_dt and update_sid are checking of columns from the sample_tbl table. In this way the front update trigger fires whenever you update any record in the sample_tbl table.

    Thank you

  • In our Web page we have pages with lists of the pdf reports that we want to make available. I tried a search engine, but it only directs you to the page with the list. How can we lead the researcher to a specific report?

    In our Web page we have pages with lists of the pdf reports that we want to make available. I tried a search engine, but it only directs you to the page with the list. How can we lead the researcher to a specific report?

    Exactly, it would depend on how you have set the referencing of your site, please check the suggestions made in this tutorial:

    In addition, you can check these:

    Thank you


  • How to make the field read udf only in IOM 10 g


    Can we read only in IOM 10 g field of the udf. I couldn't see an option during the creation of the UDF. We can customize the formmeta to make the udf read-only?

    Thank you

    update in FormMetaData.xml

    find the formula 3 default for the form of the USR

    update below
    Editable = false

    Published by: Zaba Nayan on 8 February 2012 23:32

  • How to make reference to a column name in the form report

    How can I make reference to a column name in the form report. My problem is that "I have a form report that I have the column name when using click on the column name, it must get to the next page with the corresponding values of the column".

    Here, I realized that when I click on the name of the column (in page 1) it brings me to the next page (page 2). but in the next page (P2) I want to display (display only) the corresponding values of the column (page 1) selected, but the values are not editable and shouldn't be in the text box must be in display area.

    So, how can I write a SQL to display single source field. That is to say, how can I consult report form (page 1) in name column.


    If you use the link in the column when you click on the need of the column value, you need to navigate to the next page and all the data accordingly select value here.

    Modify the report form and see the top of the page and click on report attribute.

    So now you have the attributes of the columns is to say what are the columns are available in the reports form.

    Click on change column what you need Ie the column when you click on its passage to the next page this column, for example, as mentioned in the previous post "Empname".

    Check the link column and give perspective of values according to your need and click on apply chages.

    Thank you & best regards

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  • Connection printer square with Hotspot and Airport Extreme

    Hello My family has a joint small pizza and I'm looking to switch our POS system instead. We do not have WiFi, so I was wondering if there is a work around to use the personal hotspot feature, set the AXE to "Join a wireless network" and then connect

  • CD drive on my laptop Satellite 1900 working

    I had a computer portable satellite of 1900. Now my CD player does not work as it does not detect the CD in the drive. I tried to uninstall the material and put it back without help. Any ideas/suggestions please? Post edited by: rrvnd I had a similar

  • All-in-one Photosmart HP 3310: colors may not print correctly on A4 photo paper.

    My HP 3310 printer gave me great prints for many years, but during the last 12 months, 210 x 297 mm prints threw a desaturated look and brightness has dulled as well. My photos 10 x 15 cm print perfectly. I did all the recommended suggestions, cleani

  • P3010: HP laserjet P3010 stops printing after a person especially prints a page

    Hi guys,. I'm in a space small office where we are 5 people. After a page prints a particular person, others may not print, and we need to restart the printer. It seems that the problem might be the specific person's computer since he just changed la

  • NEITHER USB 6008 help to order 3 relays.

    Hello! I have a DAQ 6008, and I need to control the three relays for the filming of lights, so I scored a VI to activate the relay through three buttons. My problem is that I don't really know what kind of relay that I need. I need something like 5VD