Matrix of null space


I have a question about linear solve.

Given a system of equations 8 to 9 unknowns, form: AX = Y, A is a matrix known 8 x 9 and X is a vector of 9 x 1 (unknown) and Y = 0. I would like to find space void of this equation system. We have 9 vectors columns each with 8 elements. Columns vectors are dependent lineary so there must be a linear combination of them. So I would like to find the X by solving for the 8 x 9 matrix null space.

Is the linear equation solving is capable for this purpose?

Hi D60!

If you double-click the linear solve and take a look on the block diagram.

You will see that, depending on the type of your matrix, functions at different riding are used. You can double-click on these features too, to see how it works.

I think that the best way to get the matrix null space is the function null of the Mathsrcipt node:

More information about the Mathscript node:

Please let me know if my suggestion is useful.

Best regards

Tags: NI Software

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    (function(f, r, u) {function e (a) {return! a |}}) 'load'== a. == 'complete'a | { "uninitialized"== a}function p() {var a = c.shift (); n = 1; has? a.t.? s (function({(==a.t?w.injectCss:w.injectJs)(a.s,0,a.a,a.x,a.e,1)},0):(a(),p()«c»)): n = 0}function h (g, d, m, t, v, f, h) {function part {If(! z & & e (y.readyState) & & (q.r = z = 1,! n & & p (),)) {"img"! = g & & s (function() {k.removeChild (y)} 50);}}})} for (var b in B [d]) if (B [d] .hasOwnProperty (b)) B [d] [b] .onload (); y.OnLoad = y.onreadystatechange =null}} h = h | w.errorTimeout; var y = r.createElement (g), z = 0, A = 0, q = {t:m, d,

    {e:v, a: f, h: x}; 1 = B [d] & &(A=1,B[d]=[]); 'object'is g? ( = d, y.setAttribute ('type',' text/css ')): (y.src = d, y.type = g); y.width = y.height ="0"; y.OnError = y.onload = y.onreadystatechange =function() { (this, A)}; c.splice(t,0,q); « img »! = g & &(A|| 2 === B [d]?) ((P), k.insertBefore (, a? )) NULL: b), s (w, h)):B[d].push(y))}function l (a, b, g, d, k) {n = 0; b = b |} « j »; z b? h ('c'== b? y: m, a, b,this.i ++, g, d, k): (c.splice (this. i ++, 0, a), 1 == c.length & & p()); return ce} q() function {var a = w; a.loader = {load:l, i: 0}; return }var x = r.documentElement, s = f.setTimeout,.

    b = r.GetElementsByTagName ('script') [0], d = {} m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString, c = [], n = 0, v =function() {}, t ="MozAppearance"in, a = t & &! r.createRange (.compareNode, k = a)? x: b.parentNode, g = f.opera & & =='[object Opera]'(f.opera), g =! r.attachEvent & &! g, x ="webkitAppearance"in & &! ("async"in r.createElement ('script')), m = t? 'object': g | x? 'script':'img', y = g? 'script': x? "img": m, A = Array.isArray | function (a) {return'[object Array]'== (a)}, z =function() {return'string'==typeof one}, E =function() {return"[object Function]"== (a)},

    P =function() {b & & b.parentNode |} (b = r.getElementsByTagName) ("script") [0]}, Q = [], B = {}, L = {timeout:function(a, b) {b.length & &(a.timeout=b[0]); return a}}, M, w; w =function() {function b (a) {a = a.split (".");}} var g = Q.length, c = a.pop (), d is a.length, c = {url: c, origUrl:c, prefixes: a}, m, k, n; for (k = 0; k < d; k ++) n = a [k] .split ('='), (m = L [n.shift ()]) & & (c = m (c, n)); for (k = 0; k < g; k ++) c = Q [k] (c); return c}function g (a) {a = a.split ("?")} [0] ; Return a.substr (a.lastIndexOf (".")) (+ 1)}function c (a, d, m, k, n) {var t = b (a), e = t.autoCallback; g (t.url); } If(! t.bypass) {d & &}

    (d = E (d)? d: d [a] | d [k]: d [a.Split ("/") .pop () .split ("?")]) [0]]); if (t.instead) Return t.instead (a, d, m, k, n); B [t.URL] & &! 0!==t.reexecute?t.NOEXEC=!0:B[t.URL]=1;a & & m.load (t.url, forceCSS t.:! t.forceJS & &'css'== g (t.url)?) ( 'c': u, t.noexec, t.attrs, t.timeout); (E (d) |) E (e)) & & m.load (function() {q (); d & & d (t.origUrl, n, k); e & & e (t.origUrl, n, k);}) B [t.URL] = 2})}}function d (a, b) {function g (a, d) {If(""! == a & &! a)! d & & e(); else If(z (a)) d |}} (n =function() {var a = []. (arguments); t.apply (this, a); e ()}), c(a,n,b,0,k); else if (Object (a) = a) for (h en f =

    function () {var b = 0, g;} for ( in a) a.hasOwnProperty (g) g & & b ++; & ({d | & b} (), has) a.hasOwnProperty (h) of back - f | {(E (n)? n =function() {var a = []. (arguments); t.apply (this, a); (e)}: n [h] =function() {return function() {var b = []. (arguments); has & & a.apply(, b); e()}}(t[h])), c (a [h], n, b, h, k))}var k=!!a.test,m=a.load||a.both,n=a.callback||v,t=n,e=a.complete||v,f,h;g (k? a.yep:a.nope,! m | |! a.complete); m & & g (m);! {m & & a.complete & & g (' ')}var m, k, n =this. yepnope.loader; if (z (a)) c (a, 0, n, 0); else if (A (a)) for (m = 0; m < a.length; ++ m) k =

    a [m], z (k)? c(k,0,n,0):A (k)? w (k): object (k) = k & & d (k, n); else {Object (a) = a & & d (a, n)}; w.addPrefix =function(thefunctionof a, b) {T [a] = b}; w.addFilter = (a) {Q.push (a)}; w.errorTimeout = 1E4; == nullr.readyState & & r.addEventListener & & (r.readyState ='loading', r.addEventListener ('DOMContentLoaded', M =function() {r.removeEventListener ('DOMContentLoaded', M, 0); r.readyState ="complete"}, 0)); f.yepnope = q (); f.yepnope.executeStack = p; f.yepnope.injectJs =function(a, g, c, d, m, k) {var n = r.createElement ('script'), t, h; d = d: w.errorTimeout; n.src =}

    one; for (h in c) n.setAttribute (h, c [h]); g = k? p:g | v; n.onreadystatechange = n.OnLoad =function() {! t & & e (n.readyState) & & (t = 1, g (), n.onload = n.onreadystatechange =null)}; s (function() {t |}) ((t = 1, g (1))}, d); P();m?n.OnLoad():b.parentNode.InsertBefore(n,b)}; f.yepnope.injectCss =function(a, g, c, d, m, k) {d = r.createElement ('link'); var n; g = k? p:g | v; d.href = a; d.rel ='stylesheet'; d.type =' text/css ';} for (n in c) d.setAttribute (n, c [n]); m | (P (), b.parentNode.insertBefore(d,b), s(g,0))}}) (thisdocument),

    'function'! =typeof Array.prototype.forEach & & (Array.prototype.forEach =function(f) {for(var r = 0; r <this. length; r ++) f.apply (this, [this[r], r,this])}); 'function'! ==typeof String.prototype.trim & & (String.prototype.trim =function() {return thisreplace ("/ ^ \s + | \s + $/ g,' '')}); var aBootcompsLoaded = []; window. AdobeEdge = window. AdobeEdge | {};

    (function(f) {definedfunction {return'[object Array]'= (A)}function u (a, b) {var g; for(g = 0; a & & g < a.length; g ++) b [b.length ++] = a [g]}function e (a, b) {var g, c; }) If(r (a))for(c = a.length, g = 0; g < c; g ++) b(g,a[g]); else for (g dans a) (g) a.hasOwnProperty & & b(g,a[g])}function p {var b =, g, c; for(c = 0; c < a.length; c++)If(g = a [c],Sub 0! == b [g])return! 0;} return! 1}function h (a) {a =' "+; if(!)} (G.RGBA & & 0==a.indexOf ("rgba")) {var b = a.lastIndexOf (","); 0 < b & & (a =' rgb ("+ a.substring(5,b) +" "") "" ")}return a}function part {var b;

    e (,function(a, g) {null! == g & & (b =! 0)}); return! b}function q (a, b) {e (b,function(b, g) {a [b] = g}); return a}function (a) {var b={};b.num=parseFloat(a);b.units=String(a).match(/[a-zA-Z%]+$/);r(b.units) & & (b.a STI = b.units [0]); return b}function s (a) {return a.replace(/^-ms-/,"ms-" () .replace (/-([a-z] |))} {([0-9]) / GI,function(a, b) {return String (b) .toUpperCase ()})}function b (a) {var g; (this); this.length = 0; if (! a) return this; if (a and b instanceof ) return a; if ('chain'=typeof a) if (a=a.trim(),/^#([\w\-]+)$/.test(a)) (g =

    D.getElementById (a.substring (1))) & & (this[this.length ++] = g); else if (/ < | & #? \w+; .test (a)) {this.length = g ++;} var c = a; a = document.createElement ("div"); var d = (ma.exec (c) |) ["",""]) [1] .toLowerCase (), d = da [d] | da._Default; + c.replace a.innerHTML = d [1] (na,"< $ 1 > < / $2 >"' ") + d [2]; for (c = d [0]; c - ;) a = a.lastChild; ce [g] = one}else u (D.querySelectorAll (a),this); else {g = a; c = g.length; g =null! == g & & g = g.window? 1: 1 = g.NodeType & & c? 0: r (g) |} 'function'! ==typeof g & & (0 = c |) ( 'number'=typeof c & & 0 < c & & c-1 in g); if (g) return u (,this); a.nodeType?

    ce {{[this. length ++] = (this, a)}return this}function d (a) {return new b (a)}function constituting a Farmout {return a.parent () .hasClass (' Centre-wrapper ')}function n (a) {c (a) | a.Wrap ("< div class = 'flow-wrapper' style =" width: 1px "> < div class ="Center-wrapper"> < / div > < / div >")}function v (a, b, g, m, k, t) {function e() {var k = c (a) n = k? a.parent () .parent () .parent (): a .parent (), h is n.width (), n.height () = v, f = a.width (), l is a.height (), y = d (window) .height (), s = 1; (n ='body'= n [0].nodeName.toLowerCase ()) & &(v=y); t | (v = d (window) .height (), h = d (window) .width ());

    " h = Math.round (h) v = Math.round (v); h / = f; v / = l;. the two'= b? s = Math.min (m, v):'height'= b? s = v:'width'= b & &(s=h); Sub 0! == m & & (s = Math.min (s, m, f)); Sub 0! == g & & (s = Math.max (s, g, f)); a.css (' transform - o - original "," 0 0 ""); a.CSS (' transform - ms - origin "," 0 0 ""); a.CSS (' - webkit - transform-origin "," 0 0 ""); a.CSS (' - moz - transform-origin "," 0 0 ""); a.CSS (' transform - o - original "," 0 0 ""); a.CSS ('transform-origin' "0 0""); v ="scale ("+ s +")"; a.css ("- o - transform", v); a.css (' - ms - transform ", v); a.css (' - webkit - transform ', v); a.css (' - moz - transform ', )

    (v); a.CSS ("- o - transform", v); a.css ("transform", v); n & &! k | a.Parent (). Height (Math.Round (l * s)). Width (Math.Round (f * s)); {k & & (k = a.parent () .pare () nt, k.height (Math.round (l * s + a.offset () .top - k.offset () .top)))} k? (a [0],"alreadyWrapped"). ( (a [0],"alreadyWrapped",! 0), d (window) .bind ('Resize',function() {e()}), W (function() {e()})): c (a) | (n a, d (fenêtre) .bind ('Resize',function() {e()}), e ())} Function t (a, b) {var g = d (a); (g) & & (g = g.parent ()); } Si(« tant »=== b || ( "horizontal"= b) ('position','absolute'), g.css g.css ('left margin',

    ( 'auto'), g.css (' margin-right ','auto'), g.css ('left','0'), ('straight','0') g.css; if (« tant »=== b || ( «verticale»=== b) g.css ('position','absolute'), g.css (' margin-top ','auto'), g.css (' margin-bottom ','auto'), g.css ('top','0'), g.css ('bottom','0')}function a() {var a =this. notify = {}; a.obs = []; a.lvl = 0}function k (a, b, g) {If(b) {g |}} (g = {}); g.methodName = b; var c = a.notifier, d = c.obs, k, m; c.lvl ++; for (k = 0; k < d.length; k ++) if (m = (m = d [k]) & &! m.deleted? m.o.:void 0) if ('function'=typeof m) m(b,a,g); else If m (m [b]) [b] (a, g); -c.LVL; if (0 = c.lvl) for (a =

    d.Length, k = a - 1; 0 < = k; {(k--) .deleted d [k] & & d.splice (k, 1)}}function g (a, b, g) {var c, d, k, m, n = g?""} «:"", t = / \S + / g, e = / / g [\t\r\n\f] ; if (g? "undefined"=typeof b | " ( 'chain'=typeof b & & b:'string'=typeof b & & b) =(b|| ch. ""). match (t) | [], a.each (function(a, t) {If(d = 1 = t.nodeType & & (t.className?)}) () ""+ t.className +"' ().replace(e," "):n)) {for(m = 0; k = c [m ++];)If(g)for(;}" 0 < = d.indexOf (" "+ k +" «) ;) d=d.replace (""+ k +"","") ; else 0 > d.indexOf (""+ k +"""") & & (+= d k +""); {({{t.className = g? b? d.trim ():' ': d.trim ()}})}function m (a, b) {var g = c' # '==}

    b [0], d is! c & &'. " == b [0], k = c | d?b.slice(1):b,m=/^[\w-]*$/.test(k); return null! = a & & a.nodeType == a.DOCUMENT_NODE & & m & & c? (g = a.getElementById (k))? [g]: []: 1! == a.nodeType & & 9! is a.nodeType? []: (m & &! c? d? a.getElementsByClassName (k): a .getElements ByTagName (b):a.querySelectorAll(b))}function y(a,b) {b = b.replace ([/ = #-] / g,"=" #"]'");}) var g, c, d is pa.exec (b); d & & d [2]in fa & & (g = f [d [2]], c = d [3], b = d [1], c & & (d = number of c, c = isNaN (d)? c.replace (/ ^ ["'"] |))) [""] $/ g » «):d)) ; if(!b) back! g | g.Call (a, c, null) = one; If (! b |! a |)

    1! == a.NodeType)return! 1; if (g = a.webkitMatchesSelector | a.mozMatchesSelector | a.oMatchesSelector |,b); c = a.parentNode;(g=!c)) ( return a.matchesSelector) & &(c=tempParent).appendChild (a); d = ~ m(c,b).indexOf (a); g & & tempParent.removeChild (a); return d}function A (a) {a = d (a); return! (! a.width () & &! a.height ()) & &'none'! == a.css ("display")}function z (a, b, g) {function constituting a Farmout {g._l [b] =null; l (g._l) & & k (g,"assetsLoaded"{})}If(!)})}} Breturn AdobeEdge.supported.addEventListener); if (g & &'chain'=typeof b & &! g._l [b]) switch (a) {case 'image': a =}

    new Image; a.addEventListener ('error', c); a.addEventListener ("load", c); a.src b = g._l [b] = a; Break; case "audio": a =new Audio; a.addEventListener ('error', c); a.addEventListener ('canplaythrough', c); a.src b = g._l [b] = a; Break; case {{ 'video': a = document.createElement ("video"), a.addEventListener ("error", c), a.addEventListener ('canplaythrough', c), a.src = b, g._l [b] = a}}function E (a, b) {var g = q ({name:, conf:b, apply:function(a, b) {1 =this. conf.a? a.attr (, b): (1 =this. conf.cb & & (a.css ("- webkit-"+this. name, b), a.css ("- ms-"+)))}})}

    this. {(name,b), a.css ("- moz -"+this. name, b), a.css ("- o -"+this. name, b)), a.css (, b))}, units:function() {var b;""} Auto'! == a & &this. conf.u & & ('chain'=typeof a & & (b = x (a)), b & & b.units |) (un +=cette. conf.u)) ; return a}, prep:function(a, b, g, c, d, k, m) {void 0! == c & & b [g]?} () 0 Sub = b [g] [c] & & k & &(c=k),Sub 0! == d & & b [g] [c]? (a = b [g] [c] [d]: (a = b [g] [c],zero 0 = a & & (a =this. conf.d))): a = b [g]; 0 Sub ! == a & & (a =this.units (a), 1 =this. conf.p & & (m._getFullURL (a) b.type, m), zthis. conf.t & & (a =this. conf.t.replace ("@@0", a))); return a}, render:function(a,

    (b, g) {var c =this. conf.f |}; Sub 0 = b [c] | 0 Sub ! isthis. conf.o & &this. conf.o! == b.tag | 0 Sub ! isthis. conf.e & &this. conf.e = b.tag | ({(c =ce.prep (a, b, c,ce. conf.i,ce. conf.j,ce. conf.ii,g),null! == c & &Sub 0! == c & &this.apply (a, c, b, g))}}, E.prototype); E.splitUnits = x; b.x & & (g = q (g, b.x)); return g}function p {e (a,function(a, b) {S [a]new E = (a, b)})}function Q (a, b, g, c, m, n, t, v) {var h = d (document.createElement (g.tag |))} " « div »)), f = h [0] ; AdobeEdge. $.data (f, g,"domDef"); h.attr ("id",; h.css ('position','absolute');

    h.CSS ('margin','0px'); b & & g.symbolName & & b._applyBaseStyles (h, g.symbolName); e (S,function(b, c) {c.render(h,g,a))}; h.CSS (' - webkit - tap-highlight-color ',"rgba (0, 0, 0, 0)"); b & & b.register (f, g, b.ele?""); h.addClass (h.attr ("id") +"_id"); v. k (AdobeEdge,"beginEle", {sym:b, ele:f, definition: {dom: g, style: c}}); n & & h.addClass (n); (c = document.getElementById ( & & (n = d (c) .parent ()) & & n [0] == m & & m.removeChild (c); m.children & & 0 < = t & & t < m.children.length? m.insert Before(f,m.children[t]):m.appendChild (f); AdobeEdge. $.data (f,"originalid",

    g.ID); AdobeEdge. $.data (f,"symparent", b); b & & (m =, b.gpuAccelerate & & & & ("undefined"=typeof m |)) ""===m|| ( 'none'= m)? window.edge_authoring_mode & & = f.nodeName | 'BODY' ( =' translateZ (0) '):! & & window.edge_authoring_mode & & ( = 0)); b & &(v|| k (b,"newEle", {ele:f, defn:g}));)) return h}function b (a) {abdel & & (a.t = a.t.toLowerCase (), a.type = a.t); a.cs & & (a.className = a.cs); for(var b in Y)null! = a [b] & & (a [[b] Y] = a [b], [b] =null); a.rect |} (a.rect = []); for (; 4 >)

    (a.Rect.Length;) a.Rect [a.Rect.Length] = 0; a.Transform & & (1 > a.transform.length & & (a.transform [0] = [0,0,0]), 2 > a.transform.length & & (a.transform [1] = [0,0,0]), 3 > a.transform.length & & (a.transfor [m2] = [0,0,0]) 4 > a.transform.length & & (a.transform [3] = [1,1,1])); a.children & & (= a.children a.c, e (a.children,function(a, b) {B (b)}))}function L (a, b, g, c (, m, n, t) {If(m | b | b.ID) m = m | d ("." + b.ID) [0], e (g,function(l, r) {var e = Q (a, b, d, c, m, n, t ++), h = {sym:b, ele:e [0], defn:d}; d.c. & & L (a, b, d.c,Sub 0, e [0], n, 0); k (AdobeEdge,'endEle', h)})}function M (b,

    g, c, d, m) {a.Call (this); c._s.push (this); q (this, {name: g, composition: c, data: b, prnt:d, tl: [, variables]: m |})} {}}) ; k (c,"newSymbol", {symbol:this, parent: d}); return ce} Function w (a, b) {If(b & & g = 0; g <; ++ g) {var c = [g]; c & & w (c, b)} g = (._getTimeline)? a () .getState () ._getTimeline: {play:void 0}; } Sub 0 == a.autoPlay | a.autoPlay? { Sub 0 == g.playing & & (0):Sub 0 == g.playing & & a.stop(-1,!1)}function F (a, b) {var g, c; for(g to b)If(b.hasOwnProperty (g)) {c = b [g]; c.typeName = g, resume & &(c.version=c.v); & &}}

    (c.minimumCompatibleVersion =; c.b & & ( = c.b); c.bS & & (c.baseState = c.bS); c.iS & &(c.ini tialState=c.iS); null! = c.gpu & & (c.gpuAccelerate = c.gpu); null! = c.rI & & (c.resizeInstances = c.rI); & & (c.content =; if (c.content) {var d = c.content; null! = d.sI & & (d.symbolInstances = c.content.sI); if (d.symbolInstances) for (var m = 0; m < d.symbolInstances.length; ++ m) {var k = d.symbolInstances [m]; null! = k.sN & & (k.symbolName = k.sN); null! k.a = & & (k.autoPlay = k.a); null! {{= k.x & & (k.variables = k.x)}} e (c.content.dom,function(a, b) {B (b)}); for (var n in (n) & &

