Display of the audit report

I work with a bunch of provider (I can't change the data model) that is running some logging activity of audit of the java interface. A report is needed in order to identify who does what to change (old and new) and when.

The system stores a matrix as of several thresholds that are applied to new accounts, because they are introduced into the system.
WITH matrix_table AS ( -- no indexes or constraints
SELECT '20090101' matrix_date, '000' attr_type, 20 percent_1, 40 percent_2, 'A' rate_1, 'D' rate_2,  5 amount_1, 10 amount_2 FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT '20090101' matrix_date, '001' attr_type, 40 percent_1, 60 percent_2, 'B' rate_1, 'E' rate_2, 10 amount_1, 15 amount_2 FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT '20090101' matrix_date, '002' attr_type, 60 percent_1, 80 percent_2, 'C' rate_1, 'F' rate_2, 15 amount_1, 20 amount_2 FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT '20090101' matrix_date, '003' attr_type, 80 percent_1, 99 percent_2, 'D' rate_1, 'G' rate_2, 20 amount_1, 25 amount_2 FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT '20100101' matrix_date, '000' attr_type, 21 percent_1, 41 percent_2, 'A' rate_1, 'E' rate_2,  4 amount_1,  9 amount_2 FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT '20100101' matrix_date, '001' attr_type, 41 percent_1, 61 percent_2, 'B' rate_1, 'F' rate_2,  9 amount_1, 14 amount_2 FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT '20100101' matrix_date, '002' attr_type, 61 percent_1, 81 percent_2, 'C' rate_1, 'G' rate_2, 14 amount_1, 19 amount_2 FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT '20100101' matrix_date, '003' attr_type, 81 percent_1, 99 percent_2, 'D' rate_1, 'H' rate_2, 19 amount_1, 24 amount_2 FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT '20110101' matrix_date, '000' attr_type, 22 percent_1, 42 percent_2, 'A' rate_1, 'F' rate_2,  3 amount_1,  8 amount_2 FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT '20110101' matrix_date, '001' attr_type, 42 percent_1, 62 percent_2, 'B' rate_1, 'G' rate_2,  8 amount_1, 13 amount_2 FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT '20110101' matrix_date, '002' attr_type, 62 percent_1, 82 percent_2, 'C' rate_1, 'H' rate_2, 13 amount_1, 18 amount_2 FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT '20110101' matrix_date, '003' attr_type, 82 percent_1, 99 percent_2, 'D' rate_1, 'I' rate_2, 18 amount_1, 23 amount_2 FROM dual)
SELECT * FROM matrix_table;
When a manual adjustment is made to the matrix already attached to an account, the java application stores a record of who made the change in an audit table
WITH manual_adjustment AS ( -- no indexes or constraints
SELECT '1234' account_no, '20100809' change_date, '234512' change_time, 'John Doe' change_user FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT '1234' account_no, '20100810' change_date, '001546' change_time, 'John Doe' change_user FROM dual)
SELECT * FROM manual_adjustment;
and a record of the new matrix associated with the account in another table audit
WITH audit_record AS ( -- no indexes or constraints
SELECT 'Account Matrix' tablename, 'add' change_type, '20100809' change_date, '234508' change_time, 'jdoe' change_user, '1234,000,22,41,A,E,4,9'   change_data FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 'Account Matrix' tablename, 'add' change_type, '20100809' change_date, '234509' change_time, 'jdoe' change_user, '1234,001,41,61,B,F,9,14'  change_data FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 'Account Matrix' tablename, 'add' change_type, '20100809' change_date, '234510' change_time, 'jdoe' change_user, '1234,002,61,81,C,G,14,19' change_data FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 'Account Matrix' tablename, 'add' change_type, '20100809' change_date, '234511' change_time, 'jdoe' change_user, '1234,003,81,99,D,H,19,24' change_data FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 'Account Matrix' tablename, 'add' change_type, '20100809' change_date, '001543' change_time, 'jdoe' change_user, '1234,000,21,41,A,E,4,9'   change_data FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 'Account Matrix' tablename, 'add' change_type, '20100809' change_date, '001544' change_time, 'jdoe' change_user, '1234,001,41,61,B,F,9,14'  change_data FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 'Account Matrix' tablename, 'add' change_type, '20100809' change_date, '001545' change_time, 'jdoe' change_user, '1234,002,61,81,C,G,14,19' change_data FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 'Account Matrix' tablename, 'add' change_type, '20100809' change_date, '001546' change_time, 'jdoe' change_user, '1234,003,81,99,D,H,19,24' change_data FROM dual)
SELECT * FROM audit_record;
The example above shows one changed once a John Doe and then changed back. Java process appears to record the date and time the change occurs and the audit_record values do not match exactly the time of the manual_adjustment.

