Need help on the use of Partition for a SELECT statement

-Hello everyone,
-This my request. I'm a junior developer of the APEX.
-database version is 11g version 4.0 apex
DEFINE startmonth = "Aug 2012";
DEFINE endmonth   = "Oct 2012";
WITH  all_months  AS
   SELECT ADD_MONTHS(to_date('&startmonth','MON YYYY'), ROWNUM-1) AS which_month
   ,      ADD_MONTHS(to_date('&startmonth','MON YYYY'), ROWNUM  ) AS next_month
   from all_objects
   rownum <= months_between(to_date('&endmonth','MON YYYY'), add_months(to_date('&startmonth','MON YYYY'), -1))
lt_event_type_a AS
( select event_type, active, e_id 
  from lt_event_type
  where active = 1
engagement_event_a as
(SELECT * FROM engagement_event
 where active =1

select lt_ev.event_type,TO_CHAR (am.which_month, 'Mon YYYY')  AS month, count(ce.engagement_id) as monthly_events_per_event_type
  from lt_event_type_a lt_ev
  left join engagement_event_a ev  on
    lt_ev.event_type = ev.event_type
  left join court_engagement ce on
    ev.e_eng_id = ce.engagement_id
     and ce.court_name like '%' --will be filtered with a court_name parameter
  right join all_months am on
    ce.date_joined_court <= LAST_DAY(am.which_month) 
    and (ce.date_terminated is null or ce.date_terminated > LAST_DAY(am.which_month) )
 group by rollup(lt_ev.event_type, am.which_month)
 order by lt_ev.event_type, am.which_month ;
- and the results are
 EVENT_TYPE                                         MONTH             MONTHLY_EVENTS_PER_EVENT_TYPE
-------------------------------------------------- ----------------- -----------------------------
Absent without leave                               Sep 2012                                      1 
Absent without leave                               Oct 2012                                      1 
Absent without leave                                                                             2 
Court Appearance                                   Sep 2012                                      2 
Court Appearance                                   Oct 2012                                      3 
Court Appearance                                                                                 5 
Incentive granted                                  Aug 2012                                      1 
Incentive granted                                  Sep 2012                                      2 
Incentive granted                                  Oct 2012                                      1 
Incentive granted                                                                                4 
Judicial direction                                 Oct 2012                                      1 
Judicial direction                                                                               1 
Police report                                      Sep 2012                                      2 
Police report                                      Oct 2012                                      2 
Police report                                                                                    4 
Positive test                                      Sep 2012                                      1 
Positive test                                      Oct 2012                                      1 
Positive test                                                                                    2 
Sanction imposed                                   Aug 2012                                      1 
Sanction imposed                                   Sep 2012                                      1 
Sanction imposed                                   Oct 2012                                      1 
Sanction imposed                                                                                 3 

 23 rows selected 
- but the condition is that I list all types of event in the search list
-with a total number of events by event type for each month in a number of calendar months (user will select months like August 2012 or a range of month August 2012 - October 2012)
-the query above just list all the events (see table engagement_event) that have the date_join_court and date_terminated meets the required conditions.
-I wonder, is it possible to enumerate all types of event, then monthly for each event type with the total as
  EVENT_TYPE                                         MONTH             MONTHLY_EVENTS_PER_EVENT_TYPE
-------------------------------------------------- ----------------- -----------------------------
A very long long name                              Aug 2012                                      0 
A very long long name                              Sep 2012                                      0 
A very long long name                              Oct 2012                                      0 
A very long long name                              Total                                           0 
Absent without leave                               Aug 2012                                      0 
Absent without leave                               Sep 2012                                      1 
Absent without leave                               Oct 2012                                      1 
Absent without leave                               Total                                         2 
Court Appearance                                   Aug 2012                                      0 
Court Appearance                                   Sep 2012                                      2 
Court Appearance                                   Oct 2012                                      3 
Court Appearance                                   Total                                         5 
Incentive granted                                  Aug 2012                                      1 
Incentive granted                                  Sep 2012                                      2 
Incentive granted                                  Oct 2012                                      1 
-I tried to use PARTTTION, but still, it does not produce the correct result,
-Here's a version shortened the tables related to the query
-Thank you very much in advance.
--create lookup table for event type
   ("E_ID" NUMBER, 

