
import bb.cascades 1.3

    TabbedPane {

        showTabsOnActionBar: true

        Menu.definition: MenuDefinition {

        // Add a Help action
        helpAction: HelpActionItem {

Tab {

        title: qsTr("Home")


Hi guys I would like to enter in "helpaction" when you click on it, a page with a red background, is it possibile?

You can set the color of the container on the Page.

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    import bb.cascades 1.0
    Page {
        Menu.definition: MenuDefinition {
            settingsAction: SettingsActionItem {
                onTriggered : {
        attachedObjects: [
            Sheet {
                id: settingsSheet
                content: Page {
                    Button {
                        text: "Close"
                        onClicked: {
        Container {
            layout: DockLayout {}
            Button {
                text: qsTr("Open")

    To hear that it is a known problem that was corrected in the next update, I have also just heard is expected by Friday-ish (a firmware of the device and an SDK Update).

  • Unresolved inclusion < cascades/bb/MenuDefinition >

    Goal: Create a menu low blow in C++ native instead of stunts.

    Error: Unresolved inclusion in #include


    When I check Includes/.../bb/cascades/controls/, not MenuDefinition.h in the path.

    Question: How do I solve the problem?


    Where do I add MenuDefinition.h and c?

    Thank you for your attention,

    In fact, you would look


    For example:

        Menu *myAppMenu = Menu::create()
            .help(HelpActionItem::create().onTriggered(this, SLOT(menuHelpPage())))
            .settings(SettingsActionItem::create().onTriggered(this, SLOT(menuSettingsPage())));
  • In-App purchase issue

    While the investigation into the issue of images do not hit any fly/scrolling in a Webview ( I came across the question if a user buys my in-app purchase then removes the application and reinstall the in-app purchase did not work.

    First of all, in-app purchase is to remove the ads - it does that very well, but when the application is removed and reinstalled ads appear once more and I don't want to force consumers to pay twice, so I really need to get this fixed number as it is preventing me to release an update of my application.

    I'm working out of this example: and have used it to create buying app for my application.

    Here's my source, my main.qml of my application file code:

    import bb.cascades 1.0
    import bb.platform 1.0
    import com.sample.payment 1.0
    TabbedPane {
        id: tabbedPane
        property variant payment
        Menu.definition: MenuDefinition {
            id: appMenu
            actions: [
                ActionItem {
                    title: "About"
                    imageSource: "asset:///IMG/ic_info.png"
                    onTriggered: {
                ActionItem {
                    title: "Contact Us"
                    imageSource: "asset:///IMG/ic_email.png"
                    onTriggered: {
                        emailInvocation.query.uri = "mailto:[email protected]?subject=Shopping For eBay App: Contact"
                ActionItem {
                    id: upgradeAction
                    title: "Remove Ads"
                    imageSource: "asset:///IMG/ic_clear_list.png"
                    onTriggered: {
                        if (tabbedPane.payment) {
                            /* replace the values in quotes "" below with the values from
                             * your vendor account for this application's add-on. */
                   = "{REMOVED}"
                            payment.mPaymentControl.sku = "{REMOVED}"
                   = "Remove Ads"
                            payment.mPaymentControl.metadata = "Purchasing this will remove the adverts!"
                            payment.mPaymentControl.getPrice(, payment.mPaymentControl.sku);
                            payment.mPaymentControl.purchase(, payment.mPaymentControl.sku,, payment.mPaymentControl.metadata)
                    attachedObjects: [
                        // Definition to hold the PaymentControl so it is only created when neccesary
                        ComponentDefinition {
                            id: paymentdef
                            Container {
                                id: payContainer
                                onCreationCompleted: {
                                    console.log("Payment Definition Created - Checking for Existing Purchases")
                                property alias mPaymentControl: paymentControl
                                attachedObjects: [
                                    PaymentServiceControl {
                                        id: paymentControl
                                        property string pid
                                        property string sku
                                        property string name
                                        property string metadata
                                        // Play receipt animation on purchase response
                                        onPurchaseResponseSuccess: {
                                            cpp.saveValueFor("removedAds", "23");
                                            root.removedAds = 23;
                                            console.log("purchaseResponse - " + receiptString)
                                        onInfoResponseError: {
                                            console.log("Purchase Error - " + errorCode + " - " + errorText)
                                        onExistingPurchasesResponseSuccess: {
                                            if (receiptsString == "(No purchases)") {
                                                console.log("existing unable to find receipt")
                                            } else {
                                                console.log("existing receiptString - " + receiptsString)
                                                cpp.saveValueFor("removedAds", "23");
                                                root.removedAds = 23;
                                            console.log("existingPurchaseResponse Success - " + receiptsString)
                ActionItem {
                    title: "Share App"
                    imageSource: "asset:///IMG/ic_share.png"
                    onTriggered: {
                ActionItem {
                    title: "More Apps"
                    imageSource: "asset:///IMG/ic_buy.png"
                    onTriggered: {
            attachedObjects: [
                Sheet {
                    id: aboutSheet
                    About {
                Invocation {
                    id: invokeShare
                    query {
                        mimeType: "text/plain"
                        data: qsTr("Get your shopping done easily on your #BlackBerry10 with 'Shopping For eBay'; check it out in @BlackBerry World:")
                        invokeActionId: "bb.action.SHARE"
                Invocation {
                    id: invokebb
                    query {
                        mimeType: "text/html"
                        uri: "appworld://vendor/64825/"
                        invokeActionId: "bb.action.OPEN"
                Invocation {
                    id: emailInvocation
                    query.mimeType: "text/plain"
                    query.invokeTargetId: ""
                    query.invokeActionId: "bb.action.SENDEMAIL"
                    onArmed: {
        showTabsOnActionBar: false
        Tab {
            title: qsTr("Home") + Retranslate.onLocaleOrLanguageChanged
            imageSource: "IMG/101.Home.png"
            NavigationPane {
                id: navigationPane0
                Page {
                    onCreationCompleted: {
                        root.removedAds = parseInt(cpp.getValueFor("removedAds", ""))
                        if (root.removedAds != 23) {
                            tabbedPane.payment = paymentdef.createObject(navigationPane0);
                        } else {
                            console.log("Not Creating Payment Definition, User has Already Paid To Remove Ads")
                    id: page1
                    //actionBar actions
                    //Title bar
                    Container {
                        id: root
                        property int removedAds
                        onRemovedAdsChanged: {
                            if (removedAds == 23) {
                                myAds.visible = false
                                myAds2.visible = false
                        Container {
                            id: myAds
                            horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                            layout: StackLayout {
                            MyAds {
                                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                                topPadding: 15.0
                        Container {
                            layout: DockLayout {
                            // To enable scrolling in the WebView, it is put inside a ScrollView.
                            ScrollView {
                                id: scrollView
                                scrollViewProperties.overScrollEffectMode: OverScrollEffectMode.None
                                // We let the scroll view scroll in both x and y and enable zooming,
                                // max and min content zoom property is set in the WebViews onMinContentScaleChanged
                                // and onMaxContentScaleChanged signal handlers.
                                scrollViewProperties {
                                    scrollMode: ScrollMode.Vertical
                                    pinchToZoomEnabled: true
                            } // ScrollView// A progress indicator that is used to show the loading status
                            Container {
                                bottomPadding: 25
                                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Bottom
                                ProgressIndicator {
                                    id: progressIndicator
                                    opacity: 0.0
                    } // End of container
        } //End of first tab
    } //End of tabbedPane

    Any help and advice in this regard would be greatly appricated.

    Thanks in advance!

    If you test using a sandbox past purchases account cannot be restored. Purchases made with a sandbox account did not get connected to the server, so if you try to restore (ex after you remove and then re - install the app even) then no purchase will be returned.

    You can test your rollback logic with purchases in the same session of the app: open the app, make a purchase, try a restore, all this without closing the application.

    The only other option would be to remove your account from the sandbox and try buying using real $$

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    I know that I can open the url PIN, but it was through the web browser by using code c ++ for opening a URL.