The audit based on the test data report must provide who changed what and when. When to use the date/time of the response (s) stored in manual_adjustment. What should identify the item changed values prerequisites audit_record or the matrix_table initial if no previous audit_record value exists. So in the example, John Doe has first made a change to the item of data of 1 percent, and since no prior audit were recorded in audit_record, the matrix_table is compared to (I made the order of the data in the columns matrix_table and audit_record.change_data). The old value is retrieved from matrix_table, and the new value is retrieved from audit_record. Then, John Doe has reversed the change to the data item for 1 percent. Since a pre-audit was recorded at audit_record, the most recent (s) audit_record are compared to the previous audit_record (s). The old value is retrieved from the previous audit_record and the new value is retrieved from the most recent audit_record.
Changed By Changed When      Account Attribute Element   Old Value New Value
---------- ----------------- ------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
John Doe   20100809 23:45:12 1234    000       Percent 1 21        22
John Doe   20100810 00:15:46 1234    000       Percent 1 22        21
The audit report must be presented as a database view (all current reports use a database view that is queried by other software for editing).

I have trouble to determine how to approach the question from the point of view SQL. The analysis of the change_data by commas with REGEXP_SUBSTR is quite simple and I don't have the ability to create functions to determine certain values, but at that time, I also try to tune and feel that I am limit myself to the approach already too. Any suggestions?

Thank you

Oracle 10 g 2

Published by: Luke Mackey on Aug 10, 2010 08:35
Table of audit_record has been fixed.

Published by: Luke Mackey on August 10, 2010 09:03
Add a description of how the audit report values are obtained.

Hi, Luke,.

Sorry, that it lasted so long.
It is not enough:

