On the QML and C++ integration (getting "undefined")

This subject has been discussed often and I went through a lot of discussions, but I have not found a solution for my problem so far.

What I want to do in my application:

I have a container that displays an html page. No, I want a part of the html page dynamically filled a C++ function. Here is my Code:

// HTMLCreator.hpp



class HtmlCreator : public QObject{
Q_PROPERTY(QString html READ html WRITE setHtml NOTIFY htmlChanged)
    HtmlCreator(QObject *parent = 0);

    Q_INVOKABLE QString html();

    Q_INVOKABLE void setHtml(QString html);

    void htmlChanged(QString);

    QString m_html;

#endif /* HTMLCREATOR_HPP_ */
// HtmlCreator.cpp#include "HtmlCreator.hpp"

QString HtmlCreator::html(){
    return m_html;

void HtmlCreator::setHtml(QString html){
    if(html != m_html) {
        m_html = html;
        emit htmlChanged(m_html);
// applicationui.cppPage* ApplicationUI::doLoadPageDetails(){

    qmlRegisterType("myHtmlCreator", 1, 0, "HtmlCreator");

    QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///PageDetails/PageDetails.qml").parent(this);
    qml->setContextProperty("app", this);

    HtmlCreator *HtmlCreator = new HtmlCreator();
    qml->setContextProperty("HtmlCreator", HtmlCreator);

    Q_INVOKABLE QString HTMLString = "";

"); HTMLString.append("
"); MinutesData->setHtml(HTMLString); Page* newPage = qml->createRootObject(); AbstractPane *root = qml->createRootObject(); return newPage; }
// PageDetails.qml

import myHtmlCreator 1.0

Page{[...]Container {
        layout: DockLayout {
        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
        verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Top

        ScrollView {
            id: scrollView1
            scrollViewProperties {
                scrollMode: ScrollMode.Vertical
            layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                spaceQuota: 1.0

            scrollViewProperties.pinchToZoomEnabled: false
            scrollViewProperties.overScrollEffectMode: OverScrollEffectMode.None

            visible: true
            WebView {
                id: webViewScrollable1
//                url: "local:///assets/examples/test4.html"

                settings.viewport: {
                    "initial-scale": 1.0
                settings.zoomToFitEnabled: false
                settings.textAutosizingEnabled: false
                settings.defaultFontSizeFollowsSystemFontSize: true
                settings.imageDownloadingEnabled: false
                settings.binaryFontDownloadingEnabled: false
                settings.cookiesEnabled: false
                settings.javaScriptEnabled: false
                settings.activeTextEnabled: false

                html: " ...  lots of html code displayed correctly" +
                HtmlCreator.html +
                "" +

Now to the point where with HtmlCreator.html do I put her thong in the app I see "undefined" text

What I'm doing wrong here?

I found the solution!

I missed to add my class as an attached object. So the container, the label or in my case WebView where I want to use the Q_Properties defined in my class, I have to add:

attachedObjects: [
  HtmlCreator {
    id: htmlCreator

and then I can get the property


But unfortunately
the string I get is empty, so I'm still something missing here.

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    QML-> setContextProperty ("INAC", this);


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    Follow the information below

    Windows Update error 80070643

    Windows Update error 80070643 can happen for several reasons. The most common cause is a problem with the .NET Framework is installed on the computer. You can also encounter this error when installing updates for Microsoft Office 2003. If you were installing Microsoft Office 2003 updates when you received the error, follow the instructions in the "Microsoft Office 2003" section below. Otherwise, follow the instructions in the section "Windows.NET Framework".



    If above does not solve it:

    Please repost your question in the correct windows update forum


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    In DataManager.hpp:

    Q_INVOKABLE RestoreFailureType::Type restoreFromBackup(QString backupFileName, int selectedIdForUndo);

    in DataManager.cpp (here I show a fake draft.  Since not even that much is still working, the rest of the logic of biz is not relevant to this discussion:

    RestoreFailureType::Type DataManager::restoreFromBackup(QString backupFileName, int selectedIdForUndo) {
        return RestoreFailureType::Success;

    And in my QML UI layer, I import the type:

    import myApp.restoreFailureType 1.0

    And a FilePicker component supports passing the name of the backup file to the DataManager.  The FilePicker and his onFileSelected() slot:

          FilePicker {
                id: backupRestoreFilePicker
                type: FileType.Other
                allowOverwrite: true
                directories : ["/accounts/1000/shared/documents/MyApp"]
                viewMode: FilePickerViewMode.ListView
                onFileSelected: {
                    if (mode == FilePickerMode.Saver) {
                        // Save mode stuff for doing backups
                    } else if (mode == FilePickerMode.Picker) {
                        var restoreResult =  _dataManager.restoreFromBackup(selectedFiles, _appSettings.selectedId);

    I tried to remove the code down for everything that is relevant to this question.

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    var restoreResult =  _dataManager.restoreFromBackup(selectedFiles, _appSettings.selectedId);

    and step, restoreResult, var JS becomes the value "indefinite".  From what I read in the thread mentioned above, restoreResult is supposed to get a whole number (in this case he should get zero method justiciable restoreFromBackup how I generated), that I can then compare to imported enum type.  I should be able to compare the return value of restoreFromBackup to see if it is equal to one of:

    // or:
    // or:
    // or:
    // etc...