    B ( [n]); c.CG & & (c.centerStage =; c.stf & & (c.scaleToFit = c.stf); c.x Fokker-built & & (c.varia = c.x Fokker-built wheats); & &(; d = c.timeline; if (null! = d) for {{(null! = d.d & & (d.duration = d.d),null! = da & & (d.autoPlay = d.a.), d.l & & (= d. d.labels), c = 0; c <; c++) [c] & & [c] [8] & & [c] [8] .vt & & ( [c] [8] .valueTemplate = [c] [8] .vt), [c] & & [c] [1] & &"tr"= [c] [1] & & ( [c] [1] =} a.sym = b}function I (b (, c) { (this); } This. $= d ; q (this, {id: b, opts: q(c||)}) {}, aa), _urlRegExp: / ^ (?: [a - z] + :)?-/-/ / I, )

    _the: {}, _d: {}, _s: [], loaded:function(a, b, c) {this._d [a] =null; (this._d) & &this. ready()}, load:function(a, b) {b |} (ce._d[a]=!0) ; var c =ce; {yepnope ({load:this._getFullURL (a), callback:function(g, d, m) {b? b(a,d,m):c.loaded (a, d, m)}})}, set:function(a, b, c, d, g, m) {F(, b); } This.fnt = c; this.res = d; this.fx = m; ja (b); this.registerFonts (c); var k =ce; {g & & 0 < g.length & & g.forEach (function(a) {k.load (a)})}, _getFullURL:function() {return this. _urlRegExp.test (one)? a: (this. opts.htmlRoot |)} "") +}, definePreloader:function(a) {this.preloaderDOM =

    has}, defineDownLevelStage:function(a) {this.downLevelStageDOM = a}, getStage:function() {return this.stage}, registerFonts:function(a) {If(a) b, c, g, m, k, n, t; f.fonts = f.fonts |} {var {}; for (n in one) if (a.hasOwnProperty (n) & &! f.fonts [n] & & (g = a [n]) & &""!) == g) {b = ! 1 ; for (t in f.fonts) f.fonts.hasOwnProperty (t) & & f.fonts [t] = g & & (b =! 0); if ( ! b). if (f.fonts [n] = g, b = g.indexOf (' / / '), 0 > b & & (b = g.indexOf ("" / / "")), 0 > b & & (b = g.indexOf ("/ /"), k = 0 < b, window._adobewebfontsappname_ ="Animate"), 0 < b) c =

    g.indexOf (' "', b + 1"), 0 < c & & (g.substring (b, c), k = b & &"file:"= window.location.protocol & & (b ="http:"+ b), g = document.createElement ("script"), g.src =this._getFullURL (b) = g.type,' text/javascript ', document.getElementsByTagName ('head') [0] .appendChild (g), k |) (m =function() {try{window. (({Typekit.Load ()}catch(a) {window.setTimeout (m, 100)}}, window.setTimeout (m, 100))); else if (0 > g.indexOf ("< script""") & & 0 > g.indexOf ("< link ')) .append (document.createTextNode (g)) d ('head'); else if (0 > g.indexOf ("< script ')) .append (g) d ('head'); else if (b =

    g.indexOf (' > '), c = g.indexOf (' \x3c/script > '), 0 < b & & 0 < c) {g = g.substring (b + 1, c); {{Try{window.eval (g)}catch(e) {}}}, getSymbols:function(a) {If(! a)return this._s; var b = []; e (this._s,function(g, c) { = a & & b.push (c)});} return b}, rC:function(a) {return a}, rR:function() {this.stage & & (this.stage, one) O}, ready:function() {var a =this;} AdobeEdge.ready (function() {a.preloaderDOM & & a.preloaderDOM.script & & (new function ('e', a.preloaderDOM.script.loading)) ({event:"done", progress: 1, reason:"complete"});}) C.AdobeEdge & & C.AdobeEdge.bootstrapLoading & &

    (c = c |) {}, c.bootstrapLoading =! 0); window.edge_authoring_mode. (c & & c.framework$ & & (f $c.frame work = $), window.jQuery & &(f.$=window.jQuery)); AdobeEdge.addTouchSupport (); a.bindingFn & & a.bind ingFn(f.$); var b = a.stage =new M (a.sym,'stage', a), g, m ="." + a.ID, k = d (m); k [0] | (k = .addClass (m) d ('body')); b.init (k [0],' - edgeLoad '+; b._applyBaseStyles (k,"stage"); k.CSS ('position','relative'); if (! window.edge_authoring_mode | c.sym) si (k =,! k |) 'height'! == k.scaleToFit & &'width'! == k.scaleToFit & &'both'! == k.scaleToFit |

    n (d (m))! k | "vertical"! == k.centerStage & &'horizontal'! == k.centerStage & &'both'! == k.centerStage | (b.Ele, k.centerStage), t = k.scaleToFit | 'height' = k.scaleToFit | 'width' ( "both"= k.scaleToFit) {var m = ["${stage} '] | [" ${stage} '], e, h, ca = / px | ^ $0 /; m & & m.sizeRange & & (e = m.sizeRange [0], e = ca.test (e)? parseInt (e, 10): 0, h = m.sizeRange [1], h = ca.test (h)? parseInt (h, 10)Sub :Sub 0); v (b. $("step"), k.scaleToFit, e, h,! 0, a.opts.bScaleToParent)} g =function() {If(a.launchCalled | a.opts.bootstrapLoading & &)}

    ! f.doPlayWhenReady) f.readyAndWaiting.push (g); else {a.launchCalled =! 0; d (' - .edgePreload '+ .css ('display','none'); d (' - .edgeLoad '+ .removeClass (' - edgeLoad '+; aBootcompsLoaded.push (;} for (var c = window. AdobeEdge.bootstrapListeners.length, k = 0; k < c; k ++)try{window. AdobeEdge.bootstrapListeners [k] (}catch(m) {console.log ("bootstrap error"+ m)} c is d.Event ("compositionReady");. c.compId =; d (document) .trigger (c); a.readyCalled =! 0; window.edge_authoring_mode? He's b.stopA (0):w(b,!0)}}; l (a ._l)? g (): a .addObserver ({assetsLoaded:function(a,})

    ({{(b) g ()}})})}, getCompId:function() {return thisuser.user}}); return ce} function N {e (H,function(b, g) {a = Math.min (g.rC (a), a)}); return a}function J (a, b) {e (H,function(g, c) {var d = c [b]; d & &,a)})}function O (a, b) {If( g = 0; g <; ++ g) {var c = [g]; c & & O (c, b)} a & & a._getTimeline () (b) .tick}function K (a) {({event (:"commencer"})}function W (a) {If(U |)} ( 'complete'= D.readyState) a (); else if (D.addEventListener) {var b =. 1; D.addEventListener ('DOMContentLoaded',function(g) {U =! 0; b |})} {((), b = a! 0)},! (1); D.onreadystatechange =

    function () {'complete'== document.readyState & & (U =! 0); D.onreadystatechange =null; b |} {{((), b = a! 0)}} else {D.attachEvent & & D.attachEvent ("onreadystatechange",function(b) {U =! 0; a (b)})}function set {return one & &'chain'=typeof a & & (0 < a.indexOf ('%') | 0 < a.indexOf ("em") |)} "auto"= a | « null »=== un) ? ! 1 : ! 0}function $(a) {If(! a)return 0; } If('number'=typeof a)return a; var b = a.indexOf ('px') .val; return 0 < b? (val = a.substring (0, b), parseFloat (val)):parseFloat(a)}function X (a, b, g, c, d) {var k, m, n; for(k = 0; k < a.length; k ++) m = a [k], n ="$ {}"+}

    m.ID +"} ', g [n] & & (b [n] =! 0, m.rect |) (m.rect = m, m =Sub 0, m.rect |) (m.rect = [0,0,0,0])), m.rect & & (m.transform |) (m.transform =, =Sub 0, m.transform |) (m.transform = [])), m.transform [0] | (m.transform[0]=[0,0]), R(m.rect[0]) & & (Mr. transform [0] [0] = c [n] = m.transform [0], $(m.rect [0]) [0], m.rect [0] ="0px"), R(m.rect[1]) & & (m.transform [0] [1] = $ (m.rect [1]), d [n] = m.transform [0] [1] m.rect [1] ="0px"))), m.children? {X: m (m.children, b, g, c, d) & & X (m, b, g, c, d)}function ja (a) {If(! window.edge_authoring_mode)for(var b in a)If(a.hasOwnProperty (b)) {var g =}

    a [b], c =Sub 0, d =Sub 0 mSub = 0, k =Sub 0, n = {}, t = {}, e = {} and h = {}; if (g.timeline) for (m = g.timeline, c = 0; c <; c++) (k = [c]) & & ('left'== k [1] |) ( 'top'== k [1]) & & R (k [7]) & & (h [k [5]] =! 0); g.content & & g.content.dom & & X (g.content.dom, e, h, n, t); if (g.timeline) for (m = g.timeline, c = 0; c <; c++) (k = [c]) & & ('left'== k [1] |) {( «top»==k[1]) & & R (k [7]) & & e [k [5]] & & ('left'= k [1]? d ='translateX':'top'= k [1] & & (d ="translateY""), k [1] = d)}}var D = document, window, S = C = {}, H = {}, aa = {imagesDir:' images / '}, ba = Array.prototype.forEach;

    T, ka = [], V, U, oa = [] .push, ga = {}, da = {option: [1,'< select multiple 'multiple' = >',"< / select > '], thead: [1,'< table >','< /table >'], col: [2,'< table > < colgroup >'," < / colgroup > < / table > '], tr: [2,"< table tbody > > <","< / tbody > < / table > '], td: [3," < table tbody > < tr > > < " " < /tr > < / tbody > < / table > "" "]} , _default : [1,« »,« »]}, ma = / < ([\w:]+)/,na=/ < ( ? ! Area: br | col | embed | HR: img | Input | Link | Meta | param) (([\w:]+) [^ >] *)------/ > / gi, G = {}, Z is {}; f.doPlayWhenReady =! 1; f.readyAndWaiting = []; var qa = {columnCount:! 0, fillOpacity:! 0, fontWeight:! 0, lineHeight:! 0, opacity:! 0,}

    order:! 0, orphans:! 0, widows:! 0, zIndex:! 0, zoom:! 0}, ha = {letterSpacing:0, fontWeight:400}; V = ument.createElement ("div"); the doc ba = p (["transformProperty","WebkitTransform","MozTransform","OTransform","msTransform"]); e = d.each; d.extend = q; =function(a, b, g) {var c ='Babar'+ b; 2 < arguments.length & &(a[c]=g); return has [and c]}; q (a.prototype, {addObserver:function() {If(a) {var b =this. notifier.obs, g, c, g = b.length; for(c = 0; c < g; c ++)If(b [c] .o = a)return; b [g] = {o: a}}}, removeObserver:function(a) {If(a) {var b =this. notify, g = b.obs, c;}}})

    for (c = 0; c < g.length; c++) if (g [c] .o = a) if (0 = b.lvl) {g.splice (c, 1); break} else g [c] .deleted =! 0}}, notifyObservers:function(a, b) {return k (the, a, b)}, removeObservers:function() {var a =this.notifier? } This. Notifier.OBS:null; ({{has & & a.splice(0,a.length)}}); b.expr = {}; var f = b.expr [': '] = {visible:function() {If((this) A)return this}, hide:function() {If(!)}} {A (this))return this}, selected:function() {If(this.selected)return this}, check:function() {If(thischecked)return this}, parent:function() {return this.parentNode}, first:function() {If(0 =)}

    {{a)return this}, last:function(a, b) {If(a = b.length - 1)return this}, eq:function(a, b, c) {If(a = c)return this}, has:function(a, b, c) {If(m (this, c) .length)return this}}, pa = /(.*): (\w+)(?:\ {(([^)] +) \))?$\s*/,ra={tabindex:"tabIndex", readonly:"readOnly",'for':'htmlFor','class':'className', maxlength:"maxLength", cellspacing:"cellSpacing", cellpadding:'cellPadding', rowspan:"rowSpan", colspan:"colSpan", well:"well", frameborder:"frameBorder", contentEditable:contentEditable 'a'}; q (b.prototype, {css:function(a, b) {If(!)}}) () 1 >

    (( this.length)) {If('string'==typeof a) {var c, g = s (a); } If(1 < arguments.length) {isNaN (parseFloat (b)) |! isFinite (b) |} QA [g] | (b+="px"); for (c = 0; c <this.length; c ++) ce [c] .style [g] = b; return ce} c = C.getComputedStyle? C.getComputedStyle (this[0]) [g] | ce [0] .style [g]:this[0] .style [g]; 'normal'= c & & g in ha & &(c=ha[g]); return c}If(r (a)) {var m = {}, k =this[0]; d.each (r b? r: [a],function(a, b) {var c = s (b);m[b][c]||C.computedStyle.getPropertyValue(k)[c]});})} return m}for(g in one)this.css(g,a[g]); return this}}, prop:function(a,

    (b) {a = ra [a] | one;} returns 1 in arguments? { this.each (function(c, g) {this[a] ='function'==typeof b? (this, g,this[a]): b}):this[0] & &this[0] [has]}, addClass:function(a) {g (this, a); return this}, removeClass:function(a) {g (this,! 0); return this}, hasClass:function(a) {a =""+ a +""; ""} for(var b = 0, c =this.length,g=/[\t\r\n\f]/g;b < c; b ++)If(1 =this[b] .nodeType & & 0 < = (""+this[b] .className +"""").replace(g,__"_"_).indexOf (a))return! 0; return! 1}, attr:function(a, b) {If('chain'! ==typeof a |!)} ( this.length)return null; if (Sub 0 = b) return ce [0] .getAttribute (a);

    this.each (function(c, g) {b? }) ({This.setAttribute (a, b):this.removeAttribute (a)}); return this}, removeAttr:function(a) {If('chain'! ==typeof a |!)} ( this.length)return null; this.each (function(b, c) {c.removeAttribute (a)}); return this}, each:function(a) { (this,function(b, c) { (b, c, b)}); return this},get:function() {If(this.length & & a <this.length)return this[a]}, _s:function(a, b) {If(this.length) {If(Sub 0 = a)return this[0] [b]; }} This.each (function(c, g) {this[b] = one}); return this}}, parent:function() {var a =this[0] .parentNode;}

    { return one & & 11! == a.nodeType? d (a):null}, parents:function() {for(var a =this[0], b = []; (a = a.parentNode) & & 9! == a.nodeType;) 1 = a.nodeType & & b.push (a); return b}, text:function(a) {return this._s (one,"textContent")}, html:function(a) {return this._s (one,"innerHTML")}, show:function() {return this.each (function() {'none'==this. style.display & & (this. style.display =""); })} If('none'== getComputedStyle (this,"') .getPropertyValue ("display")) {var a, b =this.nodeName, c, g; Z [b] | (c = document.createElement (b), (c) document.body.appendChild,)

    {({{(g = getComputedStyle(c,__""_).getPropertyValue ('view'), c.parentNode.removeChild (c),'none'is g & & (g ="block"), Z [b] = g); a.display = Z [b]}})}, hide:function() {return this.css ('display','none')}, wrap:function() {var b ='function'==typeof a; } If(this[0] & &! b)var c = d (a). get (0), g = c.parentNode | 1 <this.length; return { this.each (function(m) {d (this).wrapAll(b?,m):g? c.cloneNode(!0):c)})}, wrapAll:function(a) {If(this[0]) {for(this[0].parentElement.insertBefore (one,this[0]); a.firstElementChild;) a = a.firstElementChild; d (a) of (this) .append}return this},.

    dimension:function() {var b =this[0], c = a [0]? a [0] .toUpperCase () + a.substr (1):""; if(b===b.window)return b.document.documentElement ["client"+ c]; } If(9 = b.nodeType)return Math.max (b.body ["scroll"+ c], D ["scroll"+ c], b.body ["offset"+ c], D ["offset"+ c], D ["client"+ c]); cthis.css (a) = | ""; if ('auto'! = c & & (c = x c,! c.units |)) (( 'px'== c.units))return c.num;b=b.getBoundingClientRect(); if ('width'= a) return Math.Round (b.Width); if ('height'= a) return Math.Round (b.Height)}, width:function() {return void 0! = a? } This.css ("width", one):

    this.dimension ('width')}, height:function() {return void 0! = a? } {This.css ('height', a):this.dimension ('height')}, offset:function() {If(! )} This.length)return null; var a =this[0] .getBoundingClientRect (); return ({{left:a.left + window.pageXOffset, top: + window.pageYOffset, width:Math.round (a.width), the hei (a.height) ght:Math.round}}, is:function() {return 0 <this.length & & y (this[0], a)}}); P ({opacity: {}, on the left: {f:"rect", i: 0, sup:"px"}, up: {f:"rect", i: 1, sup:"px"}, width: {f:"rect", i: 2, sup:"px"}, height: {f:"rect", i: 3, sup:'px'}, right: {f:"rect",})

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    (g.opts.gVideoPreloadPreference):'auto'== k) & & z (m, g._getFullURL (b [n]), g); m = g._getFullURL (b [n]); { Break one}} m =Sub 0}If(d.isArray (b) & & 1! = b.length)for(m = 0; m < b.length; ++ m) k = document.createElement ("source"), d (k) .attr ('src', g._getFullURL (b [m])), a.get(0) .appendChild (k); else m? a.attr ('src', m):a.attr ('src', d.isArray (b)? g._getFullURL (b [0]):g._getFullURL(b));) {{{ "audio"== c.tag & & a.attr ("orders","block"== c.display)}}},' background-image ': {e:'img'f:'fill', i: 1, w:"url(@@0)", p:1, x: {prep:function(a, b, c, g, d, m, k) {var n; b [c] & &}}}

    (n = b [c] [g]); 0 Sub ! == n & & (n = z (b.type, n, k), k._getFullURL (n), n =this. conf.t.replace ("@@0", n)); retour n}}},« background-color »: {f:« remplissage », i:0, x: {s’appliquent :function(a,b){a.css (« couleur de fond », h (b))}}}, texte : {x: {s’appliquent :fonction(a,b){a.html(b)}}},« min-width »: {f :« sizeRange », i:0},« max-width »: {f :« sizeRange », i:1},« min-height »: {f :« sizeRange », i:2},« max-height »: {f :« sizeRange », i:3}, débordement : {x: {s’appliquent :fonction(a,b){a.css (« overflow », b) ;« cachée »! == b & &« scroll »! == b || a.CSS (« text-overflow » (,«clip»)}}},' background-repeat ': {e:"img",

    { f:'fill', x: {apply:function(a, b) {b & & 1! = b.length & & (d.isArray (b [1]) | a.CSS ('background-repeat', b [6]:"no-repeat""))}}},"background-attachment": {f:"fill", i: 7, x: {apply:function(a, b) {"scroll"! == b & & a.css ("background-attachment", b)}}},"background-size": {f:"fill"i: 4, d:'100% 100% '}, autoOrient: {x: {apply:function(a, b) {AdobeEdge. $.data(a[0],"doAutoOrient",b)}}}, clip : {}, display: {},"border-top-left-radius": {f:"borderRadius", i: 0},"border-top-right-radius": {f:"borderRadius", i: 1, ii:0},"border-bottom-right-radius": {f:"borderRadius" }

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    (17)}, T =function() {var b; b = N (0); J (b,"rP"); J (b,"rR"); J (b,"rA") ; (C, T)}, (C, T))}) (); G.cssTransform = p (["transformProperty","WebkitTransform","MozTransform","OTransform","msTransform"]); G.cssTransform3d = p (["perspectiveProperty","WebkitPerspective","MozPerspective","OPerspective","msPerspective"]); =function() {var a = document.createElement ("audio"), b = {}; a.canPlayType & &(b.m4a=!! a.canPlayType (' audio/mp4; codecs="mp4a.40.2» ') replace (/ No. /," "), b.aac = b.m4a, b.mp3 =!)} a.canPlayType ("audio/mpeg;"). Replace (/ No. /,)

    ""),b.wav=!! a.canPlayType (' audio/wav; codecs = "1" ') replace (/ No. /,""), b.ogg =! a.canPlayType (' audio/ogg; codecs = "vorbis" ') replace (/ No. /,""), b.oga = b.ogg); Return b} (); G.Video =function() {var a = document.createElement ("video"), b = {}; a.canPlayType & &(b.webm=!! a.canPlayType («vidéo/webm») replace (/ No. /,""), b.mp4 =!)} a.canPlayType ("video/mp4;"). Replace (/ No. /,""), b.ogv =! a.canPlayType (' video/ogg; codecs = "theora, vorbis" ') replace (/ No. /,""), b.ogg =! a.canPlayType (' video/ogg; codecs = "theora, vorbis" ') replace (/ No. /,"""));

