p6130nl making noise after installing windows 7?

Hi, I removed from Windows vista and installed Windows 7 (using a custom installation, not 'upgrade', so that the computer has been cleaned), but now it makes a humming noise when turned on. He had always made this noise then boot the system, but generally, it became quiet after the start-up had finished. Now, the noise persists. I already opened to check the fans, but they do not seem to be the problem; the noise continues even when I stop the fans spinning.

What is the problem and how to fix it? It seems strange to me that something like clean the PC (deletion of all programs, etc., do not "clean up" the office itself) and installation of Windows 7 may cause sudden hardware problems...

Thank you in advance!

I managed to solve it after a night of messing around; installing new drivers did not work whether, since the problem is that it does not load the driver until the video Bios has been updated. And install other windows operating system did not help either, or formatting the drive etc etc etc.

However, ultimately I just value all non-active disk partitions, rebooted the PC and went up in some menus weird (never seen that one before) which forced the office back to factory default (including the "thank you and welcome to your office purched brand-new", lol) and after that everything was done the graphics card acknowledged again and errors stopped. Being curious, I installed Windows 7 once again, and all the problems started once more. After a reset, I installed Windows 7 for the third time, but this time by using "update" rather than clean-install and that seems to work great so far.

So: to assign all non-active partitions, and restart the PC. What he has done for me in the end.

Tags: HP Desktops

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