

Where can I find more information on MapView? There are in the release notes for the beta 2 release of Cascades information that MapView has been added in this version, but I can't find all classes with those in QAnywhere. Also, there are no examples on how to use MapView.

Thank you


Unfortunately, MapView if not taken in charge for beta 2;


Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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  • Google Mapview no longer works in Firefox

    Google Maps Satellite view works, but mapview does not work. I don't have this problem with Internet Explorer. If I click on mapview in Firefox, it just says: "loading", but nothing happens. I tried the troubleshooting information in Google, but it does not solve the problem.

    Many issues of the site can be caused by corrupted cookies or cache. To try to solve these problems, the first step is to clear cookies and cache.
    Note: This will be you temporarily disconnect all sites, you're connected to.
    To clear the cache and cookies to do the following:

    1. Go to Firefox > history > clear recent history or (if no Firefox button is displayed) go to tools > clear recent history.
    2. Under "Time range to clear", select "all".
    3. Now, click the arrow next to details to toggle the active details list.
    4. In the list of details, see the Cache and Cookies and uncheck everything.
    5. Now click the clear now button.

    More information can be found in article to clear your cache, history, and other personal information in Firefox .

    This solve your problems? Please report to us!

  • Drop PIN for mapView

    I have this mapview

    my function

    function businessdetail(response){
            console.log("Response: "+response)
            var json = JSON.parse(response)
            map.longitude = json.longitude
            map.latitude = json.latitude

    and that's my mapview

    MapView {
                                id: map
                                preferredWidth: Infinity
                                preferredHeight: 600
                                altitude: 1000

    I just want to have a PIN which exactly it fell from my latitude longtitude

    and if I click the mapview will be a road marker that leave from my site, like this

    a better way to do this?

    and please share some codes

    Thank you

    Thanks for the reply


    I do this

          topPadding : 15
          layout: DockLayout {
               MapView {
                     id: map
                     preferredWidth: Infinity
                     preferredHeight: 600
                     altitude: 1500
                     overlapTouchPolicy: OverlapTouchPolicy.Deny
                     touchPropagationMode: TouchPropagationMode.None
                     ImageView {
                          imageSource: "asset:///images/mapicon.png"
                          verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
                          horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                          preferredHeight: 100
                          preferredWidth: 100
                                tabPane.direction = true
                                tabPane.button = true



  • Add pin in a MapView

    I have a plan and an actonitem let a PIN on the map. If it is possible to put the PIN when the mapview appear in the page without using the actionitem?

    It is of the workaround that I found, I think that this is not the best method, but for my case, it's ok

    MapView {
                    id: mapview
                    altitude: 800
                    latitude: itemLatitude
                    longitude: itemLongitude
                    preferredWidth: 768
                    preferredHeight: 1280
                    onLatitudeChanged: {
                        pinContainer.addPin(itemLatitude, itemLongitude);
                    onLongitudeChanged: {
                        pinContainer.addPin(itemLatitude, itemLongitude);
                    onRequestRender: {
                    touchPropagationMode: TouchPropagationMode.None
  • How to get the legend of bubble label text in MapView when we type?

    I added pins on MapView. Each pin card have a place name. Only touch the spindle, one sees a bubble. In this bubble, place name is provided. We provide the following C++ code name:

    NewDrop geolocation * = new GeoLocation();

    newDrop-> setName ("India");

    I want this place name, when I click on the legend label.

    Can someone help?

    Thanks corine.

    I tried the method you suggested.

    But I got a simple solution for this case. I added the following code in C++:

    NewDrop geolocation * = new GeoLocation();

    QString pinId = 'India ';

    newDrop-> setId (pinId);

    And in QML, I used 'focusedId', for that the bubble tapped s ID. This works.

  • MapView does not show pines

    I experience MapView and I need help with it. I use 10.3.2 API and testing my application on the Simulator.