    Return b} (); G.customEvent =function() {If(! window.)} CustomEvent)back! 1; try { void return 0! ==new CustomEvent ('testCustomEvent',! 1! 1)} catch (a) {return!} 1}() ; G.addEventListener =Sub 0! == window.addEventListener; var a = G, here. ='background - color:rgba (150,255,150,.5)'; AI = 0 == (' "+ .indexOf ("rgba")? 0:! 1; his. RGBA = AI; q (f, {version:"5.0.0", Composition: I, defaultOpt:aa, $: d, a$: b, renderDOM: L, ready: W, camelize: s, splitUnits:x, loadCom position:function(a, b, c, g, m) {function n (a, g) {W (function() {var m = "})

    d ("." [ + b),k=/PX|^0$/,n=c.scaleToFit,e=c.centerStage,h=c.minW,f=c.maxW,l=c.Width,s=c.Height,y=m[0] |) document.getElementsByTagName ('body') [0]; "absolute"! = & &"relative"! = & & ( ="on"); s & & (s =; l & & (;/^height$|^width$|^both$/.test(n) & & (h = (h) k.test? parseInt (h, 10): 0, f = k.test (f)? parseInt (f 10)Sub :Sub 0,v(d(y),n,h,f,!1,c.bScaleToParent));/^vertical$|^horizontal$|^both$/.test(e) & & t (y, e); a & & L (H [B],null, a.dom and, m [0], g + b); m.removeClass (' - edgeLoad '+)

    (b)})}function e() {K (function EA {a? ea & & setTimeout (ea, 20): a = {event:'loading', progress:0}; f.preloaderDOM.script & & (new function ('e', f.preloaderDOM.script.loading)) (a)}); n (f.preloaderDOM,' - edgePreload ')}function h() {n (f.downLevelStageDOM,"edgeDownLevel")}var f = H [b] AdobeEdge.compositions [b] =new = I (b, c), k (AdobeEdge,"newComp", {model: f} "); BA? (window.edge_authoring_mode |) (g? ((f.definePreloader (g), e (): f.load (a +"_edgePreload.js", e)), a & & (c & & c.bootstrapLoading? ka.push (a): window.edge_authoring_mode & & c.sym? f.load(a+))

    + c.sym):f.load ' _edge.js? symbol = '(a +"_edge.js"))): window.edge_authoring_mode | (m? {((f.defineDownLevelStage (m), h (): f.load (has +"_edgePreload.js", h))}, registerCompositionDefn:function(a, b, c, g, d, m) {H [a] .define (m, b, c, g, d)}, registerEventBinding:function(a, b) {H [a] .bindingFn = b}, getComposition:function() {return H [a]}, defineProps:P, Accessories: S, symbol: M, stating: a, isSupported:p, supported: G, isIOS:function() {var a = navigator.userAgent; return'webkitAppearance'in & &(/iPad/.test(a)|| /iPod/.test(a) |}

    () /iPhone/.test(a))}, isOpera: / Opera/.test (navigator.userAgent), registerFonts:function(a) {AdobeEdge.getCurrentComposition () .registerFonts (a)}, playWhenReady:function() {f.doPlayWhenReady =! 0; for(var a = 0; a < f.readyAndWaiting.length; a ++) f.readyAndWaiting [a] ()}, _: {c:H, P:E, p:S, rE: Q, no.: k, nDN:B}});} q (f, a.prototype); ( (f)})(window.) AdobeEdge); window. AdobeEdge.bootstrapListeners | (window w. AdobeEdge.bootstrapListeners = []);

    window. AdobeEdge.bootstrapCallback =function(f) {window. AdobeEdge.bootstrapListeners.push (f); if (0 < aBootcompsLoaded.length) for (var r = 0; r < aBootcompsLoaded.length;r++)f(aBootcompsLoaded[r])};) window.AdobeEdge.compositions | (window.AdobeEdge.compositions = [];) window. AdobeEdge.yepnope = window.yepnope;

    (function(f) {function r() { (this); }}) {This.animationID =' - animID '+ r.nextID; r.nextID += 1}function u (b, d, c) { (this);"function"=typeof b?} this.handler = b:'chain'=typeof b & & (this.eventType = b); this.handlerContext = c; = d; this.isTrigger =! 0}function e (b, d, c, n, h) { (this); } This.animation = b; thiswhich .position = 0; this.duration =-1; this. opts = {}; l.extend (this.opts, h); this.easing ='function'=typeof n? n to n & & l.easing [n]? n: e.defaultEasing; 0 Sub ! == d & & (thiswhich .position = d). 0 Sub ! ==

    c & & (this.duration = c); this.timeline =null; this.dScale = 1; this.dDuration = 0; the.done =! 1}function p { (this); l.extend (this, f.Timeline.config); l.extend(, b); } This.startPositionthis.timerStartthis.timer = = = 0; this.currentPosition =-1; this.playing =Sub 0; thisthis.duration = .iteration = 0; this.interval = 1E3 /this*. FPS; this.objects = []}function h (b) {return s.test(b[1])}var l = $ f, q is {}, x = {}, s = / ^(trigger|@) $/; l.isArray =function(b) {return'[object Array]'= (b)}; l.easing = l.easing |

    {} ; l.extend (l.easing, {linear:function(b, d, c, n) {return c + n * b}, swing:function(b, d, c, n) {return(-Math.cos(b*Math.PI)/2+0.5)*n+c}});r.nextID=1;l.extend(r.prototype,f.Notifier.prototype);}}) l.extend (r.prototype, {constructor: r, Setup:function() (), update:function(b, d) {}, getDuration:function() {return 0}}); l.extend (u.prototype, r.prototype); l.extend (u.prototype, {constructor: u, update:function(b) {this.fired |}}) (this= .fired 0,this.handler?) this. (this.handlerContext, b, & &this.timeline & &

    this. (timeline.notifyObservers (ce.eventType, {écoulé: b, donné}))}, Setup:function(b, d) {var c =Sub 0 = b.executeTriggers |} null= b.executeTriggers; this. fired = b.startingFromCurrent & & c | ! c & &! b.executeTriggers? "backside"! == b.playDirection? b.currentPosition > = d: b.currentPosition < = d:'backside'! == b.playDirection? b.currentPosition > d: b.currentPosition < d; this. timeline = b}}); e.defaultEasing ='linear'; l.extend (e.prototype, f.Notifier.prototype); l.extend (e.prototype, {constructor: e, Setup:function(b) {this.timeline =})

    b; var d =this.duration, c =null; this.animation & &this. animation.getDuration & & (c =this. animation.getDuration ()); this.dScale =-1. == d & & 0! == d ? c / d: 1; this.dDuration =-1. == d ? d; the.done =! 1; this.animation & &this. {animation.setup & &this. animation.setup (b,thiswhich .position)}, update:function(b) {If(! )} This.done) {var d =this.dDuration, c; This.animation & & (0 = d? c = 0 < = b? 1:0: (b > = d & &(b=d), 0 > = b & & (b = 0), c = l.easing [this.easing](b/d,b,0,1,d)),this. animation.update (b *this.dScale, c)); ("reverse"=this. timeline.playDirection? 0 > = b: b > = d) & &

    {{ this. complete()}}, complete:function() {this= .done! 0; } This.timeline & &this. (this) timeline.updateComplete}, getPosition:function() {return this.position}, setPosition:function(b) {thiswhich .position = b}, getDuration:function() {return-1! ==this.duration? } This.duration:this.animation & &this. animation.getDuration? { this. animation.getDuration (): 0}, setDuration:function(b) {this.duration = 0 < = b? b:-1}});} p.config = {dropFrames:! 0, fps:60, pauseThreshold:250}; p.prototype.tick =function(b) {this._handleTimer (b)}; l.extend (p.prototype, r.prototype);

    l.extend (p.prototype, {constructor: p, reading:function(b) {b = b |}}) {}; this.notifyObservers ('play'); this= .playing! 0; this._stop ({}); if ("undefined"=typeof b.pos |) ( null= b.pos)If("reverse"== b.playDirection) b.pos =this.currentPosition, 0 > = b.pos & & (b.pos =this. getDuration()); else if (0 >this.currentPosition |) ( this.currentPosition > =this. getDuration()) b.pos = 0; l.extend(, b); (b.pos, b); this.iteration = 0; this.timerStart = (new Date) .getTime (); this.startPosition =this.currentPosition; this.lastUpdateTime =this.timerStart;

    this.firstUpdate =! 0; this. _handleTimer(); this.firstUpdate =! 1; return this}, stop:function(b) {this= .playing! 1; b & & b.bSeek? } { (b.pos, b):this._stop (b)}, get:function(b, d) {this.notifyObservers ("seek"); Thisextinguish (d); var c =this.currentPosition; this._stop (d); l.extend (this, d); 0 Sub ! == b & & (this.currentPosition = b); this.startingFromCurrent ='number'=typeof b & & c! isthis.currentPosition? 1 : ! 0; thisfacility (this); this.firstUpdate =! 0; this.updateSeek (this.currentPosition, 1, c); this.firstUpdate =! 1; return this}, add:function(b,

    d, c, n, h) {b =new e (b, d, c, n, h); This.objects.push (b); this.sorted =! 1}, sort:function(b) {var d = {width: 1, height: 2,' - webkit - transform-origin ': 3,' transform-origin ': 4,"- moz - transform-origin ': 5," - ms - transformation-origin ": 6, left: 7, top: 8, down: 9, right: 10, motion: 11}; } This.sorted | (this. objects.sort (function(b, c) {var a = b.animation, k = c.animation; })) If(a | k) {If(! a)return- 1; } {If(! k)return 1;else return b.position - c.Placez; if ( | k.Property) {If(!;} Si (! { return 1}else return b.position - c.Placez;

    var g = d [], m = d []; return a.sourceElements! == k.sourceElements? a.sourceElements > k.sourceElements? 1:-1: g & &(!m|| m < g)? 1: m & &(!g|| m>g)? ({- 1:b.position - c.Placez}),that.sorted =! (0); for (b = 1; b <this. objects.length; b ++) {var c =this[b-1] n, .objects =this. objects [b]; c.animation & & n.animation & & = & & c.anima tion.sourceElements = n.animation.sourceElements?} (c.animation._nextObj = n.animation, n.anima tion._prevObj = c.animation): (c.animation & & (c.animation._nextObj =null))

    {(n.Animation & & (n.animation._prevObj=null))}}, getDuration:function() {var b =this.duration,this.objects,this= c = d. objects.length, n = Math.max, e, t; for(e = 0; e < c; e += 1) t = d [e], b = n (b, t.position + t.getDuration ()); return b}, getCurrentPosition:function() {return this.currentPosition}, update:function(b, d) {this. sort(); } This.notifyObservers ("PreUpdateest", {elapsed: b, easingConst:d});}) var c =this.objects, n =this. triggers, e = c.length, t = n.length, a ='backside'! ==this.playDirection,k=!1,g=!0,m=!window.edge_authoring_mode & &this.executeTriggers.

    h =! Window.edge_authoring_mode & & (Sub 0 =this.executeTriggers |) ( null=this.executeTriggers), f, l, s, q, p, r; this.currentDirection = one? 'before':'backside'. for (s = 0; s < t; s += 1) if (q = n [a? s: t-s-1], p = q.animation.isTrigger & &!) (this.startingFromCurrent & &this.firstUpdate), (h & & p | m |!) ( this.firstUpdate) & &! q.animation.fired & & (a? b > = q.position:b < = q.position + q.duration)) {p =this. currentPosition = q.position; r =the. getState(); for(k = 0; k < e; k += 1) f = c [a? k: e - k-1], (l = a & &! f.opts.reverseOnly |! a & &! f.opts.forwardOnly) & &! f.anima tion.isTrigger & &}

    (a? p > = f.position:p < = f.position + f.duration) & & ((l = p-f.position) | f.Duration | a |) (l = 1), f.upd ate (l)); k =! 0; q.animation.update (p); if (! { this.equalState (r)) {g =. 1; break}}If(! k)for(k = 0; k < e; k += 1) f = c [a? k: e - k-1], (l = a & &! f.opts.reverseOnly |! a & &! f.opts.forwardOnly) & &! f.Anima tion.isTrigger & & (a? b > = f.position:b < = f.position + f.duration) & & ((l = b-f.position) | f.Duration | | a |) (l = 1), f.update (l)); this.notifyObservers ('fxUpdate', {elapsed: b}); this.notifyObservers ('postUpdate', {elapsed: b, easingConst:d});}) this.notifyObservers ('update',

    {elapsed: b, easingConst:d});} return g}, setLoop:function(b) {this.loopCount = b}, getState:function() {return{pos:this.currentPosition, dir:this.playDirection, playing:this.playing}}, equalState:function(b) {var d =! b.Playing, c =!} this.playing; { return b.pos =this.currentPosition & & b.dir =this.playDirection & & d = c}, _handleTimer:function(b) {b = b |} (new Date) .getTime (); var d ='backside'=this.playDirection, c = -this.timerStart - bit.iteration * (d? ) This.startPosition:this.duration -this.startPosition), d =this.startPosition +.

    (d?-c); b -this.lastUpdateTime >this.pauseThreshold & & (this.timerStart += b -this.lastUpdateTime +this.interval, c = b -this.timerStart); if (this.playing) {If(this.currentPosition = d = Math.max (0, Math.min (d,this.duration)),this.update(d,1),this.lastUpdateTime = b, b = (d ="backside"=this.playDirection)? 0 <this.currentPosition:this.currentPosition <this.duration,! b) {If(this.loopCount & & (this.iteration += 1,this.notifyObservers ('iterationComplete', {elapsed: c, count:this.iteration}),«forever»=this.loopCount |))}} this.iteration <

    (( this.loopCount)) {c =this. objects; b = c.length; for(d = 0; d < b; d += 1) c [d] = .done! 1;} this. tick(); return} this. stop(); {{{ this.notifyObservers ("complete", {elapsed: c})}}else this.notifyObservers ('fxUpdate', {elapsed: c})}, Setup:function(b) {, b); } This.triggers = []; b =this.objects; var d =ce. objects.length, c, n; for (c = 0; c < d; c += 1) n = b [c], n.done =! 1, (this) n.setup, n.animation.isTrigger & &this.triggers.push (n); { this.duration =this. getDuration()}, updateComplete:function(b) {b.done =! 0}, _stop:function(b) {b & &}

    b.dontNotify | this.notifyObservers ('stop'); this.timer & & not (this.timer) clearTimeout(). thisthis.timer = .timerStart = 0; return this}}) ; p.prototype.updateSeek = p.prototype.update; f.Animation = r; f.TimelineObject = e; f.Timeline = p; f.Timeline.createTimeline =function(b) {return new f.Timeline (b)}; f.Timeline.createTween =function(b) {var d = q [b]; return d? d.func.apply (d.context, (arguments, 1)):null}; f.Timeline.addTweenType =function(b, d, c) {q [b] = {func:d, context:c}}; f.Timeline.addTweenProperty =function(b,

    (d) {x [b] = d}; f.Timeline.getTweenType =function(b) {return x [b] |} 'style'} ; f.Timeline.createTrigger =function(b, d) {return new u(b,d,arguments[arguments.length-1])}; f.Timeline.isTrigger = h; f.Timeline.isTween =function(b) {return! h (b)}; f.Timeline.createTL =function(b, d, c) {var n = f.Timeline.createTimeline (), e = b.length, t, a, k, g; k = b.duration? b.duration:0;} var m; n.duration = k; c & & c.loop & & n.setLoop (c.loop); for (c = 0; c < e; c += 1) t = b [c], a =null, k = - 1, h (t)? (g = t.slice (3.5), g.push (d), a = f.Timeline.createTrigger.apply (null, g), g = t [5],)

    m ='none'): t [1] & & (k = x [t [1]] |) ( 'style', g = [k, t [1]] .concat (t.slice (5)), a = f.Timeline.createTween.apply (null, g), k = t [3], m = t [4], g = t [8]), a & & ( = t [0], n.add(a,t[2],k,m,g)); )(window.) ( return n}} AdobeEdge);

    (function(f) {var r = f. $; r.easing.jswing = r.easing.swing; r.extend (r.easing, {def:"easeOutQuad", swing:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return r.easing [r.easing.def](f,e,p,h,l)}, easeInQuad:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h * (e / l =) * e + p}, easeOutQuad:function(f, e, d, h, l) {*(e/=l)returnh * (e-2) + p}, easeInOutQuad:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return 1 > (e / = l/2)? h/2 * e * e + p}})}) {: h/2 * (-EI * (e-2)-1) + p}, easeInCubic:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h * (e / l =) * e * e + p}, easeOutCubic:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h * ((e = e/l-1) * e * e + 1) + p}, easeInOutCubic:function(f, e, p, h,

    (l) {return 1 > (e / l/2 =)? h/2 * e * e * e + p:h / 2 * ((e-=2) * e * e + 2) + p}, easeInQuart:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h * (e / = l) * e * e * e + p}, easeOutQuart:function(f, e, d, h, l) {returnh * ((e = e/l-1) * e * e * e-1) + p}, easeInOutQuart:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return 1 > (e / = l/2)? h/2 * e * e * e * e + p} {: h/2 * ((e-=2) * e * e * e-2) + p}, easeInQuint:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h * (e / = l) * e * e * e * e + p}, easeOutQuint:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h * ((e = e/l-1) * e * e * e * e + 1) + p}, easeInOutQuint:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return 1 > (e / l/2 =)? h/2 * e * e * e * e * e + p} {: h/2 * ((e-=2) * e * e * e * e + 2) + p}, easeInSine:function(e,

    e, p, h, l) {(return- h*Math.cos(e/l*(Math.PI/2)) + h + p}, easeOutSine:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h*Math.sin(e/l*(Math.PI/2)) + p}, easeInOutSine:function(f, e, d, h, l) {returnh/2 * (Math.cos (Math.PI * e/l)-1) + p}, easeInExpo:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return 0 == e?:h*Math.pow(2,10*(e/l-1)) + p p} , easeOutExpo:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return e == l? p + h:h * (-Math.pow (2, -10 * e/l) + 1) + p}, easeInOutExpo:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return 0 == e? p:e == l? p + h: 1 > (e/=l/2)?h/2*Math.pow(2,10*(e-1)) + p:h / 2 * (-Math.pow (2, -10 *-e) + 2) + p}, eas eInCirc:function(f, e, p, h l) {returnh *}

    {(Math.sqrt (1--(e / = l) * e)-1) + p}, easeOutCirc:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h * Math.sqrt (1--(e = e/l-1) * e) + p}, easeInOutCirc:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return 1 > (e/=l/2)?-h/2*(Math.sqrt(1-e*e)-1)+p:h/2*(Math.sqrt(1-(e-=2 *) + 1)) e + p}, easeInElastic:function(f, e, d, h, l) {f = 1.70158; var q = 0} r = h; if (0 == e) return p; if (1 ==(e/=l)) return p + h; q | (q = 0.3 * l); r < Math.abs (h)? (r=h,f=q/4):f=q/(2*Math.PI)*Math.asin(h/r); return-(r * Math.pow (2, 10 * (e-=1))*Math.sin(2*(e*l-f)*Math.PI/q)) + p}, easeOutElastic:function(f, e, d, h, l) {f = 1.70158; var q = 0, r = h;})

    if (0 == e) return p; if (1 ==(e/=l)) return p + h; q | (q = 0.3 * l); r < Math.abs (h)? (r=h,f=q/4):f=q/(2*Math.PI)*Math.asin(h/r); { Return r * Math.pow (2, -10 * e) * Math.sin (2 * (e * incl..) * Math.PI / q) + h + p}, easeInOutElastic:function(e, e, d, h, l) {f = 1.70158; var q = 0, r = h;} if (0 == e) return p; if (2 ==(e/=l/2)) return p + h; q | (q = 0.3 * l * 1.5); r < Math.abs (h)? (r=h,f=q/4):f=q/(2*Math.PI)*Math.asin(h/r); { return 1 > e?-0,5 * r * Math.pow (2, 10 * (e = 1)) * Math.sin (2 * (e * incl..) * Math.PI / q) + p:r * Math.pow (2, -10 *(e-=1)) * Math.sin (2 * (e * incl..) * Math.PI / q) * 0.5 + h + p}, easeInBack:function(e,

    e, d, h, l, q) {void 0 == q & & (q = 1.70158); return h * (e / l =) * e * ((q+1) * e-q) + p}, easeOutBack:function(f, e, d, h, l, q) {void 0 == q & & (q = 1.70158); return h * ((e = e/l-1) * e * ((q+1) * e + q) + 1) + p}, easeInOutBack:function(f, e, d, h, l, q) {void 0 == q & & (q = 1.70158); return 1 > (e / = l/2)? h/2 * e * e * (((q * = 1,525) + 1) * e-q) + p} {: h / 2 * ((e-=2) * e * (((q * = 1,525) + 1) * e + q) + 2) + p}, easeIn Bounce:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h - r.easing.easeOutBounce (f, l-e, 0, h, l) + p}, easeOutBounce:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return(e / = l) < 1/2.75?7.5625*h*e*e+p: e < 2/2.75? h * (7.5625* (e = 1.5/2.75)*e+0.75)+))}

    p:e < 2.5/2.75?h* (7.5625* (e = 2.25/2.75)*e+0.9375)+p:h* (7.5625* ({e = 2.625/2.75)*e+0.984375)+p}, easeInOutBounce:function(e, e, d, h, l) {return e < l/2?0.5*r.easing.easeInBounce(f,2*e,0,h,l)+p:0.5*r.easing.easeOutBounce(f,2*e-l,0,h,l}) + 0.5 * h + p}})})(window.)) AdobeEdge);