 --create table court_engagement
   --create table engagement_event
   (     "EVENT_ID" NUMBER, 
     "E_ENG_ID" NUMBER, 
     "END_DATE" DATE, 
     "ACTIVE" NUMBER(2,0)
Insert into LT_EVENT_TYPE (E_ID,EVENT_TYPE,DATE_CREATED,ACTIVE) values (9,'A very long long name',to_date('02/11/12','DD/MM/RR'),0);
Insert into LT_EVENT_TYPE (E_ID,EVENT_TYPE,DATE_CREATED,ACTIVE) values (6,'Excellent performance',to_date('27/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
Insert into LT_EVENT_TYPE (E_ID,EVENT_TYPE,DATE_CREATED,ACTIVE) values (7,'Sanction imposed',to_date('27/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
Insert into LT_EVENT_TYPE (E_ID,EVENT_TYPE,DATE_CREATED,ACTIVE) values (8,'Incentive granted',to_date('27/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
Insert into LT_EVENT_TYPE (E_ID,EVENT_TYPE,DATE_CREATED,ACTIVE) values (2,'Police report',to_date('25/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
Insert into LT_EVENT_TYPE (E_ID,EVENT_TYPE,DATE_CREATED,ACTIVE) values (1,'Court Appearance',to_date('25/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
Insert into LT_EVENT_TYPE (E_ID,EVENT_TYPE,DATE_CREATED,ACTIVE) values (3,'Judicial direction',to_date('25/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
Insert into LT_EVENT_TYPE (E_ID,EVENT_TYPE,DATE_CREATED,ACTIVE) values (4,'Positive test',to_date('25/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
Insert into LT_EVENT_TYPE (E_ID,EVENT_TYPE,DATE_CREATED,ACTIVE) values (5,'Absent without leave',to_date('27/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
Insert into COURT_ENGAGEMENT (ENGAGEMENT_ID,COURT_NAME,DATE_REFERRED,DETERMINATION_HEARING_DATE,DATE_JOINED_COURT,DATE_TERMINATED,TERMINATION_TYPE,DATE_CREATED,ACTIVE,DEFENDANT_ID) values (2,'BBB',to_date('01/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),to_date('01/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),to_date('29/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,'Did not Graduate',to_date('27/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),1,2);

Insert into ENGAGEMENT_EVENT (EVENT_ID,E_ENG_ID,EVENT_TYPE,START_DATE,END_DATE,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,DATE_CREATED,ACTIVE) values (8,18,'Incentive granted',to_date('01/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,null,to_date('05/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
Insert into ENGAGEMENT_EVENT (EVENT_ID,E_ENG_ID,EVENT_TYPE,START_DATE,END_DATE,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,DATE_CREATED,ACTIVE) values (21,2,'Police report',to_date('20/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),to_date('02/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,to_date('24/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
Insert into ENGAGEMENT_EVENT (EVENT_ID,E_ENG_ID,EVENT_TYPE,START_DATE,END_DATE,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,DATE_CREATED,ACTIVE) values (7,2,'Court Appearance',to_date('02/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),to_date('16/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),12,to_date('03/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
Insert into ENGAGEMENT_EVENT (EVENT_ID,E_ENG_ID,EVENT_TYPE,START_DATE,END_DATE,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,DATE_CREATED,ACTIVE) values (11,19,'Court Appearance',to_date('02/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,null,to_date('05/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
Insert into ENGAGEMENT_EVENT (EVENT_ID,E_ENG_ID,EVENT_TYPE,START_DATE,END_DATE,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,DATE_CREATED,ACTIVE) values (13,21,'Court Appearance',to_date('01/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),to_date('11/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,to_date('10/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
Insert into ENGAGEMENT_EVENT (EVENT_ID,E_ENG_ID,EVENT_TYPE,START_DATE,END_DATE,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,DATE_CREATED,ACTIVE) values (18,24,'Incentive granted',to_date('01/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),to_date('15/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,to_date('17/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
Insert into ENGAGEMENT_EVENT (EVENT_ID,E_ENG_ID,EVENT_TYPE,START_DATE,END_DATE,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,DATE_CREATED,ACTIVE) values (20,2,'Police report',to_date('16/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),to_date('18/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),10,to_date('23/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
Insert into ENGAGEMENT_EVENT (EVENT_ID,E_ENG_ID,EVENT_TYPE,START_DATE,END_DATE,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,DATE_CREATED,ACTIVE) values (24,17,'Court Appearance',to_date('16/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,null,to_date('25/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
Insert into ENGAGEMENT_EVENT (EVENT_ID,E_ENG_ID,EVENT_TYPE,START_DATE,END_DATE,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,DATE_CREATED,ACTIVE) values (26,30,'Judicial direction',to_date('01/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,null,to_date('06/11/12','DD/MM/RR'),0);
Insert into ENGAGEMENT_EVENT (EVENT_ID,E_ENG_ID,EVENT_TYPE,START_DATE,END_DATE,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,DATE_CREATED,ACTIVE) values (9,2,'Court Appearance',to_date('01/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),to_date('15/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),10,to_date('05/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
Insert into ENGAGEMENT_EVENT (EVENT_ID,E_ENG_ID,EVENT_TYPE,START_DATE,END_DATE,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,DATE_CREATED,ACTIVE) values (12,20,'Judicial direction',to_date('07/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,null,to_date('08/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
Insert into ENGAGEMENT_EVENT (EVENT_ID,E_ENG_ID,EVENT_TYPE,START_DATE,END_DATE,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,DATE_CREATED,ACTIVE) values (17,24,'Sanction imposed',to_date('16/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),to_date('31/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,to_date('17/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
Insert into ENGAGEMENT_EVENT (EVENT_ID,E_ENG_ID,EVENT_TYPE,START_DATE,END_DATE,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,DATE_CREATED,ACTIVE) values (23,13,'Court Appearance',to_date('01/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,34,to_date('24/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
Insert into ENGAGEMENT_EVENT (EVENT_ID,E_ENG_ID,EVENT_TYPE,START_DATE,END_DATE,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,DATE_CREATED,ACTIVE) values (5,2,'Positive test',to_date('01/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),to_date('10/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),1,to_date('02/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
Insert into ENGAGEMENT_EVENT (EVENT_ID,E_ENG_ID,EVENT_TYPE,START_DATE,END_DATE,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,DATE_CREATED,ACTIVE) values (10,19,'Judicial direction',to_date('01/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,null,to_date('05/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
Insert into ENGAGEMENT_EVENT (EVENT_ID,E_ENG_ID,EVENT_TYPE,START_DATE,END_DATE,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,DATE_CREATED,ACTIVE) values (19,25,'Absent without leave',to_date('18/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,null,to_date('18/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
-Thanks for reading this.