WITH    manual_adjustment_d     AS
     SELECT    change_user          AS changed_by
     ,       TO_DATE ( change_date || change_time
                       , 'YYYYMMDDHH24:MI:SS'
                 )          AS changed_when
     ,       account_no                AS account
     FROM       manual_adjustment
,     change_history          AS
     SELECT     TO_DATE ( change_date || change_time
                       , 'YYYYMMDDHH24:MI:SS'
                 )          AS changed_when
     ,     change_user
     ,             REGEXP_SUBSTR (change_data, '[^,]+', 1, 1)     AS account
     ,             REGEXP_SUBSTR (change_data, '[^,]+', 1, 2)     AS attr_type
     ,      TO_NUMBER (REGEXP_SUBSTR (change_data, '[^,]+', 1, 3))     AS percent_1
     ,      TO_NUMBER (REGEXP_SUBSTR (change_data, '[^,]+', 1, 4))     AS percent_2
     ,             REGEXP_SUBSTR (change_data, '[^,]+', 1, 5)     AS rate_1
     ,             REGEXP_SUBSTR (change_data, '[^,]+', 1, 6)     AS rate_2
     ,      TO_NUMBER (REGEXP_SUBSTR (change_data, '[^,]+', 1, 7))     AS amount_1
     ,      TO_NUMBER (REGEXP_SUBSTR (change_data, '[^,]+', 1, 8))     AS amount_2
     FROM     audit_record
     WHERE     tablename     = 'Account Matrix'
     AND     change_type     = 'add'
     SELECT  TO_DATE ( matrix_date
               , 'YYYYMMDD'
               )     AS changed_when
     ,     NULL          AS change_user
     ,     NULL          AS account
     ,       attr_type, percent_1, percent_2, rate_1, rate_2, amount_1, amount_2
     FROM     matrix_table
,     got_change_num     AS
     SELECT     ch.*
     ,     ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( PARTITION BY  attr_type
                               ORDER BY          changed_when
                       )         AS change_num
     FROM    change_history        ch
,     elements          AS
     SELECT  1 AS element_num, 'Percent 1' AS element_name      FROM dual     UNION ALL
     SELECT  2,               'Percent 2'                      FROM dual     UNION ALL
     SELECT  3,               'Rate 1'                      FROM dual     UNION ALL
     SELECT  4,               'Rate 2'                      FROM dual     UNION ALL
     SELECT  5,               'Account 1'                      FROM dual     UNION ALL
     SELECT  6,               'Account 2'                      FROM dual
,     got_diff          AS
     SELECT     ma.*
     ,     ar.attr_type     AS attribute
     ,     el.element_num
     ,     el.element_name
     ,     CASE     el.element_name
               WHEN  'Percent 1'  THEN  TO_CHAR (pr.percent_1)
               WHEN  'Percent 2'  THEN  TO_CHAR (pr.percent_2)
               WHEN  'Rate 1'         THEN      pr.rate_1
               WHEN  'Rate 2'         THEN      pr.rate_2
               WHEN  'Account 1'  THEN  TO_CHAR (pr.amount_1)
               WHEN  'Account 2'  THEN  TO_CHAR (pr.amount_2)
          END                AS old_value
     ,     CASE     el.element_name
               WHEN  'Percent 1'  THEN  TO_CHAR (ar.percent_1)
               WHEN  'Percent 2'  THEN  TO_CHAR (ar.percent_2)
               WHEN  'Rate 1'         THEN      ar.rate_1
               WHEN  'Rate 2'         THEN      ar.rate_2
               WHEN  'Account 1'  THEN  TO_CHAR (ar.amount_1)
               WHEN  'Account 2'  THEN  TO_CHAR (ar.amount_2)
          END             AS new_value
     FROM     manual_adjustment_d     ma
     JOIN     user_table          ut     ON     ma.changed_by     = ut.user_name
     JOIN     got_change_num          ar     ON     ar.changed_when     BETWEEN ma.changed_when - ( 10          -- seconds before
                                                                / (24 * 60 * 60)
                                             AND     ma.changed_when + ( 5          -- seconds after
                                                                / (24 * 60 * 60)
                         AND     ar.change_user     = ut.user_code
        JOIN     got_change_num          pr     ON     ar.attr_type     = pr.attr_type
                         AND     ar.change_num     = pr.change_num     + 1
        CROSS JOIN     elements     el
SELECT       changed_by
,       changed_when
,       account
,       attribute
,       element_name     AS element
,       old_value
,       new_value
FROM       got_diff
WHERE       old_value     != new_value
ORDER BY  changed_when
,            element_num

As always, to understand a query that uses subqueries, run each auxiliary request by himself and watch its result set.
Manual_adjustment_d of the subquery is just the corresponding columns of manual_adjustment, with the date converted to DATE.
Subquery change_history is a combination of audit_record and matrix_table, with the converted data in common columns common and converted to DATEs dates.
Subquery got_change_num is change_history, with a new column, change_num, added, to make it easy to find the last change before a given change.
Elements of subquery contains a line for each item that you level. You can have a real table like that, in the case of shich you don't need the subquery. This is necessary for the non swivel data between 1 column on 6 rows and 6 columns on 1 line.
Got_diff of the subquery is where most of the work takes place. He joined manual_adjustment_d in two rows of got_change_num: (1) the line has the same user and "almost the same" time and (2) the previous row for the same attribute. As posted, a row of got_change_num will be condered as "almost at the same time" like a row of mandual_adjustment_d if it is dated not earlier than 10 seconds ealeir and not later than 5 seconds following line in manual_adjustment_d. You can easily change that. Got_diff also of the Nations United-pivot of the data on a separate line for each item.
As often happens, the main query plays the same role in this query as the final step takes place in the Tour de France: not much changes, and the results of this part are all that matters. In this case, change is all that really unchanged lines are ignored. The only reason why I haven't done this in got_diff was I wanted to use the alias old_value and new_value, rather than repeat the CASE expressions.