    (function(f) {function r (a, b) {return b? b +'_'+ a: has +'_'+ k ++}function u (a) {a.length & &(a=a[0]); return has? a.edgeSymbol:null}function e (a, b) {.}}) Length & & (a = a [0]); {a & & (a.edgeSymbol = b)}function p {var b, c, d, k = a.length; } If(n.isArray (a))for(b = [], d = 0; d < d; k ++) c = a [d], b [d] =null! = c & &'object'=typeof c? (c) p: c; else for (a d in b = {}) a.hasOwnProperty (d) & &'prototype'! == d & & (c = a [d], b [d] =null! = c & &"object"=typeof c? p (c): c); return b}function h (a) {a = [b.SID]; return a.timeline?}function part {a = [b.SID];

    { return a.timeline? a.timeline.duration:0}function q (a, b, c) {function d (a, b) {for(k = 0; k <.)}} Length; (k += 1) {If(a [k] user.user = b)return a [k]; {{If(a [k] .children)return (a [k] .children, b)}return null} b = b.replace (/ [-{\}------$] "/ g,' ''); a = [b.SID]; var k; if (a = a.content? a.content.dom:null) if (b = d (a, b)) if (a = f.props [c]) Return a.prep (null, b, c, a.i, a.j.); return null} Function x (a, b, c, d, k) {return['generated','place', d, k,'linear', a, [[b.x, b.y, 0, 0], [c.x Fokker-built, c.y, 0, 0]]]}function s (b, c) {var d, k; c & & (b.tlCached =Sub 0); var n = h (b);} if ( ! n). return null;

    n.Duration = l (b); n.dirty & & b.tlCached & & (d = b.tlCached.currentPosition, k = b.tlCached.notifier.o bs, b.tlCached =Sub 0); if (! b.tlCached) {var e, v is [] .timeline, s, p = {}, r = {}, u, w, F = n.duration, I; e = []; var N; s = n.Length; for (w = n.length - 1; 0 < = w; w-) "injected"= n [w] [0] & & n.splice (w, 1); s = n.length; 'number'! ==typeof e.timeline.duration & & (e.timeline.duration = 0); for (N = 0; N < s; N++)(w=n[N]) & & a (w) & & (u = w [5], p [u] |) (p [u] = []), p [u] .push (w), u = u +": '+ ("query"= w [1]?'location': w [1]), [u] r | (r [u] = []), r [u] .push (w)),

    w & & a (w) & & (I = o [3] | 0, F = Math.Max (F, w [2] + I)); p = Math.max (e.timeline.duration, F); w =function(a, b) {return a [2] b [2]}; for ( in r u) (u) r.hasOwnProperty & & r [u] extinguish (w); for (u in r) r.hasOwnProperty (u) & & (w = r [u] [0], 0 < w [2] & & (e = q (b, w [5], w [1]),null== e & & (e = w [6]),'place'= w [1]?)) () w = r [u] [0], s = {x: w [6] [0] [0], y: w [6] [0] [1]}, e = x (w [5], s, s, 0, Math.Max(0,w[2]-1)), e [0] ='injected', n.push (e)):void 0! == e & & (w = f.cloneJSONObject (r [u] [0]), [6] w = w [7] = e, w [3] = w [2], w [2] = 0, w [0] ='injected', w [8] & &' '! = .valueTemplate w [8] & &'string'==typeof e & & (= .valueTemplate w [8])

    ' '), n.push (w))), s = r [u] .length-1, 0 < = s & & (w = r [u] [s], [2] e = w + w [3], e < F & & ('place'= w [1]?)) (s = w [6]) .length-1, s = {x: w [6] [s] [0], y: w [6] [s] [1]}, e = x (w [5], s, s, e, p-e), e [0] ='injected'): (e = f.cloneJSONObject (r [u] [s]), e [6] = w [7], e [2] = p, e [3] = 0, e [0] ='injected', e [8] = e [8] |) {}, e [8] .reverseOnly =! 0), n.push (e))); F < p & & (w = ['injected','-an_resting ', F, p - F,'linear',' ${stage} ','0','100'], n.push (w)); b.tlCached = t.createTL (n, b, {loop:v.loop});}) n.dirty & &(b.tlCached.currentPosition =d,b.tlCached.notifier.obs=k|| b.tlCached.notifier.obs);

    b.tlCached.sort ()}}function b (a, b) {If('chain'=typeof b) {var c = [b.SID]: 0;}} return {(c=c?c.timeline:0) & & c.labels? c.labels [b]: 0}return b}function d (a) {var b = a, c;'chain' (=typeof a & & - 1!\$\{/) & & (\$\{/),\}/),b=a.slice(b+2,c),'string'=typeof b & & (b = f.trimString (b), b = b.replace (/ [""] / g, "")));} Return b} function c (a, b) {for ("var c = a, k; b & &"string "= typeof c & & - 1!")} == (/ \ $------{/}) ;) k = d (c), c = 0 Sub = b [k]? void 0:c.replace (/------$------{[^-]}] {*------} / b [k]); return c} var n = window.jQuery?

    window.jQuery:f. $v = f.Symbol, t = f.Timeline, a = t.isTween, k = 0; v._makeUniqueID = r; f.symbol = v; v.get= v.getSymbol = u; v.setSymbol = e; f.addObserver ({newComp:function(a, b) {b.comp.addObserver ({newSymbol:function(a, b) {b.symbol.addObserver ({newEle:function(a, b) {var c = n (b.ele), g = b.defn, d = a.composition; g.userClass & & c.addClass (g.userClass); f. $.data (c [0],'definition', g); g.symbolName & & (new v (d.sym g.symbolName = g}})}})}}) (, d, a), g.init (c [0]), = | [], (g), g.prnt = (a)}})}})}}); f.CL oneJSONObject = p; s = v.bldTL; v.p2n = b; f.trimString =

    function (a) {return a.replace (/ ^ \s + | \s + $/ g,"")}; d = v.parseVariableName; v.substituteVariables = c; n.extend (v.prototype, {init:function(a, b) {var c =this[] .data, d = n (a), k = d [0] user.user, t; }}) This. gpuAccelerate = c.gpuAccelerate; "undefined"=typeof this.gpuAccelerate & & (this.gpuAccelerate =! 0); this.gpuAccelerate =this.gpuAccelerate & & f.supported.cssTransform3d; this.variablesthis.variables = | {}; this._variablesthis._variables = | {} ; a = a | n("." + b) [0] ; this.autoPlay = c.timeline? c.timeline.autoPlay:! 1; e (a,ce) ; if (this= .ele

    (a) k & &' '! == k || (k = r ('stage'), d [0] user.user = k), t ="#"+ k,this._variables [k] isthis. _variables.stage = t,this. _variables.symbolStage = t,this. _variables.symbolSelector = t, d.css ("position","absolute"), d.css (' z-index ','0'); if (c) {f.renderDOM (this.composition,this, c.content.dom,, a, b);} var c =, h, v.; for (h in c) if ("${symbolSelector}"! = h & & c.hasOwnProperty (h) & & (d=h,k=/^\$\{/,k.test(d)?) () d = d.Replace (k,""), d = d.replace ({/------} /,""), dthis.find = $(d)):d=f.$(d),d))for(v in f._.p) f._.p.hasOwnProperty (v) & & f._.p [v] even (d,

    c [h],this.composition)} h = {symbol:this, element:this.ele, performDefaultAction:! 0}; n.extend (h,Sub 0); { this.notifyObservers ("creationComplete", h)}, lookupSelector:function(a) {If('chain'=typeof a)try{return c ("$ {}"+ one +"")} "(,this._variables)}catch(b) {}}, getSymbolTypeName:function() {return}, getComposition:function() {return this.composition}, are looking for$:function(a) {a = a.split (" "); } var b =this._variables [[0]]; if (2 > a.length |! b) return b? f$ (b):null; b = f.$ (b); if (! b |! b.Length) return null; a.splice (0,1); a = a.join (' ");

    return {(b = u (b))? b.find$ (a):void 0}, $:function() {var b = a; } If('chain'=typeof a)try{(\$\{/)?} {((b =this.lookupSelector (a)),'undefined'=typeof b & &(b=a)): b = c (a,this._variables)}catch(k) {}void 0 = b & & (b = d (a)); { return f.$ (b)}, register:function(a, b, c) {var d =; c = r(d,c); } {This._variables [d] ="#"+ c; b.oldId =; = c}, seek:function(a, b) {s (this); {This(a, b)}, play:function(a, c, and d) {s (this); This.tlCached & & (a b (this, a) =this. ({pos: one, variables:this._variables, executeTriggers:c,}))

    {(playDirection:d}))}, stop:function(a, c) {s (this); {This.tlCached & & (a = b (this, a),this. tlCached.stop ({pos: a, variable:this._variables, executeTriggers:c, bseek:Sub 0! = a}))}, playReverse:function(a, b) {this(a, b,"reverse") .play}, isPlaying:function() {var a =this. _getTimeline(); return a & &! a.Playing}, isPlayDirectionReverse:function() {var a =this. _getTimeline(); return & &'backside'= a.currentDirection? 0:! 1}, getTimelinePosition:function() {return this. getPosition()} , getPosition:function() {s (this); return this.tlCached?

    { this. tlCached.getCurrentPosition (): 0}, getDuration:function() {s (this); {If(this.tlCached)return this. tlCached.getDuration ()}, getLabelPosition:function(a) {return b (this, a)}, _getTimeline:function() {s (this); return this.tlCached}, _rebuild:function() {s (this,! 0)}, getTimelineData:function() {return (this) h}, getTLD:function() {return this. getTimelineData()}, _applyBaseStyles:function(a, b) {var c =this[b] .data; If(c.content & & & & [' ${symbolSelector} ']) {var c = [' ${symbolSelector} '],}

    d; if (a & & a [0]) for (d in f._.p) if (f._.p.hasOwnProperty (d)) {If('width'== d |)} ( 'height'== d) {var k = a [0] .style [d]; } If(null! = k & &""!) = k & &"auto"! ({({{{(= k)continue} f._.p [d] even (a, c,this.composition)}}}, getAutoPlay:function() {return this.autoPlay}, setAutoPlay:function() {this.autoPlay = one}})})(window.) AdobeEdge);

    (function(f) {function r (h, l, q, p, s, b) { (this); }}) ="prop tween"; thisthis.elements = q = .sourceElements; this.deferElementResolution =! 0; this.tweenType = e [h]; this.updateTriggered =! 1; = l; this.fromValue = p; thiss = .toValue; this.duration = 1E3; thisthis.tokens =this=null.valueTemplate = .fromValues; b & & u.extend(, b); this.deferElementResolutionthis.deferElementResolution = | ( 'chain'=typeof q & & - 1!\$\{[^\{\}]+\}/); this.deferElementResolution | (this.elements =this.resolveElementSelector (q));

    this.toValues = q = []; p =this.parseValue (s); var d; u.isArray (s) | (s = [s]) ; p & & 0! == p.length | (p = s); h = p.length; for (s = 0; s < h; s += 1) b = p [s], [l] f.props & & (b = f.props [t] .units (b)), d = {},'string'=typeof b? (d.value = parseFloat (b.replace (/ % [a-zA-Z] + $/,""")), d.unit = b.replace (/ ^-?)) [ 0-9] * (\. [ 0-9] +) ? ((/,' '), isNaN (d.value) & & (d.value = b, d.unit ="""")): ('number'=typeof b & & (b = parseFloat (b)), d.value = b, d.unit =""), q.push (d); if (null! =this.fromValue) for (l =this.fromValues = [], (s =this.parseValue (this.fromValue)) & & 0 < s.length?) this.fromValue =

    (this.fromValue) s:u.IsArray | (this.fromValue [this.fromValue] =), h =this. fromValue.length, s = 0; s < h; s += 1) b =this.fromValue [s],'string'=typeof b? ([e] l = parseFloat (b.replace (/ % [a-zA-Z] + $/,""")), isNaN (l [s]) & & (l [s] = b)): ('number'=typeof b & & (b = parseFloat (b)), l [s] = b); if (thisfilter) for ((thefilter) u.isArray |) (thisfilter = [thisfilter]), l =this. filter, h = l.length, s = 0; s < h; s += 1)'chain'=typeof l [s] & & (l [s] = Math [l [f]]),'function'! ==typeof l [s] & & (l [e] =null); { this.valueTemplate & & (this.tokens =this.parseTemplate (this.valueTemplate))}

    var u = $ f, e = {style: 0, attribute: 1 property: 2}, p ="webkitAppearance"in; f.trimString =function(e) {return e.replace (/ ^ \s + | \s + $/ g,"")}; r.Token =function(e, f) {this.value = e; This. isPlaceholder = f}; r.parseVariableName =function(e) {var l = e, q;'chain' (=typeof e & & - 1!\$\{/) & & (\$\{/),\}/),l=e.slice(l+2,q),'string'=typeof l & & (l = f.trimString (l), l = l.replace (/ ["'"] "/ g," "")));} return l}; r.substituteVariables = function (e, f) {for (var q = e, p; f & & "string" = typeof q & &)}

    -1! == (/ \ $\ {/}) ;) p = r.parseVariableName (q), q =Sub 0 = f [p]? ([Sub 0:q.replace(/\$\{[^\}]*\}/,f[p]); Return q}; u.extend (r.prototype, f.Animation.prototype); u.extend (r.prototype, {constructor: r, Setup:function(e) {this.updateTriggered =! 1; }}) This.timeline = e; { this.animData =Sub 0}, update:function(e, f) {var q =this(.getElementSet), p =this, s isthis.tweenType, b, d; This.updateTriggered | (this= .updateTriggered 0,this. setupForAnimation()); q.each (function(c, n) {var v = p.getPropertyTweenData (n, s, b), t, a, k, g, m,})

    q, r; if (v.animationID = p.animationID) {t = v.fromValues, a = v.toValues, v = v.tokens; k = p.filter, g = t.leng e; m = []; for (d = 0; d < g; d += 1) q = t [d], r = a [d], q ='string'=typeof q? 0 = f & & 0 < p.duration? q:r.value:q + (r.value - q) * f, k & & k [d] & & (q = k [d] (q, p,this, b, r.unit, e)),'number'=typeof q & & 1 > q & & (q = q.toFixed (6)), m.push(q+r.unit), t = p.formatValue (m); if (0 < t.length) v = t; else if (v) {t = v.length; a = []; for (d = 0; d < t; 1) k = v [d], k.isPlaceholder? a.push += d (m [k.value]): a .push (k.value); {v = a.join (' ')}else v = m.join ("'); (this, s, b, v); p.notifyObservers ('onUpdate',

    {(({écoulé: element, propriété: b, e, valeur: v, easingConst:f:cette})}})}, setValue:function(e, f, q) {switch(e) {case 0:e = u (this); e.css (f, q); p & &' background-size '= f? e.css (' - webkit - background-size ", q):'view'= f & &"AUDIO"==this.nodeName & & e.attr ('orders','none'= q? )}} NULL:'orders'); Break; case 1:this.setAttribute (f, q); Break; {{ case 2:this[f] = q}}, getDuration:function() {return this.duration}, resolveElementSelector:function() {var e = r.substituteVariables (this.elements,this. timeline.variables); e |} (e =this.elements);/^\$\{/.test(e) & &

    (e ="bad_selector"); return u (e)}, getElementSet:function() {var e =this.animationID f; This. timeline.animData =this. timeline.animData | {} ; (f =this. timeline.animData [e]). (f =this. timeline.animData [e] =this.deferElementResolution?) ( this. resolveElementSelector():this.elements); f return }, getValue:function(e, f) {var q; switch(f) {box 0:q = u (this) .css (e); break; case 1:q isthis.getAttribute (e);. Break; {{ case 2: q = (this[e]) String}return q}, setupForAnimation:function() {var e =this, fthis.tweenType, q =this= .property; } This() .each (function(p) .getElementSet,

    (s) {var b = e.getPropertyTweenData (s, f, q), d, c, n, v; b.animationID = e.animationID; b.toValues = e.toValues; b.tokens = e.tokens; } If(e.fromValues) b.fromValues = e.fromValues; else if (d = (this, q, f),Sub 0 = d & & (d ="0"), (c = e.parseValue (d)) & & 0 < c.length) for (b = b.fromValues = [], d = c.length, n = 0; n < d; n += 1) v = c [n], b [n] ='string'=typeof v? parseFloat (v.replace (/ % [a-zA-Z] + $/,""")): v, isNaN (b [n]) & &(b[n]=v); ( else b.fromValues=[parseFloat (d (/ [a-zA-Z] % + $/,))]})}, parseTemplate:function(e) {var f = e.length, q = [], p = 0, s =

    /@@[0-9]+@@/g,b=null; for (p < f & & (b = s.exec (e)); b ;) b.index! == p & & q.push (new r.Token (e.substring (p, b.index),! 1)), q.push (new r.Token (parseInt (replace b [0] (/ @ / g,""), 10),! 0)), p = s.lastIndex, b =null, p < f & & (b = s.exec (e);)) p < f & & q.push (new r.Token (e.substring (p, f),! 1)); return q}, parseValue:function(e) {return[]}, formatValue:function(e) {return""}, getPropertyTweenData:function(e, l, q) {var p = $ f..} data (e,"tweenData"); p | (p = {}, f. . data (e,"tweendata", p)); (e = p [l]) | $ (e = p [l] = {}); (l = e [q]) | (l = e [q] = {animationID:-1});}) return l}});

    f.PropertyTween = r; f.Timeline.addTweenType ('style',function(e, f, p, u, s) {return new r ('style', e, f, p, u, s)}); AdobeEdge.Timeline.addTweenType ("attribute",function(e, f, p, u, s) {return new r ("attribute", e, f, p, u, s)}); ({AdobeEdge.Timeline.addTweenType ('property',function(e, f, p, u, s) {return new r ('well', e, f, p, u, s)}); f.Timeline.addTweenProperty ('volume','property')})(window.) AdobeEdge);

    (function(f) {var r = $ f, u =function(e) {this.handlers = {}; }}) This. timeline = e}; u.Register =function(e, f, h) {var l = e.updateFinalizer;'undefined'=typeof l & & (e.updateFinalizer = l, l =new (e), e.addObserver (l)); l.handlers [f] = h}; u.unRegister =function(e, f) {var h = e.updateFinalizer;"undefined"! ==typeof h & &Remove h.handlers [f]}; r.extend (u.prototype, {_finalizeUpdate:function(e, f) {var h = {elapsed: e, context: f}, l; for(l in this.handlers)If(this.handlers.hasOwnProperty (l)) {var q =this.handlers [l]; }}) {If(the.handlers q.onFinalUpdate) q.onFinalUpdate (h)} =.