Please give sample data and expected results.

Hope below is what you'd expect - yet, I would like to ask a clarification - you have a filter 'where active = 1.
And yet, you want these types in the output. I commented on this to my query filter.
You can change accordingly

WITH  all_months  AS
   SELECT ADD_MONTHS(to_date('&startmonth','MON YYYY'), ROWNUM-1) AS which_month
   ,      ADD_MONTHS(to_date('&startmonth','MON YYYY'), ROWNUM  ) AS next_month
   from all_objects
   rownum <= months_between(to_date('&endmonth','MON YYYY'), add_months(to_date('&startmonth','MON YYYY'), -1))
lt_event_type_a AS
( select event_type, which_month,next_month
  from lt_event_type, all_months
  --where active = 1
engagement_event_a as
(SELECT * FROM engagement_event
 where active =1

select lt_ev.event_type,TO_CHAR (lt_ev.which_month, 'Mon YYYY')  AS month,
      count(ce.engagement_id) as monthly_events_per_event_type
  from engagement_event_a ev
  left outer join court_engagement ce on
   ( ev.e_eng_id = ce.engagement_id
        and ce.court_name like '%' )
  right outer join lt_event_type_a lt_ev   on
    (ce.date_joined_court <= LAST_DAY(lt_ev.which_month)
    and (ce.date_terminated is null or ce.date_terminated > LAST_DAY(lt_ev.which_month) )
    and lt_ev.event_type = ev.event_type
 group by rollup(lt_ev.event_type, lt_ev.which_month)
 order by lt_ev.event_type, lt_ev.which_month ;

