Missing data on the rollup

Nice day!

I currently have difficulties to find a mystery on Essbase. The problem is the following:

I have a member named 'A '. This member has 2 children: "A1" and "A2". 'A1' has a value of 4. "A2" has no value. Now when I do a recycling keeping only 'A1', a value of 4 appears. The problem is when I roll up to where value of 'A' then 'A1' #Missing. Its value is also missing if I run a query with "A2".

Can someone tell me how to fix / analyze this problem? I use Essbase 6.5.3

Thanks in advance.

Hi Thr,

I don't know about essbase 6.5.3.
But in a newer version, you must do the parent as never share in such cases. (to prevent implicit sharing)
Looks like that one child consolidated the parent.

See you soon...!

Tags: Business Intelligence

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    2010-01-01 | 20
    2010 01-02 | 30
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    Might be a way

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      9  )
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     12  minus
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     14  ;
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    Please see the links below this should help you.




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    Step 1:

    Atfirst, check the permissions on the files to ensure that you are the owner.

    How to set, view, change, or remove special permissions for files and folders in Windows XP


    Step 2:

    a. click Start, click run, typecmd in the Open box and then click OK.

    b. at the command prompt, type:

    dir. This will let us know if there are files on the computer.

    Step 3:

    Then, at the command prompt, navigate to c:\users\ (username) \(folder name). This will let us know if all data are present in the files. * The user name will be your username and the folder name would be one of the folder names that you have on the computer.

    Step 4:

    Try to run chkdsk. It is possible that the data is on a damaged area of the hard drive and has been locked.

    How to perform disk error checking in Windows XP


    CHKDSK warning:

    Important: When running chkdsk on the drive if bad sectors are found on the disk hard when chkdsk attempts to repair this area if all available on which data can be lost.

    Let us know if it helps!

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    you need to change the notation used--data types are not displayed in the Barker notation.


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    This problem has been resolved in LabVIEW 2010.  You can see other bugs corrections in theReadme of LabVIEW 2010.

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    Thank you.

    Hi Gabrielle,.

    If there is a diagram of dispersion, the x axis is a value axis. If you have auto selected for the min and max values on this axis, the scale may change when you remove the data point, 15, 85, but the rest remains in the same position relative to the values on each axis of ordinates. What change will be , however, is the curve on which 15 85 approached a local y maximum.

    Scatterplots will always leave a gap in the line/curve of connection where there are a pair of missing data. There are two ways to close the gap.

    If the chart is an essentially linear relationship, you can use a calculated value is pair up with the lack of value x. The downside of this is that the representation of this point will be indistinguishable on the map of the other data points, measured.

    A better way would be to make two tables, one with the full data set, the other with the partial sets, but with the pair missing completely removed.

    Adjust the cards the same size and have the same scales on each axis, then just remove one of the cards except the data points, the curves connecting the data points, the x axis of ordinates and the legend showing the color and the forms used to plot each series.

    Give a graphic a transparent filling and place it in front of the other.

    Kind regards


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    I guess you have formatted the HD?

    Therefore, you need to reinstall the relevant software for HD ADECK

    See here:

    http://www.Google.fr/search?q=HD+ADECK&ie=UTF-8&OE=UTF-8&AQ=t&RLS=org.Mozilla: en - GB:official & client = firefox-a

    Happy trawling,

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    When I try to search for some files I know research shows me the name of the file, but the file does not open, and the location of the file shows that it is not accessible.

    Kindly advise me on what can be done given that 50 GB of data is really important.

    Thank you

    Go to disk management and open it in full screen and then press the PrtScr button.  Go to start / all programs / Accessories / Paint and open the program.  Go to Edition and click on paste.  Then go to file and click on save as and select a .jpg file type and call the disk management and save it to your desktop.

    Then go to http://skydrive.live.com/ (you will have to perhaps sign up and maybe download some programs, but this will give you a free online place where you can store files for others.  Once the page to the top, click on add files and navigate to the file you just save it on your desktop and add it to one of the folders (I suggest the Public folder).  Once it clicked, and information about it will appear at the bottom right, including where exactly the file.  Copy this URL and include it in your next post.  I would like to see what looks like disk management without asking a thousand questions to describe everythhing for me.

    If you did a restore of the system already on the previous day, there is probably no new restore points created since then, so there is no option to do a system restore.  In addition, a system restore would not solve this problem - this is way beyond its capabiliities.