    I couldn't add it to the MenuDefinition, so I've added it to the Actions

    InvokeActionItem {
              ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.OnBar
              query {
                       invokeTargetId: "sys.bbm.channels.card.previewer"
                       invokeActionId: "bb.action.OPENBBMCHANNEL"
                       uri: "bbmc:C004DD717"

    The only problem with this is that it opens the BBM channel on top of the application.

  • Structure of good app to make high-level navpane on pane tabs?

    What is the structure of the correct application for objectives menu navigation, slide-top like for example 'settings' and 'About' pop on top an application with a tabbed pane as its structure of high level, in a navpane - like fashion?

    See for example the menu of top-parameters for the BB10 calendar application.  At the top of the structure nav app we have tabs views for the month, day, week, agenda, etc., but no matter what the tab showing, we are on, settings page invoked since the application slide-top menu appears on top of the active tab.

    When I try to place a TabbedPane inside a NavigationPane, QML editor gives the error message:

    "'FirstPage' default property value type mismatch. Waiting for Page and found TabbedPane. »

    I guess I could put a navpane within each tab, but first of all, it's bad code factoring for slide-top action menu (it should be set in one place), and secondly, it would require me to determine the active tab in the menu slide-top manager and push the target page navigation - from the active tab calculated.

    Conceptually, I'm trying to do something like this:

    import bb.cascades 1.3
    NavigationPane {
        id: navigationPane
        attachedObjects: [
            ComponentDefinition {
                id: infoPageDefinition
                source: "asset:///infoPage.qml"
        Menu.definition: MenuDefinition {
            actions: [
                ActionItem {
                    title: "Info"
                    imageSource: "asset:///images/ic_info.png"
                    onTriggered: {
                        var infoPage = infoPageDefinition.createObject();
         TabbedPane {
             tabs: [
                 Tab {
                     // Tab 1 stuff
                 Tab {
                     // Tab 2 stuff
        onPopTransitionEnded: {
            // Destroy the popped Page once the back transition has ended.

    in order to have a similar structure to the calendar app nav app.

    You don't need to have the specific content of the tab inside the tab itself. You can use a NavigationPane + Page with tab specific containers, move that visible on the signal of onTrigger tab. Then, you can push everything you need on top of the NavigationPane.

  • Beginner question - sheet opens only once when opened via the app bar

    I have a spreadsheet component very simply defined in my main.qml like that

    ID: mainPageSheet
    content: Page {}
    Button {}
    text: "close map".
    onClicked: {mainPageSheet.close ()}

    I open app bar using settingsActionItem

    Menu.Definition: MenuDefinition {}
    settingsAction: {SettingsActionItem}
    Title: qsTr ("Settings")
    onTriggered: {}
    mainPageSheet.setContent (settingsSheetComp.createObject ());


    Now my problem is that it doesn't open that only once, the next time he shows nothing and gesture swipe to lower the bar of application stops responding also. because I do not have much that I am little confused what wrong here

    I use the Simulator on SDK Gold

    The Simulator today update fixed

  • How to create the application menu?


    I want to add to the settings page for my application.

    I created the application menu in the Navigation pane.

    See my coding:

    NavigationPane {
        id: navigationPane
          Page {
                id: mainpage
                               Menu.definition: MenuDefinition {
                            actions: [
                        ActionItem {
                             title: "Action"
                                  imageSource: "asset:///images/setting.png"
                            onTriggered: {
                                   attachedObjects: [
                                  ComponentDefinition {
                                        id: settings
                                           source: "setting.qml"
                      ActionItem {
                                   title: "help"
                                        imageSource: "asset:///images/help.png"
                         titleBar: TitleBar {
                                   title: "Main Bar"

    and on settings.qml

    Page {
                  id: settings
                   titleBar: TitleBar {
                          title: "Settings"
                Container {
                    background: Color.Yellow
                    Label {
                     text: "Want [Dark or White] theme selet below"
                  DropDown {
                    title: "Select Theme"
                    Option {
                         text: "Dark"
                                 onSelectedChanged: {
                              if ( == VisualStyle.Bright) {
                                else {
                    Option {
                            text: "white"
                             selected: true
                                    onSelectedChanged: {
                                     if ( == VisualStyle.Bright) {

    and I see not the menu look at this picture

    now, I want the solution please can someone help.


    the definition of menu on the navigationpane

  • How to display the menu?