EVENT_TYPE                                         MONTH    MONTHLY_EVENTS_PER_EVENT_TYPE
-------------------------------------------------- -------- -----------------------------
A very long long name                              Aug 2012                             0
A very long long name                              Sep 2012                             0
A very long long name                              Oct 2012                             0
A very long long name                                                                   0
Absent without leave                               Aug 2012                             0
Absent without leave                               Sep 2012                             1
Absent without leave                               Oct 2012                             1
Absent without leave                                                                    2
Court Appearance                                   Aug 2012                             0
Court Appearance                                   Sep 2012                             2
Court Appearance                                   Oct 2012                             3
Court Appearance                                                                        5
Excellent performance                              Aug 2012                             0
Excellent performance                              Sep 2012                             0
Excellent performance                              Oct 2012                             0
Excellent performance                                                                   0
Incentive granted                                  Aug 2012                             1
Incentive granted                                  Sep 2012                             2
Incentive granted                                  Oct 2012                             1
Incentive granted                                                                       4
Judicial direction                                 Aug 2012                             0
Judicial direction                                 Sep 2012                             0
Judicial direction                                 Oct 2012                             1
Judicial direction                                                                      1
Police report                                      Aug 2012                             0
Police report                                      Sep 2012                             2
Police report                                      Oct 2012                             2
Police report                                                                           4
Positive test                                      Aug 2012                             0
Positive test                                      Sep 2012                             1
Positive test                                      Oct 2012                             1
Positive test                                                                           2
Sanction imposed                                   Aug 2012                             1
Sanction imposed                                   Sep 2012                             1
Sanction imposed                                   Oct 2012                             1
Sanction imposed                                                                        3

 37 rows selected 

Tags: Database

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    Hi Terryg76,

    ·         What version of the operating system is installed on the computer?

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    Hi Jin,

    To answer your questions, Yes, you are able to configure a task of digital output to use three output ports and PCI-6221 has a buffer of memory FIFO aboard 4095 samples.

    I would like to direct you to the example of NOR-DAQmx for c# files located in the following location on your computer

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\National Instruments\NI-DAQ\Examples\DotNET2.0


    Here, you will find predefined examples in c# that should give you a good idea of how to go about architecting your code to achieve the results you need.

    There is also a useful help file which you will find by navigating to Start > all programs > National Instruments > NOR-DAQ > help of NOR-DAQmx .NET Framework 2.0

    I hope that this answer is useful.

    Best regards

    Steve H

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    You can get a lot of help on the Web site of NOR, too, as this document.

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    l.attribute1 LEGACY_ACCOUNT,

    C.SEGMENT1: '-' | C.SEGMENT2: '-' | C.SEGMENT3: '-' | C.SEGMENT4: '-' | C.SEGMENT5: '-' | C.SEGMENT6: '-' | C.SEGMENT7: '-' | COMBINATION OF C.SEGMENT8,

    JUN_15 TO_NUMBER('0').

    JUL_15, sum (NVL(l.accounted_dr,0.00)-NVL(l.accounted_cr,0.00)),

    TO_NUMBER('0') AUG_15.

    TO_NUMBER('0') SEP_15.

    TO_NUMBER('0') OCT_15.

    TO_NUMBER('0') NOV_15.

    DEC_15 TO_NUMBER('0')


    b GL.gl_je_batches,

    GL.gl_je_headers h,

    GL.gl_je_lines l,

    GL.gl_code_combinations c,

    GL.gl_je_sources_tl j

    where b.je_batch_id = h.je_batch_id

    and h.je_header_id = l.je_header_id

    and l.code_combination_id = c.code_combination_id

    and h.je_source = j.je_source_name

    and c.segment1 ('190 ', '191', '192', '193', '194', ' 195 ', ' 196',' 197', ' 198 ', ' 199',)

    ('200 ', '203', ' 205', '206 ', '330', '331', '332',' 333 ', ' 334',' 335', ' 336 ', ' 337')

    and j.language = 'en '.

    and h.PERIOD_NAME ("JUL-15'")



    C.SEGMENT1: '-' | C.SEGMENT2: '-' | C.SEGMENT3: '-' | C.SEGMENT4: '-' | C.SEGMENT5: '-' | C.SEGMENT6: '-' | C.SEGMENT7: '-' | C.SEGMENT8



    l.attribute1 LEGACY_ACCOUNT,

    C.SEGMENT1: '-' | C.SEGMENT2: '-' | C.SEGMENT3: '-' | C.SEGMENT4: '-' | C.SEGMENT5: '-' | C.SEGMENT6: '-' | C.SEGMENT7: '-' | COMBINATION OF C.SEGMENT8,

    JUN_15 TO_NUMBER('0').

    TO_NUMBER('0') JUL_15.

    AUG_15, sum (NVL(l.accounted_dr,0.00)-NVL(l.accounted_cr,0.00)),

    TO_NUMBER('0') SEP_15.

    TO_NUMBER('0') OCT_15.

    TO_NUMBER('0') NOV_15.