    {}, postUpdate:function(e, f) {this._finalizeUpdate (f.elapsed, f.context)}, complete:function(e) {this.timeline & &this. timeline.removeObserver (this); } This. (timeline.updateFinalizer=_0}}); f.UpdateFinalizer =Sub u})(window.) AdobeEdge);

    (function(f) {function r (b, d, e) {var f = l.event.the [d]; e & & f.teardown & & (b, d, e); var f = b.AnListeners = b.AnListeners |}}) {}, a, k ; a = f [d] = f [d] | []; if (null! = e) for (b.removeEventListener? b.removeEventListener(d,e):b.detachEvent & & b.detachEvent (d, e), k = f.le ngth-1; 0 < = k; k-) a [k] = e & & f.splice (k, 1); { another d & & (f [d] .forEach (function(a) {b.removeEventListener? b.removeEventListener(d,a): b.detachEvent & & b.detachEvent(d,a)}), f [d] = [])}function u (b, d, e, f) {hasfunction {If(2 < = a.length & &'object'=typeof a [0] & &'object'=)}}

    typeof a [1] & &'onError'! == a [1] .Guy) {var g; g = l.Event ("onError"); b & & (g.compId = b.getComposition () .compId);g.originalEvent=a[1];document.dispatchEvent(g)} w indow.console.log ("Javascript error in the event handler.} Type of event = "(+ d)}var k = b [f [0]], g;" return 'function'=typeof k? ('element'= d? g =function() {var d; d = (arguments); d.unshift (b); }) If(2 < = d.length & &'object'=typeof d [0] & &'object'=typeof d [1] & &'compositionReady'= d [1] game & &'chain'=typeof d [1] .compId & &'object'=typeof d [0] .composition & &)

    d [1] .compId! == d [0].composition.ID)return null; try {return k.apply (b, d)} catch (g) {d}}:'timeline'= d? g =function(g, e) {var f, t; t = e & & e.methodName & & /^trig_/.test (e.methodName)? l.Event ("trigger"): l.Event (d); e & & l.extend (t, e As EventArgs) f = (arguments); t.timeline = g; ; e f.splic (0,0,t); f.unshift (b) try{return k.apply (b, f)}catch(v) {a (f)}}:'symbol'= d & & (g =function(b, c) {var g e, f; e = c & & c; c.methodName? l.Event (c.methodName): l.Event (d) & & (l.extend (e, c), e c.variableValu & &(f=c.variableValue)); g = (arguments);

    g.splice (0,0,e,f); g.unshift (b); try {return k.apply (b, g)} catch {{(t) a (g)}}), g):null}function e (b, d) {var e = d [0], f = s [e [0]], a; f & & (a = u (b, e [0], e [1], d.slice (1))) & & f.apply (b, [a] .concat (e.slice (1)))}function p (b, d) {d = d | b.Data [b.Name] .actions |} { ;} l.extend (b, d)}function h(b,n,v,t,a,k) {var g = f.getComposition (b) .sym [n], m = x ("binding"); v = [[k, v, t], m]; var h;} if (g & & (g.actions = g.actions |)) {}, g.actions [m] = a, g.bindings = g.bindings | [], g.bindings.push (v) = f.getComposition (b)) b & & (b.addObserver (d), b = b.getSymbols ()))of(g = b.length,

    k = 0; (k < g;k++) t = b [k], h =, n = h & & (h = {}, h [m] = a, p(t,h), e(t,v))}var l = $ f, q is f.Symbol, x = f.Symbol._makeUniqueID, s = f.triggerDict = {timeline:function(b, d, e) {If(b) {[e] d = b, d = {}; var f =this._getTimeline (); f.addObserver (d)}}, element:function(b, d, e) {If(b)If('document'= d) l (document) .bind (e}} ,b) ; else si ('window'= d) l (window) .bind (e, b); else (({var f=/^\$\{/;f.test(d) & & (d = d.replace (f,' "" '), d=d.replace(/\)},"')); {{{(dthis.find = $(d)) & & d.bind (e, b)}}, symbol:function(b, d, e) {b & & (d = {}, d [e] = b,this.addObserver (d))}}, b, d; l.Event =

    function (b) {If(f.supported.customEvent)return new CustomEvent(b,{bubbles:!0,cancelable:!0});) var d = document.createEvent ('Event'); d.initEvent(b,!0,!0); return d}; leventthe Group {}; levent.the group {};. l.extend (f.An$ .prototype, {bind:function(b, d) {this.each (function(e, f) {var a = l.event.the [b]; a & & a.setup & & (f, b, d); f.addEventListener? f.addEventListener(b,d):f.a ttachEvent & & f.attachEvent (b, d); a = f.AnListeners = f.AnListeners |})}}) {} ; a [b] = a [b] | [] ; ({a [b] .push (d)}); return this}, unbind:function(b, d) {this.each (function(e,

    (f) {r (f, b, d)}); return this}, trigger:function(b) {var d = document; } This[0] & & (d =this[0]); d.dispatchEvent (b); return this}}) ; b = {creationComplete:function(b, d) {p (b); var f; f = [] .bindings |}} []; var t = f.length, a, k; for (a = 0; a < t;a++)k=f[a],e(b,k)}};) d = {newSymbol:function(c, d) {d.symbol.addObserver (b)}}; q.bindElementAction =function(b, d, e, f, a) {h (b, d, e, f, a,'element')}; q.bindTimelineAction =function(b, d, e, f, a) {h (b, d, e, f,"timeline")}; q.bindTriggerAction =function(b, d, e, t, a) {var k = f.getComposition (b) .sym [d], g;

    {k & & (k = k.timeline? & & (g = x ('trig'), t = ['trigger', t, g, g], k.push (t), k.dirty is! 0, h (b, d, e, g, a,"chronology"), k.dirty =! 1)}; q.bindSymbolAction =function(b, d, e, f) {h (b, d,"", e, f,"symbol")}; q.bindVariableAction =function(b, d, e, f) {h (b, d,"","variableChanged:"+ e, f,"symbol")}; l.extend (q.prototype, {executeSymbolAction:function(b, d) {If(!)}}) () 'object'! ==typeof d | 3 > d.length)) {var e = d [0], f =this. $d [1], a = d [2];! f: 1 > f.length |} (f = q.getSymbol (f [0])) & & e & & (a & &"object"=typeof a |) {{(un =null), f [e] .apply (f a)),}}, eSA:function(b,

    (d) {this.executeSymbolAction (b, d)}})}) (window. AdobeEdge);

    (function(f, r, u) {document.createEvent & & (f.addTouchSupport =function() {var e = f. $, p = f.An$; e.fn = e.fn |})}) {} ; e.each ("touchstart touchmove touchstart blow swipeleft swiperight".split (""),function(b, d) {p.prototype [d] = e.fn [d] =function(b) {return b? }}) {This.bind (d, b):this.trigger (d)}; e.attrFn & &(e.attrFn[d]=!0)}); var h ="ontouchend"in the document, l =! h & & r.navigator.msPointerEnabled, q = h? "touchstart":"mousedown", x = h? "touchstart":"mouseup", s = h? "touchmove":"mousemove"; e.event. Special.swipe = {scrollSupressionThreshold:30, durationThreshold:1E3,

    horizontalDistanceThreshold:30, verticalDistanceThreshold:75, swipeEvent:e.Event ("swipe"), swipeLeftEvent:e.Event ("swipeleft"), swipeRightEvent:e.Event ("swiperight"), setup:function() {If(! )} This.setupDone) {var b = e (this); l & & b.css (' - ms - touch-action ',' pan-y pinch-zoom double-tap-zoom '); b.bind (q,function(d) {function c (d) {b.unbind (x, c); b.unbind (f, s); t & & a & & a.time - t.time < e.event. special.swipe.durationThreshold & & Math.abs(t.coords[0]-a.coords[0]) > e.event. special.swipe.horizontalDistanceThreshold & & Math.abs (t.coords [1]-)}})}

    a.coords [1]) < e.event. {special.swipe.verticalDistanceThreshold & & b.trigger(e.__event__.special.swipe.swipeEvent).trigger (t.coords [0] > a.coords [0]? e.event. special.swipe.swipeLeftEvent:e.event. special.swipe.swipeRightEvent); t = a = u}function FB {If(t) {var c = b.touches? b.touches [0]:b.originalEvent.touches? b.originalEvent.touches [0]: b; a = {time: (new Date) .getTime (), coords: [c.pageX, c.pageY]};}} Math.ABS(t.coords[0]-a.coords[0]) > e.event. {{special.swipe.scrollSupressionThreshold & & b.preventDefault ()}} h = d.touches? d.touches [0var ]:

    d.originalEvent.touches? d.originalEvent.touches [0]: d, t = {time: (new Date) .getTime (), coords:[h.pageX,h.pageY],origin:e(},a;b.bind(s,f).bind(x,c)});} this.setupDone =! 0}}} ; (e.each_({swipeleft_:__"swipe"__,_swiperight_:__"swipe"__},__fonction__(b,_d) {e.event.the [b] = {Setup:function() {.bind (d, e.noop) e (this)}, remove:function(b, f, h) {e (b) .unbind (d)}}})})})(AdobeEdge,window);

    (function(f) {function r(b,c,a,k,g,e) {null! == s [c] & & (this.superProperty s = .cssProp, b = s [c] [c] game,"color"= b? f.ColorTween & & (p.extend (this, f.ColorTween.prototype), p.extend (this, d), (this, b, c, a, k, g, e)): (p.extend (this, h.prototype), p.extend (this, d), (this, b, c, a, k, g, e))); }}) { ="subpropertyTween"}function u() {var b = $ f..} data (thiselement,thisprop); {b & & r.applySubproperty (the. element, b, b.tween)}function e (b, c) {var a = b [0], k, g = $ f..} data (a, .cssProp s [k]); g | (g = ({superProperty: s [k] .cssProp},))

    ( a), f$.data(a,s[k].cssProp,g)); g [k] = c;{element:a,prop:s[k].cssProp})}var p = $ f, h is f.PropertyTween, l = f.UpdateFinalizer, q, x {'box-shadow': {def:'box-shadow',' ' - webkit - box-shadow ':'boxShadow.color boxShadow.offsetH boxShadow.offsetV boxShadow.blur boxShadow.spread boxShadow.inset'.split (""),'- moz - box - shadow':'boxShadow.color boxShadow.offsetH boxShadow.offsetV boxShadow.blur boxShadow.spread boxShadow.inset'.split (""),'box-shadow':'boxShadow.color boxShadow.offsetH boxShadow.offsetV boxShadow.blur boxShadow.spread boxShadow.inset'.split ("")}, }

    'text-shadow': {def:'text-shadow','text-shadow': ['textShadow.color','textShadow.offsetH',' textShadow.offsetV',' textShadow.blur']}, filter: {def:'- webkit - filter','- webkit - filter':' filter.invert rotation filter.hue filter.contrast filter.saturate filter.brightness filter.sepia filter.grayscale filter.blur filter.drop - shadow.color filter.drop - shadow.offsetH filter.drop - shadow.offsetV filter.drop - shadow.blur '.split (""),'- moz - filter':' filter.invert rotation filter.hue filter.contrast filter.saturate filter.brightness filter.sepia filter.grayscale filter.blur filter.drop - shadow.color filter.drop - shadow.offsetH filter.drop - shadow.offsetV filter.drop - shadow.blur '.split (""),}

    {{ filter:"filter.invert rotation filter.hue filter.contrast filter.saturate filter.brightness filter.sepia filter.grayscale filter.blur filter.drop - shadow.color filter.drop - shadow.offsetH filter.drop - shadow.offsetV filter.drop - shadow.blur".split ("")},'background-size': {def:'background-size','background-size': ['background - size.x','background - size.y']},'background-position': {def:'background-position','background-position': ['background - position.x','background - position.y']}}, s = {'boxShadow.offsetH': {cssProp:'box-shadow' }}

    type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:1},"boxShadow.offsetV":{cssProp:"box-shadow",type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:2},"boxShadow.blur":{cssProp:"box-shadow",type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:3},"boxShadow.spread":{cssProp:"box-shadow",type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:4},"boxShadow.color":{cssProp:"box-shadow",type:"color",def:"rgba(0,0,0,0)",i:5},"boxShadow.inset":{cssProp:"box-shadow",def:"",i:0},"textShadow.offsetH":{cssProp:"text-shadow",type:"style" def {:"0px"u:"px", i: 1},'textShadow.offsetV': {cssProp:'text-shadow' }

    type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:2},"textShadow.blur":{cssProp:"text-shadow",type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:3},"textShadow.color":{cssProp:"text-shadow",type:"color",def:"rgba(0,0,0,0)",i:0},"filter.drop-shadow.color":{cssProp:"filter",type:"color",def:"rgba(0,0,0,0)",strReplace:"drop-shadow(%1",combinedNum:4,i:8},"filter.drop-shadow.offsetH":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:9},"filter.drop-shadow.offsetV":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"0px" de sup {: 'px', i: 10},' filter.drop - shadow.blur ': {cssProp:'filter', }

    type:"style",def:"0px",strReplace:"%1)",u:"px",i:11},"filter.grayscale":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"0",strReplace:"grayscale(%1)",i:6},"filter.sepia":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"0",strReplace:"sepia(%1)",i:5},"filter.saturate":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"1",strReplace:"saturate(%1)",i:3},"filter.hue-rotate":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"0deg",strReplace:"hue-rotate(%1)",u:"deg",i:1},"filter.invert" : {cssProp:"filter", type:'style', def:'0', strReplace:'invert (%1)', i: 0},'filter.brightness': {cssProp:'filter', }

    type:"style",def:"0",strReplace:"brightness(%1)",i:4},"filter.contrast":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"1",strReplace:"contrast(%1)",i:2},"filter.blur":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"0px",strReplace:"blur(%1)",u:"px",i:7},"background-position.x":{cssProp:"background-position",type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:2,domProp:"fill"},"background-position.y":{cssProp:"background-position",type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:3,domProp:"fill"} ,'background - size.x': {cssProp:'background-size', type:'style', }

    {{def: sup: i: 4,'%',' 100% ', domProp:'fill'},"background - size.y": {cssProp:' background-size ', type:'style', def: sup:'%',' 100% ', domProp, i: 5:'fill'}}, b = 1, d = {setValue:function(b, c, a) {f. $.data (this, s [c] .cssProp) [c] = a}, getValue:function(b, c) {$ f..}} {data (this, s [b] .cssProp)}, setupForAnimation:function() {var b =this; } This.getElementSet () .each (function() {var c = f. $.data (this, b.superProperty); c |}) (c=b.buildProp_(__ce_), f. $.data (this, b.superProperty, c))}) ; (this)}, buildProp:function(c) {var d = {},

    k =this.superProperty, g = f.getSubProps (c, k); for (d to g) g.hasOwnProperty (d) & & (a [d] = g [d]); =this.superProperty + b; b += 1; a.element = c; a.prop k = a.onFinalUpdate = u; return a}, update:function(b, c) { (this, b, c); var a =this() .getElementSet, d =this, g, e =this. tweenType; a.each (function() {If((this, e, g) d.getPropertyTweenData .animationID = d.animationID) {var a = $ f..}})} data(, d.superProperty); a.timeline = d.timeline; a.tween = d; (l.Register (d.timeline,,a)}})}}; r.Pro totype.constructor = r;

    f.getSubProps =function(b, c) {var a = p (b), d, g; for(g in x [c])If(x [c] .hasOwnProperty (g) & & (d = a.css (g)) & &""!)} == d & &"none"! == d) {If(c ==) {g = x [c] [g]; d = d.replace'filter'(/, \s*/g,","); var a = [], e =Sub 0; a = (e=d.match(/invert\((.*?)}} [["filter.invert"] \)/))?e[1]:null; a = (e=d.match(/hue-rotate\((.*?) [[' filter.hue - rotation '] \)/))?e[1]:null; a = (e=d.match(/contrast\((.*?) [["filter.contrast"] \)/))?e[1]:null; a = (e=d.match(/saturate\((.*?) [["filter.saturate"] \)/))?e[1]:null; a = (e=d.match(/brightness\((.*?) (((['filter.brightness']-) /))?

    e [1]:null; a = (e=d.match(/sepia\((.*?) [["filter.sepia"] \)/))?e[1]:null; a = (e=d.match(/grayscale\((.*?) [["filter.grayscale"] \)/))?e[1]:null; a = (e=d.match(/blur\((.*?) [["filter.blur"] \)/))?e[1]:null; (d=(e=d.match(/drop-shadow\((.*?\)\s*.*?) \)/))?e[1]. Split (""): [null,null,null,null;] an [' filter.drop - shadow.color '] = d [0]; an [' filter.drop - shadow.offsetH '] = d [1]; an [' filter.drop - shadow.offsetV '] = d [2]; an [' filter.drop - shadow.blur '] = d [3]; d = [] ; e =Sub 0; for (e = 0; e < g.length; e += 1) r [l [e]] = a [[e] g] | s .def [[e] g]; return d} a = d; g = x [c] [g];

    a = a.Replace (/, \s*/g,","); a = a.split ("'); d = [] ; e =Sub 0; for (e = 0; e < g.length; e += 1) r [l [e]] = a [e] | s .def [[e] g]; { return d}return[]}; r.getSubType =function(b) {return s [b]? s [b] game: 0}; r.getStyle =void function(b) {return s [b]? s [b] .cssProp: 0}; r.applySubproperty =void function(b, c, a) {var d, g, e, f = p (b); for(g in x [c.prop])If('def'! == g & & x [c.prop] .hasOwnProperty (g)) {d =""; var n =! 0;}} for (b = 0; b < x [c.prop] [g] .length; b += 1) {e = c [x [c.prop] [g] [b]]; Sub 0 = e & &(e=s[x[c.prop][g][b]].def);} if ("combinedNum"in s [x [c.prop] [g] [b]]) for (var n =

    ! 0, h = b; h < b + s [x [c.prop] [g] [b]] .combinedNum; ++ h) 0! == c [x [c.prop] [g] [hSub ]] & & c [x [c.prop] [g] [h]]! s = [x [c.prop] [g] [h]] .def & & (n=!1);x[c.prop][g][b].match(/^filter./) & & e == s [x [c.prop] [g] [b]] .def & & n | {("strReplace"in s [x [c.prop] [g] [b]] & & (e = s [x [c.prop] [g] [b]].strReplace.replace ("%1", e)), d += e, b! == x [c.prop] [g] .length-1 & & (+= d"""))} (window.edge_authoring_mode & & g = x [c.prop] .def |!) {Window.edge_authoring_mode) & & f.css (g, d)} a & & a.notifier.obs.length & & a.notifyObservers ("onUpdate", {elapsed: 0, easingConst:0, property: g, value: d})

    (Element:f[0]})}; f.SubpropertyTween = r; f.Timeline.addTweenType ('subproperty',function(b, c, a, d, g) {return new r ('subproperty', b, c, a, d, g)}); var c, n; for (q s) c = {}, s.hasOwnProperty (q) & & (f.Timeline.addTweenProperty (q,"Subproperty""), n = s [q] c [q] = {f: n.domProp |}) (f.camelize_(n.cssProp), i: NI, j: n.j, def:n.def}, u s [q] & & (u c [q] s = [q] .u), f.defineProps (c), f._.p [q] .apply = e)}) (window. AdobeEdge);

    (function(f) {function r(b,a,c,d,e,n) { (this, b, a, c, d, e, n); }}) { ="transformTween"}function u (b) {var a = 0;'chain'=typeof b? a = parseFloat (b.replace (/ % [a-zA-Z] + $/,""")):'number'=typeof b & &(a=b);} return a}function e(b,a,c) {If(Sub 0 = a)return c; If(Sub 0 = c)return a; var d = u (a), (c) e = u, n; if ( ! d). return c; if ( ! e). Return a; a = f.splitUnits (a) .units; c = f.splitUnits (c) .units; n = a; a! == c & & ('%'= a & & (n = c, d = d/100 * b),'%'= c & & (e = e / 100 * b)); return d + e + n}function p() {}var h = $ f, l = f.PropertyTween, q =

    f.UpdateFinalizer,x=Math.cos,s=Math.PI/180,b,d='translateX translateY, translateZ scaleX scaleY rotateX, rotateY, rotateZ Scewx skewY'.split (' "); b = f.supported = f.supported | {}; var c = 1, n = {translate3d:0, translation: 0, translateX: 0, translateY:0, translateZ:0, rotation: 1, rotateZ: 1, rotateX:1, rotateY:1, rotate3d:1, tilt: 2, skewX:2, transformations: 2, scale3d:3, scale: 3, scaleX:3, scaleY: 3, scaleZ:3, point of view: 4}, v ="webkitAppearance"in; b.cssTransform = f.isSupported (["transformProperty","WebkitTransform",

    'MozTransform','OTransform','msTransform']); b.cssTransform3d is f.isSupported (["perspectiveProperty","WebkitPerspective","MozPerspective","OPerspective","msPerspective"]);. f.An$.prototype.hasClass = f.An$.prototype.hasClass | function (b) {If(this[0]) {var a = (this[0] .className |)}} ""). Split(/\s+/), c; for (c = 0; c < a.length; c += 1) if (b = a [c]) return! 0}return! 1}; r.removeData =function(b) {var a = f. $.data (b, r.dataName); a & & (a.timeline & & q.unRegister (a.timeline,, $ f..)} (data (ame b,r.dataN,Sub 0))}; r.getNumber = u; r.splitUnits =

    f.splitUnits; r.applyTransform =function(b, a, c, and d) {void 0! == f.applyCount & & (f.applyCount += 1); b = h (b); var m: n =! 0, l, p; d & & (n =! d.dontForceZ); m = e (1, a.translateX, a.motionTranslateX); l = e (1, a.translateY, a.motionTranslateY); d = e (1, a.rotateZ, a.motionRotateZ); p = f.supported.cssTransform3d; v?} (m =«translate ("+ m +",) ' "+ l +') ', l = u (a.translateZ) (0. == l || (n) & & p & & (m +="translateZ ("+ a.translateZ +"" ")" "), m +=" turn ("'+ d +'") ", p & & (l = u (a.rotateY), 0!" == l & & (m +="rotateY ("+ a.rotateY +"" ")" "), l = u (a.rotateX), 0. == l & & (m +="rotateX ("+ a.rotateX +"" ")" ")).

    a.skewX & &'0deg'! == a.skewX & & (m +="Scewx ("+ a.skewX +"" ")" "), a.skewY & &'0deg'! == a.skewY & & (m +="skewY ("+ a.skewY +"" ")" "), m +=" scale ("+ a.scaleX +","+ a.scaleY +" ")", l = u (a.scaleZ), 1. == l & & p & & (m +="scaleZ ("+ a.scaleZ +"" ")" "),! (window.edge_authoring_mode & & p & & b.css («-webkit-transform-style»,«chasse gardée-3d»), b.css (' - webkit - transform ', m)): (p = u (a.rotateX), n = u (a.rotateY), n = a.scaleX * x(s*n), p = a.scaleY * x(s*p), m ="translate ("+ m +",) '+ l +" ")"+ (' turn ("+ d +") '), a.skewX & &'0deg'! == a.skewX & & (m +="Scewx ("+ a.skewX +"" ")" "), a.skewY & &'0deg'! == a.skewY & &

