Match each data store its Lun ID and the list of virtual machines in each data store


Can anyone help? I'm looking to create a report that will show each Monday name and store data to data warehouses, the list virtual machines belonging to the storage of data and the name of the VCenter at the top of the report. I tried several combinations but was more difficult to get the Monday. Any help appreciated gratefully.

Thank you

If you use only LUNS is an easy way to get the canonical name:

Get-datastore. {Select-Object Name,@{Name="CanonicalName"; expression = {$}}

I don't understand your requirement regarding the name vCenter, but for everything else

Get-datastore. foreach {($MyDatastore = $_)} | Get - vm | Select-Object @{Name="Datastore";expression={$MyDatastore}},@{Name="CanonicalName";expression={$}},Name

Tags: VMware

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    You must use the Select-Object cmdlet to specify more precisely the properties you want.

    The Export-Csv doesn't know how to manage the virtual computer object.

    Something like that

    Get-vmhost esxhostname | Get - vm | Select name. Export Csv.\report.csv - NoTypeInformation - UseCulture

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    Hello, max08-

    Simply use this CSV as a list of names of virtual machine to stop and delete permanently, you can do something like:

    Import-Csv remove.csv | %{Stop-VM $_."Server Name" -Confirm:$false | Remove-VM -DeletePermanently -Confirm:$false -RunAsync}

    Note, it is non-interactive once you run - he doesn't want to stop the virtual machines or remove the disc, it does just.  So, make sure that the .csv file is only virtual computer names you really want to kill.

    How does do for you?

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    Server5 LUN7 Argo

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    Thank you


    You can redirect the results to a CSV file, for example

    Get-VM |Select Name,@{N="Datastore";E={[string]::Join(',',(Get-Datastore -Id $_.DatastoreIdList | Select -ExpandProperty Name))}},@{N="Folder";E={$_.Folder.Name}} |Export-Csv C:\report.csv -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture
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    The following PowerCLI script will give you the report requested on the virtual machines and their VMDK files. It also takes account of the fact that a data store can have several extensions:

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    Get-HardDisk |
    Select-Object -Property @{N="VM";E={$_.Parent}},
    @{N="LunID";E={[string]::Join(',',((Get-Datastore $_.FileName.Split(']')[0].TrimStart('[')).Extensiondata.Info.Vmfs.Extent |
      Select-Object -ExpandProperty DiskName))}}
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    See you soon


    Luke, you are right. I should have tested.

    There is a downside to the ForEach command that I almost never use. Normally I use the Foreach-Object cmdlet and that works very well with pipeing the output to Export-CSV.

    Markus, you must use option 2 in this case.

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    VMHost and folder use the Get-VM-setting position. You must select either using the Where-Object cmdlet filter. For example:

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    Get-VM |
    Where-Object {$_.Folder.Name -eq $folder_name}
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    $file = "C:\Users\Admin\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\08-18-2014\VM-Repo.csv".

    $Import = import-csv $file

    $VMCreatedLast7RDayRepoFile = "C:\Users\Admin\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\08-18-2014\Last7Days.csv".

    $start7 = (get-Date). AddMonths(-1)

    $CDate7 = $start7. ToString('MM/dd/yyyy')

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    Invoke-Item $VMCreatedLast7RDayRepoFile


    You can use the New-Timespan cmdlet in the Where clause, it returns the time difference between 2 DateTime objects.

    An example of this cmdley

    New-TimeSpan-start (Get-Date). AddDays(-7)-end (Get-Date). Select days - ExpandProperty

    In your case, you could do

    Where {(New Timespan-démarrer ([DateTime] $_.))} CreatedOn) - end $start7). {7 days - gt}

    But beware of negative numbers.

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    Thank you very much


    That's right, you could do

    Get-VM MyVM | Select Name,@{N="DS";E={[string]::join(',',($_.datastoreidlist|%{(Get-View -Id $_).Name}))}},Description |
        Export-Csv "C:\test.csv" -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture

    Just look at whether the separator for CSV is be a comma in your culture, you probably need to adjust the separator in the Join method!