    DEC_15 TO_NUMBER('0')


    b GL.gl_je_batches,

    GL.gl_je_headers h,

    GL.gl_je_lines l,

    GL.gl_code_combinations c,

    GL.gl_je_sources_tl j

    where b.je_batch_id = h.je_batch_id

    and h.je_header_id = l.je_header_id

    and l.code_combination_id = c.code_combination_id

    and h.je_source = j.je_source_name

    and c.segment1 ('190 ', '191', '192', '193', '194', ' 195 ', ' 196',' 197', ' 198 ', ' 199',)

    ('200 ', '203', ' 205', '206 ', '330', '331', '332',' 333 ', ' 334',' 335', ' 336 ', ' 337')

    and j.language = 'en '.

    and h.PERIOD_NAME ("AUG-15'")



    C.SEGMENT1: '-' | C.SEGMENT2: '-' | C.SEGMENT3: '-' | C.SEGMENT4: '-' | C.SEGMENT5: '-' | C.SEGMENT6: '-' | C.SEGMENT7: '-' | C.SEGMENT8

    order by 1

    Is there a good reason to make this period both as a series of trade unions?  This looks like a classic pivot for me query.  This will make a way through the tables and should get the desired results.

    Select l.attribute1 legacy_account,

    c.Segment1: '-' | c.Segment2: '-' | c.segment3: '-' | c.segment4: '-' |

    c.segment5: '-' | c.segment6: '-' | c.segment7: '-' | combination of c.segment8,

    sum (case when h.period_name = 'JUN-15'

    then nvl(l.accounted_dr,0.00)-nvl(l.accounted_cr,0.00)

    otherwise 0 end) jun_15,.

    sum (case when h.period_name = 'JUL-15'

    then nvl(l.accounted_dr,0.00)-nvl(l.accounted_cr,0.00)

    otherwise 0 end) jul_15,.

    - and similar to DEC - 15

    GL.gl_je_batches b, gl.gl_je_headers h, gl.gl_je_lines l.

    GL.gl_code_combinations c, gl.gl_je_sources_tl j

    where b.je_batch_id = h.je_batch_id

    and h.je_header_id = l.je_header_id

    and l.code_combination_id = c.code_combination_id

    and h.je_source = j.je_source_name

    and c.segment1 ('190', '191', '192', '193', '194', '195',' 196', ' 197',

    '198 ', '199', '200', '203', '205' ', 206',' 330 ', ' 331',

    "332 ', '333', '334', '335',' 336 ', ' 337')

    and j.language = 'en '.

    and h.period_name (' Jun-15', ' 15 JUL', ' AUG-15'... "" ")

    L.attribute1 group,

    c.Segment1: '-' | c.Segment2: '-' | c.segment3: '-' |

    c.segment4: '-' | c.segment5: '-' | c.segment6: '-' |

    c.segment7: '-' | c.segment8

    If you're on the 11G version of the database, you might want to look at the PIVOT keyword that will do the same thing in a more concise expression.


  • Need help in the use of

    I need to upload a file in an Oracle table to a Blob column. The name of the file with the contents of the file are all in a BLOB column.

    Once it's done, I need to read the file and extract the contents of the file and load it into an intermediate table.

    Downloaded file is a. CSV file.

    For example, the. CSV file is: ABC.csv file and its contents will look like:

    1, Hello, Nisha

    2, Hello, happy

    3, bye, Rahul


    This is why the table containing the BLOB column will contain:

    Creation_date file

    ABC.csv 09/11/2009

    How can I read a file from the BLOB and upload column in an intermediate table?

    Final staging table should look like:

    Record number welcome name

    1 Hello Nisha

    2 happy salvation

    Rahul 3 bye

    I think I'm supposed to use, but I'm not really sure how to use it. If there is any script, please mail me the same.

    Thank you...

    But for my needs, I multiiple users downloading the same file in the table of the BLOB.

    It's just worse and worse.

    You can do this asynchronously - have a background process download the CSV file and insert into the destination table. Depends on if your users want to see the results immediately. You can also have your users load the OS, insert it into the destination table, and then in the blob store.

    Information on how to obtain one record of the other of the. The blob column CSV file...

    You will be happy. This is a very unusual request, but you can try searching the interwebs - something can emerge.

    Basically what did your 'condition' is to take a simple piece of functionality, which is well understood and more easily satisfied using built-ins regular, and sought to implement pretty much the hardest way possible. So, good luck with that.

    Cheers, APC


  • Need help with the use of conditions in the correspondence management


    Could someone please provide me with any tutorials or tips on the use of conditions in the correspondence management.