    After I added the definition of menu, everything I used the screen with the menu, the menu may not shown. Can someone get me noticed? Thank you.

    TabbedPane {
        Menu.definition: MenuDefinition {
            // Specify the actions that should be included in the menu
            actions: [
                ActionItem {
                    title: "Action 1"
                    onTriggered: {
                        console.log("Menu - Action1Triggered()")
                ActionItem {
                    title: "Action 2"
                    onTriggered: {
                        console.log("Menu - Action2Triggered()")
                ActionItem {
                    title: "Action 3"
                        onTriggered: {                    console.log("Menu - Action3Triggered()")                }
            ] // end of actions list


    NavigationPane {
        id: nav
         Menu.definition: MenuDefinition {
                // Specify the actions that should be included in the menu
                actions: [
                    ActionItem {
                        title: "Action 1"
                        //   imageSource: ""
                        onTriggered: {
                            console.log("Menu - Action1Triggered()")
                    ActionItem {
                        title: "Action 2"
                        //  imageSource: ""
                        onTriggered: {
                            console.log("Menu - Action2Triggered()")
                    ActionItem {
                        title: "Action 3"
                        onTriggered: {
                            console.log("Menu - Action3Triggered()")
                ] // end of actions list

    Your code is fine. Just slide down from the top of the screen to display the Menu.

  • Make a tab of the ActionItem Menu TabbedPane

    Hello! I'm creating an application with three tabs. I want the fourth tab at ActionItem Menu which will stocks based on which tab user is in. Is there a way I can code it. My current code is given below

    import bb.cascades 1.2

    TabbedPane {}

    showTabsOnActionBar: true

    First tab

    Tab {}


    {Of container

    topPadding: 30.0

    leftPadding: 20.0

    rightPadding: 20.0

    TextField {}

    onTextChanging: {}



    TextArea {}





    End of the first tab

    Second tab

    Tab {}


    {Of container




    End of the second tab

    Third tab

    Tab {}


    {Of container




    End of the third tab

    / * Fourth tab * /.

    Tab {}

    Title: "Action Menu".

    imageSource: "asset:///icons/ic_overflow_action.png."


    Menu.Definition: MenuDefinition {}

    settingsAction: {SettingsActionItem}

    onTriggered: {}




    ID: action1

    Title: "myActionTitle".

    ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.OnBar






    / * End of fourth tab * /.


    Got the answer. So instead of having the fourth tab, I have stock in the tab page... The code will be

    import bb.cascades 1.2

    TabbedPane {}

    showTabsOnActionBar: true

    First tab

    Tab {}




    Title: "Action 1".

    ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.OnBar

    onTriggered: {}

    MyLabel.set_Text = "Selected 1 Action!"




    Title: 'Action 2 '.

    ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.OnBar

    onTriggered: {}

    MyLabel.set_Text = "Action selected 2!"




    {Of container

    topPadding: 30.0

    leftPadding: 20.0

    rightPadding: 20.0

    TextField {}

    onTextChanging: {}



    TextArea {}





    End of the first tab

    Second tab

    Tab {}


    {Of container




    End of the second tab

    Third tab

    Tab {}


    {Of container




    End of the third tab


  • In the root of TabbedPane NavigationPane

    Hi all

    I have a TabbedPane and then a menu with a SettingsActionItem. When this settings button fires I want to push a page that contains the parameters to this subject, and then I can click back to return to tabs.

    import bb.cascades 1.0
    TabbedPane {
        Menu.definition: MenuDefinition {
            settingsAction: SettingsActionItem {
                onTriggered: {
                    var page = setingsView.createObject();
                attachedObjects: ComponentDefinition {
                    id: settingsView
                    source: "SettingsView.qml"
        Tab {
            tite: "Tab1"
            NavigationPane {
                id: navigationPane
                Page {
            }    }}

    However, the problem is that there is no navigation pane to push the new page. We cannot put a NavigationPane under the TabbedPane, but we can put it in a tab of a TabbedPane.