    Here is my code:


    #ifndef MYMAPDATA_H
    #define MYMAPDATA_H
    using namespace bb::cascades::maps;
    // MyMapData
    class MyMapData
        : public MapData
        explicit MyMapData(QObject *parent = NULL);
        virtual ~MyMapData() {}
    public slots:
        void addGeoLocation(const int latitude, const int longitude);
    #endif // MYMAPDATA_H


    #include "MyMapData.h"
    using namespace bb::platform::geo;
    // MyMapData
    MyMapData::MyMapData(QObject *parent)
        : MapData(parent)
        add(new GeoDeviceLocation());
    void MyMapData::addGeoLocation(const int latitude, const int longitude)
        add(new GeoLocation(latitude, longitude));
        qDebug() << "------------>" << count(true);

    Inside of main.cpp I register class MyMapData:

    qmlRegisterType("bb.cascades", 1, 4, "MyMapData");

    Inside the .pro file, I added libs:

    LIBS += -lbb -lbbplatform -lQtLocationSubset -lbbcascadesmaps -lGLESv1_CM

    Inside the .bar file, I added the following permissions:


    hand. QML:

    import bb.cascades 1.4
    import bb.cascades.maps 1.4
    Page {
        MapView {
            id: mapView
            latitude: 52.5
            longitude: -98.75
            mapData: MyMapData {
                id: mapData
        actions: [
            ActionItem {
                title: "Drop Pin"
                ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.OnBar
                onTriggered: {
                    mapData.addGeoLocation(mapView.latitude, mapView.longitude);

    When I click on Add Pin, no pins on MapView are displayed, but debug of MyMapData :: addGetLocation me, shows that the pine has been added.
    What's wrong?

    My code works well, just zoom out

  • MapView problems after 2.0 update Momentics

    Hello, I am working on a prototype for an idea of the app I have and need to plan very much in the way that Foursquare manages the views of map locations. I've been led to believe that the native integration of cards required coding very little and nothing more than a few lines of code. I studied the demo mapview up and down for hours and I can't figure out what I did wrong. Here's the Basic code.

    import bb.cascades 1.2
    import bb.cascades.maps 1.0
    Page {
        Container {
            //Todo: fill me with QML
            Label {
                // Localized text with the dynamic translation and locale updates support
                text: qsTr("Hello World") + Retranslate.onLocaleOrLanguageChanged
                textStyle.base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.BigText
            MapView {
                id: mapview
                objectName: "mapView"
                altitude: 3000
                latitude: 43.449488
                longitude: -80.406777
                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                preferredHeight: Infinity
                preferredWidth: Infinity

    The problem is on the Viewer to waterfalls, that plan appears in RED saying "Missing: MapView ' when it is deployed on a device (Dev Alpha B), I get a black box, and no card, pinch and panoramic seem something in the console output log, but is also not very useful.

    Qml debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment!
    unknown symbol: _ZN2bb8cascades4maps7MapView7setTiltEi
    unknown symbol: _ZN2bb8cascades4maps7MapView11setAltitudeEd
    unknown symbol: _ZN2bb8cascades4maps7MapView11setLatitudeEd
    unknown symbol: _ZN2bb8cascades4maps7MapViewC1EPNS0_9ContainerE
    unknown symbol: _ZN2bb8cascades4maps7MapView12setLongitudeEd
    unknown symbol: _ZN2bb8cascades4maps7MapView15setRenderEngineEPNS1_12RenderEngineE
    OrientationSupportPrivate::getSupportedDisplayOrientation:  auto
       isCardOrViewer:  false
       manifestDisplayOrientation: All
       displayOrientation: All
       uiOrientation: Portrait
       displayDirection: North
       nativeDisplayOrientation: Portrait
    CS Debugging enabled: false
    using the following render engine:  bb::cascades::maps::BlankRenderEngine
    removing the old render engine:  bb::cascades::maps::BlankRenderEngine
    render engine search: searching   QDir( "/apps/com.example.WoHoMu.testDev_mple_WoHoMued1f8138/native/mapview-renderengine" , nameFilters = { * },  QDir::SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase ) , QDir::Filters( Dirs|Files|Drives|AllEntries ) )
    render engine search: searching   QDir( "/base/usr/lib/qt4/plugins/mapview-renderengine" , nameFilters = { * },  QDir::SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase ) , QDir::Filters( Dirs|Files|Drives|AllEntries ) )
    render engine search: attempting to load  "/base/usr/lib/qt4/plugins/mapview-renderengine/"
    RenderEngineManager::engine(    )
    using the following render engine:  bb::cascades::maps::BlankRenderEngine
    unknown symbol: _ZTIN2bb8platform3geo11GeoLocationE
    unknown symbol: _ZTIN2bb8platform3geo11GeoLocationE
    unknown symbol: _ZNK2bb8platform3geo11GeoLocation10metaObjectEv
    unknown symbol: _ZN2bb8platform3geo11GeoLocation11qt_metacastEPKc
    unknown symbol: _ZN2bb8platform3geo11GeoLocation11qt_metacallEN11QMetaObject4CallEiPPv
    unknown symbol: _ZNK2bb8platform3geo11GeoLocation11boundingBoxEv
    unknown symbol: _ZTIN2bb8cascades4maps12RenderEngineE
    unknown symbol: _ZN2bb8cascades4maps12RenderEngine16staticMetaObjectE
    unknown symbol: _ZTIN2bb8platform3geo11GeoPolylineE
    unknown symbol: _ZTIN2bb8platform3geo10GeoPolygonE
    unknown symbol: _ZTIN2bb8platform3geo10GeographicE
    unknown symbol: _ZN2bb8platform3geo17GeoDeviceLocation16staticMetaObjectE
    unknown symbol: _ZNK2bb8platform3geo8Polyline5countEv
    unknown symbol: _ZNK2bb8cascades4maps25RenderEngineConfiguration21foreignWindowWindowIdEv
    unknown symbol: _ZN2bb8platform3geo5StyleD1Ev