    Thank you. 1f95d7f6c954f-27f2691012b7fafb54f - 7ffe.html

  • Need help with the use of masks

    I tried to use the quick selection tool to select areas of a photo in an adjustment layer, but it is not put at the disposal of the adjustment. The selection is done on the photo, but not in the adjustment layer box, as the selection brush only. I find that the selection brush is rather hard to use that you can't see exactly what you select as it only indicates in the layer box not on the photo itself.

    I'm sure there is a better way to do it, but I'm not.

    Can someone give me a hint or a clue, please?

    It would be really useful to be able to use the quick selection tool, or one of the other selection tools to isolate parts of images for extra work, or to keep separate work on the rest of the image.

    I know I'm not understanding something in Elements 8 page 129 + Barbara instructions.

    You must select the box before making the adjustment layer, on the one hand. To change the area of the layer afterwards, you paint according to the instructions in Chapter 10. Selections have no effect on an existing adjustment layer.

  • I need help with the use of Class.forName and getResourceAsStream

    I am trying to write code that will play an audio file. All references I found the point of code as follows...

                              Class dir = Class.forName("lib.testother");
                                InputStream input = dir.getResourceAsStream("/explosion.aac");
                                Player player =
                          , "audio/aac");
                                VolumeControl vol = getVolumeControl(player);
                                if (vol != null)
                                    int volume = vol.getLevel();

    I use Blackberry JDE. Now, I'm supposed to put the audio file of the project?

    Second, how then use the class.forName function? I put the audio file as a member of the project and then tried the above code and I get that it can not find lib.testother (which is the path of the code).

    If I use getClass() instead of dir above, getResourceAsStream returns null.

    Are there examples of the use of these or how to include the audio in your project... from end-to-end. The code snippet above is all I could find and it isn't enough.



    Check this thread:

  • Put the name of partition in a SELECT statement


    I'm trying to do something like that.

    SELECT FROM user PARTITION (SELECT partition_name FROM dba_tab_partitions WHERE table_name = 'users') u = 1 WHERE

    The problem is that you cannot have a select in there to retrieve the name of the partition. Is there a way I can do this in a single SELECT statement?

    Thanks in advance

    Object name cannot be passed to a SQL dynamically. You need to know the name of the object during the compilation of a SQL. If you want to make it dynamic, then use dynamic SQL using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE or DBMS_SQL.

  • Need help on the limits of understanding for extended documents

    Help! I work for a University and our academic advisor service includes academic worksheets that show all the required courses for each major. We strive to create spreadsheets in the forms, however, not all of our advisors have Acrobat Pro (they drive IX). Adobe support says that there are limitations in the number of copies of forms that are deployed and the number of recipients (500 limit for each). Advisors will enter our shared drive to access spreadsheets to fill and fill them for students facing us. We will then use the submit button that attaches the completed worksheet to our e-mail. We will then send the attachment to the student and save a copy in our repository of documents, Image now. When students return a date each semester, recover us the file from the repository of documents and to update and re - send the student and save it again in the repository. We are concerned that we run a problem with the number of times that we can do. The limit of 500 'deployment' and beneficiaries applies in this case of what we are trying to do?

    For Acrobat Reader XI you need not drive to extend forms.

  • Need help on the use of the Regex to parse the addresses

    Let me start by saying three things:

    1. I suck at the regex
    2. I googled this and did not come with an answer, and
    3. I am in ColdFusion 10

    I have a form with an AutoComplete entry that allows a user to enter street addresses (either in full as "123 Main St, Mayberry" or in the part "123 Main St" or "Main St" or "Main St, Mayberry".)  I need to say if the user provided a street number or not at the beginning of the value they get into the entry.  I'm testing the value of entry with this code:

    < ReFind ("^([0-9]{1-5})", q) cfif >

    <! - address begins with a number - >

    < cfelse >

    <! - address does not start with a number - >

    < / cfelse >

    q is the input value passed in my code for the AutoComplete feature.

    x should be 0 (if the input value does not begin with a number) or a positive integer (if the input value starts with a number).

    Basically, I just need to know if the input value begins with a five-digit.

    I guess I could just do something like:

    < Val (q) cfif >

    I'm better use an expression, and if so, what I'm doing wrong with the one I tried?

    -Carl V.

    1.5 {} {1-5} is not.