I'm sure that the query can be a bit shortened and consierably more effective.
Returned could be simplified if you have stored your dates in the DATE columns.
It would be easier and more effective if you knew that all data checked, including the data of matrix_table, was audit_record. Then we wouldn't need matrix_table in this request at all, and we wouldn't have to reconcile the different ways of you these two tables to store the same data.

Tags: Database

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    Hmm, try this:

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    Run the application and select the columns in the report menu interactive action.
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    BR, Jari

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    OK, fixed. You must manually update for Adobe Flash Do this downloaded by the installation program Adobe Flash, for WIndows with plugin browsers. Closing Firefox, run the Adobe Flash Installer and restart Firefox, you should see the plugin Flash is now I use Windows XP - SP3, on an old HP box. Seems to work ok now (video sites course streams without incurring of autoblocking). Inspection of network traffic shows smoother bandwidth also.

    Steps to follow:

    (1) download the latest version of the Flash plugin installed, for Windows with plugins, if you are using XP - SP3. Try to get the full 18 meg installer of Flash player.
    I followed a number of different links and eventually got to a page
    who has several options for different operating systems and versions
    the browser used. I chose Flash for Windows Setup with
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    The file you want is:
    'install_flash_player_16_plugin.exe '.

    Note, date 11 February 2015, the version I downloaded
    called 'install_flash_player_16_plugin.exe' is 18,129,584 bytes.

    I ran "md5sum" on it, and got:

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    (2) Download this prgm (install_Flash_player_16_plugin.exe), and
    put it anywhere where you put the .exe files downloaded.

    (3) exit Firefox.

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    for a prompt C:\. Find the Setup program, and then run it. Should be
    update the contents of the directory:

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    (I'm paranoid, and disable the auto update... Any program of automatic update
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    (6) restart Firefox and confirm the Flash plugin is now worm

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    Hi Pascal,.

    Allowing the audit report to the SSP don't directly affect performance HFM.  Audit data is stored in the HSS database in tables separate (SMA_) and the only HFM associated with options to log are retrieved and imports of LCM.  If you choose only a handful of the audit tasks, it maybe not number of records written in the database at all.  If you choose to connect everything, be sure to include serving the information as part of your ongoing process (quarterly or annually should do unless there is a significant activity HSS).

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    Kind regards


    If it is specific to the Service request screen. Then you can try the following:

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    Kind regards

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    Will modify your report interactive report attributes.
    In the paging section, you can change attribute "see the Null Values as".

    BR, Jari

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  • Problem with the display of the icon in the interactive report


    for several days I am looking for a solution on the web, but I have not found the right article.

    I can't display images in the display of the icon of interactive report.

    I tried to understand with an example of implementation of the SUMMIT.

    I work with the same component without success.


    first region

    P1O_IMG1: File Explorer to download image

    P10_TITRE: text box: title

    P10_LIBELLE: area of tex: topic

    P10_CANCEL: button cancel

    P10_submit: button to submit

    in this area, I upload a picture and create a row in the CG63_IMG table


    and everything is OK

    second region with interactive report


    cg63_IMG.ID_IMG ID,

    CG63_IMG.ID_IMG as ID_IMG,

    CG63_IMG. Name of the FILE as FILENAME,

    CG63_IMG. Mime_type like MIME_TYPE,





    Decode (NVL (DBMS_LOB. GetLength (IMAGE_CONTENT), 0), 0, NULL, apex_util.get_blob_file_src (ID_IMG, NULL, 'P10_PHOTO', 'inline')) detail_img_no_style;

    apex_util.prepare_url ('f? p ='|: APP_ID |) » : 20 :'|| : APP_SESSION |': P20_ID_IMG :'|| ID_IMG) icon_link

    of CG63_IMG CG63_IMG

    in my report, detail_img_no_style, icon_link are hidden

    in attributes of reports

    the normal display mode is ok

    the detail view is ok

    display the icon: problem no picture

    I would like this (in the order of the lines of the "icon view" attribute)