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    Sometimes all you have to do is to talk, even if you speak to yourself.

    I changed my function DataManager to return my type listed as int instead of as the enum, and I don't have the correct integers in QML, anything can still be compared using the enumerated type.  So:

    Q_INVOKABLE RestoreFailureType::Type restoreFromBackup(QString backupFileName, int selectedIdForUndo);


    Q_INVOKABLE int restoreFromBackup(QString backupFileName, int selectedIdForUndo);


    RestoreFailureType::Type DataManager::restoreFromBackup(QString backupFileName, int selectedIdForUndo) {
        return RestoreFailureType::Success;


    int DataManager::restoreFromBackup(QString backupFileName, int selectedIdForUndo) {
        return RestoreFailureType::Success;

    and I can do now:

    var restoreResult =  _dataManager.restoreFromBackup(selectedFiles, _appSettings.selectedId);if(restoreResult == RestoreFailureType.Success) { // Do success stuff} elseif(restoreResult == RestoreFailureType.JSONReadFail { // Do JSON read fail stuff} else...

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    This whole process takes longer (approximately more than 1 min) and users are not able to find the documents that they created immediately.

    Let know what steps can help solve or improve this performance. We did the analysis and concluded that unless the State of the document is PUBLISHED in the OWCC, information will not be placed in the queue table and synchronization of content is getting delayed.

    Indications will be very useful.

    The OOTB 'connection' is a polling station synchronization process (heart draws OWCC). It is not realistic to expect, it is a process in real time.   It can be as fast as the slowest part of the process - if you want Sites to poll more frequently change the "timing" in the system events. The desire to increase the frequency of audit of heart - but this will solve is not the question of the time it takes to the WCC from "creation of loan".

    If you want it to be more 'real-time', you need to create your own 'connection '.

    The folks over at Function1 and BezzoTech (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVTS--OS78o) has created an interesting link where 'Document' is actually created in the OWCS UI and then automatically pushed in WCC and Sites 'at the same time;

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    Thank you very much.

    Kind regards


    Points are awarded automatically when you mark an answer (5 pts) useful or correct (10 pts).

    Is there a help icon in the label of the legend for the different rankings. The answer to your question is on this page.


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    Hi rosie19va,

    Welcome on the site of Microsoft Windows Vista Community.

    Method 1: You can try to boot to the desktop in Mode safe mode (how to start safe mode: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-vista/Start-your-computer-in-safe-mode), if you are able to boot to the desktop, you can create a new account from safe mode using the default Administrator account and move all the files and documents in the new user account.  Follow the link to create a new user profile and set a http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-vista/Fix-a-corrupted-user-profile corrupted user profile

    Method 2: What to do if you forget your Windows password

    I would say that you can create and use a password reset disk in Windows Vista; see the link to create a password reset disk:

    Let me know if it worked.
    Hope it will be useful.

    Thank you and best regards,
    Vijay K - Microsoft Support
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

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    Discussions in Windows Live Messenger

    They will help you with your WLM questions when repost you your questions in the highest Windows Live Messenger Newsgroup.

    See you soon. Mick Murphy - Microsoft partner

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    Press F7 or go to the main menu and select Windows > layers.

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    I can somehow gives you a screen shot to show you the detail? How do give you it?

    The reset Firefox feature can solve a lot of problems in restaurant Firefox to its factory default condition while saving your vital information.
    Note: This will make you lose all the Extensions, open Web sites and preferences.

    To reset Firefox, perform the following steps:

    1. Go to Firefox > help > troubleshooting information.
    2. Click on the button 'Reset Firefox'.
    3. Firefox will close and reset. After Firefox is finished, it will display a window with the imported information. Click Finish.
    4. Firefox opens with all the default settings applied.

    Information can be found in the article Firefox Refresh - reset the settings and Add-ons .

    This solve your problems? Please report to us!

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    What is going on?

    I use ElCapitan, and the last 15 "16GB i7 Macbook MacbookPro and not expect a problem with streaming media.

    Absolutely well on Airplay with bith an iPhone 6 Plus and also an Air iPad

    This will be due to a network problem. There is a difference between mirroring of a phone/Tablet and grow to a full desktop in real-time

    Mmake that there is no other activity (other streaming, web browsing, backup network etc.)

    Try to connect the Apple TV via ethernet

    To see a current state of the network to obtain a report of istumbler or similar. Look for the strength of the signal, noise, networks nearby

    Test on another network

  • The WLC and LDAP integration


    I configured a WLC to integrate with LDAP, it works fine when I use only one Active Directory server, but I have other users in the other Active Directory server. When I turn on both servers and some users try to log in with the second server WLC triggered for a little while it is impossible to set up the equipment nor the telnet that during that time, and users may not be authenticated more, I have to disable the server and then activate just one of them in the order users can connect again. I also saw this behavior when more than 4 users try to connect to the same access point at a time.

    Anyone know why this is happening and how to avoid it?

    Thank you very much for your help

    Yes, it leads me to believe that your RADIUS is not configured correctly. I should make it clearer, but in order to make 802.1 x, you must have an IAS or ACS that extends from your ad (or LDAP, I suppose, but I am not sure that it is supported). You can't just point your controller to your ad, it does not work.

Maybe you are looking for