    Perhaps read my series of articles about CF regexes to help you get up to speed with them better: .html



  • Need help with the site of Editions for a friend - Thnx


    I recently got in creating websites so I am pretty new to this, Ive created a site for a friend with dreamweaver CS5 and it looks pretty awesome I also published the site using dreamweaver. Then a few weeks later, my friend started telling me to put new images etc. because it is not familiar with dreamweaver and guys its becomes a bit boring. I want him to be able to post pictures and texts on his own, but I do not know how, someone told me that other cms joomla. And the noob I am I couldn't understand oy what are these programs... Anyone has any advice, tutorials or something useful please share it with me.

    Thnx in andvance and sorry if spelling is a bit messy enlish is my 3rd language.

    Viktoriya El Madhoun wrote:

    I have a major in mathematics and science

    Huumm... he need more money both of those in the design of Web site.

    Viktoriya El Madhoun wrote:

    I plan to learn flash too, Whats ure opinion on flash, Ive been reading online and many people say it's a dying art? Should I learn, or just ignore it?

    As John says, I would not bother. Flash does not work on the iphone or the ipad is a reading in which direction he's going.

    The big money is to know a language like php/mysql server, so if you can get your head around those and combine it with your in-depth knowledge of html/css, it will give you a great competitive advantage.

    Many more customers now wonder for Web sites with a sort of interactivilty. To offer those you must know an inner language server outwards or you will be limited to base sites, which can produce zillions of others.

  • Need help in the use of ctx_doc.themes)

    I am new to oracle text, I have a table that has a column "e_id" (primary key) and text data in a column that is indexed context, now I want to find words appearing frequently in this column, so I use the ctx_doc.themes () procedure to achieve.
    I created an array of result "ctx_themes" which has query_id, themes and columns of weight which will fill after executing the ctx_doc.themes proc (), but I am facing the error after execution of the ctx_doc.themes () procedure, so below please help me in the question of fixing.

    ctx_doc.set_key_type ('PRIMARY_KEY');

    ctx_doc. Themes ('text_data_index', 'e_id', 'CTX_THEMES', 1, full_themes = > FALSE, num_themes = > 20);

    Error from the 1 in the command line:
    ctx_doc. Themes ('text_data_index', 'e_id', 'CTX_THEMES', 1, full_themes = > FALSE, num_themes = > 20);
    Error report:
    ORA-20000: Oracle text error:
    DRG-11445: rowid value is not valid: e_id
    ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS. DRUE", line 160
    ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS. CTX_DOC', line 210
    ORA-06512: at line 2
    20000 00000 - '%s '.
    * Cause: The stored procedure 'raise_application_error.
    We called that causes this error to be generated.
    * Action: Fix the problem, as described in the error message or contact
    the administrator of the application or the DBA for more information.

    Thank you.

    If your name of the index myindex you can do:

    select token_text, sum(token_count) as total
    from dr$myindex$i
    where token_type = 0
    having sum(token_count) > 10
    group by token_text
    order by total desc

    Lists all of the chips with more than 10 occurrences.

    Otherwise, I think that ctx_report.index_stats will list page high fees, but I'm not sure about this.

  • Need help with the debugging of flash for survey email form script!

    Hi all

    I have a survey form .fla file I adapted a fedback form work. They use .asp to compile and send an email, but I can't work on why the survey form does not work. Anyone would be able to run on this script and tell me if there is anything wrong with it. I've been going on it again and again, but can not see something wrong!

    Question1. Text = question2.text = question3.text = question4.text = question5.text = question6.text = question7a.text = question7b.text = question7c.text = question7d.text = question7e.text = question7f.text = contact_message.text = age.text = business.text = contact_email.text = message_status.text = "";

    send_button.addEventListener (MouseEvent.Click, Submit);

    reset_button.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, reset); ("localhost");

    var: timer;

    var var_load:URLLoader = new URLLoader;

    var URL_request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("mail.asp");

    URL_request. Method = URLRequestMethod.POST;

    function submit(e:MouseEvent):void


    If (question1.text == "" |) Question2.text == ' | Question3. Text == ' | question4. Text == ' | question5. Text == ' | question6. Text == ' |          question7a. Text == ' | question7b. Text == ' | question7c. Text == ' | question7d. Text == ' | question7e. Text == ' | question7f. Text == ' | contact_message. Text == ' | Age.Text == ' | "Business.Text == ' | contact_email. Text == "")


    MESSAGE_ERROR. Text = "* fill all fields!";


    else if (! validate_email (contact_email.text))