    (m +="skewY ("+ a.skewY +"" ")" "), m +=" scale ("+ n +","+ p +" ")", b.css (' - moz - transform ', m), b.css ("- o - transform", m), b.css ("- ms - turn", m), b.css ("msTransform", m)); " {c & & c.notifier.obs.length & & c.notifyObservers ("onUpdate", {elapsed: 0, easingConst:0, property:'transform', value: m, element:b [0]}); b.css ("transform", m)}; r.dataName ="EdgeTransformData"; h.extend (r.prototype, l.prototype); h.extend (r.prototype, {constructor: r, Setup:function(b) {this.timeline = b; }) This= .updateTriggered! 1}, setValue:function(b, a, c) {f. $.data (this, r.dataName) [a] =}

    c}, getValue:function(b, a) {f. $.data (this, r.dataName)}, setupForAnimation:function() {var b =this, a; } This.getElementSet () .each (function() {a = f. $.data (this, r.dataName); a |}) (a=b.buildTransformData_(__ce_), f. $.data (this, r.dataName, a))}) ; (this)}, update:function(b, a) { (this, b, a); var c =this.getElementSet (), d =this, e, n =this. tweenType; c.each (function() {var a; d.getPropertyTweenData (this, n, e) .animationID = d.animationID & & (a = f. $.data (this, r.dataName),)})}

    a.Timeline = d.Timeline, a.Tween = d, q.Register(d.Timeline,a.ID,a))})}, buildTransformData:function(b) {var a = f.parseCanonicalTransform (b); a |} (a = {translateX:'0px', translateY:'0px', translateZ:'0px', scaleX:1, scaleY: 1, scaleZ:1, rotateX:'0deg', rotateY:'0deg', rotateZ:'0deg', skewXZ:0, skewXY:0, skewYZ:0, Scewx:'0deg', transformations:'0deg'}, a.matrix & & a.matrixdelete ); null= a & & (a = {}); ="transform_"+ c; c += 1; a.element = b; a.onFinalUpdate = q.prototype.applyTransform; return a}, buildDefaultTransformData:function(b) {var a = {translateX:'0px',}}

    {translateY:'0px', translateZ:'0px', scaleX:1, scaleY: 1, scaleZ:1, rotateX:'0deg', rotateY:'0deg', rotateZ:'0deg', skewXZ:0, skewXY:0, skewYZ:0, Scewx:'0deg', transformations:'0deg'}; a.ID ="transform_"+ c; c += 1; a.element = b; a.onFinalUpdate = q.prototype.applyTransform; return a}}); f.getTransform =function(b) {b = h (b); var a = b [0] .style, c; v & & ((c=b[0].style.webkitTransform) |)} (c = b.css) (("- webkit - transform")) ; if (c) return c;(c=b[0].style.msTransform) | (c = b.css ("- ms - turn")); c | (c = b.css ('msTransform')); c | (c = a.MozTransform); c. (c = a [' - moz - transform ']);

    c | (c = b.css (' - moz - transform ')); c | (c = a.oTransform); c. (c = b.css ("- o - transform")); c | (c = a.transform); c. (c = b.css ("transform")); c return | ""}; f.parseCanonicalTransform =function(b, a) {var c = ('chain'= a?a:f.getTransform(b)).match(/(\w+\s*\([^\)]*\)typeof ) (/ g), d = {}, e = {}, h, s, l;} if ( ! c). return null; e.translateX ='0px'; e.translateY ='0px'; e.translateZ ='0px'; 1 = e.scaleX; e.scaleY = 1; e.scaleZ = 1; e.rotateX ="0deg"; e.rotateY ="0deg"; e.rotateZ ="0deg"; e.skewXZ = 0; e.skewXY = 0; e.skewYZ = 0; e.skewX ="0deg"; e.skewY ="0deg"; for (h = 0; h <)

    c.Length; h += 1) {s = c [h] .match(/\w+/); If(d [s [0]] | 0 > n [s [0]])return null; l = c [h] everyone (/ \ ([^-])] *------) /); l = l [0] replace (/ [\ (\)] "/ g,' ''); l = l.split (","); switch (s [0]) {case 'matrix':return null;} case "translate3d": e.translateX = l [0]; e.translateY = 1 < l.length? l [1]:'0px'; e.translateZ = 2 < l.length? l [2]:'0px'; d.translate3d = d.translate = d.translateX = d.translateY = d.translateZ =! 0; Break; case 'translate': e.translateX = l [0]; e.translateY = 1 < l.length? l [1]:'0px'; d.translate3d = d.translate = d.translateX = d.translateY =! 0; Break; case "translateX": e.translateX =

    l [0]; d.translate3d = d.translate = d.translateX =! 0; Break; case "translateY": e.translateY = l [0]; d.translate3d = d.translate = d.translateY =! 0; Break; case "translateZ": e.translateZ = l [0]; d.translate3d = d.translateZ =! 0; Break; case "rotate3d": d.rotate3d = d.rotate = d.rotateX = d.rotateY = d.rotateZ =! 0return ,null; case "rotateX": e.rotateX = l [0]; d.rotate3d = d.rotateX =! 0; Break; case "rotateY": e.rotateY = l [0]; d.rotate3d = d.rotateY =! 0; Break; case "rotateZ":case "rotation": e.rotateZ = l [0]; d.rotate3d = d.rotate = d.rotateZ =! 0; Break; case "crosswise": e.skewX =

    l [0]; e.SkewY = 1 < l.length? l [1]:'0px'; d.skew = d.skewX = d.skewY =! 0; Break; case "Scewx": e.skewX = l [0]; d.skew = d.skewX =! 0; Break; case "skewY": e.skewY = l [0]; d.skew = d.skewY =! 0; Break; case 'scale3d': l [0] = e.scaleX; 1 = e.scaleY < l.length? l [1]: 1; e.scaleZ = 2 < l.length? l [2]: 1; d.scale3d = d.scale = DS = d.scaleY = d.scaleZ = caleX! 0; Break; case 'ladder': l [0] = e.scaleX; 1 = e.scaleY < l.length? l [1]: l [0]; d.scale = d.scaleX = d.scaleY =! 0; Break; case "scaleX": l [0] = e.scaleX; d.scale3d = d.scale = d.scaleX =! 0; Break; case "scaleY": e.scaleY = l [0]; d.scale3d = d.scale =

    d.scaleY =! 0; Break; case "scale": e.scaleZ = l [0]; d.scale3d = d.scaleZ =! 0; Break; case {{{ "perspective": d.perspective =! 0}} e}; r = f.TransformTween;return h.extend (q.prototype, {applyTransform:function(b) {var a = f. $.data (this. element, r.dataName); has & & b & & r.applyTransform (this. element, a, a.tween, b.context)}}); p.applySubprop =function(b, a) {var c = b [0], d, e = r.prototype.buildTransformData (c); e [d] = a; r.applyTransform (c, e,null, {})}; f.Timeline.addTweenType ('transform',function(b, a, c and e d) {return new r ("transform", b, a, c)})

    d, e)}); for (b = 0; b < d.length; b += 1) f.Timeline.addTweenProperty (d [b],"transform"); f.defineProps ({translateX: {f:"transform", i: 0, d: 0, u:"px"}, translateY: {f:"transform", i: 0, d: 1, u:"px"}, translateZ: {f:"transform", i: 0, d: 2, sup:"px"}, rotateZ: {f:"transform", i: 1, d: 0, u:"deg"}, rotateX: {f:"transform", i: 1, d: 1, u:"deg"}, rotateY: {f:"transform", i: 1, d: 2, u:'deg'}, Scewx: {f:'transform', i: 2, d: 0, u:"deg"}, transformations: {f:'transform' }) {, i: 2, d: 1, u:"deg"}, scaleX: {f:'transform', i: 3, j: 0}, scaleY: {f:'transform', i: 3, d: 1}, scaleZ: {f:'transform', i: 3}

    j:2}}); for (b_=_0_;_b_<_d.length;b_+=_1) f._.p [d [b]] .apply = p.applySubprop}) (window. AdobeEdge);

    (function(f){function r(){if(!x){var a=document.createElement("div"),a=h(a),e,g;a.css("background-color","transparent");g=a.css("background-color");a.css("background-color","rgb(100, 100, 100)");e=a.css("background-color");s=e!==g;a.css("background-color","transparent");a.css("background-color","hsl(100, 100%, 100%)");e=a.css("background-color");b=e!==g;a.css("background-color","transparent");a.css("background-color","rgba(100, 100, 100,.5)");e=a.css("background-color");d=e!==g;a.css("background-color" ,

    ( "transparent") ; a.CSS (' background-color ','hsla (100, 100%, 100%., 5) ») ; c; e = a.css ('background colour') = e! == g ; x = ! 0}}function u (a, b, c, d, e, n) { (this, a, b, c and d, e, n); } ="colorTween"; r()}function e (a) {return 0 > a? a 1:1 < a? a-1: a}function p (a, b, c, d) {return d < v? a + c * d: 0.5 > d? b:d < t? a + c * (t & d): a}:var = $ f., l is ['color',' background-color ',' border-color '], q, x! 1, s =! 1, b =! 1 D =! 1 C, =! 1, n = 1/3, v = 1/6, t = 2/3; h.extend (u.prototype, f.PropertyTween.protot type); h.extend (u.prototype, {constructor: u, getValue:function(a,})

    (b) {return h (this) .css (a)}, setValue:function(a, b, c) {.css (b, c) h (this)}, parseValue:function() {var b = (a), c = f.parseColorValue / rgb/gi, d = / hsl/im; } If(b & & b.colorFunction & & b.values) {a = b.values, b = b.colorFunction; } If(b.match (c))If(this.animationColorSpace & &'HSL'=this.animationColorSpace) c = {r:a[0],g:a[1],b:a[2]},(c=f.rgbToHSL(c))? 3 < a.length? (a = a [3], a = [s.h., c.s., c.l, a]): a = [s.h., c.s., c.l]: a = []; else if (! ( this.animationColorSpace)this.animationColorSpace ="RGB"; else {If('RGB'! ==this.animationColorSpace)return a} else if (b.match (d)) if (this.animationColorSpace & &)

    ( "RGB"=this.animationColorSpace) c = {h:a[0],s:a[1],l:a[2]},(c=f.hslToRGB(c))? 3 < a.length? (a = a [3], a = [c.r, CG limits, c.b, a]): a = [c.r, CG limits, c.b]: a = []; else if (! ( this.animationColorSpace)this.animationColorSpace ="HSL"; else if ("HSL"! ==this.animationColorSpace) &(a[3]=1); {{& a; 3 = a.length return return a}}, formatValue:function(a) {r (); If(a) {var b, e, n,""} HSL"=this.animationColorSpace & & c? (b="hsl",a=4===a.length&&c?b+"a("+a[0]+","+a[1]+"%,"+a[2]+"%,"+a[3]+")":b+"("+a[0]+","+a[1]+"%,"+a[2]+"%)"):d? (b ="rgb", a = 4 = a.length & & d?)

    b +« un ("+ [0] +" %, »+ a [1] +« % »,+ un [2] +« %, »+ un [3] +«) »: b +"("+ [0] +"%, »[1] + «, » + un [2] +%« % »)) : (b = [0,] e = a [1], n = a [2],« HSL »===cette.animationColorSpace & & (a=f.hslToRGB ({h : a [0], g : a [1], b : a [2]}), b=a.r,e=a.g, n=a.b), un = 65536 * Mat h.floor(2.55*b)+256*Math.floor(2.55*e)+Math.floor(2.55*n) , un =« # »+ a.toString(16)) ; return a}}}); f.ColorTween = u; f.Color = {formatValue:u.prototype.formatValue, parseValue:u.prototype. parseValue}; f.parseColorValue =function() {If(a) {var b=[],c,d,e=/^\s*#([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9]) ([a-fA-F0-9]) \s*$ /, f = / rgb/IM,}}

    n = / HSL / GI;(d=/^\s*#([a-FA-F0-9]{2})([a-FA-F0-9]{2})([a-FA-F0-9]{2})\s*$/.exec(a))? (b = [go eInt(d[1],16)/255 * 100, 100/255 * parseInt(d[2],16), parseInt(d[3],16)/255 * 100], c ="rgb"): (d = e.exec (a))? (b = [parseInt(d[1]+d[1],16)/255 * 100, parseInt(d[2]+d[2],16)/255 * 100, parseInt (d [3] + d [3], 16) / 255 * 100], c ="rgb"):"transparent"= a & & (b = [0,0,0,0], c ="rgb"); c | (c = a.toString (.match(/\w+/)), (c) h.isArray? c = c [0]: c | (c_=__""_), (d = a.toString (match) (/------([\d %, \.\s]*\)/)) & & 0 < d.length & & (d=d[0].replace(/[\(\)] "/ g,' ''))); if (0 = b.length) if (c.match (f)) if ((e=))

    / ^ \s * ([0-9] {1,3}) \s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s* (?:, \s* ([0-9] (?: \.))) [0-9] +) ?) \s*)? (($/ .exec (d)) & & 4 < e.length =) {for(a = 0; 3 > a; a += 1) b [a] = e [a + 1] / 255 * 100; 4 < e.length & & (e [4] |)} {(e[4]=1), b [3] = e [4])}else{If((d = / ^ \s * ([0-9] {1,3} (?: \.))))} [0-9] +) ?) \s*%\s*,\s* ([0-9] {1,3} (?: \.)) [0-9] +) ?) \s*%\s*,\s* ([0-9] {1, 3} (?: \.)) [0-9] +) ?) \s*%\s*(?:,\s*([0-9](?:\. [0-9] +) ?) (\s*)?$/.exec(d)) & & 4 < = d.length)for(5 < = d.length & & (d.length = 5, d [4] |)) (d [4] = 1)), a = 0; has < d.length - 1; (un += 1) b [a] = d [a + 1]}else If(c.match (n) & & (d = / ^ \s * ([0-9] {1,3} (?: \.)))) [0-9] +) ?) \s*,\s* ([0-9] {1,3} (?: \.)) [0-9] +) ?) \s*%\s*,\s* ([0-9] {1,3} (?: \.)) [0-9] +) ?) \s*%\s*(?:,\s*([0-9](?:\. [0-9] +) ?) \s*)?$/.exec(d)) & &

    4 < = d.length)for(5 < = d.length & & (d.length = 5, d [4] |)) (d [4] = 1)), a = 0; has < d.length - 1; a += 1) b [a] = d [a + 1]; if (b) for (a = 0; a < 1E4/b.length; a += 1) b [a] = Math.round (1E4 * b [a]). return {{{colorFunction:c, values: b}}}; f.hslToRGB =function() {If(null= a | 0 > a.s. | 100 < a.s. | 0 > a.l | 100 < a.l)return null;} for (; 360 < a.h;) a.h-= 360; for (; 0 > a.h;) a.h = 360 + a.h; var b={},c=a.h/360,d=a.s/100;a=a.l/100; var f, h, l; 0 = d? b = b = a b.b: (d = 0.5 > = a? a *(1+d): a + d - a * d, a = 2 * a-d, f = f (c + n), h = e (c), c = e (c - n), l = 6 * (d - a), b = p (a, d, l, f), b = p (a, d, l, h), b.b = p (a, d, l, c)); b.r = Math.min (100 *)

    b.r, 100); b = Math.min (100 * b, 100); b.b = Math.min (100 * b.b, 100); b = Math.round (1E4 * b) / 1E4; b.g=math.round(1E4*b.g)/1E4;b.b=math.round(1E4*b.b) / 1E4; return b}; f.rgbToHSL =function() {If(null= a | 0 > a.r | 100 < a.r | 0 > a.g | 100 < a.g | 0 > a.b | 100 < a.b)return null;} var b={h:0,s:0,l:0},c=a.r/100,d=a.g/100;a=a.b/100; var e = Math.max (c, d, a), f = Math.min (c, d, a), n; b. =(e+f)/2; e > f & & 0 < b.l & & (n = e-f, b = 0.5 > = b.? n /(e+f): n / (2-e-f), BH = e = a? 4 + (c - d) / n: e = d? 2 + (a - c) / n:(d-a) n, b.h * = 60, 360 b.h < b.h? b.h = 360:0 > & & (b. h = 360 + BH)); b.s = Math.min (100 *)

    b.s, 100); b. = Math.min (100 * b., 100); BH = Math.round (1E4 * BH) /1E4;b.s=Math.round (1E4 * b) / 1E4; b. = Math.round (1E4 * b.l) / 1E4; return b}; f.colorToSupported =function() {r (); If(! d & & / rgba/.test (a) |! s & & / rgb/.test (a) |! c & & / hsla/.test (a) |! b & & / hsl/.test (a)) {var e = f.parseColorValue (a) values, g, h, n; If(4 < e.length = & & 0.5 > e [3])return'transparent'; g=e[0];n=e[1];h=e[2];/HSL/.test(a) & & (a = f.hslToRGB ({h:e [0], g:e [1] b:e [2]}), g = a.r, n = a.g, h is a .b); g = Math.floor (2.55 * g); n = Math.floor (2.55 * n); h = Math.floor (2.55 * h); g =(15<g?"":"0") +

    g.toString (16); n = (15 < n?"":"0") + n.toString (16); h = (15 < h?"":"0") + h.toString (16); {{a =' # '+ g + n + h}return }; f.Timeline.addTweenType ('color',function(a, b, c and d, e) {u new return ('color', a, b, c and d, e)}); for (q_=_0_;_q_<_l.length;q_+=_1) f.Timeline.addTweenProperty (l [q],"color")})(window.) AdobeEdge);

    {{((function(f) {function r (b) {If( ("webkitAppearance")) {var d = e (b) .css (' - webkit - transform '); d.match(/translateZ/}}}) | d.match(/Matrix3D/) | e (b) .css (' - webkit - transform ", d +' translateZ (0) ')}}function u (b, d, c, n, l, s) {var a =null, k, g; 2 < = l.length & & e.isArray (l [1]) & & 2 < = n.length & & e.isArray (n [1])? a = 1:2 < = l.length & & e.isArray (l [4]) & & 2 < = n.length & & e.isArray (n [4]) & &(a=)} (4); Si ()for(k = n [a] .length < l [a] .length? n [a]: l [a], g = k = l [a]? n [a]: l [a], a = k.length; has < g.length; a += 1) k [a] = k [a-1]; (,

    b, d, c, n, l, s); ="" GradientTween""; this.tweenType = h [b]}var e = $ f, p = f.PropertyTween, h = {gradient: 0}, l = {' background-image ': {cssProp:' background-image ', def:"0px", sup:'px', i: 1}}, q, x = f. _ .apply .p [' background-image '], s = _ f.. p [' background-image '] .prep; f.forceGPU = r; e.extend (u.prototype, p.prototype), e.extend (u.prototype, {constructor: u, setupForAnimation:function() {this.getElementSet () .each (function() {r (this)}); (this)}, getValue:function(b, d) {return e (this) .css (b)}, setValuePre:function(b,})

    (d, c) {e (this) .css ("- webkit-"& c d) e (this) .css (d,"- moz-"+ c) e (this) .css (d,"- ms-"+ c); e (this) .css (d),"- o -"+ c}, setValue:function(b, d, c) {.css (d, c) e (this)}, update:function(b, d) {var c =this(.getElementSet), e =this, f =this.tweenType, h, a, k, g, m, s, q = l [] .cssProp; } This.updateTriggered | (this= .updateTriggered 0,this. setupForAnimation()); c.each (function() {var c = e.getPropertyTweenData (this, f,, l, If([c.animationID = e.animationID]) {a = c.fromValues, k = c.toValues, g = e.filter, m = a.length; s =]; for(h = 0; h < m; += h)}})

    (1) l = a c [h], is [h] k, l is'chain'=typeof l? 0 = d & & 0 < e.duration? l:c.value:l + (c.value - l) * d, g & & g [h] & & (l = g [h] (l, e,this, q, c.unit, b)),'number'=typeof l & & 1 > l & & (l = l.toFixed (6)), s.push (l + c.unit); c = e.formatValuePre (s); l = e.formatValue (s); (e.setV (cette f,q,c); (this, f, q, l); e.notifyObservers ('onUpdate', {elapsed: b, easingConst:d, property: q, value: the element:this})}})}, parseValue:function(b) {function d (a, b) {If(1 < a [b] .length)return a [b] [1]; var ;c=0===b?0:b===a.length-1?100:(d(a,b-1)+d(a,b+1)) c /}}