    I added the necessary permissions for the site and the internet in the bar-descriptor but also added the
    LIBS +=-lbbcascadesmaps line in the .pro project file. Can someone help me to know what is happening?

    I use these libs:

    -lQtLocationSubset - lbbcascadesmaps-lGLESv1_CM

  • Draw the circle on MapView

    Hi all.

    I am quite new to the development of the Cascades.

    I would like to know if it is possible to trace a circle on a plan, given a Point and a RADIUS.

    I searched a bit on the doc, but I not only found ways to draw polygons from a set of coordinates.

    IIRC the fact maps app exactly that, show GPS accuracy of the signal (IE put a circle around you on the map to show the accuracy of the coordinates).

    Thank you very much, greetings

    Thanks BBSJdev, but I need an overlay following cards (and with a dynamic dimension) and not static.

    In any case, I found a nice way to draw a circle-layer on the mapview. Here is the code:

    It is an improved version of the solution that someone else posted on this forum some time ago (which did not perfectly, as she draws an elypse and not a circle). I can't find this post now, in any case I would like to thank the user who wrote this snippet.

    Here is the code:

    void ApplicationUI::drawCircle(double lon, double lat, double radius) {    MapView *mv = root->findChild("mapView");    DataProvider *dp = mv->mapData()->defaultProvider();
        // convert radius meters to latitude width    double latr = radius / 111412.84; // this is the number of meters per degree
        // with longitude it's a bit more complicated, since a degree of longitude 's length    // is not constant (unfortunately the earth is not flat)    int a = 6371000; // earth radius in meters    double rad_lat = 0.0174532925 * lat; // convert latitude from degrees to radiants    double _lr = ((M_PI / 180) * a * cosf(rad_lat)); // length of a degree of longitude in meters    double lonr = radius / _lr;    qDebug() << "lonr = " << lonr << " ; _lr = " << _lr << " ; latr = " << latr << " ; lat = " << lat;
        GeoPolygon* result = new GeoPolygon;    Polyline line;    const int numOfSeg = 36;    for ( int i = 0; i < numOfSeg; i++ ) {        double theta = 2.0f * 3.1415926f * float( i ) / float( numOfSeg );        double x = lonr * cosf( theta );        double y = latr * sinf( theta );        line.append( Coordinate( y + lat, x + lon ) );    }
        result->setOuterBoundary( line );    result->setId("id-circle");    mv->mapData()->defaultProvider()->add(result);
  • How to receive events touch of legend in mapview bubble?

    Hello developers,
    I have been woking on a map-based application. I want to see the PIN to some place on click and click a pin it there otherwise pop up on available in OS bb10 and can also add our user interface customized for the legend label. I saw an example of custom mapview in which they created a container separated and shown that the container during the click on pin.but that the container is not ' receive touch how should I get the Touch touch events? pls help developer friends...

    Thank you

    I just tested and the onTouch Manager works perfectly.

