New-VIPermission to root ESX host

EMC ControlCenter requires a local account on the ESX host for the discovery. To do this, I need to create a permission at the level of the host root.  I can do this with New-VIPermission-entity (Get-VMHost), but permission it creates is broken somehow. It works, I can log on, but the entity is clearly wrong.

The fault becomes apparent if I try to remove the permission: an error (if I used PowerCLI or MISTLETOE)

  • The EntityID for permission to the root is ha-folder-root of the folder

  • The EntityID for the created permission as above is HostSystem-ha-home

  • The entityID for a permission created using the GUI is ComputeResource-ha-calculation-res, file-ha-folder-root, HostSystem-ha-host ResourcePool-ha-root-pool

Which entity should I proceed to New-VIPermission to create a valid clearance at this level?

Try this

$authMgr = Get-View (Get-View ServiceInstance).Content.AuthorizationManager
$entity = Get-Folder ha-folder-root | Get-View
$perm = New-Object VMware.Vim.Permission
$perm.entity = $entity.MoRef
$ = $true
$perm.principal = "ControlCenter"
$perm.propagate = $true
$perm.roleId = ($authMgr.RoleList | where {$_.Name -eq "ControlCenter"}).RoleId

Worked for me.

Tags: VMware

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  • Migrate ESX hosts to new SAN array


    Our company has bought a new SAN storage array and we are looking for an overview on the migration of our ESX SAN infrastructure existing to the new array with minimal downtime. Currently, we use EMX DMX and will migrate to EMC Clariion.

    I thought that we could present the new table to the ESX host and then use SVMotion to move on the virtual machine, and then once we are full and everything is well, remove the old array. I don't know what the best solution practice to it would be...?

    Currently, we are on ESX 3.5 U2 in all areas.

    This sounds like a good idea? Any help is very appreciated!

    Thank you!


    It is exactly what you need to do.

    1. present LUNS of size equal to or greater than those on the existing table.

    2 format LUNS as VMFS data new warehouses.

    3 Svmotion VMs of new data warehouses.

    4. wait for a whille and ensure that everything is fine and then delete the old warehouses of data.

  • How to change a user account non-root on multiple esx hosts 4

    We currently use the script below to change the root password, but we need a to change a non-root user account that does not have access to the root of how.

    So if the script could be changed to connect to each server with root and then change the password of the root no account that might be useful.

    Any help would be appreciated.


    # This script changes the password to root on all ESX host in the esxservers.txt text file

    # Add toolkit-VI #.
    Add-PSsnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core
    Initialize - VIToolkitEnvironment.ps1

    # Get old credential root
    $oldrootPassword = "Enter the old root password" Read-Host - AsSecureString
    $oldrootCredential = new-object - typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential - argumentlist 'root', $oldrootPassword

    # New information for the identification of root
    $newrootPassword = "Enter the new root password" Read-Host - AsSecureString
    $newrootCredential = new-object - typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential - argumentlist 'root', $newrootPassword
    $newrootPassword2 = Read-Host "Retype new root password" - AsSecureString
    $newrootCredential2 = new-object - typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential - argumentlist 'root', $newrootPassword2
    $WarningPreference = "SilentlyContinue".

    # Compare passwords
    If ($newrootCredential.GetNetworkCredential ().) Password - ceq $newrootCredential2.GetNetworkCredential (). {Password)

    # Create the new object of root account
    $rootaccount = new-Object VMware.Vim.HostPosixAccountSpec
    $ = 'root '.
    $rootaccount.password = $newrootCredential.GetNetworkCredential (). Password
    $rootaccount.shellAccess = ' / bin/bash ".

    # The list of text file host servers to change the root password on
    Get-Content esxservers.txt | %{
    SE connect-VIServer $_-user root - password $oldrootCredential.GetNetworkCredential (). Password - ErrorAction SilentlyContinue - ErrorVariable ConnectError. Out-Null
    If ($ConnectError - not $Null) {}
    Write-Host "ERROR: unable to connect to the ESX Server: ' $_
    Else {}
    $si = get-view ServiceInstance
    $acctMgr = get-view-Id $si.content.accountManager
    $acctMgr.UpdateUser ($rootaccount)
    Write-Host "Root password changed successfully on ' $_
    Disconnect-VIServer-confirm: $False | Out-Null
    Else {}
    Write-Host "ERROR: new root passwords do not match." Smooth... »

    Try something like that.