    Download the free EASUS Partition Manager: http://www.partition-tool.com/ and run it to scan your drive and see if it finds anything Disk Manager can not - it "s possible he can pick up our lost F:\ partition or unidentified space which could be this partition but not correctly identified.  In a same, t I would like to see if it detects anything useful (and it can also be useful the fixing of the problem if we can find it).  Moreover, the total space of the C:\ drive is now is what it was before you have shrunk or it it showing the size reduction that you can expect if the new volume had actually been created?  Let me know what you find if anything.

    Right-click on your CD-ROM drive, and then click on change drive letter and paths.  Click on edit and then right click on the drop box for the available letters.  F shows as available or is missing in the list?  Leave it (don't change anything in reality - I just wanted to see if F has shown as available since if it was assigned (such as C: is assigned) should not be shown at the top on the list.)  I would like to know if he was there.

    I hope this helps or at least gives us some clues on how to solve the problem (whatever it is).   Keep me informed.

    Good luck!

    Lorien - MCSA/MCSE/network + / has + - if this post solves your problem, please click the 'Mark as answer' or 'Useful' button at the top of this message. Marking a post as answer, or relatively useful, you help others find the answer more quickly.

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    Hey please help

    I installed a debugging token in my alpha dev unit and added many examples of applications, all running well!

    but all of a sudden because of the connection with any other pc or something I don't know he said if poster devlpmnt than debug token mode is installed but its is not valid

    error is friendly date in debugging token is missing or in the future!

    Error No. East of 881

    Please help I tried new chips from the back to the top and also tried to re - register using new keys to the SJC!

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    Hi, I also have just got my alpha dev and having the same problem and fixed it.
    There are two changes that I've made, so I do not know which set:
    1 change the date, clock and time zone in your alpha camera to adapt to your computer
    2 open the SDK software, choose the menu Run > Run configurations... > download tabs > Uninstall, then install...

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  • Find (weekly) missing date ranges based on the Date of submission

    Nice day:

    I have a table that contains the data with a date of presentation of the report column.  If the requirements are that each employee must submit at least 1 weekly report beginning January 1, 2015, how can I find the weekly reports missing, based on the date of submission of reports.

    The ideas that I had:

    • Left join by partition by date (range between)
    • Create a date dimension view?

    Of course, I'm not sure how to approach this dilemma without creating a query of Monster.  Sometimes the simplest queries mistake me...

    Thank you, Aqua

    Here are the DDL for the table with the information from the presentation report (example):


    -The DOF for Table DTS_FORM_SAMPLE



    (NUMBER OF 'ID',





    ) ;