    2; a [b] .push (c); c return }If(b & &!) () 2 > b.length)) {"string"=typeof b & & (b = JSON.parse (b)); var c =null, n =null, h =null, l =null, an isnull, k = [], g is! 1, m = [], s; e.isArray(b[1])?} (c = b [0], n = b [1], b [2] & & (g = b [2])): (h = [b [0], b [1]], l = b [2], [3] a = b, n = n [4], b [5], & &(g=b[5])); for (b = 0; b < n.length; b += 1) if (s = f.Color.parseValue (n [0] [b], b)) k = k.concat (s), k.push (d (n, b)); if ((c = {angle: c, colorstops:k, centerPoint:h, ellipse: l mesure: une, répétant: g}) & & c.colorstops) return null! is c.angle? : c.centerPoint m = m.concat (c.angle) & & (m = m.concat (c.centerPoint), m =

    ({m.Concat ([c.Ellipse, c.extent])), m = m.Concat (c.ColorStops), m.Concat (c.Repeating)}}, formatVal EU:function(b) {return f.formatGradient(b,!1)}, formatValuePre:function(b) {return f.formatGradient(b,!0)}}); f.GradientTween = u; f.Gradient = {parseValue:u.prototype.parseValue}; f.formatGradient =function(b, d) {If(b) {var c ="", e =null, h,l,a;2===b.length%5?}} () e = 1, c = c +"degraded (linear)"+ ((d? b [0]:(450-b[0]) %360) +"deg",)): (e = 4, c +='gradient (radial)', c = d? c + (b [0] +'%','%'+ b [1] + (1 == b [2]?""))) Ellipse »:« cercle ») ++ b [3] +«, ») : c + (b [3] +

    " "+(1==b[2]?" Ellipse »:« cercle »)« à »+ b [0] + « » + b [1] +%« % »)) ; 1 == b [b.length - 1] & & (c ="extensible-"+ c); if (! (12 > b.length | 0! ==(b.Length-e-1) %5))) {a=Math.Floor((b.Length-e-1)/5); for (h = 0; h <; h += 1) l = 5 * h + e, c + = f.Color.formatValue (b.slice (l, l + 4)),-1! == b [l + 4] & & (ch. +=""+ b [l + 4] +"%"), h ! == a-1 & & (ch. +=","); retour c +=«) »}}} ; f.Timeline.addTweenType ('gradient',function(b, d, c, e, f) {return new u ("degraded", b, d, c, e, f)}); f._.p ["background-image"] .apply =function(b, d) {var c, e; If('chain'=typeof d)return (f._.p, ["background-image"],

    (b, d); c = f.gradient.ParseValue (d); e = f.formatGradient (c,! 1); c = f.formatGradient (c,! 0); {b.css (' background-image ','- webkit -'+ c); b.css (' background-image ','- moz -'+ c); b.css (' background-image ','- ms -'+ c); b.css (' background-image ','- o -'+ c); b.css (' background-image ', e)}; f._.p [' background-image '] .prep =function(b, d, c, e, h, l, a) {return void 0 == d [c] |} { 'chain'=typeof d [c] [e]?[__"background-image"__],b,d,c,e,h,l,a):d [c] [e]}; for (q) l.hasOwnProperty (q_ _en_ _l) & & f.Timeline.addTweenProperty (q,"gradient")})(window.) AdobeEdge);

    (function(f) {function r (b, d, c, e, f, h) { (this, b,'query', c,Sub 0,Sub 0, h); }}) ="motionTween";(this.path = e) & & 1 < e.length & & 6 > e [0] .length & & (e [0] [4] = e [0] [5] = 0, e [e.length - 1] .splice (2,0,0,0)); this. keyframes = []; b = document.createElement ("div"); c = q (b); null! == document.body & & document.body.appendChild (b); c.CSS ('left','-9999px ") .css ("width","100px"); c.CSS (' transform-origin ',' 50% 50% ') .css ("- webkit - transform-origin ',' 50% 50% ') .css (" - moz - transform-origin ',' 50% 50% ') .css ("- ms - transformation-origin ',' 50% 50% ') .css (" transform - o - origin ",)

    « 50 % 50 % ») ; d = c.css ('transform-origin'). c.CSS (' - webkit - transform-origin '). c.CSS (' - moz - transform-origin '). c.CSS (' - ms - transform-origin '). c.CSS (' transform - o - original "); c.CSS ('border-width' '10px') .css ('border-style' 'solid'); c = c.css ('transform-origin'). c.CSS (' - webkit - transform-origin '). c.CSS (' - moz - transform-origin '). c.CSS (' - ms - transform-origin '). c.CSS (' transform - o - original "); null ! == b.parentNode & & (b) b.parentNode.removeChild; ce { .originIncludesBorders = d! == c} function u (b, d, c) {try{If(b [0] = d [0] & & b [1] = )}}

    (d[1])returns{x: p [0], y: d [1]}}catch(e) {var f = {}, h = c * c, a = h * c, k = 2 * a - 3 * h + 1; c = a - 2 * h + c; var g =-2 * 3 a + * h, h = a - h; f.x = k * b [0] + c * b [2] + g * d [0] + h * d [4]; f.y = k * b [1] + c * b [3] + g * d [1] + h * d [5]; return f}function e (b, d, c) {If(b [0] = d [0] & & b [1] = d [1])return{dx:0, dy:0}; var e = {}, f = c * c, h = 6 * f - 6 * c, a = 3 * f - 4 * c + 1, k = f *-6 + 6 * c; c = 3 * f - 2 * c;} var f = b [3], g = d [5]; e.dx = h * b [0] + a * b [2] + k * d [0] + c * d [4]; e.dy = [1] h * b + a * f + k * d [1] + c * g; return e}function p (b, d) {var c = b .x - d .x, e = b.y - Nathalie; return Math.sqrt (c * c + e * e)}function h (b, d, c, e, f) {var l = Math.floor ([e] c .b), a = ([e] c .b +)}

    c[e+1].b)/2-l,k=u(b,d,a),g=0;p({x:(c[e].x+c[e+1].x)/2,y:(c[e].y+c[e+1].y)/2},k) > f & & (k.b = a + l, c.splice(e+1,0,k), g = h (b, d, c, e + 1, f), g = g + h(b,d,c,e,f) + 1); lbfunction return g} {var d, c, e, f, l, a, k, g; for(d = 0; d < b.length - 1; d ++) {f = [0,0, 3 * b [d].upper.x, 3 * b [d].upper.y, 3 * b [d].lower.x, 3 * b [d].lower.y]; l = [1, 1, 3 * b [j + 1].upper.x, 3 * b [j + 1].upper.y, 3 * (1-b [j + 1].lower.x), 3 * (1-b [j + 1].lower.y)]; a = []; for(c = 0; 5 > c; c ++) e = c/4}} k = {b:e}, g = u (f, l, e), k.x is g.x, k.y = g.y, k.b = e, has [and c] = k; a: {c = a; e = p (c [c.length - 1], c [0]); var m = kSub = 0, s = m =Sub 0; g =}

    .x .x - c c [c.length - 1] [0]; var q = there there - c c [c.length - 1] [0]; for (k = 1; k < c.length - 1; k ++) if (m = {x: c [k] .x - c [0] .x, there there - c [0] y: c [k]}, m = MX * g + m.y * q, s = e * p c [k], c [0], 0.005 < Math.abs ( os(m/s))) {c = ! 1 ; Break a} c =! 0}If(c) a.splice (1.3); else for (c = 0; 4 > c; c ++) e = 3 - c, h (f, l, a, e, 0.01); f = b [d]; l = 1; s = m = q = g = k = e = c =Sub 0; for (c = 0; c <.) Length-1; c ++) 0 < [c + 1] .x - a [c] .x & & (l=Math.min(l,a[c+1].x-a[c].x));k=Math.ceil(1/l); g = 1/k; q = [] ; m = 0; q [0] = {t: 0, e:0}; for (c = 0; c < k; c ++) {for(e = c * g; e > a [m + 1] .x & & m < a.length - 2 ;) m ++; s = a [m + 1] there; 0 < a [m + 1] .x .x - a [m] & &)}

    (s=a[m].y+(e-a[m].x)*(a[m+1].y-a[m].y)/(a[m+1].x-a[m].x)); q [c] = {t:e, e:s}} 1 > .t q [q.length - 1] & & (q [q.length] = {var q =:1,e:1});f.easingTable=q}} t $ f, x = f.TransformTween, s = f.UpdateFinalizer;})} q.extend (r.prototype, x.prototype); q.extend (r .prototype, {constructor: r, getValue:function(b, d) {}, setupForAnimation:function() { (this); }}) This.points | (this. setUpPoints(),this.setUpLen2bMap (), l (this.keyframes)); this.deltas | Window.edge_authoring_mode | (this.getElementSet () .each (function() {var b =

    (this) q, c = f. $.data (this,"p_x"). 'left', e = f. $.data (this,"p_y"). 'top', h = q (this.parentElement), l = + parseFloat (b.css (c)). 0, a = + parseFloat (b.CSS (e)). 0; '%'= f $.data (this,"u_x") & & (l = l/100 * + h.width ()); '%'= f $.data (this,"u_y") & & (a = a/100 * + h.height ()); f. $ (this"deltaX", l) .data; f. $.data (this,"deltaY", a); b.CSS(c,__"0px"_).CSS (e,"0px")}),that.deltas =! (0); for (var b =this; b._prevObj & & (2! = b._prevObj.path.length | b._prevObj.Path [0] [0]! == b._prevObj.path [1] [0]: b. _prevObj.path [0] [1]! == b._prevObj.path [1] [1]);) b = b._prevObj;

    b = e(b.Path[0],b.Path[1],1e-6); this.deltaRotate=180*Math.atan2(b.dx,b.dy)/Math.PI}, computeEasing:function(b) {var d = b /this=. getDuration(),this.keyframes; var c = 0, e, f, h;} for (e = 0; e < d.length - 1 & &!) (c = e, b < = d [e + 1] .t); e ++) ; e = d [c] .easingTable; f = d [c + 1] l - d [c] l; b = (b - d [c]. t)/(d[c+1].t-d[c].t);h=Math.floor(b/(e[1].t-e[0].t));h=Math.min(e.length-2,Math.max(h,0)); { return d[c].l+(e[h].e+(b-e[h].t)*(e[h+1].e-e[h].e)/(e[h+1].t-e[h].t)) * f}, originInPx:function(b) {var d, c = {}, e is b.width (), h = b.height (), l, one; d = (b.css (' transform-origin "" ') |)}

    b.CSS (' - webkit - transform-origin '). b.CSS (' - moz - transform-origin '). b.CSS (' - ms - transform-origin '). b.CSS (' transform - o - original "). "50% 50%"). Split (' "); 0 < d [0] .indexOf ('%')? (l = parseFloat (d [0].substring(0,d[0].length-1)) / 100, a = parseFloat (d [1] .substring (0, d [1] .the ngth-1))/100,c.x=e*l,c.y=h*a):(c.x=parseFloat(d[0].substring(0,d[0].length-2)), c.y = parseFl oat (d [1].substring(0,d[1].length-2))); this.originIncludesBorders | (l = l | c.x Fokker-built/e, a = a | c.y/h,d=f.splitUnits (b.css (' border-left-width ')) .num + f.splitUnits (b.css ("border-right-width")) .num |)

    0, d * = l, b = f.splitUnits (b.css (' border-top-width ')) .num + f.splitUnits (b.css ("border-bottom-width")) .num | 0, c.x Fokker-built += d, c.y += b * a); return c}, update:function(b, d, c) {this.updateTriggered |} (this= .updateTriggered 0,this.setupForAnimation (c)); c =this.getElementSet (c); var h =this, l, p =this.tweenType, a =this.findSegment (d), k isthis.path, g =this.easeToB (d), m isthis.points [this.points.length-1] l, r, g = Math.min (1, Math.max (0, g - a));r=Math.max(1E-6,Math.min(0.999999,g)); var A = u (k [a], [a + 1] k, g), a = f (k [a], k [a + 1], r), g = 180 *.

    Math.atan2 (a.dx, a.dy) Math.PI, z, E; this._prevObj & & 2 = k.length & & k [0] [0] = k [1] [0] & & k [0] [1] = k [1] [1]? (E =! 0, z = 0): z =this.deltaRotate-g; if (0 > d | 1 < d) k = Math.atan2 (a.dy, a.dx), a 1 = < d? d 1:d, A.x += Math.cos (k) * m * a, A.y += Math.sin (k) * m * a; c. each (function() {var a = q (this), c = h.getPropertyTweenData (this, p, l), e = f. $.data (, x.dataName), g =this. parentElement, k; e.tween = h; }) If(c.animationID = h.animationID) {var a = h.originInPx (a), c = f. $.data (this,'p_x') |} 'left', m = $.data (this,"p_y"). 'top', r = A.x, u = A.y, y = f.$ .data(,"u_x").

    "px", J = f. $.data (this,"u_y"). "px", O =! window.edge_authoring_mode, K = f.$ .data (this,"doAutoOrient"), K ="true"= K? 0:'false'= K? 1: k; O & & (k = q (g), g = k.width (), k = k.height (),'%'= y & & (r = r/100 * g),'%'= J & & (u = u/100 * k)); r +='right'= c? a. x:-1 * a.x; u +=« bas »=== m ? a. there:-1 * a.y; O & & (r = 0, u = 0); r = 0. == r & & 1E-6 > Math.abs (r)? r.toFixed (6): r.toString (); u = 0! == u & & 1E-6 > Math.abs (u)? u.toFixed (6): u.toString (); E | (K || (z = 0), z = 0.01 < Math.abs (z)? z: 0, f. $.data (this,"motionRotateZ", z +'deg'), (thisSub 0,"motionRotateZ", z +)

    (( 'deg'), s.Register (h.timeline,, e)); O? {({{(( (cetteSub 0,"motionTranslateX", r +"px"), (thisSub 0,"motionTranslateY", u +'px'), s.Register (h.timeline,, e)):(q(this) .css (c, r + y), h.notifyObservers ('onUpdate', {elapsed:b, easingConst:d, property:c, value: r + y, element:e.tween}), q (this) .css (m, u + J), h.notifyObservers ('onUpdate', {elapsed: b, easingConst:d, property: m, value: u + J, element:this}))}})}, findSegment:function(b) {b =this.len2b (b *this.points [this.points.length - 1] l); b = Math.floor (b);}

    return {Math.min (Math.Max(b,0),this.path.length - 2)}, easeToB:function(b) {return this.len2b (b *this.points [this.points.length - 1] l)}, setUpLen2bMap:function() {var b = 0, d, c, e = 60 *this.getDuration () / 1E3, f =this= [], h =this.points .len2bMap, a; for(d = 0; d < h.length - 1; d ++) l h [d] = b, b += p (h - h [d], [j + 1]); c = h [h.length - 1] l = b;} this.len2bStep = e = c/e; d = b = 0; if (0, c) {for(; b < = c ;){for(; d < h.length - 1 & & b > h [j + 1] l ;) d += 1; ))} If(d > = h.length - 1)break; a = h [d] .b + (b - h [d] .l) *(h[d+1].b-h[d].b) / (l - h h [j + 1] [d] l); f.push ({l:b, b: a}); b += e} f [f.length-1] .b <

    h [h.length - 1] .b & & f.push ({t:h[h.length-1].l,b:h[h.length-1].b})}else f.push({l:0,b:h[0].b})}, setUpPoints:function() {var b =this.path, d, c, e, f; ) This.points = []; for (d = 0; d < b.length - 1; d ++) for (c = 0; 5 > c; c ++) if (4 > c | d = b.Length - 2) f = c/4, e = {b:d + f}, f = u (b [d], b [j + 1], f), provable = f.x, e.y = f.y,this.points.push (e); for (d = 1; d < b.length; d ++) for (f = b.length - d-1, c = 0; 4 > c; c ++) e = 3 - c + 4 * f, h (b [f], b [f + 1],this.points, e, 2); return this.points}, len2b:function(b) {this.len2bMap |} this. setUpLen2bMap(); var d =this.len2bMap,c=Math.min(Math.max(0,Math.floor(b/

    ((( this.len2bStep)),this.len2bMap.length - 2); return 0 = d.length? 0:1 = d.length? d [0]. ({{b: (b - d [c] l) * (d [c + 1] .b - d [c] .b) / (d [c + 1] l - d l [c]) + d [c] .b}}); f.MotionTween = r; f.Timeline.addTweenType ('query',function(b, d, c, e, f, h) {return new r ('motion', b, d, c, e, f, h)}); f.Timeline.addTweenProperty ('motion','movement'); (f.Timeline.addTweenProperty ('place','movement')})(window.) AdobeEdge);

    (function(f) {function r (e, b, d, c, f, l) {If(d & & c & & e & & e._s & & e.sym & & e.sym [d]) {var p = [], a;'object'==typeof c? a = c:(a=b.find$(c)) |}}}) (a = b.$ (c)); a.each (function() {var a = h (this), b is document.createElement ("div"), c = ._children (one), r = {}, u, x; x = q.getParentSymbol (this,! 0); }) If(u =new q(e.sym,d,e,x,l))(f|| 0 === f) & & a._children () .eq (f) [0]? 0 > f? ch.. insertAfterdownload(f) (b): ch. insertBeforedownload(f) (b): a .append (b), u.opts = u.opts | (), h.extend (u.opts, r), u.init (b), u._applyBas eStyles ((b), d (h), ( = |) ([]) .push (u), p.push (u)}); e.readyCalled & &

    p.forEach (function() {x._playAuto (a,! 0); a.getSymbolElement () .css ("position","relative")}); return p}}function u (e, b) {var d, c = b.getSymbolElementNode () user.user; for(d = e.length - 1; 0 < = d; - d) e [d] .getSymbolElementNode (user.user = c) & & e.splice (d, 1)}function e (f, b) {b = b |} []; var d = f.parentNode; f & & 1 = f.nodeType & & (b.push (d), e(d,b)); return b}function p (e, b) {b = b |} {}; var d = e.composition? e.composition._s:null, c = {}, f = h.Event ("beforeDeletion"); h.extend (f, {Symbol:e,element:e.ele,performDefaultAction:!0});}) c & & h.extend (f, c); c =;

    if (d & & (e.notifyObservers ("beforeDeletion", f), f.performDefaultAction)) {e.stop (0);} if {{(c) for (; 0 < c.length;) p (c [0], b); e.prnt & & & & u (, e), u (e.composition._s, e); e.composit ionSub = 0; e.prnt = 0; d = e.ele; q.setSymbol (h (d)Sub [0],Sub 0); b._keepElement? h (d) .empty (): () .remove (d) h e.tlCached =null; e.ele =null; e.removeObservers ()}} var h = x = f.Composition; q = f.Symbol, $l = f.An, $ f. h.extend (l.prototype, {_parents:function() {var f = []; }}) This.each (function(b, d) {e (d, f)}); return SP (FRA)}, _children:function() {var e = [];

    this.each (function(b, d) {for(var c = e, c = c |)}) [], f is d.firstElementChild;f;)c.push(f),f=f.nextElementSibling}); return ({SP (ang)}, eq:function(e) {return (this[e]) h}, add:function(e) {var b =this; h (e) .each (function(d, c) {b.each (function(b, d) {d.appendChild (c)})})}}); q.getParentSymbol =function(e, b) {var d = h (e), c = d._parents (), f = c.length, l; If((l = q.getSymbol (d [0])) & & b)return l; for (d = 0; d < f; d ++) if (l = q.getSymbol (c [d])) return l; return null} ; h.extend (l.prototype, {void:function() {var e; }) This.each (function(b, d) {for(e = d.firstChild; e;) d.removeChild (e),})

    (e=d.firstChild})}, remove:function() {var e; This. empty(); ({{ this.each (function(b, d) {(e=d.parentNode) & & e.removeChild (d)})}}); h.extend (q.prototype, {deleteSymbol:function(e) {return p(e)}, createChildSymbol:function(e, b, d, c) {If(e & & b) {"var f;' object'==typeof b? f = b: (fthis.find = $(b)) |}}}) (f =ce. $(b)) ; if (f & & f [0] & & (e = r (.composition,this,this, e, b, d, c))) {{ Return e.forEach (function(b) {}), e [0]}}, getVariable:function(e) {return this[e] .variables}, setVariable:function(e, b) {this. variables [e] = b; window.edge_authoring_mode & &}

    (this._variables [e] = b); if (e) {var d =this.getVariable (e), c ="variableChanged:"+ e, d = {variableValue:d}, f = h.Event (c); h.extend (f, {symbol:this, element:this.ele, performDefaultAction:! 0}); h.extend (f, d);} { this.notifyObservers (c, f)}return this}, getSymbol:function(e) {e =this. $(e); return q.getSymbol (e)}, getParentSymbol:function() {return q.getParentSymbol (this.ele,! 1)}, getChildSymbols:function() {return } {This. ci.slice (0): []}, playAll:function() {this. play(); for(var e =this(.getChildSymbols, b = 0; b) < e.length; b ++) e [b] .playAll ()}.

    stopAll:function(e, b) {this.stop (e, b); for(var d =this(.getChildSymbols, c = 0; c) < d.length; c++) d [c] .stopAll (e, b)}, getSymbolElementNode:function() {return this.ele}, getSymbolElement:function() {return f. $(this.ele)}, _executeMediaAction:function(e, b) {If(!)} () 'object'! ==typeof b | 3 > b.length)) {var d = b [0], c =this. $(b[1]) [0]; } If(c & & d) {var f = b [2]; e & &'object'=typeof f |} (f =null); 'play'= d? {{(f & & 0 < f.length & &«nombre»===typeof f [0] & & (c.currentTime=f[0]), ()):'pause'= d & & c.pause ()}}}, _executeSymbolAction:function(e,

    b){if(!( 'object'! ==typeof b | 3 > b.length)) {var d = b [0], c = f.Symbol. } Download(this. $(b[1])); if (c & & d) {var = b [2] h; h & &'object'=typeof h |} (h =null); ({c [d] .apply (c, h)}}}, eMA:function(e, b) {this._executeMediaAction (e, b)}}); q.prototype.getParameter = q.prototype.getVariable; ({q.prototype. setParameter = q.prototype.setVariable; h.extend (x.prototype, {createSymbolChild:function(e, b, d, c) {return r (this,this.stage, e, b, d, c)}, removeSymbol:function(e, b) {If(this.symbolInstances) {var d = q.get(e); d & & d.deleteSymbol (b)}}})}) (window. AdobeEdge);

    OK... as usual, I didn't get no help here, but if anyone runs into this problem, the solution was that the command window was causing the error because IE8 does not recognize the responsiveness.  The thing was this piece of code added to the upper part of the script in the file index.html...