    First, it prompts you for the password for root servers ESX (i).

    And then the account name, followed by the 2 times the new password

    # This script changes the password of an account on all ESX hosts in the esxservers.txt textfile#
     # Add VI-toolkit # Add-PSsnapin VMware.VimAutomation.CoreInitialize-VIToolkitEnvironment.ps1
    # Get root password$rootPassword = Read-Host "Enter root password" -AsSecureString$rootCredential = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist "root",$rootPassword
    # Get account to change$account = Read-Host "Enter account"# Get new account credential$newaccountPassword = Read-Host "Enter new password" -AsSecureString$newaccountCredential = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $account,$newaccountPassword$newaccountPassword2 = Read-Host "Retype new password" -AsSecureString$newaccountCredential2 = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $account,$newaccountPassword2$WarningPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
    # Compare passwordsIf ($newaccountCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password -ceq $newaccountCredential2.GetNetworkCredential().Password) {
        # Create new root account object    $accountSpec = New-Object VMware.Vim.HostPosixAccountSpec    $ = $account    $accountSpec.password = $newaccountCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
        $accountSpec.shellAccess = "/bin/bash"
        # Get list of Host servers from textfile to change account password on    Get-Content esxservers.txt | %{
            Connect-VIServer $_ -User root -Password $rootCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable ConnectError | Out-Null        If ($ConnectError -ne $Null) {
                Write-Host "ERROR: Failed to connect to ESX server:" $_        }
            Else {
                $si = Get-View ServiceInstance            $acctMgr = Get-View -Id $si.content.accountManager
                Write-Host "$account password successfully changed on" $_            Disconnect-VIServer -Confirm:$False | Out-Null        }
    Else {
    Write-Host "ERROR: New $account passwords do not match. Exiting..."}
  • Mobile to a new server vCenter ESX host


    For several reasons (including the old server vCenter 2003 x 86) I would like to move our ESX host to a new server vCenter (version 4.1 under Windows 2008 R2). Our ESX environment using HA/DRS and resource pools.

    Is it possible to move the hosts to the new server without VM downtime?

    I think disabling HA/DRS and then disconnect the old vCenter servers, then adding them to the new. That would be possible, or is there a better way?

    And second, that things are lost that kind of operation? Data of performance and resources with Betclic, another?

    / Christian

    Hey there,

    The procedure is very simple:

    -Disable HA host monitoring

    -Disconnect the old vCenter host

    -Remove old vCenter host

    -Add the host to the new vCenter Server

    -You will be weather you are prompted to add all of the resources of the host with Betclic under a live of... the list resources or put all your VMS in pool root of the pole. Select them grafted in... so you can keep your resource pools. You can move the autour pools in the hierarchy on the new vCenter.

    -After you have moved all of your hosts, you can activate HA host followed once again and check that the DRS has the settings you want.

    You lose well obviously all performance data, but you can bring your pools of resources for the new vCenter.

  • Mobile vcenter server in existing farm to new esx host

    Scenario of

    2 ESX host running version 3.

    1 ESX host running version 4

    New vm on vcenter server machine within the current cluster

    Existing vcenter server is a physical machine.

    How can I move my existing to my new host ESX cluster virtual vcenter server.

    In your original description I though you said "Existing vcenter server is physical machine" - so you say your vCenter server is already virtualized? If they are all machines - the esx3 2 and 4 1 under this environment vCenter esx execution? They share a common network for vMotion? Are you running vCenter 4?  If all this is true, you should be able to vMotion between ESX hosts - if they are not part of a commune vCenter environment but share common storage that Yes, you can simply turn off the virtual machine remove it form the inventory of existing cluster and then using the browser of data store to find the vmx file and add it to the inventory of the new server =

    If you find this or any other answer useful please consider awarding points marking the answer correct or useful

  • How to add a new virtual machine to the ESX host using the existing files?

