Pass parameters of flow task - wc Portal


I posted this already in the webcenter forums. Post it here, as it is common usecase and hoping to reach more audiences.

I created a taskflow which takes an input in an ADF application parameter. When I drag and drop it on the page works as expected.
My requirement is to show this taskflow under the webcenter Portal app.
I created entry based on this taskflow portlet. When I deploy this ADF application, the generated wsdl wsdl does not have the definition of inputParameter I defined in taskflow. I'm looking for how to pass the parameter when I integrate / consume this portlet in portal webcenter.

I can see the setting in generated the file [portlet.xml |]. And for the taskflow (in the portlet section), the parameter is taken from the public rendering parameters.
Advice would be appreciated.

I use Jdev

Thank you
Input parameter is not displayed WSDL based portlet taskflow-


have you seen this:


Tags: Java

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    Thank you in advance.
    Francisco F.

    Published by: franciscof on Apr / 03/2009 0:06


    Have you seen the script below to run any object OWB, including process flow:
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    This use and API that has an example of using here;

    You can pass parameters to it and bind the mapping of input parameters for process flow settings to the settings, this might help:

    See you soon

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    2 = > once, passing the values of strollers to the page is resolved, how can I access values in the jsp (JSP Portlets) page

    Thanks in advance,

    Published by: JonnyGaddar on May 12, 2010 08:47

    ScopedServletUtils.getOuterRequest (request) .getParameter ("summary")

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    If you use a wildcard of navigation in the unlimited workflow as shown here

    It should work.


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    APEX runs only on the new process Instance when a new session has been set up. As you discovered, URL items are not yet saved in session at this point State. You can use a level app process before header instead, with a condition that makes that make it run when certain elements that you want to initialize are null.

    Kind regards


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    We have changed the JavaScript code as follows:

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    While we might get these within regions in multiTaskFlow Binding input parameters.

    Check -

    Download and view the sample application, it shows how to pass inputParameter using a HashMap for multiTaskFlowBinding


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    $a = "Hello".

    = {} Scriptblock

    Param ($Outside)

    write-host "Hello".

    $b = $outside


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    The ScriptText parameter requires a string not a script block in the direction of PowerShell.

    Substituting the parameters becomes much easier this way

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    `$url=http://localhost:$port/ write-host `$url}
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    Note how you can use the escape character (backtick) to spend the dollar sign

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    part of query in page1 like this,
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    Thank you.

    Gor_Mahia wrote:

    IAM but perhaps not very clear what you did ive tried it before, but it losses the modal pop-up window and navigate to this page, I really try to have my modal popup window. Look at my request below,

    You just described a completely different problem from that of passing parameters modal page.
    Just add a more real Action "Cancel the event" after the action of modal Page.
    What that will do is replace the click of the anchor who want to access the link HREF.

    Thank you

  • HashMap allows to pass parameters? -Jdev


    In a managed Bean, I created a HashMap and generated accessors.

    private HashMap < String, String > hm = new HashMap < String, String > ();

    In EL, I refer to the HashMap with something like:

    #{ ['overdue_key']} which returns the value and works well.

    The Get accessor of the Bean inside, how can I determine which key was used to return the value? In other works, I need to know that 'overdue_key' was used to get the value of the Get accessor.

    How can I detect it?

    I'm trying to simulate passing parameters to a java method of EL.

    Top of page 34 of the Oracle Fusion developer's Guide, Frank mentions it is possible, but gives no details. Can anyone provide an example of using a HashMap pass a parameter to a java method of EL?

    Thanks for the help.

    Class MyHashMap

    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.logging.Level;
    import oracle.adf.share.logging.ADFLogger;
    public class MyHashMap extends HashMap {
        private static ADFLogger logger = ADFLogger.createADFLogger(MyHashMap.class);
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
        public MyHashMap() {
        public MyHashMap(int i) {
        public MyHashMap(int i, float f) {
            super(i, f);
        public V get(Object key) {
            if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
                StringBuilder logMsg = new StringBuilder("Key: " + key);
            return super.get(key);

    Then you use in your bena

    MyHashMap mh = new HashMap();

    The rest you can use as is, you get the key in the get (Object key) method. In the code above in the log message.


  • Pass parameters in a DPS application

    I have an app from the DPS with 2 slots. A slot contains a built-in code that is supposed to show a list of goods. A slot contains code that launches an external site in a frame within the DPS app.

    In accordance with article API Marketing consumer news | Adobe Developer Connection, it is possible to pass parameters to an external application to a DPS application.

    I'm running a problem. In my external site, I try to call the DPS application like so dpsapp://v1/slot/storefront?path=/content/test.pdf via a button.  What I noticed is that when I do that, the soft switches on the side window but urlPath queryingthe or urlQueryString returns a null value.

    It seems that I can't pass a parameter to the DPS app within a single application. If I load the external website in Safari, I'm able to query for the parameters.

    Am I missing a step here or isn't it possible?

    Thank you

    You need manage paths... the first is when the application has failed.  In this case, just use the code in the previous post ('companyName' change 'path').  However, if the application worked, but it is backgrounded, so you must have annexed a listener for the event event.

    That is to say. adobeDPS.configurationService.applicationContextUpdatedSignal.add (this.updateContext, this);

    And then your method "updateContext" navigate the urlQueryString as previously indicated.

    Additionally, make sure that you have included "showcase" in the "name of the Goto link" when you set your custom button.

  • Passing parameters to an aggregator

    I use an aggregator for the treatment of some data in my group, but this process is based on a 'context '. For example, an aggregator needs to know what tenant and that the user running the aggregation.

    To switch the context to the aggregator I use a member of the class serializable on the aggregator class as follows:
    public class MyAggregator<D , R> extends AbstractAggregator {
             * This is the accumulator / aggregator. It is transient to avoid passing it to another cluster member
         private transient Map<String, List<R>> aggregators;
          * Identifier of tenant. It should be pass it to all the cluster members
         private String tenantId;
          * Username. It should be pass it to all the cluster members
         private String username;
            // Rest of the aggregator
    In my first draft, I was setting the 'context' (lessee/user name) using the constructor of the aggregator, but when I ran this aggregator I got a NoSuchMethodException because my class did not have a parameterless constructor. In my second version, I added the No.-args constructor, but now I get a NullPointerException because my tenant/username are null.

    So, here are my questions?
    * Why consistency must be a no.-args constructor in the aggregator? I expect consistency to serialize my aggregator (with all members of the serializable class) and then pass it to another Member of cluser. So why he needs to build a new aggregator? NOTE: If you see my sample code, you will see that the aggregator is actually transitional to avoid passing to another Member of the cluster (I got this from the book Oracle coherence 3.5 by Seovic Aleksander).

    * If this does not work... How can I pass parameters to my aggregator? I can't launch the aggregator of way 'anonymous '... Items to aggregate depends on the tenant and the user.

    Thanks in advance,


    Take a look at
    It is an extension of the Pof default serializer which will be help for Java serialization if the object does not implement POF.

    I designed AutoPofSerializer with exactly your case in mind - reporter writing for the large model serialization logic field - compared to SafeConfigurablePofContext he must offer the best space efficiency and performance.

    Kind regards

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