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    Looking at the inventory of the data store in the VI client, there are a "number of Virtual Machines:" according to the General information for the Summary tab... I'm looking for a script that retrieves this information for me...

    I started the script but I'm stuck... I am very new on this...

    Get-Datastore. WHERE-object {$_ .name - like "wlp" ' "} #this gives me all the data which are not local warehouses

    Could someone give an overview on how to script to retrieve the number of virtual machines on data warehouses...

    Thank you, Lee

    Sorry, something went wrong with the copy - paste

    Get-Datastore | where {$_.Name -like "vmfs*"} | Sort-Object -Property Name | %{$_ | select @{N="DSname"; E={$_.Name}},
                                                                          @{N="VMcount";E={($_ | Get-VM | Measure-Object).count}}}
  • List of virtual machines in data warehouses

    Hi all

    I want to list all virtual machines in warehouses of data starting with "MDF".  I tried

    Get - VM - Datastore (Get-Datastore-name MDF *) | Select-object - property name, data store > VMplusdatastore.txt

    But it does not list the names of data store for a reason any?

    Also some VM will have records on more than a logic unit number - I suppose that it is not translated here?

    Wouldn't be better to do the opposite?

    Hi Simon,.

    the problem with your script is that the virtual computer object does not have a property data store. That is why the data column store is empty in the output. The following script will combine virtual machine names and the data store for all with names beginning with MDF data warehouses:

    Get-Datastore -Name MDF* | ForEach-Object {
      $Datastore = $_
      $Datastore | Get-VM | ForEach-Object {
        $Report = "" | Select-Object -property Name, Datastore
        $Report.Name = $_.Name
        $Report.Datastore = $
    } > VMplusdatastore.txt

    If a virtual machine disks on multiple data stores, it will display all the combinations.

    Best regards, Robert

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    When I run this Get - vm | where {$_.} $ - eq "ESX.local"}, I get the virtual machines with their name.  When I run this Get-networkadapter - vm Get - vm | where {$_.} $ - eq "ESX.local"} I download news network with the name of the network, which is what im after. "  I want to combine these 2 commands and get vm name and network name in a csv.  The network name is the Group of ports, the VM is affected change settings for example, it could be vlan10 or what you named your group of ports in the switch DV.  I've attached a screenshot of the orders successfully.

    Hello, brisketx-

    You could do a little more efficiently by getting first the VMHost (s) that are of interest, then get their virtual machines and then using a computed property for the names of network for virtual machines.  As:

    Get-VMHost esx.local | Get-VM |    Select-Object Name, @{n="NetworkName"; e={(Get-NetworkAdapter -VM $_ | %{$_.NetworkName}) -join ","}}

    You can then, of course, lead to Export-Csv to write the data to a CSV file.  How does do for you?

  • vCenter roles and privileges to migrate virtual machines

    I created a custom role named 'Build VMs' that I have assigned to an ad group.  This role is assigned in the data centers, all spread and no. folder where elsewhere.  The role was designed to allow a specific group of users to manage virtual machines (create, move, delete, but not clone, etc.).

    For the most part, it works fine, but I have a problem: they cannot migrate powered off VMs.  vMotion is available and works, but I need to move a cluster virtual machines to a different (more old hw & 3.5 to new hw & 4.1).

    The role has the following privileges:

    Name                                Id
    ----                                --
    Anonymous System.Anonymous
    View System.View
    Read System.Read
    Create the folder Folder.Create
    Allocate space Datastore.AllocateSpace
    Update of virtual machine files Datastore.UpdateVirtualMachineFiles
    Configure Network.Config
    Affect the Network.Assign network
    Change DVSwitch.Modify
    Operation of DVSwitch.PortConfig port configuration
    Setting of port DVSwitch.PortSetting operation
    Change DVPortgroup.Modify
    Create the virtual machine Host.Local.CreateVM
    Reconfigure the virtual machine Host.Local.ReconfigVM
    Create new VirtualMachine.Inventory.Create
    Create existing VirtualMachine.Inventory.CreateF...
    Register VirtualMachine.Inventory.Register
    Delete VirtualMachine.Inventory.Delete
    Unregister VirtualMachine.Inventory.Unregister
    Move VirtualMachine.Inventory.Move
    Power VirtualMachine.Interact.PowerOn
    VirtualMachine.Interact.PowerOff power off
    Suspension VirtualMachine.Interact.Suspend
    Discount to zero VirtualMachine.Interact.Reset
    Question answer VirtualMachine.Interact.AnswerQu...
    Console interaction VirtualMachine.Interact.ConsoleI...
    Device connection VirtualMachine.Interact.DeviceCo...
    Configure support CD VirtualMachine.Interact.SetCDMedia
    Configure floppy media VirtualMachine.Interact.SetFlopp...
    VMware Tools install VirtualMachine.Interact.ToolsIns...
    Buy tickets to control comments VirtualMachine.Interact.GuestCon...
    Defragmentation of disks all VirtualMachine.Interact.Defragme...
    Turn on the VirtualMachine.Interact.CreateSe of fault tolerance...
    Disable VirtualMachine.Interact.TurnOffF of fault tolerance...
    Test failover VirtualMachine.Interact.MakePrimary
    Restarting the VM VirtualMachine.Interact.Terminat secondary...
    Disable VirtualMachine.Interact.DisableS of fault tolerance...
    Enable fault tolerance VirtualMachine.Interact.EnableSe...
    Record session on Machine virtual VirtualMachine.Interact.Record
    Review the session on virtual computer VirtualMachine.Interact.Replay
    Backup operation on a virtual machine VirtualMachine.Interact.Backup
    Create a screenshot VirtualMachine.Interact.CreateSc...
    Rename VirtualMachine.Config.Rename
    Add a disk existing VirtualMachine.Config.AddExistin...
    Add the new disk VirtualMachine.Config.AddNewDisk
    Remove the VirtualMachine.Config.RemoveDisk disc
    Raw device VirtualMachine.Config.RawDevice
    Host VirtualMachine.Config.HostUSBDevice USB device
    Change the number of CPU VirtualMachine.Config.CPUCount
    Memory VirtualMachine.Config.Memory
    Add or remove devices VirtualMachine.Config.AddRemoveD...
    Change the settings of the device VirtualMachine.Config.EditDevice
    Parameters VirtualMachine.Config.Settings
    Change resources VirtualMachine.Config.Resource
    Updating of the virtual hardware VirtualMachine.Config.UpgradeVir...
    Reset the VirtualMachine.Config.ResetGuest customer information...
    Advanced VirtualMachine.Config.AdvancedCo...
    Lease of disk VirtualMachine.Config.DiskLease
    Swapfile placement VirtualMachine.Config.SwapPlacement
    Extend the virtual disk VirtualMachine.Config.DiskExtend
    Change disk monitoring VirtualMachine.Config.ChangeTrac...
    Unlock the virtual machine VirtualMachine.Config.Unlock
    Queries files without owner VirtualMachine.Config.QueryUnown...
    Reloading the way VirtualMachine.Config.ReloadFrom...
    Compatibility VirtualMachine.Config.QueryFTCom of the fault tolerance of queries...
    Customize the VirtualMachine.Provisioning.Cust...
    Promote records VirtualMachine.Provisioning.Prom...
    Deploy the model of VirtualMachine.Provisioning.Depl...
    Clone model VirtualMachine.Provisioning.Clon...
    Mark as virtual machine VirtualMachine.Provisioning.Mark...
    Read about the customization VirtualMachine.Provisioning.Read...
    Edit the VirtualMachine.Provisioning.Modi customization specifications...
    Allow access to the disk VirtualMachine.Provisioning.Disk...
    Allow access to the read-only disc VirtualMachine.Provisioning.Disk...
    Assign the virtual machine resources... Resource.AssignVMToPool
    Migrate from Resource.HotMigrate
    Query vMotion Resource.QueryVMotion

    It is the main thing I thought it would take to a simple move of a virtual machine while it is turned off:

    Name                                Id
    ----                                --
    Move VirtualMachine.Inventory.Move

    I gave to create a folder because some of the permissions were not yet allowing the creation of virtual machines, even though it probably isn't necessary.

    Any ideas?

    ~ Luc

    What happens if you add resources > permission to move?

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