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    Thanks for any help.

    I think that as long as you have updated all the names to reflect the new clone you must be fine and on the first step, you will be prompted with a question.


    William Lam

    VMware vExpert 2009

    Scripts for VMware ESX/ESXi and resources at:

  • New ESX host cannot see SAN fiber - Clariion


    I spent about two hours, passing through communities and have tried various things without success... basically, I have a new ESX host that I've built, configured, and networked, but I can't see our existing SAN.

    The SAN is a Clariion CX3 - 10 c and it hosts all of our existing VMs (we currently have two hosts attached to the SAN)

    I have installed the CLI and Navisphere agent on the new host

    I have started to host and that you have ENABLED the two adapters Emulex HBA (host contains two HBAs installed) because they showed as disabled by default BIOS

    I have one of the HBAs connected to the fibre switch

    On the fibre switch, I have a flickering green light where I plugged the fiber cable, which makes me think, it is connected OK

    On the HBA, I have a green light and an orange light blink, which still makes me think the wiring is correct

    BUT I do not see the front Navisphere host, and the host cannot see all storage even after re-reading.

    Any ideas what to try next? I suspect that it is perhaps something to do with zoning - I must say the Emulex HBA how to find storage processors? If so, how can I go about it? From the BIOS by restarting the host and pressing ALT - E?

    Any help or advice appreciated...

    Assuming that hard zoning this site should provide you with some


    Also once the switch is zoned if the host is not listed on

    the Clariion Navisphere agent system has a config file that needs to be updated

    with the IP addresses of the SPs.

    You can also manually enter the host if necessary, but your

    probably zoning question.

  • Install new ESX hosts.  Cannot Ping.

    Hi all

    I'm building a test lab which so far consists of:



    Openfiler iscsi:

    I had all these configured devices and can ping throughout (with a little help from you friendly people, of course). I just tried to install my second esx host and I have a few problems to get to communicate with the rest. During installation I assigned an IP address of so its on the same network. Rattling of the evil machine returns "destination host unreachable". Ping to it from any other device returns the same. esxcfg-NICS - l is the network card. Route - n shows exactly the same output as my other work esx host.

    This workshop is entirely on its own network. All devices are networked through a simple switch 16-port Dell 2216 with any VLAN or whatever it is.

    I tried all sorts of troubleshooting a layer on my switch ports, including the passage of the cables, and finally pulling up the entire hard drive and put it in a same laptop to rule out a bad network card. I also went into the bios and adapted settings my host to work to avoid any possible problem of allocation of resources.

    One strange thing I noticed. When I run esxcfg-nics command on my network card work esx host is displayed. When I pull on the cable and run the command, it displays down. Plug it in again, almost immediately goes back to the top. However, when I try the same process on this machine of boredom, the NIC appears whether or not the cable is connected some sort of funny business going on here. What Miss me?

    EDIT: I could have taken the lead on this one.  I see now that speed is 0MBPS and is half-duplex.  I gave the esxcfg-NICS-s-100 d full vmnic0 command but esxcfg-NICS-l does not reflect them.  I'll try a reboot, but I think this is probably my problem.

    Faulty network card causes a problem of driver especially problem run miit-tool to check the duplex speed and also his ping locally? stop the firewall during the tests of time and running tcpdump on interface to control icmp traffic.

    ifconfig - a vswif0 control is in place and the correct ip address?

    Thank you


    -Path to the virtual world.

  • ESX host reboots randomly

    Hi friends,

    Two ESX hosts with different hardware and different storage arrays restarts randomly once a week.