    HEIGHT = "140" WIDTH = "140"

    #TITRE #.



    third region

    I defined a P10_PHOTO point: File Explorer, hidden

    Like this



    BLOB type column specifies in the attribute of the source point,



    ' ',



    ' ',



    Still, replacing everything,.

    Databas column,

    Per session.

    Value of source = IMAGE_CONTENT,

    ' ',

    ' '

    It is difficult to get information: how the element such as P10_PHOTO must be created.




    user_fr_cg63 wrote:


    for several days I am looking for a solution on the web, but I have not found the right article.

    I can't display images in the display of the icon of interactive report.

    I tried to understand with an example of implementation of the SUMMIT.

    I work with the same component without success.


    first region

    P1O_IMG1: File Explorer to download image

    P10_TITRE: text box: title

    P10_LIBELLE: area of tex: topic

    P10_CANCEL: button cancel

    P10_submit: button to submit

    in this area, I upload a picture and create a row in the CG63_IMG table


    and everything is OK

    second region with interactive report


    cg63_IMG.ID_IMG ID,

    CG63_IMG.ID_IMG as ID_IMG,

    CG63_IMG. Name of the FILE as FILENAME,

    CG63_IMG. Mime_type like MIME_TYPE,





    Decode (NVL (DBMS_LOB. GetLength (IMAGE_CONTENT), 0), 0, NULL, apex_util.get_blob_file_src (ID_IMG, NULL, 'P10_PHOTO', 'inline')) detail_img_no_style;

    apex_util.prepare_url ('f? p ='|: APP_ID |) » : 20 :'|| : APP_SESSION |': P20_ID_IMG :'|| ID_IMG) icon_link

    of CG63_IMG CG63_IMG

    in my report, detail_img_no_style, icon_link are hidden

    in attributes of reports

    the normal display mode is ok

    the detail view is ok

    display the icon: problem no picture

    I would like this (in the order of the lines of the "icon view" attribute)






    HEIGHT = "140" WIDTH = "140"

    #TITRE #.



    third region

    I defined a P10_PHOTO point: File Explorer, hidden

    Like this



    BLOB type column specifies in the attribute of the source point,



    ' ',



    ' ',



    Still, replacing everything,.

    Databas column,

    Per session.

    Value of source = IMAGE_CONTENT,

    ' ',

    ' '

    It is difficult to get information: how the element such as P10_PHOTO must be created.


    Instead of all that typing it would have been easier to download the application at apex.oracle.com and share the problem here...

    Why does P10_PHOTO exist when there is already an article for the download of files in P10_IMG1?

    Is there a process to look for automatic line (ARF) DML defined to fill the first area? If not, create one and its the Nevervalue condition.

  • Interactive report with display of the icon to set the page element

    Hi all

    I am currently using Apex 4.2.4, I have an interactive report using icons, each icon has a link to another page but a few I want to set a value in a page hidden in the same page element which is then used as a variable for a classic report.

    I have this work via link href in the icon as f? p ='|| FA.page |': 1 :'|| : app_session |': P10_ID_ITEM :'|| FA.link_name without error.

    My problem is that I wanted to put the value of the element without using a link href that I could handle the clicked icon to change the background color so that the user can have a Visual representation, where it was clicked, then using the value of the page item appears the classic report in another region with a partial refresh.

    Any help is appreciated, thanks.

    Can you provide a detailed explanation of the purpose of this report and the logic used in the report query? What are the rules to control which icons appear in the IR, what icons link to the second report on the page of IR, and icons to link to separate pages?