    So, how can I go all by pushing a new page?

    Thank you!


    I got it work using files separated such as:

    hand. QML

    TabbedPane {
        id: newsPane
         title: ""
            TabOne {
        title: ""
           TabTwo {
        title: ""
           TabThree {
        title: ""
           TabFour {

    Then, he...

    TabOne.qml, TabTwo.qml, TabThree.qml and TabFour.qml:

    NavigationPane {
        Page {

    And it has an a NavigationPane feel TabbedPane when I can push to a page within the NavigationPane and action bar has more tabs, rather it changes the back button.  Can be illustrated in this app: (I wrote the application for OnlineTobago)

    So as much as your page 'Settings', why not use a spreadsheet?  This is exactly what a spreadsheet is intended, something that breaks the normal flow of navigation.  And it can be accessed via the system menu of any tab, if defined in the main.qml and using the property alias you can control the id defined in TabOne.qml, TabTwo.qml, etc. I have a sample where I do it too:

    I hope this helps.

  • Plug as a defintion of component


    I created the application menus in my application under the root TabbedPane. Follow-up of the online documentation.

    I realized that I need to create a spreadsheet and cannot create a Page. Which is very good. I expected a back-button-esque page.

    For NavPanes, I know we can create Pages as a definition of the element, so they can be loaded only when necessary. I can't do the same for the leaves. It is a known limit?

    I did the following, but it does not work:


    TabbedPane {
        id: mainTabPage
        Menu.definition: MenuDefinition {
            actions: [
                ActionItem {
                    title: "About"
                    onTriggered: {
        } // end of Menu defintion
        attachedObjects: [
            ComponentDefinition {
                id: aboutSheetDefinition
                source: "about.qml"
        Tab {

    And then in the about.qml

    import bb.cascades 1.0
    Sheet {
        id: aboutSheet
        content: Page {
            id: aboutPage
            Container {
                Label {
                    text: "This is the ABOUT page"

    However, if I do the following, it works. But I want it to work the way I showed you above-^ ^ ^ (mainTabPane.qml)

    TabbedPane {
        id: mainTabPage
        // Application Menu
        Menu.definition: MenuDefinition {
            actions: [
                ActionItem {
                    title: "About"
                    onTriggered: {
        } // end of Menu defintion
        attachedObjects: [
            Sheet {
                id: aboutSheet
                content: Page {
                    id: aboutPage
                    Container {
                        Label {
                            text: "This is the ABOUT page"
        Tab {

    Never mind. Found my solution.

    In onTriggered of the ActionItem, must do the following, that is to create the object variable aboutSheet, and THEN open it.

    onTriggered: {
                        var aboutSheet = aboutSheetDefinition.createObject();

    The object attached, remains the same.

    attachedObjects: [
            ComponentDefinition {
                id: aboutSheetDefinition
                source: "about.qml"
  • How to stop pushing him to a QML Page when already in this Page


    Main.qml I have the following question of action menu that displays SettingsPage.qml.

    hand. QML:

    NavigationPane {
        id: nav
        Menu.definition: MenuDefinition {
            actions: [
                ActionItem {
                    title: "Settings"
                    onTriggered: {
                        console.log("entering settings page");
                        var settingsPage = settingspagedef.createObject();
                ] // end of actions list
         } // end of MenuDefinition
        Page {

    And the SettingsPage.qml is a QML file that contains only the item page (and not in a NavigationPane). Thus, in settings page, another page of settings is pushed on top of the current page of settings when you click the action item "Settings." How can I prevent pushing to SettingsPage.qml one another when there is already a settings page? Thanks in advance.