    Please check the below details:

    Group 1

    ESX 4.0 261974 build

    Server model: Dell PowerEdge R805

    : Processor AMD Quad-core Opteron (tm) processor 2376

    Storage model: Local Storare + NFS mount

    System reboots one or two times a week

    Feb 21 14:20:01 cfdresx1 crond [8037]: pam_unix(system-auth-generic:session): session closed for the root user
    Feb 21 14:22:55 cfdresx1 login: pam_unix(system-auth-generic:session): session closed for the root user
    Feb 21 14:23:16 cfdresx1 sshd [2518]: received signal 15. closing.
    Feb 21 14:23:17 cfdresx1 sshd [28064]: pam_unix(system-auth-generic:session): session closed for the admin user
    Feb 21 14:23:17 cfdresx1 sshd [28141]: pam_unix(system-auth-generic:session): session closed for the admin user
    Feb 21 14:23:17 cfdresx1 sshd [29326]: pam_unix(system-auth-generic:session): session closed for the admin user
    Feb 21 14:23:18 cfdresx1 sshd [7983]: pam_unix(system-auth-generic:session): session closed for the admin user
    Feb 21 14:23:18 known cfdresx1: pam_unix(system-auth-generic:session): session closed for the root user
    Feb 21 14:23:18 cfdresx1 last message repeated 3 times
    Feb 21 14:23:22 cfdresx1 sshd [14542]: pam_unix(system-auth-generic:session): session closed for the admin user
    Feb 21 14:23:22 known cfdresx1: pam_unix(system-auth-generic:session): session closed for the root user
    21 Feb 14:27:20 cfdresx1 sshd [2464]: server listens on port 22.
    21 Feb 14:27:58 cfdresx1/usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware-hostd [2700]: pam_per_user: create_subrequest_handle(): search for user 'root' card
    21 Feb 14:27:58 cfdresx1/usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware-hostd [2700]: pam_per_user: create_subrequest_handle(): creation of new subquery (user = 'root', = 'system-auth-generic' service)
    21 Feb 14:27:58 cfdresx1/usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware-hostd [2700]: pam_unix(system-auth-generic:auth): authentication failure; logName = uid = 0 euid = 0 TTY = ruser = rhost = user = root
    Feb 21 14:28:25 cfdresx1/usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware-hostd [2700]: pam_per_user: create_subrequest_handle(): search user ID 'vpxuser '.
    Feb 21 14:28:25 cfdresx1/usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware-hostd [2700]: pam_per_user: create_subrequest_handle(): creation of new subquery (user = "vpxuser", service = "system-auth-local)
    Feb 21 14:30:01 cfdresx1 crond [6866]: pam_per_user: create_subrequest_handle(): search for user 'root' card
    21 Feb 14:30:01 cfdresx1 crond [6866]: pam_per_user: create_subrequest_handle(): creation of new subquery (user = 'root', = 'system-auth-generic' service)
    Feb 21 14:30:01 cfdresx1 crond [6866]: pam_unix(system-auth-generic:session): session opened for user root by (uid = 0)

    Group 2

    ESX 4.0 261974 build

    Server model: HP Proliant DL380 G5

    Storage model: EMC FAS 2020

    Processor: Intel Xeon E5310

    Fibre channel drive (Smart array P800)

    System restarts once or wice a week

    17 February 13:46:49 cfesx02 vmkernel: 3:06:29:42.934 cpu1:6071) VSCSI: 6025: handle 8245 (vscsi4:0): device destroying world 6072 (pendCom 0)
    17 February 13:46:49 cfesx02 vmkernel: 3:06:29:43.057 cpu1:6071) DevFS: 2370: could not find the device: 7f20c802-NP-5 - delta.vmdk
    17 February 13:46:49 cfesx02 vmkernel: 3:06:29:43.206 cpu1:6071) VSCSI: 6025: handle 8246 (vscsi1:0): device destroying world 6072 (pendCom 0)
    17 February 13:46:50 cfesx02 vmkernel: 3:06:29:44.356 cpu4:6088) VMotionSend: 2921:1297971987014193 S: sent all modified pages to destination (band network bandwidth ~115.203 MB/s)
    17 February 13:47:14 cfesx02 vmkernel: 3:06:30:08.548 cpu5:4137) WARNING: NFSLock: 2036: disk is locked by other consumers
    17 February 13:47:14 cfesx02 vmkernel: 3:06:30:08.548 cpu5:4137) NFSLock: 2677: can't get the lock on file 5 - NP - 36a6887b.vswp 0 x 410003234410 on ( busy
    17 February 15:02:28 cfesx02 vmkernel: TSC: 0 cpu0:0) Init: 418: cpu 0: tsc measured at the beginning of 2300092987 Hz speed
    17 February 15:02:28 cfesx02 vmkernel: TSC: 10276 cpu0:0) Init: 419: vmkLoadEntry = $[0x390ab9a0]
    17 February 15:02:28 cfesx02 vmkernel: TSC: 18114 cpu0:0) Cpu: 346: id1.version 100f42
    17 February 15:02:28 cfesx02 vmkernel: TSC: 25157 cpu0:0) CPUAMD: 214: detection of xapic on AMD_K8:tcr = 0x4fc820
    17 February 15:02:28 cfesx02 vmkernel: TSC: cpu0:0 30887) CPUAMD: 315: effective family = 16