    It detects all versions of IE, especially useful as IE 10 and later versions have not been called by a number more

    function detectIE() {}

    UA = window.navigator.userAgent var;

    MSIE = ua.indexOf ('MSIE') var;

    If (msie > 0) {}

    IE 10 or more-online version of back number

    return parseInt (ua.substring (msie + 5, ua.indexOf ('.))) (((', msie)), 10);


    Trident var = ua.indexOf('Trident/');

    If (trident > 0) {}

    IE 11 => the version number of return

    var rv = ua.indexOf('rv:');

    return parseInt (ua.substring (rv + 3, ua.indexOf ('.))) (((', rv)), 10);


    edge of the var = ua.indexOf('Edge/');

    If (m > 0) {}

    IE 12 => version number of return

    return parseInt (ua.substring (edge + 5, ua.indexOf ('.))) (((', edge)), 10);


    other browser

    Returns false;


    var scaleString = "width";

    {if (detectIE () == 8)}

    Alert ("this is IE8");

    scaleString = 'none ';


    else {}

    scaleString = "width";


    The variable scaleString then goes into the code already present in the index file replacing "width" (in my case, it could also be used for height and at the same time).

    scaleToFit: scaleString,

  • Website of the unstable Muse

    I have built several sites with Muse. The last month has had a problem with a large site. 1023 overflow errors of all kinds. What site it blocks even takes the other pages that are not yet open. Preferences has allowed several times. Often need force quit. Got help chat for half an hour. He did everything I did several times. Still crashed. Finally, he said that he would have to consider the issue and could remember. It has been weeks. I don't think he calls.

    It's the site slows down then crashes. If I restart it enough, I can get a lot of work for a little bit. Pages that have worked well for a while stop working and appear to be erased.

    Please notify.

    Thank you to send your file.

    Your file has exposed a bug in the Muse. Your site contains a block of text with graphics and many consecutive paragraphs that use non-nulle space before paragraph. It turns out that this combination of things can cause the stack overflow, you have been met.

    We will work on the resolution of the underlying bug for the next major release. If you are interested in getting access to the correction as soon as possible, the Adobe Muse beta program is open to anyone with an active subscription that can accept the terms of the non-disclosure agreement. You can join by visiting

    In the short term, you can avoid this error by changing your paragraph «»

    "paragraph style do not use paragraph space. Use instead the paragraph space after. (Paragraph space after avoids this bug.) To get the same spacing interparagraph throughout your site, you probably want to change all your paragraph styles to use paragraph space after, rather than the paragraph space.

    Really sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks again for sending your file!

  • Join PLSQL does not work with the RAW fields

    Hi all, I want to do a join between two tables that have a GUID (16 RAW) field as the primary key. To do this I create a cursor and the sql is simple. However, it will return the following error when I try to compile the procedure:

    Error (41.3): PL/SQL: statement ignored
    Error (42.27): PL/SQL: ORA-06552: PL/SQL: ORA-06553 finished Compilation unit analysis: PLS-320: the declaration of the type of the expression is incomplete or incorrect

    The tables and the slider are listed below. I would like to know the best way to do a join with Raw fields in plsql once the same query works when used outside of the procedure.

    Areas of CURSOR IS
    Select ha.partial, ha.acidental_burn, ha.edge_cut
    of harvest_area ha, harvest_order ho
    where ha. "" COMMAND "= ho. "" ID ";

    create table ("HARVEST_AREA"
    'ID' RAW (16) not null,
    "VERSION" NUMBER (10,0) not null,
    "ACCIDENTAL_BURN" NUMBER (1.0) not null,
    "EDGE_CUT" NUMBER (1.0) not null,
    "K_FACTOR" NUMBER (1.0) not null,
    Not null, 'PARTIAL' NUMBER (1.0)
    "SISCONAGR_CONTROL" NUMBER (1.0) not null,
    'CUT' RAW (16) not null,
    'ORDER' RAW (16) not null,
    'PROVIDER' RAW (16) not null,
    primary key ('ID')

    create table ("HARVEST_ORDER"
    'ID' RAW (16) not null,
    "VERSION" NUMBER (10,0) not null,
    Not null, 'AXES' NUMBER (1.0)
    'CODE' NUMBER (10,0) not null,
    NVARCHAR2 (256) "FILE."
    "LOAD_DISTRIBUTION" NUMBER (1.0) not null,
    "RAW_CANE" NUMBER (1.0) not null,
    TIMESTAMP (4) 'TIMESTAMP' not null,
    'FACTORY' RAW (16) not null,
    RAW (16) 'BEFORE' not null,
    RAW (16) 'MODE' not null,
    primary key ('ID')

    OK, I could reproduce on my (my first test was on

    SQL> create table harvest_area
       id                raw (16) not null,
       version           number (10, 0) not null,
       accidental_burn   number (1, 0) not null,
       area              double precision not null,
       edge_cut          number (1, 0) not null,
       k_factor          number (1, 0) not null,
       partial           number (1, 0) not null,
       sisconagr_control number (1, 0) not null,
       cut               raw (16) not null,
       order1            raw (16) not null,
       provider          raw (16) not null,
       primary key (id)
    Table created.
    SQL> create table harvest_order
       id                raw (16) not null,
       version           number (10, 0) not null,
       chopped           number (1, 0) not null,
       code              number (10, 0) not null,
       file1             nvarchar2 (256),
       load_distribution number (1, 0) not null,
       raw_cane          number (1, 0) not null,
       timestamp         timestamp (4) not null,
       factory           raw (16) not null,
       front             raw (16) not null,
       mode1             raw (16) not null,
       primary key (id)
    Table created.
    SQL> declare
       cursor areas
          select null
          from harvest_area ha,
               harvest_order ho
          where ha.order1 =;
       for c in areas
       end loop;
    Error at line 41
    ORA-06550: line 6, column 12:
    PL/SQL: ORA-06552: PL/SQL: Compilation unit analysis terminated
    ORA-06553: PLS-320: the declaration of the type of this expression is incomplete or malformed
    ORA-06550: line 4, column 7:
    PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored

    Problem is the harvest_order timestamp column that I think you need to rename:

    SQL> drop table harvest_area
    Table dropped.
    SQL> drop table harvest_order
    Table dropped.
    SQL> create table harvest_area
       id                raw (16) not null,
       version           number (10, 0) not null,
       accidental_burn   number (1, 0) not null,
       area              double precision not null,
       edge_cut          number (1, 0) not null,
       k_factor          number (1, 0) not null,
       partial           number (1, 0) not null,
       sisconagr_control number (1, 0) not null,
       cut               raw (16) not null,
       order1            raw (16) not null,
       provider          raw (16) not null,
       primary key (id)
    Table created.
    SQL> create table harvest_order
       id                raw (16) not null,
       version           number (10, 0) not null,
       chopped           number (1, 0) not null,
       code              number (10, 0) not null,
       file1             nvarchar2 (256),
       load_distribution number (1, 0) not null,
       raw_cane          number (1, 0) not null,
       timestamp1        timestamp (4) not null,
       factory           raw (16) not null,
       front             raw (16) not null,
       mode1             raw (16) not null,
       primary key (id)
    Table created.
    SQL> declare
       cursor areas
          select null
          from harvest_area ha,
               harvest_order ho
          where ha.order1 =;
       for c in areas
       end loop;
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
  • not enough space to create the log files in the location specified in the inventory. Create a space under the null specified inventory or to point to a different directory


    I have installed:

    -(Oracle Linux) OL 6.6

    121 GB HD

    5.0 GB RAM

    -JDK-7u80-EA-bin-b05-Linux-x64-20_jan_2015.tar.gz (Java)

    -Fmw_12. (infrastructure)

    -Fmw_12. (SST)

    I try to install OBIEE, I unzip these files:

    I run/home/oracle/OBIEE/Disk1/runInslaller and open the screen to select the oraInventory directory, when I click OK, the error message appears (see image below):


    [oracle@localhost Disk1] $. / runInstaller

    Iniciando Universal Oracle install...

    Espaço Verificando Temp: deve ser superior a 1536 MB.   Passado Reais 36602 MB

    Verificando swap Espaço: deve ser superior a 500 MB.   Passado Reais 2553 MB

    Verificando monitor: deve ser configurado para exibir pelo menos 256 cores.    Reais 16777216 Passado

    2nd para iniciar o Oracle Universal Installer from/tmp/OraInstall2015-09-13_08-13-50 h Aguarde... [oracle@localhost Disk1] $ 13/09 / 2015 20:13:53 getCustomPropertiesFilename

    INFO: Using a custom UI properties of the oracle/as/install/bi/config/ file

    [ERROR]: error initializing log values Espaço insuficiente para criar os log archives na Localização address para o inventario. Espaço shouts ob o inventario especificado/home/oracle/oraInventory UO aponte para outro inventario

    to < init > (


    to < init > (

    to < clinit > (

    at oracle.sysman.oio.oioc.OiocOneClickInstaller.main(

    In English: not enough space to create the log files in the location specified in the inventory. Create a space under the null specified inventory or to point to a different directory

    What can be?

    Well, you very probably not a lot of space on the left under/Home.

    You can move to another location that is located on/home/oracle/orInventory the / partitioning of the partition where you probably have more space left if you used the default value.

    For example, as a root user:



    Update /etc/oraInst.loc and replace

    inventory_loc = / home/oracle/oraInventory


    inventory_loc = / u01/oraInventory

  • Delete a production space of report oracle regarding if the value of the field is null

    I am facing problem formatting in oracle report. I actually develop report payslip to HR Dept., in which win various and deduction heads are displayed.
    now, if any head is null for an employee in particular should not be visible to the employee only and field label is also must be hiding with space to be
    deleted dynamically.
    How can I do this...
    I am using conditional formatting, but its only hide the field does not remove white space
    Please give me some input

    Thks and greetings

    Just give the all fields are vertical elasticity is 'VARIABLE' and write the format trigger or apply the conditional formating.then it will work
    If one of the field if you give the property to vertical elasticity is fixed then it won't work.

  • function Oracle detects not value space, or null

    I have a feature of oracle that take two id parameter, newClientLegalName. On the basis of the second function parameter performs a specific action. the specified condition is

    IF (newClientLegalName! = "BDU")) THEN

    -do something


    -do something

    END IF

    It works very well in all conditions except when I pass null or space in the second parameter. How do I create a condition that fetch the value null or space when it is passed as a second parameter. signature of the function is

    copyReview (caseID in NUMBERS, newClientLegalName IN Client.Legal_Name%TYPE)

    Thank you

    Use the NVL function.

    for example

    IF (nvl (newClientLegalName, 'empty')! = "BDU")) THEN

    Published by: Robert Geier on October 14, 2009 16:02

  • Throw the list "cannot access a property or method of an object. null reference" during the scrolling of the white spaces

    Follow these steps:

       import flash.display.Sprite;
        import qnx.fuse.ui.listClasses.List;
        [SWF(height="1024", width="600", frameRate="30", BackgroundColor="#000000")]
        public class test3 extends Sprite
            public function test3()
                var l:List = new List();
                l.dataProvider = new DataProvider([{label:1},{label:2}]);
                l.width = 200;
                l.height = 200;

    And run the application.

    Point the finger just below the last line of the list, and then drag upward or downward.

    You get this:

    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
        at qnx.fuse.ui.listClasses::List/resetCellState()[E:\hudson\workspace\GR2_0_0_AIR_SDK_API\src\qnxui\src\qnx\fuse\ui\listClasses\]
        at qnx.fuse.ui.listClasses::List/deselectCellDown()[E:\hudson\workspace\GR2_0_0_AIR_SDK_API\src\qnxui\src\qnx\fuse\ui\listClasses\]
        at qnx.fuse.ui.listClasses::List/scrollMouseMove()[E:\hudson\workspace\GR2_0_0_AIR_SDK_API\src\qnxui\src\qnx\fuse\ui\listClasses\]

    How I not imprison it? Is this a bug of the qnx.fuse.up.listClasses.List component?

    After typing this post, I went back to the SDK download page and noticed there is a new SDK available (as dated February 3, 2012) 2.0.0. I used the previous version dated SDK Date January 16, 2012.

    So I advanced and upgraded to the latest version of the SDK, and this error no longer occurs.

    It must have been a bug.

    So I solved (kind of) my problem... Kudos to me... ha!

  • REGEXP_SUBSTR I need any word val, including space, or null

    Hi all

    I need to separate the last value in the field, but my query spaces not considered between the delimiters, please help thanks...

    SELECT RTRIM (REGEXP_SUBSTR ('C | 00013010101 |)) C00009 | 009402 | 00000100.000 | 1. AZUSDINE 500 MG TABLET | AZULFIDINE | 00016010101 | 1. 19950118 | 20150330 | 00000000 | 00000000 | 0 | F | 9. 1. 1. 0 | 1. 1. AB | 00000000 | 1. 0 | 000 | 0 | 0000001 | 00,000 | 00,000 | 00,000 | 0000012 | 0000012 | AB | TAB | 00000001.000 | 19900930 | 19900930 | 00000000 | 1. 19950701 | 2. 0 | BOTTLE | 0 | 20080925 | 20110928 | 0 | 0 | 0 | AB | 00000100.000 | 0 | 00 | AB | 2. 2. 9. 3. 1. I have | AZULFIDINE 500 MG TABLET '

    (' [a-zA-Z0-9] +--------|?', 1, 72),' | ') Double val







    Thank you


    If the number of fields is fixed, if you always want (in this case) the 69th field, you could do that (I replaced your channel hardcoded with a column called "input_string" for clarity):

    SELECT RTRIM (REGEXP_SUBSTR (input_string |'|)) ',' [^ \ |] *\|',1,69),'|') Val from your_table

    If you want just the entire last section, you can do it without using regular expressions at all:

    SELECT SUBSTR (input_string, INSTR(input_string,'|',-1) + 1) val from your_table

  • NULL zone object / use the space bar to navigate the timeline

    Hi all!

    I used to work in Adobe CS6 and I have some difficulties.

    How I see the box a null object? And navigate in the timeline using the scrool mouse or SPACEBAR, as in CS6?

    Thank you!

    What do you mean by "see box a null object? You can still see null objects as you could in CS6 AFAIK. Unless you have changed your display settings...

  • Problem of null external Table spaces


    I am trying to create an external table from a txt file. What follows is the file example.txt source: -.

    'xyx '."OMNI.""DESROSIERS.

    I'm on the bottom of SQL to create an external table with the help of above mentioned source file:-


    CREATE TABLE some_data_1 (FCOLUMN VARCHAR2 (50))

    , SCOLUMN VARCHAR2 (50).



    (TYPE oracle_loader








    LOCATION ("example.txt"))


    Here it is the result that I am receiving is bad, if you check the source above, file you will notice that there is no value in first row, second column. But running under result that cell have been removed and third cell (GET) value moves...


    The following are the results except I do not get.



    Can someone help me in solving this external table skip the question of the null value?

    When to use possibly locked clause time SQL * Loader & external table of type oracle_loader cannot handle null values that are not hatched with delimiters. Get rid of clause eventually closed and trim encompassing qouble quotes in a query. Compare:

    SQL > CREATE TABLE some_data_1)
    2 FCOLUMN VARCHAR2 (50).
    3 SCOLUMN VARCHAR2 (50).
    5                          )
    7 TYPE oracle_loader
    14                                                                          FCOLUMN char(20),
    15                                                                          SCOLUMN char(20),
    16                                                                          TCOLUMN char(20)
    17                                                                         )
    18                                           )
    RENTAL ('sample.txt') 19
    20                         )

    Table created.

    SQL > select *.
    2 of some_data_1

    -------------------- -------------------- --------------------



    SQL > DROP TABLE some_data_1

    Deleted table.

    SQL > CREATE TABLE some_data_1)
    2 FCOLUMN VARCHAR2 (20).
    3 SCOLUMN VARCHAR2 (20).
    5                          )
    7 TYPE oracle_loader
    13                                                                          FCOLUMN char(50),
    14                                                                          SCOLUMN char(50),
    15                                                                          TCOLUMN char(50)
    16                                                                         )
    17                                           )
    18 RENTAL ('sample.txt')
    19                         )

    Table created.

    SQL > select regexp_replace (fcolumn,'^ '? ") (. *?)"? ($', '\1') fcolumn,.
    2 regexp_replace (scolumn,'^ '? ") (. *?)"? ($', '\1') scolumn,.
    3 regexp_replace (tcolumn,'^ '? ") (. *?)"? ($', '\1') tcolumn
    4 of some_data_1

    -------------------- -------------------- --------------------



    SQL >

  • How to remove lines null in a matrix?


    I have a 2D datamatrix and there are a few lines nil. My original program should recognize all zero lines and remove them. How to do this?

    I tried with the function delete of table but without success. I also tried with the functions of table OpenG but... No.

    I have attached a vi that simulates my problem. There is a zero line and I want to remove it and have a table with no rows.

    Cheers for good help!

    If you have more large data structures, you should never use of "delete table" inside a, because it requires constant memory reallocations. A better solution would be to make operations on-site and resize once at the end. Here's a simple example (8.5).

    (This solution can be optimized, but should show you the basic idea).

  • How to rotate an object around an arbitrary axis in 3D in 3D space?

    I want to be able to rotate a 3D shape drawn in AE (or imported work of converted to a form) on one of its edges. I think that it is easier to explain with animation then here is a simple example of file and the film forms two triangle turning in the 3D space, one after the other.

    The first rotation is easy because I can move to the anchor of the object to align with the left end of the triangle which is also parallel to the y-axis, then just turn 180 ° on the axis y over a period of 9 frame.

    Second rotation is necessary on an edge that is not parallel to the axis X, Y or Z. So that by turn 180 ° with the x axis and 60º through the z over a period of 9 frame, the effect of the rotation isn't the edge desired flipping the eye reached in the first animated film. In order to do this, I need to be a sort of hierarchy of the parent object where I can turn the triangle.

    I feel that I arbitrarily turn the model of triangle (for example, the vector A) aligned on one axis X, Y or Z and then animate the transition turn over time around one of these axes and turn then any return by A' be ion the correct location for the rest of the objects. As how to rotate a matrix it translates the object to be located about origin, to turn it and translate then return to the initial position a rotation about the origin of the object is not the origin of the global space. Don't know how to do this in AE.

    axis of proper rotation for the first triangle:

    Screenshot 2016-05-25 13.42.33.png

    double shafts for second necessary triangle due to the fixed orientation of the local object space (autonomy seems wrong):
    Screenshot 2016-05-25 13.37.33.png

    Here is a simple configuration that I hacked together in a few minutes:

    It is not really more than meticulously dealing with NULL values and other things to the order of rotation of the control. Of course, this can become complicated after some time...


  • disk space disk utility

    I'm really getting fed up with the OS x team. They killed another great utility in El Capitan "disk utility". Now it won't let me create disk or partition of any player images. It gives me the following error:

    "(null)" doesn't have enough available space to create the 'Home' disc image file Choose a different volume at least 125,49 GB of available disk space to continue.

    I intended to create the image of the score by one user profile (the user was not logged) on 2.7 TB of free space on the drive connected locally. I also tried a different destination drive (SSD) with about 300 GB of free space with the same result.

    Anyone seen this before? All solutions?

    They are really kill this great OS. If they continue to do so, I will give up this ecosystem in the same way I did with Microsoft 10 years.

    Some time ago, they said they're going with OSX UI to iOS. If that's true, then I better start watching another OS until they completely freeze my workflow.

    Great job Apple!

    Just because you don't know what you do does not mean that there is a problem with disk utility.

    Hands on with disk in El Capitan utility

    (El Capitan) utility disk - partitioning a physical disk

Maybe you are looking for