    I prefer to remove the knob to Settngs completely rather than turn it off when I do not want my user to have access to it. My application says the menu of application as follows:

    MenuDefinition {    id: appMenu
        settingsAction: _settingsAction
        helpAction: _helpAction
        attachedObjects: [
            SettingsActionItem {
                id: _settingsAction
                onTriggered: {
            HelpActionItem {
                id: _helpAction
                onTriggered: {
        actions: [
        function restoreSettingsAction() {
            settingsAction = _settingsAction;
        function restoreHelpAction() {
            helpAction = _helpAction;

    Now of QML, you can do this:

    // ---Remove the application menu Settings button
    appMenu.settingsAction = null;
    // ---Restore the application menu Settings button

    ... and you can do the same thing with the help button if you wish. Note that if you have any other button in your menu of the application they will probably move in the menu if you delete/restore buttons settings or help.

    burakk wrote:

    Yes, I mean the menu of the Application.

    Your code turns off the entire menu. What happens if I don't only want the settings menu option? I guess I have to disable the part of the action of the main.qml. Is there another way to achieve the QML (main.qml) other action element other than Qt object implementation?

    onCreationCompleted: {}
    QT.nav = nav;
    Qt.catList = categoriesList;


  • How to send data from c ++ to qml to an another qml.


    I'm quite confused about a simple problem, I'm sure. Let me put some of my code and then I'll ask my question

    hand. QML

    // Default empty project template
    import bb.cascades 1.0
    import 1.0
    // creates one page with a label
    TabbedPane {
        Menu.definition: MenuDefinition {
            actions: [
                ActionItem {
                    title: "Refresh"
        showTabsOnActionBar: true
        Tab {
            title: qsTr("Employee")
            NavigationPane {
                id: everyonePane
                Page {
                    id: everyoneFeed
                    ListView {
                        objectName: "FeedView"
                        id: FeedView
                        layout: StackListLayout {
                            headerMode: ListHeaderMode.Sticky
                        listItemComponents: [
                            ListItemComponent {
                                type: "item"
                                DetailFeed {
                attachedObjects: [
                    ActivityIndicator {
                        objectName: "indicator"
                        verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
                        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                        preferredHeight: 200
                        preferredWidth: 200
                onCreationCompleted: {
        Tab {
            title: qsTr("TimeSheet")
            Page {
        Tab {
            title: qsTr("Calendar")
            Page {


    import bb.cascades 1.0
    Container {
        layout: StackLayout {
            orientation: LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom // this line stacks everything below
        bottomPadding: 20
        Container { // single row
            id: row1
            // individual row container
            layout: DockLayout {
            preferredWidth: maxWidth
            Container { // container for image
                preferredWidth: 150 //size of image if known
                preferredHeight: 150
                topPadding: 10
                leftPadding: 20
                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Left
                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
                ImageView {
                    preferredWidth: 150 //size of image if known
                    preferredHeight: 150
                    imageSource: "asset:///images/person.jpg" // some image
            // stack labels
            Container { // container for labels
                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Left // align this container to the left
                translationX: 200
                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
                layout: StackLayout {
                    orientation: LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom // this stacks the labels
                Label {                objectName: "firstname"
                    text: "first label"
                Label {
                    text: "second label"
        Divider {