    Could someone please let me know why the reboot is happening?

    You can also drop in the newspapers of the host-d and/or information provided by a dump of support?

    My suspicion is that you can have something material related current. Have you checked the hardware section of the cilent VI or the HP tools?


  • Update for the ESX host error

    Good afternoon

    I've updated our ESX host using the Update Manager and ran into a problem with one of the servers.  Update Manager was at a standstill when applying patches to a particular host, so I advanced and tried to manually apply patches.  I get the following error:

    INFO: No repository URL specified, goes with file:///temp/April/ESX350-200904405-BG

    INFO: configuration...

    INFO: Preparing to install...

    INFO: The following RPMS are already installed on the system and will be ignored:

    INFO: Download of the kernel-vmnix - 350.2.4.21 - 57.EL.158874.i686.rpm...

    INFO: Checking of disk space and running test transactions...

    NEWS: In courses run yum install & lt; 1 packages and the gt;...

    INFO: | Collection or file header information from Server (s)

    INFO: | Server: Bundle ESX350-200904405-BG

    INFO: | Research update of packages

    INFO: | Download required headers

    INFO: | Resolution of dependencies

    INFO: | Resolved dependencies

    INFO: | I'll do the following:

    INFO: | Update: kernel-vmnix 350.2.4.21 - 57.EL.158874.i686

    INFO: | Download of packages

    INFO: | Getting the kernel-vmnix - 350.2.4.21 - 57.EL.158874.i686.rpm

    INFO: | Running test transaction:

    INFO: | Test the complete transaction, success!

    INFO: | kernel-vmnix 100% is 1/2

    INFO: | error: unpacking of archive failed on file /boot/;4af1aefd: cpio: open

    INFO: | Update: kernel-vmnix 350.2.4.21 - 57.EL.158874.i686

    INFO: | All transactions

    INFO: Yum can't install the new pkgs

    INFO:-TOTAL: 0 packages installed, 1 hold or failed, 0 deleted, 0 excluded.

    ERROR: An error occurred during installation or removal of packages.

    ERROR: See /var/log/vmware/esxupdate.log for more details.

    ERROR: Failed to upgrade. Class of error: vmware.esxupdate.errors.IncompleteUpgradeError

    * I then went ahead and checked the file /var/log/vmware/esxupdate.log and this is what I see *.

    INFO: yum. Download required headers

    INFO: yum. Resolution of dependencies

    INFO: yum. Resolved dependencies

    INFO: yum. I'll do the following:

    INFO: yum. Update: kernel-vmnix 350.2.4.21 - 57.EL.158874.i686

    INFO: yum. Download of packages

    INFO: yum. Getting the kernel-vmnix - 350.2.4.21 - 57.EL.158874.i686.rpm

    INFO: yum. Running test transaction:

    INFO: yum. Test the complete transaction, success!

    INFO: yum. kernel-vmnix 100% is 1/2

    INFO: yum. error: unpacking of archive failed on file /boot/;4af1aefd: cpio: open

    INFO: yum. Update: kernel-vmnix 350.2.4.21 - 57.EL.158874.i686

    INFO: yum. All transactions

    DEBUG: session: check the status of the 2 rpm...

    DEBUG: install: package name match 2 and 1 SORRY

    DEBUG: session: install hangs: kernel - vmnix.i686

    DEBUG: session:--1 Total pending 1 installed 0

    INFO: Summary: Yum can't install the new pkgs

    DEBUG: States: enter

    DEBUG: install: install cleanup...