    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (2896, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('02-APR-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (2897, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('09-APR-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (2898, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('16-APR-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (2899, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('23-APR-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (2900, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('30-APR-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (2901, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('05-MAR-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (2902, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('12-MAR-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (2903, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('19-MAR-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (2904, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('26-MAR-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (2920, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('19-FEB-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (2921, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('22-JAN-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (2922, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('05-FEB-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (2923, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('26-FEB-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (2924, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('29-JAN-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (2925, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('12-FEB-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (2965, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('30-JUL-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (6970, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('18-JUN-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (6971, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('25-JUN-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (6972, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('04-JUN-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (6973, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('11-JUN-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (6978, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('14-MAY-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (6979, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('21-MAY-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (6980, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('28-MAY-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (6981, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('07-MAY-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (6948, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('06-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (6957, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('09-JUL-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (6958, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('16-JUL-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (6959, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('23-JUL-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (6960, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('02-JUL-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8938, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('14-MAY-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8939, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('21-MAY-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8940, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('28-MAY-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8941, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('07-MAY-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8942, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('14-MAY-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8943, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('21-MAY-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8977, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('04-JUN-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8978, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('11-JUN-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8979, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('11-JUN-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8980, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('18-JUN-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8981, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('18-JUN-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8982, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('25-JUN-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8983, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('25-JUN-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8984, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('02-JUL-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8985, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('02-JUL-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8953, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('19-FEB-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (9824, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('20-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (9825, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('20-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (9826, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('20-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8972, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('30-APR-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8973, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('30-APR-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8974, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('07-MAY-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8975, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('28-MAY-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8951, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('12-FEB-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8952, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('19-FEB-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8954, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('26-FEB-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8955, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('26-FEB-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8956, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('05-MAR-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8957, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('05-MAR-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8958, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('12-MAR-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8959, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('12-MAR-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8960, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('19-MAR-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8961, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('19-MAR-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8962, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('26-MAR-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8963, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('26-MAR-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8964, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('02-APR-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8965, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('02-APR-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8966, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('09-APR-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8967, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('09-APR-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8968, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('16-APR-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8969, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('16-APR-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8970, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('23-APR-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8971, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('23-APR-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8976, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('04-JUN-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8986, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('09-JUL-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8987, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('09-JUL-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (9041, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('16-JUL-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (9042, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('16-JUL-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (9043, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('23-JUL-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (9044, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('23-JUL-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (9045, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('30-JUL-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (9046, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('30-JUL-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (9047, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('06-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (9048, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('06-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8944, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('22-JAN-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8945, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('22-JAN-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8946, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('29-JAN-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8947, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('29-JAN-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8948, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('05-FEB-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8949, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('05-FEB-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (8950, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('12-FEB-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (9527, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('13-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (9528, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('13-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (9529, 'XX2444', 12810,1, to_date('13-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (6739, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('15-JUL-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (6740, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('21-JUL-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (6741, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('22-JUL-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (6742, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('25-JUL-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (6743, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('26-JUL-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (6744, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('27-JUL-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (6745, 'YY7223', 11093,1, to_date('04-JUL-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (6746, 'YY7223', 11093,1, to_date('11-JUL-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (6747, 'YY7223', 11093,1, to_date('18-JUL-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (6748, 'YY7223', 11093,1, to_date('25-JUL-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (6749, 'YY7223', 11093,11, to_date('01-JUL-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (6750, 'YY7223', 11093,11, to_date('15-JUL-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (6751, 'YY7223', 11093,10, to_date('01-JUL-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (11017, 'YY7223', 11093,1, to_date('07-MAY-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (11018, 'YY7223', 11093,1, to_date('14-MAY-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (11019, 'YY7223', 11093,1, to_date('21-MAY-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (11020, 'YY7223', 11093,1, to_date('28-MAY-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (11021, 'YY7223', 11093,1, to_date('04-JUN-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (11022, 'YY7223', 11093,1, to_date('11-JUN-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (11023, 'YY7223', 11093,1, to_date('18-JUN-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (11024, 'YY7223', 11093,1, to_date('25-JUN-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (11025, 'YY7223', 11093,10, to_date('31-MAY-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (11026, 'YY7223', 11093,10, to_date('30-JUN-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13115, 'YY7223', 11093,1, to_date('13-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13201, 'YY7223', 11093,1, to_date('20-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13287, 'YY7223', 11093,1, to_date('27-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13373, 'YY7223', 11093,10, to_date('08-SEP-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13489, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('01-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13490, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('02-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13491, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('03-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13492, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('04-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13493, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('05-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13494, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('06-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13495, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('07-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13496, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('08-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13497, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('09-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13498, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('10-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13499, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('11-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13500, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('12-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13501, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('13-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13502, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('14-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13503, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('15-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13504, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('16-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13505, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('17-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13506, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('18-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13507, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('19-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13508, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('20-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13509, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('21-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13510, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('22-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13511, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('23-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13512, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('24-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13513, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('25-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13514, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('26-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13515, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('27-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13516, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('28-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13517, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('29-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13518, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('30-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13519, 'YY7223', 11093,8, to_date('31-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));

    Insert into DTS_FORM_SAMPLE (ID, CLOCK_NUMBER, EMP_ID, REPORT_TYPE, SUB_DATE) values (13030, 'YY7223', 11093,1, to_date('06-AUG-15','DD-MON-RR'));


    -Table DTS_FORM_SAMPLE constraints




    Or more simple:

    Select emp_id, w.wk, to_char (wk, 'ww') x

    from (select trunc (date ' 2015-01-01' + 7 * (level - 1), 'ww') wk)

    of the double

    connect by level<=>

    ) o

    left outer join

    s dts_form_sample

    by (emp_id) partition

    We trunc (s.sub_date, 'ww') = w.wk

    where sub_date is null

    order to emp_id,



    ---------- --------- --
    11093 1ST JANUARY 15 01
    11093 8 JANUARY 15 02
    11093 15 JANUARY 15 03
    11093 22 JANUARY 15 04
    11093 29 JANUARY 15 05
    11093 5 FEBRUARY 15 06
    11093 12 FEBRUARY 15 07
    11093 19 FEBRUARY 15 08
    11093 26 FEBRUARY 15 09
    11093 5 MARCH 15 10
    11093 12 MARCH 15 11

    ---------- --------- --
    11093 19 MARCH 15 12
    11093 26 MARCH 15 13
    11093 2 APRIL 15 14
    11093 9 APRIL 15 15
    11093 16 APRIL 15 16
    11093 23 APRIL 15 17
    11093 30 APRIL 15 18
    11093 37 15 - SEP - 10
    17-SEVEN 11093.-15 38
    24-SEVEN 11093.-15 39
    11093 1 OCTOBER 15 40