    For me, the report query seems too complicated and inefficient by returning the data it does, and if another level of data is added to the hierarchy or more data is added to the second level, it fails with:

    ORA-01427: einreihig subquery returns multiple rows

    I'm guessing that the intent is that the IR displays only the icons at the top level of the hierarchy and icons for posting a link to a different page when they have no descendants, or to display the related lines in the secondary report below the IR when they do. I created a new page with the report query modified to a route of tree and keep the upper level lines. It is much more effective than the original query and simplifies the logic necessary for the verification of end-nodes. Instead of generating a URL link (which violates the separation of concerns), the query returns of the discrete values that can be used to implement the HTML link in the Icon View link Custom property:

    with icon_tree as (
            , ic.icon_name
            , ic.link_name
            , nullif(connect_by_isleaf, 1) is_parent
            , level depth
              icons ic
                connect by
                    prior ic.link_name = ic.id_parent
                start with
                    ic.id_parent is null)
      , icon_name
      , link_name
      , apex_util.get_blob_file_src('P10_ICON_IMAGE', id_icon) img_src
      , nvl2(is_parent, '586', link_name) target
      , nvl2(is_parent, 'P586_ID_PARENT', null) parent_item
      , nvl2(is_parent, link_name, null) parent_id
      , :app_id app_id
      , :app_session app_session
      , :debug debug
        depth = 1

    In the interactive report, Use Custom Icon Link is set to Yes, and the custom link is:


    Public static ID icons and results are applied to the IR and the regions second report respectively for use as selectors in action dynamics and CSS. The protected value property for the page P586_ID_PARENT element must be set to No for the value can be defined by a dynamic action.

    Dynamic action with several real actions is needed to bind alternatives click behavior to the links on the icons that have descendants (i.e. where the data-parent-id attribute has a value):

    Event: Click

    Selection type: jQuery Selector

    jQuery Selector:.apexir_WORKSHEET_ICONS a:not([data-parent-id=""])

    Real Actions

    Seq: 10

    Action: Delete the class


    Selection type: jQuery Selector

    jQuery Selector:.apexir_WORKSHEET_ICONS a

    Seq: 20

    Action: Add the class


    Selection type: trigger element

    Seq: 30

    Action: Set value

    Wait for result: Yes

    Type of value: Expression of JavaScript

    JavaScript expression:$(this.triggeringElement).attr('data-parent-id')

    Selection type: Agenda

    Point: P586_ID_PARENT

    Seq: 40

    Action: Discount

    Selection type: Region

    Region: results


    Action: Show

    Selection type: Region

    Region: results

    Seq: 60

    Action: Cancel event

    Finally, add a style sheet to the Inline CSS property page. Initially, this hides the secondary report and select the parent clicked icon:

    #results {
      display: none;
    #icons .apexir_WORKSHEET_ICONS a {
      border: 1px solid transparent;
      border-radius: 3px;
      padding: 0.8em 0 0.5em;
      #icons .apexir_WORKSHEET_ICONS a.selected {
        border-color: #6a9cda;
        background-color: #bbd1ec;
        transition: 0.6s;

    However, after all it is the question of why you use an interactive report here if you turned off all the features of the IR? A dynamic list with a custom template box seems to be more applicable?

  • Script to generate the sys files os trail audit report


    We have a large database, where 1000 bone trail files are generated every day.   Except sys, we get all the information lo - Gin of dba_audit_trail.

    But the listener wants the audit information sys too.

    It is very difficult to manually move all the files in the operating system. I tried to make a script to generate a report. But I do not succeed until now.

    If you have any of you have used or by using a similar script to generate a report of os audit .aud file sys. Please provide that.

    Also let me if there is another way to collect audit sys information easily.

    Thanks and greetings


    Hi berang,.

    I wrote an article (http://www.dbarj.com.br/en/2014/10/retrieve-oracle-sysdba-audit-os-files-inside-table/) explaining exactly how to do it using the external Table with preprocessor function.

    Why don't you take a look and fit the need? I hope you enjoy.

    Kind regards


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