    DEBUG: System: LogCommand (rm-f etc/vmware/esx.conf.WRITELOCK)

    DEBUG: System: LogCommand (rm-f/var/lib/rpm/__db *)

    INFO: Summary:-TOTAL: 0 packages installed, 1 hold or failed, 0 deleted, 0 excluded.

    ERROR: says: an error has occurred during installation or removal of packages.

    ERROR: States: see /var/log/vmware/esxupdate.log for more details.

    DEBUG: lock: lock /var/run/ deleted file

    DEBUG: root: Final report: Niveaurecuperation

    ERROR: root: failed to upgrade. Class of error: vmware.esxupdate.errors.IncompleteUpgradeError

    Any help would be appreciated

    Sorry... no other idea.

    Just to be sure that try to create a file in / Boot to see if you have a few mistakes... also check if you have I/O error with dmesg command (see bottom).


  • ESX host is listed in DVSwitch, but not in DVportgroups


    I have the following in a CLuster (5.5 Vcenter, ESXi hosts 5.1) problem:

    I added a new ESX to the cluster (number 9 of ESX), then added 4 network cards to the DVSwitch (uses the LACP Protocol).

    In this DVSwitch I 2 DVportGroups / tag VLAN

    The problem is the host is listed in the tab "Hosts" in VCenter to level DVSwicth, but do not appear in the DVportgroups tabs (all hosts are listed here but not the last one..)

    vmk0 migrated successfully to the VLAN 1 St... but now, it appears limited to ""... I can migrate to the DVportGroup right... and VCenter says 'ok'... but nothing changes...

    I tried to migrate a virtual machine on the ESX (2nd VLAN) = > VM pings OK...

    So "technically" it works very well... but the ESX does NOT appear as members of DVportGroup.

    The problem appeared when I tried to deploy a vApp (antivirus) on the ESX... I'm stuck at the "select VLANS for the NETWORK card"... There is no VIRTUAL LAN in the list... (because the ESX host is no not part of any dvportgroup..)

    I tried "adding the ESX to the DVportGroup" after having asked for credentials, VCenter says 'ESX is already part of the pole '...

    Someone had this strange behavior?

    What can I do?


    Best regards


    I had a similar case, where the hosts have been posted under DVS, but not under DVS exchanges.

    A restart of vCenter Service fixed the problem. However, I was not deploy any TIME or such.


  • Question ESXi 5.5 with turn a virtual computer: "an error was received from the ESX host turning on VM" '22 (Invalid argument)"'DiskEarly on a power Module failed.'

    Here's what happens when you try to turn it on one of my virtual machines (see also accessories):

    Error stack:

    An error was received from the ESX host turning on VM vzilla-ws2012r2e.

    Unable to start the virtual machine.

    Cannot open disk ' / vmfs/volumes/51286ca4-ef967828-664d-001b2129ad71/vzilla-ws2012r2e/vzilla-ws2012r2e_3.vmdk ' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on.

    22 (invalid argument)

    Power DiskEarly module has failed.

    Cannot open disk ' / vmfs/volumes/51286ca4-ef967828-664d-001b2129ad71/vzilla-ws2012r2e/vzilla-ws2012r2e_4.vmdk ' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on.

    22 (invalid argument)

    This circumstance may be linked to a sata cable issue, with the possibility of temporary loss of connectivity, which could result in data loss/corruption, I realize.  It is a laboratory box.  Especially say that the 2 VMDK he complains (trying to light) is both on the grounds of a single physical disk. Data, read and written to the speaker, since the problem are very good (which indicates the wiring problem was resolved, and the VMFS5 file system seems to be in good health).

    No photos.  No related clones.  Just a 2012 Windows Server based VM, with several drive letters in, with those underlying files VMDK residing on different stores of data VMFS5.  Implemented end (these drives aren't really so huge), but far from running out of physical space for the data either. Everything is working great for months, until today, trying to it turns on again.