    I added the following code in the main container of the bubble component to change the color of the label (you will need to add the > string in the Label component to test).

        onTouch: {
            label.textStyle.color = Color.Red;
  • MapView does not display the map

    MapView tutorial sample apps does not display the map on my device.

    I tried to get out by creating a sample application with lat coded hard and longi, still nothing.

    In addition, the native application "maps" on the device also fails to show on the map. !

    What I m misssing?

    That you get an event message when you try to drag and zoom control.
    Set the width and height to infinity to try.

  • MapView list empty (black) on OS 10.3

    Hi all

    I use MapView in an app and its works very well on OS 10.2, but after 10.3 updated his does not.

    Its black list without content above.

    There is also the debug output saying:

    rendering engine using the following: bb::cascades:maps:BlankRenderEngine

    I also have this included in the .pro file

    LIBS += - lQtLocationSubset - lbbcascadesmaps-lGLESv1_CM

    Help, please!

    Thank you


    Did you guys added a height and a width to your mapviews?

    try this.  My application revolves around maps and I have problems on 10.3 SDK.

  • Marker icon update mapview

    Hey people.

    I got a plan where I add geolocation with the marker icon.

    I want to update this marker of the icon with another icon, but the accident during the click on the marker popup after update.

    Update: I remove the geolocation of the dataprovider, I change icon, finally I add geolocation to dataprovider.

    If I don't remove/add geolocation of dataprovider, mapview is not update the marker icon.

    Thank you.

    OK, I already solve it.

    I don't have removal/addition of marker for the data provider. Just add for update.

    Thank you.

  • MapView onMapLongPressed (coordinates) bug?

    Hi, I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or is a bug in MapView class but I am not able to retrieve information about the coordinates on a long support class MapView.

    Acoording to the documentation, the signal of onMapLongPressed returns an object to coordinates (geo/Point class) that contains details about the location where the user long pressed.

    The returned object is undefined.

    Help, please!

    Hi @xapel,

    I could not extract data from GeoPoint via QML. I had to pass the returned object (const bb:latform::geo:anointed & coordinated) of C++ and extract and then send it to QML for use.

    I hope this helps.


  • MapView navigation?


    I created a MapView (bb::cascades:maps:MapView) and added a geolocation (bb: platform::geo:GeoLocation) which shows a marker on the map.

    I added a name and a description to my place:

    location-> setName ("Point of interest");

    location-> setDescription ("this point is interesting");

    Then when I click on the marker of the small bubble will appear showing me 3 things:

    -Name of geolocation. 'Point of interest '.

    -Description of geolocation. "This is interesting".

    -A top arrow button.

    The arrow on the button is usually associated with the ability to navigate to the marker in question. How to capture a button from this button? And more important still, how do I start navigation when the button is pressed?

    Thank you!

    For Navigation, you will need to use the RouteInvoker

    To use it, you'll need this in your main.cpp:

    qmlRegisterType("bb.platform", 1, 0, "RouteMapInvoker");

    ^ put this right under this code in your main.cpp:

    Q_DECL_EXPORT int main(int argc, char **argv)

    In addition to setting this in your qml:

    RouteMapInvoker {
                id: routeInvoker

    And then onClicked or notecard use this:

    onTriggered: {
                    routeInvoker.endLatitude = listItemLat.text <<		   
  • An overload of the Menu in Mapview elements

    (1) I am trying to add my custom menus to the MapView menu list and unable to do so.

    (2) and is it possible to push Mapview on-screen Manager.

    Say pushScreen (MapView instance)

    Can someone help me with these questions please.

    You call using MapView BlackBerry Maps.  You can add your own menu item in BlackBerry Maps.  See the link below for an example.

    Add a custom BlackBerry application menu item

    You are not able to remove items from menu to RIM applications.

  • MapView rendering time at the start of the application

    There is a lag of a few seconds of starting the application until the card is returned. I want to show an ActivityIndicator while the map is rendered. Is there a way to know when is the plan released?
    I checked RenderEngine class a signal called renderCompleted who can help me, but I can access the current MapView RenderEngine...

    Kind regards.

    Currently, the answer is no. But we certainly hope that providing signals when the card is rendered/rendering.

    Can you provide specific details on what reports you want to see? For example all the tiles have been made, card is functional, etc... ?


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