    ---------- --------- --
    11093 8 OCTOBER 15 41
    11093 15 OCTOBER 15 42
    11093 22 OCTOBER 15 43
    11093 29 OCTOBER 15 44
    11093 5 NOVEMBER 15 45
    11093 12 NOVEMBER 15 46
    11093 19 NOVEMBER 15 47
    11093 26 NOVEMBER 15 48
    11093 3 DECEMBER 15 49
    11093 10 DECEMBER 15 50
    11093 17 DECEMBER 15 51

    ---------- --------- --
    11093 24 DECEMBER 15 52
    11093 31 DECEMBER 15 53
    12810 1ST JANUARY 15 01
    12810 8 JANUARY 15 02
    12810 15 JANUARY 15 03
    12810 27 AUGUST 15 35
    12810 15 - SEP - 03 36
    12810 37 15 - SEP - 10
    17-SEVEN 12810.-15 38
    24-SEVEN 12810.-15 39
    12810 1 OCTOBER 15 40

    ---------- --------- --
    12810 8 OCTOBER 15 41
    12810 15 OCTOBER 15 42
    12810 22 OCTOBER 15 43
    12810 29 OCTOBER 15 44
    12810 5 NOVEMBER 15 45
    12810 12 NOVEMBER 15 46
    12810 19 NOVEMBER 15 47
    12810 26 NOVEMBER 15 48
    12810 3 DECEMBER 15 49
    12810 10 DECEMBER 15 50
    12810 17 DECEMBER 15 51

    ---------- --------- --
    12810 24 DECEMBER 15 52
    12810 31 DECEMBER 15 53

    57 selected lines.

    SQL >

    However OP question must answer is start of week date.


  • Fill in the missing dates with level

    Think im a bad thing. I have some data that missing dates (days) and I want to just fill in the missing days with 0

    This sql is to look right or I'm doing something wrong:



    SELECT the url, MIN (D) MIN_DATE, max (D) MAX_DATE

    USER_LOG_TMP2_VW where the url is not null and current_url (select distinct URL of USER_LOG_TMP_VW)


    After MAX (D) > MIN (D)) CAL


    -GROUP BY URL, CAL. MIN_DATE + level


    There are only about 75 unique URL and when I run the present it works but I can't count because there are so many lines when it should be, perhaps a few thousand. the oldest date of min goes back only a few months.

    im getting strange results. As if I add a specific url like this (below)... it works perfectly for this url. But when I go out as above where it captures all urls... it gives me weird super results. As the dates twice for duplicate URLS.



    SELECT the url, MIN (D) MIN_DATE, max (D) MAX_DATE

    OF USER_LOG_TMP2_VW, where url is not null and current_url to (select url from USER_LOG_TMP_VW where url = 'http://testing123.com/test/test"")


    After MAX (D) > MIN (D)) CAL


    -GROUP BY URL, CAL. MIN_DATE + level


    I was not post create it for the views with her but I think that maybe im just something wrong with the level.

    I tried the group according to the level of url cal.min_date +, but for some reason it just keeps running and the query never ends.


    Depending on your needs and your version, you may want a CONNECT BY clause like this:

    CONNECT BY LEVEL< max_date="" +="" 1="" -="">

    AND PRIOR url = url


  • Hi, the Microsoft app (photoshop, indesign, illustrator) are missing my Mac, while everything is up to date on the creative cloud? How can I recover the app on my Mac hard?

    Hi, the Microsoft app (photoshop, indesign, illustrator) are missing my Mac, while everything is up to date on the creative cloud? How can I recover the app on my Mac hard?

    Hi Ludovic,.

    You can follow the article: CC help | Download, install, update or uninstall applications which will help you install your creative Cloud applications.

    Let is know if that's what you are looking for or looking for any other version of Adobe applications.

    Thank you

    Yann Arora

  • Creating a copy of the base data missing data UNDO files

    I need to create a copy of a database 11G on a windows server (using a script to create controlfile with database set = "database_name") from a cold backup that was taken at the time, but the backup lacks 2 3 of the UNDO tablespace data files.

    There is a lot of advice to suggest that setting undo_management = 'MANUAL' a database can be restarted and the missing data files dropped (and recreated)... However, I don't know if it is a solution that works in the context of rename the database by using create controlfile method

    does anyone know if the parameter undo_management = 'MANUAL' is all I have to do? or is it more...

    any suggestion would be received with gratitude...

    Dear patrichards,

    Your quite welcome. I am pleased that you have solved your problem.

    Kind regards.


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