    You are looking for:

    "Failure error disk beginning module lit" results in this article:

    error disk on start module failed

    which indicates the .lck files may be present.  It does not exist.

    Then upwards, of a variety of other items:

    Re: Unable to start the virtual machine: invalid argument on *-flat.vmdk & cmd = displayKC & externalId = 1004232 & userid = & ContainerType = & Container = & q = module + DiskEar...

    error disk on start module failed

    but alas, none of them seem to relate directly, or exactly.  My vmware.log file is attached below, as well as some screenshots of to show the structure of the unity of this virtual machine.  Hoping that this post proves fruitful, if anyone has had a similar situation.  The data at stake here are (mostly) redundant, but I would rather understand my way of it, in the case where it happens to me again, or can help others.  Many preferred rather than give up, reformat the VMFS and start again.

    Thank you!

    Good news, the best result I could hope. No data is lost. No corruption of the VMFS or NTFS don't drive in the virtual machine. Nice!  Saved me a few terabytes of data restoration and learned a little more on file system of troubleshooting along the way.

    It took a technician of VMware Service excellent, attentive, methodical remote 2 hours in a WebEx previously to resolve problems with these 2 files vmdk manually, because he found that there is a lock on them. I opened a request of Service (SR) # with VMware by following the instructions here:

    VMware KB: Cannot access certain files on a VMFS datastore

    To resolve this problem, apply for support from VMware Support and note this ID (1012036) Knowledge Base article in the description of the problem. For more information on the filing of a request for support, see How to submit a support request.

    I'll cover this saga and the exact process for collecting and downloading of newspapers, through to my, including the ride video.  I even captured much of the technical work that has been done. That said, it is true that little of the magic that was made to resurrect the metadata will remain a mystery, given that this piece is VMware.

    I'm ok with a bit of black box, considering how I'm happy that I got all my data, and time savings that the quick recovery represented.

    By clicking on the button "answer".

  • Cannot add an NFS share on my ESX host.

    When I try to map an NFS share to my ESX host, I get the following error message:

    Call "HostDatastoreSystem.CreateNasDatastore" of object "ha-datastoresystem" on ESXi '< HOST_ADDRESS >' failed.

    Operation failed, the diagnostic report: cannot open the volume: / vmfs/volumes/558537c 6-ae971e4d

    I can ping:

    ~ # vmkping - I s vmk1 1472 < NFS_ADDRESS >

    PING ( 1472 data bytes

    1480 bytes of < NFS_ADDRESS >: icmp_seq = 0 ttl = 128 time = 0,665 ms

    1480 bytes of < NFS_ADDRESS >: icmp_seq = 1 ttl = 128 time = 0,362 ms

    NFS server is Win2008 R2 to NFS server process running.  Sharing is visible from the share and storage management snap-in.  Sharing is configured as read-only, but it is just a repository for. ISO files anyway, so I don't really want that it is writable.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    You have configured the Windows NFS share like that?

    With the esxcli command, below, I could mount the part mentioned above without any problems. Note that I put the root access bit allow under the Advanced NFS share permissions. Who can solve your problem if you have not activated it.

    nfs storage esxcli add the--host = - volume-name = NFS option - share = ns

  • the upgrade from 4.1 to cluster 5.5 / 5 esx host.

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    We bought another esx host 5.

    I want to upgrade all hosts in the cluster with version 5.5, but I don't think that esx 1 and 2 meet the hardware requirements. This is why only 3/4 can be improved.

    I think we can get budget to replace this year laster host 1 and host 2, next year.

    What should be the best way to upgrade the cluster (you can buy another host this year and next year a plus).  Can I run 4.1 and 5.5 in the same group (I understand its not recommended).

    Thanks in advance.


    Thank you, yeh, I check host 1/2 can support up to esxi 5 version.

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    Mr. VMware

    Hello, MrVmware9423-

    It seems that this may have to do with the .NET Framework is installed on the computer on which you run PowerShell/PowerCLI.  Take a look at - users have been able to solve the problem with a newer version of the .NET Framework (v2, installed v3.5 - success).

    Because your problem seem (you use a? 2 version of .NET, and you're able to install a newer version)?

Maybe you are looking for

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