    MESSAGE_ERROR. Text = "* Invalid Email!";


    on the other


    MESSAGE_ERROR. Text = "";

    message_status. Text = "Send"... » ;

    var email_data:String = '& question1 =' + question1.text

    + '& question2 =' + question2.text

    + '& question3 =' + question3.text

    + '& question4 =' + question4.text

    + '& question5 =' + question5.text

    + '& question6 =' + question6.text

    + '& question7a =' + question7a.text

    + '& question7b =' + question7b.text

    + '& question7c =' + question7c.text

    + '& question7d =' + question7d.text

    + '& question7e =' + question7e.text

    + '& question7f =' + question7f.text

    + '& message =' + contact_message.text

    + "& age =" + age.text

    + ' & company = "+ business.text

    + '& email =' + contact_email.text;

    var URL_vars:URLVariables = new URLVariables (email_data);

    URL_vars. DataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT;

    URL_request. Data = URL_vars;

    var_load. Load (URL_request);

    var_load.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, receive_response);



    function reset(e:MouseEvent):void


    Question1. Text = question2.text = question3.text = question4.text = question5.text = question6.text = question7a.text = question7b.text = question7c.text = question7d.text = question7e.text = question7f.text = contact_message.text = age.text = business.text = contact_email.text = message_status.text = "";


    function validate_email(s:String):Boolean


    var p:RegExp = /(\w|[_.\-])+@((\w|-)+\.) + \w{2,4} +;

    var r: Object = p.exec (s);

    If (r is nothing)


    Returns false;


    Returns true;


    function receive_response(e:Event):void


    var loader: URLLoader = URLLoader (;

    var email_status = new URLVariables ( .resposta;

    If (email_status is "Yes")


    message_status. Text = "thank you for your comments. We will be in touch shortly. « ;

    Timer = new Timer (500);

    timer.addEventListener (TimerEvent.TIMER, on_timer);

    Timer.Start ();


    on the other


    MESSAGE_ERROR. Text = "Message send didn t!"



    function on_timer(te:TimerEvent):void


    If (timer.currentCount > = 5)


    Question1. Text = question2.text = question3.text = question4.text = question5.text = question6.text = question7a.text = question7b.text = question7c.text = question7d.text = question7e.text = question7f.text = contact_message.text = age.text = business.text = contact_email.text = message_status.text = "";

    timer.removeEventListener (TimerEvent.TIMER, on_timer);



    Thanks in advance.


    your string is incorrect.  use:

    var email_data:String = '? '. Question1 ="+ question1.text

    + '& question2 =' + question2.text

    + '& question3 =' + question3.text

    + '& question4 =' + question4.text

    + '& question5 =' + question5.text

    + '& question6 =' + question6.text

    + '& question7a =' + question7a.text

    + '& question7b =' + question7b.text

    + '& question7c =' + question7c.text

    + '& question7d =' + question7d.text

    + '& question7e =' + question7e.text

    + '& question7f =' + question7f.text

    + '& message =' + contact_message.text

    + "& age =" + age.text

    + "& business =" + business.text

    + '& email =' + contact_email.text;

Maybe you are looking for

  • iPad stuck on the cloud backup. Cannot be reset

    Hi it seems ipad got stuck on the backup window. I tried to hold the power button to restart, but it does not allow me to go further and gets stuck on this window only... Appreciate any help

  • Cannot use e-print to print from Amazon Kindle Fire HD camera

    I was able to use e-print to print on my Officejet 4630 using my Kindle Fire HD tablet.  However, I succumbed the same Kindle Fire HD print on my HP Officejet 1512 using the same e-print application...  Keep in mind that the 1512 connects to my netwo

  • HP ENVY 15-j052nr TouchSmart laptop

    I just got a new TouchSmart 15 - j052nr as a gift and I need a more powerful graphics card if I'll keep. I don't know if I can install theNVIDIA GeForce GT 740 M located on the TouchSmart 15-j051nr or maybe something more powerful. Thanks for any adv

  • Not enough memory on printer color 5525dn

    A toner cartridge out would cause an insufficient memory on a color 5525 printer error message? It is supposed to have 164 mega bytes, and I can't imagine missing memory. Is there a way to reset something or what is normally the cause? Thank you

  • Bridge WAG160N-mode configuration

    OK, here's what I'm trrying: I have this old wag160n, which is very old and I am facing a lot of problems with it. I have ourchaced a new E2500 router licksys wireless and I try to use the WAG as a modem. WAG is configured as: Wireless is disabled -