    // Default empty project template
    #include "Employee.hpp"
    using namespace bb::cascades;
    QString mQueryUri;
    Employee::Employee(bb::cascades::Application *app) :
            QObject(app) {
        // create scene document from main.qml asset
        // set parent to created document to ensure it exists for the whole application lifetime
        mQml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///main.qml").parent(this);
        // create root object for the UI
        mRoot = mQml->createRootObject();
        // Retrieving my activity indicator
        //mActivityIndicator = mRoot->findChild("indicator");
        // Retrieving my list from QML
        mListView = mRoot->findChild("dribbbleFeedView");
        // set created root object as a scene
    void Employee::GetFeed(QString feedType) {
        // First off we initialize our NetworkManager
        QNetworkAccessManager* netManager = new QNetworkAccessManager();
        if (!netManager) {
            qDebug() << "Unable to create QNetworkAccessManager!";
            emit complete("Unable to create QNetworkAccessManager!", false);
        // First off we initialize our NetworkManager
        netManager = new QNetworkAccessManager();
        if (!netManager) {
            qDebug() << "Unable to create QNetworkAccessManager!";
            emit complete("Unable to create QNetworkAccessManager!", false);
        mQueryUri = "http://mycompany" + feedType;
        // We setup our url
        QUrl url(mQueryUri);
        QNetworkRequest req(url);
        // Setup the reply and connect to the reply function
        QNetworkReply* ipReply = netManager->get(req);
        connect(ipReply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(onReply()));
    void Employee::onReply() {
        QNetworkReply* reply = qobject_cast(sender());
        QString response;
        bool success = false;
        if (reply) {
            if (reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError) {
                int available = reply->bytesAvailable();
                if (available > 0) {
                    int bufSize = sizeof(char) * available + sizeof(char);
                    QByteArray buffer(bufSize, 0);
                    int read = reply->read(, available);
                    response = QString(buffer);
                    success = true;
            } else {
                response =
                        QString("Error: ") + reply->errorString()
                                + QString(" status:")
                                + reply->attribute(
                qDebug() << response;
        if (response.trimmed().isEmpty()) {
            response = "Request failed. Check internet connection";
            qDebug() << response;
        bb::cascades::GroupDataModel* dm = new bb::cascades::GroupDataModel(
                QStringList() << "id");
        // parse the json response with JsonDataAccess
        bb::data::JsonDataAccess ja;
        QVariant jsonva = ja.loadFromBuffer(response);
        QVariantList feed = jsonva.toMap()["employee"].toList();
        QVariantMap player;
        foreach (QVariant v, feed)
            QVariantMap feedData = v.toMap();

    OK so here is my question. I load a listview, in my hand, calling another qml, detailview. Given that my PPC is load my json file how can I send what I receive in my datamodel in my detailfeed can I change we tell the label with objectName: "firstname" to change the text for

    Hope I am clear enough.

    Thank you

    I think that you can access ListItemData in detailView.qml. Say

    Why do you add only a mapping in groupdata. I think you need to add all the necessary fields such as firstname and so on. Right?

    bb::cascades::GroupDataModel* dm = new bb::cascades::GroupDataModel(
                QStringList() << "id");
  • navigationPane, application menu problem


    I'm trying to add a topic page to my application. The only thing is that when I write the code that I think that what is good, it won't.

    Here is the code:

    import bb.cascades 1.0
    import 1.0
    NavigationPane {
    id: navPane
    Menu.definition: MenuDefinition {
    actions: [
    ActionItem {
    title: "About"
    imageSource: "images/ic_info.png"
    onTriggered: {

    ... later on in attachedObjects:

    ComponentDefinition {
             id: infoDS
             source: "aboutDutchscene.qml"

    When I remove these codes that the app works fine, when I have this code the application will load only the splash screen.

    Anyone who is familiar with that? I'm hoping to find a solution!

    Thanks in advance for your help,


    You try to put a NavigationPane in a NavigationPane.  It does not work.

    Your main.qml page takes the NavigationPane and your first information Page.

    NavigationPane {
        id: mainNavPane
        Page {
            Container {
                // Info page components
            actions: [
            ActionItem {
                id: aiAboutButton
                imageSource: "asset:///images/ic_info.png"
                onTriggered: {
                    attachedObjects: [
                        ComponentDefinition {
                            id: infoDS
                            AboutDutchscene {  }
        onPopTransitionEnded: {
            // Destroy the popped Page once the back transition has ended.

    Then push page should just be a Page

    Page {
        Container {
            layout: DockLayout {}
            ImageView {
                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill
                imageSource: "asset:///images/background.png"
            Container {
                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill
                Container {
                    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                    layout: DockLayout {}
                    ImageView {
                        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                        verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill
                        imageSource: "asset:///images/header_background.png"
                    Label {
                        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                        text: qsTr ("About")
                        textStyle.base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.BigText
                        textStyle.color: Color.create("#bb0099CC")

    You can probably push a NavigationPane in a NavigationPane, but you must first a Page, and then click a container to push in.

Maybe you are looking for